We’ve been banging on about Operation Fast and Furious for quite a while here on Biased BBC but, understandably, some people may still be not up to speed on the topic. It’s a growing scandal in the States and has the potential to become a big issue in the US presidential campaign. The BBC has touched on the story, but only in that unenthusiastic late-to-the-party nothing-to-see-here manner it adopts whenever there’s potential embarrassment for Obama and his administration.
For those wanting a quick rundown about the whole sorry saga here’s Katie Pavlich – author of “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal” – interviewed on today’s Dennis Miller show.
The original Audioboo clip cuts out at 5 minutes (I didn’t realise you have to pay for more) so I’ve uploaded the interview to YouTube instead.
In an honest world-if this is true, as it seems to be…this ought to finish Obama…like Iran-Contra or FEMA/New Orleans in terms of sheer stupidity and incompetence…only these were Reagan and Bush scandals.
The Democrats are due this one, and should not be allowed to get away with this…no chance of the BBC being the slightest bit bovvered…only a few spics over the romantic border….until Russell Brand does his expose, nothing to bother ourselves with.
Scandalous-the only word that sums it all up.
Incredible. Can you imagine the BBC reaction if this happened in a Republican administration?
Good call on the new book, DB. I haven’t read it yet, but just might head over to the local Barnes & Noble to buy it just to piss off the tatooed-n’-pierced crowd behind the register.
Also, here are some details on the new citation from the House Oversight Committee to hold Holder in contempt of Congress.
Thanks DB. I was beginning to think only Preiser (USA) and I got it. This is an important story. Now someone, tell the BBC.
I got it too !!! – It has been going on for months.
I hope Issa brings his charge of contempt-of-Congress. Right in the middle of the election.
THOUSANDS of guns !!! And lie after lie from the DoJ.
John. Sorry. I was trying to say “not many” got it. You are always on the ball.
I’d say thank God there are still people around, such as Katie Pavlich, who are prepared to make the effort to bring these matters to the attention of the public and therefore the judicial system. Hopefully, the matter will be pursued as rigorously as the arms to Iran/contra operations.
Been looking into this story via Congressional hearings(I think).
Eric Holder(the US version of Goldsmith) is eaten alive in all the grillings from Congressmen-especially those on the Mexican borders.
Turns out that it was an attempt to bring in gun control laws by the Democrats that has ended up killing their own border staff as well as countless Mexicans.
The Gun Control lobby don`t think we need fuss about it all, but this story is appalling.
Their system is far better than ours in this example-not a Brand , Reid or Oliver in sight.
The scandal got to Congress in early December last year-the murders of US personnel were earlier the same year.
Anyone able to tell me why the BBC have failed to bother their arses…does it point at drug legalisation, at gun control or at the burnishing of Obamas halo through until November?
AS I say-an outrageous scandal that hopefully will bring down Obama and soon if the Right does its job!
Here`s hoping if not praying…
Gun control is normally a beeboid instant trigger (sic) word. A hundred Indians can be killed ( and frequently are ) when a lorry with no brakes goes off the road and there is no pointed beeboid article about the shocking lack of MOT’s costing lives. However every shooting in the States is newsworthy, along with a puff for Barry O wanting to control private gun ownership.
Just the usual dual standards – nothing to see here, move along.
I see, so according to Katie Buymybook Pavlich; Anti-gun Obama decided to flood Mexico with guns so that he’d have an excuse to enforce new anti-gun laws. Yeah, that makes sense!
Paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense for numbskull gun nuts.
Dez, this is not a conspiracy theory, it’s now breaking in the mainstream media. It’s not necessarily anti-Obama either because fast and furious had its origins under the Bush administration.
Why don’t you research official sources before shooting your mouth off.
Numbskull gun nuts such as CBS News?
Documents obtained by CBS News show that the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) discussed using their covert operation “Fast and Furious” to argue for controversial new rules about gun sales…
ATF officials didn’t intend to publicly disclose their own role in letting Mexican cartels obtain the weapons, but emails show they discussed using the sales, including sales encouraged by ATF, to justify a new gun regulation called “Demand Letter 3”.
Hi Dez,
(Respectfully) I bet you believe that the FBI/CIA/Cubans/LBJ killed Kennedy? I bet you believe all the details of the Watergate scandal? I bet you believe the Iran-Contra stuff during the Reagan years? I bet you even believe George W Bush went to war in Iraq (a) for oil, (b) for revenge for Saddam’s plot against his dad.
You say about Fast and Furious: “Paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense”.
I say: “Just stay tuned”.
You thick or what?
Just look into it and you`ll find that Obama wanted to track the guns he let “walk”, but put no GPS on said guns.
Therefore they fell into drug cartel hands and ended up killing US enforcement officers at the border as well as in Mexico itself.
The Obama administration calculated that the guns, once traced, would lead back to well-known arms dealers in Phoenix etc, so they could demand yet more gun control to deal with US enemies dealing around the border.
It really is not too hard for you to follow is it?
And if you think I`m a nutjob seeing conspiracies-well check the US Congressional hearings about F/F on YouTube from last December…apparently those most affected by the consequences of Obamas madness, and the ineptitude of Holder etc seem to think there is a conspiracy too, and seem to follow my logic as I think they would have it.
Hope that`s not too confusing for you-but if you really think that any aspect of this case should not bring Obama and his inept numpties down, then you`re beyond devils advocate and into something pretty creepy as far as I can tell.
“Nothing more sacred that facts” according to your chums at the Guardian etc-so do get looking into it , before you chuck your slurry at the rest of us …OK?
Hey, dez: saying it’s just this girl saying it and it’s all a paranoid conspiracy theory shows how ignorant you are. If you dare, here’s an old post with lots and lots of facts for you to digest on this. Read it and refute the facts before you dismiss the whole thing. Go on, let’s see if you can back up you sneer with some substance for once.
I’ll assume you’ll dodge it again and say you don’t have time to read it all, put your fingers in your ears, and shout, “La la la I can’t hear you!”
By the way, have you decided to admit how you elided that comment from Mardell, or found out what “crypto-” means yet?
It’s been said that ‘Fast & Furious’ is Obama’s Watergate. I would like to think that was so but the world has changed since Nixon. Personality and charisma (cough & splutter) now lead the way over honesty and trustworthiness. Politicians all over the world are now forgiven very quickly for their wrongdoings but especially so in the USA and Britain.
To name just two;
Clinton the erogenous cigar explorer, “I did not have sex with that woman”.
Blair’s criminal sexed up war, “Sadam can launch atomic missiles at us in 45 minutes”.
Also, as was said above, the line will be pushed hard that it originated under Bush and it would be racist to blame the poor descendant of a slave for a right wing conspiracy. And you expect the BBC to air this slanderous nonsense. Move along nothing to see here.
The other difference is that the press wasn’t emotionally involved with Nixon like they are with the current White House occupant. They didn’t have so much invested in keeping Nixon in office.
Remind me how many people died at Watergate?
Watergate was only ever reported by the BBC as a criminal act of breaking and entering.
Or am I mixing it up with Climategate?
wayne X says:
May 8, 2012 at 10:31 am
Blair’s criminal sexed up war, “Sadam can launch atomic missiles at us in 45 minutes”
I don’t think so.
24th SEPTEMBER, 2002
“It concludes that Iraq has chemical and
biological weapons, that Saddam has continued
to produce them, that he has existing and
active military plans for the use of chemical
and biological weapons, which could be
activated within 45 minutes, including against
his own Shia population; and that he is actively
trying to acquire nuclear weapons capability.”
Oscar-nominated Michael McNulty is planning a film about Fast and Furious:
The filmmaker, who won an Emmy for his “Waco” documentary, is back behind the camera because, as he puts it, the press has failed to do its job.