One has to wonder when PR becomes ‘news’, especially when helped by campaigns driven by twitter… BBC H and W @bbchw
There could be new leader of Worcester city council soon – Labour calling for a vote after making gains in last week’s elections.
Here’s hoping, eh, guys?
As it is an open thread I though I would share an experience I had regarding the way the BBC cover events and how they slant their reporting to convey a particular message.
It was on the 19 February 2000 that I joined a few friends on a weekend away in Vienna. On the way to the airport around 5,30am, the taxi we were travelling in had the Radio 4 news on. One of the lead reports concerned a protest rally to be held that afternoon in Vienna to protest against the success of “neo Nazi” Jorg Haider in the recent elections and the prospect that he would be given a role in a coalition governement.
This was of course an afront to the BBC. The reported confidently predicted the rally would attract one million protesters. We were dismayed to think that our weekend would be distrupted by heavy police presence, shop/bar closures, the usualthings one associates with such levels of protest on the streets of Britian.
Well, maybe the Austrians do things differently. The fact was Vienna was quiet, the Heldenlatz where the protest took place had no large crowds. The police presence was minimal.
What was interesting was the coverage on the BBC World TV channel. When we checked into our hotel rooms the BBC presenter was still talking up the protest. After the event they were still talking of a “very large” crowd, though in my experience there were far fewer poeple than you owuld see outside Stamford bridge on a match day.
By any measure the protest rally had fallen well below the BBC forecast. It was a damp squib. But the dear old Beeb couldn’t mention that. That would convey the wrong message.
Sadly advocacy in guise of reporting is a still growing area of concern.
It can range from the funny if still serious (cropping a ‘march’ of about six to look like a mass protest of thousands) to out and out rallying such as Mr. Hughes tried and got burned (was this ever officially logged?) over.
The problem is that it is another area of subjectivity very hard to prove without access to archives and time, but some comparison shots should have the BBC high command blushing over their morning skinny lattes if going the ‘we think it was explained about right’ route.
Your comment about “cropping” images was true in this instance. Behind the reporter was a “crowded” Heldenplatz, that even clever camera angles could not disguise large empty spaces.
BBC are not alone in this. I was watching a demonstration in France recently, lots of red flags waving. I saw a news cameraman position and set off a smoke bomb near the protesters so that red smoke drifted across the field of view, giving the demo a “battlefield” atmosphere. They are all at it, trust nothing in the media.
Talking about doctoring reports and images has anyone ever noticed that when the b-bbc report on Palestine it seems to be the same old Wailing Hag flailing her arms for the camera to get the necessary message across?
It seems that some entrepreneur has noticed this as well and invented a device that should save the beeb a fortune in Photoshop fees.
I was an England v Germany match, we were in the square just messing about, the Germans on one side, the English on the other, all very light hearted. A chap came up to me and gave me an empty beer bottle, he was clearly German but spoke perfect English and said, “here throw that at the Germans. they deserve it”. I told him to go away and he walked down the line with the bottle trying desperately to get someone to throw it. I only noticed afterwards the chap with the camera by his side behind him. They were clearly German press looking for “English thugs” photos.
To enhance openness, I show the article about the tanker drivers. But I can’t see the comment about elf and safty. That I was told was the reason behing the strike threat and not as I expected union pay demands.
Well the elf and safty matters must have been solved, but fore some unknown reason, they have decided to take industrial action but not strike. Surely not that the demands were always about pay and protection, but have know realised that they have been rumbled and will not get public support.
I would like to know if I am correct. but this bBC article will never tell me.
Just thought, where was the wall to wall reporting of jerry cans that I will not need. The shots of petrol stations being used by just a few cars, no queues whatsoever. No minister being interviewed saying drive with a near empty tank ……..
On top of the Foreign Minsiter’s ‘UK kills civilians’ outburst (with a shortish memory as to more local history) Gavin’s next Dateline London will be a hoot… or is this more a ‘moving on’ moment, watertight oversight-wise, and we’ll be spared that bearded bozo’s plummy Professorial thoughts on the matter of UK provocation, as facilitated by Mr. Esler.
Then again, they seem to have no control over who ‘someone’ in the BBC invites on, so maybe we are in for another treat?
I keep getting told by ComplaintsBots that the reason headlines are not accurate is that what needs to be conveyed ‘won’t fit’. Which I guess explains this: ‘What kind of democracy for votes on bosses’ pay?
Took me a while to get my head around what it was actually saying.
In other news, there is also this:
Current highest rating: ’11. david kidd –
Why do we keep peddling the word ‘austerity’ when what we mean is balancing the budget and not spending money we do not have? Once again the BBC and you Nick in particular are making the news not reporting it.’
I predict a call via the intranet to set this right, or an early closing.
David Gregory @DavidACGregory
Yesterday filming snakes and newts. Today politicians. I will rise above any jokes in an impartial BBC way.
Helen Boaden will be most proud. She may even head to The Editors to blog upon it:)
I simply applaud the deeds matching the words.
Radio 2 in their infinite wisdom are reviving the 2DAY concept tomorrow, which first saw the light of day last year. In this (futile?) exercise, the presenters are swapped around and do broadcasts from around the UK (why?) in an effort to share all of R2’s listening pleasures with an audience who would not normally hear them.
Last year’s 2DAY was absolutely appalling and was criticised heavily on the BBC’s own 2DAY “Live Chat” (what’s the betting that doesn’t reappear tomorrow?) and the Radio 2 Facebook page. I think 6 Music did quite well out of it though! Another bonus was that there was no Jeremy Vine Show. and it does not appear on tomorrow’s schedule either.
You would be forgiven for thinking the “Conservative” Chairman of the BBC, Lord Chris Patten might have Boaden on the carpet, figuratively speaking, for the relentless peddling of Labour propaganda. But no. According to yesterdays London ES, “Patten targets SW13’s SUVs”
” Head of BBC Trust has been asked what would he do if he ruled the world. Writing in Prospect, Barnes-dwelling Lord Patten wrote … introduce a tax on ownership of Chelsea Tractors.. these wretched environmental criminals”
Good to know Lord Patten has his priorities right.
Worthless tosser.
So – just another high-minded, hectoring, superior “do as you’re told’ authoritarian then. Like we don’t have enough…and a bloody CINO too.
I’d be interested to know how many air miles this wealthy, high-living political aristocrat does in a year?
Let’s put a tax on the outpourings of sour-faced, self righteous busy bodies – we’d fix our debt problem in no time with the income from Guardian/BBC HQs alone.
I heard on Radio 5 this morning, the emergence of a CIA tape, showing alleged ‘waterboarding.’ I believe the tape has since been destroyed, since it is a difficult watch and would not reflect favourably on the CIA. I feel slightly ambivalent about the practice of waterboarding, I’m not saying it’s right, however, sometimes I think it may be necessary. The BBC’s tone of the report, was one of righteous indignation, with the interviewer betraying a grisly interest in all the horrible details. If only the BBC could reserve their indignation for atrocities commited in the name of Islam. Then again, pigs might fly. A full report of this story is on Newsnight, tonight. Watch if you dare.
Covered on Today, too. It’s the reason the extremists are so angry with us, apparently. The tut-tutting tone of Humphry’s delivery was a masterpiece, heavily laden with a ‘surely if we treated them nicely they’d do the same to us’ sort of disbelief.
Perhaps someone has tapes of the three and a half thousand victims dying in the twin towers and on board airplanes. Perhaps tapes of the air stewardesses gurgling as their throats were cut to entice the pilots out of their cabins, or peeople jumping out of the top floors of blazing buildings.
No we get self-righteous bBC squirming with self-righteous indignation at “rough interrogation. All those interrogated are still alive today, unlike all their victims.
I couldn’t watch it all I got so pissed off.
I heard that somoeone was waterboarded 183 times?
Either it don’t work or he has nothing much to fear so once again what’s the harm?
I know some arsehole will say you go try it…but just go try getting your head cut off with a big butchers knife and see how many times you can repeat that.
Mardell on the surprise defeat of Senator Richard Lugar who lost his primary election against a Tea Party candidate.
Some choice quotes:
It is commonplace around Washington to hear people – mainly Democrats, but not exclusively – bemoan the passing of bipartisan politicians of days gone by.
You can see the scale of the problem he had made for himself when you consider the two politicians who first rushed to praise him.
There was Democratic Senator John Kerry, who called his deselection a “tragedy”….
Then President Barack Obama, the man many Tea Party supporters believe is putting America in mortal danger, called him a friend…
It is why talk of the Tea Party waning is nonsense. It may not have the presidential candidate it wants, but only because there was no such individual.
Broadly speaking, it now has the policies it wants, the Republican Party it wants and the adversarial style of politics it wants.
Politico quotes one Tea Party leader, Greg Fettig: “The message to the establishment is, ‘You’re our servants. We’re the masters. Do what you’re supposed to do, adhere to the constitution, or we’ll fire you.’”
Funny, Mardell seems to be rueing the existence of democratic accountability. No surprise there then!
Mark Mardell describes the defeat of 80-year-old Richard Lugar as the final revenge of Barry Goldwater. I had forgotten how much of a hate figure Goldwater was to the BBC. Mardell, of course, is wrong. Goldwater’s revenge, dear Mark, was Ronald Reagan.
Neither was Lugar’s defeat a “surprise”, Ben. In 2010 Lugar voted for Obama’s supreme court nominee Elena Kagan pissing off Republicans who wanted to fight to fight against liberal judges. (
In 2012 Lugar did it again, this time voting for Obama’s supreme counrt nominee “the wise Latino” Sonia SoTomayor (
And here is the case against Lugar made clear, in gentle tones I’d point out, by a tea party activist in 2010 (
Finally an article “Twilight of the Moderates” which will shed a little light and shade to the topic and shows the part played by FreedomWorks.
After reading the slate article you’ll understand the hit piece against “FreedomWorks” which is sure to come down the pipeline from Mardell anytime soon.
But Mardell betrays his paternalistic elitist side with this patronizing paragraph: “He (Lugar) was a gentleman from another era: careful, considered, rather old-fashioned, happy to behave like an elder statesman, someone who deliberately sought agreement rather than tried to exaggerate differences.”
Forgive me, but I’m not sure a happy, old fashioned gentleman from another era is what is needed by Republican’s to fight a street thug like Obama.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mardell’s reporting is at least misleading and at worst partisan hackery. Perhaps he should read more widely. hire researchers to read for him or talk to real people outside his dinner party circle.
Meanwhile (another bug bear of mine) keep your eyes on discontent within the Democratic party…
‘….and the adversarial style of politics it wants’. My God, how uncivilised. That would never do in the UK would it? I mean, poor Ed would be appalled…..
‘always better than one – you can bang ‘em together’
I believe that, in certain economically-challenged quarters of the BBC, that has already been managed.
Typical biased garbage from the BBC’s US President editor. What bipartisanship? When Gingrich shut down the Congress in a fight with Clinton? When the Democrat-controlled Congress blocked Bush on curbing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? When Congress impeached Clinton? How far must we go back to prove this is a load of nonsense?
The only time people whine about a loss of the good old days of bi-partisanship is when their party no longer gets their way. Mardell thinks the golden age is when the Democrats had a super-majority and could ram through whatever they liked without a single Republican vote.
As Bem says, this shows that the Tea Party is still active. Which makes it all the more pathetic that the BBC is unable to address the difference between them and their darling Occupiers. The Occupiers – celebrated by the BBC – destroy property, get violent with the police, ruin neighborhoods for businesses, and try to blow things up, all accomplishing nothing except getting lavish praise from the mainstream media. Newsnight celebrates their artwork. The Tea Party movement, on the other hand, simply obey the law and vote, changing the face of Congress before our eyes, yet are vilified by the mainstream media. Newsnight ignores them entirely. A clear failure of so-called journalists at the BBC.
Richard Bacon makes an ass of himself.
Apologies, I know that’s not exactly news.
Presumably after some presure was exerted on them the Beeb have begun to spell out the political leanings of some of their contributers. Just now on Salford Local Radio (5 Live) we had a discussion on the Queen’s Speech. Bacon reckoned that all political parties were represented because he had on 1. a regulation Labour guy. 2. a journo off the Sun (even though the paper has ‘been giving Cameron a kicking recently’. 3. Sunny Hundal from blogsite Liberal Conspiracy.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Have Bacon and his minions lost access to the internet? I know Bacon’s interest in politics is pretty superficial but not knowing that Hundal is a leftie is a bit of a howler. Anyway there was some whispering in the background as Hundal owned up to not supporting the LibDems but to being a Leftist. Bacon’s claims to equal representation shot down in flames. And the bias might have gone unmost unoted had Bacon not opened his big mouth. The leftist BBC editor/producer who made the biased bookings must be pulling his hair out.
That’s actually quite sweet.
If there is audio to that I think it might cheer up a rather wet, grey Wednesday.
Well, a bit more than the latest hole dig from BBc Complaints I have just had.
It’s one thing to pretend as if there is accountability if there is none. Another to act in the knowledge there isn’t any. But to commit to print one’s contempt for superiors’ carefully spun conceit it ever existed… priceless.
Labour party political broadcast is well underway at 1.15
Impressive honesty there, mind.. “I thought we were just representing all political parties… we’re not”
I take it that as this is not twitter, he is speaking for the BBC here?
Another Dateline London ‘we have no control over who folk, who in turn we can’t seem to locate in the office, invite on our programmes.’
Who in their right mind would think anyone from Liberal Conspiracy is anything other than anti-Coalition? And a guy from the Sun criticizing the Government is supposed to provide balance against two Leftoids?
The BBC’s Bacon has plenty of previous in making an ass of himself.
My favourite incident came about a year ago.
He said the New York Times was nothing short of a mouthpiece for the Tea Party.
Needless to say he hadn’t read his “notes” on that occasion either, let alone even heard of the New York Post.
David Dimplebottom :
Good evening and welcome to Question Time from Oldham. Our first question comes from Keith Vase, who’s a ̶L̶a̶b̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶t̶ community organiser…
Keith Vase :
“In the light of recent events, is there a real danger that far right groups might exploit certain news stories to deliberately damage community relations, increase discrimination, and encourage racial hatred against the most vulnerable members of our society ?”.
All panel members in drone-like unison :
“Yes, absolutely. We must do all we can to make this all about the far right, to focus on the BNP and the EDL, and deflect from the real issue of racially motivated muslim pedophile rape gangs targeting under-age white girls, so that we the political elite do not have to publically address the deeply awkward problem of another failure of our sacred multi-cultural consensus”.
Bussed in audience :
Unanimous, prolonged, rapturous applause.
David Pimplebottom :
Our second question is from Thom Whatson, who’s in no way connected to the Labour party…
Thom Whatson :
“As the Leveson enquiry continues….”
Rest of the nation :
Biased BBC live bloggers :
Not this f*cking Sh!te again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seeing as the BBC are such fawning fans of Julia Gillard,I’m expecting a full report on this speech from Ms Gillard on the subject of the religion of peace adherents
(I’m no fan of Gillard,but she’s spot on here)
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!’
‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’
‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’
‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’
‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’
Unfortunately, it’s an internet scam that seems to have been around since 2005 & was first applied to John Howard & since to Kevin Rudd and now Julia Gillard.
Don’t lose heart: a lot of it is true. Some accurate but by the Treasurer and not the PM, other parts true, some partly true but in different context etc
If you throw in Shouty with the above four idiots, what appropriate collective noun from the Koran do you think would accurately describe their wisdom ?
Wisconsin update: The Democrat primary to choose the candidate to oppose Republican Gov. Walker in the recall election next month had an amusing result: the Unions’ choice lost big time.
The main reason for the recall was a Union drive to remove Walker for ending the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions, a real blow to their power in the state. But the Union choice lost the primary, so even die-hard Democrat voters are no longer under their spell. The actual recall vote in June should be fun.
The BBC won’t bother with this story until then, but people here will know more about it than they’ll tell you. The BBC has a history of dishonesty regarding Wisconsin politics. See here, here, here, here and here.
No chance the bBC will cover this as it resonates too strongly with the regional pay proposed for the public sector over here by Osborne. Plus, of course, the tanker driver dispute is partly about their Labour-sponsoring union’s demands for a return to collective bargaining.
A well written and insightful article discussing the cowardly political correctness that has helped to silence all debate on the shocking and revolting Muslim grooming.
‘…means inescapably that a cultural Muslim issue is involved. If this is not acknowledged, this terrible pattern of abuse will simply continue’. Shall we start taking bets now?
Well-reasoned and balanced article, though.
President Obama lost 40% of the West Virginia Democratic Party vote to an inmate in a federal prison in Texas. I searched for the inmate’s name on the BBC website and came up empt.
They did whip up a news brief copied and pasted from the wire services shortly after. Don’t worry, the criminal won’t get any delegates – they think – and one of the President’s minions suspects the guy may not have filed some necessary paperwork. He’s only guessing, but never mind.
Of course, when the BBC writes that “The Obama administration’s energy policies have upset West Virginia’s powerful coal industry,” they’re assuming you don’t know that the President Himself wants to bankrupt the entire industry. No wonder the people of WV are upset, since that’s where a lot of their jobs come from.
Since the BBC doesn’t tell you that, you don’t know the full story, and won’t ever hear the truth from them. All you know is that some powerful lobby is unhappy with His wonderful energy policies. It couldn’t have anything to do with ordinary people knowing what the problem is, right, BBC?
At least they didn’t say the whole state was racist.
Was listening to 5 Live Drive when they reported on the sentencing of the 9 Muslims in child sex gang.
‘Drive’ told us the judge said “What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.”
What they failed to report was that he also said this…..
The girls were “Targeted because they were not part of your community or religion”
The BBC website does report those words but because they are fundamental to the case…they determine why those girls were chosen, it is surely important to inform everyone exactly what went on and why….every news broadcast should refer to that part of the judgement.
Not to do so hides an essential part of the reasoning behind the crimes.
The BBC prefers to sweep crimes associated with Islam under the carpet….and it is particular to Islam and the Muslim community.
RC priest’s child abuses have been given as a counter defence to this…but they didn’t chose their vicitims because they were ‘worthless’ and of another religion….it really was just ‘lust and greed’.
Shouldn’t questions be raised as to the dangers of a religion that regards non-Muslims as of lesser value and treats them accordingly?
Shouldn’t the one question that should be on everyone’s lips be ‘What are the consequences for a Western secular/Christian society of having what are essentially Muslim colonies growing rapidly within that society?’
London has 800,000+ Muslims…..already some on the Left suggest it would be good for London to be ‘Islamic’….Keith Vaz was already boasting of Leicester being the first ‘Asian’ majority city in Europe……what are the consequences of that? What are the consequences of having large populations who regard themselves as Muslim first and foremost and have more ties to Pakistan or Somalia than to the Britain that they were born in?
Our resident terrorist apologist Abu Quatada is still clinging on against deportation by his fingertips.
According to the bBC: “Abu Qatada’s lawyers, Birnberg Peirce said….”
Well, well, our old friend “Gareth”, still at it, betraying Britain.
Gareth Peirce, English solicitor, educated at the Cheltenham Ladies’ College, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics. Known for her work in high-profile cases representing people with Irish and Muslim backgrounds accused of terrorism.
Probably we are all paying her fees.
Cheltenham Ladies college, and a descendant of Sydney and Beatrice Webb… words fail me.
BBC News report this as (in passing) Qatada had his appeal turned down but go on to emphasise that the Court agreed with his Solicitors that his appeal was in time, something that Theresa May had assured the HoC it was not. Followed by an interview with the horrible Mrs Balls.
As the substantive issue was the deportation decision – the BBC could quite easily have said that the Court, whilst agreeing that his appeal was in time, they nevertheless dismissed his appeal.
They could (if there was some equivelence / balance to their Labour bias) have gone on to say; which means that in the two years since the election the Coalition have made good progress and there is a now a real prospect that Qatada will shortly be put on a plane home. Now Mrs Balls, explain why you failed to achieve this in the 7 years that your Government had responsibility for Qatada’s deportation.
I have copied and pasted this from the Times
I make no further comment!
Published at 12:01AM, May 8 2012
English members of the crew producing the World Snooker Championship in Sheffield for the BBC lost their jobs and were replaced under a quota system favouring staff north of the Border.
Workers from Scotland were sent to England and put up in hotels while specialists who had produced the two-week tournament for several years were told they could not have the work because they were from England.
The Times has spoken to three of the freelance workers, who earned up to £6,000 each for the two-week tournament at the Crucible Theatre. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they fear losing other work if they are seen to criticise the BBC.
One said: “The absurd thing is that this is an event taking place in England. If this had happened the other way round — Scottish workers in Scotland losing their jobs to the English — you would never get Alex Salmond off the airwaves complaining about it. They used to employ local students as runners to make the tea and do other simple jobs but this year they are bringing people down from Scotland and paying for expensive hotel rooms.”
Another said that IMG, the company which produces the snooker championship for the BBC, apologised for not re-engaging him but said it had to hire less experienced workers from Scotland or risk being in breach of its contract with the corporation. A third said: “I was booked to do the snooker but then told the quotas had become stricter and they could not employ me because I did not have a Scottish address.”
About a dozen English people are thought to have been told by IMG that they were being replaced by workers based in Scotland. An IMG spokesman referred all queries to the BBC.
Under rules enforced by Ofcom, public service broadcasters must meet “out of London” production quotas to ensure regions and nations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) get a share of the jobs and money spent making TV programmes. A programme must meet at least two of three criteria: the company making it must have a “substantive base” in the region or nation, spend a minimum amount of the total budget there and/or a minimum amount on “production talent” there. It is believed IMG hired workers based in Scotland to meet the latter.
Judging by the number of Irish and Scottish presenters/correspondents used in BBC news programmes I would say their quotas have been well exceeded. They certainly seem well out of proportion to the relative size of their populations. Or perhaps it’s just the anti-English element at the Beeb having their bit of fun.
BBC journos are loving the Obama gay marriage announcement (naturally) but few more so than this guy. Who will he be rooting for in the election? Same as every other BBC US hack, of course.
The thing is, this won’t gain or lose Him a single vote. But it will get Him loads and loads of new campaign cash and – most important of all – continue to distract everyone from focusing on His economic failures. Which is the real point of this display.
Hey, bonus: The President has suddenly become a supporter of States’ Rights……on this issue. Another “evolving” position.
“I support gay marriage, but will do nothing and leave it to the States to decide. Now stop worrying about the economy and hand over that cash, fools.”
Also, an actual quote: “…when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf…”
On your behalf? FFS. What about the country, man? To be fair, I think He meant to say, “on my orders”. Yet another nuance of His finely-tuned brain.
In the light of President Obama’s statement in support of gay marriage, I am so looking forward to someone – anyone – on the BBC canvassing Muslim opinion on the topic.
It’s amazing how all those vocal Muslims suddenly drop out of sight when gay topics are raised – or perhaps BBC producers shy away from some revealing too many home truths about Islam.
So come on, Mardell, how about an exclusive with Louis Farrakhan?
PS David Preiser (USA) you are right about the $ result of O’s statement. Today (Thursday) he is guest of honor at a Hollywood fundraiser ($40,000 a pop) at the home of (clears one’s throat and whispers) George Clooney. No doubt Travolta will be in attendance.
There’s just a deluge of this Islamic BS in our country at the moment…
“A British TV channel that aired a lecture saying it is acceptable to murder someone who has shown disrespect to the prophet Muhammad is facing a significant fine or potentially even closure by Ofcom.”
“Ofcom said taken the unprecedented step of ruling that DM Digital, which targets the Asian market with programming in languages including English, Punjabi, Urdu, Kashmiri and Hindi, is the first UK broadcaster to break the broadcasting code for airing material “likely to encourage or incite the commission of a crime or lead to disorder”.”
Potentially????? Do. It. Now.
Imagine if this were a TV channel broadcasting to the ‘far right’, that was actually calling for murder! How long do we think it would stay on air?
It would be great if ABC had asked him what was his logic for all the years that he opposed gay marriage. Of course he never did so it might be dificult for the great orator to articulate his past reasoning.
This may seems a ittle out of date but I am re-posting this as my B-BBC tells me :”your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Mark Mardell describes the defeat of 80-year-old Richard Lugar as the final revenge of Barry Goldwater. I had forgotten how much of a hate figure Goldwater was to the BBC. Mardell, of course, is wrong. Goldwater’s revenge, dear Mark, was Ronald Reagan.
Neither was Lugar’s defeat a “surprise”, Ben. In 2010 Lugar voted for Obama’s supreme court nominee Elena Kagan pissing off Republicans who wanted to fight to fight against liberal judges. (
In 2012 Lugar did it again, this time voting for Obama’s supreme counrt nominee “the wise Latino” Sonia SoTomayor (
And here is the case against Lugar made clear, in gentle tones I’d point out, by a tea party activist in 2010 (
Finally an article “Twilight of the Moderates” which will shed a little light and shade to the topic and shows the part played by FreedomWorks.
After reading the slate article you’ll understand the hit piece against “FreedomWorks” which is sure to come down the pipeline from Mardell anytime soon.
But Mardell betrays his paternalistic elitist side with this patronizing paragraph: “He (Lugar) was a gentleman from another era: careful, considered, rather old-fashioned, happy to behave like an elder statesman, someone who deliberately sought agreement rather than tried to exaggerate differences.”
Forgive me, but I’m not sure a happy, old fashioned gentleman from another era is what is needed by Republican’s to fight a street thug like Obama.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mardell’s reporting is at least misleading and at worst partisan hackery. Perhaps he should read more widely. hire researchers to read for him or talk to real people outside his dinner party circle.
Meanwhile (another bug bear of mine) keep your eyes on discontent within the Democratic party…
Ha! Capitalism is to blame for all the ills of the World, but Russia failed because it didn’t have enough support from capitalist friends!! Logic fail….history fail…teaching fail….reality fail…FAIL!
Reminds me of when I tried to explain to Occupiers that their protest methods and violence was pointless because the Tea Party movement simply voted and actually changed things. Sound of banging head on wall, really.
Although, this clown seems to have misread the memo about Israel., and the Russian Jew giving the hilarious lecture forgot about the British controlling the area after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Still, great stuff.
Victoria Derbyshire once again gets emotional….starting off an interview in reasoned tones but soon has her usual meltdown and descends into merely abusing the interviewee because he is clearly some right wing hate monger inciting community warfare….or so she interprets.
Larkin, the interviewee, is an American…he pronounced Tottenham as ‘Tottingham’ (as did Ossie Ardiles who played there) Derbyshire corrected him …with a bit of poison in her voice…you have to hear it to believe it.
(about 6 mins in)
‘A controversial self-defence expert tells Victoria why he thinks he’s been banned by the UK. Tim Larkin was stopped at Las Vegas airport as he tried to board a plane. ‘
To be fair Derbyshire admits she was pretty much destroyed by listener emails and texts coming in telling her how bad the interview was and her tone changed back to one of reason…..but as I say the interview was pretty standard fare for anyone who is not a cuddly leftwing guest who get the happy smiley Derbyshire.
A caller last year who complained of Labour’s economic policies and open borders policy was immediately suspected of being in the BNP….Derbyshire demanded to know what party she voted for in a tone of voice that clearly indicated immense dislike and disapproval of the views.
There is a place for Derbyshire’s style of interviewing but it’s not when delving into highly controversial political subjects that need a high degree of analysis and reason not gushing emotions and left wing ideology.
She plays a classic straw man move in that interview. Mr. Larkin says that knife crime has risen over the last decade or so. She tries to counter this by saying that figures show possession of offensive weapons is down in the last year. Firstly, his claim clearly relates to the long term trend, not short term fluctuations. Secondly, I’m sure that Mr. Larkin’s reference to knife crime concerns the actual USE of a weapon, not just the possession.
…and yes, she clearly had a dismissive tone throughout a good portion of the interview. I was waiting for her to sneer ‘dumb Yank’ under her breath at some point.
I never heard of this guy. I just looked at a couple of videos and saw some amusing articles about his background (he’s apparently less over-the-top than the people he used to work for), and he looks pretty run-of-the-mill to me. There are literally dozens of these guys around doing hardcore self-defense, mixed-martial arts stuff.
Will the dopey Ms. May be banning all the anarchists who work with the “student” riots and Occupier/anarchists? Might just send this to Inspector Gadget, who is not a fan of hers. What a joke.
Also a joke is V Derbyshire. She describes Larkin’s techniques as “self-defense which leads to violence.” The rest of the interview was unbelievable. Good for Larkin to sit there and speak calmly and reasonably.
I liked the audience messages she read out, though. It doesn’t make her utter crap any more acceptable for having done that, but the BBC will say different. “There, we’ve read out your complaints, so we are impartial.” Same crap
Stephen Nolan pulls. It’s telling, though, that she couldn’t find a single example supporting her. “Your views welcome”….so we can play this game.
There are no words in the English language derisive enough. I’m literally sitting here holding my head in my hands in between typing sentences, blinking and shaking my head. This woman is dangerous.
An English (yes, English) friend of mine once corrected my pronunciation of Holborn, but he did it nicely and not with the arrogance she displayed.
Of course in the interests of “balance”, they ask a martial arts colleague about the ban, and then get a wet ex-policeman to moan about vigilantism. I assume this was meant to show her as impartial because she then played a weak devil’s advocate with him. Clever ploy, standard procedure according to editorial policy, but obviously a phoney act, considering her use of reductio ad absurdum and gross misrepresentation when speaking with Larkin. “Mmmm.”
Yes! That ‘self-defense leads to violence’ thing. I’m guessing that if anyone needs to resort to self-defense, violence has already been instigated by the other party.
You are also right that there are other guys out there doing all kinds of martial arts/self-defense/survival programs. Perhaps our dreadful Home Secretary ought to contact Channel Five and have a word with The Gadget Show producers, who regularly make use of the skills of Myke Hawke…
…and make sure you get snarky next time you hear a British presenter mispronouce St. Louis – they do it all the time.
(about 6 mins in)
The Governments multiple standards are another issue.
Ms. Derbyshire is a shrill shill.
Having been introduced as what to do when you have no alternative but defence, she chooses to hammer, ad nauseam, the ‘kill or be killed’ notion that she would like to portray this as, in banning the kind of person the BBC doesn’t want in the country vs. who they do.
Oh, and she pronounced it T’otnam at the outset and later. Hardly any more accurate.
Totally unprofessional and hypocritical.
Has Ms. Derbyshire been to these places of late too to justify the skewed stance being attempted anyway?
In tramping her apparent ‘hood to stay in touch with the homies for whom she speaks, and who may be inconvenienced by victims interfering with their mugging rights, the white, blonde, rich Ms. Derbyshire seems to have a great deal of faith in karma, which can have a capricious sense of humour.
One presumes that, when next ‘reporting’ from the front, say, in Cairo, she will be more of the ‘lay back and think of Engl… the EU project’ school of advice once offered to ladies who lurch to the left, when enjoying the unwelcome attentions of those from other cultures and faiths.
The bbC and the case of two people banned from the UK
Case 1: Sheikh Raed Salah
To the bbC, this terrorist apologist can only be a victim. This the bbC explains by reporting: “Before coming to Britain, he faced horrific allegations of anti-Semitism, which he completely refuted.”He has clarified his position of being opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism against his own people, the Palestinians.”
Yes the Islamic racist who openily promotes the view that jews make bread with the blood of muslims can only be a victim to the bBC.
Case 2:Tim Larkin
To the bBC this American self defence expert has no right coming to the Uk because he teaches people to defend themselves. I quote:
A visit in 2009 to Slough, in Berkshire, where Mr Larkin held a class intended to teach how to “maim and kill in self-defence”, provoked widespread condemnation from the community.He has previously told the BBC that his training leads clients to become less violent.”The more you know about lethal applications to the body, the less violent you are. You don’t go out seeking it, and you certainly wouldn’t misuse the tool.”
The thing is, being able to look after yourself does make you less violent. I know I am that person.
But to the bBC, we can’t be having the plebs being able to defend themselves, I mean what would happen to their attackers?
The BBC’s US President editor censored the fact that the President said He won’t actually do anything about it but – unlike with every other policy – will leave it up to the States to decide for themselves. Praise Him, but don’t tell the whole truth lest the followers think Him less heroic.
I’ve just watched the absolutely farcical BBC North-West coverage of the Muslim paedophile gang. Honestly, the patronising tone and blatant obfuscation of the case is like something out of Brass Eye! Beyond parody!
I was going to give credit to the BBC for finally admitting the cultural specifics of the now-convicted rapists/pimps of young white girls, but then I heard on 5 live a while ago the rebuttal for which they granted a platform.
So even though the convicting judge said it was definitely an ethnic/religious/cultural thing, the BBC decided to give equal time to someone who said it wasn’t. That’s not balance, that’s criticizing a judge’s decision. Is that proper impartial journalism?
It’s worth watching the one from the night before too. The first mention of the ethnicity of the gang comes after quite a few minutes, in a sentence beginning “The far right have been quick to latch onto the fact that…” i.e. it is only unsavoury nutters who might think it is an issue.
Lovely quote from a police representative on SKY just now regrading their joining today’s protest march: ‘We are the people protecting you’.
Some young women in the North West may have cause to disagree.
One is sure the news management across at the BBC will be equally selective.
R4 Today approx 6:50am Talking to Lord Warner(Labour) about the escalating problems of the cost and care for the elderly. Asked why the plans by Labour/Brown for the social services to do the job were no good his reply; that was a nonsense.
He then went onto effectively say; Brown knowingly told the public a heap of crap about adult care so he could kick the problem into the long grass. (This is similar to the current public pensions problems; Labour did a lot of this while in office). Nauchtie stays silent of comment about yet more labour deceit.
‘went onto effectively say; Brown knowingly told the public a heap of crap about adult care so he could kick the problem into the long grass.’
Following yesterday’s Daily Mail main story, I just fired a massive shot across the bows of my MP who, as a 2yr+ complaint on elder abuse is well and truly consigned to the outfield, sent me a template ‘Our seniors are to be thanked for their contribution… mistakes have been… made… lessons have been learned… nothing will happen…’ piece of waffle from Paul Burstow.
The only concession to their woeful actions I made was to point out that Labour making political capital out of the Coalition failing to address a situation Labour created over 13 years (like most else) was as cynical, opportunistic and risible as it got.
All on the watch of the BBC, who only holds to account those whose words or deeds it feels need trashing or changing to suit.
Two cheeks indeed.
As the PR agency for all that has and is dragging Britain down, the BBC is about as powerful a force for ill as can be imagined.
Trying to locate this story, stumbled across this:
From the off.
Yasmin A-B: ‘We know that most child abusers are white’
Left to spout only gently challenged thereafter….
Ms. AB does ‘hate’ a lot, doesn’t she?
Maybe that is why she is so popular a contributor?
Doing the Sky New paper review one night, she let off a long rant about how ‘Anglo Saxons’ (yep – whitey) were the most hostile people when it came to accepting other cultures and races. She then went on to say, after commenting about us not allowing people like her to integrate, that she’ll be happy when we’re all brown. (yes -she really did!)
She did pretty much the same on Dateline London (I think), again lambasting the UK for resenting immigrants more than anywhere else in the world and not accomodating them enough. Her fellow panelist, Bruce Anderson, reminded her that it was this country that granted her refuge when fleeing from the ethinic cleansing of Idi Amin’s Uganda (not very tolerant of him, hey), and had provided her and all the others with a much better life than they could ever have expected in their ‘homeland’. He did it very pointedly and put her in her place, which of course made her even more furious than usual. She then tried to diminish his point by claiming that Ted Heath only let them in because they were ‘middle class’.
With the mass immigration we’ve endured over the last decade, I’d have expected race riots right across the country if we were as vicious a people as YAB claims. Plenty of us are bloody angry, but we’re not running through the streets turning on immigrants.
Nasty, self-righteous, racist, bigotted, ungrateful, spiteful harridan. I expect she has a display counter at home, full of all her victim trophies.
Watch this! 2009 – Ander Neil pressing her on New Labour’s mass immigration policy, and the public’s lack of any say in the issue.
She actually makes the claim that Labour “have made things worse for us immigrants, because they’ve allowed a conversation to take place which is completely out of control”
Jaw dropping! Labour spent their entire time in government doing everything they could to completely silence any kind of discussion of immigration, or any issue that related to immigrants! They are still doing so in opposition!
Unbelievable – they live in their own little world, these lefties.
At 1hr 50+mins in of Today’s Today, the lady interviewing rather bravely raises with the government spokesperson the topic of FoI exclusions and goes on, even more bravely, to suggest that deploying them suggests ‘there is something to hide’.
One presumes, in the great ‘holding the powerful to account’, that logic does not apply, ever so uniquely, to the BBC.
Anyone who has a ‘committee’ so named deserves pretty much all it gets, but one has to be amused at least by the next choice of political bozo for HIGNFY..
She has been selected no doubt for her awesome comedic talents, one is sure. Why do I suspect her ride will be easier than most telly-addicted Westminster pond-dwellers usually experience?
Coulson at #leveson, pension strikes, police protests …so much to do so little time
One can only imagine, but one sense he feels excited at the prospect.
Just… what might be meant by ‘do’?
I note that the Beeboids at 5 Live are getting pretty excited about the Greeks passing on some flame to us in Britain today.
Meanwhile (and in no way connected) I hear from the BBC news that hundreds of police officers who are not allowed to strike ARE EXPECTED to support public sector strikers in protests today.
Perhaps it should be added that – BBC employees who are not supposed to make political comment ARE BLOODY CERTAIN to support public sector strrikers in protests today.
Because that’s the way Beebs – you are going to keep on geeing up the troops.
That bloody Olympic flame is a health hazard for one thing.
Its very concept is a pagan/anti Christian mockery; but no church toad would dare take on the Great God Sport…Nike anybody?
The torchlight procession is also Nazi in its current form…Hitler rather liked the idea of “everybody being included” as well.
Let`s hope that the obese won`t be seen as “useless eaters” in need of having a Eurosolution tried on them aftyer the event this time.
Didn`t end up very well last time…and the Nazi regime were very anti-smoking , vegetarian and searching for the “Green” Solution before they went for the “Final” one.
I never imagined that sport would get the free pass propaganda blitz in the same way that the East Germans etc used to give it…didn`t we used to mock and pity the dupes of State sponsored slavering Socialism.
Back in the EUSSR indeed…
A joy to see Naughties schmooze consensual interview supposed to send us all to the barricades blew up in his face this morning.
Just before 9am,we get the “sense of meeting” mission statements that now end the Toady Show…the clamour for Ed and Tony to come in and save us.
Certainly save them all from ever having to think about what they did the last twelve years anyhoo.
So we get Toynbee( two days since she last appeared I fear) on to moan at the Queens Speech..and she is yoked to some bloke from the Economist who is introduced as “not thinking too much of it either”…ah, that famous “balanced interview to stimulate debate” we hear so much about.
But Rennie does not play ball and blasts Polly out of the water-and she turns silkily waspish herself, but the damage is done.
Naughtie has therefore failed to get that camaraderie needed for Projet Hollande to happen for toady at least -and I fear that Jims researcher will be put on drugwatch on nippy wet Acton Vale for managing to let the Good Ship Polly risk a holing. How very dare they put an endangered species like multi-housing, Tuscan-trotting Hampstead hypocrite at risk of real debate? Smelling salts please for Polly…no Quentin, REAL ones please this once!
(Endangered eh?…if only!)
Let Evan show us how it`s done then.
Evans earlier bit where a coppers union and a pliant Chief Constable discuss the hope for strike action and a subscription for Duggan/Moaty-type things was much more the rabid left/kinder left “debate”/fireside chat that constitutes BBC “analysis” of anything these days.
Reckon Evans getting the massage with his pick of young men this morning, whereas Jim will have to dance on his own shortbread tin alone…until Polly deems she is fit to re-appear…I`d give it two hours minimum dear!
‘Jim will have to dance on his own shortbread tin…’
Nice. But surely there is always Evan to join him up there for a quick Strip the Willow or perhaps a Gay Gordon or two.
Then Dame of Realm Nicky Campbell could tuck away his Tunnocks after he has finished slumming it with the Salford crowd and can pop over for a Dashing White Sergeant. Oh, the diversity issues!
Len McCluskey getting his usual easy ride on the VD 5dead show, The unions are going to wreck the Olympics, the trains will grind to a halt as will the busses if they dont get their extortion bonuses paid in full. You couldn’t make it up…..
Uncle Bup – I notice this too – all the time. It makes Labour seem as though they’re in control of the agenda, when in reality it’s their paymasters in the Unions who are calling out the beat.
Still…at least the Beeb manage to occasionally name-check the correct Milliband!!
I dipped into a few minutes of the BBC’s 1970s show last night. I had been told that it was a good nostalgia show. But I didn’t see much of the expected spacehoppers and ker-plunk. What I saw was a lot of snide moaning about consumerism and lionising of the green movement. Whatever next? Forget the ever leftward slanting of history, the BBC has set about retrospective left-liberal rewriting of nostalgia.
Listening to Radio 4 about the election results, I noticed in news reports that the Conservative Party is always referred to as the Tory Party in a sneering tone. Now does the BBC ever refer to the Lib/Dems as the Whig/Dems or the Labour Party as Nu Labour or the Fabians?
Now I think about it, will the “anonymous” 59 year old paedophile in this case be placed on the sex offenders register or will he get away with staying off it thanks to these “legal reasons”.
There are only two reasons why this nonce remains anonymous. Firstly there are other charges against him. The Crown are prosecuting these men in batches, so as a ring leader he will appear along side these men.
Secondly and more sinister, he could have links to a political party, local council or to a community organisation. Then we have a case of a cover up.
No reason is given why he cannot be named for legal reasons. I wonder which one it is?
I wonder which one it is?
Along with why folk trying to kill us get whisked in for their human rights safety, and those trying to share how to defend ourselves are prevented from reaching these shores as they might ’cause a bit of a fuss’?
Between a terrorist enabler and a martial arts instructor, I have a few questions to ask the likes of Ms. May and Ms Derbyshire as wholly-enabled glass ceiling-shattering pile-toppers of our nu-political media dungpile why that discrepancy too?
Or is that a holding to account that is off limits, uniquely?
ZephirFeb 10, 18:43 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Talking of which: is this on the bbc yet ? “Labour suspends Oliver Ryan over vile WhatsApp group where messages…
pugnaziousFeb 10, 18:41 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Tuned in to R4 and thought it was Woman’s Hour…three women discussing how awful men are…and of course Andrew…
Guest WhoFeb 10, 18:14 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Politics and law. Politics in law. Why do so many enforcers now have bushy beards? Except the Nanas, of…
wwfcFeb 10, 18:14 Start the Week 10th February 2025 And our old people freeze
pugnaziousFeb 10, 17:43 Start the Week 10th February 2025 Curious than 99.99% of media do not mention the identity of the Dublin slasher….despite it being known…. ‘Speaking on…
MarkyMarkFeb 10, 16:58 Start the Week 10th February 2025 “According to André Wink, the mutilation and destruction of Hindu religious idols and temples were an attack on Hindu religious…
MarkyMarkFeb 10, 16:43 Start the Week 10th February 2025 “Parts of India were subject to Muslim rule from the period of Muhammad ibn Qasim till the fall of the…
Richard PinderFeb 10, 16:39 Start the Week 10th February 2025 BBC peddles relentless propaganda against Bharat: The BBC says “Asian rape gangs” but “We are a very quiet community…
MarkyMarkFeb 10, 16:36 Start the Week 10th February 2025 BBC breaking … Earth’s inner core may have changed shape, say scientists may have changed .. farmers have protested…
One has to wonder when PR becomes ‘news’, especially when helped by campaigns driven by twitter…
BBC H and W @bbchw
There could be new leader of Worcester city council soon – Labour calling for a vote after making gains in last week’s elections.
Here’s hoping, eh, guys?
As it is an open thread I though I would share an experience I had regarding the way the BBC cover events and how they slant their reporting to convey a particular message.
It was on the 19 February 2000 that I joined a few friends on a weekend away in Vienna. On the way to the airport around 5,30am, the taxi we were travelling in had the Radio 4 news on. One of the lead reports concerned a protest rally to be held that afternoon in Vienna to protest against the success of “neo Nazi” Jorg Haider in the recent elections and the prospect that he would be given a role in a coalition governement.
This was of course an afront to the BBC. The reported confidently predicted the rally would attract one million protesters. We were dismayed to think that our weekend would be distrupted by heavy police presence, shop/bar closures, the usualthings one associates with such levels of protest on the streets of Britian.
Well, maybe the Austrians do things differently. The fact was Vienna was quiet, the Heldenlatz where the protest took place had no large crowds. The police presence was minimal.
What was interesting was the coverage on the BBC World TV channel. When we checked into our hotel rooms the BBC presenter was still talking up the protest. After the event they were still talking of a “very large” crowd, though in my experience there were far fewer poeple than you owuld see outside Stamford bridge on a match day.
By any measure the protest rally had fallen well below the BBC forecast. It was a damp squib. But the dear old Beeb couldn’t mention that. That would convey the wrong message.
Sadly advocacy in guise of reporting is a still growing area of concern.
It can range from the funny if still serious (cropping a ‘march’ of about six to look like a mass protest of thousands) to out and out rallying such as Mr. Hughes tried and got burned (was this ever officially logged?) over.
The problem is that it is another area of subjectivity very hard to prove without access to archives and time, but some comparison shots should have the BBC high command blushing over their morning skinny lattes if going the ‘we think it was explained about right’ route.
Your comment about “cropping” images was true in this instance. Behind the reporter was a “crowded” Heldenplatz, that even clever camera angles could not disguise large empty spaces.
BBC are not alone in this. I was watching a demonstration in France recently, lots of red flags waving. I saw a news cameraman position and set off a smoke bomb near the protesters so that red smoke drifted across the field of view, giving the demo a “battlefield” atmosphere. They are all at it, trust nothing in the media.
Talking about doctoring reports and images has anyone ever noticed that when the b-bbc report on Palestine it seems to be the same old Wailing Hag flailing her arms for the camera to get the necessary message across?
It seems that some entrepreneur has noticed this as well and invented a device that should save the beeb a fortune in Photoshop fees.
I was an England v Germany match, we were in the square just messing about, the Germans on one side, the English on the other, all very light hearted. A chap came up to me and gave me an empty beer bottle, he was clearly German but spoke perfect English and said, “here throw that at the Germans. they deserve it”. I told him to go away and he walked down the line with the bottle trying desperately to get someone to throw it. I only noticed afterwards the chap with the camera by his side behind him. They were clearly German press looking for “English thugs” photos.
To enhance openness, I show the article about the tanker drivers. But I can’t see the comment about elf and safty. That I was told was the reason behing the strike threat and not as I expected union pay demands.
Well the elf and safty matters must have been solved, but fore some unknown reason, they have decided to take industrial action but not strike. Surely not that the demands were always about pay and protection, but have know realised that they have been rumbled and will not get public support.
I would like to know if I am correct. but this bBC article will never tell me.
Just thought, where was the wall to wall reporting of jerry cans that I will not need. The shots of petrol stations being used by just a few cars, no queues whatsoever. No minister being interviewed saying drive with a near empty tank ……..
On top of the Foreign Minsiter’s ‘UK kills civilians’ outburst (with a shortish memory as to more local history) Gavin’s next Dateline London will be a hoot… or is this more a ‘moving on’ moment, watertight oversight-wise, and we’ll be spared that bearded bozo’s plummy Professorial thoughts on the matter of UK provocation, as facilitated by Mr. Esler.
Then again, they seem to have no control over who ‘someone’ in the BBC invites on, so maybe we are in for another treat?
‘I don’t get massively engaged week by week in whether we are up or down’
Here’s the other one. It has bells on. Feel free to pull it, Mr. Cohen.
It is how yourmarket rate is assessed, and there is no gutter you will not stoop into to maximise it.
In ‘getting it about right’, the ‘it’ in question does bear pondering.
I keep getting told by ComplaintsBots that the reason headlines are not accurate is that what needs to be conveyed ‘won’t fit’. Which I guess explains this:
‘What kind of democracy for votes on bosses’ pay?
Took me a while to get my head around what it was actually saying.
In other news, there is also this:
Current highest rating:
’11. david kidd –
Why do we keep peddling the word ‘austerity’ when what we mean is balancing the budget and not spending money we do not have? Once again the BBC and you Nick in particular are making the news not reporting it.’
I predict a call via the intranet to set this right, or an early closing.
David Gregory @DavidACGregory
Yesterday filming snakes and newts. Today politicians. I will rise above any jokes in an impartial BBC way.
Helen Boaden will be most proud. She may even head to The Editors to blog upon it:)
I simply applaud the deeds matching the words.
Radio 2 in their infinite wisdom are reviving the 2DAY concept tomorrow, which first saw the light of day last year. In this (futile?) exercise, the presenters are swapped around and do broadcasts from around the UK (why?) in an effort to share all of R2’s listening pleasures with an audience who would not normally hear them.
Last year’s 2DAY was absolutely appalling and was criticised heavily on the BBC’s own 2DAY “Live Chat” (what’s the betting that doesn’t reappear tomorrow?) and the Radio 2 Facebook page. I think 6 Music did quite well out of it though! Another bonus was that there was no Jeremy Vine Show. and it does not appear on tomorrow’s schedule either.
Anyway, a link to an interesting piece about 2DAY and its effect on the economy and creative industries appears here:
You would be forgiven for thinking the “Conservative” Chairman of the BBC, Lord Chris Patten might have Boaden on the carpet, figuratively speaking, for the relentless peddling of Labour propaganda. But no. According to yesterdays London ES, “Patten targets SW13’s SUVs”
” Head of BBC Trust has been asked what would he do if he ruled the world. Writing in Prospect, Barnes-dwelling Lord Patten wrote … introduce a tax on ownership of Chelsea Tractors.. these wretched environmental criminals”
Good to know Lord Patten has his priorities right.
Worthless tosser.
So – just another high-minded, hectoring, superior “do as you’re told’ authoritarian then. Like we don’t have enough…and a bloody CINO too.
I’d be interested to know how many air miles this wealthy, high-living political aristocrat does in a year?
Let’s put a tax on the outpourings of sour-faced, self righteous busy bodies – we’d fix our debt problem in no time with the income from Guardian/BBC HQs alone.
I heard on Radio 5 this morning, the emergence of a CIA tape, showing alleged ‘waterboarding.’ I believe the tape has since been destroyed, since it is a difficult watch and would not reflect favourably on the CIA. I feel slightly ambivalent about the practice of waterboarding, I’m not saying it’s right, however, sometimes I think it may be necessary. The BBC’s tone of the report, was one of righteous indignation, with the interviewer betraying a grisly interest in all the horrible details. If only the BBC could reserve their indignation for atrocities commited in the name of Islam. Then again, pigs might fly. A full report of this story is on Newsnight, tonight. Watch if you dare.
Covered on Today, too. It’s the reason the extremists are so angry with us, apparently. The tut-tutting tone of Humphry’s delivery was a masterpiece, heavily laden with a ‘surely if we treated them nicely they’d do the same to us’ sort of disbelief.
Was it some of the waterboarding which led to the killing in cold blood of Osama Bin Laden by a certain Nobel Peace Prize laureate?
Perhaps someone has tapes of the three and a half thousand victims dying in the twin towers and on board airplanes. Perhaps tapes of the air stewardesses gurgling as their throats were cut to entice the pilots out of their cabins, or peeople jumping out of the top floors of blazing buildings.
No we get self-righteous bBC squirming with self-righteous indignation at “rough interrogation. All those interrogated are still alive today, unlike all their victims.
I couldn’t watch it all I got so pissed off.
I heard that somoeone was waterboarded 183 times?
Either it don’t work or he has nothing much to fear so once again what’s the harm?
I know some arsehole will say you go try it…but just go try getting your head cut off with a big butchers knife and see how many times you can repeat that.
Here’s an old favourite ,Vazeline himself , check out 7.00 min in for guaranteed blood pressure increase.
Mardell on the surprise defeat of Senator Richard Lugar who lost his primary election against a Tea Party candidate.
Some choice quotes:
It is commonplace around Washington to hear people – mainly Democrats, but not exclusively – bemoan the passing of bipartisan politicians of days gone by.
You can see the scale of the problem he had made for himself when you consider the two politicians who first rushed to praise him.
There was Democratic Senator John Kerry, who called his deselection a “tragedy”….
Then President Barack Obama, the man many Tea Party supporters believe is putting America in mortal danger, called him a friend…
It is why talk of the Tea Party waning is nonsense. It may not have the presidential candidate it wants, but only because there was no such individual.
Broadly speaking, it now has the policies it wants, the Republican Party it wants and the adversarial style of politics it wants.
Politico quotes one Tea Party leader, Greg Fettig: “The message to the establishment is, ‘You’re our servants. We’re the masters. Do what you’re supposed to do, adhere to the constitution, or we’ll fire you.’”
Funny, Mardell seems to be rueing the existence of democratic accountability. No surprise there then!
Mark Mardell describes the defeat of 80-year-old Richard Lugar as the final revenge of Barry Goldwater. I had forgotten how much of a hate figure Goldwater was to the BBC. Mardell, of course, is wrong. Goldwater’s revenge, dear Mark, was Ronald Reagan.
Neither was Lugar’s defeat a “surprise”, Ben. In 2010 Lugar voted for Obama’s supreme court nominee Elena Kagan pissing off Republicans who wanted to fight to fight against liberal judges. (
In 2012 Lugar did it again, this time voting for Obama’s supreme counrt nominee “the wise Latino” Sonia SoTomayor (
And here is the case against Lugar made clear, in gentle tones I’d point out, by a tea party activist in 2010 (
Finally an article “Twilight of the Moderates” which will shed a little light and shade to the topic and shows the part played by FreedomWorks.
After reading the slate article you’ll understand the hit piece against “FreedomWorks” which is sure to come down the pipeline from Mardell anytime soon.
But Mardell betrays his paternalistic elitist side with this patronizing paragraph: “He (Lugar) was a gentleman from another era: careful, considered, rather old-fashioned, happy to behave like an elder statesman, someone who deliberately sought agreement rather than tried to exaggerate differences.”
Forgive me, but I’m not sure a happy, old fashioned gentleman from another era is what is needed by Republican’s to fight a street thug like Obama.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mardell’s reporting is at least misleading and at worst partisan hackery. Perhaps he should read more widely. hire researchers to read for him or talk to real people outside his dinner party circle.
Meanwhile (another bug bear of mine) keep your eyes on discontent within the Democratic party…
‘….and the adversarial style of politics it wants’. My God, how uncivilised. That would never do in the UK would it? I mean, poor Ed would be appalled…..
Make that two Eds (always better than one – you can bang ’em together).
‘always better than one – you can bang ‘em together’
I believe that, in certain economically-challenged quarters of the BBC, that has already been managed.
Typical biased garbage from the BBC’s US President editor. What bipartisanship? When Gingrich shut down the Congress in a fight with Clinton? When the Democrat-controlled Congress blocked Bush on curbing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? When Congress impeached Clinton? How far must we go back to prove this is a load of nonsense?
The only time people whine about a loss of the good old days of bi-partisanship is when their party no longer gets their way. Mardell thinks the golden age is when the Democrats had a super-majority and could ram through whatever they liked without a single Republican vote.
As Bem says, this shows that the Tea Party is still active. Which makes it all the more pathetic that the BBC is unable to address the difference between them and their darling Occupiers. The Occupiers – celebrated by the BBC – destroy property, get violent with the police, ruin neighborhoods for businesses, and try to blow things up, all accomplishing nothing except getting lavish praise from the mainstream media. Newsnight celebrates their artwork. The Tea Party movement, on the other hand, simply obey the law and vote, changing the face of Congress before our eyes, yet are vilified by the mainstream media. Newsnight ignores them entirely. A clear failure of so-called journalists at the BBC.
PS Ben, Fettig is in the YOUTUBE clip.
More proof that ‘the science is settled’, and the BBC are right to give the ‘sceptics’ minimal airtime.
Richard Bacon makes an ass of himself.
Apologies, I know that’s not exactly news.
Presumably after some presure was exerted on them the Beeb have begun to spell out the political leanings of some of their contributers. Just now on Salford Local Radio (5 Live) we had a discussion on the Queen’s Speech. Bacon reckoned that all political parties were represented because he had on 1. a regulation Labour guy. 2. a journo off the Sun (even though the paper has ‘been giving Cameron a kicking recently’. 3. Sunny Hundal from blogsite Liberal Conspiracy.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Have Bacon and his minions lost access to the internet? I know Bacon’s interest in politics is pretty superficial but not knowing that Hundal is a leftie is a bit of a howler. Anyway there was some whispering in the background as Hundal owned up to not supporting the LibDems but to being a Leftist. Bacon’s claims to equal representation shot down in flames. And the bias might have gone unmost unoted had Bacon not opened his big mouth. The leftist BBC editor/producer who made the biased bookings must be pulling his hair out.
That’s actually quite sweet.
If there is audio to that I think it might cheer up a rather wet, grey Wednesday.
Well, a bit more than the latest hole dig from BBc Complaints I have just had.
It’s one thing to pretend as if there is accountability if there is none. Another to act in the knowledge there isn’t any. But to commit to print one’s contempt for superiors’ carefully spun conceit it ever existed… priceless.
Bacon is there in all his glory here
Labour party political broadcast is well underway at 1.15. Bacon cock up at 1.16.
As I See It says:
May 9, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Bacon is there in all his glory here
Labour party political broadcast is well underway at 1.15
Impressive honesty there, mind..
“I thought we were just representing all political parties… we’re not”
I take it that as this is not twitter, he is speaking for the BBC here?
Another Dateline London ‘we have no control over who folk, who in turn we can’t seem to locate in the office, invite on our programmes.’
Who in their right mind would think anyone from Liberal Conspiracy is anything other than anti-Coalition? And a guy from the Sun criticizing the Government is supposed to provide balance against two Leftoids?
The BBC’s Bacon has plenty of previous in making an ass of himself.
My favourite incident came about a year ago.
He said the New York Times was nothing short of a mouthpiece for the Tea Party.
Needless to say he hadn’t read his “notes” on that occasion either, let alone even heard of the New York Post.
Bacon just plays at it doesn’t he ?
Richard Bacon is an over-grown lefty school boy. The BBC seem to like him.
David Dimplebottom :
Good evening and welcome to Question Time from Oldham. Our first question comes from Keith Vase, who’s a ̶L̶a̶b̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶t̶ community organiser…
Keith Vase :
“In the light of recent events, is there a real danger that far right groups might exploit certain news stories to deliberately damage community relations, increase discrimination, and encourage racial hatred against the most vulnerable members of our society ?”.
All panel members in drone-like unison :
“Yes, absolutely. We must do all we can to make this all about the far right, to focus on the BNP and the EDL, and deflect from the real issue of racially motivated muslim pedophile rape gangs targeting under-age white girls, so that we the political elite do not have to publically address the deeply awkward problem of another failure of our sacred multi-cultural consensus”.
Bussed in audience :
Unanimous, prolonged, rapturous applause.
David Pimplebottom :
Our second question is from Thom Whatson, who’s in no way connected to the Labour party…
Thom Whatson :
“As the Leveson enquiry continues….”
Rest of the nation :
Biased BBC live bloggers :
Not this f*cking Sh!te again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Concern about Islamist violence undergirds BBC self-censorship”
seeing as the BBC are such fawning fans of Julia Gillard,I’m expecting a full report on this speech from Ms Gillard on the subject of the religion of peace adherents
(I’m no fan of Gillard,but she’s spot on here)
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation’s mosques. Quote: ‘IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!’
‘Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.’
‘We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.’
‘This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE’.’
‘If you aren’t happy here then LEAVE. We didn’t force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.’
I think I’ve seen this before, and seem to recall it’s been debunked. Can you please provide a link to your source?
was sent it in an email
Unfortunately, it’s an internet scam that seems to have been around since 2005 & was first applied to John Howard & since to Kevin Rudd and now Julia Gillard.
thought it was too good to be true!!
can’t think of one western leader who has the plums to tell them anything like this
Had it sent to me several times aswell.
Don’t lose heart: a lot of it is true. Some accurate but by the Treasurer and not the PM, other parts true, some partly true but in different context etc
“If Carsberg did political speeches…”, eh?
Enoch did long ago. Sobering thought.
Dear oh dear!!!
Once the muslim paedophile buzz has died down and Dez/Scott, David Gregory and Jim Dandy resurface they are going to have you for that!
For all things Aussie check out Bolt-o in future:
If you throw in Shouty with the above four idiots, what appropriate collective noun from the Koran do you think would accurately describe their wisdom ?
The third box in the above BBC logo should be green with a proper crescent moon.
It has been used various times on here (well, the old place):
Haye v Chisora: Boxing madder than ever –
‘in a sport saturated with governing bodies, the only governing body that matters is money.’
No bias there then…
Wisconsin update: The Democrat primary to choose the candidate to oppose Republican Gov. Walker in the recall election next month had an amusing result: the Unions’ choice lost big time.
The main reason for the recall was a Union drive to remove Walker for ending the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions, a real blow to their power in the state. But the Union choice lost the primary, so even die-hard Democrat voters are no longer under their spell. The actual recall vote in June should be fun.
The BBC won’t bother with this story until then, but people here will know more about it than they’ll tell you. The BBC has a history of dishonesty regarding Wisconsin politics. See here, here, here, here and here.
No chance the bBC will cover this as it resonates too strongly with the regional pay proposed for the public sector over here by Osborne. Plus, of course, the tanker driver dispute is partly about their Labour-sponsoring union’s demands for a return to collective bargaining.
I assume they’re keeping their powder dry for the actual recall vote in June.
A well written and insightful article discussing the cowardly political correctness that has helped to silence all debate on the shocking and revolting Muslim grooming.
‘…means inescapably that a cultural Muslim issue is involved. If this is not acknowledged, this terrible pattern of abuse will simply continue’. Shall we start taking bets now?
Well-reasoned and balanced article, though.
President Obama lost 40% of the West Virginia Democratic Party vote to an inmate in a federal prison in Texas. I searched for the inmate’s name on the BBC website and came up empt.
They did whip up a news brief copied and pasted from the wire services shortly after. Don’t worry, the criminal won’t get any delegates – they think – and one of the President’s minions suspects the guy may not have filed some necessary paperwork. He’s only guessing, but never mind.
Of course, when the BBC writes that “The Obama administration’s energy policies have upset West Virginia’s powerful coal industry,” they’re assuming you don’t know that the President Himself wants to bankrupt the entire industry. No wonder the people of WV are upset, since that’s where a lot of their jobs come from.
Since the BBC doesn’t tell you that, you don’t know the full story, and won’t ever hear the truth from them. All you know is that some powerful lobby is unhappy with His wonderful energy policies. It couldn’t have anything to do with ordinary people knowing what the problem is, right, BBC?
At least they didn’t say the whole state was racist.
Comments for this Daily Mail article now at over 1000 !!
Comments for this Guardian article don’t seem to be allowed ????
A parody that won’t be coming to a Radio 4 ‘comedy’ programme near you..
Was listening to 5 Live Drive when they reported on the sentencing of the 9 Muslims in child sex gang.
‘Drive’ told us the judge said “What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.”
What they failed to report was that he also said this…..
The girls were “Targeted because they were not part of your community or religion”
The BBC website does report those words but because they are fundamental to the case…they determine why those girls were chosen, it is surely important to inform everyone exactly what went on and why….every news broadcast should refer to that part of the judgement.
Not to do so hides an essential part of the reasoning behind the crimes.
The BBC prefers to sweep crimes associated with Islam under the carpet….and it is particular to Islam and the Muslim community.
RC priest’s child abuses have been given as a counter defence to this…but they didn’t chose their vicitims because they were ‘worthless’ and of another religion….it really was just ‘lust and greed’.
Shouldn’t questions be raised as to the dangers of a religion that regards non-Muslims as of lesser value and treats them accordingly?
Shouldn’t the one question that should be on everyone’s lips be ‘What are the consequences for a Western secular/Christian society of having what are essentially Muslim colonies growing rapidly within that society?’
London has 800,000+ Muslims…..already some on the Left suggest it would be good for London to be ‘Islamic’….Keith Vaz was already boasting of Leicester being the first ‘Asian’ majority city in Europe……what are the consequences of that? What are the consequences of having large populations who regard themselves as Muslim first and foremost and have more ties to Pakistan or Somalia than to the Britain that they were born in?
‘What they failed to report was that he also said this…..
The girls were “Targeted because they were not part of your community or religion”
In all fairness, this was quoted in the Radio 4 PM news report, though with the inevitable juxtapositioning of ‘BNP demonstrations outside the court’.
Our resident terrorist apologist Abu Quatada is still clinging on against deportation by his fingertips.
According to the bBC: “Abu Qatada’s lawyers, Birnberg Peirce said….”
Well, well, our old friend “Gareth”, still at it, betraying Britain.
Gareth Peirce, English solicitor, educated at the Cheltenham Ladies’ College, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics. Known for her work in high-profile cases representing people with Irish and Muslim backgrounds accused of terrorism.
Probably we are all paying her fees.
Cheltenham Ladies college, and a descendant of Sydney and Beatrice Webb… words fail me.
BBC News report this as (in passing) Qatada had his appeal turned down but go on to emphasise that the Court agreed with his Solicitors that his appeal was in time, something that Theresa May had assured the HoC it was not. Followed by an interview with the horrible Mrs Balls.
As the substantive issue was the deportation decision – the BBC could quite easily have said that the Court, whilst agreeing that his appeal was in time, they nevertheless dismissed his appeal.
They could (if there was some equivelence / balance to their Labour bias) have gone on to say; which means that in the two years since the election the Coalition have made good progress and there is a now a real prospect that Qatada will shortly be put on a plane home. Now Mrs Balls, explain why you failed to achieve this in the 7 years that your Government had responsibility for Qatada’s deportation.
I have copied and pasted this from the Times
I make no further comment!
Published at 12:01AM, May 8 2012
English members of the crew producing the World Snooker Championship in Sheffield for the BBC lost their jobs and were replaced under a quota system favouring staff north of the Border.
Workers from Scotland were sent to England and put up in hotels while specialists who had produced the two-week tournament for several years were told they could not have the work because they were from England.
The Times has spoken to three of the freelance workers, who earned up to £6,000 each for the two-week tournament at the Crucible Theatre. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they fear losing other work if they are seen to criticise the BBC.
One said: “The absurd thing is that this is an event taking place in England. If this had happened the other way round — Scottish workers in Scotland losing their jobs to the English — you would never get Alex Salmond off the airwaves complaining about it. They used to employ local students as runners to make the tea and do other simple jobs but this year they are bringing people down from Scotland and paying for expensive hotel rooms.”
Another said that IMG, the company which produces the snooker championship for the BBC, apologised for not re-engaging him but said it had to hire less experienced workers from Scotland or risk being in breach of its contract with the corporation. A third said: “I was booked to do the snooker but then told the quotas had become stricter and they could not employ me because I did not have a Scottish address.”
About a dozen English people are thought to have been told by IMG that they were being replaced by workers based in Scotland. An IMG spokesman referred all queries to the BBC.
Under rules enforced by Ofcom, public service broadcasters must meet “out of London” production quotas to ensure regions and nations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) get a share of the jobs and money spent making TV programmes. A programme must meet at least two of three criteria: the company making it must have a “substantive base” in the region or nation, spend a minimum amount of the total budget there and/or a minimum amount on “production talent” there. It is believed IMG hired workers based in Scotland to meet the latter.
Judging by the number of Irish and Scottish presenters/correspondents used in BBC news programmes I would say their quotas have been well exceeded. They certainly seem well out of proportion to the relative size of their populations. Or perhaps it’s just the anti-English element at the Beeb having their bit of fun.
BBC journos are loving the Obama gay marriage announcement (naturally) but few more so than this guy. Who will he be rooting for in the election? Same as every other BBC US hack, of course.
The thing is, this won’t gain or lose Him a single vote. But it will get Him loads and loads of new campaign cash and – most important of all – continue to distract everyone from focusing on His economic failures. Which is the real point of this display.
Hey, bonus: The President has suddenly become a supporter of States’ Rights……on this issue. Another “evolving” position.
“I support gay marriage, but will do nothing and leave it to the States to decide. Now stop worrying about the economy and hand over that cash, fools.”
Also, an actual quote: “…when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf…”
On your behalf? FFS. What about the country, man? To be fair, I think He meant to say, “on my orders”. Yet another nuance of His finely-tuned brain.
and lardarse mardell says it was a dangerous,yet courageous thing to say
the upside is,apparently,that all the lefties,homofascists and headcases will think obama is a great guy
In the light of President Obama’s statement in support of gay marriage, I am so looking forward to someone – anyone – on the BBC canvassing Muslim opinion on the topic.
It’s amazing how all those vocal Muslims suddenly drop out of sight when gay topics are raised – or perhaps BBC producers shy away from some revealing too many home truths about Islam.
So come on, Mardell, how about an exclusive with Louis Farrakhan?
PS David Preiser (USA) you are right about the $ result of O’s statement. Today (Thursday) he is guest of honor at a Hollywood fundraiser ($40,000 a pop) at the home of (clears one’s throat and whispers) George Clooney. No doubt Travolta will be in attendance.
There’s just a deluge of this Islamic BS in our country at the moment…
“A British TV channel that aired a lecture saying it is acceptable to murder someone who has shown disrespect to the prophet Muhammad is facing a significant fine or potentially even closure by Ofcom.”
“Ofcom said taken the unprecedented step of ruling that DM Digital, which targets the Asian market with programming in languages including English, Punjabi, Urdu, Kashmiri and Hindi, is the first UK broadcaster to break the broadcasting code for airing material “likely to encourage or incite the commission of a crime or lead to disorder”.”
Potentially????? Do. It. Now.
Imagine if this were a TV channel broadcasting to the ‘far right’, that was actually calling for murder! How long do we think it would stay on air?
Upcoming Panorama special examining the notion in 3…2…Zzzzzzzzz
It would be great if ABC had asked him what was his logic for all the years that he opposed gay marriage. Of course he never did so it might be dificult for the great orator to articulate his past reasoning.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
This may seems a ittle out of date but I am re-posting this as my B-BBC tells me :”your comment is awaiting moderation.”
Mark Mardell describes the defeat of 80-year-old Richard Lugar as the final revenge of Barry Goldwater. I had forgotten how much of a hate figure Goldwater was to the BBC. Mardell, of course, is wrong. Goldwater’s revenge, dear Mark, was Ronald Reagan.
Neither was Lugar’s defeat a “surprise”, Ben. In 2010 Lugar voted for Obama’s supreme court nominee Elena Kagan pissing off Republicans who wanted to fight to fight against liberal judges. (
In 2012 Lugar did it again, this time voting for Obama’s supreme counrt nominee “the wise Latino” Sonia SoTomayor (
And here is the case against Lugar made clear, in gentle tones I’d point out, by a tea party activist in 2010 (
Finally an article “Twilight of the Moderates” which will shed a little light and shade to the topic and shows the part played by FreedomWorks.
After reading the slate article you’ll understand the hit piece against “FreedomWorks” which is sure to come down the pipeline from Mardell anytime soon.
But Mardell betrays his paternalistic elitist side with this patronizing paragraph: “He (Lugar) was a gentleman from another era: careful, considered, rather old-fashioned, happy to behave like an elder statesman, someone who deliberately sought agreement rather than tried to exaggerate differences.”
Forgive me, but I’m not sure a happy, old fashioned gentleman from another era is what is needed by Republican’s to fight a street thug like Obama.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Mardell’s reporting is at least misleading and at worst partisan hackery. Perhaps he should read more widely. hire researchers to read for him or talk to real people outside his dinner party circle.
Meanwhile (another bug bear of mine) keep your eyes on discontent within the Democratic party…
A refugee from the Soviet Union schools a young man about what he takes for granted in his own counrty.
Are you against capitalism?…Sure, why wouldn’t I be…and then the lesson begins…
Worth a watch…and at least the young bloke is willing to listen, despite his predictably brain-washed leftist world view.
Here’s his YouTube channel…
You’ll notice very quickly how many of the people that he confronts represent the triumph of emotive opinion over plainly spoken fact.
Ha! Capitalism is to blame for all the ills of the World, but Russia failed because it didn’t have enough support from capitalist friends!! Logic fail….history fail…teaching fail….reality fail…FAIL!
Awesome! Thanks for that, totally cheered me up.
Reminds me of when I tried to explain to Occupiers that their protest methods and violence was pointless because the Tea Party movement simply voted and actually changed things. Sound of banging head on wall, really.
Although, this clown seems to have misread the memo about Israel., and the Russian Jew giving the hilarious lecture forgot about the British controlling the area after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Still, great stuff.
Victoria Derbyshire once again gets emotional….starting off an interview in reasoned tones but soon has her usual meltdown and descends into merely abusing the interviewee because he is clearly some right wing hate monger inciting community warfare….or so she interprets.
Larkin, the interviewee, is an American…he pronounced Tottenham as ‘Tottingham’ (as did Ossie Ardiles who played there) Derbyshire corrected him …with a bit of poison in her voice…you have to hear it to believe it.
(about 6 mins in)
‘A controversial self-defence expert tells Victoria why he thinks he’s been banned by the UK. Tim Larkin was stopped at Las Vegas airport as he tried to board a plane. ‘
To be fair Derbyshire admits she was pretty much destroyed by listener emails and texts coming in telling her how bad the interview was and her tone changed back to one of reason…..but as I say the interview was pretty standard fare for anyone who is not a cuddly leftwing guest who get the happy smiley Derbyshire.
A caller last year who complained of Labour’s economic policies and open borders policy was immediately suspected of being in the BNP….Derbyshire demanded to know what party she voted for in a tone of voice that clearly indicated immense dislike and disapproval of the views.
There is a place for Derbyshire’s style of interviewing but it’s not when delving into highly controversial political subjects that need a high degree of analysis and reason not gushing emotions and left wing ideology.
She plays a classic straw man move in that interview. Mr. Larkin says that knife crime has risen over the last decade or so. She tries to counter this by saying that figures show possession of offensive weapons is down in the last year. Firstly, his claim clearly relates to the long term trend, not short term fluctuations. Secondly, I’m sure that Mr. Larkin’s reference to knife crime concerns the actual USE of a weapon, not just the possession.
…and yes, she clearly had a dismissive tone throughout a good portion of the interview. I was waiting for her to sneer ‘dumb Yank’ under her breath at some point.
I never heard of this guy. I just looked at a couple of videos and saw some amusing articles about his background (he’s apparently less over-the-top than the people he used to work for), and he looks pretty run-of-the-mill to me. There are literally dozens of these guys around doing hardcore self-defense, mixed-martial arts stuff.
Will the dopey Ms. May be banning all the anarchists who work with the “student” riots and Occupier/anarchists? Might just send this to Inspector Gadget, who is not a fan of hers. What a joke.
Also a joke is V Derbyshire. She describes Larkin’s techniques as “self-defense which leads to violence.” The rest of the interview was unbelievable. Good for Larkin to sit there and speak calmly and reasonably.
I liked the audience messages she read out, though. It doesn’t make her utter crap any more acceptable for having done that, but the BBC will say different. “There, we’ve read out your complaints, so we are impartial.” Same crap
Stephen Nolan pulls. It’s telling, though, that she couldn’t find a single example supporting her. “Your views welcome”….so we can play this game.
There are no words in the English language derisive enough. I’m literally sitting here holding my head in my hands in between typing sentences, blinking and shaking my head. This woman is dangerous.
An English (yes, English) friend of mine once corrected my pronunciation of Holborn, but he did it nicely and not with the arrogance she displayed.
Of course in the interests of “balance”, they ask a martial arts colleague about the ban, and then get a wet ex-policeman to moan about vigilantism. I assume this was meant to show her as impartial because she then played a weak devil’s advocate with him. Clever ploy, standard procedure according to editorial policy, but obviously a phoney act, considering her use of reductio ad absurdum and gross misrepresentation when speaking with Larkin. “Mmmm.”
Yes! That ‘self-defense leads to violence’ thing. I’m guessing that if anyone needs to resort to self-defense, violence has already been instigated by the other party.
You are also right that there are other guys out there doing all kinds of martial arts/self-defense/survival programs. Perhaps our dreadful Home Secretary ought to contact Channel Five and have a word with The Gadget Show producers, who regularly make use of the skills of Myke Hawke…
…and make sure you get snarky next time you hear a British presenter mispronouce St. Louis – they do it all the time.
(about 6 mins in)
The Governments multiple standards are another issue.
Ms. Derbyshire is a shrill shill.
Having been introduced as what to do when you have no alternative but defence, she chooses to hammer, ad nauseam, the ‘kill or be killed’ notion that she would like to portray this as, in banning the kind of person the BBC doesn’t want in the country vs. who they do.
Oh, and she pronounced it T’otnam at the outset and later. Hardly any more accurate.
Totally unprofessional and hypocritical.
Has Ms. Derbyshire been to these places of late too to justify the skewed stance being attempted anyway?
In tramping her apparent ‘hood to stay in touch with the homies for whom she speaks, and who may be inconvenienced by victims interfering with their mugging rights, the white, blonde, rich Ms. Derbyshire seems to have a great deal of faith in karma, which can have a capricious sense of humour.
One presumes that, when next ‘reporting’ from the front, say, in Cairo, she will be more of the ‘lay back and think of Engl… the EU project’ school of advice once offered to ladies who lurch to the left, when enjoying the unwelcome attentions of those from other cultures and faiths.
The bbC and the case of two people banned from the UK
Case 1: Sheikh Raed Salah
To the bbC, this terrorist apologist can only be a victim. This the bbC explains by reporting:
“Before coming to Britain, he faced horrific allegations of anti-Semitism, which he completely refuted.”He has clarified his position of being opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism against his own people, the Palestinians.”
Yes the Islamic racist who openily promotes the view that jews make bread with the blood of muslims can only be a victim to the bBC.
Case 2:Tim Larkin
To the bBC this American self defence expert has no right coming to the Uk because he teaches people to defend themselves. I quote:
A visit in 2009 to Slough, in Berkshire, where Mr Larkin held a class intended to teach how to “maim and kill in self-defence”, provoked widespread condemnation from the community.He has previously told the BBC that his training leads clients to become less violent.”The more you know about lethal applications to the body, the less violent you are. You don’t go out seeking it, and you certainly wouldn’t misuse the tool.”
The thing is, being able to look after yourself does make you less violent. I know I am that person.
But to the bBC, we can’t be having the plebs being able to defend themselves, I mean what would happen to their attackers?
The bBC the traitors in our midst.
the BBC trying to promote the 70s as a golden age of anti-socialism…i always felt it was the grey decade. I wonder how they will perceive the 80s…
Mark Mardell clearly approves of :President Obama’s u-turn in favour of gay marriage:
The BBC’s US President editor censored the fact that the President said He won’t actually do anything about it but – unlike with every other policy – will leave it up to the States to decide for themselves. Praise Him, but don’t tell the whole truth lest the followers think Him less heroic.
I’ve just watched the absolutely farcical BBC North-West coverage of the Muslim paedophile gang. Honestly, the patronising tone and blatant obfuscation of the case is like something out of Brass Eye! Beyond parody!
I was going to give credit to the BBC for finally admitting the cultural specifics of the now-convicted rapists/pimps of young white girls, but then I heard on 5 live a while ago the rebuttal for which they granted a platform.
So even though the convicting judge said it was definitely an ethnic/religious/cultural thing, the BBC decided to give equal time to someone who said it wasn’t. That’s not balance, that’s criticizing a judge’s decision. Is that proper impartial journalism?
It’s worth watching the one from the night before too. The first mention of the ethnicity of the gang comes after quite a few minutes, in a sentence beginning “The far right have been quick to latch onto the fact that…” i.e. it is only unsavoury nutters who might think it is an issue.
Lovely quote from a police representative on SKY just now regrading their joining today’s protest march: ‘We are the people protecting you’.
Some young women in the North West may have cause to disagree.
One is sure the news management across at the BBC will be equally selective.
…and many in various parts of London, too – who had to form gangs to protect their own neighbourhoods last summer.
From police force to police service…and we all know what service industries are like in this country.
R4 Today approx 6:50am Talking to Lord Warner(Labour) about the escalating problems of the cost and care for the elderly. Asked why the plans by Labour/Brown for the social services to do the job were no good his reply; that was a nonsense.
He then went onto effectively say; Brown knowingly told the public a heap of crap about adult care so he could kick the problem into the long grass. (This is similar to the current public pensions problems; Labour did a lot of this while in office). Nauchtie stays silent of comment about yet more labour deceit.
‘went onto effectively say; Brown knowingly told the public a heap of crap about adult care so he could kick the problem into the long grass.’
Following yesterday’s Daily Mail main story, I just fired a massive shot across the bows of my MP who, as a 2yr+ complaint on elder abuse is well and truly consigned to the outfield, sent me a template ‘Our seniors are to be thanked for their contribution… mistakes have been… made… lessons have been learned… nothing will happen…’ piece of waffle from Paul Burstow.
The only concession to their woeful actions I made was to point out that Labour making political capital out of the Coalition failing to address a situation Labour created over 13 years (like most else) was as cynical, opportunistic and risible as it got.
All on the watch of the BBC, who only holds to account those whose words or deeds it feels need trashing or changing to suit.
Two cheeks indeed.
As the PR agency for all that has and is dragging Britain down, the BBC is about as powerful a force for ill as can be imagined.
Trying to locate this story, stumbled across this:
From the off.
Yasmin A-B: ‘We know that most child abusers are white’
Left to spout only gently challenged thereafter….
Ms. AB does ‘hate’ a lot, doesn’t she?
Maybe that is why she is so popular a contributor?
Yes she does ‘hate’ a lot.
I tend to find that hate is the last refuge of someone is not very bright!
Doing the Sky New paper review one night, she let off a long rant about how ‘Anglo Saxons’ (yep – whitey) were the most hostile people when it came to accepting other cultures and races. She then went on to say, after commenting about us not allowing people like her to integrate, that she’ll be happy when we’re all brown. (yes -she really did!)
She did pretty much the same on Dateline London (I think), again lambasting the UK for resenting immigrants more than anywhere else in the world and not accomodating them enough. Her fellow panelist, Bruce Anderson, reminded her that it was this country that granted her refuge when fleeing from the ethinic cleansing of Idi Amin’s Uganda (not very tolerant of him, hey), and had provided her and all the others with a much better life than they could ever have expected in their ‘homeland’. He did it very pointedly and put her in her place, which of course made her even more furious than usual. She then tried to diminish his point by claiming that Ted Heath only let them in because they were ‘middle class’.
With the mass immigration we’ve endured over the last decade, I’d have expected race riots right across the country if we were as vicious a people as YAB claims. Plenty of us are bloody angry, but we’re not running through the streets turning on immigrants.
Nasty, self-righteous, racist, bigotted, ungrateful, spiteful harridan. I expect she has a display counter at home, full of all her victim trophies.
Watch this! 2009 – Ander Neil pressing her on New Labour’s mass immigration policy, and the public’s lack of any say in the issue.
She actually makes the claim that Labour “have made things worse for us immigrants, because they’ve allowed a conversation to take place which is completely out of control”
Jaw dropping! Labour spent their entire time in government doing everything they could to completely silence any kind of discussion of immigration, or any issue that related to immigrants! They are still doing so in opposition!
Unbelievable – they live in their own little world, these lefties.
At 1hr 50+mins in of Today’s Today, the lady interviewing rather bravely raises with the government spokesperson the topic of FoI exclusions and goes on, even more bravely, to suggest that deploying them suggests ‘there is something to hide’.
One presumes, in the great ‘holding the powerful to account’, that logic does not apply, ever so uniquely, to the BBC.
Anyone who has a ‘committee’ so named deserves pretty much all it gets, but one has to be amused at least by the next choice of political bozo for HIGNFY..
She has been selected no doubt for her awesome comedic talents, one is sure. Why do I suspect her ride will be easier than most telly-addicted Westminster pond-dwellers usually experience?
Nick Robinson @bbcnickrobinson
Coulson at #leveson, pension strikes, police protests …so much to do so little time
One can only imagine, but one sense he feels excited at the prospect.
Just… what might be meant by ‘do’?
whats that? public sector workers will have to work a bit longer? till they are at least 55? altogether now – awwwwwwwwwww
I note that the Beeboids at 5 Live are getting pretty excited about the Greeks passing on some flame to us in Britain today.
Meanwhile (and in no way connected) I hear from the BBC news that hundreds of police officers who are not allowed to strike ARE EXPECTED to support public sector strikers in protests today.
Perhaps it should be added that – BBC employees who are not supposed to make political comment ARE BLOODY CERTAIN to support public sector strrikers in protests today.
Because that’s the way Beebs – you are going to keep on geeing up the troops.
That bloody Olympic flame is a health hazard for one thing.
Its very concept is a pagan/anti Christian mockery; but no church toad would dare take on the Great God Sport…Nike anybody?
The torchlight procession is also Nazi in its current form…Hitler rather liked the idea of “everybody being included” as well.
Let`s hope that the obese won`t be seen as “useless eaters” in need of having a Eurosolution tried on them aftyer the event this time.
Didn`t end up very well last time…and the Nazi regime were very anti-smoking , vegetarian and searching for the “Green” Solution before they went for the “Final” one.
I never imagined that sport would get the free pass propaganda blitz in the same way that the East Germans etc used to give it…didn`t we used to mock and pity the dupes of State sponsored slavering Socialism.
Back in the EUSSR indeed…
A joy to see Naughties schmooze consensual interview supposed to send us all to the barricades blew up in his face this morning.
Just before 9am,we get the “sense of meeting” mission statements that now end the Toady Show…the clamour for Ed and Tony to come in and save us.
Certainly save them all from ever having to think about what they did the last twelve years anyhoo.
So we get Toynbee( two days since she last appeared I fear) on to moan at the Queens Speech..and she is yoked to some bloke from the Economist who is introduced as “not thinking too much of it either”…ah, that famous “balanced interview to stimulate debate” we hear so much about.
But Rennie does not play ball and blasts Polly out of the water-and she turns silkily waspish herself, but the damage is done.
Naughtie has therefore failed to get that camaraderie needed for Projet Hollande to happen for toady at least -and I fear that Jims researcher will be put on drugwatch on nippy wet Acton Vale for managing to let the Good Ship Polly risk a holing. How very dare they put an endangered species like multi-housing, Tuscan-trotting Hampstead hypocrite at risk of real debate? Smelling salts please for Polly…no Quentin, REAL ones please this once!
(Endangered eh?…if only!)
Let Evan show us how it`s done then.
Evans earlier bit where a coppers union and a pliant Chief Constable discuss the hope for strike action and a subscription for Duggan/Moaty-type things was much more the rabid left/kinder left “debate”/fireside chat that constitutes BBC “analysis” of anything these days.
Reckon Evans getting the massage with his pick of young men this morning, whereas Jim will have to dance on his own shortbread tin alone…until Polly deems she is fit to re-appear…I`d give it two hours minimum dear!
‘Jim will have to dance on his own shortbread tin…’
Nice. But surely there is always Evan to join him up there for a quick Strip the Willow or perhaps a Gay Gordon or two.
Then Dame of Realm Nicky Campbell could tuck away his Tunnocks after he has finished slumming it with the Salford crowd and can pop over for a Dashing White Sergeant. Oh, the diversity issues!
Len McCluskey getting his usual easy ride on the VD 5dead show, The unions are going to wreck the Olympics, the trains will grind to a halt as will the busses if they dont get their extortion bonuses paid in full. You couldn’t make it up…..
Coppers on walkabout too-
Best Pension Schemes On Planet
1. Nigerian politicians.
2. MEPs
3. British Police
Amazing, no, how every BBC vews bulletin yesterday led with,
‘Labour leader Ed Miliband today criticised the government…’
Asking a bit much for the bulletins to have started,
‘In the Queens Speech today…’
I have it on good authority that in future on its masthead underneath ‘BBC’ there will be positioned the BBC’s new corporate logo.
‘E juth dothen theem to ge’ i’
One that certainly the BBC’s 21,000 employees seem to have bought into wholeheartedly.
‘I twought I taw a Tor-wee puddy twat, mith-dar th’peeker!’
Isn’t it amazing and odd how few of those battalions of edgy BBC employed satiricists get their teeth into that gold lode of material?
Uncle Bup – I notice this too – all the time. It makes Labour seem as though they’re in control of the agenda, when in reality it’s their paymasters in the Unions who are calling out the beat.
Still…at least the Beeb manage to occasionally name-check the correct Milliband!!
I dipped into a few minutes of the BBC’s 1970s show last night. I had been told that it was a good nostalgia show. But I didn’t see much of the expected spacehoppers and ker-plunk. What I saw was a lot of snide moaning about consumerism and lionising of the green movement. Whatever next? Forget the ever leftward slanting of history, the BBC has set about retrospective left-liberal rewriting of nostalgia.
Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be at the BBC.
Listening to Radio 4 about the election results, I noticed in news reports that the Conservative Party is always referred to as the Tory Party in a sneering tone. Now does the BBC ever refer to the Lib/Dems as the Whig/Dems or the Labour Party as Nu Labour or the Fabians?
I think not.
Now I think about it, will the “anonymous” 59 year old paedophile in this case be placed on the sex offenders register or will he get away with staying off it thanks to these “legal reasons”.
There are only two reasons why this nonce remains anonymous. Firstly there are other charges against him. The Crown are prosecuting these men in batches, so as a ring leader he will appear along side these men.
Secondly and more sinister, he could have links to a political party, local council or to a community organisation. Then we have a case of a cover up.
No reason is given why he cannot be named for legal reasons. I wonder which one it is?
I wonder which one it is?
Along with why folk trying to kill us get whisked in for their human rights safety, and those trying to share how to defend ourselves are prevented from reaching these shores as they might ’cause a bit of a fuss’?
Between a terrorist enabler and a martial arts instructor, I have a few questions to ask the likes of Ms. May and Ms Derbyshire as wholly-enabled glass ceiling-shattering pile-toppers of our nu-political media dungpile why that discrepancy too?
Or is that a holding to account that is off limits, uniquely?