Mark Mardell is so excited about Obama giving his support for gay marriage. A “courageous act” on this “hot button issue” chirps the Beeb’s man in Washington as he religiously obeys the BBC handbook on brown-nosing Barack Obama at very possible opportunity.
But many Democrats would rather their man led, than followed.
Just because the timing of this announcement was unplanned and unwanted doesn’t mean it was undebated within the White House.
They may have seen little alternative, but also recognise that President Obama gets some kudos for being the first president to support gay marriage.
You see the strategy – yet another OBL type “tough call” for the President with a spine of titanium channelled via Mardell who is clearly consolidating the BBC as the unofficial UK arm of the White House re-election campaign.
Mardell is obviously flagging this up as a gift to Obama’s base. What he conveniently forgets to mention is that the reason why it came out at all was because his “base” appears to be withering away leaving him vulnerable on his left flank. Moreover Mardell’s identification of this as a “hot button issue” is open to question. He quotes poll data but can it be really true that across America this is the number one question in factory, office or store rather than gas prices, Obamacare costs or entitlements?
Perhaps the waspish John Nolte from hit the nail on the head when he tweeted
John Nolte @NolteNC
Did Obama’s cynical same-sex marriage move energize his base more than our’s? Doubt it. And by “his base” I of course mean the media.
The slavish adulation of the American media elite and their refusal to ask any questions about his background, experience or questionable Chicago acquaintances was a major factor in allowing this man to rise without trace to the highest office in the land. They remain a major bastion of his support – and, to these people in New York, Washington and Hollywood, gay issues are at the top of the agenda.
But to the rest of America, maybe not so much….with the exception, naturally, of Mark Mardell and the folk at the BBC….
Can’t remember the BBC describing Cameron as ‘courageous’ when he said the same thing.
…but then, according to BBC wisdom, America consists almost entirely of dumb, unsophisticated, nasty, right-wing, bigotted, tea partying racist, red-necked, Bible bashing homophobes…with a few intelligent European-style Democrats holding back the tide of hate. After it’s naked pro-labour bias, I think I hate the BBC for it’s superior, ‘look down our noses’ coverage of the USA the most.
Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end – if anyone wants to be seriously cheered up, can I recommend watching anything on YouTube with Ron Paul.
Which bit should I watch? His anti-abortion stuff or his anti-Israel stuff?
Watch the lot – and don’t get it from ABC or CNN! He is NOT anti-Israeli, he is anti-interventionist and pro-people- making-their-own-mind-up. Likewise some Republicans are taking part of the message and saying he is pro-prostitution and pro-drugs, he is just pro- people being adults and making their own choices. The Republican left are frightened of him, but the pro-Obama media are terrified!!
He would have been anti-interventionist in WWII as well. Guess that would have been okay.
Absolutely not. His point is if you want a war, then you do what it says in the constitution, go to congress and vote and get permission for a war. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria are all UNDECLARED engagements. Watch the hostile interviewing from Fox, who wants Romney, and his great response.
At 1:15 you will see his reference to declaring war properly.
Wait. You said “anti-interventionist”, but now you’re saying he’d intervene if there was a vote? You can’t have it both ways.
And guess what: Congress did vote to use military force in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. And oops, Ron Paul voted for military intervention against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. You may be entitled to your own opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own facts.
What I think you might be talking about is the semantic (and legal) difference between authorized military action and an officially declared war. Like, you know, what we did in Korea and Vietnam were the former, but not the latter.
Libya, on the other hand, was a violation of the law after 60 days. And – hello! – we haven’t done anything about Syria. There is no engagement, undeclared or otherwise. You can’t just make stuff up.
Apart from the unsavoury characters linked to his Newsletters the man is one of the biggest porkers in the House. Believe me ask the true heroes of the American conservative movement, the Tea Party, about Mr Paul…..they wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole..too much baggage….
That is nonsense – he has massive support, the mainstream Republicans and media are against him and Obama is terrified of him. The people love him.
Sorry old bean….I have a lot of contact with tea partiers across the pond and believe me those people do not love him..
Don’t forget his fraternisation with neo-Nazis and the KKK.
The KKK? I thought he was a Republican, not a Democrat.
BBC journalists – who would rather stick their heads up their own arses than draw attention to any negative coverage of Obama – are loving the story in today’s Washington Post about Romney the alleged school bully.
Funny how the Washington Post had this story from 47 years ago ready to print on the day after Obama’s
flip-flopevolution on gay marriage.Never mind that, though. All that matters is that we all learn to hate Romney between now and November – it’s the BBC Washington bureau’s raison d’etre until the election.
The WaPo is still in the tank for Him. If the Beeboid scum are all about highlighting stuff from the WaPo, they ought to be talking about this as well:
Top Obama donors witholding money over executive order punt
Some leading gay and progressive donors are so angry over President Obama’s refusal to sign an executive order barring same sex discrimination by federal contractors that they are refusing to give any more money to the pro-Obama super PAC, a top gay fundraiser’s office tells me. In some cases, I’m told, big donations are being withheld.
Jonathan Lewis, the gay philanthropist and leading Democratic fundraiser, is one of many gay advocates who has been working behind the scenes to pressure Obama to change his mind. When Obama decided against the executive order last month, arguing that he would pursue a legislative solution instead, advocates were furious — such a solution will never pass Congress, the executive order has been a priority for advocates for years, and the move smacked of a political cave to conservatives who will not support Obama no matter what he does.
Now these and other donors are beginning to withold money from Priorities USA, the main pro-Obama super PAC, out of dismay over the president’s decision. (Some of these donors have already maxed out to the Obama campaign, I’m told.) It’s the first indication that areas in which Obama is at odds with gay advocates — and in fairness, his record on gay rights has been very good — could dampen overall fundraising.
This was written three days ago, two days before the President’s announcement, by a JournoList. So they all know about it, and no excuse for censoring the story. His heroic stance is really a grab for much-needed campaign cash. Yet Mardell seems to have left that out.
It seems when it comes to matters USA, the BBC is even more one sided and bias because it can clearly get away with it. Most people here haven’t got a clue what goes on in American politics and so the BBC gets a free run. What is unforgivable is that here my fellow countrymen should by now be aware of the corrosive effect of the EU and how our Establishment are in their pockets as we see the effects daily, yet it seems everyone sticks their heads in the sand and ignores it. I fear for our future.
That’s why I started commenting here, and why I decided to do my weekly audio rebuttal.
😀 fantastic.
It’s another Dreams From My Father own goal by the Obama/Media complex: Obama bullied a girl.
The girl Obama bullied (“Coretta”) was really someone called Joella Edwards and she was the only other black kid at his school.
So, BBC journalists – do you still want to make a big deal about presidential candidates and school bullying now that this stuff about Obama has been highlighted? Yeah, thought not.
Cracks in the Washington Post story emerge.
What a pisser this all must be for a BBC Washington bureau staffer.
I commented on that thread just what you say, she was also ‘plump and friendless making Obama an evil racist (not the same ‘black’), sexist, obesist bully! And as another comment said he did it to avoid being teased…evil incarnate (well that’s what the lefty media would say re the reverse.!/search/%23Coretta
hashtag trending with any luck LOL!
ALL these Democrat/left campaigns are back-firing, aren’t they!!! What’s more, they’re being undone by Obama’s/Democrat’s own past words and deeds.
You just can’t get away with this nonsense anymore in the internet age.
Obama a star for doing a u-turn, yet DC slated for being out of touch?
I truely despiar.
Hope to see you all later, has a touch of #manflu so fingers crossed.
Check out what the BBC thinks is “balance” on this issue. From the liberal side, they have a Left-wing academic trumpeting this historic, heroic stance, and explaining why this is a victory for the forces of Light. From the Right, they have someone who is not explaining the stance against homosexual marriage, but is instead admitting defeat.
In America marriage is a State not a Federal responsibility so the President’s statement doesn’t have any real teeth.
What exactly has Obama done for Gays that ‘is’ within his powers? If he actually believed this why did it take him almost his entire term of office to say it.
If Mr Obama is a muslim, then he’s lying about his support for gay marriage. If he is a socialist then he’s doing exactly what Saul Alinsky taught them to do. Either way, he’s a destructive force. And not just for the USA.
He’s not a Muslim, but it sure looks like He’s been lying all along about not favoring homosexual marriage, simply out of political expedience. It’s not His fault that He’s been lying for years, of course. It’s the fault of those nasty Christian bigots who forced Him to lie.
Exactly, right, deegee. Although I must say I’m pleased to see the President finally take a pro-States’ Rights position on something. 😉 Too bad He’s not so respectful of the Constitution on things like ObamaCare or protecting borders.
If, as the media insists, gay marriage is popular, why is Obama’s decision considered “courageous”?
Love Rush’s comment a few minutes ago: “Obama has traded black votes for gay money”.
I’ll be really surprised if there’s any noticeable drop in black votes. That’s just wishful thinking from the Rigthosphere.
“I’ll be really surprised if there’s any noticeable drop in black votes.”
And that’s the said part. Bob Parks, a black conservative blogger, asserts that blacks who continue to vote democrat seems quite recklessness . I won’t attempt to paraphrase Bob Parkes, as he explains it a lot better.
Haven’t heard of Bob Parkes before – makes a lot of sense – thanks for the link.
You’d think Lardell was getting hitched to Barry. And who’ll have custody of Sean Penn?
Christina Kerchner?
Her Majesty’s Armed Forces – I hear they like a good game of football – I’m sure they can find a role for him.
Yeah Mardell started off by saying Obama sat on the fence for 2 years and was forced ‘out of the closet’ by Biden & Co saying gay marriage was just fine with them.
Now he’s courageous.
Perhaps Barry and Dave can get married and the BBC can get the ‘exclusive’ wedding day film and Mardell the best boy.
Wait a minute, by hailing it as a ‘courageous act’ Mardell is expressing his approval for gay marriage, isn’t he? Thinking about it, there was also undisguised reverence in Evan the Terrible’s trailing of the Obamessiah’s announcement on Today this morning (my ears pricked up for a fanfare of trumpets, but it never came). At least the BBC have finally ‘outed’ themselves on this one, and demonstrated yet again their uncrupulous impartiality.
The British media’s response remind me of Agent Mulder: they soooo want to believe.
It is a piece of political gamesmanship to pull in pink dollars and woo wavering LGBT Republicans. All this guff about principles and heroism is just that: guff.
The World Service coverage this morning was along the lines of ‘is Obama just brilliant or simply marvellous?’ And there I was thinking that hacks were hardened cynics with an ingrained loathing of politicians.
Obama is playing politics – and smart politics at that. He is a superb operator who knows full well he has a fawning media on his side.
Job done, then.
In reality, it was an heroic stand for homosexual campaign cash, with an accompanying media celebration. It’s a very simple game if you play it right.
“It’s a very simple game if you play it right.”
Indeed. Obama’s playing this simple game very cleverly. That is what good politicians do.
The response from BBC staff on Twitter is hilarious. It’s almost as if Obama has single-handedly liberated North Korea.
No, no, it’s far more important than liberating North Korea. That would be an illegal regime change….
What do you mean as if?…..he did didn’t he?
…just before Brown saved the world.
why doesn’t Mardell just do the decent thing and let Obama give him one up the chocolate freeway 🙂
he’s been giving him verbal blowjobs for months now anyway-just go the whole hog Deliverance stylee
The real threat facing the LGBT community is Islam, something which the BBC and Obama seem terribly fond of promoting whenever they can.
The staggering lack of logic from the faux liberal “left” never ceases to amaze me. Outraged at the opposition to gay marriage yet perfectly find with Gays being executed and the religious ideology that promotes this.
One day, one day these arseholes will have to reconcile that huge chasm. Cant wait to see how they bridge it!
Has anybody asked the Rev Wright what he thinks about this ?
Can’t hear him from under the bus.
a hollywood movie to come soon, a cross between Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City and a cameo role from Elton John with George Clooney as his love interest
Beeboids politically lobby for ‘Pink News’ agenda.
The Islamic-left-homosexual-green political alliance.
“Obama’s Marriage Payoff: Hollywood Cash”
“Ocean’s 15 Million: Clooney Breaks Fundraising Record for Obama”
You beat me to it, George. Now we know why the President “came out” on this issue all of a sudden. He’s been taking the heat for ages on this, and the cash has not been piling in like He’d hoped. All fixed now.
So where is the cynicism from the savvy US President editor, usually so quick to poke holes in postures by Republicans? Has a single Beeboid asked why the President has apparently been lying for years about not favoring homosexual marriage?
…and even then it doesn’t really change anything, does it? If he’s still leaving it to the individual states to decide, what affect does this have nationally?
…a token, symbolic gesture that won’t harm him with most but will definately help him with some – this is an almost Brown-like act of calculation over conviction – a risk-free act of cynicism posing as a bold stance that in reality changes nothing.
Exactly, Reed. He won’t even sign an executive order, something He normally has no trouble doing. We’ll see if the money train slows down in a couple months because of it.
‘no excuse for censoring the story’
I don’t think that has been a concern for some time now in certain quarters.
Along with hitting twitter with the bits you like, and only them, secure in the knowledge that whoever you list in your bio to get followers, your comments are in no way reflective of them… unlike any other corporate employee on the planet. Well, this one.
It also seems that Obama has retained his fanatical belief in manmade climate change. In 2008 he promised to bankrupt the US coal industry. Like most sensible people I assumed he would drop such rubbish once in The White House. But no! Read:
As we all know, the BBC are as biased and fanatical as Obama regarding CAGW. So it will be interesting if they pick this up to see how they will deal with it..
They know all about the President’s stance on the coal industry. That’s why they whitewashed the West Virginia fiasco as a situation of a powerful industry being merely unhappy about some undefined “policies”. They wouldn’t dare admit the truth because some people might then understand the argument.
New book by former foreign editor of Newsweek claims Bill Clinton called Obama “amateur” and “incompetent”, urged Hillary to run in 2012.
I wonder if the BBC ever refered to Dick Cheney as ‘courageous’ – he was well ahead of ‘progressive’ Obama…
Had a youtube clip for that, but it doesn’t seem to post. Anyone else having problems with videos?
“Bristol Palin blasts Obama for backing same sex marriage as she accuses President of bowing to his daughters on debate”
Read more: