Leveson is essentially the daily weapon used to undermine the Government by the BBC and Labour. It gets massive priority in the BBC daily news agenda although I suggest that most people could not care less about the nuances of who said what to whom and when in the media village. Today, on Today, we had the BBC sniggering at the “revelation” that David Cameron ended his texts to Rebekah Wade with “DC” and in a few instances “LOL”. Sophisticates in the BBC know this means “Laugh out Loud” but Cameron didn’t. Hah – profound political point? Meanwhile Labour is relentlessly using the openly compliant BBC to try and claim the head of Jeremy Hunt. Cameron and Hunt have failed to confront the BBC and really challenge it. In doing so they show weakness if not fear and simply encourage it as it works assiduously to create the idea in the national psyche that the Coalition is doomed and we need Labour back in 2015. Make no mistake, BBC jubilation at Hollande’s victory last week will be as nothing to what we will endure should it win in three years time.
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Five hours of interrogation of Rebekah Wade and the best that the BBC, our quality national broadcaster, can come up with is LOL and a line of attack involving – supposedly – a murky Murdoch/Tory conspiracy theory aimed at the minister, Jeremy Hunt – who happens to have already been the butt of some barbed Beeb joshing and (guess what?) has the BBC within his ministerial brief.
I sat through much of the Leveson questioning of Ms Wade. The personable Mr Jay actually appeared rather apologetic about having to ask the question ‘how did David Cameron sign off his texts?’ Knowing perhaps that the pointless question was planted to provide a Tom Watson/ Alastair Campbell inspired sound-bite, carefully pitched for the tabloids but still delicious grist for the Guardian/ BBC news mills. (Oh the press standards / oh the intrusion into privacy).
Anyone who watched the thing live will know that other issues came up. Issues very dear to the left-liberal statist we-know-best heart. But issues that the Beeb will not be trumpeting from the rafters. Issues that the likes of the HIGNFY band will not be giggling about.
Ms Wade was criticised over her newspaper campaign for Sarah’s Law.
Ms Wade was attacked over her newspaper campaign against Haringey Children’s Services after their failures in the Baby Peter case.
Conspircay theory anyone? If you care to read back the transcripts you will notice how words were put into Mr Jay’s mouth by the likes of Lord Prescott, Tom Watson, Ed Balls and obviously Gordon Brown.
Thought that you hadn’t heard much lately from our dear leader Mr Brown? Think again.
Mr Jay spent a fair amount of time attacking Wade over Gordon Brown’s accusations that his son’s medical records had been ‘hacked’. This was of course a bitter and groundless claim made as a delayed reaction to the withdrawal of the Sun’s support for Labour.
I think very large numbers of people simply switch-off-brain when the BBC drones on endlessly about all this. They are fed up with the BBC pushing this non-story several times a day.
How many more times do we have to hear Harriet Harman demanding Hunt’s resignation ? Harman trying to make some sort of case out of nothing ?
I cannot comment on Leveson as like most people I know I’ve stopped listening to / watching this pile of boring sh1t the b-bbc passes off day after day, week after week, month after month as ‘news’
Me too, I don’t think the public really follows it any more. It’s regressed into childish gossip by those with vested interests.
Same here – if it comes on TV, I immediately switch it off. This means I very rarely watch BBC News, as it’s become the Leveson channel.
And thereby, chaps, lays the danger.
The BBC can continue to ignore the real issues and persist with its childish yahboo sucks politics, as they did pre-1997, until the only info on the Tories in 70% of the Country’s media outlets is smear and ad hominem attacks.
It’s no coincidence that the ‘poor showing’ at the local election polls was down to the last two months of groundless smears and strawmen attacks. Of course when the Tories won huge numbers of seats off Labour it was a ‘failure for right wing politics’ …
Time they got out the knives and filleted the buggers.
Wonder what Womans Hour will make of the Puritan/fashion comments made by the bitchier end of the dumbed-down market… by whom I mean the BBC as ever.
Are we all to judge a witness to some Witch Trial by her dress and demeanour now Father?
Burn her…burn her!…and to find high paid QCs deciding whether Camerons text endings signify anything or not ;only reminds us of the naval-gazing bankruptcy of the corporate elect and its judicial methods.
Naturally, this is ALL the BBC want us to bother with-as for that Blair, Campbell, Brown stuff…well “we are where we are”…Burn her…burn her!
And she a vulnerable young mother with a baby an` all!
File under hated harpies of the Lefts ravings…like Heather Mills and the sainted Sarah P!
To put the facts straight it was Guido who first compared dress to a character in the Salem Witch Trials.
I didn`t say it wasn`t!
If you listen to Eddie Mair talking to his “correspondent” outside the court though, yesterday…you`ll find a few follow ups implying that her outfit was an attempt at contrition.
I don`t pay for Guido…bit I do for the BBC to lazily lift his musings and then pass it off as news.
‘I don`t pay for Guido…but I do for the BBC to lazily lift his musings and then pass it off as news.’
In one.
And the irony of of the BBC’s girls, and especially the women, gunning for a sister on a ‘playing the lady’ basis on such twattish twitterfodder as dress codes and LoLs show how corrupted this witch hunt has become.
Levenson is just 24/7 ‘news’ hole-filling media-soap opera for the chatteratti. All this time, all this money, and this is what they are trying to get excited about when there is a world of real news passing by.
And the irony of the BBC stooping up to Guido’s unashamed gutter level when it suits their variable ethical levels is too funny.
Could it be a subtle point? After all. the whole thing is beginning to resemble an amateur production of Arnold Weskers The Crucible!
Arthur Miller’s
Fair one – it’s a long time since I did O Levels!
The way the BBC is going on you’d think Cameron and Hunt had killed Millie Dowler.
Yet it was the BBC-Blair-Campbell axis of evil resulted in the death of Dr David Kelly.
Some would say they made the first cut. After all it wasn’t in the most effective place to result in death just as they f****d up everything else in their time at number 10. If Kelly’s death was suicide, my dick’s a bloater.
Reckon you`re onto something here Pah and Dysgwr!
If only the Tories would get into the habit of parroting “well, it`s hardly David Kelly is it?” in answer to any obvious “bubble” questions of supreme indifference to the rest of us.
Sadly, they`ll parrot whatever they`re told to instead.
Still..”it`s hardly David Kelly is it?”
Yes..think I could get used to that!
That’s a fair point.
I recall how uncomfortable the Labour benches looked during the debate on Jeremy Hunt when he was reminded (by Osborne) to mention the name of another Special Advisor – Damien McBride.
It matters not one whit whether Kelly killed himself or was driven to suicide. Either way the BBC and New Labour were the direct cause of his death.
The Leveson enquiry is so boooring. Day in day out, Hunt said this, Rebekah said that, Rupert said this….
There are so many more important issues, all this seems as though the BBC/non-Murdoch media have an axe to grind. I literally could not care less about this farcical 24/7 soap opera. Leveson should just do the investigation, find out if anyone has broken the law, if yes then report it.
Yet again, BBC bias by omission is evident, Chris Bryant had to apologise to Parliament as well as the Leveson inquiry.
I pointed it out to the BBC that there was no mention of this event (perhaps there was and I blinked) via @BBCPolitics, no word back. If only we had an inquiry into the “cosiness’ between the BBC, The Gurniad and The Labour Party – let’s have a detailed look at meetings, phone calls and emails between those three – after all the biggest monopoly in the media is the BBC.
Yes! But has he apologised to the Prime Minister who was the target of his ‘untruth’?
Good ideas.
Is there an FoI type thing to be employed to get the BBC to reveal just how it is co-ordinating its so-called news on Leveson.
Toynbee and Alibiah Brown as Mata Haris of the liberal press carrying their coded messages for the Beeb…maybe the pigeons have had enough of carrying the crap between them all, so it`s up to the fat sleek birds we all end up having to pay for.
Any chance of finding out how much we`re paying Polly and Prezza per month for their slurry?
Phone hacking was used by all newspapers to generate scoops to satisfy the thirst of the public to read tittletattle about celebs and important people. The newspaper-buying public are the ones who belong in jail.
This is a sustained campaign on the part of the BBC and the Labour Party in cahoots, to bring down their opponents and competitors. It is so obviously of no interest outside The Bubble. Personally however, I hope Blair-impersonator Cameron gets good kicking from the bBC. There’s no one who deserves it more, for entirely different reasons.
Looking forward to Levenson’s exposure of Guardian bribes to Met for advance information on which NoW hack would be fingered next……………………
When you see the Leveson inquiry dominating the news – hard to believe that the Dutch and Romanian governments both fell in the last three weeks – small specific articles, no ‘investigative’ journalism, no political commentary.
Leverson inquiry is as about exciting as my in-growing toenail.
Starting to look like McArthyism. ” Are you or have you ever been a member of the Conservative Party”.
That folks is where it’s heading.