asians … what …. asians
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….elvis has (after all) long left the building,
(and mentioned is that sikh/hindu girl are also targets – often overlooked)
looks like el beeb better stick to erm “men” in future
mind you does a, “leopard ever changes its spots”?
well? ……
Mosques’ advice to wives ‘don’t report abusive husbands’
“Fazlhashemi, a Muslim, expressed concerns that such outdated mosque representatives benefit Muslim-haters and the far-right Sweden Democrats.
They confirm the negative picture of Muslims. It’s a real shame … ???????
that they confirm of the prejudices that Islamophobes have”
(so i guess that ll be its true then :-D, note the accent
on “predudice” “islamofauxbia” even when talking abuse? ).
in yet another kneeslapping el beeb report … linked …
comes this nugget,
check out the old el beeb pie charts
highlighting you guessed it “asians”
That’s how the BBC standards work. They printed the complaint, and so, having “listened to the public” and provided an alternative viewpoint, can happily continue doing what they were doing, undeterred.
6/10 imams prefer it … no not whiskers,( too obvious 😀 ) ,
but to give illegal advice
on …… beatings, abuse, rape etc”
“With hidden cameras and secret telephone recording equipment, two women went to the country’s ten largest mosques to ask for advice regarding polygamy, abuse and sex without consent. Tonight’s Uppdrag, broadcast on SVT, documents that the advice of the mosque’s representatives are often contradictory to Swedish law. … Six out of ten mosques advised the woman not to report the beatings to the police. At one mosque different answers were given, and another mosque gave an unclear answer. Only at two mosques were the woman advised to contact the police. Nine out of ten said that under certain conditions men are allowed to marry several women. Only one said that man cannot do so and that he must comply with Swedish law. The illegal advice to the women was given by imams or Muslim family counsellors. ”
To her credit, Baroness Warsi has come out and stated in an interview with the Evening Standard “a small minority of Pakistani men see white women as “third-class citizens” and “fair game”.
Lady Warsi said she decided to speak out after her Pakistan-born father urged her: “Sayeeda, uniquely, you are in a position to show leadership on this issue.”
Now when I first saw the report of this story in the Telegraph I was wondering if the BBC were going to cover it. They have, but with one omission in the entire story – they don’t use the word Muslim anywhere.
This is not to say that one can’t deduce the fact that it refers to the Muslim community, but given that Baroness Warsi is Britain’s most senior Muslim politician, for her to speak out on the clear ‘racial’ aspect of this incident is certainly relevant.
So why do they omit using the word?
So it doesn’t appear in any search of the BBC website in relation to this ‘negative’ story concerning Muslims.
However, earlier this year, when she stated “Britain is under threat from a rising tide of ‘militant secularisation'”. In this article the BBC mention her religion twice ‘The Muslim peer said Europe needed to become “more confident and more comfortable in its Christianity”.’
and ‘Baroness Warsi, who is Britain’s first female Muslim cabinet minister, went on to write: “You cannot and should not extract these Christian foundations from the evolution of our nations any more than you can or should erase the spires from our landscapes.”‘
Sticking up for Christianity – you can be sure the ‘fair and balanced’ BBC will mention her Muslim roots.
I would respond in detail but… well, you probably are well aware now why it is currently not worth my time.
That, of course, may change.
ps: I know you won’t see this – NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. – and that is of course the hope your end but, trust me, others will.
Thank you for contacting the BBC about our ‘Newsnight’ item, on the mayoral contest in London on 5 April.
We understand you are concerned about an exchange between the presenter and the programme’s Political Editor, Allegra Stratton, about Boris Johnson’s campaign to reduce the 50p tax rate.
Allegra’s comments about Mr Johnson’s campaign were off-the-cuff remarks, not intended to be taken literally or too seriously. We acknowledge your concern and have raised your complaint with a senior output Editor on the programme, who says that no slur on Mr Johnson was intended.
We are sorry if you feel we got the tone wrong on this occasion.
We are guided by the feedback we receive and I want to assure you that your comments are being included on our Audience Log. This is an internal report of audience feedback that we compile each day and it’s made available to Editors and their teams, as well as to programme commissioners, channel executives and senior management.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
I would respond in detail but… well, you probably are well aware now why it is currently not worth my time. Plus…*
That, of course, may change.
ps: I know you won’t see this – NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. – and that is of course the hope your end but, trust me, others will.
*I did however just want to add here what it is you are aiming, but failing to reply to in more detail, for the record… but, oddly, despite having pretty good archives and searches here can find no record of what is, in fact not my reference, but yours. Funny how the last one I just had not only had the reference but the actual topic outlined. You’d almost think there was some reason for such obfuscation this time.
—- On 17 May 2012, at 22:40, wrote:
Dear xx
Your Reference CAS-xx
Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of the complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues, such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we think it may take us longer but that we will respond as soon as we can. We would therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this address. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform quoting any case number we provided.
We issue public responses to issues which have prompted large numbers of significant complaints on our website at along with full details of our complaints procedure and how we consider the issues raised in complaints.
In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints
Consitency not a stong point, is it?
Sure, just off-the-cuff remarks, not intended to be taken seriously, and so don’t violate the BBC’s remit for impartiality. It may not be proof of a deliberate Left-wing agenda, but when every single off-the-cuff remark by every single BBC employee, across the spectrum of broacasting, comes from the same perspective, it amounts to the same thing.
With the Eurovision song contest nearly upon us I have to confess that I’ve put a tenner on the Palestinian entry to win due solely to it’s catchy tune and lyrics.
I don’t know what John Humpheries had eaten just before he introduced Sash Baron Cohen this morning at around 7am, but he didn’t half spit out his words especially the part where he talked about his Jewishness…
I do watch the Parliament channel. Yesterday there was a debate between Balls and Osbourne. I have heard radio use a few excerpts from Balls speech. However, it should have been done in video and showed a lot more. Balls got torn a new ars*hole by Osbourne. He was so bad that a labour whip Lyn Brown set a message asking for attendance in the chamber to help him. Being totally incompetent she sent it too the Torys as well. The house fell apart laughing at her stupidity. Balls made out he was reading a paper very intently as his disasterous financial record, (remember he was Labour’s chief financial adviser and architect of our doomed economy). Osbourne tore him apart, exposing all of Ball’s failings.
Will this episode be shown by the bBC, you know the answer.
Ta very much. I wish I could locate a free, simple way to get such things off iPlayer and into my hard drive.
It would make ‘assisting’ BBC Complaints with their ‘confusions’ (what I tell ’em about often ends up not what they are looking at, evolutionary story-speaking wise) so much easier.
Thanks I did not know it was there. However, my point being your normal punter has been given no reason to play that hour long episode and does not know what it contains. Also it needs an unbiased edited version to get the real interplay between Balls and Osbourne.
35 mins in. Hilarious (and will almost certainly not be aired elsewhere).
Labour Whippette pwned and crushed, after digging a deeper hole. Balls made to look an utter fool (both hardly surprises). I must say GO seemed on top of his brief and confident.
Before it expires I must get it captured. Speaking of which.. ‘ If I record stuff on Sky+, it doesn’t expire. So why should it on iPlayer?’
Good question. Probably take an FoI to be not answered.
If this software advise is kosher/works, it will be worth a donation.
Glad this was put up.
I looked at Simon Hoggarts piece in the Guardian-someone who I had trusted in the past-and his account of all this was as skewed and untrue as is possible.
Seeing and hearing is believing…and the Guardian are simply wall-to wall Lefties…and were probably at their happiest when there WAS a Wall to preach their class hatred and ignorance from.
Indeed, and this is why our politicians like the EU to run things for them. They just have no experience in the real world. I wonder which Company Director would put Balls in charge of the finances. If it was not so serious it would be laughable.
You know, Peston’s programme on the euro last night wasn’t bad. It certainly revealed the fraudulent behaviour of all the participants (not just the Greeks). It also demonstrated that the setting-up of the euro was primarily political (to create conditions where the creation of a United States of Europe became inevitable) rather than economic. Furthermore it appears that the EU conmen (per the statements of Schroder and Draghi) still insist that the euro must be saved and that the moves towards a USE must continue – despite everything.
Unfortunately, Peston being Peston, he signed off by implying (on little evidence) that the cost of breaking up the euro would be far higher than the cost of preserving it. Even so, and remembering that Peston’s job was probably on the line if that last implication hadn’t been forthcoming, the programme was a clear exposé of the shysters who run Europe and the UK.
It’s scandalous that, whenever the BBC comes up with a “fact” or some “analysis”, I (and many others) feel constrained to investigate such “facts” and/or “analysis” and not take them at face value. Such independent research is necessary to identify the sources, the accuracy of those sources (and the BBC’s use of the “facts” gathered) and if any other relevant “facts” have been skimmed over. Just as appalling is the necessity to be satisfied that the “analysis” has not been skewed to produce a conclusion in line with the Narrative.
“You know, Peston’s programme on the euro last night wasn’t bad.”
It was very good. Allan Little’s recent radio series on the same subject was very limited in scope while Peston’s effort was far more comprehensive and uncharacteristically brutal in its diagnosis.
But Robert Peston is a right bloody prima donna, isn’t he?
‘Robert Peston is a right bloody prima donna, isn’t he?’
At least that would have created no problems in handling Gordon Brown’s bio then, which must be helpful to one’s career as an impartial reporter. ‘Yet what happened next, when Robert Peston was asked to comment on it, was bizarre. Did Peston, the BBC’s business editor, give an economic view about the points Herr Steinbrück had been making? Not a bit.
Peston focused foremost on the propriety of a German minister making such comments about UK domestic policy. Lots of tut tut hyperbole. Fair enough, but hardly the substance of the argument’
No great surprise then.
Still, odd for a genetically impartial global news monopoly.
Some other aspects of ‘then’ vs. now worthy of not, too.
‘ I’ve written to Mr Peston asking if he could explain his coverage and let me know when he is going to give airtime to the views of economists who share Herr Steinbrück analysis. I’ll post my letter in full, and Mr Peston’s reply when I get it ‘
Guessing from the lack of share, even MP’s ‘enjoy’ the same level of holding to account question answering experienced by the rest of us:0
Agreed, I thought it was very informative, contrary to my expectations.
Particularly illuminating, I thought, was Norman Lamont saying that a European minister had agreed at the time that Mr Lamont’s reservations were correct, but that it was going to happen anyway. Normally I’d have expected such an admission (particularly on a BBC programme about to be screened) to have been the top story. Of “the BBC has learned” variety.
As a rule they can’t wait to tell us when a politician was warned of something that duly came to pass, but did nothing or indeed actively colluded.
Just read “The Great Deception” by the two experts Dr. R North and Mr. C. Booker. it is a fully researched book giving the whole sorry tale of how, why and who with dates.
Seen on twitter yesterday:
Greeks apologise for causing all this EU chaos by donating a huge wooden horse to the EU. Currently being stored in the ECB.
Peston – or rather one of the academics – confirmed that the cost of maintaining the euro (especially in the dysfuctional economies of the PIGS) is the grinding misery of forcing deflation and decreases in wages and returns to other factors of production on the economies affected. Whatever happens, in the UK the misery is assuaged to an extent by letting sterling take much of the strain.
The effect of leaving the euro or not must be the same in the end ie the countries concerned have to (re)start earning their way in the world. Leaving the euro might be chaotic but I suspect the chaos will be relatively short-lived: staying in and grinding it out could be (literally) endless. Again, alluded to, was the democratic cost in that the PIGS and others would actually become part of a German empire (or USE as the EUnutters wish it to become). While I’m on, one thing the programme didn’t, I think, mention was that the success of the German economy (eg Karcher’s 85% of sales being exports) is due to most of the exports (and certainly a large part of the increase in exports over the last 5 years) being to the countries trapped in the euro at a rate which substantially undervalued the (theoretical) DM.
So there was a slight hint that this is wealth redistribution by another name, leading to a quasi-totalitarian Europa? Or is Peston just pretending all will be well in the end?
To be fair to Peston he heavily implied that whatever happens it’s going to be nasty and there are no guarantees that the EU will reach the sunny economic uplands soon (or ever). The (welcome) surprise to me was that although Peston was swanning around in his usual preening, irritating manner and much of the programme was taken up with showing flags waving outside the various EU Kommandaturas, there appeared to be a genuine attempt to reveal the half-truths, outright lies and fraudulent behaviour underlying le projet.
As I noted above, the only jarring note was the final summing up when Peston implied that there would be more suffering if the euro collapsed than if the euro was (somehow – no-one said how exactly) preserved. But, again as I also noted Peston’s on a career hiding to nothing if he speaks against the Narrative.
As an analogy, imagine Black fronting an honest programme concerning the UEA and Climategate (difficult to imagine, I know, but bear with me) and summing it up by stating that “climate science” in practice is crap and Climategates I and II prove the near-criminality of the major players. Black’s feet wouldn’t touch the ground on the way out to the nearest Job Centre Plus. So with Peston: if he’d said unequivocally that, on the evidence shown in the programme, the EU is a conspiracy of the political class against the electorate, the euro is a con and the sponsors of both are crooks I don’t think Lord Patten would stand in the way of Peston’s enforced exit.
Lots of back-slappery going on in radio5 dead this week on the abundance of sony awards handed out (VD, Nolan etc) Wonder who gets on the panel to decide these things? seems like sony hand them out like sweeties anyhow…….
It’s funny, but I tried to get BBC H&W & WM interested in a story where my company won a major eco-award, presented at the House of Commons. All the local media covered it, bar one.
Chasing the Press Release I called and got a drone in the news basin who advised ‘Why would we mention that… awards are handed out for anything all the time, like confetti’.
One supposes an award to the BBC gets an exemption. A unique one. “And the winner of today’s incestuous navel-gazing award for today is… us… again!”
Must be nice to control the edit suite.
“Panels range in size from 3 to 5 members, depending on the number of entries received. This means that over 125 judges can be appointed in any given year.
Judges are drawn mostly from within the radio industry and are asked to cast any personal and professional loyalties aside, basing their judgements solely on the entry submitted and not on any previous knowledge or experience they may have of the programme or station.”
Peston’s programme was mainly a superficial history from 1950s to presentday.
The predominant political voice was that of Eurocrats from Brussels; and Peston’s implicit conclusion seems to be one to suit pro-EU Lord Patten of BBC Trust: the EU is too big to fail. (Not a view Peston would apply to banks?) As usual, British public opinion , and the widespead opposition to UK membership of the E.U. here was largely excluded; but then BBC-EU’s political lead derives from Brussels, not from the British people.
INBBC’s relentless propaganda for entry of 80 milliom Muslim Turks into E.U.
INBBC’s Mr HEAD, in Istanbul, keep up his propaganda of the political class (Tory, Lib Dem, Labour, Brussels, Ankara), for Turkey’s entry, relegating opposition to it as secondary:
And what do you know, it’s an excuse for some right-on rhetoric about family-friendly working hours, extended parental leave and zzzzzzz……………………….
Oh, and she’s Indian to boot, for extra PC points. although in IT Indian is not a minority ethnic….
When are they going to stop forcing me, on threat of prison, to pay for this claptrap?
“The BBC… conflict of interest… the very idea!
Now, over to some analysis form Peter Barron, a ‘guest’ ‘expert’ on the interwebby from none of your beeswax, to offer his in no way skewed opinions since leaving that bastion of BBC integrity, Newsnight.”
Nice find. If that’s a conflict of interest, then Glover is just one in a very long line of Beeboids in violation. Never mind how bubbly reporting of special interest groups using their own words while posing as investigative journalism makes her a fine candidate for the US beat.
Yep, that’s the other half of the BBC’s sleazy pincer movement. There’s the £4.5 Bn guaranteed income, come rain or shine, but there’s also the complete immunity from any basic standards of business or ethics.
You can’t defend reporting like that. It’d get you fired from the average student newspaper. Conflict of interest doesn’t quite cover it. It’s anti-journalism, designed to confuse and conceal. Anyone taking that report at face value would end up being less well-informed than they were at the beginning.
On the other hand, who cares? They’re ‘unique’ you know, and so the standards of the Fulchester Chronicle don’t apply to them.
If the BBC is having to defend again against charges of anti-Jewish sentiment, that would explain why they recently scrambled to get a short segment with with Jonathan Sarna about his new book on Gen. Ulysses Grant wanting to expel Jews from the South, and his subsequent contrition and extra efforts to make amends. The Tablet had a much fuller interview with him two months ago when the book actually came out (can’t really tell what the BBC did other than get him into a studio to read out a summary). Maybe it’s just now hitting the UK bookshelves?
Still, it’s nice that the BBC does occasionally report on anti-Semitic acts in other countries, even though this one happened 150 years ago. I’m sure they’ll take the inevitable complaints that this is proof that the BBC is biased too much in favor of Jews and wave them in our faces.
It’s better than the way they usually censor all news of contemporary incidents, like Malmö and the Netherlands, or try to tell you that a Muslim fanatic shooting Jewish children in cold blood is really a white racist attacking any old minority.
I agree with others here about Peston’s take on the Euro crisis. There is now no hiding the facts that this was an economically nonsensical project and was only forced through so as to help forge a United States of Europe.
The peoples of Europe were complacent to the loss of their sovereignty to the extent that they were happy to vote for all the false and borrowed prosperity that was offered to them.
Of course many pro-EU/Euro people on the British political left and centre left still don’t put their hands up to the reality and continue to pretend otherwise.
The Euro is dead but Peston and the BBC just can’t let it lie down. We have to be fed scare stories that Euro break up would be tantamount to the end of the world. Don’t be fooled, it is the political dream which they are mourning – not the failed currancy.
I see the BBC are playing down the alleged rift between Dave and the new French President. Can someone advise Dave not to ask for a pork chop should he pay a visit? Apparently Hollande has renounced bacon sarnies and has banned pork from all Government departments.
“Coogan’s move to Sky will raise some eyebrows given that he was a victim of phone-hacking by Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World. The case is now settled. ”
I guess some people’s hatred of ‘The Murdoch Empire’ is mitigated by the offer of money and opportunity, especially if no one else is showing any interest beacuse you have nothing new to offer.
Mehdi Hasan @ns_mehdihasan
@toadmeister Well my public school background didn’t embarrass me. Had a great time yesterday, thanks to BBC and license fee payer. 🙂
Not really making Hugs Boaden’s or the legions of ‘he was just jokin’… honest’ [open brackets] like Allegra, not like Carole, like Richard Bacon’s mate (who we tolerate ‘cos he’s soooo cool), sort of like Jezza Clarkson (who we wish we didn’t have to tolerate[close brackets]’ complaints cannon fodder’s lives much easier, is he?
On Friday, Mr Cristal received an email from the company organising the seminar, with which he has worked in the past, telling him that his lecture had been canceled “on the grounds that it is [the union’s] policy and also that of the Trades Union Council to support the Palestinian people.”
Even though the guy has worked with Muslim groups, including helping Palestinians, he’s still poison to the Unions. You’ll love their “policy” justification:
Explaining the decision, Mr Nelson said: “It was considered that the decision to invite a prominent Israeli negotiator would be unacceptable given UNISON and TUC policy on the Middle East conflict, the irrelevance of the speaker to working relationships within a local NHS Trust and the inappropriateness of funding an international speaker at times of such austerity, when front line staff in the trust are at risk of redundancy.”
The BBC has censored this news. It’s too bad, considering the one time Cristal’s name was on their radar was back in 2006 when he was saying that Israel needs to be more responsible and open-minded and that Hamas just might be a partner in peace. The BBC had no trouble quoting him then.
The boycott against Israel doesn’t exist because of ‘support for the Palestinian people’, it exists because of support for genocide against the Jewish people.
Interesting contrast between the ‘Telegraph’ and the BBC’s coverage of the National Audit Office’s report on the sale of Northern Rock.
The ‘Telegraph’ leads with good news for the government and continues by highlighting the report’s criticism of the last Labour government:
“The Government’s spending watchdog said the Coalition was correct to seek an early sale of the nationalised lender…”
“The report said that the decision by the previous Labour Government to split Northern Rock into a “good” and “bad” bank was based on an overly-optimistic business plan. Mr Morse said the Government at that time did not give enough thought to what it would mean for taxpayers. ”
“The report concluded that the eventual sale process was handled well by UK Financial Investments, a Treasury body. At the time Labour had called for the sale to be delayed to allow further consideration.”
The BBC’s report, in contrast, doesn’t mention the word ‘Labour’ at all and leads on the negative side of the story for the government:
“The taxpayer could lose about £2bn once the assets of collapsed bank Northern Rock are wound down, the public spending watchdog has estimated.”
As for Labour’s criticisms of the decision, firmly rejected by the NAO, well, the BBC phrases that coyly:
“criticised by some as too early”
“There was criticism at the time of the sale that the Treasury should have delayed”
And, needless to say, instead of going to the government for a comment, the BBC goes straight to a Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, who ends the entire report on another negative for the government:
If one article reads as if it’s biased in favour of the current government, then the other most definitely reads as if it’s biased against the current government – and that’s the BBC report.
Very cleverly written by the BBC. They have completely avoided any reference to the Labour government and so the £2bn sits fair and square with the Coalition. There is no way this type of slant is accidental.
Mardell is happy. We’re all socialists now. “France’s new socialist President, Francois Hollande, may turn out to be a valuable new friend”. Come on everybody let’s spend! Spend! Spend!
Mardell writes, “How the two men get on personally will matter a lot. But Mr. Obama likes ideas more than chit-chat and they are, at least on the surface, ideological allies.”
Really? Mr. Obama likes ideas more than chit-chat? How, Mark, do you KNOW this? I would say that Mr. Obama is likes politics more than ideas or chit-chat. But you know best, Mark. After all you know people who know Obama.
Now there is breaking news from the front: Angela Merkel has suggested that Greece could hold a referendum on the continued use of the euro when it votes in national elections next month. Good God! Has democracy broken out in the EU?
These shysters always concede a referendum when they know the inevitable. This way Merkel can blame the Greek electorate (rather than the European political class) for the failure of the euro. Also (crossing her fingers) the Greek departure might delay the pressure on German voters to cough up trillions until after the next German general election (September 2013).
Well….talking of referenda:
The only way “Dave” can save the defunct tory party at the next GE will be to try to defuse the UKIP threat to his party using some kind of referendum con.
If not able to halt the rise of UKIP his party will be toast. It’s sad to think that lets in the Labour party in whatever form it exists, but that is what will happen. I cant think exactly how he can use a referendum promise, but it’s his only choice. But dont expect any simple “in/out” choice. These greasy bastatrds are too slick for that.
Typical. A new situation in France, more possible stress on the Euro, Europe, and the entire continental economy, and naturally Mardell’s first thoughts are about how it affects the President. It’s his job, after all, which is why the title of “North America editor” has been such a joke ever since he took over for Justin Webb.
So they’re “ideological allies” are they? Does that mean I get to call the President a Socialist from now on and Mardell has to shut the @#$@Q up about it rather than express his disdain for Tea Partiers who say such things?
As for that casually tossed in “on the surface”? What does Mardell mean by that? Is the Left-wing ideology the President expresses over and over again a facade? Is He actually even further to the Left than Hollande? Or is Hollande not so far to the Left after all? Something doesn’t add up.
In this week’s How Much Utter Shit Do You Get For £3.2 Billion A Year? slot we have the droid newsreader who tailed her bulletin yesterday with
‘… Donna Summer, who died today at the age of 83’.
83 !!! 🙁
You’d think somewhere along the assembly line between cutting and pasting it of the Associated Press release and the droid reading it out someone, somewhere, anywhere would have said,
‘ 83? Are you sure? She looked a bit good in that Love’s Unkind video for a 65 year old’.
But no. If I ran the BBC I’d ban newsreaders from sitting there in their hats and coats because they’re ‘in a hurry to get off’ and the rest of the staff from reading tweets all day when they’re supposed to be doing a job of work.
when BBC history began
Given their education is at the altar of St. Obama, one might have thought they’d have been joining him with the Pally Granny in grief at another sister leaving this mortal coil before her time (SKY had The Sun with a ‘could have been’ via 9/11 dust, so the population of NYC is toast according to our MSM… apparently).
Actually, given his eulogising on behalf of just about anyone sadly passing, I am surprised the Leader of Free Pass has time to, well, lead anything. Lucky he seems to restrict his inclusive attentions to certain niche groups in a no way opportunistic, racist way.
has anyone noticed any right wing bias on the BBC lately? No, i thought not. Same old, same old, same old, lefty bollocks on every programme, they should have moved to Hollywood
Has anybody noticed how Hollande is being dubbed by the BBC as “pro-growth” in comparison to the “pro-austerity” coalition (with complementary comments from Labour), whilst neglecting the fact that Hollande will be reducing the French deficit at the same, if not quicker, rate to the British government?
Dewsbury man jailed for rape of drunken girl who was filmed
A man who raped a drunken 15-year-old girl who was filmed as she was sexually assaulted by a number of men has been jailed for 11 years. Ali Rehman, 26, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for his part in the attack in Dewsbury in May 2010. The schoolgirl was “an object, something to use and abuse”, an earlier hearing was told. Rehman admitted raping the victim earlier this year.Another man, Faisar Younas, 23, who admitted sexual activity with a child, was jailed for four years. A third defendant, 45-year-old Larasab Hussain, will be sentenced in July.
So yet another case involving a Pakistani muslim raping a young white girl in the UK. But hang on what’s this. The bBC report on Lady Warsi speaking out against Pakistani Muslims and their penchant for white girls who are under the age of 16 and nobody at the bbC can seem to join the dots that not only does she live in Dewsbury, but the above rape story is also in Dewsbury. Maybe there lies the reason why she spoke out, I mean I don’t recollect her speaking out agaisnt her own kind in the past m so why now. Interestingly while the bBC hints she is speaking out after the case of Islam inspired paedophilia in Rochdale, yet cannot link that actually she may be speaking out after yet another case (how many is this 10,20,30?) of Pakistani males shagging pretty little things not in a Burka. According to the Warsi story this isn’t about race (Nothing about Islam) and only points in the direction of a small amount of Pakistani men. Lets see:
The above is a Times article. Other than 3 white men the rest are Muslims, and the bBC keeps on telling me it has nothing to do with Race. I agree it has nothing to do with race, and more to do with a certain religion. As for this view that only a small number of Pakistani men carry out such acts…Really?
So I am reading about how the bBC is running with a number of stories about how a Right Old Queen; Peter (I’ve had more batterings around the ring, than Mohammed Ali) Thachell is allowed to bitch about who the real Queen of England invites to Lunch.
The thing is, while the bBC allow Peter (I promoted the right to allow old gay men to have sex with boys under 16) Thachell, I have to ask the question when did the bBC (or the left) ever give a platform for people to protest when say: A rabid Islamic racist is allowed into the country. Instead the left who are protesting now are the ones who defend these odious people who according to them are simply misunderstood. Ironically the protesting people with the signs depicting that the Queen doesn’t care about human rights, belong to Republic the anti-royalist group. A group which can’t accept that more people have died under republics and the such, than under royalty.
Given my exchanges with BBC Complaints tend to be on facts and accuracy, I am bemused as to why our most trusted national treasure educates and informs, and is allowed to, based on what can only be called a basis of inexactitude.
It’s almost like they have given up on impartiality in favour of propaganda.
The BBC seems to like to associate being anti-immigration with being a Nazi, as if people who don’t want to share their country’s scarce resources with hordes of immigrants are fascists…
And by calling a party ‘virulently anti-immigrant’, are they not implying that it is wrong to be against immigration?
They don’t have to imply it, they “know” it to be true. Much more knowledgable than us mere plebs of course. And we have to PAY for this shit service !!
I have mentioned here that there was a time, many years ago, when I was reasonably happy with Radio 4.
Later I began to feel that for some unprovoked reason the BBC was causing me to seek political asylum elsewhere. My nationality, beliefs, culture and religion were regularly mocked and denegrated.
I feel fortunate now that I noticed the way that things were drifting and made the break.
When I now on rare occasions dip into Radio 4 I realise that if I had stayed there I might have lost my mind completely.
Here is the BBC’s own blurb about Saturday Live this morning….
‘Sian Williams and Richard Coles with chef Angela Hartnett, Jackie Green who had a sex-change operation on her 16th birthday and is now in the running for Miss England, Sandra Jenkins and Mavis Smith who saw their village demolished and their community scattered in the 1970’s, and John-Paul Flintoff who set out to change the world by weaving his own underpants from nettles; John McCarthy goes Plane-spotting, there’s a Soundsculpture about cicadas, and Paddington Bear creator Michael Bond’s Inheritance Tracks. Producer: Dixi Stewart.’
A few in the MSM can on occasion get moved to ponder why certain things that were known about and should perhaps have been mentioned before, if at all, seem to get missed out.
I tend to offer this to these noble, professional, seekers or truth and holders of the powerful to account..
It’s for students, but they might yet learn something.
Dark side of the moon.
Oh Dear !
How’s the BBC’s giant M&M going to spin this portent of doom on behalf of the President’s re-election ?
I could understand if fatso himself was onboard the rocket why it didn’t get off the launch pad, but he wasn’t and it didn’t.
So expect the BBC’s blame game style reporting in full swing shortly.
However, do not expect to be informed by the BBC that NASA scientists and the majority of the American public are furious over the Dear Leader’s wise cost cutting.
Yes, another market rate head has committed their ‘we’re just about right’ thoughts to print and, despite a new improved (well, slower, clunkier, shorter, and all round pants attempt at crushing any sensible debate) system, and the kapos already getting deployed, it’s not going well already… again.
I predict a closing.
What it means is multi-culturalism, according to this freelance reporter favoured by BBC Online. “‘Difference is interesting'” is the message. Her two experts (John Ralston Saul and Noah Richler) on both on message. Mr. Richler, her main expert, is clearly no fan of Stephen Harper’s Conservative government (too pro-monarchy, too tough on immigration and crime) – and neither is Lorraine if this article is anything to go by. This is an unbalanced article.
Her partisanship against Stephen Harper is even clearer in a ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ piece:
She presents two competing visions of Canadian identity, a left-wing vision (the beaver’) represented by her hero, Pierre Trudeau, and a right-wing one (‘the bear’) represented by her anti-hero, Stephen Harper. She is very explicit at the end of that article about which side she approves of:
“In a world of eagles, bears, dragons and other fearsome beasts, surely we need more, not less, of the beaver.”
Other analyses she had provided for the BBC website in recent days keep this up:
This piece (the only one presented as ‘Viewpoint’ rather than as a report) is one long complaint about how un-Canadian and bad Stephen Harper’s government is. All the people she quotes are anti-Harper (opposition politicians and environmentalist). There’s not even a pretence of balance here.
I’m trying to find any Viewpoint articles on Canada written from a right-wing perspective to balance Lorraine Mallinder’s left-wing outlook. So far, no joy.
There’s not much else on this BBC Canada Direct site yet, but I suspect we’re going to see plenty of Lorraine Mallinder – and people who think like her – as it develops.
‘Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s coming appearance at the Leveson Inquiry could prove sticky for his media critics.
Mr Hunt is accused of talking to News International executives too much when considering their bid for BSkyB. One hears that at Leveson he will release documents which detail all the lobbying he received from the Murdochs’ competitors.
If he talked to them, what was wrong with him talking to News International?’
Fair point. Reaches for popcorn… wonders why all of a sudden Levenson becomes ‘watertight oversight’ territory.
While a bit of holding to account with errant pols is fair game, and the MSM is awash with any 24/7 filler they can find to spin up a ‘row’, I have wondered if any of these cretins has paused to wonder how anything gets done if no one can be seen to be communicating with anyone lest some daft inference gets made.
Aunty, of course, only talks at people so the unique difference exclusion clause applies.
The BBC excuse will be that they’re not doing the kind of multi-part series Attenborough laments because of Tory cuts to their budget. Never mind how much money they’ve spent on everything other than programming, or the fact that they’ve seen an increase in revenue other than the license fee.
Saturday evening music on Radio 3
5 pm – Jazz Record Requests
6 – 10 pm Opera: two contemporary operas.
6 pm: A recording of the British premiere of Judith Weir’s new opera Miss Fortune, from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
Miss Fortune is a contemporary retelling of a Sicilian folk story. Tina’s wealthy family lose all their possessions overnight and she is thrown into a life of poverty. When her life’s course turns from bad to worse she makes a date with Fate. Her fortunes mysteriously change, and after several fortuitous happenings, she regains wealth, and possibly gains a husband.
8 pm: The Importance of Being Earnest
Irish composer Gerald Barry’s three-act opera based on the iconic Oscar Wilde play – ‘a trivial comedy for serious people’ – was premiered in Los Angeles last year, an occasion which the Los Angeles Times described as ‘engagingly funny and mind-boggingly virtuosic’. In this performance, recorded last month in London’s Barbican Hall, Thomas Ades conducts the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group.
Heh, David, that’s two of us who couldn’t work up enough excitement. For the last two Saturdays I haven’t cared to listen to what’s been on offer. It’s been a big bump down to earth since the end of the Met broadcasts.
Sorry, Millie, I must have hit Post before I realized it, and the rest of my comment didn’t make it through. I meant to add that I’d check them out anyway thanks to your notice. I’m generally interested in hearing new works even if it’s just to prove to myself that I don’t care for this or that composer. I’d have missed these otherwise.
Just a thought, – how much do panellists get paid by the BBC to appear on Newsnight, Question Time, Any Questions etc. I am sure it is a significant sum on top of expenses. As most guests are from the lef, t this is a very nice way of diverting public funds to one side of the political spectrum – something that the left has always been good at.
The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now… The people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that. In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
BBC Five Live put on Double Take with Anita Anand and Sam Walker on Sundays. ‘A second look at the big stories of the week, exploring the truth behind the headlines’.
Steve Mahwinny Head of News says this….
‘There is always more than one way to look at any story, and stories often feel very different depending on where you are, how it impacts upon you and what experience you bring to it.’
Sam Walker says she will…
‘try and take a different perspective and get the alternative view’.
Anita Anand says they will aim to….
‘hopefully lift the covers on some of the issues others just skirt over’.
I beg to differ. It is just more of the same old BBC agenda : pro- ‘growth’ anti- ‘austerity’, anti-Police, pro-Olympics, anti-Coalition, anti-Murdoch……
panto nikki TBQs, cult … religion
like repetitive brainwashing teqs, self hypnosis,
deliberate,(sometimes physical) seperation, from other faiths/communities, severe physical threas from the wider, erm “faithful” etc etc etc
hmmm! anyone/any ideology missing by any chance?
conspicuous by its absence … one blink and you miss it simpering little toe in the water …then move on to …. sexual abuse! … so lets talk about ………. erm ……Waco?
have to say, i m no religion fan, personal to the individual, benign, no forceful impact detrimental to the individual development etc, maybe ok,
otherwise no truck.
Yes, a token appearance by a guy who wanted to talk about the religion of peace. However, after a few seconds the discussion was moved rapidly off Islam ! Cant think why.
Perhaps someone was about to ask him about Mo marrying the girl at 6 and consummating at 9 ?
It’s probably just that ‘left hand, even-lefter hand’ thing.. ‘While one part of the corporation is tasked with looking after Humperdinck ahead of Saturday’s contest to be broadcast on BBC ONE, the channel’s investigative programme Panorama has been accused of attempting to cause him deep embarrassment.’
Meanwhile one part of the BBC, in direct contradiction to another part of the BBC, continues to claim it is ‘getting it about… ironically… ‘right”. Whilst talking of ‘good faith’. ‘Panorama defended its decision to approach Humperdinck. A spokesman said: “We’re satisfied that we’ve acted fairly and followed our editorial guidelines.”
Messed up.
But unique.
The BBC’s selling of multi-culture Britain and how it’s just a left-wing dream.
There are alot of Pakistani Islamic nutters in Luton with a great deal of grievances.
I know this because the BBC give them as much air time as they want so they can share them with us.
So how much involvement and support of their local community did they express today ? None – nil – nada
Luton FC were playing not a million miles away at Wembley today in the “play off” against a team which modesty forbids me to mention.
And how many of our Pakistani friends were there ?
Well less than the goal Luton scored.
Oh go on then if you must know !
We scored twice as many as they did.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Doge now has an army growing … “Thanks to the everyone for DM’ing ideas to the DOGE Affiliate accounts. Already…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:41 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “Today, I came as close as I’ve ever been to my beloved Palestine. That’s her there behind me. I had…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:39 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The same Turkey that said a rapist could marry the victim?
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:37 Weekend 22nd February 2025 1400 raped kids – net zero action 1 grandma emotes – handcuffs
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim … “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “And am I the only one who struggles with the fact that we have just taken winter fuel payments off…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Deport all americans to make it fair – democrates as well.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 08:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “nuclear missiles based in Ukraine” – with Moscow in control of them.
ZephirFeb 23, 07:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Sickening, As is the ability to wilfully ignore their sheer murderous brutality and genocidal instincts.
Guest WhoFeb 23, 07:53 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bet that image inspired tears in the eyes of the lads and lasses of JezBo’s unit.
asians … what …. asians
“The joint statement was released by the Network of Sikh Organisations UK, The Hindu Forum of Britain, and The Sikh Media Monitoring Group UK.
It says the reluctance of the media and the government to discuss the “disproportionate representation of MUSLIMS in such cases” and the fact victims are “almost always NON-Muslim girls”
well about time ….elvis has (after all) long left the building,
(and mentioned is that sikh/hindu girl are also targets – often overlooked)
looks like el beeb better stick to erm “men” in future
mind you does a, “leopard ever changes its spots”?
well? ……
Mosques’ advice to wives ‘don’t report abusive husbands’
“Fazlhashemi, a Muslim, expressed concerns that such outdated mosque representatives benefit Muslim-haters and the far-right Sweden Democrats.
They confirm the negative picture of Muslims. It’s a real shame … ???????
that they confirm of the prejudices that Islamophobes have”
(so i guess that ll be its true then :-D, note the accent
on “predudice” “islamofauxbia” even when talking abuse? ).
predudice 😀 oops! dud e
in yet another kneeslapping el beeb report … linked …
comes this nugget,
check out the old el beeb pie charts
highlighting you guessed it “asians”
That’s how the BBC standards work. They printed the complaint, and so, having “listened to the public” and provided an alternative viewpoint, can happily continue doing what they were doing, undeterred.
just a link to that swedish story …
6/10 imams prefer it … no not whiskers,( too obvious 😀 ) ,
but to give illegal advice
on …… beatings, abuse, rape etc”
“With hidden cameras and secret telephone recording equipment, two women went to the country’s ten largest mosques to ask for advice regarding polygamy, abuse and sex without consent. Tonight’s Uppdrag, broadcast on SVT, documents that the advice of the mosque’s representatives are often contradictory to Swedish law. … Six out of ten mosques advised the woman not to report the beatings to the police. At one mosque different answers were given, and another mosque gave an unclear answer. Only at two mosques were the woman advised to contact the police. Nine out of ten said that under certain conditions men are allowed to marry several women. Only one said that man cannot do so and that he must comply with Swedish law. The illegal advice to the women was given by imams or Muslim family counsellors. ”
Six out of ten and nine out of ten? That’ll be the “extreme minority” Louise Mensch and the entire QT panel were talking about last week, then.
Let Sharia law take care of it, eh?
Now that a Muslim has said it, will Islam Not BBC (INBBC), taking its lead from Islam, follow suit?:-
“Baroness Warsi: Some Pakistani men think young white girls are “fair game” for sex abuse ”
how many times does she mention either muslims or islam?
To her credit, Baroness Warsi has come out and stated in an interview with the Evening Standard “a small minority of Pakistani men see white women as “third-class citizens” and “fair game”.
Lady Warsi said she decided to speak out after her Pakistan-born father urged her: “Sayeeda, uniquely, you are in a position to show leadership on this issue.”
Now when I first saw the report of this story in the Telegraph I was wondering if the BBC were going to cover it. They have, but with one omission in the entire story – they don’t use the word Muslim anywhere.
This is not to say that one can’t deduce the fact that it refers to the Muslim community, but given that Baroness Warsi is Britain’s most senior Muslim politician, for her to speak out on the clear ‘racial’ aspect of this incident is certainly relevant.
So why do they omit using the word?
So it doesn’t appear in any search of the BBC website in relation to this ‘negative’ story concerning Muslims.
However, earlier this year, when she stated “Britain is under threat from a rising tide of ‘militant secularisation'”. In this article the BBC mention her religion twice
‘The Muslim peer said Europe needed to become “more confident and more comfortable in its Christianity”.’
‘Baroness Warsi, who is Britain’s first female Muslim cabinet minister, went on to write: “You cannot and should not extract these Christian foundations from the evolution of our nations any more than you can or should erase the spires from our landscapes.”‘
Sticking up for Christianity – you can be sure the ‘fair and balanced’ BBC will mention her Muslim roots.
Click to access MrTolerance.pdf
I found this quite enlightening. It is exactly what is needed, Muslims challenging Muslims over vile outdated practises.
Dear XX,
Thank you for this.
I would respond in detail but… well, you probably are well aware now why it is currently not worth my time.
That, of course, may change.
ps: I know you won’t see this – NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. – and that is of course the hope your end but, trust me, others will.
On 15 May 2012, at 12:49, wrote:
Dear xx
Reference CAS-xxx
Thank you for contacting the BBC about our ‘Newsnight’ item, on the mayoral contest in London on 5 April.
We understand you are concerned about an exchange between the presenter and the programme’s Political Editor, Allegra Stratton, about Boris Johnson’s campaign to reduce the 50p tax rate.
Allegra’s comments about Mr Johnson’s campaign were off-the-cuff remarks, not intended to be taken literally or too seriously. We acknowledge your concern and have raised your complaint with a senior output Editor on the programme, who says that no slur on Mr Johnson was intended.
We are sorry if you feel we got the tone wrong on this occasion.
We are guided by the feedback we receive and I want to assure you that your comments are being included on our Audience Log. This is an internal report of audience feedback that we compile each day and it’s made available to Editors and their teams, as well as to programme commissioners, channel executives and senior management.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
And, another…
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for this.
I would respond in detail but… well, you probably are well aware now why it is currently not worth my time. Plus…*
That, of course, may change.
ps: I know you won’t see this – NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. – and that is of course the hope your end but, trust me, others will.
*I did however just want to add here what it is you are aiming, but failing to reply to in more detail, for the record… but, oddly, despite having pretty good archives and searches here can find no record of what is, in fact not my reference, but yours. Funny how the last one I just had not only had the reference but the actual topic outlined. You’d almost think there was some reason for such obfuscation this time.
On 17 May 2012, at 22:40, wrote:
Dear xx
Your Reference CAS-xx
Thanks for recently contacting the BBC. We aim to reply to complaints within 10 working days (around 2 weeks) and do for most of them but cannot for all. The time taken depends on the nature of the complaint, how many others we are dealing with and can also be affected by practical issues, such as whether a production team is available or away on location.
This is to let you know that we think it may take us longer but that we will respond as soon as we can. We would therefore ask you not to contact us further in the meantime. This is an automatic email sent from an account which is not monitored so you cannot reply to this address. If it does prove necessary however, please use our webform quoting any case number we provided.
We issue public responses to issues which have prompted large numbers of significant complaints on our website at along with full details of our complaints procedure and how we consider the issues raised in complaints.
In the meantime we’d like to thank you for contacting us with your concerns. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response.
Kind regards
BBC Complaints
Consitency not a stong point, is it?
Sure, just off-the-cuff remarks, not intended to be taken seriously, and so don’t violate the BBC’s remit for impartiality. It may not be proof of a deliberate Left-wing agenda, but when every single off-the-cuff remark by every single BBC employee, across the spectrum of broacasting, comes from the same perspective, it amounts to the same thing.
With the Eurovision song contest nearly upon us I have to confess that I’ve put a tenner on the Palestinian entry to win due solely to it’s catchy tune and lyrics.
Try dancing to it.
I did. I’m told the ambulance shouldn’t be long.
i ll name that tone(deaf 😀 ) in one …
actually before you play the vid, it looks like the onset of a seizure,
mind you … sounds like it
I don’t know what John Humpheries had eaten just before he introduced Sash Baron Cohen this morning at around 7am, but he didn’t half spit out his words especially the part where he talked about his Jewishness…
I do watch the Parliament channel. Yesterday there was a debate between Balls and Osbourne. I have heard radio use a few excerpts from Balls speech. However, it should have been done in video and showed a lot more. Balls got torn a new ars*hole by Osbourne. He was so bad that a labour whip Lyn Brown set a message asking for attendance in the chamber to help him. Being totally incompetent she sent it too the Torys as well. The house fell apart laughing at her stupidity. Balls made out he was reading a paper very intently as his disasterous financial record, (remember he was Labour’s chief financial adviser and architect of our doomed economy). Osbourne tore him apart, exposing all of Ball’s failings.
Will this episode be shown by the bBC, you know the answer.
Does it get iPlayered or, better (and less watertight oversight prone) Youtubed?
Ta very much. I wish I could locate a free, simple way to get such things off iPlayer and into my hard drive.
It would make ‘assisting’ BBC Complaints with their ‘confusions’ (what I tell ’em about often ends up not what they are looking at, evolutionary story-speaking wise) so much easier.
google search for Jing, this works, just tested it.
Just looking at it now, having followed the ‘best of ratings’ from a few score on google.
Good to have a personal testimonial, tx.
Thanks I did not know it was there. However, my point being your normal punter has been given no reason to play that hour long episode and does not know what it contains. Also it needs an unbiased edited version to get the real interplay between Balls and Osbourne.
35 mins in. Hilarious (and will almost certainly not be aired elsewhere).
Labour Whippette pwned and crushed, after digging a deeper hole. Balls made to look an utter fool (both hardly surprises). I must say GO seemed on top of his brief and confident.
Before it expires I must get it captured. Speaking of which..
‘ If I record stuff on Sky+, it doesn’t expire. So why should it on iPlayer?’
Good question. Probably take an FoI to be not answered.
If this software advise is kosher/works, it will be worth a donation.
Glad this was put up.
I looked at Simon Hoggarts piece in the Guardian-someone who I had trusted in the past-and his account of all this was as skewed and untrue as is possible.
Seeing and hearing is believing…and the Guardian are simply wall-to wall Lefties…and were probably at their happiest when there WAS a Wall to preach their class hatred and ignorance from.
Many thanks for that iplayer link. Always good to see cocky Balls get a kicking. He spent much of the time red-faced, looking down into his papers.
That tweet over at Guido’s…
Hate to spoil your weekend, but he’ll probably be our chancellor in 3 years’ time, if not sooner.
Indeed, and this is why our politicians like the EU to run things for them. They just have no experience in the real world. I wonder which Company Director would put Balls in charge of the finances. If it was not so serious it would be laughable.
You know, Peston’s programme on the euro last night wasn’t bad. It certainly revealed the fraudulent behaviour of all the participants (not just the Greeks). It also demonstrated that the setting-up of the euro was primarily political (to create conditions where the creation of a United States of Europe became inevitable) rather than economic. Furthermore it appears that the EU conmen (per the statements of Schroder and Draghi) still insist that the euro must be saved and that the moves towards a USE must continue – despite everything.
Unfortunately, Peston being Peston, he signed off by implying (on little evidence) that the cost of breaking up the euro would be far higher than the cost of preserving it. Even so, and remembering that Peston’s job was probably on the line if that last implication hadn’t been forthcoming, the programme was a clear exposé of the shysters who run Europe and the UK.
‘he signed off by implying (on little evidence) that the cost of breaking up the euro would be far higher than the cost of preserving it.
It’s scandalous that, whenever the BBC comes up with a “fact” or some “analysis”, I (and many others) feel constrained to investigate such “facts” and/or “analysis” and not take them at face value. Such independent research is necessary to identify the sources, the accuracy of those sources (and the BBC’s use of the “facts” gathered) and if any other relevant “facts” have been skimmed over. Just as appalling is the necessity to be satisfied that the “analysis” has not been skewed to produce a conclusion in line with the Narrative.
“You know, Peston’s programme on the euro last night wasn’t bad.”
It was very good. Allan Little’s recent radio series on the same subject was very limited in scope while Peston’s effort was far more comprehensive and uncharacteristically brutal in its diagnosis.
But Robert Peston is a right bloody prima donna, isn’t he?
‘Robert Peston is a right bloody prima donna, isn’t he?’
At least that would have created no problems in handling Gordon Brown’s bio then, which must be helpful to one’s career as an impartial reporter.
‘Yet what happened next, when Robert Peston was asked to comment on it, was bizarre. Did Peston, the BBC’s business editor, give an economic view about the points Herr Steinbrück had been making? Not a bit.
Peston focused foremost on the propriety of a German minister making such comments about UK domestic policy. Lots of tut tut hyperbole. Fair enough, but hardly the substance of the argument’
No great surprise then.
Still, odd for a genetically impartial global news monopoly.
Some other aspects of ‘then’ vs. now worthy of not, too.
‘ I’ve written to Mr Peston asking if he could explain his coverage and let me know when he is going to give airtime to the views of economists who share Herr Steinbrück analysis. I’ll post my letter in full, and Mr Peston’s reply when I get it ‘
Guessing from the lack of share, even MP’s ‘enjoy’ the same level of holding to account question answering experienced by the rest of us:0
Agreed, I thought it was very informative, contrary to my expectations.
Particularly illuminating, I thought, was Norman Lamont saying that a European minister had agreed at the time that Mr Lamont’s reservations were correct, but that it was going to happen anyway. Normally I’d have expected such an admission (particularly on a BBC programme about to be screened) to have been the top story. Of “the BBC has learned” variety.
As a rule they can’t wait to tell us when a politician was warned of something that duly came to pass, but did nothing or indeed actively colluded.
Just read “The Great Deception” by the two experts Dr. R North and Mr. C. Booker. it is a fully researched book giving the whole sorry tale of how, why and who with dates.
Seen on twitter yesterday:
Greeks apologise for causing all this EU chaos by donating a huge wooden horse to the EU. Currently being stored in the ECB.
Might have to watch this, I can’t stand Peston’s nasal voice though… Perhaps watch it with subtitles…
The cost to whom? And for how long? And what is the inevitable result of this wealth redistribution that Peston always favors? Did he say?
Peston – or rather one of the academics – confirmed that the cost of maintaining the euro (especially in the dysfuctional economies of the PIGS) is the grinding misery of forcing deflation and decreases in wages and returns to other factors of production on the economies affected. Whatever happens, in the UK the misery is assuaged to an extent by letting sterling take much of the strain.
The effect of leaving the euro or not must be the same in the end ie the countries concerned have to (re)start earning their way in the world. Leaving the euro might be chaotic but I suspect the chaos will be relatively short-lived: staying in and grinding it out could be (literally) endless. Again, alluded to, was the democratic cost in that the PIGS and others would actually become part of a German empire (or USE as the EUnutters wish it to become). While I’m on, one thing the programme didn’t, I think, mention was that the success of the German economy (eg Karcher’s 85% of sales being exports) is due to most of the exports (and certainly a large part of the increase in exports over the last 5 years) being to the countries trapped in the euro at a rate which substantially undervalued the (theoretical) DM.
So there was a slight hint that this is wealth redistribution by another name, leading to a quasi-totalitarian Europa? Or is Peston just pretending all will be well in the end?
To be fair to Peston he heavily implied that whatever happens it’s going to be nasty and there are no guarantees that the EU will reach the sunny economic uplands soon (or ever). The (welcome) surprise to me was that although Peston was swanning around in his usual preening, irritating manner and much of the programme was taken up with showing flags waving outside the various EU Kommandaturas, there appeared to be a genuine attempt to reveal the half-truths, outright lies and fraudulent behaviour underlying le projet.
As I noted above, the only jarring note was the final summing up when Peston implied that there would be more suffering if the euro collapsed than if the euro was (somehow – no-one said how exactly) preserved. But, again as I also noted Peston’s on a career hiding to nothing if he speaks against the Narrative.
As an analogy, imagine Black fronting an honest programme concerning the UEA and Climategate (difficult to imagine, I know, but bear with me) and summing it up by stating that “climate science” in practice is crap and Climategates I and II prove the near-criminality of the major players. Black’s feet wouldn’t touch the ground on the way out to the nearest Job Centre Plus. So with Peston: if he’d said unequivocally that, on the evidence shown in the programme, the EU is a conspiracy of the political class against the electorate, the euro is a con and the sponsors of both are crooks I don’t think Lord Patten would stand in the way of Peston’s enforced exit.
State Controlled BBC in Jersey keep the truth from their listeners.
Lots of back-slappery going on in radio5 dead this week on the abundance of sony awards handed out (VD, Nolan etc) Wonder who gets on the panel to decide these things? seems like sony hand them out like sweeties anyhow…….
It’s funny, but I tried to get BBC H&W & WM interested in a story where my company won a major eco-award, presented at the House of Commons. All the local media covered it, bar one.
Chasing the Press Release I called and got a drone in the news basin who advised ‘Why would we mention that… awards are handed out for anything all the time, like confetti’.
One supposes an award to the BBC gets an exemption. A unique one.
“And the winner of today’s incestuous navel-gazing award for today is… us… again!”
Must be nice to control the edit suite.
‘Why would we mention that… awards are handed out for anything all the time, like confetti’.
What, like the Sony Radio Awards you mean.
edit. and just paged up to previouspost oops
“Panels range in size from 3 to 5 members, depending on the number of entries received. This means that over 125 judges can be appointed in any given year.
Judges are drawn mostly from within the radio industry and are asked to cast any personal and professional loyalties aside, basing their judgements solely on the entry submitted and not on any previous knowledge or experience they may have of the programme or station.”
Peston’s programme was mainly a superficial history from 1950s to presentday.
The predominant political voice was that of Eurocrats from Brussels; and Peston’s implicit conclusion seems to be one to suit pro-EU Lord Patten of BBC Trust: the EU is too big to fail. (Not a view Peston would apply to banks?) As usual, British public opinion , and the widespead opposition to UK membership of the E.U. here was largely excluded; but then BBC-EU’s political lead derives from Brussels, not from the British people.
INBBC’s relentless propaganda for entry of 80 milliom Muslim Turks into E.U.
INBBC’s Mr HEAD, in Istanbul, keep up his propaganda of the political class (Tory, Lib Dem, Labour, Brussels, Ankara), for Turkey’s entry, relegating opposition to it as secondary:
“Analysis: Turkey’s long wait to join EU club”
Alternative analysis of which INBBC’s Mr HEAD is oblivious:
“David Cameron, Flogging His Wares”
by Hugh Fitzgerald
(August 2010)
INBBC pushes the Trojan Horse:
The BBC chooses to document the Facebook IPO with
‘Ruchi Sanghvi: Facebook’s pioneer woman’
And what do you know, it’s an excuse for some right-on rhetoric about family-friendly working hours, extended parental leave and zzzzzzz……………………….
Oh, and she’s Indian to boot, for extra PC points. although in IT Indian is not a minority ethnic….
When are they going to stop forcing me, on threat of prison, to pay for this claptrap?
“The BBC… conflict of interest… the very idea!
Now, over to some analysis form Peter Barron, a ‘guest’ ‘expert’ on the interwebby from none of your beeswax, to offer his in no way skewed opinions since leaving that bastion of BBC integrity, Newsnight.”
Nice find. If that’s a conflict of interest, then Glover is just one in a very long line of Beeboids in violation. Never mind how bubbly reporting of special interest groups using their own words while posing as investigative journalism makes her a fine candidate for the US beat.
Good catch.
Yep, that’s the other half of the BBC’s sleazy pincer movement. There’s the £4.5 Bn guaranteed income, come rain or shine, but there’s also the complete immunity from any basic standards of business or ethics.
You can’t defend reporting like that. It’d get you fired from the average student newspaper. Conflict of interest doesn’t quite cover it. It’s anti-journalism, designed to confuse and conceal. Anyone taking that report at face value would end up being less well-informed than they were at the beginning.
On the other hand, who cares? They’re ‘unique’ you know, and so the standards of the Fulchester Chronicle don’t apply to them.
Two items of relevance in this week’s “Jewish Chronicle”:
The Beeb defends “Jewish lobby” slur
Jewish radio programme threatened with axe:
If the BBC is having to defend again against charges of anti-Jewish sentiment, that would explain why they recently scrambled to get a short segment with with Jonathan Sarna about his new book on Gen. Ulysses Grant wanting to expel Jews from the South, and his subsequent contrition and extra efforts to make amends. The Tablet had a much fuller interview with him two months ago when the book actually came out (can’t really tell what the BBC did other than get him into a studio to read out a summary). Maybe it’s just now hitting the UK bookshelves?
Still, it’s nice that the BBC does occasionally report on anti-Semitic acts in other countries, even though this one happened 150 years ago. I’m sure they’ll take the inevitable complaints that this is proof that the BBC is biased too much in favor of Jews and wave them in our faces.
It’s better than the way they usually censor all news of contemporary incidents, like Malmö and the Netherlands, or try to tell you that a Muslim fanatic shooting Jewish children in cold blood is really a white racist attacking any old minority.
I agree with others here about Peston’s take on the Euro crisis. There is now no hiding the facts that this was an economically nonsensical project and was only forced through so as to help forge a United States of Europe.
The peoples of Europe were complacent to the loss of their sovereignty to the extent that they were happy to vote for all the false and borrowed prosperity that was offered to them.
Of course many pro-EU/Euro people on the British political left and centre left still don’t put their hands up to the reality and continue to pretend otherwise.
The Euro is dead but Peston and the BBC just can’t let it lie down. We have to be fed scare stories that Euro break up would be tantamount to the end of the world. Don’t be fooled, it is the political dream which they are mourning – not the failed currancy.
I see the BBC are playing down the alleged rift between Dave and the new French President. Can someone advise Dave not to ask for a pork chop should he pay a visit? Apparently Hollande has renounced bacon sarnies and has banned pork from all Government departments.
Todays’ ‘Socialist Hypocrite’ award goes to…
“Coogan’s move to Sky will raise some eyebrows given that he was a victim of phone-hacking by Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World. The case is now settled. ”
I guess some people’s hatred of ‘The Murdoch Empire’ is mitigated by the offer of money and opportunity, especially if no one else is showing any interest beacuse you have nothing new to offer.
Lefty entitlement mentality alert…nice to know where all that money is spent, and on whom.
Mehdi Hasan @ns_mehdihasan
@toadmeister Well my public school background didn’t embarrass me. Had a great time yesterday, thanks to BBC and license fee payer. 🙂
Not really making Hugs Boaden’s or the legions of ‘he was just jokin’… honest’ [open brackets] like Allegra, not like Carole, like Richard Bacon’s mate (who we tolerate ‘cos he’s soooo cool), sort of like Jezza Clarkson (who we wish we didn’t have to tolerate[close brackets]’ complaints cannon fodder’s lives much easier, is he?
While checking out the Jewish Chronicle after Daphne A linked above to a story there, I found this:
Israeli expert barred from NHS-sponsored event after UNISON pressure
On Friday, Mr Cristal received an email from the company organising the seminar, with which he has worked in the past, telling him that his lecture had been canceled “on the grounds that it is [the union’s] policy and also that of the Trades Union Council to support the Palestinian people.”
Even though the guy has worked with Muslim groups, including helping Palestinians, he’s still poison to the Unions. You’ll love their “policy” justification:
Explaining the decision, Mr Nelson said: “It was considered that the decision to invite a prominent Israeli negotiator would be unacceptable given UNISON and TUC policy on the Middle East conflict, the irrelevance of the speaker to working relationships within a local NHS Trust and the inappropriateness of funding an international speaker at times of such austerity, when front line staff in the trust are at risk of redundancy.”
The BBC has censored this news. It’s too bad, considering the one time Cristal’s name was on their radar was back in 2006 when he was saying that Israel needs to be more responsible and open-minded and that Hamas just might be a partner in peace. The BBC had no trouble quoting him then.
Excellent post!
The boycott against Israel doesn’t exist because of ‘support for the Palestinian people’, it exists because of support for genocide against the Jewish people.
Now, there’s a thing..
Mehdi Hassan and BBC headline the Commentaor’s weekly looney left round up:
Ah, Reed beat me to it 😉
Easily done – These open threads fill up so quickly these days. Evidence of the success of the new site.
Just spin it BBC style…
“Another chance to see” 🙂
Interesting contrast between the ‘Telegraph’ and the BBC’s coverage of the National Audit Office’s report on the sale of Northern Rock.
The ‘Telegraph’ leads with good news for the government and continues by highlighting the report’s criticism of the last Labour government:
“The Government’s spending watchdog said the Coalition was correct to seek an early sale of the nationalised lender…”
“The report said that the decision by the previous Labour Government to split Northern Rock into a “good” and “bad” bank was based on an overly-optimistic business plan. Mr Morse said the Government at that time did not give enough thought to what it would mean for taxpayers. ”
“The report concluded that the eventual sale process was handled well by UK Financial Investments, a Treasury body. At the time Labour had called for the sale to be delayed to allow further consideration.”
The ‘Telegraph’ then quotes a ‘Treasury source’ attacking Ed Balls.
The BBC’s report, in contrast, doesn’t mention the word ‘Labour’ at all and leads on the negative side of the story for the government:
“The taxpayer could lose about £2bn once the assets of collapsed bank Northern Rock are wound down, the public spending watchdog has estimated.”
As for Labour’s criticisms of the decision, firmly rejected by the NAO, well, the BBC phrases that coyly:
“criticised by some as too early”
“There was criticism at the time of the sale that the Treasury should have delayed”
And, needless to say, instead of going to the government for a comment, the BBC goes straight to a Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, who ends the entire report on another negative for the government:
“But this is perhaps more by luck than good judgement.”
If one article reads as if it’s biased in favour of the current government, then the other most definitely reads as if it’s biased against the current government – and that’s the BBC report.
Very cleverly written by the BBC. They have completely avoided any reference to the Labour government and so the £2bn sits fair and square with the Coalition. There is no way this type of slant is accidental.
Mardell is happy. We’re all socialists now. “France’s new socialist President, Francois Hollande, may turn out to be a valuable new friend”. Come on everybody let’s spend! Spend! Spend!
Mardell writes, “How the two men get on personally will matter a lot. But Mr. Obama likes ideas more than chit-chat and they are, at least on the surface, ideological allies.”
Really? Mr. Obama likes ideas more than chit-chat? How, Mark, do you KNOW this? I would say that Mr. Obama is likes politics more than ideas or chit-chat. But you know best, Mark. After all you know people who know Obama.
Now there is breaking news from the front: Angela Merkel has suggested that Greece could hold a referendum on the continued use of the euro when it votes in national elections next month. Good God! Has democracy broken out in the EU?
These shysters always concede a referendum when they know the inevitable. This way Merkel can blame the Greek electorate (rather than the European political class) for the failure of the euro. Also (crossing her fingers) the Greek departure might delay the pressure on German voters to cough up trillions until after the next German general election (September 2013).
Well….talking of referenda:
The only way “Dave” can save the defunct tory party at the next GE will be to try to defuse the UKIP threat to his party using some kind of referendum con.
If not able to halt the rise of UKIP his party will be toast. It’s sad to think that lets in the Labour party in whatever form it exists, but that is what will happen. I cant think exactly how he can use a referendum promise, but it’s his only choice. But dont expect any simple “in/out” choice. These greasy bastatrds are too slick for that.
Typical. A new situation in France, more possible stress on the Euro, Europe, and the entire continental economy, and naturally Mardell’s first thoughts are about how it affects the President. It’s his job, after all, which is why the title of “North America editor” has been such a joke ever since he took over for Justin Webb.
So they’re “ideological allies” are they? Does that mean I get to call the President a Socialist from now on and Mardell has to shut the @#$@Q up about it rather than express his disdain for Tea Partiers who say such things?
As for that casually tossed in “on the surface”? What does Mardell mean by that? Is the Left-wing ideology the President expresses over and over again a facade? Is He actually even further to the Left than Hollande? Or is Hollande not so far to the Left after all? Something doesn’t add up.
Please don’t refer to Obama as He – it’ll just reinforce his God Complex.
In this week’s How Much Utter Shit Do You Get For £3.2 Billion A Year? slot we have the droid newsreader who tailed her bulletin yesterday with
‘… Donna Summer, who died today at the age of 83’.
83 !!! 🙁
You’d think somewhere along the assembly line between cutting and pasting it of the Associated Press release and the droid reading it out someone, somewhere, anywhere would have said,
‘ 83? Are you sure? She looked a bit good in that Love’s Unkind video for a 65 year old’.
But no. If I ran the BBC I’d ban newsreaders from sitting there in their hats and coats because they’re ‘in a hurry to get off’ and the rest of the staff from reading tweets all day when they’re supposed to be doing a job of work.
To be fair, her hits were before 1997, when BBC history began, so you can’t really expect them to know anything about her.
when BBC history began
Given their education is at the altar of St. Obama, one might have thought they’d have been joining him with the Pally Granny in grief at another sister leaving this mortal coil before her time (SKY had The Sun with a ‘could have been’ via 9/11 dust, so the population of NYC is toast according to our MSM… apparently).
Actually, given his eulogising on behalf of just about anyone sadly passing, I am surprised the Leader of Free Pass has time to, well, lead anything. Lucky he seems to restrict his inclusive attentions to certain niche groups in a no way opportunistic, racist way.
has anyone noticed any right wing bias on the BBC lately? No, i thought not. Same old, same old, same old, lefty bollocks on every programme, they should have moved to Hollywood
Those sneaky Israeli *&*%^£
Monkey hangers anyone?
Has anybody noticed how Hollande is being dubbed by the BBC as “pro-growth” in comparison to the “pro-austerity” coalition (with complementary comments from Labour), whilst neglecting the fact that Hollande will be reducing the French deficit at the same, if not quicker, rate to the British government?
Dewsbury man jailed for rape of drunken girl who was filmed
A man who raped a drunken 15-year-old girl who was filmed as she was sexually assaulted by a number of men has been jailed for 11 years. Ali Rehman, 26, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court for his part in the attack in Dewsbury in May 2010. The schoolgirl was “an object, something to use and abuse”, an earlier hearing was told. Rehman admitted raping the victim earlier this year.Another man, Faisar Younas, 23, who admitted sexual activity with a child, was jailed for four years. A third defendant, 45-year-old Larasab Hussain, will be sentenced in July.
So yet another case involving a Pakistani muslim raping a young white girl in the UK. But hang on what’s this. The bBC report on Lady Warsi speaking out against Pakistani Muslims and their penchant for white girls who are under the age of 16 and nobody at the bbC can seem to join the dots that not only does she live in Dewsbury, but the above rape story is also in Dewsbury. Maybe there lies the reason why she spoke out, I mean I don’t recollect her speaking out agaisnt her own kind in the past m so why now. Interestingly while the bBC hints she is speaking out after the case of Islam inspired paedophilia in Rochdale, yet cannot link that actually she may be speaking out after yet another case (how many is this 10,20,30?) of Pakistani males shagging pretty little things not in a Burka. According to the Warsi story this isn’t about race (Nothing about Islam) and only points in the direction of a small amount of Pakistani men. Lets see:
Click to access Organised%20gangs,%20vulnerable%20girls%20a%20pattern%20of%20exploitation%20unfolds.pdf
The above is a Times article. Other than 3 white men the rest are Muslims, and the bBC keeps on telling me it has nothing to do with Race. I agree it has nothing to do with race, and more to do with a certain religion. As for this view that only a small number of Pakistani men carry out such acts…Really?
So I am reading about how the bBC is running with a number of stories about how a Right Old Queen; Peter (I’ve had more batterings around the ring, than Mohammed Ali) Thachell is allowed to bitch about who the real Queen of England invites to Lunch.
The thing is, while the bBC allow Peter (I promoted the right to allow old gay men to have sex with boys under 16) Thachell, I have to ask the question when did the bBC (or the left) ever give a platform for people to protest when say: A rabid Islamic racist is allowed into the country. Instead the left who are protesting now are the ones who defend these odious people who according to them are simply misunderstood. Ironically the protesting people with the signs depicting that the Queen doesn’t care about human rights, belong to Republic the anti-royalist group. A group which can’t accept that more people have died under republics and the such, than under royalty.
The bBC, the Traitors in the room.
“The great cuts myth: Ignore the BBC and the Left, public spending is HIGHER than under Labour.”
By Stephen Glover
Read more:
Given my exchanges with BBC Complaints tend to be on facts and accuracy, I am bemused as to why our most trusted national treasure educates and informs, and is allowed to, based on what can only be called a basis of inexactitude.
It’s almost like they have given up on impartiality in favour of propaganda.
‘a virulently anti-immigrant, neo-Nazi party’ –
The BBC seems to like to associate being anti-immigration with being a Nazi, as if people who don’t want to share their country’s scarce resources with hordes of immigrants are fascists…
And by calling a party ‘virulently anti-immigrant’, are they not implying that it is wrong to be against immigration?
They don’t have to imply it, they “know” it to be true. Much more knowledgable than us mere plebs of course. And we have to PAY for this shit service !!
Interestingly, they never refer to Mr. Hollande or any of the leftists in Greece as being part of ‘virulently pro-debt’ Socialist parties.
In this long report, INBBC censors reference to imposition of Sharia, and to Islamic jihad violence:-
“Mali coup: Tuaregs tell of ethnic attacks”
‘Jihadwatch’ –
“Malians riot as Islamic supremacists impose Sharia”
“Pakistani jihadists reported in northern Mali”
By Bill Roggio
Read more:
I have mentioned here that there was a time, many years ago, when I was reasonably happy with Radio 4.
Later I began to feel that for some unprovoked reason the BBC was causing me to seek political asylum elsewhere. My nationality, beliefs, culture and religion were regularly mocked and denegrated.
I feel fortunate now that I noticed the way that things were drifting and made the break.
When I now on rare occasions dip into Radio 4 I realise that if I had stayed there I might have lost my mind completely.
Here is the BBC’s own blurb about Saturday Live this morning….
‘Sian Williams and Richard Coles with chef Angela Hartnett, Jackie Green who had a sex-change operation on her 16th birthday and is now in the running for Miss England, Sandra Jenkins and Mavis Smith who saw their village demolished and their community scattered in the 1970’s, and John-Paul Flintoff who set out to change the world by weaving his own underpants from nettles; John McCarthy goes Plane-spotting, there’s a Soundsculpture about cicadas, and Paddington Bear creator Michael Bond’s Inheritance Tracks. Producer: Dixi Stewart.’
A few in the MSM can on occasion get moved to ponder why certain things that were known about and should perhaps have been mentioned before, if at all, seem to get missed out.
I tend to offer this to these noble, professional, seekers or truth and holders of the powerful to account..
It’s for students, but they might yet learn something.
Dark side of the moon.
Oh Dear !
How’s the BBC’s giant M&M going to spin this portent of doom on behalf of the President’s re-election ?
I could understand if fatso himself was onboard the rocket why it didn’t get off the launch pad, but he wasn’t and it didn’t.
So expect the BBC’s blame game style reporting in full swing shortly.
However, do not expect to be informed by the BBC that NASA scientists and the majority of the American public are furious over the Dear Leader’s wise cost cutting.
Sheee’s Baaaack…..
Yes, another market rate head has committed their ‘we’re just about right’ thoughts to print and, despite a new improved (well, slower, clunkier, shorter, and all round pants attempt at crushing any sensible debate) system, and the kapos already getting deployed, it’s not going well already… again.
I predict a closing.
It looks as if the BBC has finally started seriously covering Canada, after sidelining it for years. They now have a section called ‘Canada Direct’.
Typically, the range of articles on offer so far shows plenty of bias.
‘What does it mean to be Canadian?’
By Lorraine Mallinder, Montreal
What it means is multi-culturalism, according to this freelance reporter favoured by BBC Online. “‘Difference is interesting'” is the message. Her two experts (John Ralston Saul and Noah Richler) on both on message. Mr. Richler, her main expert, is clearly no fan of Stephen Harper’s Conservative government (too pro-monarchy, too tough on immigration and crime) – and neither is Lorraine if this article is anything to go by. This is an unbalanced article.
Her partisanship against Stephen Harper is even clearer in a ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ piece:
‘Beaver or bear? Fur flies over Canadian sense of identity’
She presents two competing visions of Canadian identity, a left-wing vision (the beaver’) represented by her hero, Pierre Trudeau, and a right-wing one (‘the bear’) represented by her anti-hero, Stephen Harper. She is very explicit at the end of that article about which side she approves of:
“In a world of eagles, bears, dragons and other fearsome beasts, surely we need more, not less, of the beaver.”
Other analyses she had provided for the BBC website in recent days keep this up:
‘Canada’s green image tarnished by new policies’
This piece (the only one presented as ‘Viewpoint’ rather than as a report) is one long complaint about how un-Canadian and bad Stephen Harper’s government is. All the people she quotes are anti-Harper (opposition politicians and environmentalist). There’s not even a pretence of balance here.
I’m trying to find any Viewpoint articles on Canada written from a right-wing perspective to balance Lorraine Mallinder’s left-wing outlook. So far, no joy.
There’s not much else on this BBC Canada Direct site yet, but I suspect we’re going to see plenty of Lorraine Mallinder – and people who think like her – as it develops.
This is how BBC-NUJ wants us to be ruled: by unelected committees of leftists –
“Gongs for chums and the culture Lefties”
By Quentin Letts
Read more:
‘Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s coming appearance at the Leveson Inquiry could prove sticky for his media critics.
Mr Hunt is accused of talking to News International executives too much when considering their bid for BSkyB. One hears that at Leveson he will release documents which detail all the lobbying he received from the Murdochs’ competitors.
If he talked to them, what was wrong with him talking to News International?’
Fair point. Reaches for popcorn… wonders why all of a sudden Levenson becomes ‘watertight oversight’ territory.
While a bit of holding to account with errant pols is fair game, and the MSM is awash with any 24/7 filler they can find to spin up a ‘row’, I have wondered if any of these cretins has paused to wonder how anything gets done if no one can be seen to be communicating with anyone lest some daft inference gets made.
Aunty, of course, only talks at people so the unique difference exclusion clause applies.
REJOICE! Radio 4’s “Today” programme listener figures showing a sharp decline. Let’s hope it’s terminal.
Yes, I stopped listening because I got tired of the left wing propaganda.
Who needs BBC?
-Not even David Attenborough, who’s off to SKY –
“David Attenborough: The BBC has lost confidence in programming – and women are key to the planet’s future ”–and-women-are-key-to-the-planets-future-7766017.html
-Not even Steve Coogan, who gone to SKY:
“Alan Partridge defects from BBC to Sky”
Ian Fleming’s supervillains steal nuclear weapons to blackmail the world.
The BBC’s supervillains run successful, popular, profit-making global media enterprises that former BBC employees go and work for.
The BBC excuse will be that they’re not doing the kind of multi-part series Attenborough laments because of Tory cuts to their budget. Never mind how much money they’ve spent on everything other than programming, or the fact that they’ve seen an increase in revenue other than the license fee.
Saturday evening music on Radio 3
5 pm – Jazz Record Requests
6 – 10 pm Opera: two contemporary operas.
6 pm: A recording of the British premiere of Judith Weir’s new opera Miss Fortune, from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
Miss Fortune is a contemporary retelling of a Sicilian folk story. Tina’s wealthy family lose all their possessions overnight and she is thrown into a life of poverty. When her life’s course turns from bad to worse she makes a date with Fate. Her fortunes mysteriously change, and after several fortuitous happenings, she regains wealth, and possibly gains a husband.
8 pm: The Importance of Being Earnest
Irish composer Gerald Barry’s three-act opera based on the iconic Oscar Wilde play – ‘a trivial comedy for serious people’ – was premiered in Los Angeles last year, an occasion which the Los Angeles Times described as ‘engagingly funny and mind-boggingly virtuosic’. In this performance, recorded last month in London’s Barbican Hall, Thomas Ades conducts the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group.
Thanks for the heads-up, Millie. I wan unimpressed with Weir’s last BBC commission, and I’m not super-excited about Barry
Heh, David, that’s two of us who couldn’t work up enough excitement. For the last two Saturdays I haven’t cared to listen to what’s been on offer. It’s been a big bump down to earth since the end of the Met broadcasts.
Sorry, Millie, I must have hit Post before I realized it, and the rest of my comment didn’t make it through. I meant to add that I’d check them out anyway thanks to your notice. I’m generally interested in hearing new works even if it’s just to prove to myself that I don’t care for this or that composer. I’d have missed these otherwise.
Just a thought, – how much do panellists get paid by the BBC to appear on Newsnight, Question Time, Any Questions etc. I am sure it is a significant sum on top of expenses. As most guests are from the lef, t this is a very nice way of diverting public funds to one side of the political spectrum – something that the left has always been good at.
a website the BBC will definately not be promoting
The folks who are getting the free stuff, don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop, and the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now… The people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff, that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff, are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So… The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.
Now understand this. All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded. The reason? The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 235 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that. In 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.
Evidently, now coherence won’t fit either.
BBC Five Live put on Double Take with Anita Anand and Sam Walker on Sundays. ‘A second look at the big stories of the week, exploring the truth behind the headlines’.
Steve Mahwinny Head of News says this….
‘There is always more than one way to look at any story, and stories often feel very different depending on where you are, how it impacts upon you and what experience you bring to it.’
Sam Walker says she will…
‘try and take a different perspective and get the alternative view’.
Anita Anand says they will aim to….
‘hopefully lift the covers on some of the issues others just skirt over’.
I beg to differ. It is just more of the same old BBC agenda : pro- ‘growth’ anti- ‘austerity’, anti-Police, pro-Olympics, anti-Coalition, anti-Murdoch……
panto nikki TBQs, cult … religion
like repetitive brainwashing teqs, self hypnosis,
deliberate,(sometimes physical) seperation, from other faiths/communities, severe physical threas from the wider, erm “faithful” etc etc etc
hmmm! anyone/any ideology missing by any chance?
conspicuous by its absence … one blink and you miss it simpering little toe in the water …then move on to …. sexual abuse! … so lets talk about ………. erm ……Waco?
have to say, i m no religion fan, personal to the individual, benign, no forceful impact detrimental to the individual development etc, maybe ok,
otherwise no truck.
Yes, a token appearance by a guy who wanted to talk about the religion of peace. However, after a few seconds the discussion was moved rapidly off Islam ! Cant think why.
Perhaps someone was about to ask him about Mo marrying the girl at 6 and consummating at 9 ?
It’s probably just that ‘left hand, even-lefter hand’ thing..
‘While one part of the corporation is tasked with looking after Humperdinck ahead of Saturday’s contest to be broadcast on BBC ONE, the channel’s investigative programme Panorama has been accused of attempting to cause him deep embarrassment.’
Meanwhile one part of the BBC, in direct contradiction to another part of the BBC, continues to claim it is ‘getting it about… ironically… ‘right”. Whilst talking of ‘good faith’.
‘Panorama defended its decision to approach Humperdinck. A spokesman said: “We’re satisfied that we’ve acted fairly and followed our editorial guidelines.”
Messed up.
But unique.
While it lasts (or the weekday crew take over), One can always ask (no guarantee of a reply – that ‘holding to account’ is pretty uni-directional)) Fran:
BBC-NUJ on MALDIVES: ‘mention pollution, don’t mention Islam.’
1.) Pollution –
“‘Apocalyptic’ floating island of waste in the Maldives”
(inc video)
2.) Islam –
“Ousted Maldives President Claims Obama Approved Islamist Coup”
Well who’d a thunk it?
“ASA Chairman is also Vice President of a ‘highly political’ campaign”
I can’t wait for the ferret like grilling on TODAY or NEWSNIGHT. Well actually, I can’t, in this instance, means ‘I won’t’!
The BBC’s selling of multi-culture Britain and how it’s just a left-wing dream.
There are alot of Pakistani Islamic nutters in Luton with a great deal of grievances.
I know this because the BBC give them as much air time as they want so they can share them with us.
So how much involvement and support of their local community did they express today ?
None – nil – nada
Luton FC were playing not a million miles away at Wembley today in the “play off” against a team which modesty forbids me to mention.
And how many of our Pakistani friends were there ?
Well less than the goal Luton scored.
Oh go on then if you must know !
We scored twice as many as they did.