A Biased BBC reader asks for help. Any suggestions for him?
“For years the BBC told us, on travel and business programmes especially, that the Euro was wonderful and that we were denied its advantages by an unholy alliance of retired colonels, Margo&Jerry and the BNP. If I wanted to put together a compilation video of clips from all these ghastly state broadcasts, how would I go about gathering the material?”
Over to you!
The BBC still thinks the Euro is wonderful, so just set your Sky box to record all news (ha ha) programs.
When Greece and Spain and Italy leave the Euro fairyland this year there will crying in the corridors of power at the BBC. The “if only David Cameron had done more to save the Euro” reports will cover the airwaves like confetti at a big fat gypsy wedding.
2012 will see a split of the Northern Euro from the Southern Euro. Steph Flanders and Robbie Peston may not want to admit it but it is going to happen. The only unknown factor is what they will be called. The Deutsche-Vichy Mark and the Club Med Coupon?
Wayne X may be right. Will Hutton recently said on newsnight that the Euro would still turn out to be a big success and will be gagging to join within 10 years.
I did think that this would make great TV too and tried to find stuff a while back. There was a transcript of Question Time (on the BBC site) from a “Euro special debate” in 2001 ; but it only had Richard Branson on it and he talks shi*te anyway.
Beware. To the Euro zealots, the Euro will be seen to have been a great success, because they will claim that its collapse occurred because the EU Commission lacked the tools to police the fiscal policies of the Club Med states. Their answer will be further European integration.
The mechanism for using such events to increase the power of the European authorities is known as a “beneficial crisis”, as is frequently explained by Dr Richard North and others.
I’m sure you’re right, Steve – they’ll try absolutely anything to keep their dream alive, however bad it gets for the ‘little people’ – who matter not one jot when the success of the grand scheme is at stake.
As always with leftist/statists, the answer to failed policies is almost always more of the same failed policies.
The answer to all EU problems is always ‘ever closer union’. I wonder why?
Has Will Hutton ever got anything right?
Will Self, darling of the BBC left, recently admitted that he loved the EU because it kept the USA in check, really? and also because it was a good stick to prod ‘Little Englanders’ with.
So no economic or social theory then. Just another leftie who likes the EU because his ‘enemies’ don’t (although Obama seems to love it), Wow! millions of jobless and disadvantaged a price worth paying for the BBC lefties just to have a dig at the evil capitalists.
“millions of jobless and disadvantaged a price worth paying for the BBC lefties just to have a dig at the evil capitalists.”
Absolutely; because, just as happened in Soviet Europe, the defenders of the system were exempt from the system.
There is a theory that the fall of the Berlin wall was a fillip for Socialism because thereafter the realities were no longer visible and had to be imagined, whereas previously the contrast between East and West could be seen first-hand.
I shouldn’t worry too much about Self, he’s lost millions of brain cells by being a heroin addict in the recent past. Sour faced jerk.
Hate the man, love his books…
There is no way to request archival material from the BBC, I don’t think, because it’s protected from FOIA requests and the like as it’s “journalism”.
Interesting report by Tim Marshall of ‘Sky News’:-
“Serbia, The Euro, And Nationalism”