Biased BBC contributor Alan raises the folllowing point;
“A distinct case of hypocrisy from CIF when they tell us such ‘ravings’ from ‘Right Wing’ blogs created Breivik…..murdering non-believers, exterministic rhetoric, genocide…..where have we heard a case made for that before? The Koran.
If anyone reading this is in the fortunate position of being on a BBC programme and you raise the question of religion and violence or religious believer’s attitude to other religions or non believers and the BBC presenter tries to close you down for touching on a subject they won’t go near and suggest you are being racist or Islamophobic then draw their attention to this:
How Christian fundamentalists plan to teach genocide to schoolchildren
Good News Clubs’ evangelism in schools is already subverting church-state separation. Now they justify murdering nonbelievers. The CEF’s new emphasis on the genocide of nonbelievers makes a bad situation worse. Exterminist rhetoric has been on the rise among some segments of the far right, including some religious groups. At what point do we start taking talk of genocide seriously? How would we feel about a nonreligious group that instructs its students that if they should ever receive an order to commit genocide, they should fulfill it to the letter?
And finally, when does a religious group qualify as a “hate group”?
When the Koran is being taught in madrassas, Muslim faith schools, in people’s homes and in the mosques, and that Koran teaches the faithful to kill the non-believer, to subject non-believers and people of other religions to discrimination and not to make friends with them…is it not time to ask openly and frequently just when does a religious group qualify as a “hate group”?
I think the patent hypocrisy of most MSM media and politicians in nearly all western countries on how they treat Islam as against other religions is just one reason for the coming backlash, the violence to come.
If Katherine had written that about Islam/Koran she would be receiving death threats. That said, Christianity is quite clearly tempered by the New testament and the whole religion built on the teachings of Christ, love and good etc. Anyone who uses the Old Testament a foundation for their belief is as bat-shit crazy as any fanatical Muslim.
I regret to say, Mr Span Ows, that your knowledge of the Christian faith is more than a little deficient. To begin where you begin, Christianity is built not only on the teachings of Christ, but also the actions of Christ, more specifically his incarnation, manner of living, healings, miracles, death, resurrection and ascension. The reasons for his death may be found in the Old Testament, way back in the first chapters of Genesis. They are echoed through the succeeding pages of the Old Testament into the New, the innocent dying for the guilty to appease the wrath of God.
There may be two Testaments, but they portray the same God – loving, yes, holy and terrible in the judgement of those who oppose him. Yet the Old Testament also tells us nine times (and the New a tenth) that God is “slow to anger” and the New that he is “not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.”
I respectfully suggest you take another look at your bible and examine whether these things are so.
No, my knowledge of the Christian faith is deep and extensive. Whether you disagree with my opinion and comment or not is a wholly different issue.
You’re either trying to be funny (and failing) or you’re being highly disrespectful towards Jews.
Which is it?
The latter if you have to take it that way. Read the OT and you tell me: bat-shit crazy making or true?
Muslim hate-fest in London:
Get infuriated/riot when a Quran gets burnt?, or murder when a cartoonist draws moh?, but glorifying fascism, hatred of jews, homosexuals, lesbians, othe religious minorities, subdugating women, brainwashing children and denying the Holocaust, perfectly legitimate … and 😀 of course its OK to call for the destruction of Israel.
How about calling for the destruction of Islam.
what would happen :-D, how would it be covered
especially on the bbc.
Now that would be an interesting news item. muslims and Christian fundamentalists agreeing on how to treat each other. Or maybe competing to find ever more gruesome passages in their respective books for punishment of their enemies. Not sure where that leaves the rest of us, mind. Still, I’m not convinced the Christians are ever going to be the dangerous problem that muslims clearly are.
New Testament: 43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Koran:Slay the idolators [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the last Day…. Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! (Sura 9:5,29,41).
The perfect follower of Christ? Mother Theresa or St. Francis of Assisi.
The perfect follower of Muhammed (piss be upon him)? Osama Bin Laden!
Excellent surmising of the two faiths.
BBC bias?
far right, fascist. – what is more fascist than islam?
the inspiration for mein kampf was the koran.
islam is also the master snake oil salesman, slippery
deceit and half truth roll off of the tongue, a main point of admiration for the “useful idiots” … and it has been doing it for years, examples :-
“Islam is a religion of peace” … Translation: Only when everyone in the world is Muslim will there be peace.
“Islam condemns terrorism.” …. Translation: Acts of violence against non-Muslims is not terrorism.
“Islam supports free speech.” … Translation: Any insult against Islam is not speech, it is punishable and against er ……… “truth”?????? of islam.
“Islam tolerates other religions.” … Translation: not fully prohibit, and with certain obstacles or barriers, … and taxes, oh … and to ensure that all apart from islam are in perpetual decline … and so that non believers, are “subdued and feel themselves subdued”
just my 2p worth on on the Christian gospels
If those gospels are true….well they totally dispute Mohammeds claims … ie false prophet, thus does not confirm either him or Islam.
If the gospels are not the word, of god, (false), well then Mohammed is a false prophet, as the in the Quran, it tells us to go to the previous gospels.
Really a house of cards.
No one invents evidence against Islam; but simply exposes it.
The evidence, of its vast catalogue of hate, violence, and supremacism, (unfortunately mandated for all time), has been there all along, still shamefully evident now.
There for everyone to see, get educated on it, and get real
what was i saying 😀
“Nazi propaganda website starts operation in Iran, government censors do nothing,”
Reza Kahlili The Daily Caller, June 2
“A pro-Nazi association now operates a Persian-language website in Iran, promoting anti-Semitism and memorializing Adolf Hitler, apparently with the approval of the Iranian government and its censors.
The site,, features videos of Nazi leaders and pictures of Hitler, and praises the Third Reich for nearly conquering the Western world. It also includes a public forum whose members routinely discuss their hatred of the Jewish people.”
not on el bbc, anytime soon 😀
One fairy story versus another. Man made God, then pretended it was the other way around to usurp the power. Quotes from fairy stories are not an appeal to authority.
Islam Not BBC(INBBC) censors out even fair discussion on the following new book, let alone an exposition of its thesis:
Time to stop treating Muslims like children.
Exclusive: Robert Spencer’s new book advocates best way to respect adherents of Islam.”
It is blatantly obvious that INBBC’s default political position on RELIGIONS to to single out Christianity for criticism, and to single out Islam for exemption from criticism.
But INBBC’s political commitment to Islam goes much further: INBBC has surreptitiously joined the political ‘left’ in an alliance to further Islamic interests; whether it be the Islamization of Britain and the European Union through mass immigration from Islamic countries (including from 80 million Muslim Turks), or the joint ‘left’-Islamic perseuction of Israel, of the censorship of Islamic imperialist expansionism, INBBC has a sinister political agenda in all this, which it forces us to finance.
Oh we do worry so don`t we?
The BBC employed the Rev Richard Coles for this mornings “Saturday Live”.
And this evening, on Front Row(7.30pm Radio4, Sat)…who was on?
Only the Canon Giles Fraser- The Loose Canon to his newfound fans at the Guardian, so I understand.
The BBC is more than happy to provide PTSD berths for those casualties of the endless Culture Wars, mercifully back from serving the BBCs agenda at the frontline.
True World war Veterans.
But as for those in fear of their lives and on the run from Islam…from Rushdie to Martin Amis` missus….well there`s a hotline to the Qatada charity hotline…and nothing more.
Now this is where I miss Craig.
The appalling Sunday may well have been on this morning, but I`ve no critique of its fetid pastel agenda.
I propose a rota system, so the same few people don`t have to get up/stay up for their particular BBC toxic dumps of “programmes”.
Double time rates for those who`ll agree to listen to Libby/Laurie or Jenni…they`ll earn it!