Well then, back to the fray. I tentatively turned on BBC Radio 4’s Today this morning but thought I had accidentally tuned in to Radio North Korea, such was the scale of invective against British Banks and indeed the evil concept of “Investment”. It turns out Bob Diamond, head of Barclays, is the most evil man in the world. (Oh, and it was nice to hear an “independent” financial expert tell us that the UK would really be better off within the putative EU banking union! )
By way of contrast, I also caught a sycophantic interview with IRA Commander Martin McGuinness. Turns out he is now a much loved Statesman of Arafat-esque proportions. No tough questions from John Simpson such as how MANY innocent people did McGuinness’s IRA murder under his direct command?; how many innocent people did McGuinness personally kill?; Did McGuinness give the go ahead for the Poppy Day bombing at Enniskillen? Nope – instead we were allowed to hear this terrorist Godfather waffle for all he was worth about the need to dissolve Northern Ireland as part of the “peace process”
So, in summary, Bob Diamond BAD, Martin McGuinness GOOD.
It’s great to be back.
O/T but wasn’t sure where to park this one.
The mention of North Korea does seem apt somehow.
H/T to Guido Fawkes…
‘Radios 1’s Hackney Weekend is part of the London Festival 2012. We please ask that you do not reference the Olympic Games in a negative or derogatory way. Thank you’.
So that would explain a lot of BBC reporting on what they see as their Olympics.
[I recently noted Will Gompertz (BBC Arts Editor) doing his bit for the propaganda]
“Gaps in bank law our fault, says Labour peer.
A Labour peer admitted that it was “our fault” that bankers may escape criminal prosecution over the interest rate scandal.”
Will ‘Newsnight’ lead with this?
By the end of the day he’d retracted the statement after a bollocking from Ed – sorry – after ‘looking into the matter’.
But had it been a Tory peer in similar circumstances Ed the Balls would have been given the freedom of the airwaves to vent his finely-honed sarcasm……..
“I’m sorry, even in the name of peace, it was wrong to take McGuinness’s bloodsoaked hand.”
By Max Hastings.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2165753/Queen-visits-Northern-Ireland-Even-peace-wrong-Martin-McGuinesss-bloodsoaked-hand.html#ixzz1zB8edUHL
“My take on the ‘historic handshake’: A cynical stunt to tighten Sinn Fein’s grip on the South.”
By Mark Dooley.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2165500/Martin-McGuinness-The-Queen-Historic-handshake-cynical-stunt-tighten-Sinn-Feins-grip-South.html#ixzz1zB9vPzzx