The BBC proselytises for Islam at every opportunity as in this instance drawn to our attention by B-BBC reader Alex;
“In what can only be described as a loathsome article, the BBC exude unbridled pleasure in announcing that Muslims are more efficient at passing on their faith than Christians: what the BBC conspicuously fails to mention is that Islam isn’t slammed on a regular basis by media socialist secularists, the gay rights lobby and those who aggressively and vociferously seek to ban Christian symbols in the work place; all of which will undoubtedly influence young and impressionable minds. It also doesn’t mention that Christians are becoming ever more sidelined by a secularist agenda which is too afraid to treat Islam in the same manner. Oh, they also forget to mention the lovely Madrasa schools where children are beaten into submission as evidenced by Channel 4’s recent documentary. Do Muslim children really have a choice whether or not to continue their forebears religion? If you’re a fan of Islamic groveling then you may wish to read this. Please Note: if you’re easily upset then look away now!”“
Channel 4 news now has a muslim woman on the team. How do I know she’s muslim? Because she is dressed as such. I find it offensive; why can’t she dress like normal people in our country, or maybe go and work for PressTV or AlJazeera.
What I fail to understand is why are the flower-picking lefties so eager to embrace such a violent and unforgiving faith? They’re going to be the first to find out what the sharp side of a kebab knife feels like if Islam reigns foul supreme!
INBBC approved?:-
“9/11 mass murderers’ Gitmo hearing postponed for Ramadan”
[Opening extract, ‘Jihadwatch’]:-
“There is so much self-contradiction in this postponement, it’s staggering. In the first place, it is typical of our official dhimmitude and solicitude for those who have vowed to destroy us that the same Islamic religion that led these Muslims to become mass murderers in the first place is upheld as demanding respect. Yet to recognize the defendants as pious Muslims who wish to observe Ramadan is to contradict an iron dogma of the government and the mainstream media, as well as of Islamic spokesmen in the U.S.: that the 9/11 plotters and hijackers, and Osama bin Laden himself, were not really true Muslims at all. ”
The BBC reports of the EDL Bristol demonstration on Saturday have faded away; they were vague about the cause of the violence and arrests, but we understand that the acting secretary of the UAF was arrested, according to their own web site. But responding to the above posts its worth noting the opposition to the EDL ‘We are Bristol’, who marched under a banner: ‘ We are straight, we are gay, we are muslim, we are Jew, we are more than you’. Dontcha love this multi faith stuff- Trots, Christians, gays and jews, with a significant presence from the Sikhs. All supported by the unions and presumably by a UAF founding signature, D. Cameron, MP. Yes. Its Dhimmi time
“EDL are bigots and racists… they don’t give a damn about LGBT rights.”
cut and pasted from the link above; what planet are these people on? Have they not seen gays being strung up from cranes in iran? complete ignorance of the real world. They’ll be on the first execution schedule when the time comes.
Reality doesn’t enter into the lefts dream world.
This is a little more accurate:
Yet more arrests in Bradford over alleged grooming. Can’t recall the BBC even mentioning this one… I might be wrong:
You know what, there has been so many cases I’m starting to lose count. It’s in the late 20’s now, probably 30’s. They’ll report it again when a massive bust goes through and they are forced to. The trafficking won’t stop though, it’ll only get worse. Sad.
” I might be wrong”
if you are, Dez will put you right.
Is the debate within and without Islam on whether it is necessary to kill apostates relevant?
I don’t have the qualifications to say whether the view that apostates should be executed is mainstream Islam or not but I have no doubt that it happens and that the thought that it might happen is a powerful disincentive to leaving the faith.
There was a cartoon in Punch, back in the seventies involving a vicar, smoking and wearing dark glasses, standing outside someone’s house addressing the appalled occupier as a few choirboys smashed his windows with a cross on a pole and kicked up the flowers in his front garden. “I notice you didn’t turn up for the service last Sunday, Mr Brown,” says the vicar. I’d imagine a Muslim who wanted out of his God forsaken religion would fail to see the joke.
The traditional (i.e. according to the sharia, on which so many Muslim states now base their constitutions) penalty for leaving Islam is death. In the case of some young women who wish to lead ‘westernised’ (read non-Islamic) lifestyles this rule is still in force in the UK. It only has to happen to a few of them pour encourager less autres. A Muslim girl wishing to marry a non-Muslim (breaking, what is, in reality, the religion’s most important and iron law),which is one way that the religion might lose members, will discover there is no hiding place: those nice ubiquitous taxi-drivers notice any new Asian girl on their patch and are the first port of call for he family members pursuing her. Mohammedanism is inherited from one’s father and leaving it would involve ostracism by friends family and community. Muslims who convert to other religions are, again in this country, subjected to harassment and intimidation ( vandalism of car and home fronts, gangs of young men outside your house, death threats,) to the extent that churches where converted Muslims worship have to keep their location secret. For any Muslim apostate their is the knowledge that any Muslim who kills an apostate gets a free pass to paradise according to Islamic doctrine – and there is always the possibility that some lone nut (which is English for perfectly orthodox Muslim) will choose to act on this – out of the blue, at any time.
These are just the explicit deterrents: the techniques of brainwashing such as constant repetition of meaningless Arabic gobbledygook, emphasis from infancy on the inferiority of the kuffar and the need to remain separate, the use of chain migration so that there is always one parent who was brought up in a Pakistani or Bangladeshi environment – all act as powerful inducements to remain within the religion. But the most important factor is that Islam is perceived as a winner- despite the obvious intellectual, social, political, economic, artistic and (conventional) military failure of all Muslim countries, its adherents think they’re in with a chance for that old fantasy- world domination. Madness, of course, although nobody appearing to want to stop them must help a lot and in numerous ways the BBC makes a very major contribution to maintaining this dangerous swollen headedness. As indeed do some naive social ‘scientists’ in Welsh universities whose work Beeboids are so anxious to report.
And now some other news:
Bear shits in the woods
pope found to be catholic.
Please do not use the word “dhimmi” in your articles, some of our contributors dont know what a dhimmi is, or refuse to define it.
Go away you liberal fool
Someone, who has nothing better to do with their time, is posting comments using by moniker. I suppose I should be flattered. The only thing worse than being talked about … and all that
Call Rod Hull – someone’s nicked emus.
” Go away you liberal fool ”
Thank you nicked that has really made my day! touch a nerve did I ?
What was your pooled definition once more? pray repeat what “me sir me sir” said?
go on…you know you want to:
Cripes – no only do they use dhimmi over at Guido’s but, perhaps, owing to its resemblance to a quite unrelated term, the word jizya is beginning to acquire currency there.
Damn ! now there’s another word I need a definition for…lol
Didn’t the BBC try to ban the use of the word “dhimmi” at one time? I’m sure it used to be automatically moderated out of any comments made.
Harry’s Place is supposed to delete any comment that contains the word ‘taqiyya’.
There is something really bad coming down the road and it will hit us all soon. If any of these BBC lefty freaks or any other of their chums think they will escape it, they in for a shock.
There’s also the risk of finding yourself being strangled by your father and your abandoned corpse rotting on a Cumbrian river bank . . . .
Now then, what can that post mean?….clues? current case?
But of course you’d report someone missing wouldnt you…we all would…..woudnt we?