BBC business journalist Dominic Laurie:

A BBC business reporter bigging up the #socialism hashstag – says so much about BBC newsroom mindset. How long would a BBC business journo last in his job if he punctuated his tweets by promoting #freemarket or #libertarianism hashtags? I’m guessing either not very long, or long enough to realise that promotion is never going to happen.

And here’s BBC Newsnight economics editor Paul Mason:

Couldn’t resist the mini-lecture directed at America. You’ll search in vain for “Hear that Cuba? FREE SPEECH”, btw. Then again, Newsnight’s Comrade Kite is probably going there for his holidays.

I enjoyed much of the opening ceremony – the bit with Bond and the Queen was particularly good – but jeez, can’t these “impartial” BBC hacks take just one night off from their international class struggle against the clichéd American bogeyman?

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  1. Aerfen says:

    I noticed no concern about anachronistic representation of “vibrants” as C18th peasants and even one “capitalist”, yet when the “Windrush” arrived ethnic authenticity was instituted. Clearly the casting director had been trained to BBC standards!

    I was dismayed to see at one point that the “NHS” was reduced to Third World standards, with two children sharing a bed. Still never mind, its now been showcased as the free health service for the world, eh?

    Interesting to see how few Olympic teams are vibrant too – the majority seem to be boringly monoethnic, or to have only token representation of foriegners.


    • johnyork says:

      What do you mean the “NHS” was reduced to Third World standards ?
      Exactly when did they come out of Fourth World standards in the first place ?

      Mind you, a gold medal for the NHS in the Hop Skip and a Jump with everybody’s money.


    • DJ says:

      Yes, indeed, the state broadcaster ran with a dance routine celebrating socialised medicine… at which point Kim Jong Un turned off, thinking it was all a little heavy handed.


      • Amounderness Lad says:

        That comment deserves a Gold Medal, DJ. It really does sum up the B-BBC’s output on just about everything.


    • Peter Capriole says:

      I’ve always looked upon the Windrush as a British troop ship that left on the actual day of partition from Haifa, May 15 1948-the day after the state of Israel was declared. Just why the BBC/ Slumdog prefers to see it as an immigrant Mayflower ship in the late 20th century redefining “Britishness”with oh so desirable pilgrims is so myopic.
      I watched the opening ceremony on ZDF (they had 7.6 million viewers), the German commentator didn’t hold back from mentioning the dreadful waiting times in the NHS and that its reputation was severely damaged, etc. I wonder what the BBC said? I agree with Aerfen the authenticity of historical representation made ridiculous with the BBC/ Slumdog idea to have a black top-hatted industrialist gesticulating. Somehow the BBC can’t get over the B&W minstrel show can it? The choreography of the flag with Doreen Laurence and Shami Chak., so BBC Question Time. I’m sure the same minds were behind it, therefore BBC/slumdog. Oh and the ethnic pair a modern Romeo & Juliet finding themselves, complete rubbish, as were the songs from artic monkeys and hey jude- WTF? As if British music consisted simply of Top of the Pops. I found it so crude, reminded me of the Red Nose Day media events that they love to stage, however the Olympic flame was rather impressive!


    • David Gregory says:

      As I understand it groups representing specific events/movements were actually made of their descendants. So the “suffragettes” were descended from real suffragettes, the “Windrush” arrivals were descended from the real Windrush arrivals. And for the general cast… Well if you could get to the ridiculous number of rehearsals and manage to hold a beat you were in. That would explain why all the “suffragettes” were white, the “Windrush” passengers were black and why the general cast was mixed.


  2. Wokingham blue says:

    UnIversal shami.
    What the actual fuck!


    • Reed says:

      Whoever invited that bossy, po-faced little prig needs to be tossed on the olympic torch. She probably invited herself. 👿


      • Reed says:

        Enjoyed the Queen’s bit. She gets better with every passing year. Good on her.


      • #88 says:

        Bossy indeed. Did anyone catch a brief glimps of Ms Bossy ordering The Sec Gen of the UN and the the other flag carriers where to stand after they’d handed the flag over?
        What a F***ing Liberty!


    • johnnythefish says:

      Luckily an eagle-eyed organiser managed to get the ‘Sponsored by Gadhafi’ tee-shirt off her back before she picked up the flag.

      This was a great chance for the real unsung heroes of Britain to be recognised for the work they do – the volunteers and charity workers (the proper variety, not the government paid ones), selfless people who really understand the meaning of the word ‘community’.

      Shami Chakrabarti. I’m still puking.


  3. George R says:

    Beeboids are using Olympic razzmatazz as political excuse for their spend, spend, spend, and their mass immigration fantasy.


  4. Mr Bridger says:

    German Ambassador Georg Boomgaarden Nazi Salute was the high lite of the ceremony!


  5. Wild says:

    Maybe somebody should tell the Labour Party BBC that if they were to look in the history books (for example the memoirs of William Beveridge) they would discover that the Labour Party opposed the NHS (because welfare provision – as advocated by Bismark – made a socialist revolution less likely) and they were only won over when Labour MP’s were persuaded that it was something which could serve the interests of the Trade Unions – who were then – as now – the principle backers of the Labour Party.


  6. Fred says:

    High point was Mr Bean. Low point the NHS. If there was a health service olympics the NHS would not get any medals.


  7. LondonCalling says:

    This evening was an orgy of multiculti propaganda. Britishness redefined, a cast of thousands including student visa overstayers and West Indian single mums. I am suprised we didn’t have a Taliban team entry to a synchronised car bombing event.
    It didn’t make me feel proud, rather how much we have been mugged by the race-hustlers who control the public agenda . Twenty Twelve fail.


    • It's all too much says:

      This site is dedicated to BBC bias – the ‘ceremony’ wasn’t the product of gthe BBC but it did typify everything that foul organisation stands for. The ‘ceremony’ certainly didn’t represent a Britain that I recognise – but it was pretty close to the new metropolitan “Lundin”. The only bit that amused me, and I stuck it out to the end just to see if it could get worse (I was rewarded by Shami and Doreen, both secular saints on a par with the secretary general of the UN apparently), was when they cut to HM as the GB team entered the stadium; she was staring miserably at her nails and had a face like thunder. Poor woman, forced to sit through that utter farrago – a canter through every PC pet topic.

      Apparently our only national achievements are the NHS, the juvenile ‘texting’ habit and mass multi-culturalism as typified by the representation of the population of bucolic pre-industrial Britain. This was just another manifestation of the fact that the left decided some time ago to colonise the past and re-write history – a typical marxist trick.

      Insidious, weak PC hogwash accompanied by a BBC voice over “that’s my sort of history lesson”


      • Phobic-ist says:

        Where do I begin? Agree with most comments here. Once again the opportunity to ‘rub our noses in diversity’ was embraced wholeheartedly. Junk history at it’s worst. My particular beef was the noticeably small number of white boys used to carry the copper petals that made up the Olympic flame. What’s the reason behind that? In fact it seemed that every ‘vignette’ had a disproportionate number of ethnic minority participants. Surely the leftists don’t honestly think the global audience will be fooled by this crap? Do they?


        • Zemplar says:

          Yes, you’re right. It was blatantly obvious. Surely they could have blacked-up Kenneth Brannagh to fit in better?


        • Aerfen says:

          Mostly black, Bangladeshi particpipants were in short supply -frivolity deemed inappropriate during the allegedly ‘holy’ month?

          Had they been available then I have no doubt the numbers of native Brits would have been even fewer.


        • Lloyd Reith says:

          Surely the auditions were racist. Rejecting whites because they were white. Is there any tangable evidence that this was policy ? If so I hope to see prosecutions under the race laws.


          • Aerfen says:

            Surely the auditions were racist. Rejecting whites because they were white.

            They may have stipulated that you have to be within half an hour by public transport from the stadium? That would have safely ensured a minority ethnic predominence.

            Or they may have carried out a dancing and drumming test which would ensure a genetic advantage for Africans and their descendents.

            I am confident the Olympics Globalist types could find a way to give an institutional advantage to ‘vibrants’.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Young kids watching around the world could be forgiven for thinking England is a country in Africa.

      And note Marr’s declaration of London as a ‘world city’. It was like a soundbite from a multiculturalist’s victory speech.


    • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

      But of course the Olympics only came here because the bid team convinced the IOC that London was so full of foreigners that it wasn’t really British anyway.
      So the opening ceremony lived up (down) to that view.


  8. George R says:

    A thought for INBBC’s Pakistan-born Muslim propagandist, Mona Siddiqui:

    “Pakistan: Corrupt officials issued bogus travel documents that could allow jihadists to enter UK with Pakistan’s Olympic entourage.”



  9. Jim says:

    Anyone doubting the validity of Shami Chakribati being given that honour should think again. As if the Question Time appearances alone were not enough there is also the stunning achievements of Liberty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_(pressure_group) which eclipses anything achieved for the furtherence of mankind and the planet by the relative pygmie David Attenborough who thankfully was not chosen. To be fair I thought the rest of it was jolly good actually.


    • Scrappydoo says:

      BBC commentator introduced our flag bearing hero Shami as the founder of liberty, according to the wikipedia page it was founded in 1934 by Ronald Kidd ?


    • johnnythefish says:

      Far too much pop music – there was a place for it, given our history, but they overdid it – and an overdose of leftist propaganda, both of which required stiff mental discipline to keep the shouting-at-the-tv Tourette’s at bay (resistance finally cracked with the appearance of Chakrabarti and Lawrence), but overall hats off to Boyle. A spectacular in the true sense of the word.


    • George R says:

      And where was her Ethiopian Muslim, al Qaeda trainee sidekick, Binyam Mohamed?


    • +james says:

      I’m surprised wiki has not been censored. Here is an interesting bit about Shami’s organisation.


      From 1974-83 the NCCL was headed by Patricia Hewitt, who was later to become prominent in the Labour Party, serving as Health Secretary. A number of other future high profile Labour politicians worked at the organisation at this time, such as Harriet Harman who worked as the legal officer and her husband Jack Dromey.[11][12]

      Organisations such as Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E.) and Paedophile Action for Liberation controversially became affiliated to the NCCL and made complaints to the press watchdog about their treatment by tabloid newspapers. NCCL worked to reduce the age of consent in the United Kingdom and argued that court cases and inquests compelling young people to recount sexual activities wilfully engaged in could do more damage than the acts themselves, arguing that “childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage”. They also sought to place the “onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the child was actually harmed” rather than having a blanket ban on child pornography and advocated the decriminalisation of incest. the NCCL stated they supported “any organisation that seeks to campaign for anything it wants within the law”. Groups such as P.I.E. were later excluded from the organisation.[13]


      • 1327 says:

        One of the aspects of modern Britain I find most disturbing is the way certain events appear to go into a 1984 style memory hole and cannot be mentioned ever again.

        Why does the MSM never mention these events in the context of NCCL/Liberty or Hewitt ? You would have thought the moment Hewitt’s name appeared on ballot paper that old stories like this would be gold dust to a journalist. Likewise why didn’t the Tories never bring any of this up when she was a minister ?
        Has the entire Political class decided that the 1970’s were just a bad dream they would rather forget ?


  10. deegee says:

    OMG Not the BBC’s fault but the Olympic entrance celebration was so boring. Like sitting through a failed attempt to make history class interesting.


  11. Zemplar says:

    I thought Osama Bin Laden’s corpse was going to light the cauldron at the end, and he’d come in braced to his horse like in ‘El Cid’, terrifying the infidels in the crowd in the process. That would have been good…


    • noggin says:

      i did think voldemort, looked a bit like a cross between him(bin laden) and khomeni, the lack of a pork chop stuffed in his mouth somewhat, gave the game away, and i missed the Pakistani
      flag on the childsnatcher cart too.


  12. Scrappydoo says:

    With half the world watching ,what better opportunity to advertise our world health service to potential new customers around the globe. (they had the NHS, section why not one for the labour party and one for the unions? ) The NHS section was downright strange and went on too long, other countries have national health services which are better , Can‘t see France doing a health service plug in their opening ceremony.

    I liked a couple of bits – the section where the chimneys rose up, and where the Olympic ring was wrought and then raised to meet the others moving into position up in the air. Even that could have been better – Brunel = Railways, Bridges and the ss Great Britain, some reference to one of these would have helped it to make sense.

    Otherwise it was a sick-inducing lefty multi-culti fest, made little sense to us and even less to viewers overseas. The good bits could have been better and the bad bids couldn’t have been poorer. Money well spent ?

    It was nice to see Shami Chakrabarti carrying the Olympic flag.

    We could have done without the entertainment section altogether, the best part seeing the joy and enthusiasm of the athletes in the parade.


    • Aerfen says:

      “Joy and enthusiasm” at the prospect of remaining here for ever in many cases I fear?
      One athlete has already sought asylum, how many more athletes and hangars on will be using this event as a trojan?


    • Big Ben says:

      Yes it was nice to see Shami. Too bad they forgot to ask George Galloway, Gerry Adams and Abu Hamza to join in as well.


  13. the sheep says:

    Huw Morris the Welsh windbag saying Saudi Arabia are an enigma for not embracing the Arab spring, Bollocks!!


  14. Alexander Galt says:

    In view of the barring of the Greek athlete from the Olympics for a racist tweet, the presence of Muhammad Ali as honoured guest is confusing.

    This is the same Ali who address a Ku Klux Klan rally on miscegenation!

    More here: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/


    • deegee says:

      Ali states in his 1975 autobiography that he threw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River after being refused service at a ‘whites-only’ restaurant, and fighting with a white gang. Whether this is true is still debated, although he was given a replacement medal at a basketball intermission during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, where he lit the torch to start the games.


  15. johnnythefish says:

    Coming back to Laurie’s and Mason’s tweets, perhaps we can have jimscottiedez’s views on how their comments meet the BBC’s commitment to ‘impartiality’, along with some insight into their staff disciplinary procedures.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      There will be no discipline. Even though neither one of them has the “views my own” disclaimer, they don’t have a BBC logo on their pages either. So it’s not an “official” BBC account, thus their comments fall outside BBC jurisdiction.

      They can tweet whatever they like. As long as it’s not a right-wing viewpoint, of course.


      • johnnythefish says:

        That’s a good point, and the biggest copout (by the BBC, that is) since copouts were invented.


  16. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    Continuing the BBC/ America theme, as soon as the USA team entered the BBC focussed on Michelle Obama and continued to promote her during the entire time their team paraded. I think USA was the only one where BBC didn’t tell us the flag-bearer: too busy trying to get Obama re-elected.

    I guess, being black, socialist, and anti-British, Obama ticks all the BBC’s main boxes.


  17. Beeboidal says:

    Sometimes you have to take a step back and consider whether your own bias is distorting your view. Had I really watched a tribute to socialism posing as an Olympic Games opening ceremony? I consulted Professor Andrew Chadwick, Professor of Political Science at Royal Holloway College. An exultant Professor Chadwick told me “Olympic ceremony is socialist realism meets cabaret. A triumph!”, adding further that “So many subliminal and not so subliminal lefty messages in the Olympic Ceremony. We are all progressives now.”

    Seems I was right. But Prof Chadwick has chalked up less appearances on the BBC than Shoutie can collect in a single good day, so I’m off to consult Shoutie now.

    (Alright, so I didn’t really consult Chadwick. Those quotes are his tweets.)


    • Nicked emus says:

      Shame you didn’t ask the good professor a bit later.

      I was deeply, deeply skeptical about all of this beforehand, but my goodness can this get any better?


      • Beeboidal says:

        It was never going to to be a tribute to Coca-Cola and McDonalds. He needn’t have worried.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Nicked, shame you haven’t found a single Beeboid tweet that even remotely appears to come from a non-Left perspective. Which is the point of DV’s post. Any thoughts while you pick low-hanging cherries?


        • Jim Dandy says:

          ‘The contrast between democratic Britain and totalitarian China opening ceremonies just wonderful.’

          Andrew Neil


          • David Preiser (USA) says:

            Hardly right-wing, but congratulations anyway, as it’s not far-Left, like most Beeboid tweets.

            Could you provide a link for my records, please?


          • johnnythefish says:

            I’m surprised at the ambiguity in Neil’s statement. If this was democracy we would have been given the chance in 1997 to vote for the mass immigration/muticulti experiment which has changed the face of this country forever (and which has apparently removed London from England – it’s now a ‘world city’, doncha know).


          • RCE says:

            Is that the pick of the crop?

            Hardly a slam-dunk, is it Jim?


  18. Brother Duquette says:

    Was it just me or did anyone else think that the Olympic opening ceremony was a load of left-wing multicultural crap?


    • Nicked emus says:

      I think you are in good company on here — along with that Nazi-party-loving (no doubt soon to be ex-) Tory MP.
      I love this site because it never, ever fails to deliver.


      • Brother Duquette says:

        You spend too much time on this site… go out and try to enjoy yourself; choose life!


        • wallygreeninker says:

          Personally I’d prefer if the slimy prat chose to jump in the lake.


      • Lloyd Reith says:

        Silent majority. ANUS.


      • David Hanson says:

        I wonder what that Nazi-party-loving shadow chancellor Ed Balls thinks about it? Oh, silly me – Mr Balls was actually wearing the uniform, whereas the Tory MP was not.


      • feargal the cat says:

        Ed Balls is a tory?


      • johnnythefish says:

        So, Nick, explain how Laurie and Mason were acting in the BBC’s best interests with the above tweets, specifically upholding their commitment to ‘impartiality’.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘…along with that Nazi-party-loving (no doubt soon to be ex-) Tory MP’. Might have missed something here – please can you explain.


  19. Biodegradable says:

    Living outwith the UK I wasn’t able to watch the BBC’s coverage, even on the the interwebnet, so the only plus I can see of the beeb’s coverage was that I believe they were forbidden to talk over Danny Boy’s production.


  20. Louis Robinson says:

    “Its all too much”, well done. The word “Lundin” says it all and now enters my vocabulary. Perfect.


  21. Doyle says:

    I’m loath to criticize Danny Boyle on the basis that he’s from my home town and he’s the most famous person this dump has ever produced but it was rubbish. The fact that the beeboids loved it should tell us something – one drone to another last night going on (and on) about how amazing it was. Isn’t this the same multi-culti pc crapola they were pushing at the Millenium Dome (which the public hated)? Judging by the comments on the Daily Mail website the general public have fallen for this shit – so it seems you only need 12 years (of liebour and the beeb) to brainwash someone. Mission accomplished. As a history graduate I object to this re-writing of our history. What’s the most famous ship this country ever produced? The Mary Rose, The Golden Hind, Victory, Warrior, The Great Eastern, The Ark Royal. No silly, it’s the Windrush ( important because without the blacks and their descendents the beeboids wouldn’t have any of their Peruvian marching powder). I’m not saying that there should have been Africans in chains (although I’m sure that occured to the organisers) but WE are much more than the friggin Windrush, Harry Botter, Mary Poopins, the NHS which is sooo great it allows it’s patients to starve to death. It’s all part of the plan to rob us of our culture that the BBC have been pushing relentlessly for years and it makes me sick. Bloooaaggghhh.


    • Doyle says:

      Incidentally, I left two disparaging comments about the opening ceremony on the Daily Mail website. Neither were printed. (Dissent will be silenced).


    • Buggy says:

      “I’m loath to criticize Danny Boyle on the basis that he’s from my home town and he’s the most famous person this dump has ever produced but it was rubbish.”

      Simply not true ! Feast your eyes on these:


      Quite impressive, even if you leave out the soap stars. And Cruella, too.


  22. zemplar says:

    Don’t forget the CND sign that appeared at some point. And Doyle, Africans in chains would have been OK, as long as we could have seen them being bought from their black and Arab Muslim slave masters. Oops! That never happenned, did it? Silly me…


  23. Jeremy Clarke says:

    Heck, I love stand out in a crowd.

    I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some elements didn’t work but others took the breath away.

    And Muhammad Ali’s cameo almost brought a tear to my eye.


    • Barry says:

      Agree entirely.

      As I’m capable of appreciating some aspects of the event more than others, and don’t feel the need to write the whole thing off in one nasty soundbite, I suppose I’m just a brainwashed drone.

      Too bad.


      • Barry says:

        Actually, I don’t agree with you “entirely” about Muhammad Ali’s cameo, but the good far outweighed the bad.


    • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

      Was Ali there to counter the Labour propaganda?
      A man as old and infirm as that surely wouldn’t be allowed in the Nationalised Health ‘Service’.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        If he ever had to endure our NHS he’d problably die of thirst; he wouldn’t be the first>


    • Reed says:

      I enjoyed most of it too. I thought the lighting of the stadium was spectacular throughout. There were elements that I could have done without, or seen less of, but that is to be expected with such a wide ranging event. I thought the industrial revolution section was extremely well conceived, with chimney stacks and the forged olympic rings rising from the earth – I’ve not seen anything as evocative as that in any other opening ceremony. There was too much going on with hospital beds for far too long, and it must look a bit weird to foreigners that we appear to have turned our healthcare system into a kind of national fetish. Nor can I accept that CND is/was an integral part of our national heritage to be worthy of such a visible inclusion.There are surely other voluntary organisations that are more widely supported and ingrained in public life. This, along with the oh so PC olympic flag carriers and the concentration of ethnic minorities was clearly a sign of the producer stamping his political outlook on proceedings. That aside, I thought the positives far outweighed the negatives, with enough humour and eccentricity to balance out the more processional segments. I even enjoyed most of the music. I would have liked to have heard a bit more of our classical heritage, but our pop music industry has been one of the nation’s biggest cultural exports in the last 50 years, so you can’t really blame them for focusing on the more modern artists.

      …and they even managed to get the Queen involved in the madness! Overseas viewers must have been a bit bemused at certain points and think us all a bit nuts as a nation. I’d say that’s an accurate portrayal. Now if only we can win a few medals…


      • Scrappydoo says:

        “There are surely other voluntary organisations that are more widely supported and ingrained in public life.”

        I agrere, what about RSPCA, RNLI and many others?


        • Reed says:

          The RNLI would have been a good choice. Unlike CND, they’ve actually achieved something – as the many people whose lives they have saved will attest.

          …or the Salvation Army, formed in the UK. Even the Citizens Advice Bureau has done more to help people in their everyday lives than bloody CND.


          • johnnythefish says:

            And the CND, a minority leftist protest organisation, achieved what, exactly?

            And where would we be now had they succeeded? In a couple of years’ time, staring Iran-sponsored nuclear terrorist blackmail down a barrel, I think.


            • johnnythefish says:

              Oh, nearly forgot. Anyone recall CND pressure on the Soviet Union to disarm? Or, like me, do you remember them being beyond criticism in CND eyes? And does that remind you of anything – say secularists’ obsession with Christianity whilst Islam…….? Or alarmists obsession with the CO2 emissions of the capitalist west whilst China’s….?

              Spot the common thread.


  24. alan phillips says:

    Something’s never change however…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ct6n_YwTKI

    I wonder what good ol’ auntie had to say about this.


    • deegee says:

      Does anyone really believe that was a Nazi salute and not an unfortunate camera angle? The Internet is full of non Nazis caught at the wrong angle including George Bush, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, Holly Willoughby and Gordon Brown and coming up with a Nazi salute.


  25. lillian says:

    It was horrible, simply horrible and I am ashamed to say I encouraged an overseas friend to watch. I had to apologise this morning, boring, self serving and strange and I was wondering if white British is now a minority group.


  26. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Still waiting for a defender of the indefensible to provide evidence of a single Beeboid tweet which doesn’t come from the Left. Come on guys, get busy proving us wrong.


    • Jim Dandy says:

      ‘Saudis whack the women at the back of the parade. There’s a surprise.’

      Dominic Laurie


      • johnnythefish says:

        Is that supposed to be a right-wing comment? The BBC habitually refer to regimes like Saudi as ‘conservative’.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        That’s not a right-wing political sentiment, Jim. At least it’s critical of Islam, a rarity from a Beeboid. But not right-wing.


    • Nicked emus says:

      shame you haven’t found a single Beeboid tweet

      Sorry — didn’t realise I was supposed to be looking for any. But always happy to help out a befuddled foreigner, even one with a rather strange obsession about someone else’s broadcasters.

      Since I only follow one BBC reporter on Twitter I am not particularly au fait with what other BBC correspondents write. However I found this list:

      Then scrolled down to about the right sort of time — the tweet below was literally the first tweet I read. It is form somebody called James Pearce; I have no idea who he is.

      Having seeing dress rehearsal my prediction is that after this ceremony the popular hashtag will be #proudtobebritish

      Don’t see any hidden Socialist messages in there (although I am sure someone will come up with a reason as to why this is yet more “evidence” of bias).


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Is that a right-wing sentiment? No. It’s just another example that the only time the BBC condones patriotism of any kind for white people is during sports events.

        As for my “strange obsession” with the BBC, all you need to know is that I’m fed up with the official national broadcaster of my country’s top ally poisoning the minds of my friends and business associates, as well as spreading it via the World Service (funded until now by the government), not to mention a biased news broadcast produced in and targeted at the US (BBC World News America), and a certain Left-wing BBC employee capitalizing on her well-paid, high-profile position to push a personal partisan agenda on other outlets. I got tired many years ago of correcting falsehoods or false impressions people I knew had accepted as fact because they heard it on the BBC. If it was a private, commercial broadcaster that they weren’t forced to pay for, I wouldn’t care.

        If Fox News was the official state broadcaster of the US, and produced a news show in London, made for the UK audience, you wouldn’t be pleased.


        • Nicked emus says:

          You didn’t ask for a right-wing tweet, you asked for someone to “provide evidence of a single Beeboid tweet which doesn’t come from the Left”. That has been done.j

          So you don’t want an unbiased BBC, you just want one biased in your direction.

          As for your obsession, you crack on dear boy. It is kind of you to pay so much attention to the BBC. Who knew the BBC had so much influence in America. Still good to see the colonies showing the appropriate deference.

          It is a bit like complaining about Russia Today, or that strange Iranian Press TV. Who cares? Why watch it? It is almost as if you are going out of your way to look for things about which to be offended.

          Fox News can do whatsoever it likes. I have never watched it so I have no opinion of it whatsoever. If it wants to open up over here great — the more, the merrier.


          • RCE says:

            Another unwitting QED from a BBC defender: the desire to restrict the discussion by questioning the legitimacy of those with differing views.


          • wallygreeninker says:

            Talk about that film ‘Get Carter’ – it’s almost as if they’ve had a strategic meeting at some Amalgamated Union of Lefty Trolls somewhere, to go after David at all costs -either that or they all use the same gay bar.


          • David Preiser (USA) says:

            So you don’t want an unbiased BBC, you just want one biased in your direction.

            Wrong as usual, Nicked. I would like to see a BBC even remotely balanced, rather than one where the vast majority of the staff are Left-wing. Can you even begin to understand that concept?

            I’m not going out of my way to be offended, either. The bias at the BBC came to me in the form of misinformed and brainwashed friends and business associates, who had to be corrected over and over again. But please, keep on guessing and assuming things about which you know nothing.


        • Nicked emus says:

          You didn’t ask for a right-wing tweet, you asked for someone to “provide evidence of a single Beeboid tweet which doesn’t come from the Left”. That has been done.

          So you don’t want an unbiased BBC, you just want one biased in your direction.

          As for your obsession, you crack on dear boy. It is kind of you to pay so much attention to the BBC. Who knew the BBC had so much influence in America. Still good to see the colonies showing the appropriate deference.

          It is a bit like complaining about Russia Today, or that strange Iranian Press TV. Who cares? Why watch it? It is almost as if you are going out of your way to look for things about which to be offended.

          Fox News can do whatsoever it likes. I have never watched it so I have no opinion of it whatsoever. If it wants to open up over here great — the more, the merrier.


          • johnnythefish says:

            Fox doesn’t pretend to be impartial, and is not funded through a compulsory licence fee.

            The BBC claims to be impartial. It is not. The fact you defend it without reservation (except when your absence of comment on a topic shows even you cannot defend the indefensible) and the fact you are obviously very leftist in your views, shows the BBC to be leftist also.

            So it’s nothing to do with Russia Today, or Press TV, and everything to do with being compelled to pay for a British broadcasting company, with a majority coverage of broadcast news and current affairs in this country, which claims to be balanced. That’s why ‘I care’, and so should you if you believe in democracy.


            • David Gregory says:

              “Fox doesn’t pretend to be impartial” ? Its slogan is “Fair and balanced. We report. You decide”


              • RCE says:

                The BBC motto is ‘Nation shall speak peace unto Nation.’

                Can you give us an example of this in action, David?


                • Guest Who says:

                  ‘BBC motto is ‘Nation shall speak peace unto Nation.’
                  Blimey…is it? I did not know that. I thought it was ‘Speaking for… to… at the nation’ or ‘You pay; we say’. But all these mission statements are on par really.
                  Have to love the fact that the [sigh] cherry vultures have dipped in to further excavate in highlighting who has said what vs. does something else.
                  At least the Fox one allows the notion that folk have a choice in the matter.
                  In fact in a semantic sense, “Fair and balanced. We report. You decide” appears to read as a claim they make on their reporting that they open up to public support… or not… via the means it uses to fund itself. Don’t agree? Stop watching. It’s free to view anyway so loss of eyeballs means they lose their funding resource.
                  However the BBC’s ‘unique’ funding model does not appear to offer any such option bar pay not matter what, whether ‘comfortably believed’ to be 110% impartial by all known Graun/LSE polls, or shown to be more bent than a 9 bob note by page grabs and pre-stealth edit URLs.
                  So in picking the cherries so selectively, and failing to notice the honking great elephant sitting in their edit suites, thanks again to the flock for making this point so eloquently.


              • johnnythefish says:

                Fine, but it’s quite irrelevant. I don’t watch Fox nor would I want to. I prefer to see news, current affairs, history, science etc. presented and debated in a balanced way by the one broadcaster who professes to be impartial so I can hear both sides of the story. I used to love the BBC for that, now I detest them for their overt and shameless (bordering on arrogant) left-liberal and Labour bias, of which you will find scores of indefensible examples on this website.


              • Buggy says:

                “Fair and balanced. We report. You decide”

                “…….and if you don’t like it, we won’t stiff you with menaces for the priviledge of watching other TV stations.”


                • David Preiser (USA) says:

                  Exactly the point, Buggy. Too bad defenders of the indefensible refuse to consider it.


      • RCE says:

        These examples of ‘right wing’ tweets are chuffing hilarious.

        Keep ’em coming, Jim and Nicked!


        • Span Ows says:

          That’s the irony, they seem so chuffed at finding one or two…that seems more to support the point by David rather than prove him wrong.


          • RCE says:

            And those ‘one or two’ are either ambiguous or politically agnostic.

            It is truly pathetic.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘Proud to be British’ can mean almost anything and is not necessarily an expression of patriotism as, say, Orwell understood it. .

        I would guess, but it’s only a guess, that he felt that way because he sees last night’s tribute to multiculturalism as heralding a great British achievement.


  27. +james says:


    • deegee says:

      Repeating myself.
      Does anyone really believe that was a Nazi salute and not an unfortunate camera angle? The Internet is full of non Nazis caught at the wrong angle including George Bush, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, Holly Willoughby and Gordon Brown and coming up with a Nazi salute.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘Does anyone really believe that was a Nazi salute and not an unfortunate camera angle?’
        Definitely not. But that just made it all the funnier.


  28. +james says:

    Here is a shorter version look for Boris and Camilla laughing their arses off in the background.


  29. Umbongo says:

    Mrs U and I watched the opening festivities with some old friends from France. After the display of highly selective British history, M. Dupont turned to me and remarked “C’est formidable mais ou sont les Anglais?” – sums it up really.


  30. Jim Dandy says:

    ‘@DegsRoberts it was an ironic comment Derrick that American view state healthcare as socialism. I’m not a socialist! Calm down. :-)’

    Dominic Laurie


  31. Biodegradable says:

    Yesterday the BBC reported the police arresting some cyclists’ at a protest near the Olympic village:

    Have they reported this?
    British Islamists Call Off Protest Against ‘Evil’ Olympic Games


  32. #88 says:

    Even the Telegraph have gone all Beeboid. One of their bloggers, Tim Stanley has just said, on Sky (in response to Burley) that, ‘The issue of Multi-culteralism is settled now, in this country.’ Where have we heard that sort of phrase before?
    Well young man (he looks younger than Owen Jones), No it isn’t – and there are many , including Trevor Phillips, who think that it has ill served the country and our diverse communities.
    And another thing…we don’t need any more illiberal, liberal lefties who spout the need for tolerance, but who are planenly not – well not tolerant of any views other than theirs.


    • Buggy says:

      I got my first “banned from commenting” from the DT last night (on the Opening Ceremony thread). Goodness knows why, though I feel a slight sense of pride about my first “modding”.

      If, however, I’d shrilly accused anyone disagreeing with me of being members of the BNP or wanting ethnic genocide, well that was clearly A-OK.

      There’s quite a lot of the DT that’s “Beeboid” : they employ Tom Chivers for a start.


  33. steve taylor says:

    I refuse to watch any of it.


  34. Dave s says:

    What to add ? All well said here. The obvious liberal left agenda showed so what is new? It was to be expected. They still believe they have the high ground.
    To me it showed that this is now two Englands. London and the shires. As the poet said we must seek the place where London ends and England can begin. It is London’s Olympics and I wish the city well of it. I really do.


    • Buggy says:

      Trouble is, if you’re Kentish, the spot where the bloody place (London) ends keeps creeping nearer and nearer.

      ‘Bout time we joined up with Surrey and the heathens of Sussex to declare UDI, frankly.


  35. deegee says:

    How did Danny Boyle recruit so many black faces? Was it an audition and one ethnic group was proportionately more successful? Was it a lottery? Alphabetical order? Did simply more of them want to take part.

    It would be really interesting to find evidence that Boyle or someone else gave instructions to boost the ethnic ratio.


    • Reed says:

      As with anything in the public sphere, I expect they were simply following the manual, whether by choice or compulsion. This is the kind of event that the diversity industry can really make a visible impact on, and it showed. Look at any local council or central government literature or presentation and you will see the same kind of over representation. This is what diversity managers exist for – their sole purpose is to increase the amount of representation of certain favoured groups within the public sector, with no regard to whether that representation is proportional. If they were to consider the percentages of these groups within the population as a whole, these things would look a lot less diverse than any of them would find acceptable. In truth, we’re still ‘hideously white’ as a nation, but you’d never know it if you only paid attention to the false representation commanded by the publicly funded diversity enforcers.


      • It's all too much says:

        It was really striking just how (universally) ‘hideous’ the population was that turned out to watch the olympic cycling road races.


        • Reed says:

          I noticed that too. That’s the kind of participation that is impossible to ‘engineer’.


  36. billybuff says:

    I do wish people would stop saying it is a nazi salute. To do so is to undermine all the very good comments posted on here about the BBC being biased…it makes us,as a group, look like a bunch of ‘conspiracy theorist’ loons. He is clearly just waving so please let’s drop it can we?


  37. billybuff says:

    It is extremely interesting that the lefties in charge of the ceremony considered it PC to include minorities in the industrial revolution section of the show, when it is clearly the case that they, to all Intents and circumstances, were not part of the population at that time (some were even used to play the industrialists!) and yet the immigrants in the ship section were, quite correctly, all black. This is an absolute classic example of why political correctness is a disasterous mind set for any person to labour under (pun ENTIRELY intended), let alone an entire organisation. Why is it allowable to do this? The reason is that political correctness, by it’s very definition, assumes a ‘goody’ and a ‘baddy’ within any given scenario. Hopefully it goes without saying that in the mind of left wingers and therefore of the BBBC that the ‘whities’ are the devil and the minority in any given scenario are the ‘good guys’. When the politically correct mindset is put under even the slightest intellectual probing it unravels like the leftie web of lies that it truly is.


    • RCE says:

      Yes, what are the chances of a PC/Cultural Marxist depiction of the transatlantic slave trade with white slaves and black traders?


  38. johnnythefish says:

    This thread has now been going for approx. 48 hours and still no views from jimdezscottie as to how the above 2 tweets might reflect on the BBC’s self-proclaimed ‘impartiality’.

    Come on, boy(s), don’t be shy.


    • RCE says:

      Of course jonnythefish that is glaringly obvious to anyone with two brain cells.

      The problem you’ve got is that they all think they’ve shown us to be complete and utter fools; I’ve no doubt they show their posts to their equally moronic mates who snigger and agree and really, truly believe they’ve won the argument!


  39. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Andrew Neil! Andrew Neil! Andrew Neil! Nick Robinson! There, I think that answers all challenges about a Left-wing bias that the BBC, right?