US reporter Jenna Fryer is in London to cover the Olympics for the Associated Press. She’s been watching the news output of our national broadcaster:


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13 Responses to SEEMS ABOUT RIGHT

  1. Redwhiteandblue says:

    Shocking. I see those lefties at the Spectator and the Telegraph have pilloried him mercilessly this morning, too.


  2. geyza says:

    Even the BBC have got to pretend that there is any significant difference between Romney’s and Obama’s agendas.

    In reality there isn’t. Whichever candidate gets the most electoral college votes in November, the winner will be Goldman Sachs and the corrupt corporatocratic elite.

    Now if by some miracle, Ron Paul wins the nomination in August, THEN America would get a choice.

    Otherwise they are only choosing which puppet sucks banker-balls best.


  3. DB says:

    BBC World Service hack Jackie Leonard thinks #RomneyShambles is the best hashtag ever:

    And various BBC tweeters seem very pleased that their guys Alagiah and Mardell are in the new DNC attack ad.


    • Craig says:

      I’m not surprised. Their exchange on the News at Six last night began:

      George Alagiah: Mark, if he’s here to make friends he’s got a funny way of showing it!
      Mark Mardell (laughing): Exactly!

      You can’t beat an impartial newsreader and an impartial reporter allowing us to form our own opinions by just giving us the facts!


    • DB says:

      James Jones has decided it’s now time to remind everyone about his and John Sweeney’s dire BBC film attacking Romney. Notice that Jones describes him as the “gaffe-prone Romney” (y’know, because he mildly pointed out concerns over the Olympics that the BBC and the rest of the British media have been hyping for weeks). Compare this attempt to SwiftBush/SwiftPalin Romney by painting him as a bumbling fool with the BBC’s silence over Obama’s many gaffes. Every slight misstep by Romney will now be highlighted and exaggerated to push the narrative.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Here’s the DNC ad:

      It’s funny how the BBC has spent weeks criticizing the Olympics preparation, and generally talking down the whole thing, yet when Romney says it, he’s wrong.

      I’m not surprised that there’s a backlash against Romney for coming in with a negative, but so what? Just like the BBC is referred to as “no votes TV”, Britain is a no-votes country. Is this trip going to cost Romney a single vote? No.

      Is the BBC every going to be honest and report the President’s own numerous gaffes and refer to Him as “gaffe-prone”? No. Is this all very revealing of how the Beeboids have been chomping at the bit for an excuse to bash Romney? Yes.

      Are we ever going to see a tweet from a Beeboid that’s even remotely critical of their beloved Obamessiah? No.


  4. Alex says:

    My TV License fee money is not going to the BBC so they can spend half their time posting inane crap on twitter which I find offensive; if, as a teacher, I post negatively about my work or current affairs in education, then I will be reprimanded… BBC journalists should keep their bloody political opinions to themselves or on their private FB accounts.


  5. George R says:

    What Beeboid MARDELL is spending licencepayers’ money on:
    criticising ROMNEY full-time, globally, for Obamamessiah.


  6. LondonCalling says:

    BBC US correspondents: you pay for them to lie to you, then they write it up in a book, and get paid double

    Matt Frei

    Justin Webb

    Justin Webb

    No doubt Mark Mardell has started writing his own book.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      I wonder if Mardell will get a promotion out of this, like ol’ Justin did. They can’t make him stay in the US much longer, surely.