The conviction of the parents of Shafilea Ahmed of her brutal murder has triggered a debate on the BBC. We will come to that in a moment. But first let’s focus on what Mr Justice Roderick Evans said as he announced these savages would both serve a minimum of 25 years.
The judge told them: “Your concern about being shamed in your community was greater than the love of your child. The judge told them: “Your concern about being shamed in your community was greater than the love of your child.”
That’s all the BBC tells us. But if you go here, you find a little more detail that for some odd reason the BBC chose not to report. You see the judge also said;
‘What was it that brought you two, her parents, the people who had given her life, to the point of killing her?’ he asked them. ‘You chose to bring up your family in Warrington but your social and cultural attitudes were those of rural Pakistan.
And then this…
‘You wanted your family to live in Pakistan in Warrington. ‘Although she went to local schools, you objected to her socialising with girls from what has been referred to as the white community. You objected to her wearing Western clothes and you objected to her having contact with boys.
In other words just for ONCE a Judge actually called out the Dark Ages mentality of some of those who come here from Pakistan…..and the BBC chooses to ignore it.
Instead, we get THIS nonsense on Today.
“How much do we know about concepts such as ‘honour’ and ‘shame’ which apparently motivate honour killings? “
We don’t need to know anything beyond the fact that it is murder.
We do need to ask what is it about ISLAM that seems to encourage such abominably behaviour. The tribal heartlands of Pakistan and the values of those who live in them have NO place in British culture but if you say this, unambiguously, the BBC throw their hands up in faux horror.
Maybe it would do the BBC better to ponder how many more families are suffering from Pakistan values in modern Britain? Not all cultures are equal – as the terrible murder of this young girl by her own parents demonstrates. Instead of this the BBC looks to convoluted causes and explanations when in fact the motivation is obvious – it’s just uncomfortable for them.
I actually wrote this on the comments board, but feel its proper place is here:
The bBC does damage limitation for Islam over the Shafilea Ahmed verdict.
Shafilea Ahmed: Investigating honour crime
She has been on the run from her family for seven years, but Maziera’s only sin is being a Sikh who married a Muslim.In the eyes of her family she has brought shame and dishonour.
See how the bBC works its magic ref Honour killings. Its not Muslims, no its those nasty Sikhs.
The bBC, the apologist for intolerant Islam and the traitor in our Midst
I thought the police claiming that it was merely domestic violence was the most sickening statement.
He was under orders.
here it is, this actually is a really good composite of reports, and well worth a look
Of all the UK s immigrant minorities Pakistanis are the most arrogant and duplicitous, since the UK children grooming scandal, have been exposed as having no integrity, no compassion and no shame. They look for a fiddle or loophole in everything, and to them their insane cult is everything. Talking of which of all Islam’s grotesque parodies of otherwise universal ideals and conceptions, this despicable inversion of the idea of “honour” is one of the most disgusting, in their long list of abhorrence
thats it!
sorry folks …. I m out,
there are no words
A hate crime, apparently, it was not. Even though it was religiously-motivated murder.
“UK: Muslim parents get 25 years for murdering their daughter in honor killing”
‘Islam in Britain’ had no difficulty in including it on their website which they say ‘is a series of feeds and links to information relating to Islam and Muslims in Britain’.
‘You wanted your family to live in Pakistan in Warrington’. Sorry, Mr Judge, is that news? Well, perhaps in Warrington it is, but in Bradford, Leicester, Blackburn, Dewsbury, Tower Hamlets and other British outposts of the Punjab, it’s been going on for yonks.
The social attitudes about honour which surface in this sort of case are, alas, not exclusively Islamic. You’ll find similar sentiments expressed in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama, and similar shame-driven behaviour persisted until quite recent times in what one might term the machismo cultures of southern Europe, and their offshoots in South America as well.
They are exclusevely Islamic here , unless our border agency has managed to let to let hords of South Americans in as well .
And our culture has evolved since Elisabethan times , and so should any community that wants to live here .
You seem to forget that humans act out of bestiality all the time, but whereas Christians behave that way in defiance of their teaching, Muslims behave the way they do because of Koranic brainwashing, which discusses, amongst other things, the limitations of when and how to beat your wife. Don’t forget, this was allegedly dictated to the perfect ban by the angel Gabriel.
that should say “perfect man” not “perfect ban” (though I would like to see one).
Come off it! you make the point perfectly. In Elizabethen times ie over 500 years ago.
Sage, I see you agree with what Geert Wilders told Stage Performer Maitlis (check out the utter contempt she shows for him, and the dishonesty about lumping him in with the BNP): Christendom went through an Enlightenment, while the cavemen elsewhere have not, yet. Currently, fundamentalist Islam reinforces those caveman notions. That’s what the judge was talking about, too.
” Currently, fundamentalist Islam reinforces those caveman notions. ”
Wrong sir, it’s nothing to do with anything fundamentalist, it’s quite simply “ISLAM”
There is only one Islam and it’s savage, barbaric and inhuman.
Just not going to such extreme measures as people killing their daughters though! Yes there has been ‘shame’ in the past, as when a girl became pregnant and was forced to hide away and put her baby up for adoption, but never so extreme that she is murdered simply for talking to boys, not even in Elizabethan times.
This forced marriage malarky and the British culture was described by the bbc news last night, (Same presenter as Antiques road show, forgotten her name), as a ‘Clash of Cultures. Would that be the same clash of cultures with the rape of all those young girls up north I wonder?
The thing is though, honour killing is enshrined within Islamic sharia law – there is no legal penalty in Islam for a parent who kills their child, and further to that, grandchild.
As far as I know, it has never been ‘legal’ anywhere in the west to kill your child. If anyone knows otherwise…
Clash of Cultures ?!
I know the PTB are replacing Diversity for Multiculturism . But that is better ; Clashculturism .
‘Clash of cultures’. On British soil? When was the last time that happened?
A frightening but true statement.
Fiona Bruce surely, wouldn’t they just love for her to have walked across tahrir sq half clothed!
I wonder if the parents still want to sue the Police:
(as reported by the bBC)
Oh and how the bBC backed their claim of innocence back in 2004 by allowing them to bitch on Newsnight:
In their eagerness to let the father spout his rubbish about police treatment, the BBC sure gave him enough rope to hang himself:
On Shafelia drinking bleach to avoid an arranged marriage: “IFTIKHAR AHMED:
What she said, and what the girl actually said when we spoke to her as well, right, was it was purely accidental, right. She went into the bathroom and the power cut, electric went, and she picked the bottle up by mistake instead of the mouthwash. She picked the bleach bottle up and took the sip of it. Obviously when she realised, like, she threw up and started to scream, come out the bathroom, and straight away, right, we called the taxi and took her to the hospital. And she was in hospital for, oh, three, three, four days before they released her.”
yep, and that from the one who didnt even report her missing FFS ????
Shafilea’s mother continued the rural Pakistan image by refusing to speak English.
Yeah right, they speak English alright, its just they don’t when in court so as to give the impression that as they don’t speak English they cannot be aware of the rules so hopefully they will receive a lesser sentence.
It’s a common ploy which the authorities are far too scared to clamp down on in case somebody plays the racist card.
It’s not confined to Pakistanis.
An article in he guardian on he subject mentions Kurdish and Bangladeshi girls being murdered in he UK as well’
“Police estimate at least 12 are dying each year in the UK but others will be hidden – forced suicides and murders made to look like suicide are widely believed to take place undetected. Women aged 16-24 from Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi backgrounds are three times more likely to kill themselves than the national average for that age and it is impossible to tell what pressures some must have been under. And for every woman who dies, it seems certain that there are many, many more living with honour-based abuse and hidden away in shuttered communities.”
The term honour killing is also used to cover the less common act of murdering a boyfriend of which the family disapproves, not necessarily the girl herself. In this (Bangladeshi) case, from 2005, occurring in Oxford
-the perpetrator actually mentioned religion as part of the motive:
“Mujibar was furious at his sister’s “blatant” defiance and slapped her three times when she refused to end the relationship. In a police interview, he explained: “She acted contrary to religion and tradition by dating Arash. Instead of dating, she should have waited to have an arranged marriage.” ”
The problem is not helped by the way so many Muslim seem to be in denial on the subject (as opposed to the men who always deny everything when dealing with infidels) but basically the problem is Islam.
And the common denominator is?
I think you’d like to think it was a religion, but unfortunately it’s barbaric savages ! we really need them to enrich us heathens dont we?
Whenever I read something like this, I am reminding of this quote by General Sir Charles Napier:
After fifteen years of celebrating diversity in Blair’s Britain, General Sir Charles Napier today would have been reduced in the ranks to Private Napier due to his lack of sensitivity to different but equally valid cultural choices, while letters criticising British “Colonial Imperialism” would have appeared immediately in The Guardian.
It’s a brilliant quote. Someone should send it to Theresa May, together with a picture of a backbone.
Murders like this occur all too often because the BBC leads he way in whitewashing why they happen.
The message should be quite simple to these Islamopaths: If you dont want your children to be westernised: GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!
hat tip to hippiepooter: islamopath, great word, will wait patiently to hear on on the beeb.
I have to pass your hat-tip on to whoever coined that term!
Basically left wing Thought Police like Humphrys are complicit in the murders of these young girls by their Muslim families and the rape of indigenous English girls by Muslim gangs.
They seek to give them false alibis.
“British Muslims provide a model for the rest of the country, and cannot be
blamed for failing to integrate, they see a society that hardly inspires
them to. Indeed, they see aspects of modern Britain which are a threat to
the values they hold dear. Values we should all hold dear.
It is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the Muslim way
of life, not the other way around.” – David Cameron.
That is truly unbelievable; I didn’t know about that, and I didn’t imagine that ridiculous charlatan could sink lower in my estimation. But he just has.
Let’s do some analysis:
‘The picture is seriously bleak: family breakdown, drugs, crime and incivility are part of the normal experience of modern Britain,’
Family breakdown: murdering your daughter/sister/cousin and/or ripping teenage girls out of school, sending them to Pakistan to marry a much older man they’ve never met. CHECK.
Drugs: Pakistani gangs bringing Afghan heroin into the country and using taxis/takeaways as the distribution network. CHECK.
Incivility: gang-raping and pimping underage white girls, forcing whites that remain in Muslim areas out through threats of violence, posting anti-gay messages in public areas, intimidating muslim girls into ‘covering up’. CHECK.
All very much part of the ‘normal experience of modern Britain’ if you live near these savages.
‘British Asians are role models’, says David Cameron:
is that bbc “asians”, or genuine ones?
The un-Cameronian thoughts of one Asian about another group of Asians (from Hugh Fitzgerald’s review of Bernard Lewis’ latest book, ‘Notes on a century’)
“In the early 1970s, Lewis visited with the then Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, who spoke to Lewis about the problem of the Muslim minority population. He said, “we do everything we can to help them. We give them preferential treatment… now, despite everything we do to help them, they keep sinking to the bottom of the pile. I have two questions for you, why are they like that, and what can we do about it?” Lewis modestly claims that his answer was inadequate, …..”
“During his stay Cameron learned how Muslims feel marginalised in today’s Britain with one upsetting issue being the use of language.
‘We must be careful about the language we use,’ he writes. ‘Many Muslims … are deeply offended by the use of the word “Islamic” or “Islamist” to describe the terrorist threat we face today.’ The lessons we can all learn” eh!
Well dave, out of touch useful idiot, doesn t cut it …
founding signatory for the UAF …..
says everything
OK we wont use the word Islamist .
Normal people will use the words Terrorist , bearded crazies , barbaric muderers , backwood fascist luddites ,appeased whinging ingrates , self detonating psychopaths , self induced socially excluded indigent blackspot residents , misogynist closed minded bigoted rapists , intolerant mercurial demanding thugs , humourless puritanical rancorous self pitying grudgeholding self appointed arbiters of thought , ba$tards .
The BBC can call them militants .
“we wont use the word Islamist” ???
you may not, that IS the root of the issue?
‘…..but your social and cultural attitudes were those of rural Pakistan.’
Happy to confirm the BBC quoted this on the Ten O Clock news last night. There was no attempt to underplay the role the parents rural Pakistani ‘values’ played in this murder.
Is it anywhere else? I mean, if it’s important enough for the Friday 10 o’clock news, it must surely be featured on the news website? Or radio news?
Will Campbell and Bacon and Derbyshire and Newsnight and Today be discussing any time soon where those values come from and how they are justified?
Errm, worthy of a lot more prominence wouldn’t you say Jim? I’m not aware of any BBC interviewer posing the question, “If any immigrant doesn’t want their children to be westernised shouldn’t we tell them to go back to where they came from’?
It’s a perfectly legitimate position, but one the sub-Marxist BBC has spent the last 30 years stigmitising as ‘racist’.
Reporting it is one thing, debating it is another.
I wonder if the usuals can explain why the BBC didn’t include those comments by the judge in their report?
I wonder how the BBC Complaints department would squirm their way out of that question – especially as the BBC “News” website seems to be alone in choosing NOT to quote the judge’s “rural Pakistan” statement.
The Guardian does:
The Independent does (prominently):
The Telegraph does:
The Mirror does:
Channel 4 News does;
ITV does:
The Express, Star, Scotsman, The Mail….they all quote the judge on “rural Pakistan”.
All that licence fee money to inform their readers and yet BBC website users get less of the story than readers of any of their media rivals.
But strangely the BBC does have an article about Iftikhar Ahmed’s background – mentioning everything except his religion of course – including his bigamous marriage to Farzana.
Good luck Craig. My bet is they’ll just say there is limited space and completely dodge the question about why they’ve filled that space with the stuff they have. Thoroughly disingenuous but impossible to argue with.
Did nobody explain to the Judge and Jury that we now live in a Multicultural Britain and this sort of cultural difference just adds to our rich tapestry of different cultures all existing in peace and harmony in our Sceptred Isle? Isn’t what happened a perfect example of why those who come to live in Britain should be expected to assimilate into the population and only retain those parts of their culture that do not directly conflict with the laws of their new home.
“Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings”
by Phyllis Chesler
‘Middle East Quarterly’
Spring 2010.
My position on this is simple. There needs to be an assumption that muslims are here primarily as economic migrants . Indeed many are open about their dislike of the British way of life and social customs.
Therefore they should be encouraged to return to their family places of origin, where they invariably retain strong ties.
The initial way to achieve repatriation, is any in receipt of UK social services payments should only be able to receive payment , for a limited period, in person , in their place of origin.
Agreed, but I reckon it’s too late. I think they’ve hit a critical mass now in this country and the situation will get quickly worse unless immigration is severely curbed. And who can blame them for coming here? There was a programme on Channel 4 a few years ago on this subject and I remember a 30+ year-old muslim being interviewed in Leicester who loved it in Britain because they have everything here to live a Pakistani life (their own ‘community’, satellite and radio stations, shops, halal butchers etc) whilst taking advantage of the best bits Britain has to offer, such as health, education and benefits.
All aided and abetted by our beloved state broadcaster, of course.
The BBC – helping bring the next Caliphate to a country near you.
One simple way to reduce the problem would be to remove their right to bring a foreign wife into Britain. If they want to marry a cousin from Pakistan, that’s fine provided that they then live in Pakistan.
There is no reason why we should carry the burden of translating everything into a foreign language, treating their inbred children for their genetic diseases, or of tolerating the extremists who pretend to be ‘British’ but want to kill us all.
Anyone remember Jack Straw praising ”Asian family values and way of life”? He also made a comment about ”We English” (he isn’t English anymore than the Millibands) being a race not worth saving” or some such remark. This was taken up by the BBC at the time with enthusiasm, imagine transposing the races mentioned, the BBC would be apopletic.
It is Straw of course who is responsible for the huge number of arranged marriages and excuses for all and sundry to come here when he removed the Prime Purpose rule which wisely put serious restrictions on this scam to get into the UK.
Had he been English and concerned for his country rather than pandering to the Asian demands we would not be reading about this case.
I say it again. The best evidence we have of BBC bias comes in the form of their bilious Islamic groveling and servile flattery. ABSOLUTELY DISGRACEFUL!
In this country (if you are white) if you call someone a name on Twitter the BBC/UK MSM and the politically correct police-force hunt you out and rip you to shreds. However, if it’s an Islamic terrorist, paedo or daughter murderer, the BBC tries to understand the motivations behind the atrocity in an attempt to alleviate any damage to cultural relations. DISGUSTING!
What price credibility?
True. And what accountability for lack of credibility? None. The “we got it about right, on balance” is trotted out every time in defence of the indefensible.
I’ll vote for any party which puts ending the compulsory BBC License Fee in their manifesto.
The BBC’s love affair with Islam in full sway here with Dame Nicky…
I think Cranmer gets it about right:
It breaks my heart to see misguided westerners convert to a 7th century belief system…
In the comments, His Grace links to this piece from five years ago about Beeboid Hugh Sykes saying, “Inshallah” during a broadcast report. A reader complained, and the BBC complaints drone gave a telling response.
The bloke who brings up the hadith gets dealt with swiftly, and with good reason. This is the first time i’ve seen anyone in public in the uk mention the hadith. The Koran is less than 15% of Islamic doctrine. Mohammed’s word is more important than allah’s word. Bad though the Koran is for non-Muslims, the Sira and Hadith are even worse. Muslims don’t like non-Muslims looking at the Sira and Hadith – they prefer us to look at the Koran if anything, where they can point us toward the Meccan verses – the benign, tolerant ones, which they neglect to explain, naturally, are abrogated by the later violent ones of Medina.
The Sira and Hadith are the meat of Islamic doctrine. The Koran is almost a sleight-of-hand sideshow distraction as far as non-Muslims are concerned. And that is why Muslims and their BBC useful idiots always focus on the koran when discussing Islam with kafirs…such as in this video.
dame nikki:
” leaving the faith (islam) is very much disapproved of”
roflmao: understatement of the century!
I didn’t get the sense of a BBC love affair with Islam. Instead, I got the sense of a poorly produced programme with an inept host, incapable of dealing with the concepts on offer, and a panel of morons, except for Ann Leslie, and an audience of morons, except the one guy who criticized the Hadith. Mostly mindless babble, each statement sillier than the last, and each met with a round of applause.
If anything, I think this show was evidence of the intellectual failure at the BBC.
The bBC is just as sickeningly pathetically scared and truly utterly gutless as ever. It doesn’t speak for the British public, its paymasters. As a loving parent, I really hope Shafilea’s dark ages adoring disgusting parents rot in hell.
Very VERY well said Mr Justice Roderick Evans!
R.I.P Shafilea.
A BBC insider recently told me that what the BBC hates most is a complaint accusing it of bias and demanding a written email reply, which is the right of the public and enshrined in statute. This takes up a lot of their time and exposes their flabby thinking. I have recent experience of this, and the poor clowns did indeed have to invest a lot of time and vulnerably contorted argument in replying to me. So I urge all readers to visit their Complaints site regularly, make complaints and force them to face up to their responsibilities.
Where’s INBBC censor today?: Word ”jihadist’ in headline:-
“Syria conflict: Photographers’ UK jihadist claim considered”
Whatever next? Will INBBC consider whether there is a causal link beteew mass immigration into UK from Islamic countries, and the presence of Islamic jihadists in Uk who also operate in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, etc?
The BBC is not alone in concealing the sheer scale of honor violence.
See here for comprehensive outline: