No sign of this story from the world’s biggest news provider, which is unusual, as they are normally pretty keen to dig the dirt on Tories falling out…..
Climate committee chairman Tim Yeo under pressure over industry links
Conservative MP Tim Yeo is facing a backlash from his colleagues on the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee over his paid roles within the renewable energy sector, it was reported.
MPs on the Government committee were said to be plotting to remove Mr Yeo as chairman over his £140,000-a-year earnings from green power companies.
The former environment minister has promoted low-carbon energy sources, even claiming it may be necessary “to bribe” communities to accept wind farms.
Yeo is the worst Tory trougher there is. If Cameron had any sense he should throw Yeo out of the Party send him to the Tower to be disemboweled and his entrails recycled among other Renewable Industry troughers. He will of course do no such thing as it shows him up for the Watermelon he is. Why Yeos constituents don’t hound him out of the county is beyond me. Perhaps they are equally stupid.
In defence on Tim Yeo (a bit) he was spot on during the foot and mouth crisis and was way ahead of New labour, they ended up doing everything he said but two weeks behind the curve the whole time.
This doesn’t excuse the green gobbler:
Is this the same Tim Yeo MP who twice abandoned his love children? Must have been before he got into renewables.
Costing the Earth: 9pm, Wednesday, Radio 4: Britain in 2060: A clear picture of Britain in 2060, it is going to be a lot like Madeira. Tom Heap asks what that means. It means that Tom Heap will be in his nineties and if it is not like Madeira, then that will be proof that Global Warming causes Ice Ages. The BBC must have dug up some old predictions for the height of the Global Warming period of August, before the disastrous onset of the Global cooling period that comes with Autumn. There is a 2005 computer model prediction of 11 Kelvin for a doubling of CO2 that the BBC must have dug up for Wednesdays Costing the Earth. The BBC does not want you to Google the grand coordinator general of Cosmoclimatology prediction, David Archibald. No complaints to the BBC will be reported on the BBC therefore your complaints can be ignored. And anyway the BBC only talks to scientist approved by George Monbiot of the Guardian.