Linda Pressly on the BBC’s ‘Crossing Continents’ tackles the problem of fanatical religion in the Middle East…no not Hamas or Hezbollah, but that presented by Orthodox Jews in Israel.
How good of the BBC to deign to report from inside Israel….however the choice of subject, whilst legitimate in many senses, is one that presents an unpleasant face of Israeli society…..wonder why the BBC chose this rather than the effects of thousands of Palestinian missiles raining down on Israel on its children?…or indeed the Fogels….or the massive success of Israeli high tech industry and the benefits it has brought to the world?
Was it chosen deliberately to highlight the bad side of Israel and to say look, you have fanatical Muslims…but also fanatical Jews? Maybe the fanatical Muslims aren’t so bad.
The tone of the piece was one of ‘shocked horror and outrage’….when a ‘secular’ Israeli attempts to drive away Orthodox Jews who are moving in to his area he, amongst worst things, puts up copies of famous artworks showing undressed women…obviously to offend the religious.
Pressly is outraged judging by her reaction claiming that they are ‘extremely provocative’…..they might be but when do you hear a BBC reporter ever say that about Hamas rockets in that tone of voice…or ever report on Palestinian Authority TV which teaches children to hate and want to kill Jews?
One other thing…Pressly says the orthodox Jews are suffering poverty because they cannot get jobs….but as I understand it not only are they excused military service but because of their special religious status they do not have to work at all in order that they can study their religion and can claim welfare…..could be wrong about that but if not it seems just another opportunity taken to talk down Israel.
Also listen to what the Orthodox Jews say about their growing population (having possibly 7 or 8 children in a family)….‘We’re taking over’…you wouldn’t get the BBC broadcasting that from Muslims in the UK…in fact the BBC went out of their way to try and downplay any concerns about Muslim demographics by commissioning a special video for YouTube about the subject.
Clearly Muslims are the BBC’s special ‘project’.
I travelled to Israel this year and it was a joy to behold. No chavs or riff raff just a hard working nation existing somehow with 250 million Arabs as their neighbours wishing death and destruction upon them. Then we have the ridiculous liberal mostly left wing western media painting the nation as war mongers, fanatics and fruitcakes. Whenever the BBC has programmes to do with Israel I immediately switch off, I’ve seen for myself what a great nation it is without having some journalist twerp ramming their bigotry and hypocrisy down my throat.
The Sheep :-“I travelled to Israel this year and it was a joy to behold. No chavs or riff raff just a hard working nation”
Well you have just hit on two good reasons why the Bashing Britain Corp. hates them
A minority group out-breeding the rest of the population, and some are concerned about the socio-political ramifications, eh? Now where have I heard that before?
“the BBC went out of their way to try and downplay any concerns about Muslim demographics”
And yet one of the BBC’s favourite go-to media Muslims brags on Twitter about his religion’s birth rates in the West:
I caught the programme. It was excellent. The BBC at its exemplary best.
Frankly, only someone wearing enormous ideological blinkers would use this programme to attack BBC bias.
Wrote my bit, before I got your bit Mr Pooter!
Will check it then, but it doesn`t negate the anti-Israel, anti-USA, anti_Christian slant of more that 80% of current BBC output I`d guess.
Still-there are pockets of fairness amidst the slurry, so let`s hope it`s so in this case
Absolutely with you on the normal anti-Israel bias. Highlighting a programme that doesn’t have this bias is probably not the best example to use!
I heard it too, and I agree with you hp… To a point.
It was indeed a very good programme in its own right but Alan is also correct, to a point, that there is never (oops, I mean ‘very, very rarely indeed’ – not leaving that ‘never’ there for the cherry vultures) such an excellent insight into other subjects the BBC consider sacred.
‘Context is important’, as they say.
This is where I miss dear Sue, and her allies and friends on this site.
we all know what the BBCs drip drip agenda is-and has been since the year dot…the BBC expects Jews to turn the other cheek so that an Arab can fly a plane into it.
Witness Balen-oh, silly me, none of us are able to because it is filed as art,fiction or literature-were it actual fact or news, I`m guessing that the BBC would have no option other than to publish it-after all, we paid for the bloody thing-and we pay their lawyers to prevent us from seeing it.
Maybe we friend of Israel need to get together to take the BBC on in its sly, perpetual slant against the only liberal gay tolerating, womens rights providing democracy with a free press : in that god-forsaken area.
Well actually, it`s not forsaken by .
The Old Testament shows that-and the New Testament shows why.
Wonder if the CofE will ever read that?…if they did they might yet be relevant to this nation once again.
Where is Sue
Yes, was it simply random chance that INBBC decided to focus on political disagreements inside INBBC’s enemy, Israel, and not on the Islamic persecution and killing by Muslims through the Middle East?
In future INBBC ‘Crossing Continents’ programmes, can we expect items on, e.g, ‘the new front line’ of the following?:-
a.) murderous activity of Sunni and Shia Muslims in Syria, Iraq, etc.
b.) Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, and its Christian Copt victims;
c.) Islamic Jihad Boko Haram of Nigeria, and its Christian victims.
Also, for INBBC’s ‘Crossing Continents’, a future programme on ‘the new front line’, as Islamic colonisation of Europe speeds up.
“Syrian General: ‘Don’t they understand that we are the last dam that is holding back the flood of Islamists in Europe? What blindness.'”
[Opening excerpt]:
“Any Western analyst who takes notice of this at all will scoff at it, but actually the General is probably right. After Assad falls and an Islamic supremacist, pro-Sharia regime takes power in Egypt, the Islamic supremacists will control a huge expanse stretching from Tunisia to Syria and into Iraq. What could be next but Europe?
“The Assad regime has been thoroughly detestable; however, the coming Islamic supremacist regime will be even worse for the nation’s Christians, as has been abundantly established by repeated rebel actions against them, and will ultimately bode even worse for the U.S., Europe and Israel than the Assads.”
yep! flying in Rageh,(squeeze a tear) Omar as we speak, to have in- depth discussion with the head of religious programming, to see whether it is newsworthy …. i think you ll find that, taking all things into account, they ll get the decision … “just about right”
Allah Salmond has his wish and appoints Hamza Yousaf as minister.
Hamza Yousaf is a suporter of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood who don’t only call for the destruction of Israel and the gonocide of the Jewish people but also the eradication of Christianity in Western Europe.
One of the saddest days in Scotlands history.
“The new Minister for External Affairs and International Development” ??? uh -oh! … how does he stand on Israel again.
is that the ancient, highland hamza tartan he s wearing, you know the hamza s have ahem “always been a part of scotlands story” ….
he ll be sworn in using “the very same koran”
robert the bruce used to host “ramadan dinners”
no doubt.
If he can bring peace to the Auchinleck-Cumnock divide, he’ll be well worth the wages the (UK?) taxpayer is throwing at him.
“Fort Hood accused Nidal Hasan ‘must shave off beard'”
‘Jihadwatch’ comment:-
“Islamophobic razor coming.”
(-should that be ‘Islamopho-BIC RAZOR coming’?)
“Watch for the cries of ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘hate’ from Hamas-linked CAIR and others. Meanwhile, however, this clown show over Hasan’s Islamic beard has derailed his murder trial long enough, and successfully diverted attention away from the fact that he committed mass murder in the name of the same religion by whose teachings he grew this most controversial of beards.”
He did not have the beard when he committed his despicable ambush on his ” colleagues” so why can he claim it as a religious necessity now ?
And probably more to the point, why do the Authorities have any compunction in shaving it off ?
you couldn t make it up
if the shoe,”bomber” was on the other foot eh! …
sheesh! he wants to thank allah, its only his beard their cutting off
Richard Reid! He aint never a’coming out of the chokey. TF he wasn’t tried in a brit court.
Shocked by the BBC you tube offering. What are they thinking? Oh yes, extreme leftists thoughts.
Nothing to see here, move along eh?
Ooops, gotta run, I think I see a Muslim coming over my back fence.
Where is Sue?
Most likely sectioned I’d guess.
Really ~? more likely she is having to deal with the daily rubbish the BBC spews out !
KingBilly, you are dez and I claim my £5.
Yes, complete with the 2 ‘likes’ from computers he can access at work, most probably…
It’s not me. I’ve only ever posted here as Dez.
The constant paranoia (everything just has to be a conspiracy) is kind of amusing though… as well as a bit tragic.
it’s no wonder that this country is looking at israel through jaundiced eyes
my son came home today from school and told me that his new art teacher-obviously a swivel eyed left wing loon -chose some right-on anti israel posters to make a point
an Israeli helicopter attacking a child in gaza,and to top it all off some poster bigging up the Obamessiah
fortunately my son isn’t easily taken in by leftard propaganda
So your son had an art class about poster design…
The Gaza poster:
The Obama poster:
Both are excellent examples of graphic design.
Of course, if you’re completely unaware of the difference between good design and good politics then perhaps you are the “swivel eyed loon“.
Yes both ARE examples of excellent design in the service of politicial ideology. The clear implication is that good design equates to truth. This is why they should not have been taught in school, at least without bringing in examples from the other side of the political fence as a counter weight. Israel has produced excellent graphic material over the years and I’m sure a suitable Republican Party effort could have been found. This at least would have avoided the charge that ltwf1964 makes that the teacher is leveraging his subject matter in an attempt to indoctrinate his pupils.
Perhaps they could have introduced this example as a counter? Over the years I have made a point of producing parodies of the annual Apartheid Week poster and this parody of Carlos Latuff’s work on Gaza clearly shows the agit-prop nature of the original.
Scez, one could make the same argument about Nazi artwork.
In democratic classrooms one avoids giving the wrong impression by using it.
The Obama poster is without doubt excellent.
The only response the anti-Israel poster give is that it is morally repellant.
Only a morally repellant human being could admire such evil.
“Only a morally repellant human being could admire such evil”
Don’t be ridiculous. The Gaza poster is a well designed and powerful image. Just because it’s for a cause you don’t agree with doesn’t change the quality of the design.
Likewise, “Triumph of the Will” is universally admired as a brilliant piece of film making – irrespective of the abhorrent propaganda it was seeking to promote.
99.9% of mature adults and children are perfectly capable of distinguishing the medium from the message.
It’s pathetic little blowhards such as yourself and ltwf that seek to drag everyone else down to compensate for nothing but your own selfish, tiny, petty, fragile ego.
Got a link for that statistic, Dez?
The cartoons in Jyllands-Posten were certainly well designed and powerful images (to quote our in-house art expert). I wonder how many UK art teachers will be using them to make a point.
still a low iq troll then
i admire your imbecilic consistency
“still a low iq troll then”
I know about art. I know about design. You are quite obviously completely ignorant of both.
You don’t have to be ashamed of that; you just have to admit it.
Can you?
I see that you “know about art” well fuck me and blow me down with a feather: you get a GCSE did you?
or an A level?…my it sure takes some brass neck to put yourself up as knowing about art. Being as you knew immediately the posters in question, perhaps you’d care to elucidate on the artsists, and the intended targets for that propaganda.
You and your ilk would have been so happy working for Goebells and Madolf Heatlump.
How many posters do you have put aside showing the evil jews?
‘Stand with Israel’
‘Obama’s Muslim Brothers’
Will you be making a complaint to the school?
Or if, as is very likely, you fear repurcussions for your son, is their some local politician you can raise the issue with?
Teachers like this should seek employment in the Jew hating totalitarian societies they admire.
Our failure to deal with them as we should means they are turning our country into the vile Jew hating countries they admire.
Just like Hitler, they wish that Islam is our national religion because it is based on hatred of Christianity and Jews.
Hell Yeah!
Any teacher using a Gaza poster as an example of good design in their class should be “DEALT WITH”; preferably SACKED and KICKED OUT of the country. Because we don’t want to end up in a totalitarian state like what HITLER wanted…
see above!
Anybody spot this little slip by Dez?
ltwf1964 only described the posters, but Dez immediately linked to them. Of all the posters created by leftists and others sick of mind, how did Dez know it was these ones ltwf referred to?
The answer is clear that there is an orchestrated campaign at the moment to push these two posters at children to indoctrinate them. Goebbels would have been so proud of them.
apologies for plagiarising ur post partly.
They can report from Israel with relative freedom, even when what they report might not be complementary to the state.
That the state of Israel can provide a better state of living to its people than many of its oil rich neighbous while supporting a large population of religious numpties is something they should be admired for.
Letting the religious numpties take advantage is not.
Of course the orthodox are religious fanatics. When they’re not studying religion they’re blowing people up in the name of Allah. Orthodox Jews, on the other hand, eschew violence.
There are violent incidents perpetrated by the ultra orthodox.
Yes – try 9/11 or the tube bombings?
It’s almost 2AM in Israel so I will put off listening to show until tomorrow. Judging by the written explanation I feel I can make this comment. In Israel the Ultra Orthodox segment and the Left have been at loggerheads since indepence and earlier. Both sides try to manipulate each other for external political (and often financial) profit while at the same time attacking each other for internal political profit. One mustn’t forget that the Ultra Orthodox have been partners with the government of the day for decades.
The BBC correspondents in Israel appear only to socialise with the extreme Left of Israel’s Jewish population who they see as fellow spirits. Haaretz, the Israeli equivalent of the Guardian certainly is their source of most of their information. It is a constant BBC delusion that the Jewish journalists, who drink with them, represent the ‘Israelis’ and that is certainly true of attitudes to the Ultra Orthodox segment of the population. Each subsequent election has shown how fewer and fewer actual Israelis necessarily agree. It’s complicated.
It was by BBC standards unexceptional but I have never heard of a childrens’ playground segregated by sex and I have never heard of anyone posting art nudes to offend the Haredi sense of modesty. Nor, despite some tensions, have I heard any serious suggestions of civil war. Given that the secular and national religious have 100% of the arms and the military training somehow I doubt the most belligerent Haredi believes it.
The journalist misses some crucial point. Haredi society is not static. Jews from secular families join it and Haredi Jews leave (although this is more difficult). Many families, and mine is no exception, have an ultra Orthodox branch,
It can be difficult but a new front? If you believe that you probably believe that the Ocuupy Movement represent 99% of Americans. Oh, I forgot. The BBC do believe that.