Believe it or not the following tweets are not by a 14-year-old schoolboy with a vague interest in US politics but an adult male BBC journalist:
Whatever his faults or criticisms – #Obama is the coolest president there is…
— Tom (@TomDonkin1) April 25, 2012
‘dont boo vote’…its not as snappy as ‘Yes we can’ Mr #Obama but hope it works #USElection
— Tom (@TomDonkin1) September 4, 2012
#Obama should really do stand-up, he killed. Great foreign policy bit. ”My opponent and his running mate are…….new to foreign policy”
— Tom (@TomDonkin1) September 7, 2012
Who’da thought @snoopdogg could be one of #Obama‘s most articulate supporters. Great endorsement…
— Tom (@TomDonkin1) September 12, 2012
Does Tom Donkin have freedom from bias in his genes?
He’s a rock-star President, with a fan club stretching the globe…
“a fan club stretching the globe” – with branches in every BBC newsroom.
Pity they are fanning the flames …
When post-modernists say ‘there’s no such thing as objectivity’ I can believe them when I read Tom Donkin’s tweets.
At least his ‘get out responsibility free’ disclaimer is a bit more unique:
‘BBC news journalist. Interested in world news and what’s going on in London. Aphorisms are mine.’
Presumably the unoriginal thoughts contained in this outlet of a ‘BBC news journalist’ therefore remain for his employers to account for?
And looking above, there are a few they might need to.
Why is this Dork sorry Donkin employed at our expense?
What qualifies him as a BBC journalist? Certainly nothing he writes merits any serious attention except to laugh at it. Alistair Cooke must be turning in his grave, that people of such little merit now claim to report from America.
I thought those childish tweets must be a parody – until I watched the video clip.
Time after time you give us these outrageously biased tweets from BBC staff. It if obvious that there is total indiscipline among BBC news staff. Helen Boaden is either blind – or a blatant liar.
I’d go for blatant liar.
Maybe it’s true that the BBC is not biased. But I am therefore nonplussed why all their twits’ tweets are from the same side of the political spectrum. If they were not biased, I would have thought there would be roughly equal representation of all sides in their twitosphere.
Exactly. The bias is institutional if they’re all at it.
I think you have misunderstood. The journos at the BBC are unique and therefore they do not act like regular lefties. They are quite capable of separating their professional and private views.
Of course they are. Any evidence to the contrary is obviously spurious and to be ignored. Nothing to see here. Please move along.
I’m a lifelong defender of all things American. But this election is making me wonder if they really are as dumb as some have always said.
The “good” people of Jersey want some real journalism over here. Could I ask your readers to sign and share this petition to enable this?
Totally agree – mass abuse, torture and possible murder of children is something that beeb and other hacks show too little interest in.
Oh course they are not.
France wants the Channel Isles therefore the BBC would rather they weren’t British. Hence they generally ignore Jersey for domestic news as it ain’t part of the UK you see.
When it finally comes to giving the Islands to France (under Labour naturally) who in the UK will object – most of them won’t even know the islands exist.
But what would happen to our VAT-avoiding sales routed through the Channel Isles by Amazon?
That is good enough a reason for them to exist.
Here’s Mark Steyn writing about the crowd that greeted Obama in Las Vegas on the evening of the embassy attacks in Benghazi and Cairo. He could so easily be describing Donkin and the rest of the BBC Obama fan club:
“The president is surrounded by delirious fanbois and fangurls screaming “We love you,” too drunk on his celebrity to understand this is the first photo-op in the aftermath of a national humiliation.”
How DARE these BeeBoid clones earn their livings from a publicly funded organisation and still be allowed their politics to be twitted openly. This is a conflict of interest and must be halted. Who is in charge there? Oh yes, Boaden. Aka Magda Goebbels.
I detect a hint of sarcasm. Find us some examples of anti-Obama BBC tweets and get back to us.
Good catch as usual, DB. I love the sound of silence from defenders of the indefensible.
The least surprising of those tweets is that a bBBC ‘journalist’ thinks that snoopdogg is articulate.
Or as Father Ted called him: “Doggy Scoop Scoop.”
tumbleweed blows down the street while we await a defense (of the indefensible) from dopey dez the dimwit droid, dim jandy, and the other fellow pah, jah whatevs.
Mmm. Ok -how about that the Tweets aren’t obviously politically biased? They stretch the enthusiasm for obama’s style for sure. But they’re not politically biased.
“its not as snappy as ‘Yes we can’ Mr #Obama but hope it works #USElection”
Jim, they are going all guns blazing for just one side in a political election but you claim they’re not politically biased!
Can you try to explain that bit of excruciating logic please.
So in Jimdandyland support of a politician isn’t politically based.
Oh! And don’t forget that in Jimdandyland 2+2=5
“Tom Donkin” sounds like cockney rhyming slang for something a 14 year old might do in the privacy of his bedroom. As for “Jim Dandy”….
Right hand shandy.
The stage name of the lead singer of US southern rock combo Black Oak Arkansas, I believe, taken in turn from a blues track by somebody I can’t remember (damn the Winezheimer’s).
There’s none so blind as those who can’t see.
Come on, Jim, that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. How can an expression of support for a candidate in an election not constitute political bias? Not enthusiasm for style (Mardell and Webb have expressed theirs at length), but “hope it works” is an outright endorsement.
Please rethink your position.
I think as soon as he pressed the final comment button he probably thought “Oh no! I didn’t really say that did I? Oh, well maybe no-one will notice how stupid it is. I had better lay low for a couple of days until the subject has moved on to something else that I can cherry-pick more successfully.”
As DB makes clear Jim, you have made an absurd point, but at least you are able to make a point without insulting people.
The boorish right ‘getting on down, doing their funky thing’, unfortunately.
Jim, I think that DB has amply demonstrated that your point is nonsense, but at least you’re able to make a point without instulting people.
The ‘boorish Right’ strikes again at B-BBC.
Jim, I think DB has amply demonstrated that your point is complete nonsense but at least you can make a point without insulting others who dont share it.
The ‘boorish Right’, out in force doing B-BBC proud yet again.
Uuf, what a treacherous hussey the internet is, didn’t think the first two posts had got through.
I think Jim just scored a record number of unanswered ripples there. That’ll chuff him.
This guy is a sycophantic prat of the highest order; it’s an utter disgrace tweeting groveling crap like this whilst being employed at an institution that is meant to be politically neutral. It’s the same with that overgrown, wannabe anarchist, Paul Mason… these people openly flout their socialist/lefty credentials in the Twittersphere with no threat of action from the BBC. There can only be one reason for this: the BBC deems this as wholly acceptable and in line with what it views as mainstream British opinion.
Yes, before twatter the droids were banned from writing articles for newspapers. The chubby Irish fellow, Fergus someone, who seemed to spend half his life doing weep pieces from Palestinian hospitals was forced to give up a regular column in one of the hopey-changey broadsheets.
So you can’t write a newspaper article, but you can divide it up into lots of small bits and put it on twitter.
#biased #twats
“Obama should really do stand-up, he killed. Great foreign policy bit. ”My opponent and his running mate are…….new to foreign policy” ”
Tom Donkin is VERY easily amused…
Obama was new to foreign policy too.
His first Presidential act was to sign an Executive Order closing Guantanamo, but 1 year later reality bit his posturing ass so badly he had to rescind it.
Romney is new to foreign policy, but he’s never called for closing down Guantanamo.
An 18 year old kid would have more foreign policy nous than Obama.
Jeremy Bowen writes: “The demonstrations, and violence, which have spread through the Middle East and North Africa are a reminder that, in this part of the world, religion and politics are often the same thing. Religion defines lives and is part of people’s identities in a way that secular Europeans forgot long ago.”
“… in a way that secular Europeans forgot long ago.” Indeed. Well, the BBC certainly have done their bit to accelerate this loss of memory, Bowen talks about. Religion used to define many of our lives as well, until about the 1960s wherein liberals, moral degenerates and self-indulgent, selfish hedonists all but wiped out Christianity’s influence in British and American society. Hypocritical.
I am one of the “seculars” to whom Bowen refers. I am not religious.
But I have a very clear idea of the contribution Christianity made to our island culture. Maybe because when I went to school we sang and knew the hymns, heard the mellifluous words of the Bible every morning in school assembly. I am no Christian – but I still approve of the moral teachings. And last year I bought a 400th edition of the King James Bible, which stands alongside the works of Shakespeare as a source of much of our language and high culture. And to go with it, I also bought second-hand copies of the old Hymns Ancient and Modern and the original Prayer Book – just for the language and memories of some of the glorious hymns.
So – how dare Bowen presume to suggest my generation has a collective mental block that expunges all we learned at school ?
But every time I see my grandchildren’s RE books, I see very little about Christianity – but stacks of drawings they have had to do of mosques, little essays of what Islam purports to stand for – all the Religion of Peace nonsense they are fed at school.
Well said! I must add that I’m not entirely the first in the queue at the local Church first thing Sunday morning, but like you I have grown up surrounded by Christian morals and philosophies – both of which have largely shaped who I am. Britain was moulded by Christianity just like Islam has shaped large parts of the Middle East; personally, I don’t think Britain would be what it is today without Christianity. So may I take this opportunity to celebrate quaint village churches and pints of real ale with the vicar on Sunday afternoons; beautiful stain – glass windows and lovely peaceful steeples with the flag of St. George flapping in the breeze! All of those lovely memories of my Devon childhood going to Sunday school and listening to the Bible stories (whilst eyeing up the Vicar’s daughter!)
Thou do evoketh merry times from ye days of old in joyous manner most becoming a man of your deportment. Pray, grace of God it continue!
Not to mention the immeasurable influence Christianity had on art.
Jeremy Bowen said that the Muslim Brotherhood was “conservative, moderate and non-violent”. I wouldn’t take his word seriously on much of anything in that region.
Video has gone private? How odd. Must’ve been gotten to by that tiny minority JAH was whining about as he stamped his little foot and stormed off.
‘Video has gone private?’
Sorry David, but which video?
Can’t track what you are replying to.
Of course, if Obama loses the election, the BBC will shout “racism” all over the place and claim that the election was stolen. And no, heavily supporting one side does not make them biased. Ask Jim, he’ll explain that last bit of logic to you.