R4 Today 8:35 am. Interview about the new proposed exam system, one ‘against’ change one ‘for’ change. The ‘against’ was first and then put on again after the ‘for’ person. Overall the ‘against’ has 3 times the time over the ‘for’ person had. Then at 9.00 the news has a large snippet only from the ‘against’ person inserted into the bulletin. The ‘for’ was a limp wristed female from the Lords. The ‘against’ person was a representative from the NUT. As blatant a bit of bias as I have heard in some time from bBC.
Scraping course work so that the kids will have to actually learn something if they are to gain any exam qualifications, no wonder the left-wing idiots are pissing their pants with worry over the exams. They seem to think that the worrying causes the kids IQ to drop to the floor, rather than the fact that course work was an alternative to learning, the real reason that these idiots will do badly in exams.
This is my complaint too the BBBC yesterday morning. Same point as Fred, no balance. I received the usual offhand standard acknowledgement as you would expect from a publicly funded, wealthy, irresponsible monopoly. Like complaining to British Rail in the old days!
Complaint Summary: A blatant one-sided presentatation of a news item
Full Complaint: On both BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5 Live news bulletins at 9.00am this morning, an item was broadcast concerning the announcement of the government’s plan to abolish the GCSE examination. On both bulletins, immediately “spokespersons” from the teaching establishment were aired voicing opposition to the plan. There was absolutely no attempt to also air the view of anyone who is in support of the plan. Once again the BBC shows itself to be not a reporter of news but also an opinionated commentator on it, and a censor of fair balance.
Did not hear the 9am, but yesterday’s bulletins had clips from Michael Gove – add the two together and you have balance.
PM last night had both sides, Today had both sides (even if you did not like the government side guest).
Bulletins by nature are short, and on the day of the announcement (ie, yesterday and Gove) will have the ‘annoucement’ and later bulletins (presumably like the 9am) will have reaction.
Careful you are not seeing any non-government side bulletin as bias, and remember it could be a ‘balancing’ line for a previous bulletin.
Strange article as it says: “Only 28% of those asked wanted to see more spending on welfare – down from 35% at the beginning of the recession in 2008, and from 58% in 1991.” and then says “But for the first time in nearly a decade, there was a rise in the number of those who think spending and taxes should be increased, the report says.”
More socialist spending, I just wonder whether this is supported by the bBC. Bears and toileting come to mind.
Despite the tough economic climate, the study by independent social research agency NatCen reveals attitudes towards welfare and welfare claimants have toughened.
No, BBC, not “despite the tough economic climate” but because of the country’s debt. People are less willing to throw money around in times like this. And notice the typical BBC refusal to separate the genuinely disabled from those on disability benefit in general, or those with genuine welfare needs from those on the benefits lifestyle. It’s dishonest, and lets them paint the naysayers as cruel.
The BBC has been in full BBC bias mode today with their opposition to the Government’s educational reforms, they have interviewed 3 times the number of Labour, Unions, teachers, not to mention the BBC, than the Government and Norman Smith left us under no illusions as to who they supported. Norman Smith lefty in chief told us that if Labour got back it the reforms could be scrapped even though the Government said they would already be ‘in process’
If anyone was under any illusions that the BBC under George Entwhistle would be less biased they can forget it, judging by today, it is much more so. Disgracefully we were left in doubt whose side the BBC was on.
Also, there was a survey which the BBC quoted in which they said that people wanted less public spending whereas the truth is that the survey said people wanted more spending. Once again the BBC tells you what THEY want you to hear on behalf of the left instead of the truth.
The new DG is more, not less left wing that the previous one.
Here’s a link to a photo which has to my knowledge been censored by the BBC. Highly recommended. In fact, aside from Andrew Marr’s inaccurate description of the filmmaker being arrested (he was actually brought in “voluntarily”, and officially on an unrelated matter), there has been no mention of this at all.
It is time names were named, and the trail of guilt find its way back to the point of origin. Too often journalists throw hands up in horror, but never trace the line of responsibility. They are afraid to do their job.
INBBC’s advocacy of Islamising Turkey’s entry into E.U continues,
despite Turkey’s invasion of Iraq to kill Kurds, and despite this:
-from ‘Stop Turkey’:-
“Turkey Using Illegal Immigration to Destroy Greece and Islamise Europe.
“Turkey is using illegal immigration as a weapon against Greece and Europe, islamising the content and exerting pressure to exact political concessions from the EU. This should provoke a devastating response from European governments. Instead, these spineless fools continue their policy of endless appeasement.
“Greece now has a million illegal immigrants in a country of 11 million, many warehoused in camps under atrocious conditions. ”
“Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that Turkey recognizes anti-semitism as a crime, while not a single Western country recognizes Islamophobia as such”
to right too! … we know where anti-semitism leads
ESPECIALLY from muslims.
islamo-faux-bia, … Islamists decided to emulate the homosexual activists who used the term “homophobia” to silence critics. He said the group meeting at IIIT saw “Islamophobia” as a way to “silence THEIR critics.” no comparison
Dont ever forget that dopey dave thinks it’s a wonderful idea to have Turkeys accession into the EU with all the moslems having access across a borderless EU. Ever thought just why he’d want that?
just saying, that’s all.
If you’ve heard it before I don’t care. It’s well worth repeating time and time again.
Tory useful idiots exist sadly.
al bbc are rampant with syrian rebel/terrorist/salafist/militant erm … freedom fighter? bias today, the same clip, from paul wood has been played over again. with full pallywood overtones, rebels singing battle songs, loads of shouty rebels, loads of allahu akbars, sound of bombs etc … i thought jeez, all thats missing is the using children tactic
… and sure enough …
this could have been made by hamas, pure propaganda,
repeated again on drive this evening
The bBC does History, well Horrible History. Syria crisis: The 800 year history lesson As international diplomats continue efforts to try to end the continuing violence in Syria which has led to an estimated 27,000 deaths, they would do well to consider the lessons from the extraordinary length of time that Syria’s strategic position has been provoking foreign interest – and foreign intervention.The things we don’t know about history will always outweigh the things that we do know. We will never be sure for example if a certain Colonel Walker of the Royal Marines knew much about Frederick Barbarossa, emperor of the Germans.I found Colonel Walker’s name on a plaque which mourns his loss near the market in the ancient city of Acre – known in Hebrew as Akko – which is now in northern Israel. t does not tell us much about him beyond the fact that at 68 he was getting on a bit for an infantry officer. A doughty character perhaps who led from the front – we’ll never know. He died during the complex manoeuvrings whereby Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire combined to remove the land that is now Syria from Arab control and give it back to the Ottoman Turks. At the risk of upsetting the Colonel’s family I must admit I cannot now remember why that diplomatic strategy seemed important at the time.
So the bBCs Kevin Connolly has taken the time to contrast intervention in Syria today with..Well he doesn’t exactly say but he does come out with :” At the risk of upsetting the Colonel’s family I must admit I cannot now remember why that diplomatic strategy seemed important at the time”.
Well what do you know, it was during the time the rot in the Ottoman Empire was beginning to appear and leaders of certain parts of the Empire who saw this, began to carve their own empire out of the Imperial Ottoman Empire.
One such person was Albanian Muhammad Ali who ruled the Egyptian part of the Ottoman Empire and in 1931 he invaded Syria and took it. The Ottomans tried to take it back in 1839 and lost in such a way it threatened to bring about the fall of the whole Ottoman Empire. Now the Europeans couldn’t allow the Ottomans to fall, as a certain Russian bear had designs (Which saw Europe side with the Ottomans against the Russians 14 years later in 1853) on parts of the Ottoman Empire.
So Europe sided (But not France) with the Turks and removed the Egyptian army from occupied Syria and handed it back to Constantinople. The last action they carried out was liberating Ache from occupying Egyptian forces at a cost of 18 men the combined Austrian, British and Ottoman fleet retook the city killing over 1000 men. After the surrender of Acre, Muhammad Ali finally accepted the terms of the Convention on 27 November 1840. He renounced his claims over Crete and the Hijaz and agreed to downsize his naval forces and his standing army to 18,000 men, provided that he and his descendants would enjoy hereditary rule over Egypt and Sudan — an unheard-of status for an Ottoman viceroy. The firmans, subsequently issued by the sultan, indeed confirmed Muhammad Ali’s rule over Egypt and the Sudan. He withdrew from Syria, Crete and handed back the Ottoman fleet.
So in a nutshell, the taking of Ache resulted in the birth of modern day Egypt and the Ali line as royal rulers until the abdication of King Farouk in 1952. Yet the bBC’s Kevin Connolly can’t remember why the military campaign took part. Yup the bBC’s Horrible histories really does push out abridged versions of history. I wonder what they will come out with next. That it was the Ottomans who saved the British from the Spanish armada The bBC. The traitors in our Midst.
Connolly was lying about that for dramatic purposes. But I don’t work in a news room so what do I know? It’s a professionally produced bit of storytelling.
Has anybody heard why the Chinese are protesting against Japan. According to the bBC there’s been protests in over 20 cities yet they don’t report anything of the growing nationalistic fever which is been ingrained into the Chinese psyche. This racial bent can be found in nearly all film releases from China of late where Chinese blood and unity is superior to Western and Japanese forces. The reason behind this is energy and with the possibility of hydrocarbons lying off the coasts of other countries China has to get the public behind it when it does force the issue. Of late all this has consisted of dirty looks, but with its military becoming stronger expect China to play the imperialist bully. Of course to the likes of the bBC, china can do no wrong, be it execute thousands, chop up their bodies for spare parts or even send the families the bill for the bullets used. The left remain silent. Instead they bitch about so called human rights abuses from the UK,US or ..Sweden.
When push comes to shove and war and the gloves are taken off,I fully expect the bBC to take the side of China in any full blown military action, I mean how many bBC articles have you seen where the bbC actually claim that China is out of order with its outlandish claims for territorial waters. You know like they do with Israel. The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
I read something about this earlier, on a science blog of all things.
The reporting was confused and mixed in a lot of nonsense but it seems the Chinese have heavily censored a ‘social network’ because of 60+ protests in various cities by the Chinese Occupy Movement.
Why the Japs were getting it in the neck I don’t know but they seemed to be the focus of the protests. Maybe if Occupy name check The Party they get shot so they are sublimating?
It seems the Japanese have bought some ‘disputed’ islands off the Chinese and this has upset someone with the power to put protestors on the street. The Occupy aspect maybe a red herring.
A phrase involving storm and teacup comes to mind.
I’d love to see the BBC TV License fee immediately stopped and all of those useless idiots like Mason, Davis and Alegra Stratton faced with having to find a proper job and actually working for a living.
Ms S Flanders gets 3-part TV series ‘Masters of Money’ on BBC 2 tonight 9 pm and next two Mondays.
Her three ‘Masters’ are not-
1. Keynes
2. Hayek
3. Friedman
1. Keynes
2. Hayek
3. Marx.
Tonight it’s Keynes;
‘Sunday Times’ Culture section preview has this:-
…”but we are told too often, too anxiously, how important and still-relevant Keynes is.”
Ms Flanders should be very careful lest she falls into the trap of telling us (wrongly) that Keynes said that the problems to macro-economics could be solved by perpetually increasing state spending.
I watched the first couple of minutes advocating massive spending in the USA on public energy projects, there was then a montage showing a ‘statesmanlike’ Obama, and that’s the point where I hit the channel change button.
of course, if one is an adherent of Keynes one must accept all that he says, not just the bits you like about massive state spending. These include paying down government debt during booms and being unable to imagine a world where Govt spending is more that 25% of GDP, about half the current level
I gave the BBC a second chance last night, so watched Panorama and then the money one, the Panorama one funny enough about the price taggers (Surely lost in translation) I also watched a extreme world one a couple of weeks ago with Ross Kemp on Sky and the difference in reporting was astounding (The BBC really don’t like them Jews do they).
Then the Keynes one which wasn’t as bad but got a bit bored of the lets all just get together and get along and everything will be fine message they kept trying to shove down your throat, Try telling that to people on tube trains or very large buildings BBC.
Cannot seem to get this post to fit.
The BBC have documented a number of deaths among demonstrators in the wave of protests sweeping the muslim world, including several fatalities in Pakistan. I look forward to further details concerning one victim who was taken to hospital after inhaling smoke from a burning American flag. Sadly the man died shortly after being admitted to hospital. The world is now awaiting an apology from Obama for the behaviour of the US flag. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/09/17/pakistani_rioter_dies_from_inhaling_burning_american_flag_smoke
Perhaps the relatives of the people killed should get Michael Mansfield to represent them and hold the police responsible for not policing the crowds properly.
How the bBC bigs up the victim status of rampaging muslims Fresh protests erupt over film Protests over an anti-Islam video continue worldwide, with an influential Lebanese cleric calling it the “worst attack ever on Islam”.
The above is what the bBC has as one of the headlines on the its current home newswebsite.
What i wish to point out is how the bbC is promoting this as the worse ever attack on Islam, really?:
So it wasn’t when the Crusades transpired, you know that time in history when Christians when they heard the Christian holyland had been invaded by Muslims and the wafer crunchers hit back.
It wasn’t when the Islamic empire was kicked out of Spain,Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, the Balkans.
Or when the holy Ottoman empire fell apart in 1922.
All of those were a lot worse than somebody stating that Mohamed was a rapist paedophile of a warlord.
However all of them pale into insignificance over how an Islamic ruler decided to murder two ambassadors and send back their heads to a certain Genghis Khan . In reply GK decided to wipe Islam off the map and the only thing that saved Islam from going the way of the dodo was Khan dropping dead. That people is the worse attack that Islam has ever suffered, yet the bBC promotes this view that actually a short film was worse. Yeh right, as if the destruction of Babylon was just a wee setback.
I see abu Bowen has picked the questions the bBC knows will support their Islamic bent: What future do you see the Palestinians having?
@conspiricymick asks: How much do they censor you? Truth please. Jeremy answers: I have never been censored by the BBC. Wouldn’t accept it.
Chas via email: I read that the majority of Muslims do not agree with the protests. Why do we not hear the moderate voices? Jeremy answers: I’d say most pious Muslims do agree that the film was insulting. Many don’t agree with violent protests. I hope our reporting reflects that.
Question from @madshepole: Who do you think benefits most from the current bout of anti-American and anti-Zionist riots?
and my fav: @fred_brand asks: What news event of the last century would you have loved to cover? Jeremy answers: Second World War – especially D-Day and the fall of Berlin.
Yup I can see the bBC with Lord ‘Haw haw Bowen reporting from Normandy, the nasty well equipped Allies have launched a devastating attack on the peaceful Nazis militants who have been under siege by the allies for the past 3 years.
Today the RAF committed a war crime when they bombed innocent SS troopers who local medics claim were out picking flowers.
Yesterday after peaceful Nazis launched a few home made rockets at London, the RAF replied by killing 6 families who were having a wedding party.
Yup I wonder who Abu Bowen would have supported during WW2.
He cherry picked the tweets to answer and ignored anthing he saw as contentious. He even answered the ridiculous tweet what is your favourite dinosaur (Triceratops) but wouldn’t be goaded on his support for MB or why his personal notebook was found in the pissession of Saif Gaddafi.
A Bowen non-event.
‘cherry picked the tweets to answer’
Shocked, I tell you…shocked… that the BBC would claim to ‘seek our views’, and encourage questions to be asked, but then run them through their filter before broadcasting a careful selection back.
“It’s news, Jim, but not as we know it”
The BBC of course see twitter as the future of getting what they want (and only want) in, and disseminating what they want (and only want) out.
Beyond the ‘unique’ combination of being able to follow selectively and ban any who do not suit, the output is covered by some vague ‘own views’ nonsense that is as smug a weasel as can be imagined.
Quite how we get charged for ‘news’ that is via a free, foreign, commercial system escapes me.
‘I have just witnessed true Nazi bonhomie, a slimming camp for obese citizens, religious minorities and travellers as well as gay folk all in a holiday camp atmosphere and matching striped pyjamas. I couldn’t see all the niceties but they had wonderful cooking facilities with lots of soap. There must be a lot of riff-raff about because the fences to keep them out were quite impressive.’
Christ almighty, I love how Bowen says “many don’t agree” with the violence and murder. Not most, not the vast majority, just “many”. How disingenuous can you get? He knows full well how many of them danced in the street with joy on 9/11, knows full well how many of them support the violence. And he still had the gall to call the MB “moderate”.
I’m not even going to spend time mentiong that the news brief is weighted towards the President’s side of the story, including the BBC editor’s attempt to show that He’s correct about China being naughty. I’m just going to laugh and point out that the BBC has decided to censor the fact that the two times the President has gone after China because of their subsidized dumping of cheap materials on the US market, both have been because it affects industries to which the President is personally connected.
This time it’s the auto industry, meaning GM, which He bailed out – at a loss – to hand over to the unions. They’re hurting big time right now, especially since the Chevy Volga….sorry….Volt costs GM a $49K loss every time they make one, and production has been stopped for now GM is not doing well at all. The other time the President went all protectionist was when China was dumping cheap solar panels on the market while He was pouring billions down the Green Energy Toilet, mostly to Democrat money bundlers and other connected cronies. He was handing loads of cash over to Solyndra, for example, even though everyone knew the whole time China was doing this and it was doomed before they started.
But talking about that would make the President look bad, so best to leave it out.
despite al bbcs absurdly naive trumpeting of “offence”, over a “highly insulting” two bit film on mohamhead.
… still no real exchange views.
prime example, for a 6th day rampant muslim savages continue to maim, murder, destroy, even in Afghanistan where they don t need a pretext. Now over 50 soldiers have been killed by supposed, “army training colleagues”
bringing a long overdue seed change
AND a flagship al bbc ahem “news”?? debate, on R5live, has managed to sidestep this for now a 6th day.
so today its badger time … lets get indepth views, open emotional talk, all the whats and wherefores, of a proposed cull.
Culling. troops, ambassadors, US agency staff …. leaves the sound of crickets … unless its about the orchestrated offence, or insult, to al bbcs beloved islam.
So looks like its bye bye freedom of speech, and “mon sharia amour” to al bbc ….
AND don t even start me on that B/S on Israelli “price taggers” … yep! lots of time to skew a narrative there eh!
get “indepth” on both sides eh!
BBC going full tilt at Mitt Romney for saying that 47% of Americans pay no income tax whatsoever and of course they want free this, free that. This is portrayed as a big blunder by Romney.
How’s about telling us if it is true that almost half of the Americans pay no income tax. A morass of dependency. How about telling us that all Obama is proposing is more taxes on “the rich” – which will damage any recovery – and will NEVER do anything of real scale to close the budget deficits.
The Romney/campaign has the guts to tell the US public the facts – that the US economy is in dire straits, that the entitlement programmes are driving up the debt, that Obama is financially feckless.
Actually, Mardell does provide a few facts, for a change, although he works hard to undermine Romney’s data. This article by the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein, does show that 46% of US households don’t pay income tax. Meanwhile, 61% of those who pay no federal income tax do pay payroll tax at 15.3%.
Another 22% of the non-income tax-payers are elderly, according to the Ezra Klein article. If that is correct, 83% of those who do not pay income tax don’t really fit Mr Romney’s characterisation, except in so far as his argument is that people who don’t pay income tax aren’t impressed by promises of income tax cuts.
But he can’t resist putting his own knife in: How soon will they produce T-shirts with “I’m one of the 47%” on them?
Not you, Mark, you’re one of those living on handouts, the compulsory TV tax.
‘How’s about telling us if it is true’
I’m still waiting to find out from any credible, MSM source (if that is not an oxymoron now) what actually happened in Libya.
In fact across a bunch of stuff.
So much that doesn’t seem to suit the narratives has and is going down it’s like the liberal media establishment has joined Nic, Steffi, Paul et al on one of their ‘breaks’, only this time no school hols excuse.
“Secret” video, eh? There’s the bias right there. It was at an exclusive fundraiser event, not in a public forum, but that’s not the same thing as “secret”. That word implies that Romney’s statement was meant to be kept a secret, which is not what’s going on here. “Secret” would more accurately apply to the President’s college records, or the tape of Him with Rashid Khalidi – which is being kept from the public by the LA Times. All censored by the BBC, of course, who are experts on keeping secrets.
As usual, the BBC is following the lead of the US mainstream media, whom Mark Mardell has admitted are mostly liberal. This is why I laugh whenever defenders of the indefensible dismiss our claims of bias by omission by pointing out that nobody else is reporting a given story. If the BBC parrots the US MSM, it’s evidence of their bias. In this case, I’m not talking about simply reporting a story, but the angle from which they’re reporting it.
Report that Romney said it, lay out a few facts and figures, and leave people to make up their own minds whether or not it’s a disaster for him. Too bad the battalion of Left-wing Beeboids in the US are incapable of such a thing. Meanwhile, the BBC continues to censor the fact that Amb. Rice has been caught lying about Libya.
No surprise that this story started in the über-Left Mother Jones. As usual, I fully expect defenders of the indefensible who are media professionals to explain to me in detail where I’ve got it wrong.
Jim, I see you’re unable or unwilling to address my actual point about the BBC’s use of the term “secret”, and that this is being spun by a liberal media who are, as even your colleague Mardell admits, out to get Romney.
If you think Tim Stanley is proof that the BBC doesn’t follow the lead of said liberal mainstream US media, think again.
Stanley’s very good, IMHO, but he’s just reacting to a media frenzy of bias here. Imagine: a candidate actually telling the truth and actually expressing the reality of what his administration would be, and the reaction is all shock, horror, oh the humanity, he shouldn’t tell the truth.
How to make Mark Mardell look a bit better? Simple. Put him along side Richard Bacon (starting 1:40:00 here ).
To start off with, Bacon asserts Romney should be doing better because they have lots of campaign money and run lots of attack ads. So the Dems have little money and don’t run attack ads, right Richard? And don’t forget all the unpaid for support they get from people like you , Mardell and the US media.
Bacon says that Romney and Ryan’s convention speeches
were very vague. Mardell mostly agrees, but to his credit Mardell also points out that Obama’s speech was lacking in substance. Richard can barely say they word ‘true’in “that’s true” and quickly changes the subject to Clinton’s speech. Mardell then comes up with a gem about
Obama’s speech.
“It was pretty flat. Maybe that was his purpose – to look greyer and grimmer than before.”
Classic Mardell in defence of Obama..
Bacon then indulges in wishful thinking by initiating a conversation about what will happen to the Republican Party if they lose. At one point, Bacon asserts that Republican support among Latinos is lacking “because they’re so hard on immigration a lot of the time. That’s probably where it comes from.” The important word missing there is ‘illegal’. Mardell makes the distinction in his response.
After the the traffic news, Bacon talks to strategists from both parties. When the Republican mentions a Rasmussen poll which puts Romney ahead, Bacon dismisses it. Talking about the Middle East protests, Bacon asks the Republican “Does he [Romney] occasionally have the whiff of incompetence about him?”
When the Republican talks about Obama apologising for America, Bacon gets annoyed -“He didn’t! He didn’t apologise for America!”
Bacon is annoyed by Romney.”If you’re the president, you wait until you’ve got all the facts! Then make your statement.” But Richard, it was established by Barack Obama in 2009 that the President does not need all the facts order to make a statement. See Obama’s statement on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates and the weasel-worded subsequent apology below.
. “I want to make clear that in my choice of words I think I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sergeant Crowley specifically — and I could have calibrated those words differently.”
Now that Mardell has proclaimed that Obama’s speech was dull, Bacon asks the Dem if he agrees. He doesn’t.
If you are following the US election, Richard recommends the New York Times and the Huffington Post app for your phone. Don’t rush all at once.
I heard this as well. Several minutes of my life that I won’t be getting back. Every single statement of Bacon’s came from a Left-wing, anti-Romney perspective. Wait until the facts come out? Never mind that Romney was correct about what happened, eh?
Mardell was actually less biased than usual, although I suppose he had to be in order to balance out Bacon’s drivel. What a joke Bacon is.
The bBBC is so biased in favour of London that they now twist the terms of the government’s review of airport capacity. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19570653 starts with In September, the government launched a review of how the UK might expand its airport capacity in the South East.
Actually, the government’s review is of UK airport capacity. Full stop.
Interesting stat: ‘only 42% of you believe the BBC’s senior managers apply the BBC values in the way they work.’
And fish rot from where, George? If the BBC’s own staff can’t even manage 50% conviction that the BBC is doing what it should, how is that the consuming public apparently think everything is milk and honey?
Asking the wrong folk?
Or what the staff feel the ‘values’ are at odds with the ‘managers’?
And whose, I wonder, are actually in sync with the licence fee payers?
Time to get the LSE/Gruan research teams to recalibrate the public’s perceptions… pronto, ‘cos it looks like actually changing anything from within is a lost cause.
“Mark Duggan ‘was carrying loaded gun when police killed him’.
“Mark Duggan, whose death sparked last year’s riots, was carrying a loaded gun when he was killed by armed police, a court heard today.”
“There in Ferry Lane Mark Duggan was shot and fatally injured by the police as a result of his possession of that gun and what he was thought to be about to do with it,” Mr Brown said.
But surely we all know that he only had the gun so that his grandmother would feel safer when he took her to church, and to help little old ladies and disabled children to cross the road.
Heard the newsreader this morning at 7.30 on Radio 4.
Every soundbite of a headline was the call to prayer for LeftLibLab oafs…welfare reform may starve the poor, Gove will take us back to the 70s, Wills and Kate, Harry and Afghanistan.
Maybe if I choose to see these lefty droolings regurgitated each and every day until I vote Labour…if I see it as a bucket list for a dying Auntie who lost her marbles with too much dope and Dylan back in the 70s…I may yet learn to laugh at their perpetual wet sock of privilege being aimed about my head, being rolled out before me as “news headlines”.
Think I preferred their subliminal messaging or doctoring of videotape-they are so unsubtle and stupid, surely only the left, Galloway and Choudhury-or Guardian herbies-are still listening to the Toady show!
Off to VLad Tepes, Political Islam and other sites like these…Jihad Watch and Biased BBC…stuff the BBC-but no longer with our money eh?
Interesting to read Mardell’s take on the Romney “gaffe” about 47% of Americans who pay no federal income tax and therefore he cannot reach. His only “gaffe’ was telling the truth. If you’re not paying tax and you’re dependent on government handouts you won’t vote Republican/Conservative. Stands to reason. As they say, turkeys don’t vote fr Christmas.
It’s worth noting that Mr Mardell’s job is also dependent on a government tax called the licence fee.. So whose side is Mardell on? The turkey, of course. because he is one.
One last thing: the tape was leaked, not by a concerned citizen, but by Jimmy Carter’s grandson, a democratic activist.
Apparently this video, which the BBC describes as “secret” was found online by Jimmy Carter’s grandson. Somebody secretly made the recording, meaning without the Romney campaign’s knowledge or permission, posted it online, and Jimmy’s descendent found it and sent it to Mother Jones. Funny how the dishonest BBC doesn’t frame it that way.
Re the tragic deaths of two police officers in Manchester. A huge news story. Have two cops ever died in one incident before?
Half the BBC is now based in Manchester, so how come Sky were leading with coverage of the story from 12 o’clock, with reporters live at the scene, but the BBC had virtually no coverage until 1.30.
When there is breaking news Sky consistently outperforms the BBC. First with the news, first on the scene, and in my opinion much better reporting – more detail, more authoritative, simply better informed and better presented. So many BBC reporters look like childish amateurs in comparison.
About 18 months ago I read an article from someone who (can’t remember who) frequently visits news rooms, ITV’s BBC and Sky.
ITV and Sky have a real air of urgency – everyone is busy, typing, phoning, or researching. The BBC newsroom in contrast is one of the most relaxed places they’ve seen. Lots of people sitting around chatting – but then I suppose when your income and your job is guaranteed irrespective of results, where is the incentive to actually do a decent job.
“Onlyme”, how right you are. When I was in the BBC, one of those “light bulb moments” for me was when I showed a friend around the newsroom. He stared at the scene and said quietly, “What do ALL these people do?”
I didn’t know then and I don’t know now. Perhaps scouring the Guardian for “news” to regurgitate is more labour intensive than we imagine.
PM and 6 o’clock radio news going with the angle that this opens up questions about whether police should be armed; a complete non-issue – it ain’t gonna happen, and thus a nice safe dead-end for the Beeb.
The first question that came to my mind was whether we should have the death penalty for murdering scumbags like this.
The second question was what has happened to the criminal justice system whereby we now have hand grenades lobbed around urban areas.
The third question was whether this scumbag came from a background of welfare dependency.
I imagine those angles were explored on other channels, in the interest of balance, and all.
I see that hot on the heels of our Steph’s BBC three parter on economics we are about to enjoy Red Andy Marr’s extended lecture on communism – sorry – History of the World.
These specials are a wonderful reward for the Beeb star commentators. Generous foreign travel awollance, puffing up of the celebrity status and a chance to spout off at lenth.
In the same vein as Paxo’s shows on the empire, the Beeb do so like to bring us these blockbusters.
All singing from the same left-liberal hymn sheet.
They reinforce the one and only narrative that the Beeb allows us.
Yeah that Romney – what a jerk who knows nothing about nothing. Of course the Beeb and the others could recall what happened when Clinton had almost brokered a peace deal which the Palestinians were given about 95% of what they wanted and Arafat still threw his rattle out of the pram.
Romney’s remakrs only look ill informed when you get your news from the likes of the BBC laced with omission.
So which bit of Palestinians are committed to Israel’s destruction is supposed to be a gaffe?
More bBBC News:
Romney gaffe: Pope is a big Catholic
Romney gaffe: bears have been known to s*** in the woods
Mitt Romney’s unguarded and undiplomatic remarks may reinforce the perception that he is an ingenue in the art of foreign affairs….
I cannot stop laughing at this blindly partisan, ignorant remark. We elected the most inexperienced person in history in 2008, yet Mardell uses the cutesy pejorative “ingenue” about Romney, who is only quoting what the Palestinians themselves say. What’s worse is that people who trust the BBC will have no idea that Romney is doing just that.
I’ve been laughing since I figured out (I think) why Obama, and now his spokesman Mardell, make play of foreign policy inexperience when Obama had none himself in 2008. It’s because Obama had idiot Joe Biden on board 2008 and idiot Joe had experience. That’s it, isn’t it?
“Gaffe-reporting” is a continuation of the “Bush is stupid” tactic, probably the second most successful liberal lie after man made global warming – the most successful lie of all time.
Everyone makes mistakes, or tells the truth, or just says something – same thing to liberal activist journalists. They just claim Romney’s made a gaffe, whatever he says. On Obama, not a word. (He’s so smart, you see!)
And so it goes on day after day, until people believe Romney is stupid. It worked before, didn’t it?
The BBC is evil.
I was refering to the attempt by most of the media to portray George W. Bush (43) as not intellectually capable of holding the position of president. That included unflattering comparisons (some faked) with Al Gore and John Kerry and the portrayal of him as a chimpanzee.
Don’t think you can get away from all this bias by heading for the rarified atmosphere of radio 3, particularly as a some sections of it have begun increasingly to sound like an extended version of Desert Island Discs. This week former Jain monk, pacifist and eco-loon, Satish Kumar, will be given 5 one hour platforms to recount his exploits and expound his ideas, much to the delight of the Ecologist website:
A couple of Democrat Senators are looking to go against the President’s desire to end the so-called Bush tax-cuts for the highest earners, and more are considering it. Are they racist now?
Is it me , or was Eddie Mair on PM tonight rather misled in his choice of guests in regard of the French cartoons.
This was the lead news story on the 5pm news-and I reckon that the BBC would like the French to suffer for their insolence in the face of Islam.
Yet the French journalist apporved of the cartoons-and even the Qiullim bloke who I`d have expected to denounce the publication was half-arsed and said one or two sensible things.
Wasn`t Choudhury or a lefty French Guardian hack available to back the insulted mullahs then?..certainly Mair must have wanted some threats or bluster, but he got none.
This “defence of free speech” bit…this “secular state separating Church from State” stuff…this “Republican demand to insist of the right to offend”…heavens to Betsy…just imagine if the French continued to show Islam a backbone and not the wishbone as grown by the BBC.
Let`s hope France continues to tell Islam where to f*** off to, if they don`t like what a French magazine publishes in France for its French people.
This could catch on…despite the craven BBC and its vacillations about “free speech” being a nice air freshener or bumper sticker…until a beardie nutjob from a Madrassa stops beating kids and threatening the rest of us…his like will do anything but work in their own lands..why would they when there`s benefits a plenty to cream off the rest of us.
Vive La France!
Interesting factoid in today’s Private Eye.
28 countries world-wide have seen protests, mostly violent, against the film Innocence of Muslims.
10 people in the world who have seen the full version of the film at its only public screening.
The BBC has rushed to put up a clip of the President attacking…sorry….”rebuking” Romney and defending Himself against what His enemy said. It included this gem:
“One of the things I’ve learned as President is, you represent the entire country.”
Fat chops nolan couldnt resist using the Spence familys tragic farming accident to invite people to call in and before you know it…typical rent a caller phones in and uses the tragedy as a reason why the Loyal Orders should forget about parades and marching and speak to republican and dissident protest groups.
This female caller supposedly lives in Scotland but must have plenty of time on her hands as she rings in almost every time parades are mentioned.
US Justice Dept.’s own internal investigation has – what a shock – cleared Atty. Gen. Holder of having anything to do with it. Funny how the BBC rushed to report this, when they refused to report on the scandal at all for a very long time, and even after reality forced them to mention it, barely touched on it with only a handful of reports.
A Deputy Assistant scapegoat has been more or less forced to resign, and I’m sure there will be harsh penalties for others. Not.
Now the BBC continues to push the White House Narrative that it was a “botched” plan to track guns. It wasn’t. It was a deliberate attempt to cause gun havoc so they could push more gun control. It’s only considered “botched” because they got caught doing it. The BBC has never allowed this point of view to be mentioned.
I expect there will be no skepticism from any Beeboid about how this “internal inquiry” might resemble this one:
Search Biased BBC
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R4 Today 8:35 am. Interview about the new proposed exam system, one ‘against’ change one ‘for’ change. The ‘against’ was first and then put on again after the ‘for’ person. Overall the ‘against’ has 3 times the time over the ‘for’ person had. Then at 9.00 the news has a large snippet only from the ‘against’ person inserted into the bulletin. The ‘for’ was a limp wristed female from the Lords. The ‘against’ person was a representative from the NUT. As blatant a bit of bias as I have heard in some time from bBC.
Scraping course work so that the kids will have to actually learn something if they are to gain any exam qualifications, no wonder the left-wing idiots are pissing their pants with worry over the exams. They seem to think that the worrying causes the kids IQ to drop to the floor, rather than the fact that course work was an alternative to learning, the real reason that these idiots will do badly in exams.
This is my complaint too the BBBC yesterday morning. Same point as Fred, no balance. I received the usual offhand standard acknowledgement as you would expect from a publicly funded, wealthy, irresponsible monopoly. Like complaining to British Rail in the old days!
Complaint Summary: A blatant one-sided presentatation of a news item
Full Complaint: On both BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5 Live news bulletins at 9.00am this morning, an item was broadcast concerning the announcement of the government’s plan to abolish the GCSE examination. On both bulletins, immediately “spokespersons” from the teaching establishment were aired voicing opposition to the plan. There was absolutely no attempt to also air the view of anyone who is in support of the plan. Once again the BBC shows itself to be not a reporter of news but also an opinionated commentator on it, and a censor of fair balance.
Did not hear the 9am, but yesterday’s bulletins had clips from Michael Gove – add the two together and you have balance.
PM last night had both sides, Today had both sides (even if you did not like the government side guest).
Bulletins by nature are short, and on the day of the announcement (ie, yesterday and Gove) will have the ‘annoucement’ and later bulletins (presumably like the 9am) will have reaction.
Careful you are not seeing any non-government side bulletin as bias, and remember it could be a ‘balancing’ line for a previous bulletin.
BBC-NUJ headline:
“UK attitudes on immigration and welfare ‘toughening.'”
– Not at BBC-NUJ.
For BBC-NUJ: another survey –
“70% want limit on foreign students”
Wait, I thought this blog was just a tiny minority, hopelessly out of synch with the majority of the public. How can this be?
Strange article as it says: “Only 28% of those asked wanted to see more spending on welfare – down from 35% at the beginning of the recession in 2008, and from 58% in 1991.” and then says “But for the first time in nearly a decade, there was a rise in the number of those who think spending and taxes should be increased, the report says.”
More socialist spending, I just wonder whether this is supported by the bBC. Bears and toileting come to mind.
Additionally, the dopey BBC editor wrote this:
Despite the tough economic climate, the study by independent social research agency NatCen reveals attitudes towards welfare and welfare claimants have toughened.
No, BBC, not “despite the tough economic climate” but because of the country’s debt. People are less willing to throw money around in times like this. And notice the typical BBC refusal to separate the genuinely disabled from those on disability benefit in general, or those with genuine welfare needs from those on the benefits lifestyle. It’s dishonest, and lets them paint the naysayers as cruel.
The BBC has been in full BBC bias mode today with their opposition to the Government’s educational reforms, they have interviewed 3 times the number of Labour, Unions, teachers, not to mention the BBC, than the Government and Norman Smith left us under no illusions as to who they supported. Norman Smith lefty in chief told us that if Labour got back it the reforms could be scrapped even though the Government said they would already be ‘in process’
If anyone was under any illusions that the BBC under George Entwhistle would be less biased they can forget it, judging by today, it is much more so. Disgracefully we were left in doubt whose side the BBC was on.
Also, there was a survey which the BBC quoted in which they said that people wanted less public spending whereas the truth is that the survey said people wanted more spending. Once again the BBC tells you what THEY want you to hear on behalf of the left instead of the truth.
The new DG is more, not less left wing that the previous one.
Here’s a link to a photo which has to my knowledge been censored by the BBC. Highly recommended. In fact, aside from Andrew Marr’s inaccurate description of the filmmaker being arrested (he was actually brought in “voluntarily”, and officially on an unrelated matter), there has been no mention of this at all.
One of the captions is mine.
Some good ones, I particularly liked “First Amendment?”
“Not if it interferes with the President’s re-election campaign.”
I like:
I slam Islam.
Real eyes realise real lies.
David, I hope someone is recording the names of the police officers involved. For when the bill has to be paid.
The cops who rounded him up were following orders. I’m more interested in knowing the names of who started this whole federal investigation.
It is time names were named, and the trail of guilt find its way back to the point of origin. Too often journalists throw hands up in horror, but never trace the line of responsibility. They are afraid to do their job.
In this case, nobody in the MSM wants to admit what’s happened. Remember, Mark Mardell has admitted that they’re mostly liberal.
Sorry David, but that’s similar to excusing the concentration guards because someone higher up was giving the orders. They all need to be identified.
INBBC’s advocacy of Islamising Turkey’s entry into E.U continues,
despite Turkey’s invasion of Iraq to kill Kurds, and despite this:
-from ‘Stop Turkey’:-
“Turkey Using Illegal Immigration to Destroy Greece and Islamise Europe.
“Turkey is using illegal immigration as a weapon against Greece and Europe, islamising the content and exerting pressure to exact political concessions from the EU. This should provoke a devastating response from European governments. Instead, these spineless fools continue their policy of endless appeasement.
“Greece now has a million illegal immigrants in a country of 11 million, many warehoused in camps under atrocious conditions. ”
“Turkey’s Erdogan: ‘Islamophobia’ should be recognized as a crime against humanity”
“Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that Turkey recognizes anti-semitism as a crime, while not a single Western country recognizes Islamophobia as such”
to right too! … we know where anti-semitism leads
ESPECIALLY from muslims.
islamo-faux-bia, … Islamists decided to emulate the homosexual activists who used the term “homophobia” to silence critics. He said the group meeting at IIIT saw “Islamophobia” as a way to “silence THEIR critics.” no comparison
Dont ever forget that dopey dave thinks it’s a wonderful idea to have Turkeys accession into the EU with all the moslems having access across a borderless EU. Ever thought just why he’d want that?
just saying, that’s all.
If you’ve heard it before I don’t care. It’s well worth repeating time and time again.
Tory useful idiots exist sadly.
Pob hwyl!
al bbc are rampant with syrian rebel/terrorist/salafist/militant erm … freedom fighter? bias today, the same clip, from paul wood has been played over again. with full pallywood overtones, rebels singing battle songs, loads of shouty rebels, loads of allahu akbars, sound of bombs etc … i thought jeez, all thats missing is the using children tactic
… and sure enough …
this could have been made by hamas, pure propaganda,
repeated again on drive this evening
The bBC does History, well Horrible History.
Syria crisis: The 800 year history lesson
As international diplomats continue efforts to try to end the continuing violence in Syria which has led to an estimated 27,000 deaths, they would do well to consider the lessons from the extraordinary length of time that Syria’s strategic position has been provoking foreign interest – and foreign intervention.The things we don’t know about history will always outweigh the things that we do know.
We will never be sure for example if a certain Colonel Walker of the Royal Marines knew much about Frederick Barbarossa, emperor of the Germans.I found Colonel Walker’s name on a plaque which mourns his loss near the market in the ancient city of Acre – known in Hebrew as Akko – which is now in northern Israel. t does not tell us much about him beyond the fact that at 68 he was getting on a bit for an infantry officer. A doughty character perhaps who led from the front – we’ll never know. He died during the complex manoeuvrings whereby Britain and the Austro-Hungarian Empire combined to remove the land that is now Syria from Arab control and give it back to the Ottoman Turks. At the risk of upsetting the Colonel’s family I must admit I cannot now remember why that diplomatic strategy seemed important at the time.
So the bBCs Kevin Connolly has taken the time to contrast intervention in Syria today with..Well he doesn’t exactly say but he does come out with :” At the risk of upsetting the Colonel’s family I must admit I cannot now remember why that diplomatic strategy seemed important at the time”.
I had a quick comment on Connolly’s biased but professionally produced (the important criterion) piece the other day.
Well what do you know, it was during the time the rot in the Ottoman Empire was beginning to appear and leaders of certain parts of the Empire who saw this, began to carve their own empire out of the Imperial Ottoman Empire.
One such person was Albanian Muhammad Ali who ruled the Egyptian part of the Ottoman Empire and in 1931 he invaded Syria and took it. The Ottomans tried to take it back in 1839 and lost in such a way it threatened to bring about the fall of the whole Ottoman Empire. Now the Europeans couldn’t allow the Ottomans to fall, as a certain Russian bear had designs (Which saw Europe side with the Ottomans against the Russians 14 years later in 1853) on parts of the Ottoman Empire.
So Europe sided (But not France) with the Turks and removed the Egyptian army from occupied Syria and handed it back to Constantinople. The last action they carried out was liberating Ache from occupying Egyptian forces at a cost of 18 men the combined Austrian, British and Ottoman fleet retook the city killing over 1000 men. After the surrender of Acre, Muhammad Ali finally accepted the terms of the Convention on 27 November 1840. He renounced his claims over Crete and the Hijaz and agreed to downsize his naval forces and his standing army to 18,000 men, provided that he and his descendants would enjoy hereditary rule over Egypt and Sudan — an unheard-of status for an Ottoman viceroy. The firmans, subsequently issued by the sultan, indeed confirmed Muhammad Ali’s rule over Egypt and the Sudan. He withdrew from Syria, Crete and handed back the Ottoman fleet.
So in a nutshell, the taking of Ache resulted in the birth of modern day Egypt and the Ali line as royal rulers until the abdication of King Farouk in 1952. Yet the bBC’s Kevin Connolly can’t remember why the military campaign took part. Yup the bBC’s Horrible histories really does push out abridged versions of history. I wonder what they will come out with next. That it was the Ottomans who saved the British from the Spanish armada
The bBC. The traitors in our Midst.
Connolly was lying about that for dramatic purposes. But I don’t work in a news room so what do I know? It’s a professionally produced bit of storytelling.
Bugger, that should read 1831 and not 1931
Stupid f-ing site, not only is it down half the bloody time, it won’t let me post the rest of my article.
F-ing pants
Are you getting a character limit error or something?
Sorted, If I remove any HTML links I’ve included in the post, I can upload to the site.
Weird. That shouldn’t be a problem.
Has anybody heard why the Chinese are protesting against Japan. According to the bBC there’s been protests in over 20 cities yet they don’t report anything of the growing nationalistic fever which is been ingrained into the Chinese psyche. This racial bent can be found in nearly all film releases from China of late where Chinese blood and unity is superior to Western and Japanese forces. The reason behind this is energy and with the possibility of hydrocarbons lying off the coasts of other countries China has to get the public behind it when it does force the issue. Of late all this has consisted of dirty looks, but with its military becoming stronger expect China to play the imperialist bully. Of course to the likes of the bBC, china can do no wrong, be it execute thousands, chop up their bodies for spare parts or even send the families the bill for the bullets used. The left remain silent. Instead they bitch about so called human rights abuses from the UK,US or ..Sweden.
When push comes to shove and war and the gloves are taken off,I fully expect the bBC to take the side of China in any full blown military action, I mean how many bBC articles have you seen where the bbC actually claim that China is out of order with its outlandish claims for territorial waters. You know like they do with Israel.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
I read something about this earlier, on a science blog of all things.
The reporting was confused and mixed in a lot of nonsense but it seems the Chinese have heavily censored a ‘social network’ because of 60+ protests in various cities by the Chinese Occupy Movement.
Why the Japs were getting it in the neck I don’t know but they seemed to be the focus of the protests. Maybe if Occupy name check The Party they get shot so they are sublimating?
It seems the Japanese have bought some ‘disputed’ islands off the Chinese and this has upset someone with the power to put protestors on the street. The Occupy aspect maybe a red herring.
A phrase involving storm and teacup comes to mind.
I’d love to see the BBC TV License fee immediately stopped and all of those useless idiots like Mason, Davis and Alegra Stratton faced with having to find a proper job and actually working for a living.
Evan Davis could easily find more think tanks jobs similar to the one he has now. Mason would become a media consultant for his darling Occupiers.
Ms S Flanders gets 3-part TV series ‘Masters of Money’ on BBC 2 tonight 9 pm and next two Mondays.
Her three ‘Masters’ are not-
1. Keynes
2. Hayek
3. Friedman
1. Keynes
2. Hayek
3. Marx.
Tonight it’s Keynes;
‘Sunday Times’ Culture section preview has this:-
…”but we are told too often, too anxiously, how important and still-relevant Keynes is.”
Ms Flanders should be very careful lest she falls into the trap of telling us (wrongly) that Keynes said that the problems to macro-economics could be solved by perpetually increasing state spending.
Of course, Marx will be the big finale.
To much to hope that would be Groucho Marx?
Milton Keynes
Selma Hayek
Groucho Marx
each knowing more than Steph about economics.
Everybody knows more than Stephanie floundering Flanders about economics…
Just seen this on the planner.
I won’t watch it as I already have high blood pressure.
I watched the first couple of minutes advocating massive spending in the USA on public energy projects, there was then a montage showing a ‘statesmanlike’ Obama, and that’s the point where I hit the channel change button.
Yes, Ms Flanders is from the familiar BBC-NUJ political orbit of high-cost greens, Obama-worship, as well as that of Labour Party-Marxism.
Her dumbed-down propaganda presentation on Keynes would not get a high mark on any new EBACC Economics exam.
Still, she got to visit some of the nicer touristy parts of Europe and America at our expense- all part of Keynesian state spending, on her.
of course, if one is an adherent of Keynes one must accept all that he says, not just the bits you like about massive state spending. These include paying down government debt during booms and being unable to imagine a world where Govt spending is more that 25% of GDP, about half the current level
I gave the BBC a second chance last night, so watched Panorama and then the money one, the Panorama one funny enough about the price taggers (Surely lost in translation) I also watched a extreme world one a couple of weeks ago with Ross Kemp on Sky and the difference in reporting was astounding (The BBC really don’t like them Jews do they).
Then the Keynes one which wasn’t as bad but got a bit bored of the lets all just get together and get along and everything will be fine message they kept trying to shove down your throat, Try telling that to people on tube trains or very large buildings BBC.
of fatalities in Pakistan. I look forward to details of one Pakistani victim who was taken to hospital after inhaling smoke from a burning US flag. Sadly, the man died shortly after being admitted to hospital. The world is now awaiting an apology from Obama for the actions of the US flag. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/09/17/pakistani_rioter_dies_from_inhaling_burning_american_flag_smoke
Cannot seem to get this post to fit.
The BBC have documented a number of deaths among demonstrators in the wave of protests sweeping the muslim world, including several fatalities in Pakistan. I look forward to further details concerning one victim who was taken to hospital after inhaling smoke from a burning American flag. Sadly the man died shortly after being admitted to hospital. The world is now awaiting an apology from Obama for the behaviour of the US flag. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2012/09/17/pakistani_rioter_dies_from_inhaling_burning_american_flag_smoke
Perhaps the relatives of the people killed should get Michael Mansfield to represent them and hold the police responsible for not policing the crowds properly.
How the bBC bigs up the victim status of rampaging muslims
Fresh protests erupt over film
Protests over an anti-Islam video continue worldwide, with an influential Lebanese cleric calling it the “worst attack ever on Islam”.
The above is what the bBC has as one of the headlines on the its current home newswebsite.
What i wish to point out is how the bbC is promoting this as the worse ever attack on Islam, really?:
So it wasn’t when the Crusades transpired, you know that time in history when Christians when they heard the Christian holyland had been invaded by Muslims and the wafer crunchers hit back.
It wasn’t when the Islamic empire was kicked out of Spain,Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, the Balkans.
Or when the holy Ottoman empire fell apart in 1922.
All of those were a lot worse than somebody stating that Mohamed was a rapist paedophile of a warlord.
However all of them pale into insignificance over how an Islamic ruler decided to murder two ambassadors and send back their heads to a certain Genghis Khan . In reply GK decided to wipe Islam off the map and the only thing that saved Islam from going the way of the dodo was Khan dropping dead. That people is the worse attack that Islam has ever suffered, yet the bBC promotes this view that actually a short film was worse. Yeh right, as if the destruction of Babylon was just a wee setback.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
I see abu Bowen has picked the questions the bBC knows will support their Islamic bent:
What future do you see the Palestinians having?
@conspiricymick asks: How much do they censor you? Truth please. Jeremy answers: I have never been censored by the BBC. Wouldn’t accept it.
Chas via email: I read that the majority of Muslims do not agree with the protests. Why do we not hear the moderate voices? Jeremy answers: I’d say most pious Muslims do agree that the film was insulting. Many don’t agree with violent protests. I hope our reporting reflects that.
Question from @madshepole: Who do you think benefits most from the current bout of anti-American and anti-Zionist riots?
and my fav:
@fred_brand asks: What news event of the last century would you have loved to cover? Jeremy answers: Second World War – especially D-Day and the fall of Berlin.
Yup I can see the bBC with Lord ‘Haw haw Bowen reporting from Normandy, the nasty well equipped Allies have launched a devastating attack on the peaceful Nazis militants who have been under siege by the allies for the past 3 years.
Today the RAF committed a war crime when they bombed innocent SS troopers who local medics claim were out picking flowers.
Yesterday after peaceful Nazis launched a few home made rockets at London, the RAF replied by killing 6 families who were having a wedding party.
Yup I wonder who Abu Bowen would have supported during WW2.
He cherry picked the tweets to answer and ignored anthing he saw as contentious. He even answered the ridiculous tweet what is your favourite dinosaur (Triceratops) but wouldn’t be goaded on his support for MB or why his personal notebook was found in the pissession of Saif Gaddafi.
A Bowen non-event.
‘cherry picked the tweets to answer’
Shocked, I tell you…shocked… that the BBC would claim to ‘seek our views’, and encourage questions to be asked, but then run them through their filter before broadcasting a careful selection back.
“It’s news, Jim, but not as we know it”
The BBC of course see twitter as the future of getting what they want (and only want) in, and disseminating what they want (and only want) out.
Beyond the ‘unique’ combination of being able to follow selectively and ban any who do not suit, the output is covered by some vague ‘own views’ nonsense that is as smug a weasel as can be imagined.
Quite how we get charged for ‘news’ that is via a free, foreign, commercial system escapes me.
“We come in peace, shoot to kill” somehow seems rather apt here.
‘I have just witnessed true Nazi bonhomie, a slimming camp for obese citizens, religious minorities and travellers as well as gay folk all in a holiday camp atmosphere and matching striped pyjamas. I couldn’t see all the niceties but they had wonderful cooking facilities with lots of soap. There must be a lot of riff-raff about because the fences to keep them out were quite impressive.’
Christ almighty, I love how Bowen says “many don’t agree” with the violence and murder. Not most, not the vast majority, just “many”. How disingenuous can you get? He knows full well how many of them danced in the street with joy on 9/11, knows full well how many of them support the violence. And he still had the gall to call the MB “moderate”.
Well written Daphne 🙂
Thanks, Teddy.
I just found this – at least one complaint has gone out to the BBC.
didn’t see much about Rupert Everett’s views on same sex parents on the BBC website or News24
Here’s one for you:
Obama and Romney spar over China trade practices
I’m not even going to spend time mentiong that the news brief is weighted towards the President’s side of the story, including the BBC editor’s attempt to show that He’s correct about China being naughty. I’m just going to laugh and point out that the BBC has decided to censor the fact that the two times the President has gone after China because of their subsidized dumping of cheap materials on the US market, both have been because it affects industries to which the President is personally connected.
This time it’s the auto industry, meaning GM, which He bailed out – at a loss – to hand over to the unions. They’re hurting big time right now, especially since the Chevy Volga….sorry….Volt costs GM a $49K loss every time they make one, and production has been stopped for now GM is not doing well at all. The other time the President went all protectionist was when China was dumping cheap solar panels on the market while He was pouring billions down the Green Energy Toilet, mostly to Democrat money bundlers and other connected cronies. He was handing loads of cash over to Solyndra, for example, even though everyone knew the whole time China was doing this and it was doomed before they started.
But talking about that would make the President look bad, so best to leave it out.
Oops, forgot to add the most important part the BBC left out:
Barack Obama In 2008: You Can’t Stand Up To China While Running Up A “Huge National Debt”
Like I said: that would make Him look bad.
is the BBC affiliated with E! News?….both are full of gays
You seem to be rather obsessed with homosexuals.
With name lke jon suk what can you possibly mean? 😉
‘he must spend time, too, listening to licence-fee payers’
Listening is not much good if you have fingers stuck in your ears to avoid anything that does not manage to get re-broadcast as ‘getting it about right’.
Britain and ‘foreign aid’:
‘ Daily Mail’:
“Snouts in the aid trough! The armies of money-grabbing consultants growing rich off Britain’s ballooning foreign aid budget”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2204767/Snouts-aid-trough-The-armies-money-grabbing-consultants-growing-rich-Britains-ballooning-foreign-aid-budget.html#ixzz26o8QddWq
“Greening orders review of £500m-a-year spending on aid ‘experts'”
despite al bbcs absurdly naive trumpeting of “offence”, over a “highly insulting” two bit film on mohamhead.
… still no real exchange views.
prime example, for a 6th day rampant muslim savages continue to maim, murder, destroy, even in Afghanistan where they don t need a pretext. Now over 50 soldiers have been killed by supposed, “army training colleagues”
bringing a long overdue seed change
AND a flagship al bbc ahem “news”?? debate, on R5live, has managed to sidestep this for now a 6th day.
so today its badger time … lets get indepth views, open emotional talk, all the whats and wherefores, of a proposed cull.
Culling. troops, ambassadors, US agency staff …. leaves the sound of crickets … unless its about the orchestrated offence, or insult, to al bbcs beloved islam.
So looks like its bye bye freedom of speech, and “mon sharia amour” to al bbc ….
AND don t even start me on that B/S on Israelli “price taggers” … yep! lots of time to skew a narrative there eh!
get “indepth” on both sides eh!
bbc – basically beneath contempt
BBC going full tilt at Mitt Romney for saying that 47% of Americans pay no income tax whatsoever and of course they want free this, free that. This is portrayed as a big blunder by Romney.
How’s about telling us if it is true that almost half of the Americans pay no income tax. A morass of dependency. How about telling us that all Obama is proposing is more taxes on “the rich” – which will damage any recovery – and will NEVER do anything of real scale to close the budget deficits.
The Romney/campaign has the guts to tell the US public the facts – that the US economy is in dire straits, that the entitlement programmes are driving up the debt, that Obama is financially feckless.
Actually, Mardell does provide a few facts, for a change, although he works hard to undermine Romney’s data.
This article by the Washington Post’s Ezra Klein, does show that 46% of US households don’t pay income tax. Meanwhile, 61% of those who pay no federal income tax do pay payroll tax at 15.3%.
Another 22% of the non-income tax-payers are elderly, according to the Ezra Klein article. If that is correct, 83% of those who do not pay income tax don’t really fit Mr Romney’s characterisation, except in so far as his argument is that people who don’t pay income tax aren’t impressed by promises of income tax cuts.
But he can’t resist putting his own knife in: How soon will they produce T-shirts with “I’m one of the 47%” on them?
Not you, Mark, you’re one of those living on handouts, the compulsory TV tax.
‘How’s about telling us if it is true’
I’m still waiting to find out from any credible, MSM source (if that is not an oxymoron now) what actually happened in Libya.
In fact across a bunch of stuff.
So much that doesn’t seem to suit the narratives has and is going down it’s like the liberal media establishment has joined Nic, Steffi, Paul et al on one of their ‘breaks’, only this time no school hols excuse.
“Secret” video, eh? There’s the bias right there. It was at an exclusive fundraiser event, not in a public forum, but that’s not the same thing as “secret”. That word implies that Romney’s statement was meant to be kept a secret, which is not what’s going on here. “Secret” would more accurately apply to the President’s college records, or the tape of Him with Rashid Khalidi – which is being kept from the public by the LA Times. All censored by the BBC, of course, who are experts on keeping secrets.
As usual, the BBC is following the lead of the US mainstream media, whom Mark Mardell has admitted are mostly liberal. This is why I laugh whenever defenders of the indefensible dismiss our claims of bias by omission by pointing out that nobody else is reporting a given story. If the BBC parrots the US MSM, it’s evidence of their bias. In this case, I’m not talking about simply reporting a story, but the angle from which they’re reporting it.
Report that Romney said it, lay out a few facts and figures, and leave people to make up their own minds whether or not it’s a disaster for him. Too bad the battalion of Left-wing Beeboids in the US are incapable of such a thing. Meanwhile, the BBC continues to censor the fact that Amb. Rice has been caught lying about Libya.
No surprise that this story started in the über-Left Mother Jones. As usual, I fully expect defenders of the indefensible who are media professionals to explain to me in detail where I’ve got it wrong.
Even Tim Stanley in the Telegraph has given up on Romney following his gaffe.
Jim, I see you’re unable or unwilling to address my actual point about the BBC’s use of the term “secret”, and that this is being spun by a liberal media who are, as even your colleague Mardell admits, out to get Romney.
If you think Tim Stanley is proof that the BBC doesn’t follow the lead of said liberal mainstream US media, think again.
What Tim ‘please touch me Obie one ‘ Stanley is not happy with the man who threatens his dearest presidents job !
big whoop !
Stanley’s very good, IMHO, but he’s just reacting to a media frenzy of bias here. Imagine: a candidate actually telling the truth and actually expressing the reality of what his administration would be, and the reaction is all shock, horror, oh the humanity, he shouldn’t tell the truth.
The gatekeepers just might not win this time.
How to make Mark Mardell look a bit better? Simple. Put him along side Richard Bacon (starting 1:40:00 here ).
To start off with, Bacon asserts Romney should be doing better because they have lots of campaign money and run lots of attack ads. So the Dems have little money and don’t run attack ads, right Richard? And don’t forget all the unpaid for support they get from people like you , Mardell and the US media.
Bacon says that Romney and Ryan’s convention speeches
were very vague. Mardell mostly agrees, but to his credit Mardell also points out that Obama’s speech was lacking in substance. Richard can barely say they word ‘true’in “that’s true” and quickly changes the subject to Clinton’s speech. Mardell then comes up with a gem about
Obama’s speech.
“It was pretty flat. Maybe that was his purpose – to look greyer and grimmer than before.”
Classic Mardell in defence of Obama..
Bacon then indulges in wishful thinking by initiating a conversation about what will happen to the Republican Party if they lose. At one point, Bacon asserts that Republican support among Latinos is lacking “because they’re so hard on immigration a lot of the time. That’s probably where it comes from.” The important word missing there is ‘illegal’. Mardell makes the distinction in his response.
After the the traffic news, Bacon talks to strategists from both parties. When the Republican mentions a Rasmussen poll which puts Romney ahead, Bacon dismisses it. Talking about the Middle East protests, Bacon asks the Republican “Does he [Romney] occasionally have the whiff of incompetence about him?”
When the Republican talks about Obama apologising for America, Bacon gets annoyed -“He didn’t! He didn’t apologise for America!”
Bacon is annoyed by Romney.”If you’re the president, you wait until you’ve got all the facts! Then make your statement.” But Richard, it was established by Barack Obama in 2009 that the President does not need all the facts order to make a statement. See Obama’s statement on the arrest of Henry Louis Gates and the weasel-worded subsequent apology below.
“I want to make clear that in my choice of words I think I unfortunately gave an impression that I was maligning the Cambridge Police Department or Sergeant Crowley specifically — and I could have calibrated those words differently.”
Now that Mardell has proclaimed that Obama’s speech was dull, Bacon asks the Dem if he agrees. He doesn’t.
If you are following the US election, Richard recommends the New York Times and the Huffington Post app for your phone. Don’t rush all at once.
I heard this as well. Several minutes of my life that I won’t be getting back. Every single statement of Bacon’s came from a Left-wing, anti-Romney perspective. Wait until the facts come out? Never mind that Romney was correct about what happened, eh?
Mardell was actually less biased than usual, although I suppose he had to be in order to balance out Bacon’s drivel. What a joke Bacon is.
The bBBC is so biased in favour of London that they now twist the terms of the government’s review of airport capacity.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19570653 starts with In September, the government launched a review of how the UK might expand its airport capacity in the South East.
Actually, the government’s review is of UK airport capacity. Full stop.
New DG George Entwistle puts programme makers first
I have a funny feeling I know the position those uniquely-funding licence fee-payers will remain.
Interesting stat:
‘only 42% of you believe the BBC’s senior managers apply the BBC values in the way they work.’
And fish rot from where, George? If the BBC’s own staff can’t even manage 50% conviction that the BBC is doing what it should, how is that the consuming public apparently think everything is milk and honey?
Asking the wrong folk?
Or what the staff feel the ‘values’ are at odds with the ‘managers’?
And whose, I wonder, are actually in sync with the licence fee payers?
Time to get the LSE/Gruan research teams to recalibrate the public’s perceptions… pronto, ‘cos it looks like actually changing anything from within is a lost cause.
1.) ‘Telegraph’:
“Mark Duggan ‘was carrying loaded gun when police killed him’.
“Mark Duggan, whose death sparked last year’s riots, was carrying a loaded gun when he was killed by armed police, a court heard today.”
“Mark Duggan ‘given loaded gun’ before police shooting”
“There in Ferry Lane Mark Duggan was shot and fatally injured by the police as a result of his possession of that gun and what he was thought to be about to do with it,” Mr Brown said.
But surely we all know that he only had the gun so that his grandmother would feel safer when he took her to church, and to help little old ladies and disabled children to cross the road.
Heard the newsreader this morning at 7.30 on Radio 4.
Every soundbite of a headline was the call to prayer for LeftLibLab oafs…welfare reform may starve the poor, Gove will take us back to the 70s, Wills and Kate, Harry and Afghanistan.
Maybe if I choose to see these lefty droolings regurgitated each and every day until I vote Labour…if I see it as a bucket list for a dying Auntie who lost her marbles with too much dope and Dylan back in the 70s…I may yet learn to laugh at their perpetual wet sock of privilege being aimed about my head, being rolled out before me as “news headlines”.
Think I preferred their subliminal messaging or doctoring of videotape-they are so unsubtle and stupid, surely only the left, Galloway and Choudhury-or Guardian herbies-are still listening to the Toady show!
Off to VLad Tepes, Political Islam and other sites like these…Jihad Watch and Biased BBC…stuff the BBC-but no longer with our money eh?
Interesting to read Mardell’s take on the Romney “gaffe” about 47% of Americans who pay no federal income tax and therefore he cannot reach. His only “gaffe’ was telling the truth. If you’re not paying tax and you’re dependent on government handouts you won’t vote Republican/Conservative. Stands to reason. As they say, turkeys don’t vote fr Christmas.
It’s worth noting that Mr Mardell’s job is also dependent on a government tax called the licence fee.. So whose side is Mardell on? The turkey, of course. because he is one.
One last thing: the tape was leaked, not by a concerned citizen, but by Jimmy Carter’s grandson, a democratic activist.
The tape has been around for some time…so why has it surfaced now? Anything to stop talking about Obama’s failed Mid east policy.
Apparently this video, which the BBC describes as “secret” was found online by Jimmy Carter’s grandson. Somebody secretly made the recording, meaning without the Romney campaign’s knowledge or permission, posted it online, and Jimmy’s descendent found it and sent it to Mother Jones. Funny how the dishonest BBC doesn’t frame it that way.
Re the tragic deaths of two police officers in Manchester. A huge news story. Have two cops ever died in one incident before?
Half the BBC is now based in Manchester, so how come Sky were leading with coverage of the story from 12 o’clock, with reporters live at the scene, but the BBC had virtually no coverage until 1.30.
When there is breaking news Sky consistently outperforms the BBC. First with the news, first on the scene, and in my opinion much better reporting – more detail, more authoritative, simply better informed and better presented. So many BBC reporters look like childish amateurs in comparison.
About 18 months ago I read an article from someone who (can’t remember who) frequently visits news rooms, ITV’s BBC and Sky.
ITV and Sky have a real air of urgency – everyone is busy, typing, phoning, or researching. The BBC newsroom in contrast is one of the most relaxed places they’ve seen. Lots of people sitting around chatting – but then I suppose when your income and your job is guaranteed irrespective of results, where is the incentive to actually do a decent job.
‘…Lots of people sitting around chatting’
You forgot ‘…and checking their twitter feeds’.
BBC News couldn’t function without it.
“Onlyme”, how right you are. When I was in the BBC, one of those “light bulb moments” for me was when I showed a friend around the newsroom. He stared at the scene and said quietly, “What do ALL these people do?”
I didn’t know then and I don’t know now. Perhaps scouring the Guardian for “news” to regurgitate is more labour intensive than we imagine.
Three were shot in one incident in 1966:
PM and 6 o’clock radio news going with the angle that this opens up questions about whether police should be armed; a complete non-issue – it ain’t gonna happen, and thus a nice safe dead-end for the Beeb.
The first question that came to my mind was whether we should have the death penalty for murdering scumbags like this.
The second question was what has happened to the criminal justice system whereby we now have hand grenades lobbed around urban areas.
The third question was whether this scumbag came from a background of welfare dependency.
I imagine those angles were explored on other channels, in the interest of balance, and all.
I see that hot on the heels of our Steph’s BBC three parter on economics we are about to enjoy Red Andy Marr’s extended lecture on communism – sorry – History of the World.
These specials are a wonderful reward for the Beeb star commentators. Generous foreign travel awollance, puffing up of the celebrity status and a chance to spout off at lenth.
In the same vein as Paxo’s shows on the empire, the Beeb do so like to bring us these blockbusters.
All singing from the same left-liberal hymn sheet.
They reinforce the one and only narrative that the Beeb allows us.
It’s a bit like MP’s hiring their partners for secretarial support. (on our dollar).
You try and pitch to the BBC a three part series on the economy with you presenting and see where it gets you.
Two Eds just has to drop someone an email and hey presto.
Mitt Romney secret video reveals views on Middle East
“A new secret video clip has emerged of remarks by Republican candidate Mitt Romney, saying the Palestinians are committed to Israel’s destruction. ”
Given the speed with which the BBC has rushed to publish this as a gaffe, one might almost think it wasn’t true.
Yeah that Romney – what a jerk who knows nothing about nothing. Of course the Beeb and the others could recall what happened when Clinton had almost brokered a peace deal which the Palestinians were given about 95% of what they wanted and Arafat still threw his rattle out of the pram.
Romney’s remakrs only look ill informed when you get your news from the likes of the BBC laced with omission.
So which bit of Palestinians are committed to Israel’s destruction is supposed to be a gaffe?
More bBBC News:
Romney gaffe: Pope is a big Catholic
Romney gaffe: bears have been known to s*** in the woods
So which bit of Palestinians are committed to Israel’s destruction is supposed to be a gaffe?
Admitting it?
The ludicrous Mardell actually wrote this:
Mitt Romney’s unguarded and undiplomatic remarks may reinforce the perception that he is an ingenue in the art of foreign affairs….
I cannot stop laughing at this blindly partisan, ignorant remark. We elected the most inexperienced person in history in 2008, yet Mardell uses the cutesy pejorative “ingenue” about Romney, who is only quoting what the Palestinians themselves say. What’s worse is that people who trust the BBC will have no idea that Romney is doing just that.
I’ve been laughing since I figured out (I think) why Obama, and now his spokesman Mardell, make play of foreign policy inexperience when Obama had none himself in 2008. It’s because Obama had idiot Joe Biden on board 2008 and idiot Joe had experience. That’s it, isn’t it?
Got it in one, Beeboidal. Justin Webb described Biden as “a necessary antidote. The pick would also:
reveal a little more about the style of the man and how willing he is to be adventurous.
Whatever that means. How’s all that foreign policy experience workin’ out for ya now, BBC?
“Gaffe-reporting” is a continuation of the “Bush is stupid” tactic, probably the second most successful liberal lie after man made global warming – the most successful lie of all time.
Everyone makes mistakes, or tells the truth, or just says something – same thing to liberal activist journalists. They just claim Romney’s made a gaffe, whatever he says. On Obama, not a word. (He’s so smart, you see!)
And so it goes on day after day, until people believe Romney is stupid. It worked before, didn’t it?
The BBC is evil.
No it didn’t work. Bush was elected and re-elected.
Bush v Obama what are you talking about DeeGee ? Have I mistakenly thought Obama has been the President this last term?
I was refering to the attempt by most of the media to portray George W. Bush (43) as not intellectually capable of holding the position of president. That included unflattering comparisons (some faked) with Al Gore and John Kerry and the portrayal of him as a chimpanzee.
That didn’t work.
Don’t think you can get away from all this bias by heading for the rarified atmosphere of radio 3, particularly as a some sections of it have begun increasingly to sound like an extended version of Desert Island Discs. This week former Jain monk, pacifist and eco-loon, Satish Kumar, will be given 5 one hour platforms to recount his exploits and expound his ideas, much to the delight of the Ecologist website:
No one died because of the BBC’s Innocence of Jews;)
A couple of Democrat Senators are looking to go against the President’s desire to end the so-called Bush tax-cuts for the highest earners, and more are considering it. Are they racist now?
What are you gonna do now, Mr President?
Sudan rejects US request to send more marines for embassy protection
Hillary ain’t talking
The US state department declined to comment.
and the BBC ain’t reporting.
Quickly Mr President, ask Joe Biden what’s to be done.
Does BBC-ANC blame apartheid?:-
“South Africa police fire at Marikana mine protesters”
FRANCE and Islam.
Alternative headlines:
“France in embassy alert over Prophet Muhammad cartoons”
A Non-INBBC headline:
‘France attempts to pre-empt violent, repressive Muslim mass hysteria by closing down embassies.’
“France: Magazine’s Muhammad cartoons prompt France to shut embassies in 20 countries”
Is it me , or was Eddie Mair on PM tonight rather misled in his choice of guests in regard of the French cartoons.
This was the lead news story on the 5pm news-and I reckon that the BBC would like the French to suffer for their insolence in the face of Islam.
Yet the French journalist apporved of the cartoons-and even the Qiullim bloke who I`d have expected to denounce the publication was half-arsed and said one or two sensible things.
Wasn`t Choudhury or a lefty French Guardian hack available to back the insulted mullahs then?..certainly Mair must have wanted some threats or bluster, but he got none.
This “defence of free speech” bit…this “secular state separating Church from State” stuff…this “Republican demand to insist of the right to offend”…heavens to Betsy…just imagine if the French continued to show Islam a backbone and not the wishbone as grown by the BBC.
Let`s hope France continues to tell Islam where to f*** off to, if they don`t like what a French magazine publishes in France for its French people.
This could catch on…despite the craven BBC and its vacillations about “free speech” being a nice air freshener or bumper sticker…until a beardie nutjob from a Madrassa stops beating kids and threatening the rest of us…his like will do anything but work in their own lands..why would they when there`s benefits a plenty to cream off the rest of us.
Vive La France!
Interesting factoid in today’s Private Eye.
28 countries world-wide have seen protests, mostly violent, against the film Innocence of Muslims.
10 people in the world who have seen the full version of the film at its only public screening.
The BBC has rushed to put up a clip of the President attacking…sorry….”rebuking” Romney and defending Himself against what His enemy said. It included this gem:
“One of the things I’ve learned as President is, you represent the entire country.”
*bangs head on desk*
Fat chops nolan couldnt resist using the Spence familys tragic farming accident to invite people to call in and before you know it…typical rent a caller phones in and uses the tragedy as a reason why the Loyal Orders should forget about parades and marching and speak to republican and dissident protest groups.
This female caller supposedly lives in Scotland but must have plenty of time on her hands as she rings in almost every time parades are mentioned.
Haters gotta hate.
US Justice Dept.’s own internal investigation has – what a shock – cleared Atty. Gen. Holder of having anything to do with it. Funny how the BBC rushed to report this, when they refused to report on the scandal at all for a very long time, and even after reality forced them to mention it, barely touched on it with only a handful of reports.
A Deputy Assistant scapegoat has been more or less forced to resign, and I’m sure there will be harsh penalties for others. Not.
Now the BBC continues to push the White House Narrative that it was a “botched” plan to track guns. It wasn’t. It was a deliberate attempt to cause gun havoc so they could push more gun control. It’s only considered “botched” because they got caught doing it. The BBC has never allowed this point of view to be mentioned.
I expect there will be no skepticism from any Beeboid about how this “internal inquiry” might resemble this one: