Biodegradeable posted a transcript of Romney’s ‘Palestine’ comments and it gave me a kick up the backside to read the full transcript of his speech…and as even Mark Mardell is forced to admit….‘He actually sounds a lot more politically savvy than he does on the stump.‘
So Mardell admits Romney’s talking sense? You would be hard pushed to judge that from the BBC’s reports, including Mardell’s, on the subject which seem to be mere regurgitation of press releases by Romney’s opponents.
Mardell says: ‘ For days now conservative bloggers have been fulminating that Mitt Romney doesn’t get a fair deal, that the media doesn’t give him a chance, and is out to get him.’
Reading the speech and then reading the BBC’s interpretation you’d have to agree with the ‘conservative bloggers’….especially when Mardell comes up with this: ‘But it is his scornful take on Obama voters that has really grabbed the headlines.’
OK so Romney said it wasn’t his job to worry about the 47% that don’t pay taxes…Mardell and Co paint that as if he doesn’t think they’re worth a consideration when in government.
However the BBC has missed, no, not missed, they have erased, the essential comment from the quote…..‘So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect.’
That is a pivotal phrase…Romney will campaign on a policy of low taxes…but if you don’t pay tax that sort of policy has no resonance with you….so what if taxes go down….I don’t pay them anyway!
‘Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn’t connect. And he’ll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. I mean that’s what they sell every four years. And so my job is not to worry about those people—I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.’
As regards Israel the BBC have also erased the last but probably most important statement:
The BBC’s take: ‘A new secret video clip has emerged of remarks by Republican candidate Mitt Romney, saying the Palestinians are committed to Israel’s destruction.
He tells donors the Middle East will “remain an unsolved problem… and we kick the ball down the field” ‘….the BBC ‘forgets’ this bit:
‘and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. We don’t go to war to try and resolve it imminently.’
So Romney says that other than war there is little he can do to pressure the Palestinians to accept the right of Israel to exist and thence be able to negotiate a peace on that basis.
All he can do is:
‘So, the only answer is show your strength. Again, American strength, American resolve, as the Palestinians someday reach the point where they want peace more than we’re trying to push peace on them—and then it’s worth having the discussion. Until then, it’s just wishful thinking.’
How well is Obama’s foreign policy going…ask Kissinger:
‘I saw Dr. Kissinger; I said to him, “How are we perceived around the world?” And he said, “One word: VEAK!” [Audience laughs.] We are weak, and that’s how this president is perceived, by our friends and, unfortunately, by our foes.’
Was Romney born with a ‘silver spoon in his mouth’? Yes but……
‘By the way, both my dad and Ann’s dad did quite well in their life, but when they came to the end of their lives, and, and passed along inheritances to Ann and to me, we both decided to give it all away. So, I had inherited nothing. Everything that Ann and I have we earned the old-fashioned way, and that’s by hard work.’…..
…..’I just said Sen. Rubio says that when he grew up here, poor, that they looked at people that had a lot of wealth, and his parents never once said, “We need some of what they have, they should give us some.” Instead they said that you work hard and go to school, someday we might be able to have enough. That’s…[Applause.] I will continue to do that.’
Presumably Ed Miliband would be proud of him earning his way in the world the ‘hard way’.
What does he think of immigration?:
‘I look forward to getting America back on track, and having people plan on bringing their ideas and their dreams to this country. We get big dreamers, by the way. Oh, I just, we didn’t talk about immigration today. Gosh, I’d love to bring in more legal immigrants that have skill and [unintelligible]. I’d like to staple a green card to every Ph.D. in the world and say, “Come to America, we want you here.” Instead, we make it hard for people who get educated here or elsewhere to make this their home. Unless, of course, you have no skill or experience, in which case you’re welcome to cross the border and stay here for the rest of your life.
In every stump speech I give, I speak about the fact that people who dream and achieve enormous success do not make us poorer—they make us better off.’
When you read the full transcript you realise Mardell hasn’t done his job…if he’s going to report on the speech it is surely important to read it himself and then select his own quotes rather than just rely on the carefully selected handouts by those with strong vested interests in highlighting and potentially distorting the meaning of, certain statements.
Paxman in 2007 could have advised him:
“In this press of events there often isn’t time to get out and find things out: you rely upon second-hand information-quotes from powerful vested interests, assessments from organisations which do the work we don’t have time for, even, god help us, press releases from public relations agencies. The consequence is that what follows isn’t analysis. It’s simply comment, because analysis takes time, and comment is free.”
Perhaps this is what the new DG meant when he wanted more creativity at the BBC…create your own reports, don’t just get them spoonfed to you……do some Journalism, not well paid(by BBC!) secretarial work for the Obama campaign typing up their press releases!
Apparently this isn’t even the actual “complete” transcript. Mother Jones was forced to add a “Recording stops” right at the end of the 47%er bit. Their claim is that the source says the recording device “inadvertently turned off”, but the Democrat activist….sorry….source noticed and turned it back on almost immediately, only a minute or so lost. It’s probably nothing, as I can’t imagine what Romney might have added that would make the Democrat media change their minds, but sure is coincidental as hell that the break is right the end of the bit the media seized on most.
Also, I call BS on Mardell. He’s already admitted that most of the criticism of Romney comes from “liberals” in the MSM. So it’s fairly dishonest for him to play the concerns of the Rightosphere as mere partisan grumbling.
Well what about this shadow labour mp who echos Romneys comments > (also have those French cartoons on site as well ) 🙂
I’m reserving judgment on this until we find out whom Burnham blames.
Good work on the Hebdo cartoons. I see their site is having difficulty at the moment.
President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney stand about even among likely voters, with 47 percent backing Obama and 46 percent Romney. But there are sharp demographic divides driving each candidate’s support.
There’s also this to consider:
CNBC And Yahoo Finance Readers REALLY Liked Mitt Romney’s Comments
Do you agree with Romney’s statement?
Yes: 75%
No: 22%
Not sure: 3%
Yahoo Finance:
Do Governor Romney’s remarks……make you more or less likely to support his candidacy?
More likely: 48%
Less likely: 28%
No impact: 24%
Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?
Meanwhile, the hefty post-convention bounce for the President that Mardell was touting to the idiot Bacon the other day seems to have dissipated somewhat. Gallup has the President leading by only 2 points in swing states and tied nationwide, while Rasmussen (dismissed by the Democrat on Bacon’s show as Republican-biased), has Romney leading by 1 point in the swing states. Margin of error either way, I’d say.
If this is due to a disastrous “gaffe”, then it must be a definition of the word I wasn’t previously aware of. Plus:
Silent Majority: Robopoll Records Silence as Support for Obama
(Okay, I’m sure a lot of robopolls do that, but it’s still funny.)
Rasmussen was the only pollster who got the last election right and that was because it had the greater percentage for McCain which the others couldn’t match.
Update available for BBC-Democrat:
“Romney Leads in New Hampshire, Swing State Daily Tracking Polls. Wait, What?!?”
What? ‘ earned the old-fashioned way, and that’s by hard work.’
BS big time! Guess where he got the cash to seed his own fortune?
Good thing this distracts from discussing Mardell’s bias.
“Guess where he got the cash to seed his own fortune?”
Karl Marx?
“Guess where he got the cash to seed his own fortune?”
A Community Organizer from Chicago who got rich by promising to extract money from people who had earned it, and redistributing (via an appeal to social justice) to his voter client base?
“Guess where he got the cash to seed his own fortune?”
From vevel?
Well that’s a pretty damning indictment of the lack of integrity within the BBC!
Secondly it now appears that there is a section of Romneys 47% speech missing from the supposedly complete recording that’s being pushed by the MFM. If that’s correct and it changes the entire narrative to something positive for Romney then that is even more damning of the BBC’s lack of ethics as it would seem their only concern was to get this out to the world as quick as possible!!!!!
Mother Jones claimed – until it was shoved in the editor’s face – that it was complete. I don’t blame the BBC for not knowing about the missing bit. I’m more concerned about Mardell and the rest of them acting as if the mainstream media whom they know to be mostly liberal are magically unbiased here, while the “conservative bloggers” are merely partisan cranks whose opinions can be dismissed out of hand because they’re conservative.
‘I don’t blame the BBC for not knowing about the missing bit.
Well I sure as heck didn’t know about it when I just listened to the top of the hour ‘news’ at the end of the Steve Wright show, and it was full ‘The one’ scolds Romney with his good mate Letterman, and our Steve compelled to add why, with the extra input of what Romney had to say was ‘not good’.
So that would be ‘not good’ by whose definition on the basis of what information (or omission)?
I was also fuming from forgetting to swap stations having been treated to a Jeremy Vine ‘we want only the extreme views’ special on the outbound journey.
The BBC neither educates nor informs.
It propagandises and misinforms, and for the life of me I can’t grasp how they get paid to to so.
Did Steve Wright criticize what Romney said or was the “not good” more about how he shouldn’t have said it because it would hurt his campaign? There’s a difference.
Those were the two words used. Can’t recall the context exactly. Let’s just say he seemed caught up in ‘the moment’ created by his colleagues and others.
As a precedent, DJs adding their view on news reports can be rather a minefield, but I’m sure there is a guideline to cover it.
One of the worst aspects of modern lazy ‘journalism’ – not just limited to the bBBC – is reporters interviewing each other and reporting on what other media are saying. A scientist or engineer would recognise this by the technical term of ‘positive feedback’ where they all reinforce each other until the whole thing blows up!
Just like Mardell telling us what … really grabbed the headlines.
Well said, Sir Arthur.
Just as “Alternative Comedy” was middle class Leftist intolerance for working class comedy [which was excised from the schedule] dressed up as diversity, so John Birt’s “Mission to Explain” replaced “Just the fact’s Ma’am” journalism (which has also been pretty much excised from the schedule) with opinion pieces by middle class Leftist telling us what to think.
The BBC is the broadcasting equivalent of a university which has replaced pluralism and scholarship with Stalinist group think.
In the Stalinist BBC you can have any colour you want just so long as it is red. You can choose between four different tax funded channels, each of which delivers correct Party thinking.
The informative content in BBC programmes gets less and less, and the cultural Marxism gets ever more heavy handed.
Its BBC churnalism – all they know now.
Great article:
Not sure the BBC would like it, though.
Recently some senior EU bloke trotted out a few home truths about the Euro, and the MSM went ballistic at that too.
I recall some silly bint on the SKY paper review having a fit of the vapours that he was…. not lying to us like they were meant to.
Funny old world.
Consider this:
A 14 minute You-Tube video called ‘The Innocence of Muslims’, which broke no laws. and merely exercised the right of freedom of speech of its makers, resulted in those extremist Muslims justifying their murderous and barbaric response. So what was the stance of the present US administration, following their own ambassador being sodomized and murdered?
They grovelled in appeasement to these murderers, and align themselves with these jihadi enemies of democracy and civilisation. With Hillary Clinton calling the video “disgusting and reprehensible,” wording which is more befitting those who murdered Americans; the U.S. embassy itself apologized for those who “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims”; and the administration asked YouTube to remove the 14 minute trailer.
Mitt Romney tells it like it from the viewpoint of our civilisation, and identifies the foul strategy going on in the Muslim world, and who does our media, our supposed defenders of freedom of speech castigate?
Left wing moronic thinking is ruining our values that generations fought to develop and uphold.
Consider also that the US MSM and the BBC went after Joe the Plumber trying to find out everything possible about him, and discredit him by character assassination. Same for the Innocence filmmaker. Yet there is a curious lack of….er…curiosity as to the identity of the “secret” Romney videographer.
Plus, after doing several reports wildly speculating as to the identity of the Innocence filmmaker, mostly little more than reprinting of things they found elsewhere without bothering to verify any of it, once the man was “brought in for questioning”, the BBC has gone silent about him and moved on to the next item on the MSM agenda: attacking Romney about criticizing the White House response to the attacks on our embassies.
It is a funny old world indeed.
The decision by an “innocence of Muslims” actress to sue the filmmaker is being given a lot of prominence in today’s BBC news – as though it was not already well known that the actors were furious about the way they had been misled. It is not the film that anyone is defending but the right of someone to make such a film i.e. freedom of speech. By concentrating on flogging a dead horse the Beeb is distracting attention from this fundamental point.
Off: canny remember the BBC splashing this on their headline news:
Vile scum should be strung up!
Can we have a new board please?
Beginning to wonder if, in a few places, a glimmer that knees have jerked is sinking in, and a bit of professional integrity may be creeping in….
‘Bloggers question two-minute gap in fundraiser video’
Bloggers, eh? Sadly, it seems the usually challenging CiF crowd are still mostly quite chilled on odd edits and vague sources… this time.
Maybe, as BBC ‘news’ watchers, they have got used to such things.
Even the DT is allowing a few counter views now…
From a well-like comment: ‘No wonder there isn’t a word about the true facts on the BBC.’
One is sure there will be one, somewhere… soon?
At least, before it’s too late.