Here’s Nicky Campbell talking about the Charlie Hebdo cartoons on BBC Radio Five Live’s Breakfast show this morning:
“The BBC has an edict – I’m not allowed to describe these images at all.”
(h/t Bodo in the comments)
The images the BBC won’t even describe.
The individual cartoons can be seen here.
And so the BBC abandons ANY pretence at journalism and instead, becomes a willing slave and appeaser of Islamic extremism.
what so sad about this, is all thats needed is a few more media outlets to do the same … bingo
all of islams ill gotten gains on free speech go up in a puff … it IS a house of cards … as you will have the”spartacus” effect.
but the bbc and its craven, handwringing, cowardly, apologist, dhimmi buddies haven t a vertebrae between them.
and so slam gets more encouragement.
panto – i notice,(maybe the time in the morning). uses the term the ahem! “muslim ” prophet mohamhead …
about time too, when he gets it right
he will state” who muslims consider to be a prophet” …
he realises this ideology deserves no erm “respect”, just as much as i do.
just an adage – hear yet another islamic spokesman get a “Pinocchio” award.
from 2hr 16
ie .
panto – is any image of mohamhead blasphemous? – yes indeed 😀
less than 1 minute later…. 😀
oh stay tuned … for his “kneeslapper”
about the turban bomb cartoon …
“therefore associating islam with terrorism” ROFL …
surely not … however did anyone ever get that idea 😀
Oh dear Noggin, some folk on here get pissed off if I go on about … “dhimmis”.
Not that I’m sensitive to adverse comments about dhimmis any more than some folk about cartoons?
That house of cards WILL fall, eyes will see truth eventually. Brains may not want to accept, but it’s working. As some say, It’s kicking off everywhere!
“the bbc has an edict” 😀
sure looks like it, and as usual its wrong
on newsnight last night
from 18 mins
after a mealy mouthed drone from m.urban, which only really outlined al bbc narrative.
theres an interview with aayan hirsi ali
and to be honest, kirsty s indoctrinated al bbc madrassa mentality simply couldn t handle it,
“there is bewilderment at allowing such offence”
A – in the west it is constitutionally protected speech
“but there should be laws against religious incitement”
A – no, not with freedom of expression,
“don t you accept (pakistan),their right to be offended A – but, no we shouldn t indulge them
she raises her hands, and exclaims “but they are offended, their right to be offended, the offence!”,
h. ali has patently has enough, immediately puts her right on islamic hypocrisy, “look I m sorry this is not credible”
tersely wark cuts in “hirsi ali, afraid I have to stop you there” … hhmmm, I bet
actually now is a pivotal moment, the usual fuzzy faced nutjobs, are kicking off over nothing … and so a french mag produces more motoons … exactly the RIGHT response, whats needed is more of the same, and … obviously its not going to come from the biased broad cresent , ( maybe they consulted the head of religious programmes eh! ).
Didn’t you know that being Muslim is the new “British” according to the BBC? Only kidding of course, but then again, that’s probably what they’re thinking. Just wait until they have Mehdi Hasan on the payroll! Anyway, I must be off as “Mustapha Leak!”
The BBC: always willing to do extremist Islam’s foul bidding! Funny, they’ve no problem in making fun of Christianity.
The evidence would now suggest that the Beirut Broadcasting Corporation wants Islam to replace Christianity as Europe’s main religion. But, there will come a time when the Chelsea fair trade coffee-sipping brigade will have to make a choice: The Koran or £145.00 per annum.
We in the west don’t find cartoons such as these offensive and we certainly wouldn’t harm the publishers. We regard tolerence very highly. Clearly many muslims do find these cartoons very offensive and will take extreme measures against those who publish them. They don’t seem to value tolerence.
How long before the BBC and the liberal left realise that two such different cultures simply can’t get along in the harmonious multicultural society that they have been trying to build for the past 30 years?
To be honest Doublethinker, I don’t think that the BBC and its ideological confederates will ever wake up to this reality, even if we were to ever find our society as cleft as is the situation in Lebanon. They would still be finding excuses for the attitudes and the behaviour of the perpetually offended: alleged lack of job opportunities and such like. Strangely, many people here seem to think that Russia takes a more robust approach regarding the Islamist issue, but as you can see from the following, this is proving not to be the case:
Why don’t they realise that the bBBC will be an immediate casualty of their beloved Islamic take-over? Freedom of speech will be the first to go, followed rapidly by all their bimbos and homosexuals.
There won’t actually be a takeover, though. At least not where any of them live.
If any troublemakers – of any religion or identity group – get encouraged by this display of deference…..sorry….respect, they might start telling the BBC about other things they shouldn’t do on air lest it cause offense. A slippery slope.
Having said that, I don’t think a couple of the cartoons could even be described on air before the watershed anyway. I’m not sure any of us want to hear a grown man named Nikky describing what Ganesh is doing there….
And it would sound pretty silly to describe the rest of them (except the “Yes we crame” one). They’d have to translate the captions and describe the picture, and something that isn’t particularly funny would get even more lost in the translation. Waste of time, really.
Come to think of it, though, declining to describe the pictures might create a mystique and make them seem more sexy and dangerous to the audience. Probably not what they intended.
” Come to think of it, though, declining to describe the pictures might create a mystique and make them seem more sexy and dangerous to the audience”
It brings to mind the censorious attitudes:
” would you really want your servants reading that?”…..ring any bells?
I pointed this out months ago, only in more lurid terms, and Guest Who and a very uptight Cassandra blew gaskets. Well, i’m right, Islam is savage, and the BBC will be sacked and everyone in it slaughtered, end of. In twenty years time or less, there will be millions of young, angry, savage muslim men, demographics dear boy, intent on rape and killing.
Doesn’t the BBC realise if Islam ever took over they would all die.
“The BBC has an Edict” These Edicts are decided by secret seminars of left-wing Guardian readers. They call it Editorial Guidelines.
If were not so deadly serious with tragic consequences the moral contortions of the extreme left BBC and its print arm the guardian would be hilarious to witness.
From the supposed champions of free speech and free expression we have the guardian/BBC axis calling for ‘restraint’ where free speech is concerned and peddled by the BBC and self censoring themselves.
Apparently we all have a duty to respect the beliefs of others, as long as they are not Christians of course, further comes the edict that we should exercise ‘restraint’ not realising that we are either free to say what we please or we are not free at all.
Free speech as long as favoured groups or more importantly feared groups are offered special treatment is not free speech at all, the extreme left are in fact nothing more than cowards making excuses for their cowardice.
The message is clear from the self appointed champions of intolerance and bullying islamofascism, shut your mouth, and keep it closed UNLESS the target is approved by the left and are civilised and tolerant enough to accept it in the spirit of free expression.
How the hypocrites at the guardian/BBC can look themselves in the mirror is beyond me
Somebody wake me up when the BBC starts respecting other people’s sensitivity, and Kevin Connolly apologizes for insulting a few hundred thousand people with a sexual innuendo (he said it on air as well), and Mark Mardell stops suggesting that I’m a crypto-racist.
As opposed to a real racist (anti-British, anti-semitic….)
Nation shall speak silence unto nation.
“The BBC has an edict – I’m not allowed to describe these images at all.” Why not?
FYI, it’s here at 2hr 13min into the prog.
To be fair to Campbell his coverage was pretty fair and even he seemed slightly exasperated by the BBC edict. ‘I am not allowed – the BBC has an edict – I am not allowed to describe these er, these images… at all’.
The BBC seems determined to be fully ‘sharia compliant’.
What are the odds of staff with integrity standing up to the mandarins up top who passed out this edict? Something or other rots from the head.
The chances are slim, unfortunately.
BBC staff used to be able to speak quite openly and honestly about the organisation, but in 2000 when Labour supporter Greg Dyke took over as BBC director-general he issued stern instructions that public criticism of the BBC by its employees would not be tolerated. Their first duty was loyalty to the corporation. This was, IIRC, in response to criticism of their political coverage, specifically obsequious coverage of labour. The edict had the sticky fingerprints of Alastair Campbell all over it.
I didn’t really mean speak out publicly. I was wondering about staff standing up to their superiors in-house. Something a bit more brave than Paxman making a pissy remark about having to read a weather report on Newsnight, or the Bacon making sure his voice drips with contempt whenever he talks about “balance” or says things like, “I’m not allowed to have an opinion”.
Speaking of Paxman, there can’t be much of a gag order on Beeboids if Jeremy Vine can portray him as a petty, vain, vicious operator in his new book.
You might think a tweet could surface. After all, we are told the constant barrage of left-wing tweets does not reflect on the integrity and impartiality of BBC journalists.
Funny the cast iron defence does not appear to apply when contemplating a “right wing” tweet.
INBBC cosies up to violent Muslims of Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN.
-More INBBC propaganda for anti-West jihadists, as presented by INBBC’s Aleem Maqbool.
-Again, no Western criticism of Islamic violence is allowed by INBBC.
Maqbool claims that the film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ “is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad”; I say that INBBC Maqbool’s claims are said to insult me.
Maqbool, at home in Islamabad, categorically states that the [Islamic] violent protests are now over! Until when? -After Friday Islamic prayers?
“Pakistan anti-Islam film protest ends in Islamabad”
What a gutless, spineless, obsequious, groveling, basically there’s not enough bloody adjectives in the thesaurus to convey the craven BBC’s refusal to describe these hilarious images, which everyone should be entirely free to view. I wonder if any of the ‘radical’ and ‘progressive’ contemporary ‘artist’ luvvies will pluck up the courage and do an exhibition of these images like so often do with Jesus? I hope so. It would great for freedom of speech.
This example of BBC cowardice is yet another in a long and ever growing list of reasons to immediately issue the death sentence to the TV License, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Within minutes of reading this pro-Islamic drivel, ‘France 24’ TV carried a contradicting report to the above, indicating that anti-American riots are expected in Islamabad this Friday!
And ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:
“Pakistan: Stone-throwing Muslim protesters try to storm U.S. Embassy”
NEVER trust INBBC ‘reports’ on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; such ‘reports’ always reflect pro-Islamic , anti-West political interests.
And, of course, we are forced to finance such Islamic propaganda against us.
One of INBBC’s pro-Islam ‘reporters’, Aleem Maqbool in Pakistan (who predicts no more Muslim riots in Islamabad!) now, in edited update, uses Obama-Clinton’s dhimmitude to justify Muslim riots:
“Pakistani TV shows US ads condemning anti-Islam film”
Comment by ‘Jihadwatch’:
“This will fix everything. Doubtless a rosy pro-American future looms in the Islamic world, courtesy of the Film Critic-In-Chief. What this ridiculous campaign will do for the freedom of speech, however, is not quite so rosy.”
Golden showers time at the BBC then.
These cartoons aren`t great-but a few of them hit the spot nicely.
My favourites are the film critics one, and the one that predicts WW3 as and when they actually make a good film about Muhammad.
Things get lost in translation-but the editor is just the fearless insouciant Frenchman that makes Europe still worth a candle…or a Zippo lighter at least!
The fearless seekers of the truth at the BBC bare a white behind to Islam and call it tolerance…actually it`s appeasement.
Imagine how Christianity could benefit from a little intolerance of the craven BBC mocking them, but wetting themselves when a Muslim gives `em the evils!
Hard to despise the BBC even more than we do-and then they make it possible!
And now, we interrupt this programme to show you the presenter being burned at the stake…..
Its about time the BBC and the rest of their socialists friends were removed from the gene pool.
You lot sure are keen on mass murder.
Why are you upset. Have you got no coke or rentboys in your BBC office?
It’s fun to play the po-faced moral center. Much better than going on about silly things like how the BBC isn’t biased.
Two-faced more like….
“The average age of [a Christian] churchgoers is 61 and getting older, so…the sky-pixie, make-believe-friend freaks are dying out; and about time too…It gets better. So not only is church attendance falling and getting older, it turns out the vicars are all dying out too.”
Exactly — no more annoying people droning on about their make believe friends. I have no truck with any religion, they are all absurd — every single one of them. Look what crap they cause in the world.
Nicked Emus I thought BBC employees weren’t allowed to be Islamophobic?
You have insulted Allah and his prophet Muhammed.
Nicked Emus is not a BBC employee he is a BBC wannabe – hence never a peep of criticism from him about the way the Christian hating Guardian readers at the BBC arse lick Islam.
Nicked me old fruit – don’t come it with the “you lot”. We aren’t socialists who all think exactly the same! We all can work out our opinions for ourselves. And no, the vast majority of people on here aren’t socialists or islamists – and those are the two types most akin to supporting mass murder.
So if you want to berate single minded herd-people who support mass-murder; go onto a left-wing site and have a go at them for it – or if you are feeling really brave try it on an Islamist site.
This site believes in free speech, which is why Newsroom Nick is welcome to deliver his sermons, & occasional fair points, from Mount Hubris. But for somebody who holds no truck with religion, he’s displaying signs of a distinct ‘messiah complex’: the one who knows best. He’s even become the self-appointed Wyatt Earp, the ‘hate’ Sheriff, of this blog. Wanting to clamp comments he doesn’t like, & issuing threats to David Vance who, unlike Nick, or myself, is in the open, not behind a pseudonym. But does Nick patrol hard left/extreme muslim sites with such rigour? Sites that are supercharged with rabid hatred for the West/Israel/gays/Infidels in general/free speech & democracy. Does he sometimes, refer to all the commentators as ‘pondlife’? Not that his comments would last long, if they appeared at all, because free speech is the last thing the truly intolerant want.
Websites are one thing: flesh & blood haters, another. I’ve seen the banners held aloft at muslim demos in London. There’s always something. The banners that proclaim: ‘Hitler Was Right’; ‘The Real Holocaust Is Coming To Europe’, and so on. The time will come when these boneheaded, backward, mob-handed throwbacks, who want to slit freedom’s throat, will have to be confronted by something a little more solid than a keyboard. More’s the pity, because more free speech, more straight-talking might have defused this time bomb years ago.
A superb post. One to save. : worth a look – incisive stuff on the islamic empire & more …
The islamic empire seems oddly relaxed over these French sketches … the sheep have not apparently been instructed on their riot duties …
How odd. Why, it’s almost as if all that violence wasn’t really a spontaneous outburst of grassroots, sincere religious conviction.
The BBC doesn’t seem to have noticed, though. They do report on the couple of legal actions taken – that’ll put the fear into ’em, eh? – and a few hundred people not raping or murdering anyone outside the French embassy in Tehran. I’m sure there will be full segments on all the usual shows tonight and tomorrow about why this is.
No doubt instructions will be issued tomorrow at prayers.
All of us should try to help the BBC and the liberal elite to cope with having to face up to reality. It is a hard thing to do -to throw off the conditioning and the habits of a lifetime. I really feel for them as they slowly perceive that their dream world never existed and never will exist.
The clash of civilisations is real. It always has been .
How we all live with this reality and avoid destruction is the defining reality of this century.
How many other “edicts” has the BBC issued to its staff and what are they? I see no reason why the nation’s public broadcaster should not tell us.
You have paid through your license fee for that information, but mysteriously, you do not have the right to access it. What does the BBC have to hide? Do they fear we would not like it? FFS we pay for it. Time the BBC was more afraid of the license payers than of Islam.
” What does the BBC have to hide? ”
Errr….the Balen report?
Absolute proof of BBC fear and Bias. Cartoons mocking Christianity would not warrant the same BBC edict. You have to feel sorry for them , look where their superior ideology has put them.
The BBC and their Socialists comrades are digging their own graves. They hated by everyone not just the white people of this country, but their muslim friends as well.
Off topic: Good God, one minute BBC Newsnight is sticking up for the likes of Duggan and gangsters’ human rights the next they’re blaming the police for what happened in Manchester, saying that they’re not doing enough to protect communities. Unbelievable! Kirsty wark is so irritating and such a Labour die hard.
INBBC’s implicit advice to us:
-‘think like a Muslim.’
INBBC continues to blame non-violent, non-Muslims for Muslim violence and death threats against non-violent,
Does the IBBC suffer from stockholm syndrome?
He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!
Remind me, how many Christians committed mass murder when they saw this?
Don’t want to go too much off topic, but the subject is Muslim violence and It’s the 21 of September today. That makes it the 11th anniversary of the vicious murder of Ross Parker, one of the most disgusting BBC biases ever (though the rest of the media was almost as bad).
In a fair and just world I wouldn’t being up such an anniversary, but there’s still no Ross Parker architectural prize, or CPS funded law scholarship, no discussion of him on TV, newspapers or in Parliament. His parents aren’t special guests and participants at the Olympic relay and even the opening ceremony itself, there’s no “Ross Parker Center” and he didn’t receive a grand funeral at the local cathedral.
There was nothing last year to mark the 10th anniversary of his death other than something in the local paper. It’s the most sickening and perhaps most significant racial crime of our times yet I imagine most people still aren’t aware the event even occurred.
The BBC and other media outlets have since admitted that they did not give this case enough coverage at the time… But it is 11 years and nothing has changed. Anti white racism is more prevalent now than at any other time and still the mainstream media has no interest in covering it.
If the BBC admitted that they didn’t give the case the attention it deserved then, that only further supports Dave B’s contention that they should be paying tribute to it now.
To my eternal shame I did not know about this case. Just had a look on wiki and this caught my eye:
‘The two politicians who had provided Ali’s references were later jailed themselves for forgery in relation to vote rigging.’
You don’t say.
INBBC and its political drift towards using the phrase, ‘the Prophet Muhammad’ is apparent, reflecting INBBC’s:
a.) fear of Islamic interests;
b.) easy dhimmitude by INBBC non-Muslim staff;
c.) large numbers of INBBC Muslim staff which instinctively use the phrase.
“Media’s Use of ‘The Prophet’ Before Muhammad Trending Up”
So – the BBC, in it’s desire to avoid causing ‘religious offense’, issues a corporation-wide edict banning not only the depicting of images that might be deemed offensive to muslims, but even the mere description of such images. They were, however, quite content to broadcast the Jerry Springer Opera. Both of these cases have been considered by some members of the respective religions as unacceptable depictions of revered religious figureheads, but the broadcast of one is defended in the name of free speech and the promotion of ‘controversial’ works, while the other is proscribed in the name of tolerance and ‘decency’ and a willingness not to cause offense.
I have no religious beliefs at all, but I detest the double standards at play here. I muslims are to be a part of our society they will have to begin to accept that criticism and ridicule of religion has long been part of our national culture. That our national broadcaster sees fit to pander to the lowest form of bullying in the name of political correctness will only serve to increase the divisiveness of this issue, not lessen it. As Douglas Murray so often says – if these people wish to live in a society where religious laws and customs are harshly enforced then there are, sadly, parts of the world where such oppressive cultures are available, but Britain WILL NOT be one of them.
BBC take note. Cowards.
Is there not an edict on being impartial? That doesn’t seem to bother most of the BBC Staff.
Here’s a lovely cartoon:
Hilarious isn’t it… Why has it never been shown on the BBC? I look forward to everyone on this blog demanding that it be shown several times a day during prime time news bulletins because anything less would be suppression of freedom of speech.
This is just silly…and deliberately obtuse.
If there were currently riots and protests across large parts of the world as a direct result of this cartoon, with an embassy in flames and it’s staff murdered, then there would be a good argument for displaying the image that is at the heart of the story, so that we can all judge the issue in it’s entirety for ourselves without the cowardly, politically correct censorship that treats us like children.
What was your point, exactly?
Dez is a “trespasser”. He comes here seeking an audience for his point of view. That audience is gathered here by reason of a different point of view. Kudos to DV.
Dez really ought to start his own site, ImpartialBBC, and attract like minded souls in discussing the absence of bias in our national broadcaster, what tremendous value it offers for £145 a year, and that may be it is just a bit too right-wing. Whoops, I have inadvertantly invented The Guardian.
Reed, I couldn’t have put it better. That Dez fails to appreciate the difference tells us a lot about the fingers he has in his ears.
When it suits.
Even as far as irrelevant straw-man arguments go, your comment here is tenuous to say the least.
Please try harder to be relevant and have a genuine point.
Mr. Condell – on the money as usual…
…oops double post – and neither embedded! 🙁
A measured reflection from The Financial Times Deutschland on Thursday writes:
“With the publication of the Muhammad caricatures, the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo did what a satirical magazine is supposed to do: satire. The magazine’s mission is to explore the limits of politics, taste and society and, when necessary, to transgress those limits…. Such limits are very much present when it comes to addressing Islam. The fact that this transgression comes from the center-left of the political spectrum instead of, as usual, from the right-wing populists, makes it all the more important.”
“Since Islam has become starkly polarized — spurred on by Iran and Saudi Arabia — the fear of religious fundamentalists has grown in the West. It is the fanatics that perpetrate violent acts, not mere caricatures. As such, people in the West have become fearful of saying, drawing or, in the case of the controversial Muhammad film, making available the wrong thing.”
“In any case, very few people have actually seen the film — only the trailer is widely available. And in some Muslim countries, Internet access to the trailer has been blocked. Nevertheless, fanatics who are fighting for power and followers — or are eager to distract attention from their own misdeeds — took to the streets. And had it not been because of some obscure film or caricatures, some other excuse would have been found. The film and caricatures merely provide an opportunity for violence, but they are not its cause.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said:
“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence.”
You couldn’t make it up…..attempts to stop Muslim violence have been shelved because of Muslim Violence:
“Germany postpones posters aimed at countering radical Islam,” by Chris Cottrell for Reuters, September 20 :
‘Germany’s Interior Ministry has postponed at the last minute a poster campaign advertising a hotline aimed at countering radical Islam because of fears it could have incited violence by extremists….
The posters had been due to go up in German cities with large immigrant populations from Friday. They were aimed at those who suspected that a friend or family member might be drifting towards radical Islam.
“With everything that is going on right now, we’re afraid that it wouldn’t take much to trigger more religiously motivated violence,” an interior ministry spokesman said.
“We’re talking specifically about fanatic individuals who could use events they perceive as being Islamophobic as an opportunity to take action.” The spokesman said the ministry had no reason to believe such an attack was imminent.’
“Germany postpones posters aimed at countering jihad for fear they will incite more jihad.”
“So what are they supposed to do? Not fight jihad, because fighting jihad will only lead to more jihad? Apparently they have decided to stay quiet and hope they will be OK. ”
Radio 4’s Today this morning managed to be cutting edge AND Sharia compliant with an interview involving a moderate Muslim and a German magazine editor running cartoons about their President’s wife (didn’t understand that aspect).
So we get to understand two points – most Muslims aren’t foaming at the mouth and Germans have a sense of humour.
Creative or not?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) stokes up its Islamic “anti-West sentiment.”
In this anonymous (Muslim?) INBBC piece, reflecting Islamic “sentiment” after Islamic Friday prayers, we are propagandised with how the West has ’caused’ Muslim violoence. Repeat it often enough, and we still won’t believe it: that unseen ‘film’ /those French cartoons, are not the cause of Muslim violence; but the tenets of Islam are.
Barry Rubin:-
“As Its Middle East Policy Crumbles, The Obama Administration’s Defense: It’s Not a Revolution, It’s a Video”
“Tensions high for day of anti-Islam film protests”
Antidote to Islam Not BBC (INBBC) on Charlie Hebdo:-
“Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on MuslimRage”
(8 min video clip)
I’ve been quite surprised to see no BBC journalists tweeting about this ban. It seems they’ve reached a point at the BBC where censorship on behalf of Islam is now calmly accepted as the way it is and the way it should be. Very troubling.
Another manifestation of their intellectual failure on the matter.
Luckily we don’t have to depend on the BBC types to win the war against Islamism as this positive story “My Kinda Girl” at: shows.
I met lots of fake plastic feminists when I was at this place: . They talk a good fight but when it comes down to it they are spineless cowards.
The BBC is making sure nobody misses the news that the Louvre is opening an Islamic wing:
A non-INBBC report from France:-
“More Riots on Saturday?”
The Louvre, Saudi Arabia and Islam.
“Prince Bin Talal Lies And Lies And Lies”
Non-INBBC headline:
“Jewish Supermarket Bombed, French Embassies Closed due to Muslim Cartoonophobia”
by Daniel Greenfield.
PAKISTAN: continual Muslim riots get even more violent.
After absurdly saying (Thurdsay) that violent Muslim riots by Pakistanis Muslims had ended, INBBC’s Aleem Maqbool has to report this today-
“Pakistan film protests: 15 die in Karachi and Peshawar”
-Note how Maqbool sneaks in his pro-Islam propaganda here:-
Maqbool-“The low-budget film that has prompted the unrest was made in the US and is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad.”
-Note “is said to insult” which should read ‘some Muslims say it is’; and Maqbool uses phrase ” the Prophet Muhammad” but would not dream of using the phrase “the Lord Jesus Christ”. But then Maqbool is a Muslim.
And we have to pay for this daily Islamic propaganda!
“Pakistan: Seventeen killed as tens of thousands of Muslim protesters battle police, fight to get to U.S. missions, on ‘Love the Prophet Day.'”
Took me until today to twig that the “Et mes fesses?” cartoon was a reference to a classic scene from the Brigitte Bardot film Contempt, a scene embedded in my memory since first seeing it as a youth (long before internet porn). Here it is – Bardot, still the sexiest woman ever in my mind, seeking recognition of her beauty. “And my buttocks?”
But the BBC did describe these cartoons. Not in intimate detail, but they said the cartoons depicted Mo naked and in graphic situations.
Fair enough no?
Nicky Campbell: “I’m not allowed to describe these images at all.”
He went on to say they were satirical in nature. That was it.