No wonder the BBC are ‘delirious’ the IPPR is totally a Globalist, Common Purposed, open borders organisation. What is Cameron thinking of? Is he a ‘mole’ in the CXonservative party?
Cameron is Common Purpose Corporatists Marxist through and through!
There isn’t a conservative bone in his body and it just goes to show how myopic the current conservative party members are to still have anything to do with him. He should have been kicked out of the conservative party a long time ago.
I did see the other day that membership is falling, not surprising really. He favours everyone but conservatives. I am concerned that Paterson, once one of the good guys, may have gone native. He still thinks carbon is bad!
“Everyone everywhere….You have to watch this….”
Are you serious?
David Preiser, you think describing people as Mohammedans is a bit of joke? Watch the video; then tell me again it’s just a bit of harmless fun.
I met a group like that a few years ago inside a Uni, they surrounded me and told me that I had an Islamic name and I wasn’t a Muslim I had to change my name.
Well, buggers lugs here doesn’t do fun like that and told them all to their faces “Who is going to make me?”
For some strange reason nobody wanted to be first in which to die that day. In fact not one of even came out with a witty reply.
Of course in the pathetic liberal world that your single brain cell inhabits , I am in the wrong by offending Islamic people. Unfortunately for gods finest, I am prepared to go down fighting for what I believe in:
Beer, a nice glass of Whiskey, free speech and the right not to conform to bullying in any form.
You mean you’ve never heard of El-Pounce second only to More_Ham_ed in Islamic lore. Pounce in Arabic means he he jumps on little girls,Jews and American embassies while playing the victim card. In fact in Pakistan, they have a popular day time TV show “You’ve been pounced” Where men who find out that their females have been deflowered by people called pounce are filmed to see how they react.
Do you think that you’ve been ‘Pounced’ here.
Oh yes, Pounce is the name of the Beaney Baby cat who travels the world with me.
Why on earth would Mussslims object to being called ‘Mohammedans’ – followers of the (alleged) prophet, Mohammed? That is what they are. It’s the archaic name for them and as such has a humorous ring to it.
They object because theysee themselves as followers of the god Allah and not the man Mohammed who they see as a prophet transmitting the instructions of Allah and not inventing them. Agree or disagree with the nomenclature , their choice of label is the least of the complaints against the Muslims.
Shouldn’t that be “goddess”? Allah is female because Arabs used to worship the moon goddess and still do – why else show her sign on the top of their mosques?
In the early eighties I was shown a pelican book on Islam by a librarian who told me that it had caused a lot of trouble. The writer of the book knew what was what but the editor who wrote the blurb on the back had used the word Mohammedan and the Muslims had threatened to declare the book ‘inauthentic’ as a result. Mohammedan was a perfectly normal synonym for Muslim in the 60s and 70s. All it does is assume the religion began with Mohammed, as any normal westerner believes. But Muslims believe that all the prophets of the Old Testament as well as Jesus, were Muslims and the texts have been forged or excised i.e. they deny any religious identity to Jews and Christians. By forcing the Jews and Christians to drop the word ‘Mohammedan’ they are insisting that they tacitly accede to this point of view. You are making implications of arrogant imperialism against the wrong people.
wally, whats in a word
ah well, you know i give in 😀 …
just to keep …
scezznickedemusdandyjah happy,
we ll call a spade a spade eh!
from now on ……. Mahoundian
to help further – who muslims consider to be a prophet, Mohammad was considered to be a false prophet and perverted impostor, a heretic and the Antichrist. He was called Mahound especially connected to the Christian belief that Muhammad was a god worshipped by Pagans, or that he was evil/demon who inspired a false religion, conceived as cunning and a self-seeking imposter.
that good enough for em!
and … you might not hear that on “citizen khan” anytime soon.
“Mohammedan” was the standard way of describing Muslims in the past – and still is in use today. For example, in Calcutta, India, the local Muslim soccer team is called “Mohammedan Sporting”
Dez, I didn’t hear anyone use the term “Mohammedan”. What are you on about? Projecting my use of the term onto whatever is being discussed in the video is dishonest. You continue to sink to new lows, which is a shame.
Your proxy faux outrage is tiresome. But at least it keeps you from having to flail about trying to deny BBC bias, right?
Of course Dez didn’t watch the video….Socialists never do. They simply possess a God given right to lecture others on everything, without needing to reseach anything themselves.
I watched the video twice Mr. Confused because I couldn’t quite believe it wasn’t a parody the first time.
It is, with out doubt, one of the most pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest things I have ever seen. For you to post it in the first place, and then seek to defend it (as research!), marks you out as a very special person indeed.
Well done you.
“Why do you have no doubt that it is dishonest?”
Oh let’s see…
First of all the presenter says; “what you see here,” is that when middle-easteners come into in area like this you tend to see a dilapidation of buildings / a lowering of the standards of living.
Erm, no I don’t see that. I see an entirely typical, slightly run down main road on the outskirts of town. I’ve spent most of my life “up north” and such places exist everywhere and always have.
Next we have one of the women saying that now (because of the Asians) you can’t walk down the road with out getting stopped; “how much love”. But then later on she says that; “This was a well known prostitute road at one time [although] they have cleaned it up…”
Something about “our kids” can’t go out so they’re stuck at home on computer games. Yeah because you absolutely have to force kids to stay at home and play computer games.
Caption: “Notice cars starting to Block us in”
Erm, no. I see one car pull up, the driver try to get his face on camera, and then drive off 15 seconds later.
Caption: “Appears to be told to use his cell phone to gather a flash mob?..”
Really? You can tell this because you’ve seen two people briefly acknowledge each other in the street? Neither of them are paying any attention to the film crew. Neither of them are even using their phones.
Caption: “She received a call then came to tell the camera person that we ‘need’ to get out of there”
Yeah, because that’s why she waved goodbye, walked off with a big grin on her face and quite obviously didn’t speak to the cameraman.
Then there’s a story about a “boy couple” who have “threesomes and stuff” with a “17 year old”. How is she in a position to know that? Or do you think perhaps (just perhaps) she heard it from a friend, who heard it from another friend who was told it down the pub [“those women in number 43 are witches don’t you know”].
Oh, and by the way, the age of consent is 16.
Presenter: “As we see, the mob is starting to collect around us…”
Erm, no. There is no mob around you. There’s a single bloke walking past completely disinterested who then walks back again. For some reason neither he, nor anyone in the background, nor any of the cars driving by seem to have noticed this potentially vicious mob.
Then we have a bit of sinister music and a cut to the presenter interrupting a group of friends coming round the corner. Speeded up/ slowed down footage of a bunch of mates laughing and joking; one of them looking slightly embarrassed at being approached by a bloke with a microphone.
This, we are supposed to believe, is the vicious mob.
Cue some sound effects, footage of a bloke calmly walking past and some gently meandering camera work…
Caption: “We are now under attack…”
The rest of the video is taken up with saying how this video proves what’s been going on; despite the fact that strangely enough they didn’t actually manage to capture any of it on video or sound.
Add to that the ridiculous “CENSORED in UK and Europe” captions…
And I think I can safely say it’s a completely dishonest piece of bullshit from start to finish.
“And all you have posted is opinion.”
What the commentary says is happening in the video is completely disconnected from what you can really see happening in the video.
It concludes by telling you what you’ve just seen even though in truth you never actually saw anything.
That’s not just my opinion; it’s a fact, like it or not.
If you wish to PROVE that no harm would ensue to anyone doing such an interview there, go and make one yourself, post it up and allow others to offer opinions on it.
Go try it please. I’d love to see it.
The remainder of your menstrual diatribe is purely your subjective observation based upon what you perceive within the film, and can be applied to any footage that features a voice-over narrative; you assert that most of this narrative is speculation which you then… well… speculate on…
Which is great entertainment for most of us on this blog!
Des. You’ve neglected to comprehend that most of the people in the video are Asians themselves, and on a wind up. It’s funny how they’re game for a laugh, but Socialists like yourself are always “outraged” on their behalf…..Lighten up you hilarious goon….
What else do you expect when it’s kicking off all around the world (beginning on Sept 11th, funny that).
All that faux outrage, all that orchestrated offence at something most of them haven’t seen?
Of course the toys are being tossed out of the pram.
That was real, and no lefty qwerty warrior can convince anyone otherwise, just the usual ad hominem abuse. Oddly, the more real and convincing, the more they squeal. “pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest ”Really? I see sh*t like that every day in London, never mind Burnley. No honeys, and all those made up poster names we have never seen before – troll attack.
You will never get what it is to be seen through, transparent.
Spot on, LC. The reaction to reality is very telling. And quite disturbing. It’s reminiscent of those stalwart communists who still denied the existence of the Gulags even when faced with copious evidence.
So many years of Socialist led education, and Dez laughs at working class people who struggle with the words they would have pronounced better if they had been taught properly.
You lefties hate the working class don’t you! (And that is a statement not a question.)
Also Dez, what is your proof that the above video is dishonest? If you can’t prove it you need to apologise to David P, Dazed and Confused etc.
It’s not dishonest, it’s just made by an amateur….Dez expects big BBC budgets at the licence payers expence, but of course the problem is that the BBC wont go near such topics, and so it’s left to YouTube amatuers to fill in the blanks.
Who cares about those ghastly white creatures in the video. They probably don’t even qualify for the 45p tax rate! In fact, I bet my Daddy earns more in a day than they do in a year.
May Allah bless the entirely peaceful ideologies of Communism and Islam.
So Dez, 2 hours and you haven’t explained your reasons for accusing that report of being dishonest. I think you have proved that it’s you who is being dishonest.
Apologise to David P and Dazed & Confused for the dishonest accusations you made. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, and you would be if you had any self-awareness.
Dez never apologizes or admits he’s wrong. He just continues the personal attacks because it’s all he’s got left. Character assassination is an old trick, and it keeps him from having to actually address the charges of BBC bias.
I wonder why some BBC types spend so much time on websites that they hate? Are they only able to obtain satisfaction through being abused? If so this could also explain their infatuation with certain religions – they can’t wait to be tortured to death under the caliphate.
“So many years of Socialist led education, and Dez laughs at working class people”
Yeah whatever Demon, except I’m not laughing at “working class people” I’m a laughing at one particular woman accusing Asians of being igrenent.
Could be a very long wait Dysgwr.
A few years back, Panorama dumped a pair of Pakistanis on a sink estate in Bristol to film them being intimidated by the local kids. They used their skin colour as a way of insulting them, as they would use dress sense, hair length, etc. etc. just as happily to insult anyone who appeared to be vulnerable.
I wrote to the BBC challenging them to put a gay couple in Burnley, the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham etc. and film the consequences. It’s not happened yet . . .
I’d like to see a load of middle class leftys dumped on council estate and see how long they last. If they ended up down my way I’d buy some rope and introduced them to lamppost and it would be the last thing they see.
Good point and I would probably make the tea while they do it ! as the left elite media’s utter revulsion for the poor working class for not thinking right and not being the sweet plucky urchins as seen in all the Dickens they remake every bloody year they also have no time for the hard working sons and daughters of migrant family’s who came here to work , live pay taxes and not threaten or scream at anyone !
“…If they ended up down my way I’d buy some rope and introduced them to lamppost and it would be the last thing they see.”
Fantasising about hanging “leftys” from lamp posts now Earls Court? Jesus must really love you.
Breivik a bit of a hero of yours?
You should have worked out that Earls Court is a flase flag type, ie one of yours. He says all the things that you lot think the people who oppose your totalitarian fantasies believe, including the extreme religiosity that so few here follow. However, strangely most of his violent remarks are concerned with your heroes the islamists and what they will do to you if you let them take over.
Remember dear dezzimoana It is a short step from, you think differently to me so you can not speak, to, you think differently from me so you can not live.
It is shocking to me that you can listen to such a harrowing tale of women being prisoners in their own homes, unable to walk the streets without being accosted, having had family members “groomed” (to use the media euphemism), THEN see fit to mock the voice one of those telling this truth.
In the meantime-the actions of the muslims which give credence to their words- are justified by you by the use of the word “Mohammedan” as though that was any excuse for violently disturbing a peaceful conversation on the English highway. There is in fact no evidence that anyone even heard the word Mohammedan since it was spoken out of earshot of anyone else and besides it is hardly offensive.
What a warped worldview you have Dez.
Daniel, to people like Dez, this truth is racist. He doesn’t believe it’s really a problem, and if it is, it’s only the tiniest of minorities and has nothing to do with their culture, even though the Bradford judge and that convicted gang said it was. Adil Ray’s documentary where all those young “Asian” men said their culture informed similar behavior were lying, you see.
People like Dez will also accuse anyone who suggests that there might in fact be a real problem in that one area of Burnley automatically means that you’re ascribing this behavior to every single male “Asian” in Britain, and around the world.
Yet, pointing out how Jews have too much influence on US foreign policy is not racist at all…….
You can witness any amount of that type of sickness by simply visiting any UAF or ‘anti racist’ (anti white) FaceBook page.
The middle-class liberal bed-wetters like to joke about the rape and murder of the ‘white working-class scum’, especially Charlene Downes
Oh Dear Oh Dear ! OfCom has declared that Sky IS a proper person to hold a broadcasting licence !
The clock ticks on – Rupert Murdoch will restart his bid for full ownership of BSkyB within 18 months. There is no legal block to it., and every commercial reason for Murdoch to bid.
The Today programme makes it the top item of the 8am news ? BBC besotted about its own little world, as usual. But the OfCom conclusion is one in the eye for the BBC and the Telegraph-led media campaign against Murdoch’s business empire.
No, no! Tom Watson had his arm twisted and reluctantly came on to the show to tell us there were matters which would come out over the next year that would cause Ofcom to regret their decision. But which he couldn’t talk about on air.
Whatever comes out, you can be sure the BBC will be on hand to magnify them.
‘came on to the show to tell us there were matters which would come out over the next year that would cause Ofcom to regret their decision. But which he couldn’t talk about on air.’
Making what he was invited on to say… er… nothing?
If he’s got something, it’s news. If he hasn’t, it’s a smear. If it isn’t highlighted as such by the medium it’s facilitated propaganda.
One trusts he was sent off with a flea in his ear by our account-holding, professional national monopoly’s market-rate inquisitors.
If not, here’s someone who is…
Why is this piece of Labour odium first on the speed dial at the BBC?
Or Prescott, who Jeremy Vine decided was a key person to quote on C4 doorstepping Kelvin McK.
These self-obsessed media spats are pathetic.
And now OFCOM is going to investigate the BBC when? Extortion is still a crime in Common Law and one would expect an organisation having a Royal Charter to not back any foreign politicians making our Laws.
An alternative angle is that it would be fair to say OFCOM believes the bBC to be a fit and proper body to broadcast because it never investigates it.. However there is a HUGE flaw in my comment in that OFCOM by law is NOT allowed to make any comments on the bBC.
I think this control should be removed and OFCOM told to investigate all communications companies. Then OFCOM could be forced to investigate the bBC in terms of it’s bias.
This nasty shock could come from the Science and Technology Select Committee. But my past experience is that you read about these things a year later than is expected from the rumours of those in the know.
The Beeboids will no doubt spend the next two weeks frothing at the mouth over Sky’s clean bill of health. No stone will be left unturned by the rabid lot to criticise the decision. It’s a great day for British media ownership! Bring on the fight, Sky!
If nasty Uncle Rupert owning BSkyB would lead to him creating a Fox News UK, why hasn’t Sky News already become that? If he was going to do that, why hasn’t he done it already?
Fox News is my first choice for world news, not bBC-Al-Jazeerah. Its such a relief to get news “fair and balanced” instead of the Guardian/Independent pile of shite dished up to us by our national broadcaster.
Fox News? You mean the one available on satellite in the UK? It doesn’t have any world news at all. According to Fox if it’s not happening in America then it’s not happening at all. I know that the BBC’s reporting is ridiculously slanted and disingenuous but surely ‘fair and balanced’ in a British context means ITV or Sky. ITV’s news coverage both at home and abroad is way more impartial than the BBC. Fox doesn’t do ‘world news’ unless it directly impacts on America.
I’m looking at the Fox News website under the heading of World News
It has individual headings for the following: WORLD HOME
Middle East
Asia / Pacific
Global Terror
Looks fine to me – and I see they distinguish those items that are relevant to our shared values – not just American. Would that the BBC had the same.
I see the BBC gave El Presidente Salmondo (Alex Salmond to you and me!) unlimited airplay yesterday in the tit-for-tat over the IDS welfare comments. The BBC gave Smith just ONE short fragment to explain himself but gave Mr Salmond an extended platform for his anti-British rants. God forbid, all IDS asked is where would an independent Scotland find the money to cover the 15 billion welfare bill. Guess that’s a taboo subject at BBC Headquarters!
Alex ‘Good Advert For The Deep-fried Mars Bar’ Salmond has exactly three policies.
1. Waddle around Scotland with a smug grin on his fat face telling everyone who’ll listen that, ‘The Scottish people will not be dictated to by ex-public schoolboys in Westminster’.
2. Woffle on about the ‘re-industrialisation of Scotland’ through (and excuse my while I snigger here) green industries.
3. Did I say ‘three policies’? I meant two policies. My bad 🙁
The bBC reports about some obscene French cartoons. France in embassy alert over Prophet Muhammad cartoons Security has been increased at France’s interests abroad after a French satirical magazine published obscene cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Obscene they say? Have a look and tell me if you think they are:
“The bBC , willing to hand over free speech to relgious bullies, becasue it is trendy to do so
If Islam wasn’t hyper sensitive and violent to even the tiniest slight or questioning of it’s teachings and practises, they might find that people would have more respect and be less inclined to mock. Alas, the modernisers who could lead the much needed Reformation seem to be thin on the ground.
I see the first pronouncement from the new Director general of the Droids, someone Entwhistle?, is that he’s ‘calling in the consultants to reduce costs’.
They love nothing better at senior level in the public sector than ‘calling in the consultants’. First of it makes them feel just like the big boys running proper companies in the productive sector; secondly it hides the fact that they don’t have a clue themselves, and thirdly it’s a nice way of covering their arses when things go wrong.
You don’t have to try too hard to pay £8,000 a day for a consultant in their 20s.
Number of consultants Warren Buffett has hired in his life. Zero.
Entwhistle? like all the rest will barely create a ripple. His aim should be to get the license fee down as close to zero as possible. His aim will be to spend all the £3.6 billion every year and then bleat about how it’s not enough.
Well, their CFO is quitting at the end of the year because, I guess, she didn’t get the top job. So in come the consultants to tell the BBC that they need more open planning and trendy management techniques to get more efficiency out of the overworked technical staff (after getting rid of those with higher salaries, of course), while hiring more middle management to oversee the meeting of new targets.
Okay, to be serious for a moment, I read something about Entwistle’s alleged plans, and it sounds very much like he’s listened to the best of that Trust report from a few months back. Some very good recommendations there about reducing the ridiculous duplication of effort (like having six different Beeboids from six different shows in the same place doing the same report on the same thing, along with their respective producers and other crew) and having better coordination (translation: actually doing it for a change) between departments. Same stuff I’ve been complaining about for years. If they follow through on any of it, some money will be saved and some quality might improve.
Not sure it will do anything about the bias, though. That’s a different matter altogether.
Sounds like the Manchester plod were having difficulty running up proper charges in the time allowed by human-rights driven MPs. Lazy plod way out, give bail rather than do their job.
If we were taliking about your ordinary thug then you would probably be right. In this case he guy was chucking hand grenades about like he was playing a live version of GTA.
I don’t think the police let him go because they were ‘lazy’. It has more to do with actually having the evidence to convince a judge to detain him.
As is often the case laws placed to prevent injustice to the innocent often let the guilty go scot free.
goodness how drunk was that woman? 😀
at least she kept her decorum, keeping her “fag” going :-D, i bet it was full bottle of scotch too, to help her gaze at that grotesque jugged eared twat,
The bBC, the propaganda arm for illegal immigration. Deported Sri Lankans arrive home from UK amid torture fears
A group of 25 Tamils and other Sri Lankans deported from the UK have arrived in Sri Lanka amid warnings they may face torture on their return.
UK officials said on Wednesday that 60 failed asylum seekers and visa overstayers were being sent back.
But many got last minute court injunctions preventing their return. Human rights groups say that some of those sent back are in danger of being tortured because of their alleged links to separatist Tamil Tigers….Both Freedom from Torture and Human Rights Watch say that they have interviewed nearly 40 people who subsequently escaped back to Britain and gave accounts of alleged torture by the Sri Lankan authorities which the groups say is medically verified.
Since when does one escape from Sri Lanka? Is it a prison camp?
Good catch – and another example of the BBC loading the dice. They won’t call people who blow up buses ‘terrorists’ but buying a ticket to Heathrow counts as ‘escaping’.
A few days ago I mentioned subjects that reach ‘Sainthood’ status. The facebook site that vilifies the two woman murdered police offices; had remember the 96 and not the 2 on it. Strange coincidence how a 22 yearold Liverpudlian has now been arrested for setting it up. Wonder if bBC will mention the coincidence.
Not sure he should be arrested waste of time ! but given a bloody good kicking now that may help !
watch Dezzy or one of his alter egos scream in with the ‘violence of the right’ comments !
This country is going to hell in a handcart thanks to this lot of rabble that like to think that they are the nations conscience.
For the love of God, if you don’t like what they write, show or produce don’t watch.
There was a program on the other night called “Meet the parents”. Supposedly very funny (not in my book) with awful left leaning shock material. I hit the channel change button. The same program last week was funny.
This is all personally subjective. Whatever floats your boat. But the key is freedom of choice. If something only caters for a minority no one is going to watch/buy it/use it; failure for the originator and move onward.
To now start bringing in the police, courts and parliament to decide what is fit and proper for individual minds is no different to the mind control exercised by Carl Marx, Stalin and Mao. Lets not go down this road because they were all genocidal failures.
Harrabin beside himself this morning because he believes Arctic ice is disappearing fast, and we’re all going to die.
He neglected to mention the dramatic increase in Antarctic ice (well he would, wouldn’t he), which rather suggests (as it always has done) that polar ice is usually roughly in balance, and there’s really nothing to worry about.
Unfortunately, the warmists have leapt upon this with their “told-you-so-the-planet’s-warming mantra”, with considering the full picture.
And, of course, the BBC are chortling because they have yet another opportunity of spreading half the story.
According to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites, there was a large increase in cloud cover over the Arctic this summer.
An increase in cloud cover in the Arctic would increase temperatures as clouds trap heat, as well as the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream. So it would be possible for the Arctic to be warmer under cloud cover even in daylight unlike the Antarctic. Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the polar winter. According to the Cosmoclimatology theory, the Arctic is the area that the previous Global Warming could have its last gasp, temperature lags mean that the predicted cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest, then even the Arctic under cloud cover will not receive enough heat to buck the cooling trend. David Archibald uses the calculations of the speed of the plasma inside the Sun and its effect on Cosmic Ray produced Cloud Albedo.
The key message in the story was that some Parliamentary committee has decided that drilling for oil; oil platforms in the Arctic are evil and that they are going to ban all this stuff.
Harabin just loves this and gets out his dildo. And just to up the anti he must slip in the Arctic melt without any real context or connection to oil exploration.
In the totally simulated climax and ejaculation that is happening in his mind, he has overlooked the fact that this committee has absolutely no jurisdiction over the geographical area concerned. But did mention that of course Big Oil will are too powerful and exert too much implied power over the elected Governments for anything to change.
Mr Harabin should have been questioning why a committee is wasting tax payer money on investigations and meetings that have no jurisdiction and whose recommendations are meaningless because they have no legal power or remit.
Added to the two poles they seem to be avoiding the fact that the Magnetic Pole keeps wandering about: the Geo North Pole and is currently moving away from Canada towards Siberia; the ice cap melts at the side where the Magnetic Pole is moving from (Canada) and forms on the other side where the Magnetic Pole is moving towards (Siberia)…
Perhaps whoever wrote the report was a rugby fan ?
How come Sky manage to broadcast every important Northern and Southern hemisphere match – with a fraction of the bbc’s income ?
Never mind licence fee paying sport fans, heres some free style paralympic tiddly winks for you !
Sky has 1.5 times the revenue of BBC and has been going since 1989.
BBC has been going since 1922, 67 years longer.
At this rate in a few years the BBC will be in the same boat as the Guardian. Hopefully with no licence fee either.
BSkyB has about 1.5x revenue of the BBC but it creates that income and yes has no public service remit. and still makes betters TV where as the BBC income is tax payers money it does not have to earn it and will get it forever no matter what they make or don’t and they have public service remit. which they treat as a penance !
This morning Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 let slip that BBC journalists had been told that they were not allowed to even describe the French Mohammed cartoons.
Is the BBC now striving to be fully “sharia compliant”.
The BBC’s report on the US DoJ’s “internal inquiry” into Fast & Furious has some obvious bias in it.
Much of it is an attempt to spell out the charges in dry fashion, which is fine, but there is absolutely no mention of the scandal behind the scandal. Of course, the BBC has never mentioned any of the real criticisms of the operation in the handful of reports they’ve done in the past about it.
No mention of the proof that the Administration wanted to use the resulting gun violence as fodder to push ever stricter gun control laws. No mention that there was no cooperation with the Mexican Government on this, and how pissed off they were when they found out. No mention of Eric Holder’s previous statements about his desire to ban gun ownership. No mention of Holder’s stonewalling.
Plus they got in a bit of blame-shifting: “The problems date as far back as 2006”, i.e. what Matt Frei used to refer to on air (maybe he still does at C4) as “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration”. It’s not the fault of the current Administration, you see. In actual fact, the scheme that was going on then was not “similar” at all. I guess it’s okay for the BBC to reproduce that lie because they’re just reporting the inquiry result. As predicted, not a single raised Beeboid eyebrow, like they do when it’s a result they don’t like.
No mention that the whole idea was to let the guns walk without anyone tracking them. Instead, it’s presented as “botched”. Instead, all we get are statements from Holder.
Worst of all, there is no quote from Rep. Issa, who started the original investigation into it, or anyone criticizing the result. Yet the BBC editor does give the last word to the White House:
Dan Pfeiffer, an Obama administration communications director, called the vote a “transparently political stunt”.
For more information on what really happened, and the BBC’s censorship and dishonesty about the entire scandal, see here, here, and here. Louis Robinson has also provided some good information in the comments of a few open threads.
How the propaganda arm of Islam (bBC) describes a violent protest in Pakistan. Pakistan anti-Islam film protest ends in Islamabad Demonstrators who gathered outside the US embassy in Islamabad to protest against an amateur video mocking Islam have begun to disperse peacefully.
So the flag burning , Jihad chanting, Stone throwing, Allah preaching mobs dispersed peacefully did they. Nothing from the bBC about how 40 people were put in hospital, how a police post was burnt to the ground or even how businessman Haji Nasrullah Khan has himself been accused of Blasphemy becasue he refused to join the protests. Instead the bbC continues to promote rampaging Muslims as only victims by crying lots of teas for rioting relgious bigots. The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad says people were “choked by tear gas”
I think the BBC meant “relatively” peaceful. Cultural relativism and all that. The BBC’s soft racism of lowered expectations allows them to see this is as peaceful.
It’s not surprising to see bBBC posting a sympathetic article in favour of even more waste of public money when A team of doctors has flown out to Afghanistan after a British servicewoman gave birth to a boy having not realised she was pregnant.
Why not just put mother and child on the first flight back home?
While Mark Mardell and other Beeboids in the US keep harping on how Romney has lost the likeability factor, they will never, ever do a report that focuses on this:
This is what Romney is up against, plus the vast majority of Hollywood (just like in the early days after He took office, celebutards are calling on people to pledge their allegiance to Him. Not the US or the flag, but to Him.) and the US mainstream media (as admitted by Mardell himself).
No amount of campaign cash or intelligent policy discussion can equal this power. This is very dangerous, yet not a single Beeboid will bat an eyelash at it. Of course, most of them are already caught up in that cult of personality.
Dear me, that report just HAS to be false. Published in such a far right rag which the lefties hate!
Dez will provide any links to INBBC reports that appear.
A defendant exposing himself to a judge whilst on trial for a sex-crime.
Suggesting that an illegal immigrant would be allowed to remain in the country indefinitely.
This, and the idea that third world savages don’t adopt western civilised behavioural norms as soon as they set foot into the country makes this a thoroughly dishonest piece of BS. According to Dez.
Not heard too much from the EU about the European family being offended (or not) in regard of “Kate Middleton “or the “Muslim Prophet”.
Would these pictures and cartoons have made Eurovision then?…or are we getting only the sound of cheeks being sucked and tumbleweed blowing?
You`d think that the BBC would be licking up what the EU were squeezing in to their saucer…but as yet, another diplomatic silence.
And one more thing-since when was it a problem to knock the Muslim Poppet?…to rush to his defence in a blood curdling shriek makes them idolaters surely!
From Prophet to Poppet in just a few years….Allah will be grumpy!
Redwood thinks his own opinion of what he thinks and has said and written is more informed and more important than that of a young BBC producer who has a story they need to tell? Silly old fool.
‘When conducting interviews the BBC should at least believe me if I tell them what my view is and when I formed it, where there is clear documentary evidence to back that up. ‘
To many, that they don’t is not news.
Despite his clear motivations, Murphy is a constant contributor to BBC news programmes – not just for balanced debates, but as an authority on taxation issues – another nail in the coffin for Britain’s most biased broadcaster.
Murray’s got it wrong there. It’s not “despite”, but “because of” Murphy’s connections and perspective that they keep having him on. He’s a “tax expert”, you see. And the BBC does generally identify him as being from an organization with the word “Justice” in it. No rational person could draw any conclusion other than that he’s coming from a very Left-wing place. The BBC expects the audience – in cases like this, where they don’t want you to think to hard – to put two and two together and work it out for yourselves.
I have no idea why they don’t label him as Left-wing or Union-backed the way the label guest commentators to their Right. Perhaps our defenders of the indefensible who are media professionals can enlighten us, if they can find the time in between sessions of their Nuremberg trials.
‘I have no idea why they don’t label him as Left-wing or Union-backed ‘
Wild guess…. as you allude, the audience is now expected to presume they get it about left by default. Only if not a fellow traveller is the provenance of view required to be made clear.
U.K UNIVERSITIES with Government (and BBC-NUJ) support, discriminate in favour of rich, unqualified foreign ‘students’ over less well off, but qualified British student admissions.
And unknown numbers of these foreign students become illegal immigrants in Britain.
“Universities ‘using foreign students as cash cows’.
Foreign students with poor qualifications are being used by British universities as ‘cash cows’ to fill holes in the higher education budget, a leading academic has admitted.
after a mealy mouthed drone from m.urban, which only really outlined al bbc narrative.
theres an interview with aayan hirsi ali
and to be honest, kirsty s indoctrinated al bbc madrassa mentality simply couldn t handle it,
“there is bewilderment at allowing such offence”
A – in the west it is constitutionally protected speech
“but there should be laws against religious incitement”
A – no, not with freedom of expression,
“don t you accept (pakistan),their right to be offended A – but, no we shouldn t indulge them
she raises her hands, and exclaims “but they are offended, their right to be offended, the offence!”,
h. ali has patently has enough, immediately puts her right on islamic hypocrisy, “look I m sorry this is not credible”
tersely wark cuts in “hirsi ali, afraid I have to stop you there” … hhmmm, I bet
actually now is a pivotal moment, the usual fuzzy faced nutjobs, are kicking off over nothing … and so a french mag produces more motoons … exactly the RIGHT response, whats needed is more of the same, and … obviously its not going to come from the biased broad cresent :-D, ( maybe they consulted the head of religious programmes eh! ).
I too saw this piece.
Talk about the clash of civilisations?
One represented by just the kind of former victim of all things guaranteed to get the BBCs sympathy-but , unusually in this case getting the third degree from a patronising sister who has never had to fight for anything but a Bolly on the SNPs cocktail circuit, when she deigns to head first class back to her kids private school or what have you.
And poor Kirsty just could not understand why Hirsi Ali could not find it in her heart to justify just why Muslims are right to terrorise embassies…and hopefully they will if the likes of Newsnight require the footage for tonight.
Hirsi Ali-like Sentamu and Nazir Ali- must wonder what this clash of civilisations is all about-they`ve bravely escaped tortures and eath threats, only to find the BBC would rather they be martyred that do down the evil Religion of Perpetual Indulgence, so loved by Wark etc-had she mislaid her burka I wonder?
Well done Hirsi Ali-and well done anybody who sat through the previous 20 minutes tripe on Manchester police and gangs-all three contributors said the same things in polite and bland ways, and poor Kirsty was floundering like a flounder off the Flanders coast….desperate stuff.
How Paxman must have enjoyed this car crash( well bumper cars) of a “expose”…Glenfiddich for Ms Kirsty , Hudson , if you would!
That Wark never mentioned the BBC as a factor in mistrust of the police didn`t crop up…why would it?
No more BBC for me today, now I heard Lord Sacks on Thought for the Day-no wonder the athiests hate the slot as long as he still gives it.
Oh -wait-Last Word later..will they reprise their eulogy to a dead drug gang leader in Columbia as given last week(but a FEMALE one, so whoop-di doo-eh sisters?)…my bet is that Charlie Richardson will get her bier this week…the BBC likes its bit of rough to be a bit edgy…but not Rhodes Boyson edgy though if you don`t mind!
Sorry to ramble-but the BBC is riddled with bias like a terminal cancer and it`s so hard not to keep on spotting its spread…best just to kill it off !
‘afraid I have to stop you there’
The last resort of the hapless market rate interviewing ‘talent’ as they are getting pwnd, with the guys in the edit suite bawling down their earpiece to pull the plug, usually followed by a slot on skateboarding turtles. Or, on SKY, anad for Wonga.
And in the case of the BBC, unnecessary but unique.
I may not work in a newsroom, but I’ve seen when they can stay with something they want to and it’s equally obvious when they are desperate for any excuse to terminate an interesting discussion spinning off narrative.
And how many times has a pervasive Maguiresperter been allowed a last ‘Tory Boys’ before the cutaway?
Yes I saw the Hirsi ali piece. Ayan got fed up with Warks rantings about their rights to be offended and shifted her talking to a case in Pakistan of a woman raped by 5 men.
Wark had to run like hell, she sure didnt want to hear the rest of what was to come. Classic censoreship!
hr long news “debate” 5live sidesteps the issue for a 10th day, it was badgers! the other day today is even worse, so no even partial public response allowed, from the public broadcaster.
ignores still continuing riots/murder, etc over “offence”
now the hebdo motoons, over “offence”
furore in the states over bus ads that urge support for israel by the permanently “offended”
a bigger build up expected after friday hate hr in the mosques
unless obviously – “theres nothing to see, so move on”
“RIP OFF BRITAIN” on every morning with three of the most washed out, well past their sell by dates old prunes you will ever see. How earth can the BBC produce a consumer show with the way they extort their income from every household under threat of prison if you use their product or not. I thought that the BBC do not employ old female has beens, well these three contradict that theory. I have paid approx £6k to this mafia over the years and they go on and on about a £10 crdit note not being accepted. This is not a free country. I will vote for anybody who promises to end this form of extortion.
you couldn t make it up alert ….
bbc news reports.
a national holiday of “love” for mohamhead
by pakistani gov.
after a speech saying that motoons/movie are unacceptable and urging protest ?
1000s march toward US Embassy ;-D
already violence 😀 – has incitement hour finished yet?
– intended muslim marches in Paris
this shows the death throws of the con of the islam “offence” industry … and don t they know it.
” a german magazine intends to print more motoons ”
Oh sweet sweet sweet! bring it on…publish publish publish and f&*4k the lot of them offend or please!
INBBC seems to offer this Pakistan Govt Minister better press than it affords to certain British Government Ministers.
It hardly needs saying that the British people should NOT be forced to give any more money to that enemy of the West which is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Search Biased BBC
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“IPPR think tank to advise ministers on policy”
Hacks are delirious about this.
No wonder the BBC are ‘delirious’ the IPPR is totally a Globalist, Common Purposed, open borders organisation. What is Cameron thinking of? Is he a ‘mole’ in the CXonservative party?
Cameron is Common Purpose Corporatists Marxist through and through!
There isn’t a conservative bone in his body and it just goes to show how myopic the current conservative party members are to still have anything to do with him. He should have been kicked out of the conservative party a long time ago.
He is there to destroy real conservative thought and ensure we stay in Europe at all costs.
I did see the other day that membership is falling, not surprising really. He favours everyone but conservatives. I am concerned that Paterson, once one of the good guys, may have gone native. He still thinks carbon is bad!
Everyone everywhere….You have to watch this….
“Everyone everywhere….You have to watch this….”
Are you serious?
David Preiser, you think describing people as Mohammedans is a bit of joke? Watch the video; then tell me again it’s just a bit of harmless fun.
It’s a bit of harmless fun – or would be, if the butt of the joke were anyone other than the Islamists. And that, Dez, is the problem in a nutshell.
Just a bit of fun Dez you say.
I met a group like that a few years ago inside a Uni, they surrounded me and told me that I had an Islamic name and I wasn’t a Muslim I had to change my name.
Well, buggers lugs here doesn’t do fun like that and told them all to their faces “Who is going to make me?”
For some strange reason nobody wanted to be first in which to die that day. In fact not one of even came out with a witty reply.
Of course in the pathetic liberal world that your single brain cell inhabits , I am in the wrong by offending Islamic people. Unfortunately for gods finest, I am prepared to go down fighting for what I believe in:
Beer, a nice glass of Whiskey, free speech and the right not to conform to bullying in any form.
Pounce doesn’t sound like a very Islamic name to me
You mean you’ve never heard of El-Pounce second only to More_Ham_ed in Islamic lore. Pounce in Arabic means he he jumps on little girls,Jews and American embassies while playing the victim card. In fact in Pakistan, they have a popular day time TV show “You’ve been pounced” Where men who find out that their females have been deflowered by people called pounce are filmed to see how they react.
Do you think that you’ve been ‘Pounced’ here.
Oh yes, Pounce is the name of the Beaney Baby cat who travels the world with me.
Doesn’t that mean you’re actually Abu Pounce? 🙂
Damm its gone already!
Why on earth would Mussslims object to being called ‘Mohammedans’ – followers of the (alleged) prophet, Mohammed? That is what they are. It’s the archaic name for them and as such has a humorous ring to it.
They object because theysee themselves as followers of the god Allah and not the man Mohammed who they see as a prophet transmitting the instructions of Allah and not inventing them. Agree or disagree with the nomenclature , their choice of label is the least of the complaints against the Muslims.
Shouldn’t that be “goddess”? Allah is female because Arabs used to worship the moon goddess and still do – why else show her sign on the top of their mosques?
In the early eighties I was shown a pelican book on Islam by a librarian who told me that it had caused a lot of trouble. The writer of the book knew what was what but the editor who wrote the blurb on the back had used the word Mohammedan and the Muslims had threatened to declare the book ‘inauthentic’ as a result. Mohammedan was a perfectly normal synonym for Muslim in the 60s and 70s. All it does is assume the religion began with Mohammed, as any normal westerner believes. But Muslims believe that all the prophets of the Old Testament as well as Jesus, were Muslims and the texts have been forged or excised i.e. they deny any religious identity to Jews and Christians. By forcing the Jews and Christians to drop the word ‘Mohammedan’ they are insisting that they tacitly accede to this point of view. You are making implications of arrogant imperialism against the wrong people.
wally, whats in a word
ah well, you know i give in 😀 …
just to keep …
scezznickedemusdandyjah happy,
we ll call a spade a spade eh!
from now on ……. Mahoundian
to help further – who muslims consider to be a prophet, Mohammad was considered to be a false prophet and perverted impostor, a heretic and the Antichrist. He was called Mahound especially connected to the Christian belief that Muhammad was a god worshipped by Pagans, or that he was evil/demon who inspired a false religion, conceived as cunning and a self-seeking imposter.
that good enough for em!
and … you might not hear that on “citizen khan” anytime soon.
“Mohammedan” was the standard way of describing Muslims in the past – and still is in use today. For example, in Calcutta, India, the local Muslim soccer team is called “Mohammedan Sporting”
Dez, I didn’t hear anyone use the term “Mohammedan”. What are you on about? Projecting my use of the term onto whatever is being discussed in the video is dishonest. You continue to sink to new lows, which is a shame.
Your proxy faux outrage is tiresome. But at least it keeps you from having to flail about trying to deny BBC bias, right?
Can’t we keep Muslims out of one thread? It really seems to bring out the worst in some people.
Video back up
Of course Dez didn’t watch the video….Socialists never do. They simply possess a God given right to lecture others on everything, without needing to reseach anything themselves.
I watched the video twice Mr. Confused because I couldn’t quite believe it wasn’t a parody the first time.
It is, with out doubt, one of the most pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest things I have ever seen. For you to post it in the first place, and then seek to defend it (as research!), marks you out as a very special person indeed.
Well done you.
Just a question: Why do you have no doubt that it is dishonest?
“Why do you have no doubt that it is dishonest?”
Oh let’s see…
First of all the presenter says; “what you see here,” is that when middle-easteners come into in area like this you tend to see a dilapidation of buildings / a lowering of the standards of living.
Erm, no I don’t see that. I see an entirely typical, slightly run down main road on the outskirts of town. I’ve spent most of my life “up north” and such places exist everywhere and always have.
Next we have one of the women saying that now (because of the Asians) you can’t walk down the road with out getting stopped; “how much love”. But then later on she says that; “This was a well known prostitute road at one time [although] they have cleaned it up…”
Something about “our kids” can’t go out so they’re stuck at home on computer games. Yeah because you absolutely have to force kids to stay at home and play computer games.
Caption: “Notice cars starting to Block us in”
Erm, no. I see one car pull up, the driver try to get his face on camera, and then drive off 15 seconds later.
Caption: “Appears to be told to use his cell phone to gather a flash mob?..”
Really? You can tell this because you’ve seen two people briefly acknowledge each other in the street? Neither of them are paying any attention to the film crew. Neither of them are even using their phones.
Caption: “She received a call then came to tell the camera person that we ‘need’ to get out of there”
Yeah, because that’s why she waved goodbye, walked off with a big grin on her face and quite obviously didn’t speak to the cameraman.
Then there’s a story about a “boy couple” who have “threesomes and stuff” with a “17 year old”. How is she in a position to know that? Or do you think perhaps (just perhaps) she heard it from a friend, who heard it from another friend who was told it down the pub [“those women in number 43 are witches don’t you know”].
Oh, and by the way, the age of consent is 16.
Presenter: “As we see, the mob is starting to collect around us…”
Erm, no. There is no mob around you. There’s a single bloke walking past completely disinterested who then walks back again. For some reason neither he, nor anyone in the background, nor any of the cars driving by seem to have noticed this potentially vicious mob.
Then we have a bit of sinister music and a cut to the presenter interrupting a group of friends coming round the corner. Speeded up/ slowed down footage of a bunch of mates laughing and joking; one of them looking slightly embarrassed at being approached by a bloke with a microphone.
This, we are supposed to believe, is the vicious mob.
Cue some sound effects, footage of a bloke calmly walking past and some gently meandering camera work…
Caption: “We are now under attack…”
The rest of the video is taken up with saying how this video proves what’s been going on; despite the fact that strangely enough they didn’t actually manage to capture any of it on video or sound.
Add to that the ridiculous “CENSORED in UK and Europe” captions…
And I think I can safely say it’s a completely dishonest piece of bullshit from start to finish.
And all you have posted is opinion.
“And all you have posted is opinion.”
What the commentary says is happening in the video is completely disconnected from what you can really see happening in the video.
It concludes by telling you what you’ve just seen even though in truth you never actually saw anything.
That’s not just my opinion; it’s a fact, like it or not.
You do not believe what the interviewer said. You did not see what he claimed had happened off camera. I short you do not trust his word. Fair enough.
That is a problem for broadcasters. Do you trust what they tell you.
Well, people have to form their own opinions. This web site exists because people have the same lack of trust in the BBC.
If you wish to PROVE that no harm would ensue to anyone doing such an interview there, go and make one yourself, post it up and allow others to offer opinions on it.
Go try it please. I’d love to see it.
‘I’ve spent most of my life “up north” and such places exist everywhere and always have.’
The remainder of your menstrual diatribe is purely your subjective observation based upon what you perceive within the film, and can be applied to any footage that features a voice-over narrative; you assert that most of this narrative is speculation which you then… well… speculate on…
Which is great entertainment for most of us on this blog!
A more lighthearted view from the archives:
Doubtless Northern Monkey ‘ee oop Dez with his PhD in left-wing media propaganda or whatever it is will have the JCC box set.
Des. You’ve neglected to comprehend that most of the people in the video are Asians themselves, and on a wind up. It’s funny how they’re game for a laugh, but Socialists like yourself are always “outraged” on their behalf…..Lighten up you hilarious goon….
dear dear ….
it appears that scezznickedemus etc,
all seem to have PMT at present.
what next …
throwing the rattle out of the pram 😀
What else do you expect when it’s kicking off all around the world (beginning on Sept 11th, funny that).
All that faux outrage, all that orchestrated offence at something most of them haven’t seen?
Of course the toys are being tossed out of the pram.
Do you know Duke Bar and Burnley well, Dez? Maybe you’re more a Briercliffe man, where the last scene was filmed?
Or maybe you’re just an ignorant bigot who doesn’t actually know anything about the area and what is happening there?
Ah well, what do you expect from a US TV reporter; knows nothing about anywhere outside the USA.
It is, with out doubt, one of the most pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest things I have ever seen
Really? You need to get out more.
That was real, and no lefty qwerty warrior can convince anyone otherwise, just the usual ad hominem abuse. Oddly, the more real and convincing, the more they squeal. “pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest ”Really? I see sh*t like that every day in London, never mind Burnley. No honeys, and all those made up poster names we have never seen before – troll attack.
You will never get what it is to be seen through, transparent.
Spot on, LC. The reaction to reality is very telling. And quite disturbing. It’s reminiscent of those stalwart communists who still denied the existence of the Gulags even when faced with copious evidence.
“What’s that word? I call it igrenence…”
Keep trying Dez some may bite most won’t after seeing your thread hijacking before I have grown like most very bored of you !
So many years of Socialist led education, and Dez laughs at working class people who struggle with the words they would have pronounced better if they had been taught properly.
You lefties hate the working class don’t you! (And that is a statement not a question.)
Also Dez, what is your proof that the above video is dishonest? If you can’t prove it you need to apologise to David P, Dazed and Confused etc.
It’s not dishonest, it’s just made by an amateur….Dez expects big BBC budgets at the licence payers expence, but of course the problem is that the BBC wont go near such topics, and so it’s left to YouTube amatuers to fill in the blanks.
Who cares about those ghastly white creatures in the video. They probably don’t even qualify for the 45p tax rate! In fact, I bet my Daddy earns more in a day than they do in a year.
May Allah bless the entirely peaceful ideologies of Communism and Islam.
“one of the most pathetic, disgusting and transparently dishonest things I have ever seen”
It is pointless asking Dez to defend free speech, he never was in favour of it in the first place.
He has no proof. Simply opinion (or if you are not of the left – prejudice).
So Dez, 2 hours and you haven’t explained your reasons for accusing that report of being dishonest. I think you have proved that it’s you who is being dishonest.
Apologise to David P and Dazed & Confused for the dishonest accusations you made. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, and you would be if you had any self-awareness.
Dez never apologizes or admits he’s wrong. He just continues the personal attacks because it’s all he’s got left. Character assassination is an old trick, and it keeps him from having to actually address the charges of BBC bias.
Correction, sorry, I remember Dez did admit getting something wrong once. My apologies to you for overstating, Dez.
I wonder why some BBC types spend so much time on websites that they hate? Are they only able to obtain satisfaction through being abused? If so this could also explain their infatuation with certain religions – they can’t wait to be tortured to death under the caliphate.
“So many years of Socialist led education, and Dez laughs at working class people”
Yeah whatever Demon, except I’m not laughing at “working class people” I’m a laughing at one particular woman accusing Asians of being igrenent.
You are being dishonest again. You are laughing at a woman because she is working class and white.
You still haven’t given us any proof that this video was false. Time to prove it or apologise big time.
“Igrenence” or not Dez, everyone SHOULD watch this video and make up their own minds.
Hat-tip to Dazed for posting the link. Just waiting a panorama special investigation now.
Could be a very long wait Dysgwr.
A few years back, Panorama dumped a pair of Pakistanis on a sink estate in Bristol to film them being intimidated by the local kids. They used their skin colour as a way of insulting them, as they would use dress sense, hair length, etc. etc. just as happily to insult anyone who appeared to be vulnerable.
I wrote to the BBC challenging them to put a gay couple in Burnley, the Sparkbrook or Alum Rock areas of Birmingham etc. and film the consequences. It’s not happened yet . . .
I’d like to see a load of middle class leftys dumped on council estate and see how long they last. If they ended up down my way I’d buy some rope and introduced them to lamppost and it would be the last thing they see.
Good point and I would probably make the tea while they do it ! as the left elite media’s utter revulsion for the poor working class for not thinking right and not being the sweet plucky urchins as seen in all the Dickens they remake every bloody year they also have no time for the hard working sons and daughters of migrant family’s who came here to work , live pay taxes and not threaten or scream at anyone !
“…If they ended up down my way I’d buy some rope and introduced them to lamppost and it would be the last thing they see.”
Fantasising about hanging “leftys” from lamp posts now Earls Court? Jesus must really love you.
Breivik a bit of a hero of yours?
My fantasy involves TLAMs and Broadcasting House.
You should have worked out that Earls Court is a flase flag type, ie one of yours. He says all the things that you lot think the people who oppose your totalitarian fantasies believe, including the extreme religiosity that so few here follow. However, strangely most of his violent remarks are concerned with your heroes the islamists and what they will do to you if you let them take over.
Remember dear dezzimoana It is a short step from, you think differently to me so you can not speak, to, you think differently from me so you can not live.
It is shocking to me that you can listen to such a harrowing tale of women being prisoners in their own homes, unable to walk the streets without being accosted, having had family members “groomed” (to use the media euphemism), THEN see fit to mock the voice one of those telling this truth.
In the meantime-the actions of the muslims which give credence to their words- are justified by you by the use of the word “Mohammedan” as though that was any excuse for violently disturbing a peaceful conversation on the English highway. There is in fact no evidence that anyone even heard the word Mohammedan since it was spoken out of earshot of anyone else and besides it is hardly offensive.
What a warped worldview you have Dez.
Daniel, to people like Dez, this truth is racist. He doesn’t believe it’s really a problem, and if it is, it’s only the tiniest of minorities and has nothing to do with their culture, even though the Bradford judge and that convicted gang said it was. Adil Ray’s documentary where all those young “Asian” men said their culture informed similar behavior were lying, you see.
People like Dez will also accuse anyone who suggests that there might in fact be a real problem in that one area of Burnley automatically means that you’re ascribing this behavior to every single male “Asian” in Britain, and around the world.
Yet, pointing out how Jews have too much influence on US foreign policy is not racist at all…….
You can witness any amount of that type of sickness by simply visiting any UAF or ‘anti racist’ (anti white) FaceBook page.
The middle-class liberal bed-wetters like to joke about the rape and murder of the ‘white working-class scum’, especially Charlene Downes
Oh Dear Oh Dear ! OfCom has declared that Sky IS a proper person to hold a broadcasting licence !
The clock ticks on – Rupert Murdoch will restart his bid for full ownership of BSkyB within 18 months. There is no legal block to it., and every commercial reason for Murdoch to bid.
The Today programme makes it the top item of the 8am news ? BBC besotted about its own little world, as usual. But the OfCom conclusion is one in the eye for the BBC and the Telegraph-led media campaign against Murdoch’s business empire.
Nice one, Rupert !
No, no! Tom Watson had his arm twisted and reluctantly came on to the show to tell us there were matters which would come out over the next year that would cause Ofcom to regret their decision. But which he couldn’t talk about on air.
Whatever comes out, you can be sure the BBC will be on hand to magnify them.
Well if it’s fatty Watson no doubt what ever he thinks he has will be privileged information that he shouldn’t have! again !
‘came on to the show to tell us there were matters which would come out over the next year that would cause Ofcom to regret their decision. But which he couldn’t talk about on air.’
Making what he was invited on to say… er… nothing?
If he’s got something, it’s news. If he hasn’t, it’s a smear. If it isn’t highlighted as such by the medium it’s facilitated propaganda.
One trusts he was sent off with a flea in his ear by our account-holding, professional national monopoly’s market-rate inquisitors.
If not, here’s someone who is…
Why is this piece of Labour odium first on the speed dial at the BBC?
Or Prescott, who Jeremy Vine decided was a key person to quote on C4 doorstepping Kelvin McK.
These self-obsessed media spats are pathetic.
And now OFCOM is going to investigate the BBC when? Extortion is still a crime in Common Law and one would expect an organisation having a Royal Charter to not back any foreign politicians making our Laws.
An alternative angle is that it would be fair to say OFCOM believes the bBC to be a fit and proper body to broadcast because it never investigates it.. However there is a HUGE flaw in my comment in that OFCOM by law is NOT allowed to make any comments on the bBC.
I think this control should be removed and OFCOM told to investigate all communications companies. Then OFCOM could be forced to investigate the bBC in terms of it’s bias.
This nasty shock could come from the Science and Technology Select Committee. But my past experience is that you read about these things a year later than is expected from the rumours of those in the know.
The Beeboids will no doubt spend the next two weeks frothing at the mouth over Sky’s clean bill of health. No stone will be left unturned by the rabid lot to criticise the decision. It’s a great day for British media ownership! Bring on the fight, Sky!
One day closer to Fox UK!
Even having a UK version of Fox would be better than the BBC’s Frankfurt School propaganda.
I agree. And one day, I hope, there will be an alternative to BBC Radio 4 and 5 Live too. Talk about a monopoly!
And I can choose whether or not to pay for Sky and Fox News. No bloody choice with the Corporation.
Choice is (and always will be) the enemy of the Left.
I wasn’t being sarcastic; Fox UK will have lefty heads exploding all over the place!
If nasty Uncle Rupert owning BSkyB would lead to him creating a Fox News UK, why hasn’t Sky News already become that? If he was going to do that, why hasn’t he done it already?
We’ll be knee-deep in sawdust if that happens.
That was in reply to RCE.
Fox News is my first choice for world news, not bBC-Al-Jazeerah. Its such a relief to get news “fair and balanced” instead of the Guardian/Independent pile of shite dished up to us by our national broadcaster.
Fox News? You mean the one available on satellite in the UK? It doesn’t have any world news at all. According to Fox if it’s not happening in America then it’s not happening at all. I know that the BBC’s reporting is ridiculously slanted and disingenuous but surely ‘fair and balanced’ in a British context means ITV or Sky. ITV’s news coverage both at home and abroad is way more impartial than the BBC. Fox doesn’t do ‘world news’ unless it directly impacts on America.
I’m looking at the Fox News website under the heading of World News
It has individual headings for the following:
Middle East
Asia / Pacific
Global Terror
Looks fine to me – and I see they distinguish those items that are relevant to our shared values – not just American. Would that the BBC had the same.
I see the BBC gave El Presidente Salmondo (Alex Salmond to you and me!) unlimited airplay yesterday in the tit-for-tat over the IDS welfare comments. The BBC gave Smith just ONE short fragment to explain himself but gave Mr Salmond an extended platform for his anti-British rants. God forbid, all IDS asked is where would an independent Scotland find the money to cover the 15 billion welfare bill. Guess that’s a taboo subject at BBC Headquarters!
Alex ‘Good Advert For The Deep-fried Mars Bar’ Salmond has exactly three policies.
1. Waddle around Scotland with a smug grin on his fat face telling everyone who’ll listen that, ‘The Scottish people will not be dictated to by ex-public schoolboys in Westminster’.
2. Woffle on about the ‘re-industrialisation of Scotland’ through (and excuse my while I snigger here) green industries.
3. Did I say ‘three policies’? I meant two policies. My bad 🙁
Sounds like a demagogue. He must be watching videos of Hugo Chavez.
Or the US President…..
The bBC reports about some obscene French cartoons.
France in embassy alert over Prophet Muhammad cartoons
Security has been increased at France’s interests abroad after a French satirical magazine published obscene cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Obscene they say? Have a look and tell me if you think they are:
“The bBC , willing to hand over free speech to relgious bullies, becasue it is trendy to do so
Damn my image link didn’t post:
And a quick search reveals the rest of the pictures(Love the star is born one)
Just waiting now for Mason to boast “it’s kicking off everywhere!”
Hats off to the French for taking on the bullies. Alas you won’t see any of that kind of Integrity here, only abject cowardice.
One of them is obscene, none of them actually funny, except the “Yes we crame” one.
If Islam wasn’t hyper sensitive and violent to even the tiniest slight or questioning of it’s teachings and practises, they might find that people would have more respect and be less inclined to mock. Alas, the modernisers who could lead the much needed Reformation seem to be thin on the ground.
I see the first pronouncement from the new Director general of the Droids, someone Entwhistle?, is that he’s ‘calling in the consultants to reduce costs’.
They love nothing better at senior level in the public sector than ‘calling in the consultants’. First of it makes them feel just like the big boys running proper companies in the productive sector; secondly it hides the fact that they don’t have a clue themselves, and thirdly it’s a nice way of covering their arses when things go wrong.
You don’t have to try too hard to pay £8,000 a day for a consultant in their 20s.
Number of consultants Warren Buffett has hired in his life. Zero.
Entwhistle? like all the rest will barely create a ripple. His aim should be to get the license fee down as close to zero as possible. His aim will be to spend all the £3.6 billion every year and then bleat about how it’s not enough.
Time serving, seat-warmer.
Well, their CFO is quitting at the end of the year because, I guess, she didn’t get the top job. So in come the consultants to tell the BBC that they need more open planning and trendy management techniques to get more efficiency out of the overworked technical staff (after getting rid of those with higher salaries, of course), while hiring more middle management to oversee the meeting of new targets.
Okay, to be serious for a moment, I read something about Entwistle’s alleged plans, and it sounds very much like he’s listened to the best of that Trust report from a few months back. Some very good recommendations there about reducing the ridiculous duplication of effort (like having six different Beeboids from six different shows in the same place doing the same report on the same thing, along with their respective producers and other crew) and having better coordination (translation: actually doing it for a change) between departments. Same stuff I’ve been complaining about for years. If they follow through on any of it, some money will be saved and some quality might improve.
Not sure it will do anything about the bias, though. That’s a different matter altogether.
Them as can does,
them as can’t teaches
them as can’t do either become consultants!
On 5dead today dame nikki was “debating” Chris Graylings
proposal to toughen up prisons, after the usual bunch of
bed-wetting leftards commenting, Campbell concluded that
the Justice Secretary was merely “scratching the head of
the right” with the new proposals (which will probably
never see the light of day).Recently here a man was jailed
for plunging a screwdriver into a Polish mans eye, after
the case it was revealed he had 67 previous convictions.
WTF is someone with 67 previous doing out in public in the
first place? I believe the pampered poodles at the bBC have
completely lost the plot, and the galling thing about it
is, we have to pay for their “let them eat cake”
Why is someone arrested on suspicion of murder given police bail?
Habeus Corpus?
If those within the criminal justice system were most at risk from those on bail you’d see the numbers drop overnight.
Sounds like the Manchester plod were having difficulty running up proper charges in the time allowed by human-rights driven MPs. Lazy plod way out, give bail rather than do their job.
If we were taliking about your ordinary thug then you would probably be right. In this case he guy was chucking hand grenades about like he was playing a live version of GTA.
I don’t think the police let him go because they were ‘lazy’. It has more to do with actually having the evidence to convince a judge to detain him.
As is often the case laws placed to prevent injustice to the innocent often let the guilty go scot free.
Must be a good day to say sorry…
Of course, I imagine some will attract more attention than others.
goodness how drunk was that woman? 😀
at least she kept her decorum, keeping her “fag” going :-D, i bet it was full bottle of scotch too, to help her gaze at that grotesque jugged eared twat,
Ohh god retch!! oh well I will be waking up screaming again after that image!
Thanks Marr for the mental scar !
” goodness how drunk was that woman? ”
She thought she had pulled macaulay culkin!
Drunk? According to the manhating left that would make Marr a wapist.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for illegal immigration.
Deported Sri Lankans arrive home from UK amid torture fears
A group of 25 Tamils and other Sri Lankans deported from the UK have arrived in Sri Lanka amid warnings they may face torture on their return.
UK officials said on Wednesday that 60 failed asylum seekers and visa overstayers were being sent back.
But many got last minute court injunctions preventing their return. Human rights groups say that some of those sent back are in danger of being tortured because of their alleged links to separatist Tamil Tigers….Both Freedom from Torture and Human Rights Watch say that they have interviewed nearly 40 people who subsequently escaped back to Britain and gave accounts of alleged torture by the Sri Lankan authorities which the groups say is medically verified.
Since when does one escape from Sri Lanka? Is it a prison camp?
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
Good catch – and another example of the BBC loading the dice. They won’t call people who blow up buses ‘terrorists’ but buying a ticket to Heathrow counts as ‘escaping’.
One for the ‘views as news’ BBC….
As a reminder…
A quick gander at their efforts on the free, US-based platforms they have moved to will show how well ‘holding to account’ is going now.
All ours for a mere £145.50 on top.
I’ve been collecting some of those “efforts”, and the picture it paints is not pretty.
A few days ago I mentioned subjects that reach ‘Sainthood’ status. The facebook site that vilifies the two woman murdered police offices; had remember the 96 and not the 2 on it. Strange coincidence how a 22 yearold Liverpudlian has now been arrested for setting it up. Wonder if bBC will mention the coincidence.
“subjects that reach ‘Sainthood’ status”
in the spirit of “no greater love than thyself”
the ahem! .. honesty and integrity of the bbc 😀
gag puke gag!
Not sure he should be arrested waste of time ! but given a bloody good kicking now that may help !
watch Dezzy or one of his alter egos scream in with the ‘violence of the right’ comments !
This country is going to hell in a handcart thanks to this lot of rabble that like to think that they are the nations conscience.
For the love of God, if you don’t like what they write, show or produce don’t watch.
There was a program on the other night called “Meet the parents”. Supposedly very funny (not in my book) with awful left leaning shock material. I hit the channel change button. The same program last week was funny.
This is all personally subjective. Whatever floats your boat. But the key is freedom of choice. If something only caters for a minority no one is going to watch/buy it/use it; failure for the originator and move onward.
To now start bringing in the police, courts and parliament to decide what is fit and proper for individual minds is no different to the mind control exercised by Carl Marx, Stalin and Mao. Lets not go down this road because they were all genocidal failures.
Harrabin beside himself this morning because he believes Arctic ice is disappearing fast, and we’re all going to die.
He neglected to mention the dramatic increase in Antarctic ice (well he would, wouldn’t he), which rather suggests (as it always has done) that polar ice is usually roughly in balance, and there’s really nothing to worry about.
Unfortunately, the warmists have leapt upon this with their “told-you-so-the-planet’s-warming mantra”, with considering the full picture.
And, of course, the BBC are chortling because they have yet another opportunity of spreading half the story.
That should, of course, have read “without considering the full picture”…
According to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites, there was a large increase in cloud cover over the Arctic this summer.
An increase in cloud cover in the Arctic would increase temperatures as clouds trap heat, as well as the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream. So it would be possible for the Arctic to be warmer under cloud cover even in daylight unlike the Antarctic. Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the polar winter. According to the Cosmoclimatology theory, the Arctic is the area that the previous Global Warming could have its last gasp, temperature lags mean that the predicted cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest, then even the Arctic under cloud cover will not receive enough heat to buck the cooling trend. David Archibald uses the calculations of the speed of the plasma inside the Sun and its effect on Cosmic Ray produced Cloud Albedo.
The key message in the story was that some Parliamentary committee has decided that drilling for oil; oil platforms in the Arctic are evil and that they are going to ban all this stuff.
Harabin just loves this and gets out his dildo. And just to up the anti he must slip in the Arctic melt without any real context or connection to oil exploration.
In the totally simulated climax and ejaculation that is happening in his mind, he has overlooked the fact that this committee has absolutely no jurisdiction over the geographical area concerned. But did mention that of course Big Oil will are too powerful and exert too much implied power over the elected Governments for anything to change.
Mr Harabin should have been questioning why a committee is wasting tax payer money on investigations and meetings that have no jurisdiction and whose recommendations are meaningless because they have no legal power or remit.
Added to the two poles they seem to be avoiding the fact that the Magnetic Pole keeps wandering about: the Geo North Pole and is currently moving away from Canada towards Siberia; the ice cap melts at the side where the Magnetic Pole is moving from (Canada) and forms on the other side where the Magnetic Pole is moving towards (Siberia)…
Completely off topic, but I hope it will lighten the mood here a little.
Nick Clegg Says Sorry (The Autotune Remix)
Nice try, BBC.
Shelagh Fogarty on BBC Radio is editorialising like mad on the issue of Ofcom’s report into BSkyB.
‘….most people thought the report would be tougher than this……’
Maybe in your office, they did, love.
Give us the news please and if you feel you have to comment then be balanced about it.
It’s easy, if you try.
Perhaps whoever wrote the report was a rugby fan ?
How come Sky manage to broadcast every important Northern and Southern hemisphere match – with a fraction of the bbc’s income ?
Never mind licence fee paying sport fans, heres some free style paralympic tiddly winks for you !
How come Sky manage to broadcast every important Northern and Southern hemisphere match – with a fraction of the bbc’s income ?
Because BSkyB has about 1.5x revenue of the BBC and has no public service remit.
BBC Income
Licence fee: £3,447 million
Worldwide: £1,074 million
Total: £4,521 million
Revenue £6,791 million
Sky has 1.5 times the revenue of BBC and has been going since 1989.
BBC has been going since 1922, 67 years longer.
At this rate in a few years the BBC will be in the same boat as the Guardian. Hopefully with no licence fee either.
oh you can tell them all that then
you know … next time your treacherous hands over there …
trying to stitch David Vance. up
BSkyB has about 1.5x revenue of the BBC but it creates that income and yes has no public service remit. and still makes betters TV where as the BBC income is tax payers money it does not have to earn it and will get it forever no matter what they make or don’t and they have public service remit. which they treat as a penance !
This morning Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 let slip that BBC journalists had been told that they were not allowed to even describe the French Mohammed cartoons.
Is the BBC now striving to be fully “sharia compliant”.
…only a matter of time before all 21,000 droids ‘take the faith’.
You mean they haven’t already?
striving to be? .. mon sharia amour bbc
The BBC’s report on the US DoJ’s “internal inquiry” into Fast & Furious has some obvious bias in it.
Much of it is an attempt to spell out the charges in dry fashion, which is fine, but there is absolutely no mention of the scandal behind the scandal. Of course, the BBC has never mentioned any of the real criticisms of the operation in the handful of reports they’ve done in the past about it.
No mention of the proof that the Administration wanted to use the resulting gun violence as fodder to push ever stricter gun control laws. No mention that there was no cooperation with the Mexican Government on this, and how pissed off they were when they found out. No mention of Eric Holder’s previous statements about his desire to ban gun ownership. No mention of Holder’s stonewalling.
Plus they got in a bit of blame-shifting: “The problems date as far back as 2006”, i.e. what Matt Frei used to refer to on air (maybe he still does at C4) as “the grim eight years of the Bush Administration”. It’s not the fault of the current Administration, you see. In actual fact, the scheme that was going on then was not “similar” at all. I guess it’s okay for the BBC to reproduce that lie because they’re just reporting the inquiry result. As predicted, not a single raised Beeboid eyebrow, like they do when it’s a result they don’t like.
No mention that the whole idea was to let the guns walk without anyone tracking them. Instead, it’s presented as “botched”. Instead, all we get are statements from Holder.
Worst of all, there is no quote from Rep. Issa, who started the original investigation into it, or anyone criticizing the result. Yet the BBC editor does give the last word to the White House:
Dan Pfeiffer, an Obama administration communications director, called the vote a “transparently political stunt”.
For more information on what really happened, and the BBC’s censorship and dishonesty about the entire scandal, see here, here, and here. Louis Robinson has also provided some good information in the comments of a few open threads.
How the propaganda arm of Islam (bBC) describes a violent protest in Pakistan.
Pakistan anti-Islam film protest ends in Islamabad
Demonstrators who gathered outside the US embassy in Islamabad to protest against an amateur video mocking Islam have begun to disperse peacefully.
So the flag burning , Jihad chanting, Stone throwing, Allah preaching mobs dispersed peacefully did they. Nothing from the bBC about how 40 people were put in hospital, how a police post was burnt to the ground or even how businessman Haji Nasrullah Khan has himself been accused of Blasphemy becasue he refused to join the protests. Instead the bbC continues to promote rampaging Muslims as only victims by crying lots of teas for rioting relgious bigots.
The BBC’s Aleem Maqbool in Islamabad says people were “choked by tear gas”
The bBC, the propaganda arm for radical Islam
I think the BBC meant “relatively” peaceful. Cultural relativism and all that. The BBC’s soft racism of lowered expectations allows them to see this is as peaceful.
Reminds me of Reggie Maudling’s comment circa 1972 about rioting and bombings in Ulster:
“An acceptable level of violence”
It’s not surprising to see bBBC posting a sympathetic article in favour of even more waste of public money when A team of doctors has flown out to Afghanistan after a British servicewoman gave birth to a boy having not realised she was pregnant.
Why not just put mother and child on the first flight back home?
Next they’ll be referring to “servicewomen and men”.
Can newborns fly?
While Mark Mardell and other Beeboids in the US keep harping on how Romney has lost the likeability factor, they will never, ever do a report that focuses on this:
A short visual history of the creepy Obama cult
This is what Romney is up against, plus the vast majority of Hollywood (just like in the early days after He took office, celebutards are calling on people to pledge their allegiance to Him. Not the US or the flag, but to Him.) and the US mainstream media (as admitted by Mardell himself).
No amount of campaign cash or intelligent policy discussion can equal this power. This is very dangerous, yet not a single Beeboid will bat an eyelash at it. Of course, most of them are already caught up in that cult of personality.
Off topic… yet another ‘enricher’. This piece of scum should be hung and the body deported…
So many comparative genetic studies, so little sense in the Westminster village or in the media.
Dear me, that report just HAS to be false. Published in such a far right rag which the lefties hate!
Dez will provide any links to INBBC reports that appear.
The idea that an immigrant would rape anyone.
A defendant exposing himself to a judge whilst on trial for a sex-crime.
Suggesting that an illegal immigrant would be allowed to remain in the country indefinitely.
This, and the idea that third world savages don’t adopt western civilised behavioural norms as soon as they set foot into the country makes this a thoroughly dishonest piece of BS. According to Dez.
Not heard too much from the EU about the European family being offended (or not) in regard of “Kate Middleton “or the “Muslim Prophet”.
Would these pictures and cartoons have made Eurovision then?…or are we getting only the sound of cheeks being sucked and tumbleweed blowing?
You`d think that the BBC would be licking up what the EU were squeezing in to their saucer…but as yet, another diplomatic silence.
And one more thing-since when was it a problem to knock the Muslim Poppet?…to rush to his defence in a blood curdling shriek makes them idolaters surely!
From Prophet to Poppet in just a few years….Allah will be grumpy!
John Redwood criticises the BBC for its bias in selecting stories it chooses to run with.
Redwood thinks his own opinion of what he thinks and has said and written is more informed and more important than that of a young BBC producer who has a story they need to tell? Silly old fool.
‘When conducting interviews the BBC should at least believe me if I tell them what my view is and when I formed it, where there is clear documentary evidence to back that up. ‘
To many, that they don’t is not news.
BBC’s favourite tax expert Richard Murphy in Adam Smith funding gaffe
Despite his clear motivations, Murphy is a constant contributor to BBC news programmes – not just for balanced debates, but as an authority on taxation issues – another nail in the coffin for Britain’s most biased broadcaster.
Murray’s got it wrong there. It’s not “despite”, but “because of” Murphy’s connections and perspective that they keep having him on. He’s a “tax expert”, you see. And the BBC does generally identify him as being from an organization with the word “Justice” in it. No rational person could draw any conclusion other than that he’s coming from a very Left-wing place. The BBC expects the audience – in cases like this, where they don’t want you to think to hard – to put two and two together and work it out for yourselves.
I have no idea why they don’t label him as Left-wing or Union-backed the way the label guest commentators to their Right. Perhaps our defenders of the indefensible who are media professionals can enlighten us, if they can find the time in between sessions of their Nuremberg trials.
‘I have no idea why they don’t label him as Left-wing or Union-backed ‘
Wild guess…. as you allude, the audience is now expected to presume they get it about left by default. Only if not a fellow traveller is the provenance of view required to be made clear.
Some reality on the ‘Occupy’ riots, one year on:
“Rioter arrested alongside millionaire’s daughter jailed for eight years”
“London Riots: Chauffeured looter jailed for eight years”
“‘Worst’ London rioter who smashed brick through police car while wearing a skull mask during TEN-HOUR ‘orgy’ of looting is jailed for eight years.”
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‘Chauffeured looter’ = passenger in a Smart car!
I guess it’s one step up from pillion rider on a moped.
But only just.
U.K UNIVERSITIES with Government (and BBC-NUJ) support, discriminate in favour of rich, unqualified foreign ‘students’ over less well off, but qualified British student admissions.
And unknown numbers of these foreign students become illegal immigrants in Britain.
“Universities ‘using foreign students as cash cows’.
Foreign students with poor qualifications are being used by British universities as ‘cash cows’ to fill holes in the higher education budget, a leading academic has admitted.
“Why so many jobs at BBC NI?”
OT… but in the ballpark, so I’ll allow myself it…
Wasn’t the geezer in charge on the DG shortlist?
Dodged a bullet there.
Imagine him in charge of such a culture?
interesting on newsnight last night
from 18 mins
after a mealy mouthed drone from m.urban, which only really outlined al bbc narrative.
theres an interview with aayan hirsi ali
and to be honest, kirsty s indoctrinated al bbc madrassa mentality simply couldn t handle it,
“there is bewilderment at allowing such offence”
A – in the west it is constitutionally protected speech
“but there should be laws against religious incitement”
A – no, not with freedom of expression,
“don t you accept (pakistan),their right to be offended A – but, no we shouldn t indulge them
she raises her hands, and exclaims “but they are offended, their right to be offended, the offence!”,
h. ali has patently has enough, immediately puts her right on islamic hypocrisy, “look I m sorry this is not credible”
tersely wark cuts in “hirsi ali, afraid I have to stop you there” … hhmmm, I bet
actually now is a pivotal moment, the usual fuzzy faced nutjobs, are kicking off over nothing … and so a french mag produces more motoons … exactly the RIGHT response, whats needed is more of the same, and … obviously its not going to come from the biased broad cresent :-D, ( maybe they consulted the head of religious programmes eh! ).
I too saw this piece.
Talk about the clash of civilisations?
One represented by just the kind of former victim of all things guaranteed to get the BBCs sympathy-but , unusually in this case getting the third degree from a patronising sister who has never had to fight for anything but a Bolly on the SNPs cocktail circuit, when she deigns to head first class back to her kids private school or what have you.
And poor Kirsty just could not understand why Hirsi Ali could not find it in her heart to justify just why Muslims are right to terrorise embassies…and hopefully they will if the likes of Newsnight require the footage for tonight.
Hirsi Ali-like Sentamu and Nazir Ali- must wonder what this clash of civilisations is all about-they`ve bravely escaped tortures and eath threats, only to find the BBC would rather they be martyred that do down the evil Religion of Perpetual Indulgence, so loved by Wark etc-had she mislaid her burka I wonder?
Well done Hirsi Ali-and well done anybody who sat through the previous 20 minutes tripe on Manchester police and gangs-all three contributors said the same things in polite and bland ways, and poor Kirsty was floundering like a flounder off the Flanders coast….desperate stuff.
How Paxman must have enjoyed this car crash( well bumper cars) of a “expose”…Glenfiddich for Ms Kirsty , Hudson , if you would!
That Wark never mentioned the BBC as a factor in mistrust of the police didn`t crop up…why would it?
No more BBC for me today, now I heard Lord Sacks on Thought for the Day-no wonder the athiests hate the slot as long as he still gives it.
Oh -wait-Last Word later..will they reprise their eulogy to a dead drug gang leader in Columbia as given last week(but a FEMALE one, so whoop-di doo-eh sisters?)…my bet is that Charlie Richardson will get her bier this week…the BBC likes its bit of rough to be a bit edgy…but not Rhodes Boyson edgy though if you don`t mind!
Sorry to ramble-but the BBC is riddled with bias like a terminal cancer and it`s so hard not to keep on spotting its spread…best just to kill it off !
‘afraid I have to stop you there’
The last resort of the hapless market rate interviewing ‘talent’ as they are getting pwnd, with the guys in the edit suite bawling down their earpiece to pull the plug, usually followed by a slot on skateboarding turtles. Or, on SKY, anad for Wonga.
And in the case of the BBC, unnecessary but unique.
I may not work in a newsroom, but I’ve seen when they can stay with something they want to and it’s equally obvious when they are desperate for any excuse to terminate an interesting discussion spinning off narrative.
And how many times has a pervasive Maguiresperter been allowed a last ‘Tory Boys’ before the cutaway?
Yes I saw the Hirsi ali piece. Ayan got fed up with Warks rantings about their rights to be offended and shifted her talking to a case in Pakistan of a woman raped by 5 men.
Wark had to run like hell, she sure didnt want to hear the rest of what was to come. Classic censoreship!
hr long news “debate” 5live sidesteps the issue for a 10th day, it was badgers! the other day today is even worse, so no even partial public response allowed, from the public broadcaster.
ignores still continuing riots/murder, etc over “offence”
now the hebdo motoons, over “offence”
furore in the states over bus ads that urge support for israel by the permanently “offended”
a bigger build up expected after friday hate hr in the mosques
unless obviously – “theres nothing to see, so move on”
here is a classic example of the same kind of censorship
on the same bus ad issue … very interesting
obviously NUJ/ al bbc trained 😀
“RIP OFF BRITAIN” on every morning with three of the most washed out, well past their sell by dates old prunes you will ever see. How earth can the BBC produce a consumer show with the way they extort their income from every household under threat of prison if you use their product or not. I thought that the BBC do not employ old female has beens, well these three contradict that theory. I have paid approx £6k to this mafia over the years and they go on and on about a £10 crdit note not being accepted. This is not a free country. I will vote for anybody who promises to end this form of extortion.
I thought that the BBC do not employ old female has beens, well these three contradict that theory.
No, no, no. The BBC gets criticised for not employing dried up prunes so immediately goes out and hires three seasoned old hyenas so it can say’
‘Look, see, we do hire ancient, raddled, bingo-winged, turkey-necks after-all’.
It’s BBC’s (pathetic) way of ‘doing things’.
Meanwhile at CHANNEL 4, and Jon Snow:-
“Four wannabe suicide bombers, their ‘unsafe conviction’, and a news bulletin so lefty it makes the BBC look like Fox!”
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you couldn t make it up alert ….
bbc news reports.
a national holiday of “love” for mohamhead
by pakistani gov.
after a speech saying that motoons/movie are unacceptable and urging protest ?
1000s march toward US Embassy ;-D
already violence 😀 – has incitement hour finished yet?
– intended muslim marches in Paris
this shows the death throws of the con of the islam “offence” industry … and don t they know it.
a german magazine intends to print more motoons
” a german magazine intends to print more motoons ”
Oh sweet sweet sweet! bring it on…publish publish publish and f&*4k the lot of them offend or please!
More enrichment stories:
The word ‘BOUNTY’, and INBBC’s creative Islamic ‘reporting’.
I suggest that following headline should be given a INBBC Madrassa COJO’s Taqiyya prize in dissimulation:
“Anti-Islam film: Pakistan minister offers bounty.”
[Opening extract]:
“A Pakistani government minister has offered a $100,000 (£61,616) reward for the death of the maker of an anti-Islam film produced in the US.
“Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour said he would pay the reward for the ‘sacred duty’ out of his own pocket.
INBBC seems to offer this Pakistan Govt Minister better press than it affords to certain British Government Ministers.
It hardly needs saying that the British people should NOT be forced to give any more money to that enemy of the West which is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.