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A dossier of internal police, social services and intelligence reports  shows agencies in South Yorkshire were aware vulnerable girls were being abused, but a catalogue of alleged crimes were not prosecuted.


The BBC went to town on the police after the inquiry into Hillsborough revealed they had been covering up evidence of their failures….The coverage and mournful examinations went on endlessly.

Today however a story of similar significance in which not only police but politicians worked to cover up a child sex abuse scandal involving ‘Asian’ men and white girls has been kept off the airwaves…..I have heard one small item early in the morning and nothing else all day…and I have been unable to find it on the website…if it’s there it’s well hidden.


What is the BBC trying to hide?

The Times has published an extensive report on the release of documents that show the extent of the cover up and mal-practise. (Unfortunately behind paywall)

On the BBC what did we get? We were treated to endless in depth debates about Tory whip Andrew Mitchell and his bad tempered rant at some police officers to whom he has apologised.

Not only that but who did they have on as an ‘expert’ witness…the Sunday Times political editor…..and yet the BBC couldn’t find the time to ask about the Rotherham story published in her own ‘stable’ of papers…..but they do ask about the Sun’s story on Mitchell.

Search the BBC now and Rotherham doesn’t seem to exist after 2011. It has vanished as a story.

So what is the BBC trying to hide?

Listening to 5Live after 05:00 this morning the subject of Rotherham and the release of new evidence did work its way onto the airwaves…what did the BBC say the Report said?

‘It was the actions of a very small group from within the Pakistani community’.

Let’s break that down……..So we know the BBC will not use the word Muslim in connection with this story or indicate it was a significant contributor to the choice of victim (Some were Asian…but Hindu or Sikh). Previously ‘Asian’ was the preferred racial moniker, clearly the BBC has decided that is too wide a description and has narrowed the ‘culprits’ own profiles to ‘Pakistani’, but that again would implicate all Pakistanis…so they have narrowed it even further to ‘a small group’.


The BBC has worked hard to isolate the abusers and their crimes from any association with their race, culture or religion.

As they did with the 7/7 bombers….can’t have anything to do with Islam because Islam is a religion of peace.

However…the white girls were a product of their society and in a way are themselves to blame, as are we (Non-Muslim) all for their plight.


But wait what did the report really say:

‘Possibly the most shocking threat is the existence of substantial and organised offender networks that groom and exploit victims on a worrying scale,’ the report states. ‘Practitioners throughout the force state there is a problem with networks of Asian offenders both locally and nationally.

‘This was particularly stressed in Sheffield and even more so in Rotherham, where there appears to be a significant problem with networks of Asian males exploiting young white females.’ 

The report, seen by The Times, states that such groups are believed to have trafficked victims to other cities and towns, including Bristol, Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford and Dover.’

‘Substantial and organised offender networks’….not a small group then?

 So why has this story been sidelined?  Surely it is just as important in terms of ‘Establishment’ cover  ups as Hillsborough.

Then again Maggie Thatcher can’t be blamed for this one…maybe that’s just the angle they’re trying to work out…so they can work it into the story somehow!

In the meantime if they can’t take Maggie down (again)they’ll make do with Tory Whip Mitchell rather than have to rake up some old case about gangs of Asian men raping and abusing white girls and the police covering it up as they ‘respect’ cultural differences.

‘Another confidential 2010 report, for the Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board, warns against drawing too much attention to the ethnic origin of the alleged abusers.

It states: ‘Great care will be taken in drafting…this report to ensure that its findings embrace Rotherham’s qualities of diversity. It is imperative that suggestions of a wider cultural phenomenon are avoided.’

 Bearing that last statement in mind……

One final question…did the BBC take it upon themselves to restrict the nature of its reports in terms of race and ethnicity or did it have discussions with other agencies such as the police or local councils to co-ordinate a ‘conspiracy’ of silence on the matter?

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  1. RCE says:

    Tomorrow on the Today programme we can look forward to Jack Straw being questioned:

    Presenter: Mr Straw, as a former Home Secretary and someone who has previously commented that young men of Pakistani origin can view under-age white girls as “easy meat”, can you confirm that you were unaware of these allegations until the Times published them yesterday?

    JS: …

    Chances of that?


  2. Andy S. says:

    Believe me,Alan, it’s not just groups of Pakistani men involved in grooming in South Yorkshire. In the past there have been gangs of Yemeni men (in their twenties admittedly, being “asylum seekers” fleeing from conscription in their native land) luring girls as young as twelve years of age in to their flats for sex parties. The Pond’s Forge swimming pool being their favourite hunting ground The girls all coming from troubled family backgrounds or council care.

    The problem was well known and, although some cases were investigated by individual police officers and evidence submitted, none of these youths appeared in court, or were even charged. The CPS using the excuse that conviction was unlikely due to the many witnesses being “unreliable”. Make what you will of that excuse.

    It’s definitely being going on for years in the Sheffield and Rotherham areas, with some Asian/Arab cafes and small restaurants gaining gaining bad local reputations for grooming.


    • Andy S. says:

      By the way, it’s been going on for a lot longer than ten years – twenty-five years would be a more accurate time period.


      • Chop says:

        Spot on Andy, I was born and raised in Oldham, went to a comprehensive school in the town, and girls were being groomed by groups of Muslim men back in the 80’s

        This is not new.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          Ah! It IS Maggie Thatcher’s fault.


          • Andy S. says:

            Roland, though your post is probably written in jest, the towns and cities which had the biggest problem with Asian/Arab/Islamic child grooming were, in the main, run by Labour Councils.

            Never underestimate the political pressure put on the authorities by local Labour politicians desperate to placate their Asian voter base. Large areas of Sheffield and Rotherham have majority Asian populations, as I’m sure do other cities (Leicester, Bradford etc.)

            A crackdown on Asian sex gangs could backfire electorally on politicians dependent on votes from these ghettoes.


  3. Earls Court says:

    If Establishment fails to act and covers crime up and legal system not operate people will say ‘Lynch law is the best way forward with this’. Exactly the opposite result of what the BBC try to do by suppressing the news…ie…keep a lid on communal violence.


  4. George R says:

    Note how virtually all ‘journalists’ and all mainstream politicians, using a version of ‘political correctness’, avoid use of words ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islam’ in their pontifications.

    And so too, in line with ‘political correctness’ and the drive for ‘diversity’, our political class continues its advocacy of mass immigration from Islamic countries, including from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

    “Pakistan: ‘Americans we are your death'”


  5. Scrappydoo says:

    “Listening to 5Live after 05:00 this morning the subject of Rotherham and the release of new evidence did work its way onto the airwaves…what did the BBC say the Report said?”

    This is the standard BBC practice, Stories that do not fit the agenda are aired briefly overnight often around 4 or 5 am when no one is listening. Stories that do fit the agenda are aired for days or weeks at a time. This does not include the stuff that never makes it to a BBC microphone.


  6. chrisH says:

    Funny that the PM programme tonight has some reporter from The Sun in to talk about Andrew Mitchell…boy is this one going to run if the BBC has its way!
    So Murdochs rags can be used to the littler tray when it`s a Tory up for hari kiri…but seemingly not when it`s the Times-unless they go big on Mitchell.
    Their “Asian unpleasantness tales of South Yorkshire?”…no, not pertinent, no previous stories to corroborate any allegations that it`s endemic to Muslim life up north, absolutely nothing to do with white girls in care getting kebabbed and drugged up by seedy scum that screw the kaffirs spawn. Not at all, sir!
    I really resent taxpayers money being used as a paywall to deny ourselves this monstrous story-our money being used as sandbags and firewalls to protect child abusers.
    Should we tell the BBC that these vermin are Catholics really-THEN they might just bother their arses to report it.
    When Nick Griffin becomes a prophet, you`re truly stuffed as a country aren`t you?


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      ” When Nick Griffin becomes a prophet, you`re truly stuffed as a country aren`t you? ”

      You are if you dont heed his warnings!


  7. wallygreeninker says:

    The story gets onto the BBC News website as a link low down on their Sheffield and South Yorkshire page, under ‘from other local news sites’: “council ‘tackling teen sex abuse’ “.

    They used exactly the same technique to bury the story about student journalist Natasha Smith getting sexually assaulted in Tahrir Square back in June.


    • Dave B says:

      There’s another BBC spinning tactic you’ve failed to highlight. What they always do with these stories, is to turn them on their head and make the police’s denial the focus, rather than reporting and focusing on the actual story.

      You’ll see this time and again at the BBC any time there’s a story they don’t want to report but basically have to. They hide the story, not simply through where it is located as you correctly point out, but through the headline used too.

      If a left-wing Hitler invaded France today, the BBC’s headline would be about his denial of having any intentions to invade anyone.


  8. anon says:

    If the authorities are prepared to sweep some of the worst crimes imaginable under the carpet to preserve their line about the ‘massive benefits of immigration’ then there is no hope for this country.


  9. fitzfitz says:

    Cultural marxism for the plebs … poor old England …


  10. Akusia says:

    The Times has removed this report from its front page online and is leading with Andrew Mitchell.

    Girl A from these atrocities was interviewed sympathetically on Woman’s Hour this week. I think the interview should be available on iPlayer/.


  11. Akusia says:

    Oops, sorry. That must have been last week!


    • chrisH says:

      I heard this interview. I thought it was a classic summation of all that is wrong with the BBC.
      Jenni Murrays interview technique was Oprah…leave gaps and let `em emote…what a ham!
      It was the girl who mentioned the M word in connection with her abusers…just the once, and ever-so-quickly driven past.
      However it was Jenni who mentioned the other word best-avoided…the P-word…yes , Parents.
      It was only mentioned, though in connection with Social Services failing to keep them “in the loop”.
      Clearly such “parents” could not have anything to do with a teenage girl being happy to stay out all night and blag her booze, kebabs and drugs in return for…well, I`ll be…!
      No-one is to blame here-just the Tories, the police, Social Services..and NOT Muslims or parents of such girls..we all agree on that eh?


  12. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    I’m surprised that the bBBC doesn’t follow its normal practice of taking stories from Labour luvvies such as Jack Straw MP and former MP Ann Cryer (
    Although it would probably copy the Grauniad line that
    these criminals were ‘at most nominally Muslim’ ( I guess it’s just like child-abusing priests are only ‘nominally Catholic’.


    • London Calling says:

      In the same way that I only “nominally” hate loathe and despise the bBC “as the progeny of the priviledged that they are – public school, Oxford Cambridge or LSE, Common Purpose and Champagne Socialism.


  13. phil says:

    When you are obliged to inform and educate the masses it is sometimes better not to inform them too much so you can educate them more effectively.

    That’s entertainment!


  14. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    I’ve now read the full Times story (continued on p.7, not apparently shown in Alan’s piece) and the full complicity of the Police with the Muslim criminals is clear.
    Two examples:
    Police went to a house where a father was demanding the release of his daughter, who was inside with a group of British Pakistani (sic) adults. Officers found the girl, 14, who had been drugged, under a bed. The father and his daughter were arrested for racial harassment and assault respectively. Police left, leaving three men at the house with two more girls.
    A 13-year-old girl was found at 3 a.m. with disrupted clothing in a house with a large group of Asian men who had fed her vodka. A neighbour reported the girl’s screams. Police arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.
    Blaming the girl for being the victim of sexual crime, whilst ignoring the men, is what we hear daily from the Taliban. We should not have it from the British Police.
    But it seems that they have been so subjected to loony leftie brainwashing that they cannot imagine a Muslim criminal.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘We should not have it from the British Police.’
      Rather oddly, we are currently hearing a lot else from the British Police, but apparently happily accepted by the MSM.
      It’s therefore rather hard to know what to believe, or not, and when, and from whom, especially when most trusted media organisations see no issue in cherry-picking what they take as gospel from ‘sources’, apparently based on no more than what suits their tribal agendas.


  15. Roland the Barbarian says:

    Heard an interview on BBC Sheffield with a guy from the Times. The reporter was clear and concise, this was a Pakistani problem. You could almost hear the Beeboid grinding his teeth at each word.


  16. Teddy Bear says:

    I expect the Islamic world to launch another jihad blaming these girls for corrupting these men. Naturally the BBC will support these claims, in turn forcing our spineless politicians to apologise for the girls immoral behaviour.

    I only wish I was being satirical 🙁


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      This will go the full distance and end with the victims being blamed for dressing provocatively. In other words if only they had been hiding under a burqa it would never have happened.
      You couldn’t make it up, you really couldn’t!


  17. Steve. says:

    The Tories could destroy New labour/Labour if they went big on this. Jackie the expenses thief Smith went white with fear when her co presenter mentioned a possible public inquiry into these abuses on the Sky paper review yesterday.

    Google labour 25 to get a tiny insight into what was going on. The Tories won’t take it on, why? Fear of Muslims, indiiference or maybe even collusion.

    I cant remember the source, but i read that splinter vigilante groups are on the rise, they are routinely armed, and are being financed by big money.

    One way or another i suspect justice will prevail.


    • Steve says:

      Labour, Lib Dems, Conservatives; dont kid yourselves or be naive, ALL OF THEM are on THEIR SIDE.

      Nothing is going to change in this country until we remove our entire political class & we wont be able to do that by the ballot box.

      I despise Labour / BBC to the very core of my being as much as everyone else does on here, but you think the “Tories” care about poor, white working class girls being raped by Barbaric Medieval Cave Dwellers ?

      They dont care, this is how low we have reached as a country, look at what they have done to us, they hate us that much they will actively let our children be raped in their hundreds & then COVER IT UP.

      This is Evil, pure & simple.

      Look at what they have done to us.


  18. George R says:

    INBBC, TV News Channel this evening, reports on rapes in Syria, but not in South Yorkshire.


    • George R says:

      ‘The Times’ continues its investigation of what are Muslim sex gangs preying on some English white girls, in tomorrow’s newspaper (paywall) as well, featuring it on the front page.


  19. George R says:

    “South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council Are Complicit in Child-Rape.”

    By Paul Weston


  20. George R says:

    ‘Daily Mail’, avoiding words ‘Muslims’ and ‘Islam’ has:

    “Why do the Asians hate me? Heartbreaking letter victim, 13, of grooming sex gang wrote to herself”

    Read more:
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


  21. George R says:

    And there seems to be a pattern:

    “Swedish rape-jihad: ‘police reported an average of five rapes a day in Stockholm'”


  22. kayjays says:

    Ah, the truth is never quite the same as we are led to believe.

    Today, the BBC would have us believe that Operation Trident was set up to tackle gun crime in the capital:

    Not so; it was set up to fight Black Gun crime, not quite the same thing, but if you work for the BBC, no fact should ever give you pause.


  23. kayjays says:

    And so it goes on: just a few minutes ago, the Today program (Wednesday 26th Sept) announced that the Chief Constable of Yorkshire was to testify before a Select Committee to answer questions as to why nothing was done over a period of ten years to tackle the problem of child abuse by “gangs of men” (according to the BBC). It is insult to injury; still the BBC cannot bring themselves to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. They were gangs of men, yes, but more specifically, pray do tell, what was the common denominator in this abuse. Were they gangs of chavs, or football hooligans, or perhaps vicars? No, come on BBC, can you really not bring yourselves to say the M word ? Obviously not. Is this sloppy journalism or a concerted policy of manipulating the truth?


    • Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

      Even The Times, which has led on exposing the Rotherham cover-up, can’t quite bring itself to make the obvious connection amongst the criminals.
      Today they mention that Nine members of a Rochdale sex-grooming network, eight of Pakistani heritage, were jailed this year but they don’t say that the ninth was an Afghan and all nine of them were Muslims.
      There, I’ve said it. When will the diversity-Police be knocking on my door?


  24. George R says:

    Here’s an INBBC story apparently involving a ‘quiz over sex cases’:-

    “South Yorkshire police chief faces MP quiz over sex cases.”

    INBBC’s ‘report’ mentions ‘Asian men’ once; and rape of under age white English girls not at all.

    ‘The Times’ [£] continues its investigation today.