Well, obviously what Andrew Mitchell may or may not have said to a police officer remains the single most important news story in the Universe but that aside, any other instances of BBC bias bothering you folks? Speak NOW…
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You’d think J K Rowling has enough publicity for her new (adult) book but Today gave her two publicity items this morning. OK, it might be newsworthy – she is, probably, the UK’s most commercially successful author of her generation – but why the excitement? Couldn’t be anything to do with her lefty chippiness could it? Or her £million+ gifts to the Labour Party? Just asking the questions provide the answer. Were she staunchly right-wing and a major financier of UKIP I think the BBC would have been able to contain its incontinence.
Plus there would be endless denigration of her work. Jeremy Hardy and co would joke about how stupid Harry Potter books are etc.
That’s why all these luvvies spout lefty bollocks- if they don’t their income suffers.
Its jealously they don’t like the fact she is more successful than they ever will be.
Who do you mean by ‘they’?
Why does the BBC persist in using loaded and biased terms like “equal marriage”? What does that even mean? Does it mean that marriage is unequal? How?
This is clearly an attempt to frame the language and mould the discourse.
It’s only unequal because when the “love honour and obey” bit was removed the “all my worldly goods I thee endow” bit was left in.
But that’s the kind of inequality the man-hating Hampstead mafia LIKES.
A wonderfully woolly interview on Radio 4 Today programme on the new Archbishop of Canterbury between a ‘trad’ and ‘progressive’.
Big elephants in the room were not brought out and discussed at all by Sarah Montaglue but…
Next big programme advertised…. ‘Gay’ on the inside’ at 11.00 am, with (drum roll) S. Fry.
It must horrible for ‘straights’ to be taught what it is like to be at Public School when you are ‘inside’.
Unrepentant SWPer and self-appointed chaplain to Occupy London, Giles Fraser, was on TFTD (again!) today to sing Rowan’s praises. When will TFTD bring on somebody who is both traditionally Christian and is prepared to give the soaking wet Anglican establishment a bollocking from a Christian position? As it is, the only person on TFTD standing up for moral values and prepared to reflect on spirituality rather than proselytise on behalf of left-wing policies is the Chief Rabbi. Sir Jonathan puts the representatives of the CoE, together with John Bell and Clifford Longley among others, to shame.
When will TFTD bring on somebody who is both traditionally Christian and is prepared to give the soaking wet Anglican establishment a bollocking from a Christian position?
When hell freezes over.
Suppose there`s no chance of advising our Pink friends NOT to do the crimes is there?..would that be homophobic and judgemental and discriminatory?
And no jokes about going straight afterwards either!
Today acknowledges the disquiet brought on by Cameron’s overseas aid lunacy by bringing on former foreign office minister Lord Malloch Brown and Conservative MP Sir Gerald Howarth. Nevertheless, and once again, the Chomskyan avoidance by Today/BBC of the underlying issue is demonstrated.
Howarth wanted a bit less of taxpayers’ money to go overseas and a bit more spent on defence. Malloch Brown wanted all our GDP given to the Third World (OK – bit of an exaggeration there but, whatever, M-B asserted that we need to do more. He didn’t actually say “give ’til it hurts” but that’s the gist of his programme). No-one was brought on to argue the case that overseas aid should be stopped now and, apart from clearly short-term emergency expenditure, it actually does more harm than good to the recipients as well as us.
Two generations ago Peter Bauer disembowelled the “overseas aid” lobby and is ignored (by the BBC and the “Conservative” leadership among others) for his trouble. But, of course, the BBC and our politicians are good at spending our money for our own good. Except, in this case, it’s not even for our own good despite the desperate arguments of Malloch Brown and the other “tax and spend abroad” parasites.
this was posted right at the end of last open thread :-
“you feel it’s inaccurate for the BBC to refer to Muhammad as a ‘prophet”
This issue has been addressed at the following link which you may find of interest:
“the reason for the use of the term “the prophet” is simply for reasons of clarity. There are a lot of Muhammads we could be referring to in news stories and we’re being quite specific about which one we are talking about”.
HELLO 😀 meaning … to the bbc mohamhead IS “the prophet” –
but not to 93% of the brit population though –
wait a minute – isn t it “supposed” to represent the brit population …
perfect example of bbc mindset/narrative ?
you could be mistaken for thinking it was press tv
It’s absolute BS because every other Mohammed has a last name, which they would use in any news report. Total BS, possibly an outright lie to cover their cowardly asses.
The solution is simple:The Muslimprophet Mohammed. This shows him, correctly, to be their prophet but not necessarily ours. A second option is the ‘prophet’ Mohammed. It fits standard BBC scare quotes procedure – someone said it and we are simply reporting.
There is a third way. Because one man’s terroristis another’s freedom fighterso the BBC choses to be neutral with militant. Because one man’s prophetis another’s voodo doctor the BBC could choose the term fortune-teller.
Other suggestions?
Hopefully someone will hack the teleprompter software to replace “the prophet” with “that c*nt” every time it comes up.
Similarly “Vince Cable” could become “Ed Balls’ bitch”.
deegee, the BBC can’t modify Mohammed as “the Muslim Prophet…”. This would suggest that he’s not THE prophet to supersede all others before him for all religions, which is an insult to Mohammedans. That’s more important than the sensibilities of anyone else.
Pretty sure Mitchell said ‘plod’ not ‘pleb’ as the latter doesn’t fit a tirade against jobsworths. I suppose he can’t admit that for other reasons.
BBC’s own apology to the Queen of of course went almost without comment and did not have to be repeated. Nor did it feature in a ‘Today’ interview only in an aside by Humphreys expressing pride that ‘you heard it here first’.
As it open thread i guess i dont have to say “sorry for going O/T” , anyway, if you want to see President Obama and the First Lady on The View yesterday the video is here > http://kebabtime.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/president-obama-and-first-lady-on-view.html
Hey Billy, why not show us links to the President’s serious press appearances? Oh, that’s right: there aren’t any as He’s just doing these lightweight pop culture things instead. All without a single peep of consternation from the BBC’s US President editor, who usually has an opinion ready for any campaign tactic.
The BBC loses no opportunity to show it’s bias. The Prime Minister is at a very important summitt discussing the Arab Spring, so what does the BBC do, it goes to the summit (cover is the wrong word)to get a camera to the summit but rather than ask Mr Cameron pertinent comments or show any interest whatsoever in what he is doing, the BBC ask him, after 7 days,about Andrew Mitchell. If anyone was in any doubt about not just their bias but their hostility this lapse of their remitt to educate and inform should prove it. They will not even cover an important summit because of their bias. Why then should wepay a license fee when they have their own selective coverage of the news. The license fee payer paid to get a reporter to the summit for 2minutes of coverage.
If anyone was in any doubt about not just their bias but their hostility this lapse of their remitt to educate and inform should prove it.
Dim Jandy, Dopey Dez the Dimwit Droid and Nicked Astwoshortplanks seem to be in doubt.
Perhaps they’d care to comment on this latest example of a year 6 project masquerading as a television company.
The latest South Yorkshire child abuse scandal finally finds its way to the home page of the BBC news website, albeit only through a minor link, hidden well down the page.
The article, as you would expect, refers to “widespread abuse of girls by *Asian* men” (my asterisks).
That would be gang of Japanese Shintoists and Burmese Bhuddists then would it?
Hadn’t realised there were so many Vietnamese in Rotherham…
Yes; ‘B-BBC’ thread on this:
i ve just heard via the bbc news, that ministers, are going to question the
s. yorks police chief over over this …
why they have been protected from prosecution for so long …
these “asian”??? men …
i hope they re going to question the bbc as to why they STILL even today, can t report it correctly, isn t that protecting the perpetrators.?
Victoria Derbyshire was interviewing a young woman, Amy who had been a victim of sexual abuse as a young teenager. She did admit they were ‘Pakistani men’, however, despite makinga few sympathetic comments , her tone overall was, IMO far from sympathetic. In particular I was angered by the way she repeatedly questioned Amy as to what she thought was the reason the police failed to investigate. Every time Amy said that she didn’t know why (good on her, since why should she be the one to suggest reasons for the polcie failure?) Eventually Victoria put words in her mouth suggesting it was ‘cultural sensitivities’, which of course she knew all along! Derbyshire was clearly trying to lead the young woman into making a statement which could be derided as ‘racist’ or ‘stereotyping’.
Thankfully Amy was smart enough not to fall for Derbyshire’s mischief, and instead beat her with PeeCeedom ,saying that it couldn’t be that because surely most Muslims would want these criminals caught too! Brilliant Amy! Well done.
Not really bias but anything on the BBC is good in my book – they’d do the same:
Yes; and (from above ‘Mail piece):
“Caroline Thomson said the corporation could too easily become ‘arrogant’ and ‘above itself'”
A reprise of that wonderful ‘Mail headline (above):
“The incestuous BBC: ‘Executives, eat and drink with, marry and have affairs with each other,’ says outgoing boss.”
“Bonking at the Beeb: why BBC staff can’t keep their hands off each other”
By Cristina Odone.
“The incestuous BBC: ‘Executives, eat and drink with, marry and have affairs with each other,’ says outgoing boss.”
…enough about Mr. Marr, what about the rest of them. 🙂
And she would know-being the daughter of some Labour Lord called George Thomson who was one of the gluesticks that trapped us in the E.U before it became that.
Privilege and private gels schools…what are these things of which you speak…I`ll call Polly to ask her!
Al Murray had a news based comedy show on BBC Radio. One feature of this show he called “Not News”.
This tag really could apply to much of the BBCoutput lately.
Athens clashes as Greek police fire tear gas
“Not News!”
Abu Hamza launches bid to halt US extradition
“Not News!”
Markets fall as Bank of Spain warns on economy
“Not News!”
There’s plenty more scope for this. Go on, have a go.
Why the Mark Mardell hit piece on Bibi Netanyahu?
“Some in Israel say Mr Netanyahu is putting a vital relationship at risk.”
“One well-connected insider has told me that many in the American Jewish community think Mr Netanyahu has been brazen and insolent, that his tactic has backfired.”
“The Israel leader is now looking for a “gilded ladder” to climb down.”
Mr Mardell quotes a “well-connected insider”. Any ideas?
Mardell needs to speak with his colleague Jonathan Marcus about how the whole “Omnipotent Jewish Lobby” is a myth.
I wonder if the “well-connected insider” he spoke to works for J-Street, the only BBC-approved Jewish lobbying group.
How MARDELL does his ‘journalism’:-
he writes down his political bile against someone he opposes, e.g.:-
‘Mr Netanyahu is putting a vital relationship at risk’
-and then Mardell attempts to give that biased statement some vague authenticity by prefacing the above remark with:
-‘some in Israel say’,
so that the whole dodgy Mardell sentence becomes:
“Some in Israel say Mr Netanyahu is putting a vital relationship at risk,”
-and is worthless as ‘journalism’.
For the MARDELL ‘Some Say’ School of Journalism:
“Some say: Stig-isms – the complete Stig introductions”
There is in Israel a small but still influential group, particularly in the media suffering from Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome, a close relative to Thatcher Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome. Sufferers of one variety are usually infected with all. This small group can be identified by their newspaper preference Haaretz (circ. 72,000), Israel’s elitist, small circulation Guardian clone and voting or even being active in the diminishing Leftist parties (total 16 seats from 120) (sound familiar?) Shelly Yacimovich made the transition from journalist to leader of the Labor party without a hiccup.
BBC journalists gravitate to this group who are happy to stand-in as the some in Israel they so love to quote.
On the day when Madrid and Athens are experiencing violent protests, the BBC are running this little item:
“Makers unite – the revolution will be home-made
Jane Wakefield By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter
Karl Marx What would Karl Marx have made of the Maker Movement?
When Karl Marx predicted a revolution putting the means of production in the hands of the workers, he probably didn’t imagine it to be fought by an army of DIYers.”
A big picture of Karl himself accompanies the article, which actually is a bout the sort of grassroots capitalism that Marxists hate. Naturally the free market nature of this is never mentioned. Instead “Make Magazine has become the Das Kapital of the maker movement “and “There is also an independent African Maker Faire, and this is a continent where the maker movement can have real impact .” and the piece ends with “If Karl Marx had been born in the web age, he might have had to adapt his famous call to arm slightly – “Makers of the world unite”.”
Robert Peston is a biased analyst. It’s annoying because he does know how banking and finance works, but his political ideology and bubble existence keeps him on one side of the story.
His latest post is about the Spanish disaster. While he’s right that there’s a “compelling argument” that the only way to fix the self-destructive European countries is to cede sovereignty in favor of some of kind of federal organization, he curiously leaves out the fact that this was the goal of the Euro project all along. He knows damn well that’s what it was, and it’s not biased one way or the other to say it, so why leave it out? Because it makes the whole thing less saintly, which Euro-phile Peston doesn’t want to do.
Worse, he ends the post with this:
When you aggregate all this it yields the prediction that the eurozone is – on balance – likely to hold together (just), but at an enormous social and economic cost for Spain, Greece and a few others.
This is probably the least-worst outcome for the UK. That said, the creation of a federal eurozone might lift one of the great potential threats to Britain’s economic rehabilitation and simultaneously generate something of a political and constitutional dilemma. It would present the British people with a tricky choice between becoming even less influential within the EU than is currently the case or contemplating becoming detached, like Switzerland or Norway.
Tricky? For the Leftoids who want to remain in the EU and don’t want the citizens to vote on it, maybe. The BBC is poll-happy, so I’m sure Peston is equally aware that it’s not such a difficult choice for most people. Of course, it’s the wrong opinion, so he dodges it. And he uses the same mantra we’ve heard before from the BBC about why Britain must stay locked in: the alternative would leave you isolated and less influential. Yeah, Norway and Switzerland are doing so poorly because of it.
Unsurprisingly Peston is in CP.
“Plebs, the establishment and the BBC”
By David Hughes
Unleash…. The Prescott!!!!! It can only be a matter of time before he mounts a stiff twitter defence for those who keep his special green room rider maintained.
Aunty’s stuffing up and getting caught with her drawers round her ankles so much these days, I can only presume we shall soon be due a ‘The Editors’ post from whoever female is left at the top of the BBC to say how they are all professional and impartial… like.. totally…. because they say so.
Worthwhile listening to the Media Show to get a glimpse of the BBC/Guardian nexus of nastiness.
Some hack from the Guardian wants us all to stump up £2 a month to keep his oily rag afloat via broadband/ISPs…would allow the Guardian to further fund the Palestinians I suppose.
This Leigh bloke then made the fatal error or comparing it to the BBC Licence Fee…oh dear.
Tumbleweed-don`t go there-oof!
So that`s all you need to know-the BBCs Licence fee is seen as precedent for the Guardian being similarly funded by compulsion.
Where do you start with this arrogant coupling of incestuous Siamese Twins-time to lop the head off one of them before they kill us?
Still-if you have no other excuse for refusing to pay your Licence Fee-that it only shafts Israel by encouraging the anti-Semitic scum at the Guardian is the one that should get you off their hook.
Pretty much the entire Left establishment leech off the taxpayer so forcing everybody to pay for The Guardian would be just more of the same.
So Leigh now wants his phone-hacking subsidised?
“Its respected investigative reporter David Leigh has admitted hacking a phone in pursuit of a story. The Guardian’s sister paper, the Observer, was found on more than 100 occasions to have commissioned information from a notorious private investigator, who was convicted in 2006 of illegally obtaining private data.”
Does INBBC, which is pro-mass immigration from Islamic countries, and sympathetic to the Taliban, support this?:-
“From Birmingham to the Badlands of Pakistan – by bus: MP raises security fears after plans to open 4,000-mile, £130-a-ticket coach route to militant stronghold.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2208838/All-aboard-The-4-000-mile-12-day-bus-journey-Birmingham-Little-Brum-Pakistan–130.html#ixzz27auzF4JP
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Hmm could get funny for the BBC as hooky has been given yet another reprieve !
If it turns out his legal ?[ soz ours as we are footing the bill ! ] is using the Gardener defence !
If this has been delayed or even cancelled due to the deliberate “accidental” slip made by Gardner about the Queen’s comments then he (Gardner) should be prosecuted.
The BBC gives its re-assuring take on the Times report about South Yorkshire police completely failing to deal with child grooming: we shouldn’t worry: the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee (chairman: Keith Vaz) will be on the case as soon as possible. The police chief is given a lot of space to deny everything.
Gone unnoticed and therefore unreported by the BBC is the statement that ‘we have a Black Muslim in the White House’. This comes from Madonna who has detailed information concerning her hero. She went on to promise that she would do a strip if O is re-elected. Come on Mardell, lets hear it. http://www.therightscoop.com/madonna-we-have-a-black-muslim-in-the-white-house/
” She went on to promise that she would do a strip if O is re-elected.”
Groooo ! If any ‘undecideds’ needed a shove towards voting for the GOP, our favourite neo-geriatric sluttess has just supplied it. Still, at least she’s not pretending to be British these days, so we can be grateful for that.
So where are the Beeboid tweets declaring Madonna a racist? I fully expect a Mark Mardell blogpost about how Madonna is just as bad as the Tea Party now. Come on, defenders of the indefensible, get cracking.
Weren’t the Clintons the original ‘Birthers’ ?
They do give a mention to Madonna’s endorsement of Obama here, but they gently correct her ‘muslim’ mistake, reminding us that the great one is in fact a Christian.
No problem, no outrage at her disgraceful ‘Tea party style’ distortions…just a solid endorsement. Well done Madge, you’re on the right team.
Leave it to the BBC to make a story about Romney releasing his tax returns in response to attacks on him into something that makes it look like he’s trying to distract from his problems.
Mitt Romney paid 14.1% in tax in 2011
Notice how the headline is not about the real story of the release. The actual reason for this is that Romney’s responding in part to Sen. Harry Reid’s lie, which was then walked back to a rumor, that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years. It’s all part of the Democrats’ class-war attack on Romney, the only other weapon in their arsenal besides racism. Reid continued to push this lie, and it got so much traction in the US media that Romney eventually told him to either “put up or shut up”. Reid and the Dems shut up, because it was a lie. But it the murmuring about Romney being too rich didn’t go away, especially with the way the media went ballistic over the 47%er thing. The President Himself has added fuel to the fire. So Romney released the taxes.
The BBC ignores all this and makes it appear that Romney released the documents specifically to distract from his problems.
The move came amid attempts by the Romney campaign to shift the focus of recent days away from remarks he made at a private donor dinner.
In the video secretly recorded earlier this year, he disparages Obama voters, saying they pay no income tax.
Mr Romney’s critics say he should follow the example of his father, former Michigan Governor George Romney, who released a dozen years of tax returns during his own unsuccessful run for president in 1968.
The BBC is as usual parroting the US media attack and leaves out Reid’s lie which started this. The BBC then brings up the President’s tax return, for no other reason that to make Him look humble by comparison. It bears no relevance to Romney having to regain ground after the 47%er remark, no relevance to the capital gains issue, no relevance to anything except to compare and contrast the two men’s earnings. We get further spin as Romney being mean and paying only the absolute minimum required, as if it’s unusual. The piece closes with more raising of suspicion about Romney’s other holdings, which is nothing more than spreading falsehoods. There’s nothing illegal about any of it. Not even the Washington Post could say it was. But it’s part of the Left-wing media Narrative, so the BBC thinks it’s a legitimate angle to push down your throats. “Tax experts” say that this latest document release will not stop the rumors, because facts won’t stop media outlets like the BBC from pushing them anyway.
the Culture Show about to start on BBC2 should be vomit inducing
J K Rowling fuck off you lefty slag
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere on the site – anyway the whole media fuss (yes, not only the BBC) over the 15 yr old girl and older teacher going runaway shows the kind of wretched ‘we must think of the children’ crap so ubiquitous nowadays. On another point – Do you think that if the teacher was anything other than White British we would have heard a peep out of the media? With long term widespread abuse of even younger girls by other ‘citizens’ all we get is “cue sounds of wind, enter a tumbleweed”…
I’m sure they’ll be having a Question Time episode real soon where they get the audience to blame the girl’s parents for allowing her to run around unsupervised…..
They will mostly likely do that. Seeing the metro trendy lefty’s at the BBC hate the white british especially the working class with a passion.
They want to punish all white people in this country for not wanting a socialist world government like the cokeheads and sodomites at the BBC dream about.
Here’s a new story about racist white people sending racist pictures and materials to an African-American politician that you can bet the BBC will never report.
Is it cos she is Republican?
To be fair to the BBC, the mainstream US media – whom Mark Mardell has admitted is mostly liberal – is also censoring the story. Since the BBC’s newsgathering approach to the US is based on the Lemming Principle, they won’t be report this, either.
Obviously you’ve misunderstood – yet again – the well-meaning comments from customers of the BBC canteen who occasionally visit this site. Apparently, since you are not a “professional journalist” you fail to appreciate how ignoring or skewing slabs of information, straighforward reporting of which might make the Democrats and their supporters look bad, is in reality giving the BBC audience an impartial and unbiased take on the US elections.
INBBC still censors out any non-Muslim making strong criticism of Muslim violent mobs in Britain or globally, BUT-
INBBC allows a Muslim to make limited criticism of Muslim violent mobs (termed ‘extremists’), in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
So a Muslim can put out an article for INBBC, supporting Pakistan Muslim demos against Western opposition to Islam, while only making criticism of the tone of those Muslim demos in Pakistan:
“Viewpoint: Consequences of pandering to Pakistan extremists” by Ahmed Rashid.
INBBC would ban an article written by an anti-Islam writer entitled-
“Viewpoint: Consequences of pandering to Britain’s Islamic jihadists”
This is all part of INBBC’s process of Islamising its broadcasting propaganda.
And another example taken from ‘Newsnight’ tonight (which was presented by Comrade Mason, NUJ Father of the Chapel there).
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ together with INBBC ARABIC are working tirelessly on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood government of EGYPT to ensure that monies of the previous Egyptian government in London go to Morsi.
The ‘left’-Muslim Brotherhood political alliance is operating strongly at INBBC , INBBC Arabic, and at’Newsnight’.
The worst part of that for me was:
And the refusal of the West to meet half-way on containing hate material is being further fuelled by extremists who find it convenient to stake their claim in such troubled moments.
Yep, it’s our fault. Stupid victims. This is the same damn song the BBC was singing last year when that silly Florida pastor mentioned out loud that he was thinking about burning a Koran. He didn’t even do anything and there was mass violence, and the BBC blamed him.
Still, this is yet another not-so-tacit-anymore admission that the adherents to this religion are prone to violence. The BBC really ought to stop publishing this kind of racist talk.
Come to that Michael Nazir-Ali, the ex-Bishop of Rochester (until forced out by white liberal bishops) was the only C of E cleric the beeb allowed to talk about conservative Christian values.
He’s now in Pakistan standing up for Christians, rather than attacking them like Rowan Williams and his sharia mates. Naturally Williams’ muezzins at al-Beeb keep keep quiet about this.
The ‘today’ programme just after 8 this morning blaming the police and social workers for the organised sexual abuse of young girls, but studiously avoiding blaming the men who actually did it, and who they are – gangs of Muslims targeting non-Muslim white girls for rape.
Nice one, Al-Beeb. Chalk another one up for ‘multiculturalism’. No, seriously – well done. Scumbags.
“of course very culturally sensitive” ??!*”?
“maybe we gave the girls TOO MUCH responsibility”??!*!?
which leads to the assumption, “they were just a bunch of slags”?!*? ….
“wanted to explore their sexuality anyway” …
thats it, i can t even type anymore of this loaded filth.
this is to the bbc 5live s nick campbell/and the social spokesman … the most shameful, disgusting display i ve heard, (that … is saying volumes) from them on this.
during the course of this (probably over 10 mins) segment, all of the above get repeated some three times,
but no muslim, no islam, hell not even pakistani …
Despite S Yorks police chief going to be questioned about failure to prosecute, the protectionism of the perps. by MP s. The bbc still will not name this culture – this ideology – correctly … deliberate evasion, protectionism?
listen to it the end of 5live breakfast, and your call
don t worry folks … the bbc want to hear from you if your a social workers this morning, but not from anyone else
that i can confirm that.
5live your call … and (surprise surprise) 20 mins in and
well! 😀 … there aren t any …
” during the course of this (probably over 10 mins) segment, all of the above get repeated some three times,
but no muslim, no islam, hell not even pakistani …”
Good grief, do you mean to say they didn’t get round to saying that if only these girls were dressed appropriately (IE in a burqa) they wouldn’t have “invited” their own abuse?
INBBC and its ‘Asian’ gangs, not only in South Yorkshire but also in Rochdale (and many other English towns too):-
INBBC, which does everything it can to censor out the Muslim/Islamic attributes of the perpetrators, wonders why the crimes of the sex gangs are not understood!
“Rochdale abuse: Social services ‘missed opportunities'”
It is not until near the end of the long INBBC article that even the grossly inaccurate phrase ‘Asian men’ is used.
On that dreadful ‘news’ programme on Radio 4 this morning the child-rapists were described as form Pakistani and one of Afgani origin, wnd the victims as whilte. Of course then the focus of the programme was on failures by social services and the police.
At 9.00 after Today had finished the headlines simply refered to male perpertratiors and female victims. So and religious, race or identity issue brushed back under the carpet.
I asssume a similare approach will be taken on the anniversary of the Blessed St. Stephen, ‘well Mrs. Lawrence personal tragedy for you but as you know boys will kill boys. Do you feel any guilt about perusuing this divisive race vendetta which has not been at all good for community cohesion’.
how out of touch? … even when someone bluntly tells it like it is? … overseas aid!
well! when you have al bbc & mp s singing from the same hymnsheet, you get conveniently sidelined.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b01mw38x/ just listen in here 20 mins in.
bridie smith representing the 70% polled who are against overseas aid only last week! dishes it out
(if you can bear it to listen to scameron, and plaid cymru s excusery pap that is)
INBBC and Islamic Republic of IRAN.
INBBC gives over most of this article to Ahmadinejad propaganda against the West:
-But , INBBC doesn’t ask this question:-
“Why is a genocide-threatening tyrant allowed to park his plane at Andrews Air Force Base, 10 miles from the White House?”
By Nile Gardiner
this is just a great interview
In islam slander literally means criticise ie anything they
don t like …. for dave preiser listen in to mr obama 😀
needless to say not on al bbc anytime soon.
Specifically, it comes under the rules of ‘slander and talebearing’ in shari’ah law. The whole point of which is so Islamic authorities can positively control what non-muslims can and cannot say about Islam.
Patrick Jenkin – on the phone vis-a-vis Mandelson in the studio – commented on Today this morning that he couldn’t understand why the BBC had invited Mandelson on and not asked Mandy why he’s not resiling from his prescription when in government (that the UK should dump sterling and join the euro) had turned out to be a complete crock. Jenkin implied that there’s no point in interviewing Mandy since all his sermons boil down to preaching how wonderful is the EU and the euro system which the UK should join at the earliest opportunity in case we’re excluded from the mythical “top table”. Jenkin might have added that one of the conditions of Mandy continuing to receive his EU pension is to support any old policy which comes out of the collective backside of Brussels and thus anything Mandy says or prescribes concerning the EU is hopelessly compromised.
Mandy was not asked to respond let alone defend the indefensible and Jenkin was talked over for much of his contribution to this “debate”. The ostensible justification for this “debate” concerned a possible referendum. Jenkin noted – between interruptions – that Mandy had conceded that a referendum might be in order although the BBC rep sounded relieved that Jenkin in turn conceded that such a referendum might not be a simple “in or out” one.
It seems to me that we’re being softened up for a meaningless “concession” from the political class which would allow a single referendum but only on a further stitch-up where we’ll be able to “choose” between going on as we are or having a formal federal EU: in other words slow- or quick-motion national suicide. This isn’t to say I’m 100% in favour of an “in or out” referendum right now: I’d rather follow the Article 50 process than a rigged “in-or-out” process.
BTW am I the only commenter affected by this site’s new habit of hiding most of the box below “Post Comment” (with the quotes from various BBC luminaries) so that I cannot predict how my comment will display.
No, you’re not. I’ve had that too, when there are no comments below. In fact I’ve got it right now.
For me it occurs when commenting at the end of a long thread. Replies like this one or early comments seem not to be affected.
This bug is due to crap code in one file from the theme developers. They thought they were improving something but it caused this bug instead. They say it can’t be fixed via the usual WordPress editor window, but must be deleted from the file itself by someone with access to the server. I don’t have that access, but this will get fixed soon.
Tory councillor criticises ‘political correctness’: BBC-NUJ goes ballistic, and, of course, supports his political opponent.
Welcome to the Brave New World where councillors are investigated for expressing an opinion.
And the only “other news site” mentioned is this one from a trade union.
Thomas Sowell is on the Dennis Miller show after 5pm today if anyone’s interested.
David Dimbleby chairs Question Time from Brighton. On the panel: Labour’s deputy leader Harriet Harman MP, chief secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander MP, Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg, TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp and comedian Steve Coogan.
please god no……..
Jacob Rees-Mogg no doubt there to provide the ‘aloof Tory toff’ whipping boy.
Over at the Commentator…
Someone tell the BBC that turkeys don’t vote for Christmas
BBC portrays the view that the National Health Service ‘could get worse by 2013′ based on NHS finance directors’ biased judegement
Readers won’t be surprised to hear that yet again, one arm of Britain’s bloated government is propagandising on behalf of another.
This morning, the BBC published an article, and ran with a story on the BBC Breakfast programme about ‘reductions’ in the budget of the National Health Service (NHS). Of course, given the government’s ring-fencing commitment, there are no real-term reductions to the NHS budget. But let’s not let the facts stand in the way.
‘The BBC’s slant therefore on this research serves the organisation’s social, political and economic agenda, all the while bolstering factual inaccuracies and giving a greater voice to vested interests.’
And now, in other…ahem.. BBC ‘news’… backed by BBC-rigged ‘research’…
The latest BBC report on the US economy:
US economy grows less than thought
Growth in the US economy between April and June has been revised downwards.
US economy grows less than we were told by the Government, who keep fudging the numbers
Growth in the US economy between April and June has been revised downwards. Again.
There, fixed that for them.
For INBBC to report:
“Muslim cleric tears up and burns New Testament at U.S. Embassy in Cairo: Watch for international Christian riots — no, wait…”
[‘Jihadwatch’, excerpt]:-
“Christians will not, of course, riot over this. Christians realize that the Muslim cleric who destroyed this copy of the New Testament has harmed neither them nor the New Testament, and that to harm or kill innocent people because of this would be criminal madness. And as for his being charged with blasphemy, while it is good to see that Muslim Brotherhood Egypt is willing to enforce its blasphemy laws even against Muslims, blasphemy should not be a matter of criminal law anywhere: it is too much a matter of judgment rather than an objective reality, and it risks establishing an ideology as protected from criticism, which is the road to tyranny.”
If BBC-NUJ ever reported this item, would be classified under ‘Sports’ or ‘Middle East’?:-
I really enjoyed the new comic creation Steve Coogan introduced on Question Time last night. It was Alan Partridge meets Dave Spart – Partridge as a Tory- hating leftwing droid. His tap dance around the Rochdale affair was simply marvellous, darling. He avoided the words ‘Pakistani’, ‘Islam,’ and ‘muslim’ but managed to get in ‘Catholicism’ and ‘Daily Mail’. Bravo, Mr Coogan.
I agree. He was hilarious. Pathetic but hilarious. A classic example of why luvvies,comedians , sportsmen and the rest should stick to their trades and leave well alone.
Two contrasting reports on Muhammad film arrest:
“Sharia in action in the U.S.: Man behind Muhammad movie arrested”
“Nakoula Basseley Nakoula apparently deceived many people in order to get his crude movie made. It has even been suggested that he is a jihadist who made the movie in order to provide a provocation that Islamic supremacists could use to push for destruction of the freedom of speech. But no matter who he really is, no matter how terrible of a man he may be, no matter how checkered his past or present or both may be, make no mistake: he is a political prisoner. He has been arrested not for the technicality of the probation violation, but for insulting Muhammad. His arrest is a symbol of America’s capitulation to the Sharia.
“The protests are not about the film. The protests are to intimidate the U.S. into criminalizing criticism of Islam. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is nothing more than the fall guy who became the first offender against the new federal crime of blasphemy against Islam.”
“Nakoula Basseley Nakoula held for violating probation”
A couple of weeks ago a programme called ‘The Choir’ was on and I watched it for a bit, ‘cos I like a bit of singing although I can’t abide ‘X Factor’ etc. This was set in Lewisham Hospital and it was all a solemn paean to our long-suffering multi-culti NHS saints.
Then the next episode was about Bristol Post Office workers, this time nary a dark skin to be seen so what we got instead was loads of heroic working class labourites whingeing about privatisation, job conditions and how worried they were about that classic BBC emotional dread word ‘Cuts’.
The next one looks like it’ll be about (no doubt bolshie) airport workers. The beeb never miss an opportunity to educate us about our false consciousness do they?