I’ve received several emails from Biased BBC readers concerning this story – the BBC reporting of the sexual grooming of young white girls by men of “Pakistani origin” (aka Muslim)in Rochdale It almost seems as if the BBC is determined to sanitise the link between Islam and predatory sexual activity. Everyone and everything is to blame, it seems, apart from that which propels these deviants – namely their faith system.
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David, have you seen the BBC front page this morning – yes, they are leading on the Rochdale story, bounced into it I think, but beneath their headline story are FOUR from May this year, two of which aim to deny the race link (which as you say is more properly a religion link). Never seen that before – lead story on a ‘news’ site supported by four four month old stories…
Now, you know how news works – this is a diary piece; they knew this report was coming out, but chose to do no background writing. Chose instead to republish old crap. Do we think this is because it was forced on them, a surprise? Do we think it’s because they can’t think of any other way of lying that they haven’t done before?
They’ll change it soon so I’ve pasted the pic up – http://picpaste.com/bbc_rochdale_bias.png
If a few worthless pieces of white working-class scum have to be sacrificed in order to maintain harmony in this blissful multicultural utopia of ours, then surely it’s a small price to pay . . .
“of course very culturally sensitive” ??!*”?
“maybe we gave the girls TOO MUCH responsibility”??!*!?
which leads to the assumption, “they were just a bunch of slags”?!*? ….
“wanted to explore their sexuality anyway” …
thats it, i can t even type anymore of this loaded filth.
this is to the bbc 5live s nick campbell/and the social spokesman … the most shameful, disgusting display i ve heard, (that … is saying volumes) from them on this.
during the course of this (probably over 10 mins) segment,
but no muslim, no islam, hell not even pakistani …
when you listen to this, the excusery pap, from apologists, social workers, and the islamic peadostani child gang rapists … all seem to entwine .. appalling
Despite S Yorks police chief going to be questioned about failure to prosecute, the protectionism of the perps. by MP s.
The bbc still will not name this culture – this ideology – correctly … deliberate evasion, protectionism?
listen to it the end of 5live breakfast, and your call
don t worry folks … the bbc want to hear from you if your a social workers this morning, but not from anyone else
that i can confirm that.
5live your call … and (surprise surprise) over 20 mins in and
well! … there aren t any …
We know what’s going on, they know we know what’s going on, but I’m sure the lives of the type of poor girls that are destroyed by these pieces of Muslim peado scum aren’t of great interest to the modern left. They’d rather keep on reporting the distorted NUJ view of any incident involving non-indigenous perpetrators.
The internet (the truth) is the lefts worst enemy.
…which is why they’d love to ̶r̶e̶g̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶ censor it…and tax the hell out of it – if they could.
They want to licence access to to the internet, and if you cannot keep “on message” you lose your licence to contribute to it. You would still be allowed to access the “politically correct” parts of it, but not contribute any of your own truth to it.
I’m waiting for the idea to be suggested that perhaps regulating Muslim rape gangs “is the way forward”.
They are already practising SELF- regulation, surely we can trust them to do that properly?
As long as paedo jihad is Sharia compliant, that’s all that should matter to anyone.
For the Police to ignore 10 years of child rape for fear of Political Correctness is a *huge amount of fear to have.
We shouldn’t just be going after the Muslim paedos who benefit from it, we should be going after the lefty scum paedo enablers who generate this fear.
All three political parties are completely paralysed by this fear themselves. The purge of correctnicks aint going to happen without a new political party dedicated to defending British democracy.
in conversation how far have we fallen eh! ..
you know 20 yrs ago if someone wasn t telling the truth, was hiding something we would call them on it.
tell them thats a lie … today “offence”, is seen as some kind of absurd rebuttal to this?
“sensitivity” is given laughably, precedence?
culture??? ……….. oh dont start me on it.
they are child gang rapists, islamic ones, driven by the islamic notion that raping children is ok, especially when it comes to non muslim children, (to their own, under the insane imperative of incest/marriage) …. the suffering of those poor children, means nothing to them … yep! this IS islamic supremacism, the facist ideal …..
the “superior “……
oh and those entrusted with their care? their protection?
start reeling off the excuse book, ?!*?!??.
still … handwringing national broadcaster, deliberately obfuscates ??!*?!??
… i m out
this is just a truly excellent interview
… a must watch
which is particularly pertinent, due to the media/al bbc etc in this case
don t forget in islam slander literally means criticise ie anything they don t like ….
(for dave preiser listen in to mr obama)
needless to say this will not be broadcast on bbc anytime soon.
but it ought to be
It’s a safe bet that anyone who writes for the Commentator will not be on the BBC anytime soon to expound their opinions, unless the BBC have rounded up a lynch squad prior.
Strikes me that in this case, apart from the criminals, its all down to the state.
Despite S Yorks police chief going to be questioned about failure to prosecute, the protectionism of the perps. by MP s.
Just a fact check – its the CPS who decide on prosecutions.
& who forwards to them?
The BBC is desperately trying not to mention “Islam” or “Muslims”. Radio 2, Jeremy Vine, had a female on the mic, who was adamant that this was not about “Asian” men, but MEN. Period.
Typical feminist. For the last decade we have been asking why feminists were not up in arms, not just this sexual exploitation of young girls by Muslims, but the outrage of Female Genital mutilation and the so-called ” Honour” killings. No feminists were in sight or hearing, as they could not in some way turn the last two issues in which men, and in particular White men, could be castigated.
Jeremy Vine let her rant on, without in any way contradicting here. OTH, if any one had pointed out the truth, that the culprits were Muslim men, who were simply following the traditions of Mohammed, he would habve been shouted down, accused of racism and ejected from the studio. Yet kidnappings of Christian girls by Muslim men in Muslim countries, for forced conversion to Islam and then marriage to some old lecher, is a well known practice.
I’ve met plenty of modern day feminists they are all cowards to a woman.
The feministas that didn’t bark in the night.
Feminists are pathetic they scared of their own shadow.
They’re scared of the crescent moon’s baleful shadow. Utterly contemptible. As is the BBC, which will take us all around the ‘Asian’ houses before being dragged to the door of the abode of Islam: the missing link. And we need look no further than the NUJ’s rules for the reporting of non-white crime. Racial equality, equality before the law of the land? These abused young white girls have been treated like so much irrelevant untermensch. Another shameful chapter in our decline.
Feminists are angry and want to destroy a civilisation that gave them everything they have.
They might get their wish if Islam ever took over. Then these feminists would go the same way as the dodo.
Having seen many “feministas” I think the original saying is more apt – The DOGS that didn’t bark in the night. 😉
This is a quick response to this, but FFS are you surprised you don’t have many women … let alone normal women of my age (53) who consider themselves to be feminists … commenting on this site? “DOGS”? “angry and want to destroy a civilisation that gave them everything they have” “pathetic” “scared” “cowards”? Jeez.
Nothing to say about paedophiles targeting under-age girls but motivated enough to comment over a few words. Says it all really and confirms that feminists like yourself are indeed ‘pathetic’, ‘scared’ and ‘cowards’.
How old are you Doyle?
Dez, another drive by, hit-and-run comment that adds nothing to the debate.
Criticise by all means, but give your reasons for the criticism. Smart-arse, sarcastic posts aren’t my idea of debate.
Nothing to say about mooslem Pakistani peadophiles (your pals) targeting underage white working class girls (your enemy) but motivated enough to make a sarky comment (which I don’t even understand even though I’ve got two degrees). Says it all really and confirms what an utter cunt you are.
“Dez, another drive by, hit-and-run comment that adds nothing to the debate.”
Yeah, right… As opposed to; “feminists like yourself are indeed ‘pathetic’, ‘scared’ and ‘cowards’.”
I would apologise for my “Dogs” comment, but the feminists I have seen and heard, and to whom I was referring, have no compunction in making vile acusations against men – and all men!
I was referring only to these horrible women, not women in general, whose hate for men is so over-arching that it affects every aspect of their being.
A good definition of a feminist is “A female chauviniste sow”.
“the feminists I have seen…”
Demon, have you considered the possibility that the ‘feminists’ you’ve actually met and actually talked to don’t actually hate “all men”… They just hate “all men like you“?
Or, in other words, they’re not “feminists”; they are just “most women”.
Just a thought 😉
Oh dear. Clare’s offended. Noone say anything more.
Clare, the reason we dont have self-centred, manipulative harridans like you commenting here is that they’re given the short shrift they deserve.
Like everyone who prefers to take offence than engage in debate, they suffer from huge egos and low self-esteem.
Try a bit of self-respect love, it works wonders.
“self-centred, manipulative harridans like you…”
Congratulations Hippie; you’ve managed to confirm every valid point that Clare made, whilst remaining completely and utterly clueless.
Excellent. A+
‘Strange’ how the biggest insult anyone on this blog can come up with against a bloke who posts contrary opinions here is that they are; “a secret Muslim who probably also works for the BBC etc.”
Meanwhile the biggest insult they can come up with against a woman is that they are;
“a woman”.
I swear this blog gets funnier with each passing day…
5 live’s “Your Call” this morning was the most disgusting on sided biased phone in I have ever born witness too. Talk about ignore the elephant in the room. On and on they went with their PC speak of “Asian” or “British Pakistani”, lots of whites do it “I was touched up by a priest he was white…it was bile. More interesting was a caller right at the end who let slip the Muslim word only to hastely correct himself and say British Pakistani……plant!
from 2hr 41
(don t hold anything fragile)
your call 😀 – only for at least the first 20 odd minutes there aren t any ;-D
It was the main item on the Today programme after the 8:00 news. They managed to spend the entire 15 minutes or so without once wondering whether the pussyfooting of the social workers and police could possibly, just possibly be anything to do with a wish not to appear racist.
No, it was down to bad training that the automatic assumption by all authorities was that 13 year old girls had made this their “lifestyle choice”. How the hell does it need training to spot that 13-year-olds are not in a position to make a choice of that nature? Answer: it doesn’t. The authorities were hamstrung by political correctness which has cost a lot of vulnerable young girls one hell of a lot.
As for the social worker that John Humphrys spoke to, well, words fail me. Blathering on about “lessons to be learned”, “robust responses”. You’d get fewer automatically generated responses from a speak-your-weight machine.
We always hear there are ‘lessons to be learned’ and yet they never do. Curious eh?
But you will note the media focus is on social services, perhaps a mention of the police – what about the CPS? WHY have the CPS consistently refused to prosecute these cases?
Odd that. If a 15 year old absconds to France with a white teacher voluntary, this is a big issue. It will be interesting to see if, when they are caught, this will be excused as a “lifestyle choice”.
This is, of course, all about not wishing to appear ‘racist’.
I heard a social worker say that they needed more training. You know what that means don’t you? Yep, more public spending. This morning the beeb and the social workers heavily involved in the scandal cleverly steered the issue so it became one of training, thus avoiding the issue of predatory muslim Pakistani paedophiles protected and indulged by social workers, the police and local politicians.
…just waiting for the penny to drop at BBC News HQ – the Rochdale scandal is a direct result of……….TORYCUTZ!!!!
Don’t forget Thatcher as well.
Yes, and cuts by the Tories always come with a ‘z’ on the end. Looks good on those marching banners…
Humphrys and Naughtie are the chief gaultiers of Political Correctness.
I well remember the under-arm bowling he gave the disgusting Margarat Hodge over the systematic sexual abuse that children in her Council’s care suffered because of Political Correctness.
Without a new political party to defend British democracy we are inevitably going to end in abject tyranny very soon.
It will be a pervert’s paradise.
Oh, and what are the chances of an independent police investigation on the scale of Operation Weeting to investigate criminal culpability of police officers, social workers etc to protect children from sexual abuse?
A hundred officers isn’t it?
That’s because the BBC whipped up a media storm, but 10 years of impunity to commit sexual abuse of children due to Political Correctness doesn’t merit it.
How depraved is that?
Now if this involved Roman Catholic priests I wonder if their religion would be considered a material fact? Hmmm … just wondering.
So – paedophiles – muslim
Paedophiles – catholics.
Spot the theme – religion.
So how many Rabbis have been done?
What’s the Arch Bish of Cantebury got hidden in his safe? [We know a bit about one diocise]
There are paedophiles in every organisation. There are organised paedophile gangs in social services departments, in the police and judiciary, in the NHS. in schools and nurseries. Why single out religion? Islam, Judaism and Christianity all have their own fair share of perverts and people who can interpret their holy scripture as promoting sex with small children.
I actually welcome what steps the Catholic faith have taken internationally to recognise, accept and admit that there was a problem in their religion with child abuse and to take any steps to tackle it. They need to go further to stamp out child abuse altogether, but that have made a start.
Can anyone name another global religion that has even ADMITTED that there is a problem? Immams and Rabbis all over the world are abusing children, as are priests, reverends, bishops, teachers, nurses, doctors, judges, and social workers.
Let’s get some true perspective here.
Whilst it’s trite that there are of course bad people everywhere, the particular problem with Islam is that their self-appointed “perfect man” actually took a pre-pubescent girl, Aisha, as (one of) his wives and had sex with her aged 9. He was something like 54 at the time. It’s not a case of “interpreting” scripture as promoting sex with children. Islam actually does.
This is why Islam needs to be singled out.
A small, but necessary correction is needed here. Catholicism, for all its many, many faults, is not a paedophile religion but some Catholics are paedophiles.
There is nothing in the scripture that could even be misinterpreted as paedophillic.
There is no problem within Catholicism with paedophilia. There is a problem within the Catholic Church.
It’s an important distinction.
Yes there are Priests offending. However the main Stream media do not pretend that it did not happen, on the contrary revelled in it. Statistics showed 25% of those convicted of child grooming were asian and about the same were white, with 20% “unknown” (would be reasonable to split those down the middle too). So considering the “asian” population as a whole as a percentage of the UK population there clearly is a problem with this group worth reporting. The BBC does not accept it is an asian problem despite many, including some asians that it is and the statistics to back it up. That is because the BBC is biased
That is what this site is about, bias in the media
Yes this is all very well, the BBC will never connect the sexual abuse of white children with Muslims, Islam, men who pray at Mosques or anything remotely Asian. The question is what are YOU going to do about it?
It’s a moot point as to how much of this problem is due to the Muslim attitudes (of some anyway) towards females and how much of it is the refusal to do anything about it.
I suspect it’s a bit of both.
BBC were awful this morning. There was an interview of a Spanish fellow who was mystified by the BBC interviewer whining on about how austerity wouldn’t help – he kept pointing out (in more words) “we’re broke and borrowing more costs us a fortune” but they didn’t seem to get it.
When people are morally bankrupt dont expect them to understand the basics of financially bankruptcy.
The two are inextricably linked.
I have heard them mention the word “Asian” a couple of times today on the BBC in relation to this story… But that too is a problem. I am pretty sure than none of the perverts jailed for this systemic, violent rape of white children were Chinese, or Japanese, or Korean, or Malaysian, or Tibetan, or Burmese, or Indonesian, or Russian, or even Iranian etc….
No they were all Pakistani Islamics who have a cultural bias against women in general and white girls specifically.
It is about time the BBC had the balls to admit this.
What are you doing about it Mona?
‘Daily Mail’ presents a somewhat more realistic picture than BBC-NUJ.
(Even ‘Daily Mail’, like all NUJ people, uses misleading word ‘Asian’.)
“Council and police had 107 warnings about sex abuse in town where Asian gang raped dozens of children, finds damning report”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209261/Council-83-warnings-sex-abuse-town-Asian-sex-gang-spent-years-raping-dozens-children-young-10.html#ixzz27f68t4Xk
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Greetings thou fellow imbibers of ye truth.
Alas, I’m not going to be on here for a while as I’m off on my holidays to Devon before I start my new job! So I will leave by joining in with the utter disgust at the BBC peddling this race nonsense when we all know what the real reasons are behind these revolting, grotesque and hideous cases of child rape. Also, why are the BBC trying to sanitize these foul abuses with the PC term, ‘grooming’? IT”S NOT GROOMING IT’S PAEDOPHILIA! Fear of painting the Religion of Peace in a negative light is, in my opinion, the best evidence we have of BBC bias…
Thank you Mr Vance and everyone else on here for having the guts to voice the truth!
Your humble servant,
They did “groom” these young girls, before violently and repeatedly raping them.
I do not understand why the BBC wants to see many more victims of violent rape at the hands of these perverts. The Rochdale case is the tip of the iceberg and there are many more Pakistani Islamic child rape gangs operating still. By playing down and refusing to acknowledge the racial, cultural and religious core of these crimes, they are allowing these crimes to continue.
The BBC is a very very sick organisation.
This has been going on for 10 years now.
Who lit the blue touch paper for Muslim depravity to raise its ugly head again?
How long ago was 11-S?
you are right it is pedophilia to use the everyday definition if not the clinical definition which means an interest in prepubescent children. It is interesting how the media swing between the two definitions to defend Muslim groomers. The Independent took a couple of sentences in their article to argue that the men were not pedophiles because the girls were not prepuberty. So i did a search on the independent and quickly found several white sex offenders convicted of offences against girls in their teens but under 16 who were described as, you guessed it “pedophiles”. This inclused of course Roman Polanski described by the Independent as “not your common or garden pedophile” His victim was of course 13 and yes he is a pedophile
BBC Gamesmaker Nicky Campbell is a berk of the first water; but he is a useful weathervane of more general Beeboid opinion.
Early in the discussion about the failure of the police on this issue (the police being emphasised as at fault rather than other agencies) Campbell then stressed this point…
‘….so what we are talking about here is misogyny on the part of the police in their attitude towards these girls, rather than some idea of inverted racism…’
So you see how WE have decided to play this one? Well afterall, the cops are a lost cause as far the BBC are concerned.
Oh and another thing ….do I hear Labour/BBC calling for a full blown judge led public enquiry on this one?
Or was that just another piece of tumbleweed drifting across the airwaves?
‘the cops are a lost cause as far the BBC are concerned.’
Wellllll…. that can rather depend on who the cops are dealing with.
What the hell is “inverted racism”. Is Nicky Campbell suggesting that “true” racism can only operate in one direction and that any other sort of racism has to be qualified? (don’t bother replying, I know the answer).
BTW, not a BBC issue, but it is also interesting to note that I haven’t seen a single report anywhere in any media even suggesting that the girls’ parents might be held even slightly responsible for what was happening to their daughters. I’m not saying they should be held totally to blame, but I guess along with the possible influence of the teachings of Islam on the mens’ thinking, that is also a taboo idea.
Perhaps Campbell should remind himself of what the Judge in the case said;
Judge Clifton told them: “All of you treated (the victims) as though they were worthless and beyond respect.”
“One of the factors leading to that was the fact that they were not part of your community or religion.
“Some of you, when arrested, said it (their arrest) was triggered by race. That is nonsense. What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.”
Evan Davies should do the same, for it was he, this morning, trying to downplay the cultural / ethnicity element, invited Jack Straw to agree that given the failures it ‘wouldn’t matter what colour skin or ethnic background…’ [listen from 8:20sec in – linked below]. It was a strange and somewhat defensive interjection on his part.
Campbell, the BBC and the left wing media have played a part in this failure, their hi-jacking of our values and culture and their imposition of illiberal, liberal dogma and the failure of state sponsored multi-culturalism, their manipulation of British people’s ideals, beliefs and goodwill has created a crisis of confidence in our authorities and the wider community which, in turn, allowed these abuses to go unchecked.
I point the finger at the last government and their Race Relations (Amendment) Act, which while, rightly, ensured freedom from unlawful discrimination, went on to place a duty, on all public bodies, to promote good race relations – and to do so or face severe public sanction.
This was a crass, stupid and patronising piece of unecessary social engineering, which the BBC have taken to their heart and has stopped the police and others in the public sector from carrying out their roles without fear or favour.
Stop on. Well said.
I do find it a bit frustrating that the parents of the children are not held equally culpable. After all, as the BBC reported they were told she had ‘fallen in with a bad crowd’. So do your flipping jobs, folks! Protect her by being a damned parent for once!
Yes there is an element of that, but there can be times when even the best parents need support from the authorities. And that support simply wasn’t there. There were reports of a father accused of racism by the police and threatened with arrest when he tried to confront the gang that was abusing his daughter.
This is true. The families of the raped girls were targeted and intimidated by large gangs of Islamic Pakistani males. The police, CPS, social services never lifted a finger to help them and instead, due to endless tax-payer funded diversity brainwashing courses, sided with the violent racist misogynistic paedophile rapists instead.
ALL these vile, anti-white, anti-English diversity training courses should be scrapped immediately.
It’s actually even worse than that. If I may re-post my comment from http://biasedbbc.tv/2012/09/24/hullo-hullo-hullo-whats-not-going-on-here-then/
I’ve now read the full Times story (about the Rotherham cases) and the full complicity of the Police with the Muslim criminals is clear. Sorry I can’t give an online link to The Times (behind Murdoch’s paywall) but I copied word-for-word these two examples:
Police went to a house where a father was demanding the release of his daughter, who was inside with a group of British Pakistani (sic) adults. Officers found the girl, 14, who had been drugged, under a bed. The father and his daughter were arrested for racial harassment and assault respectively. Police left, leaving three men at the house with two more girls.
A 13-year-old girl was found at 3 a.m. with disrupted clothing in a house with a large group of Asian men who had fed her vodka. A neighbour reported the girl’s screams. Police arrested the child for being drunk and disorderly but did not question the men.
Blaming the girl for being the victim of sexual crime, whilst ignoring the men, is what we hear daily from the Taliban. We should not have it from the British Police.
But it seems that they have been so subjected to loony leftie brainwashing that they cannot imagine a Muslim criminal.
‘Equally culpable’?
I don’t think so. Do you hold the parents of the Hillsborough victims responsible for their childrens’ deaths? After all, they let them go to the match…
Not even remotely comparable.
Many of these children, and they are remember CHILDREN, were under the care of social services at the time they were ‘groomed.’
erm,,, One father did tell a muzzy to keep away from his daughter, he was charged by the police for a hate crime. Haven’t you followed this at all?
More of the same on Jeremy Whine, where unless you paid attention, you could easily thing it was the police that had raped these girls.
Nice bit of humbuggery though, asking the question were these girls abandoned by the system because they were worthless underclass sluts anyway (thereby subtly exploiting the very class hatred they claim to be shocked by).
Answer: don’t be stupid plus not all of them were from classic chav backgrounds anyway.
Apparently these crimes were committed by ‘9 men’ and the closest we got to reality was a reference to them being ‘Pakistani’ and ‘Afghan’, but only so as to dismiss the straw man of a racial aspect to the case.
Needless to say, PC was not mentioned once, and no one suggested that if social workers really had concealed crimes, they should be treated at least as harshly as a cop who makes a naughty joke.
What we did have was ‘writer and broadcaster’ – and misandrous nutter – Bea Campbell to explain that all men were guilty.
Yep, the same show that insists there’s no larger conclusion to be drawn from the fact that these gangs were entirely Islamic and targeted only Infidels, is perfectly happy to have a feminist nutter on there doing the Millie Tant thing.
and no one suggested that if social workers really had concealed crimes, they should be treated at least as harshly as a cop who makes a naughty joke.
I’d like to see individual police and social workers and CPS facing criminal prosecution for aiding and abetting. Statements on oath, perverting justice charges for anyone hiding evidence. Get them in court – its the only way the truth will out and future cases will be treated seriously.
Or we could have that “judge led inquiry” that has been mentioned above?
holding my breath awaiting a Labour politician to ask for one.
Shit I had to breath or die.
Mind out! I’m sharpening my shears and putting on my warpaint after reading the misogynistic bile and insults from the woman-hating nutters here. Vile curs! I’ll have their hides.
Both Woman’s Hour and the 1.00 news raised the race/religion question today in their discussions of this case.
Let me guess…. As a way of saying that race/culture had nothing to do with these crimes? That is the current BBC position. These crimes are about bad men abusing vulnerable females and the police failures.
Not years of diversity brainwashing leading to the critical people in a vastly bloated public sector set up to protect these vulnerable children, actually leading to them allowing these girls being sacrificed in order to not burst a Politically Correct fantasy that all foreigners are good and they only enrich our society.
All these tax-payer funded “diversity trainers” should be sacked.
They do not preach equality or respect. They promote disharmony, resentment, hatred and guaranteed that many more white girls became victims of these violent Islamic paedophiles, than needed to be the case.
On Jeremy Wine this lunchtime, he had on a screaming harpie radical feminist who instisted that this was a mysogynistic evil male problem rather than a cultural one. Jeremy, (to his credit) did ask her if the culture or race or religion of the rapists had any effect on this as the victims were white?
He was just giving her an excuse to launch her tirade of “It may have given them a slight frisson of added excitement just as black men raping white women or white men raping black women would, and the vast majority of sexual abuse is carried out by WHITE MEN, but this is primarily an issue of evil men attacking vulnerable females.”
So in direct contradiction of the Judge’s summing up in the Rochdale case, this is not a cultural, race issue, but is only about vile white men raping vulnerable women… According to the BBC.
Forget the fact that when these vile Islamic perverts were sentenced, Islamic men from the region were interviewed and they admitted themselves that this WAS a cultural/religious issue and that there are a lot of men in their own communities who see women as lower than filth, and white girls, white children, in-particular as non-human sexual toys to be violently abused with impunity purely due to their cultural heritage.
With all the accusations flying around around about the police and social services failing these poor girls, I wonder if the local newspapers and even the BBC local News both radio and television were aware of what was going on but chose to ignore it? I cannot believe the press and media were ignorant of this. Can we expect an investigation into press standards?
On the World at One it was postulated that the police etc. failed these girls because to pursue the cases would give racists and the far right ammunition and publicity against Pakistani Muslims. Probably the case, but if the roles were reversed you can bet the left wing press and BBC would run and run any links with for example the Catholic Church, the EDL or BNP.
Finally, I noticed that on the Today programme, time and again the girls were referred to as’ vulnerable’, effectively sanitising the role of the vile, evil rapists and paedophiles that preyed on them.
But they were vulnerable, which means that the increased tens of billions of pounds which labour spent in their own heartlands, should have bought these girls from labour’s heartlands plenty of protection and opportunity in life.
Sadly labour’s obsession with political correctness and importing as many Islamics as possible and their constant on-going diversity brainwashing courses created the situation whereby the same over-funded, overstaffed and bloated social services departments were incapable of offering ANY protection to those who needed it, and they spent a lot of time and money protecting the vile paedophiles instead, purely down to the colour of their skin.
BBC-NUJ and a particular difficulty for it in reporting ROTHERHAM Muslim sex cases and ‘cover up’?
The South Yorkshire/Rotherham case is running parallel with that of Rochdale case, as has been reported especially by ‘The Times’ this week (and picked up on by ‘B-BBC’ blog thread here:
The particular difficulty BBC-NUJ may have is with the role of Mr DENIS MACSHANE, MP for Rotherham.
It is very unlikely that that BBC-NUJ would want to criticise whoever the MP for Rotherham was for not bringing to light the local Muslim sex crimes, and their ‘cover up’ by South Yorkshire police and Social Services.
But surely BBC-NUJ would be especially reluctant to do so given that Mr Denis MacShane has been:
1.) BBC employee, 1969-77;
2.) Labour MP for Rotherham since 1994, and so MP during any period of ‘cover up’ of Muslim sex crimes;
3.) President of National Union of Journalists in the period when the NUJ instigated censorship rules on how all the NUJ membership in UK should report on ‘race’.
‘The particular difficulty BBC-NUJ may have is with the role of Mr DENIS MACSHANE, MP for Rotherham.’
I bet he’s never had a cross word with a police officer though, which currently probably means he’s tickedy boo on Auntie’s nice vs. norty list.
If he had a some mock Tudor’s on his second home during the expenses scandal he may have had a slap wrist on the rankings, but ‘representing’ a constituency his fellow party members have ensured is getting literally and figuratively f***ed every which way… probably a fast track to join Prescott in every BBC Green Room going.
I’m also noting a distinct absence of cherry vultures again. Another bonding session in the Welsh Hills on the fee payer?
I hadn’t seen this post when I also added my comment on the lack of Beeboids on here.
No worries.
Sometimes, one the currently mercifully absent flock justifies the BBC’s excavations into ordure by somehow reasoning that if the Daily Telegraph does it too, then all must be well in the 4th estate.
Sadly, two wrongs still fail to make a right.
To answer this lady’s question, nothing more eloquent could be possible than the ‘comments are closed’ barrier once she was had her say.
The media are entirely complicit in what happens, as much by what they don’t say or ‘enhance’, as anything they presume they know better on how to share.
Stick a stopper in a heating vessel and you will get an explosion.
That’s a lesson I did actually once learn as a kid, and have avoided repeating ever since.
Unlike our self-deluding politico-media establishment.
I had the misfortune to hear Shelagh Fogarty on Radio 5 about 12.30 today. The BBC had managed to find a woman whose children had been groomed by a Christian school headmaster, so she ‘interviewed’ her rather than any of those really connected to the widespread (Rochdale/ Rotherham/ Oldham/ anywhere with a large ‘Asian’ ‘community’) organised grooming gangs.
I am not usually one to dredge up history. But I’m going to here. Pakistan is an Islamic country, created by Britain on the “persuasion” of 1 Muhammad Ali Jinnah aka Quaid-i-Azam. Pakistan has a population of about 140 million with about 95% Muslim. India has a population of 1 billion, with about 200 million Muslims. And the birthday of Prophet Mohammed is a public holiday in India.
Ifthikar & Zardana Ahmed who were convicted a few months ago of killing their own daughter, Shafilea are from Pakistan. Now the Rochdale sex grooming men are also reported of Pakistani origin. The late Osama Bin Laden was also killed in Pakistan.
I can’t help but imagine what would have happened if the British had not listened to Mr. Jinnah and instead granted independence to 1 India as requested by Gandhi, Nehru et. al.
Sometimes, in life, we really do reap what we sow & it’s not always nice.
I agree, the creation of Pakistan was a terrible mistake, if a way could have been found to give independence to a unified India the world would be a better place.
This thread is a Dandy/Dez/Scott/Emus/Gregory free zone so far. I wonder why!
Maybe they are at a group meeting at the bush house bunker, plotting the strategy of excuses?
1. Just logged on — on the train going home.
2. Why ruin your fun?
3. After the last utterly contemptible racist thread I decided not to get involved in any more foul racist exchanges. I am not replying to any comments about this response. I find the attitude of many, probably most, people on this blog when it comes to Muslims to be utterly abhorrent.
4. The defining characteristic of these men is their nationality not their religion. You don’t see Arab Muslims nor Malaysians doing this. It is a sick, depraved and heinous trait of some members of the Pakistani community. Yes I know one was an Afghan but the links between the two communities are very close.
5. THe comments about the division of India are nonsense.
6. As you were.
Well, that’s me convinced. On the basis of some possibly ill-thought-out Muslim-bashing posts above there are no grounds to consider that the police and social services might have backed off due to a fear of appearing to be racist.
Do people like Mr Emus never stop to consider that Muslim-bashing posts are an inevitable result of them appearing to be treated with kid gloves due to their race or religion and no-one in authority wanting to talk about it?
‘no-one in authority wanting to talk about it?’
Well, certainly those from ‘if there’s a hole, who can resist jumping in and digging deeper fraternity’ and their evidently piecework basis-compensated knee-jerk defenders.
‘Rochdale abuse victim treated ‘like a piece of meat’
Cries for help were ignored by police and social services. Young girls who had been groomed, beaten and raped were written off as teenagers simply making bad choices. The system failed continually to grasp opportunities to stop the exploitation of children.
Now, which ‘system’ would that be?
‘it was written on a banner and held up outside social services by Sarah’s mum, Marie, driven to such desperate measures because “no one was listening”.’
One that is, at best, selective in the lessons it learns, or what it chooses to report on, it seems.
As to the quaint ‘brought to the attention of the authorities’ corker (he really wrote that?), I feel there is only one response appropriate, given a lot of not very good folk in newsrooms seem/ed keen on bringing to their attention some daft things over others possibly a smidge more serious…
And in the same demanding spirit, it seems the US has its own crew of cherry vultures who appear to know better how newsrooms should work… to their whims… http://nofrakkingconsensus.com/2012/09/28/the-anti-free-speech-brigade/
“You don’t see ARAB MUSLIMS nor Malaysians doing this? .. 😀 (shakes head) … taking malays out of it, are you wilfully ignorant?, it must be deliberate right?
nurse … he s out again! 😀 ……..
oh! i suggest, you look up arab and muslim and, sexual slavery, child slavery
child rape, child marriage, etc.
thats nearly as bad as this corker of yours :-
“I am staggered that David Vance puts his name to this blog. I have today drawn the attention of this thread to BBC NI to see if they really think he is someone suitable to appear on their programmes”
On point 5 . The division of Imperial India. I suggest you read up the history before making your comment.
Well Nickers, me old chum! Pakistani is a race, whereas Islam isn’t. Therefore you are the one making “foul racist” comments if anyone is. And to use more of your own words you are admitting that your attitude is “utterly abhorrent”.
It’s a very brave admission Nicked and I am sure Mr Griffin, who said the same things as you, will have a nice warm seat by his side just for you.
Plenty of British Christian paedophile gangs out there. And is the Christian faith the issue with paedophilia in the Catholic church?
If you are going to use terms like ‘contemptible’ and bandy about selective ‘isms in posts explaining why you keep coming back to ignore this blog and get again offended by some posts, I am unsure if doing worse, over and over, is really going to help extricate you from your excavation efforts on behalf of the BBC.
if there were plenty then the stories would be all over the bbc, guardian and independent rather than lenghthy articles saying that the ones in court just happen to be muslim but there are plenty of white ones too.
I managed to catch both the Today programme and the Woman’s Hour programme as I was out on the road.
At the heart of the failings seemed to be a sense of “make it go away” in that the authorities were probably aware of what was really driving this and in their fear, they simply wished it would go away. It was cowardice and fear that was at the heart of the “failures” and to be honest had jack sh*t to do with training. If it were such an issue how come this failing applied to seperate services i.e. the Police, CPS, Social Services? One group you could argue such a problem but more than that points to something else.
The BBC showed their colours when Jack Straw was being interviewed about his latest book and got asked about it. I can’t recall how but this was the first time that the race element got introduced that I could hear. Straw said something and Davis suddenly made a huge jump to shoehorn the notion that most paedophiles were white and race wasn’t an issue. I’m normally the first to wade into people like Straw but I had to take my hat off to him when he pointed out that there was definately a cultural aspect to this case that you couldn’t run away from. That interviewed finished quite swiftly when Straw wasn’t buying Davis’ line.
It was only when we got to Woman’s hour that the race issue was examined. They interviewed someone who was in the child safeugarding role (but wasn’t there at the time of the abuse) and was asked about why the investigation that had so far been carried out did not address the question of was race involved.
Cue the claptrap. It seems that it will be looked at as part of the Serious case review but it was not included in what we learned was a Learning Event . Having been in the public sector I know that when hocus pocus phrases like that are bandied about we’re into joss sticks and no blame.
But no, race hadn’t been looked at as an aspect at this point. If you would like to know why, it turns out that it was a question that was partly asked but everyone at the learning event decided that there was no cultural question to answer. No answer as to how they made that decision. I can’t remember how it was worded but it struck me the tone of that answer was akin to “ooh no. It wasn’t a culture thing, perish the thought and we just won’t look there”. I found that odd given what had come from the Rotherham report.
Whatever the ultimate findings I have to say, the sanctimonious approach of the BBC this morning made we want to vomit almost as much as the squirming of everyone who had a hand in this scandal. I found it amazing how indignant they were at people squirming to avoid blame, whilst squirming themselves to avoid the question so many others were asking.
ITV news correspondent says she knows of at least 9 similar cases due before the courts.
Is there a link for this please?
It’s OK I have seen the report by Penny Marshall myself now…..thank you for posting.
Wasn’t this Muslim grooming problem high-lighted by Nick Griffin about a decade ago? And didn’t the BBC secretly record his “vile racist lies..”
If memory serves the Beeb didn’t investigate his claims (well, they wouldn’t, would they?) but passed the tapes to the police who also clearly didn’t bother to look into the matter. No, they decided to prosecute the leader of the BNP.
It seems impossible that the BBC and the police didn’t realise this vile horror was going on. If one tiny, insignificant political pressure group knew what was happening how come our law enforcement agencies and our leading news gathering organisation didn’t?
It stinks!
The BBC is a nest of vile sick people who will pay for what they have done in this life and the next.
It was much easier to shoot the messenger wasn’t it.
Their vilification of Griffin worked.
They didn’t like his message (whistleblowing) then, and they dont like that same message now.
Paxo burned his fingers trying to demolish Tommy Robinson on Newsnight, and I suspect he won’t invite a re-run, but they will continue to heap shit on any organisation such as the EDL or English Freedom, as generally it has been seen to work. Well so far that is. It’s my belief that things are slowly changing, thro’ sites like this one.
“Everyone and everything is to blame, it seems, apart from that which propels these deviants – namely their faith system.”
Let’s consider a few facts…
As confirmed by someone else on this blog recently, the most recent figures available show that in 2007 there were 8106 convicted sex offenders serving time in Prison.
Of those, 456 were classified as “Asian”. That more or less includes everybody who identified themselves as Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese or Arab.
Let’s (for the sake of argument) assume all of them are Muslims. Then let’s double that figure. Not enough? Let’s double it again…
That gives a figure of 1824 (might be muslim) sex offenders.
Or, in other words; 0.06% of the total UK Muslim population.
Which would leave 99.94% of the total UK Muslim population who (shock horror) weren’t ‘propelled’ to be deviant because of their religion.
On average, everyone in Britain has less than 2 legs. But I’m not walking with a limp. Wonder why stats don’t work ?
If this issue wasn’t so serious I’d laugh
And how many child victims of those 7650 non-Asian sex offenders were ignored by police and social workers on the basis it was a “lifestyle choice”, I wonder?
You can “prove” a hell of a lot with statistics. Perhaps they show the number of Asian sex offenders in prison isn’t high enough because the authorities turn a blind eye?
Let’s assume the other 7,650 (8106 minus 456) sex offenders were all non-Moslems/non-Asian and let’s also assume for the sake of argument that they were all white. Also assume that these figures for 2009 are near enough to the 2007 figures. In that case, the white non-Moslem incarcerated sex offenders were 0.017 per cent of the white population (45.3 million). Still doesn’t look good does it?
The whole premise is that the authorities don’t investigate/prosecute the Pakistani gangs. So pointing out that they are under-represented in the conviction figures completely misses the point.
But keep trying, Dez.
You complete moron Dez. It is this sort of desparate, unthinking fuckwittery that is handing ammunition to the likes of the BNP.
If you can’t contribute without feeding these vile trolls shut the fuck up.
The ethnicity/culture issue is a real one and the more it is buried and excused the more power is placed into the arguments of the likes of Nick Griffen.
Learn the lessons of History. Give the BNP a banner to fly and the country will go up in flames. And you, you pathetic, silly little troll, will be one of the twisted little firestarters.
Pah, “It is this sort of desparate, unthinking fuckwittery that is handing ammunition to the likes of the BNP.”
All I’ve posted is some facts and figures. Interesting that you choose to describe them in such terms.
“The ethnicity/culture issue is a real one and the more it is buried and excused the more power is placed into the arguments of the likes of Nick Griffen.”
Nick Griffin’s ‘argument’ is exactly that “Asian” pedophiles commit their crimes because of their ethnicity/culture. Directly supported by Alan when he say’s they are propelled by their [muslim] “faith system”.
If you think that posting some actual facts, that demonstrate he vacuousness of Alan’s and Nick’s argument, is actually giving “more power” to that argument… Then I suggest a couple of early nights.
Ooh, your extrapolations are a bit defunct aren’t they Scez?
More to the point over 12% of *convicted child sex offenders are ‘Asian’ (BBCeese for Muslim, I’m glad you accept).
Of course, when we talk about child abuse committed by homosexuals, the disproportionality goes through the roof.
Is this why you’re so keen to downplay Jihad Paedo gangs?
I wonder if Dez’s fondness for stats extends to young black men and street crime?
“Of course, when we talk about child abuse committed by homosexuals, the disproportionality goes through the roof.”
The problem with this pet theory hippiepooter (which seems to be something of a obsession of yours) is that you are also the person defining who is (or isn’t) homosexual.
Or at least the fundamentalist christian website you’ve got this stuff from is.
Do you recognise the inherent problem with that?
Last nights question time ( why do I watch?) in among the usual ,hypocritical, dissembling apologisim ,including a stomach turning display of cowardice by Steve Cogan,Mrs Jack Dromey reached a new low when she accused the victims of being prostitutes and worse no one one on the panel or in the hand picked audience challenged her
Bizarrely, Coogan was the first (and only one) to link the abuse to ethnicity/cuture.
INBBC ears burning?:-
“Betrayed by the PC brigade: From the Mail writer who first revealed the scandal of Muslim sex gangs, a damning exposé of how politically correct police and social workers betrayed underage white victims”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2209662/Betrayed-PC-brigade-From-Mail-writer-revealed-scandal-Muslim-sex-gangs-damning-expos–politically-correct-police-social-workers-betrayed-underage-white-victims–.html#ixzz27l3WIGNd
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
“Teenage rape victims failed by PC dogma”
“Nor, disturbingly, was any mention made of the insidious political correctness which, for years, was a considerable factor in stopping the authorities from investigating the girls’ complaints because the men responsible for their misery were Muslim.
Sadly, such misguided liberalism was not confined to Rochdale.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2209706/Teenage-rape-victims-failed-PC-dogma.html#ixzz27l7CtMxp
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Think you guys are livid! Try to see the reporting bias in the f*king media from the “Asians” who are not Pakistani or Muslim. Pakistani culture and their Islamic faith has nothing to do with Asia, they’re f*cking Middle Eastern/Arabic. Call them Middle Eastern, for f*cks sake.
Mehdi Hasan did not appesr on QT.last nighas flighted—
Funny that!
Coogan was the only Question Time panellist to dare to mention the cultural/religious aspect to the Rochdale case. But the nervous, timid, apologetic way he did it had to be seen to be believed. He framed his whole uncertain speech by saying “I’ve heard some people say that…” and “I’m choosing my words very carefully here…”. Truely sickening, but a perfect example of the self-censoring power that the BBC/Labour imposed fear of being called “raaaaciist” has on people. It’s exactly the same fear that prevented the Rochdale police from arresting the Muslim paedophiles for 10 years.
I should add that Coogan was appalling on all other questions – spitting bile, hate and class envy – a true champagne socialist if ever there was one. It was also one of the most appallingly biased audiences ever – stacked with social workers and union representatives. Some excellent Rees Mog answers were greeted with stoney silence. Every Harperon & Coogan utterence with rapturous applause.
Coogan (is it two Os?) started his mumbling,faltering Uriah Heap act,with apathetic attempt to establish some form of moral equivalence between the industrial scale abuse of white working class teenagers by organised gang of muslim men with the the isolated actions of catholic priests
Of course this raises the question of the wider muslim community as to why they have not responded in the same robust and unflinching way that catholic communities around the world have.
As to Goongans ‘citizen smith’ style attack on the Tory’s ,why did no one from the panel or the audience
challenge him over his tax status?
I think we know why in both cases
Is there actually a chink of light starting to shine among the wider Muslim community?
Labour peer Lord Ahmed has called on mosque leaders in South Yorkshire to speak about the issues surrounding sex exploitation.
Muhbeen Hussain, founder of Rotherham Muslim Youth group, said all communities should “stand against” the exploitation. “We need Muslim leaders to go out there and condemn this and make it clear it’s wrong.
Mohammed Ali, chairman of the Pakistan and Muslim Centre in Sheffield, said: “The situation needs to be tackled. We can’t hide behind it and say it will go away, that’s not acceptable in any way shape or form. “We’ve got the South Yorkshire mosques together and we’ve discussed individually and privately with the imams and with the committee members.”
One hopes so, but with Muslims you never know if they’re just practising taqquiya.
This Bible verse describes the BBC and their fellow travellers well:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s
desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for
he is a liar and the father of lies.
– John 8:44
Today’s grooming gang case was in Oxford court.
Nine men, 51 charges, 6 girls aged 12 to 16.
No mention of their peaceful culture but they are Anjum Dogar, Akhtar Dogar, Kamir Jamil, Zeeshan Ahmed, Mohammed Karrar, Mohammed Hussain, Assad Hussain, Bassam Karrar and Bilal Ahmed.
Where next?
I think I’ve worked out why al beeb uses the term ‘prophet Mohammed’ – it’s to distinguish him from all these other Mohammmeds who keep appearing in court!
We have come to expect the social services to be utterly hopeless in whatever it is they’re meant to do for ‘vulnerable people’. But you might faintly hope the police could still step in and do what’s right and investigate these issues properly, make arrests etc. Not any more. As a working class native I’ve realised more and more over the past 20 odd years that any government/public sector policy is designed with utter contempt and hatred for people like me.
Do we need to send a search party for David Gregory?
This Bible verse describes the BBC and their fellow travellers well:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s
desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for
there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for
he is a liar and the father of lies.
– John 8:44
Please define what the .. “missed opportunites” means, in the said context.
Words such as grooming, luring, are both used in the news regarding the missing Magan v Forrest and the Muslim gang in Rochdale.. It’s not about race/culture difference. It’s all about how disgusting the system of British government and people who chose to be silent over years while numerous teenage girls are sexually abused by man, men, and the system.
The girls will become mothers of next generation.
The girls are the future of next generation.
The girls’ children will be the future.
And what the disgusting system has been doing is to disgrace the courty that you are so proud of.
I felt so shamful when reading the news, so shamful for the country and your culture that chooses to do nothing to help.
I felt so furious.
I felt so worried, for your daughters.
You should all feel the same..