The introduction by Antony Jay reveals the culture and mindset of the BBC that has perpetuated for over 50 years (he was employed there for 9). Interesting solution he comes up with, too.
Anthony Jay’s forward is excellent and proposes a sensible and achievable way of dealing with the BBC.I hope that some government ministers read it and do what he suggests.
Leveson should have been looking into the bBC from the get go. How you can have an inquiry into media standards in the UK and not include the bBC in that is beyond me. (Maybe it’s because I live in the real world and not a left wing bubble?)
On Sky News at lunchtime, Adam Boulton had some bloke on from the Grun and was asking him if we need a Leveson type inquiry into Mr Savile and what the bBC knew.
The bloke from the Grun couldn’t object to this idea fast enough. Which just goes to show how the left lookout for their own.
“BBC to rethink its coverage of EU and migration after accusations programmes were unbalanced.
“Lord Patten admits the investigation into the BBC’s practices was triggered by complaints.
“Result of review to be published next year.”
So maybe me complaining about their anti-English agenda over the last five years or so hasn’t been a waste of my time after all..well I suppose I have probably pissed off their complaints staff over the years 🙂
What those entities are doing outside Westminster Abbey is an abomination. That we, the indigenous and predominantly Christian population, are forced to allow them to perform their cultish rituals in public and in front of one of our holiest places without any sanction is unconscionable.
I wonder what the response would be from the MSM (we all know what the Muslim response would be) if Christians were to start praying en masse outside Finsbury Park Mosque?
I think the Muslims should build a mosque like where the Kaaba is based in Mecca in Islington and Hampstead. To make it a proper Islamic mosque the Muslim call to prayer should broadcast around the area 5 times a day as loud as possible.
The champagne socialists who live there think multiculturalism is a good thing let them have it on their doopsteps.
That’s a great idea, but it would never happen, as they would have expensive planning lawyers all over the application in nothing flat. It would be refused. I’ve dealt with these people myself in mosque cases, and they’re always happy for mosques to be near the plebs, but never themselves. Funny, that, eh?
David Preiser; “It does look like a deliberate attempt at offense.”
Except, where they are praying is right outside the Houses of Parliament and was just a few yards away from a demo taking place at the time.
And your opinion of this…
“EDL Yobs Urinate On Westminster Abbey”
Is what? A deliberate attempt at offence?
“Mrs. Wog shit. fuck off because if you don’t we, the indigenous peoples of this country will surely fuck you up. you and your immigrant shitstock will be extirpated without mercy. You fucking wog shit. you are not fit to live in a civilised society.
Long live the anglo-saxon, celtic gene pool.goddamn the ethnic contamination.
john in cheshire”
Just because the followers of the anti-Christ say something; even if they actually believe it; doesn’t make it true. But I believe that we have a great battle before us to purge this evil from our midst; not least because the forces who should be on our side, appear to be lined against us with our enemies.
Sorry as an atheist I have no problem with sky lookers but if you so much as look at these bed sheet wrap fools wrong the full weight of the law will drop on you from a great height ! don’t confuse laughing at safe religions with taking a shot at these nutters!
It would be irrational to dismiss the video just because it was on BNP TV. It either depicted an actual event or it didn’t. To make this clear it was either staged or an actual Islamic prayer session.
There are no lengths the average liberal will go to in order to deceive himself as to the nature of reality.
This prayer meeting was designed to give offence and stake a claim on English territory.
To turn the Dar al Harb into the Dar al Islam
It would be irrational to dismiss the video just because it was on BNP TV
Just as it would be irrational to take it at face value.
This prayer meeting was designed to give offence and stake a claim on English territory
You could well be right but they don’t seem to be crowing much, like you would if they were doing as you say. All they are doing in the film is kissing England and quacking.
They could of course be on an ecumenical visit and popped outside to pray …
Apologies if I’m behind the curve on this one but until this afternoon I hadn’t realised that the reason the BBC campaigned so hard to get rid of Andrew Mitchell is that the Police Federation’s spin doctor is ex-BBC man Jon Gaunt.
In the light of recent tax avoidance scandals and the revolting and hideous alleged Jimmy saVILE abuses, I’m becoming much more concerned with the secrecy within Broadcasting House than alleged crashed spacecraft at Area 51!
I`ve mentioned this elsewhere.
1. This lot of blowhard stoodents also went Stateside at our expense to “investigate” whether 9/11 was a conspiracy by Bush, Jews or whatever.
2. They also wanted to do the same with the 7/7 bombers…doing the bidding of John Reid or whoever.
3. And now they`re rummaging around US restricted sites…with our money in their pockets and our airmiles wasted yet again..
Who paid these fines-was it us again?…and how do we get it back from these passionate, interested stars , Irish comedians and slebs, slobs and stewdents?
And is this Irish comedian of the Dave Allan kind(funny)…or a “comedian” as in Justin Lee Collins, Mark Thomas “funny”(as in not at all funny)?
Haha! Dumbasses. Sh!t-stirring idiots got what they deserved.
For their next special investigation, the BBC will send yet another edgy comedian to poke a bear with a stick so they can film the bemused shock on his face as he gets mauled and we all heap scorn on the bear for being so intolerant.
The lunchtime TV news reported government’s plans to commemorate WW1 in 2014. The report was from the Menin Gate at Ypres. A lingering shot from inside the gate showed a memorial to soldiers from the Pathan regiment, including 3 named after the prophet of peace. Perhaps the BBC wants to convince us that the prophet’s followers are (or were then) on our side. However the report also told us that there are 50,000 names recorded in the Gate. 3 out of 50,000 is diddly-squat percent???
Aaargh. It’s things like this that makes so much BBC output unwatchable – they insist on inserting a little pro-Islam, pro-immigration, pro-multiculti message whenever they can.
I know exactly why they do it, I’ve had the misfortune to see the work of ‘diversity departments’ up close. They insist that the ‘pro diversity’ message is vitally important and should be ’embedded’ into everyones daily work – it is not to be simply an ‘add-on’, it is integral.
I see similar global-warming references infecting much BBC output. It utterly transforms programmes from what could be decent and interesting into preaching propaganda.
Diversity is NEVER about being more representative, it’s always about MORE representation of minority groups, regardless of their proportions of the population as a whole.
This screenshot looks like they short-changed the Sikhs. Did the full shot show them, or was it partially out of the shot the whole time, deliberately putting them aside in favor of Mohammedans?
The screen shot is exactly as held on screen for a second or so, at the start of the report (long enough to be read). Absolutely no cropping or manipulation here.
Towards the end of the report there was a slanting panning shot, within the arch, from bottom left to top right. The names were in focus but the camera didn’t dwell at any point.
They also called Ryan “Darling of the Tea Party movement”. Let’s see one example of them calling a Democrat – or any Left-wing figure, like St. Julian or the Occupiers – anyone’s darling. It’s a pejorative, evidence of bias.
So I went on the BBC news site to gain an impartial accurate high standard of reporting and could not find it. I am very confused. I even searched the site for ‘arctic ice’ and ‘antarctic ice’ and it appears everywhere is melting. I trust the BBC implicitly so have therefore started stocking up the freezer with ice cubes as I can foresee the price rocketing. When the shortage hits I am going to make a killing!
Yup, ice is melting (even when it isn’t), Great barrier Reef is dying (when it isn’t), grain shortage down to “climate change” (and all out fault) when it isn’t, Jimmy Savile being “investigated” (when he isn’t) BBC on the ball, as usual, (when it isn’t)…
‘Freezers’ plural. I am investing heavily in ice to ride out the global recession so have bought several more freezers. The use of more freezers increases the rate of global warming thereby increasing the value of my investment. You may laugh now but we will see who is laughing when you want to buy my ice at inflated prices!
Now if I can just find the nurse who took my crayons…..
I just caught the back end of BBC Two’s The Story of Wales.
Huw Edwards insists
“Welsh law was the most progressive law of the Middle Ages”
“Wales : the future is outward looking”
“The story of Wales has just begun”
Confused, contadictory and anachronistic. Anti-UK and socialistic however. But just what we have come to expect from the BBC.
Whilst we are on the subject I may as well repost this comment which was at the tail end of the last Open Thread.
The BBC now seem to have eased off from their recent bout of banjo duelling with the residents of Machynlleh.
It can be a pain but it is a cross that I have to bear that my antenna begins to twitch when I sense our national broadcaster to be embellishing, redacting, or otherwise adapting a news story to suit a left liberal palette.
The earliest descriptions of the locality in west Wales which are the home to this tragedy began to sound odd to me. BBC reporters spoke of a remote place to which one might be drawn; not for a higher standard of living but for a simpler life.
That jarred somehow with the usual BBC narative of our shared – indeed universal – desires for and anger at a lack of economic growth.
Next BBC reporters were at pains to point out that although the missing child was very young and was playing out she was on a friendly and community spirited estate. A radio report conjured up images of a green surrounded by cottages upon which childern happily played safely overlooked by loving parents at their kitchen windows.
Only when the garbled descriptions of the colour of the car which might have been seen were released did it sink in that the children were still out at dusk.
Only when I saw a tabloid aerial photograph of the estate did I notice: firstly, that this was a modern housing estate (contrary to my imagined rural idyll): and, perhaps more importantly, did I notice that the place of probable abduction was not in fact in line of sight from the girl’s home as the BBC report had led me to assume.
Then there was a rather odd (to my mind) statement from a relative. On a BBC TV report the viewer was informed that the 5 year old was ‘learning Welsh’
“Men of Harlech, march to glory,Victory is hov’ring o’er ye…”
Now before she would have been able to star in her first Eisteddfod, I’m sure the 5 year old would also be learning her colours, her numbers and to diffentiate between various farm animals.
Casual Anglophobia? Are we saying this child is more worthy than my London based children who are sadly unversed in the Welsh language?
This was from an ordinary local, but let’s be honest; the Beeboids control the edit suite and can very easily prompt and cajole. How often do we hear the questions that elicit such statements? In any case do the BBC not set the media atmosphere in which this woman thought that her statement might provoke increased sympathy?
And at last today I learn (not from the BBC) of the ‘tangled family ties between Mark Bridger and April Jones’
I’ll rewrite it here then:
I have been disappointed by our dear INBBC of late, who have no clues how to say it, but in the past would have managed a perfect “Ndabaninge Sithole” (Cant vouch for the spelling tho’.)
yes that was sithole, not…oh never mind. Angela ripoff usd to do it perfectly. They also managed tahrir square! But Welsh?no clue….
Come on, they still can’t even pronounce Jose Mourinho’s name correctly.
They’ve obviously never heard the joke about the Mexican fire fighter and his sons called Jose and Hose-B.
Probably considered ‘waycist’ at the BBC.
My compliments to you, Sir.
Just to be clear, I’m quite fond of the Welsh, their language and traditions. My objection is toward the systematic traducing of the English by the BBC – much of it by way of the condescending left liberal lauding of the Celtic peoples.
It is ever apparent that the BBC are seriously pro-Islam. I have listened to radio 4 discussions and now a new show on “welcome to India” where only Muslims are followed and Islamic temples, prayer and festivals are spoken of. “welcome to India” seems to be a “welcome to Muslim India” disguised with the bbc’s BS impartiality mandate. It is disgusting to ignore a true multicultural society and push this crap onto an audience who need the education because the school systems are shockingly bad at teaching basic awareness. Utter nonsense. And I will be writing to these morons tomorrow.
A billion Hindus and they focus on the muslims; if there’s a community of them in Iceland, Papua New Guinea or Antarctica you can be sure that the BBC will tell you about it.
I guess they think it plays into Republican hands following Ryans combative reference to Lybia last night, and that Obama is losing it in Foreign policy. The Daily Mail straight-to-the-point headline is the sort of thing that BBC editors loath. They spend all their time trying to think up lets-have- an-evade- the-point headline.
A joy to hear Last Words archive from November 6th last year…the death of Jimmy Savile and how it was told to the rest of us.
Oh dear-so funny or tragic, depending on how you see it.
One producer said he started a boy, then became a man after six months.
And the stuff on Jimmy Savile and children, young girls…oh the irony.
Enjoy it while you can-I`m sure the BBC will be removing this as soon as Dez or some other candid crawler for the BBC sees this!( from 6. 05 to 13,10).
He was right on one thing he boasted to his Beeb producer that they`d never catch him out-his MENSA mind turned out to defeat the thick lefties that employed him, there at the BBC.
So after the failure of the bBC to promote the Ukraine as a racist country where British supporters would not be made welcome. They try to open a second front by claiming that homosexuals best watch their backs.
But hang on, can anybody name me which chain of countries in the world are you picked on for being:
The Ukraine is but one country. Islam controls quite a few and as we see on a daily basis, a religion of peace it is not.
Come on Pounce, you’re just misunderstanding it. Everyone knows you have to be able to read Arabic properly to understand that “kill the infidels” really means “be nice to the infidels”.
New depths have been reached tonight: BBC News at Ten spewing out revolting Obama and Syrian rebel propaganda YET AGAIN. BBC Newsnight = very lofty tonight with a concerted attempt at trying to deflect the heat from the disgusting Jimmy Savile abuse on to the mainstream tabloid press. BBC Question Time tonight = Utterly PATHETIC and usual weak suspects on the panel (had to turn off after just three minutes). BBC Newsnight Scotland = downright atrocious and infantile in trying to compare Scottish independence with Catalonia’s fight for separation with Spain. EPIC Fail. More news to come…
‘Newsnight = very lofty tonight with a concerted attempt at trying to deflect the heat from the disgusting Jimmy Savile abuse on to the mainstream tabloid press.’
Not working too well.
Rosie Millard on SKY just now was having none of it. And if someone like her is outright saying they have screwed up, and still are, then they really are in doo doo.
Newsnight, I watched the discussion Eddie Mair led, and although it was said very quickly, I’m sure I heard him say that no-one from the BBC would would join in the discussion. I see, does Maire work for sky then?
The ex beeb producer (marsh?) was given an excessive amount of uninterrupted time to propagandise on the beeb’s behalf. When the ex tabloid hack begn to defeat the arguments maire closed it quickly.
QT was an equal joke, when the savile issue was discussed Simon Hughes was allowed to claim that it was never investigated because no-one had actually reported St Jimmy to the police.
What? He was interviewed by the plod under caution in 2007 FFS, and no-one said a bloody word to contradict Hughes.
‘When the ex tabloid hack begn to defeat the arguments maire closed it quickly.’
As you go on to point out, when the facts do not support the BBC line, they suddenly invoke the control switch.
Hardly a commitment to education, information or trust I have much faith in.
I notice on Sky News that some BBC journalists are expressing concern that Newsnight dropped its film report into Jimmy Savile. There are some decent people in the BBC, though they know they have to keep quiet, like Christians in Pakistan.
The BBC editors blog mounted a sanctimonious defence of pulling the film on which I made the following comment:
Others have called your integrity into question with good reason, Mr Rippon. I suggest you get a convincing timeline together and publish it all … and then ask those who kept quiet to justify their jobs … before Guido does. Good luck with that.
This was not removed … immediately. It was “referred for further consideration” for a full 5 days, by which time, comments had closed. According to the BBC house rules the only criteron which could be considered to be broken was the catchall “otherwise objectionable”. What this means, of course, is that it got under somebody’s skin – probably Peter Rippon.
This is a seriously unsatisfactory criterion. I have noticed similar thin skinned responses at the Guardian CiF cesspool. I also comment on the Telegraph, where it is very rare to see a comment removed, despite often seriously robust language and aspersions cast on the Author. CiF is notable, because when a non-PC author writes there, heavy criticism is acceptable (including the barmy Berchmans), but when Shame-us writes his Trot drivel, much is moderated out. Should the author be a Muslim, particularly a nasty one, the “moderators are even more heavy handed.
I intend to write to Chis Patten about this and other BBC issues, because in my view the BBC Trust is simply not doing its job.
Thanks to David, Alan and the team for running this site – it needs to be done. If even half of what Pat Cadell says is true about the US media, there are serious issues for our democracy.
‘There are some decent people in the BBC’
Indeed. Probably most; certainly a majority. However that’s not how it works. It’s the weasels and shafters who ooze to the top. And that top has been rotten for a very long time, leaching to the core of the institution and its values.
Now, when that happens in business, I can withdraw support via my wallet. In politics, the ballot box every few years.
With the BBC, one can do neither, and funding is ensured, uniquely, no matter what, via compulsion.
But with the internet, and events such as those here and now, things may be set to change. ‘The BBC editors blog mounted a sanctimonious defence of pulling the film
A classic of the genre. Broadcast only, no responses and comments pulled as questions they couldn’t justify censoring mounted.
Plus a neat example of just one of their many, now derided ‘tricks’… ‘This was not removed … immediately. It was “referred for further consideration” for a full 5 days, by which time, comments had closed.
Allowing them to ‘move on’… usually. Sadly for them, nothing has, and such outposts of arrogance and delusion are now standing isolated and prominent in testimony to what they tried as usual to pull, but this time failed to carry off. ‘What this means, of course, is that it got under somebody’s skin – probably Peter Rippon.
Thereby showing just how BBC systems are configured to enable censorship in support of propaganda, and get abused all the time by personal whim. This must change. ‘I intend to write to Chis Patten about this and other BBC issues, because in my view the BBC Trust is simply not doing its job.’
Which is, currently, all anyone can do, and good on you and good luck. But if he and his cosy cabal have not been shaken out of their heyday reveries on how the BBC existed only to ask questions and hold others to account while all is collapsing down around them, little more than a ‘your views are logged but we still are comfy in our belief that we are untouchable’ will wing its way back eventually, with a ‘sorry it’s late but we were busy, and as the deadline has now passed the case is closed’.
‘Thanks to David, Alan and the team for running this site – there are serious issues for our democracy.’
Agree, it has never had more point in existing, and from what is now happening around, more effect in highlighting BBC abuses. There are those who may wish to argue with that in the face of clear facts, but oddly they seem to be noticeable by their absences of late. Can’t imagine why.
‘There are some decent people in the BBC’
Indeed. Probably most; certainly a majority’.
I’d really like to see the evidence for that as my perception from what I see and hear is rampant leftism oozing from every orifice. If there were decent people there working behind the scenes who truly believed in impartiality, balance etc. they would have had their principles thoroughly traduced by the ruling Marxists and resigned yonks ago.
Caddell is pretty much 100% correct about the US media. His vision of the impartial glory days of yore may be a bit rose-tinted, but he’s definitely right about what’s going on now. And Caddell is a Democrat.
I’ve noticed his shift over the last four years. Maybe he’s a racist.
Still, if the US media is as screwed as he says (which it is), it’s a problem for Britain as well (it all started in America) because the BBC follows their lead when reporting on US issues. All one needs to do is look at whose lead they follow: Politico, the WaPo, the HuffPo.
We’ve heard the excuse over and over again that either it’s okay for the BBC to make a big deal out of something because the US MSM is, or that it’s a non-story they can ignore because nobody else is reporting it. This is false, of course, but that’s how it is.
No…not got this yet.
The BBC continue to tell me that the Savile Show was pulled because of “editorial reasons” by Peter Rippon, the editor of Newsnight.
Has anybody at the BBC “unpacked” this one….or even given us a definition of exactly what that means?
Nah, doubt it…that would only hang them, after only a cursory glance..and Beeb managers know that they`re setting themselves up for a fall anytime soon.
No doubt this morning who the BBC want to be the next performing seal at the Bank of Engalnd.
“Lord Turner”…who better
1. Wrote a chapter in the same book as Huhne, Clarke and Blair telling us all why Britain simply MUST join the Euro, my dahlings….a la mode, don`t you know?
2. Produced numerous Labour Party reports on pensions or whatever…global warming…don`t know , don`t care; it would have been a atme report for Brown or Blair and would not have been used or bothereed them.
In short, a tame trustie like Hutton, Jardine, Slipman…the go-to bloke for Miliband and Balls.
See why the BBC will want this nomark in charge of the Bank…only HIS pension will survive it, I assure you.
Well you have blown me over with a feather….Nicky Campbell and the crew of the good ship Salford can bring us some new Jimmy Saville testimony – brought to us care of the Beeb’s very own Radio Leeds.
Gost it is grim oop North (See BBC’s Octoberfest).
“Leeds Safeguarding Children Board said it had not, to its knowledge, received any complaints about Savile ”
“A social worker came down,” she said, “and basically he came back the next day and said it would be his word against Jimmy Savile and it would be unfair to put a girl through the procedure of a police investigation that probably will end in nothing and ruin a man’s career.”
That’s a good strategy BBC, spread the blame as widely as possible as quickly as possible and with a bit of luck nothing will stick to this man’s employer.
‘with a bit of luck nothing will stick to this man’s employer.’
They hope.
Any BBC or BBC family member foe’s employee strays, and from Today to Newsnight the talking heads are asking the CEO or party if they need to consider their positions.
Throw enough silage at the barn door trying to make stuff stick, you can’t really complain if it falls back on top of you when some of your own gets added on top.
Stuart Prebble is doing the “independent” review of possible BBC bias is he?
He’s just been on Today – given a free slot to promote his new book (just in time for Christmas, folks!) about the Conquerer, the sub that sank the Belgrano.
Meanwhile, bot so much questions being asked, but statements being made: Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
If Macquarrie inquiry on Newsnight Saville finds editor leaned on by BBC Vision it could be very serious indeed for BBC DG George Entwistle Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
Difficult to believe that an experienced Newsnight editor would have pulled the Saville inquiry without being “leaned” on from high level
I must look back on my raised concerns to CECUTT to see the length of shrift given any I may have prefaced with ‘difficult to believe’ before the moved to expediting.
Have White House Democrats been learning from BBC-Democrats on political art of interruption?:-
“Biden actually interrupted Rep. Ryan quite a bit. In fact, according to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, the vice president interrupted the Wisconsin congressman 82 times.”
SKY alluded to this, but not to the extent made clear here.
I presume the BBC is much more even-handed in its ‘analysis’.
Meanwhile, most of my US-based friends are coastal media types, and their twitter feeds are bizarre in the face of the entirety of what I have actually seen here. I am amazed how free they are punting out their religious and political views on social media, which I doubt most Brits do on personal accounts. I’ve also learned to leave them to it, as they don’t take well to shares that do anything but reinforce their views. A bit sad.
Not sure what is going to swing it, but the power of new vs. old media in the US on elections will be fascinating.
I’ve just noticed that at some point in the past couple of days all the BBC journalists who had blocked me on Twitter have now unblocked me. Is it just me who has been granted this privilege or has this happened to anyone else? Is there a new policy at the BBC? I guess it could also be an error at Twitter’s end. I’ll be interested to see if others have noticed any changes.
That’s a 10/4 here, good buddy.
At least on Mr. Vine’s account.
Can’t speak for the reason(s), but maybe folk are noticing that they have moved most interaction here but also RT only those they like and ban those they don’t, which makes it no different to their editorial.
Slight correction.
I can now see his tweets, but when I tried to answer one he posed me a while back… You are not authorized to look up related results for that Tweet.
Are well, now who holds such ‘authority’ to account now then, Jezza?
‘what exactly do you guys think you have done to justify your exclusion?’
Well in my case a fellow poster took Mr. Vine to task (politely) for what appeared to be a less than well-substantiated RT of a partisan political claim.
Mr. Vine actually replied, accusing them of trolling and, as I recall, having a silly posting name.
I merely replied to both suggesting that asking legitimate questions was not trolling and resorting to ad homs was not helping Mr. Vine’s case. Especially given his posting name and the ‘weasel’ disclaimer he uses blaming all on his brother.
He then accused both of us of being rude. And the shutters came down.
Oddly, the whole ‘affaire’ continued without him and his twitter feed elsewhere (as it may surprise some in the BBC this can happen since the dawn of the internet… and for free) and he and his stance were looking dafter and dafter as this progressed.
He then decided to make nice by offering to grant an audience, but given I was now banned the sincerity was as hard to deal with as the logic. There is also the slight suspicion this might have been one of those ‘if you talk to us it will be our little secret, OK?’ deals. In light of current events, creepy on top of crooked.
Whether that justifies exclusion… who can say?
But then I am also awaiting a 6 month epic from CECUTT on an appeal for an expediting (Lunchtime Loather getting the same for a focus on… good heavens… the Jeremy Vine show) for asking them questions they couldn’t cope with either.
So whatever basis they are operating upon, unique it ain’t.
I’ve encountered the ‘you’ve offended me so I’m ending this conversation’ before with his like – it was a councillor who was unable to defend his position on a town regeneration issue.
So sounds like Vine employing usual socialist tactics: when you’re losing the argument, smear your opponent, or find an excuse for storming off in a huff or, if you have the power, censor them.
Don’t think I ever tweeted her. Pretty sure she will have set up a new account under a different name – she was joking about a second account a couple of days ago.
‘she was joking about a second account’
In the current circumstances, I doubt Hugs Boaden and the rest of the top table would find that too funny as the genetically impartial staff of the world’s most trusted broadcaster find ever more devious ways to broadcast only personal tribal biases to their audiences under the dubious exclusion of ‘views not of the BBC who employ me and whose brand I have plastered everywhere to get followers’.
But one is sure a thorough investigation by Fatty Pang’s cigar end clipper’s BBC compliance manageress’ partner will, in time, conclude all is still well at the national disgrace… because they say so.
You know what? I don’t really blame Jude Machin for any of this. She was just behaving in the manner which is enabled by BBC policy. It’s the Beeboid bosses who are to blame for her actions. They allowed this, encouraged it even, and then crack down on poor staff members when they only do what they think they’re allowed to do.
It’s the BBC’s effed-up policy that’s caused this. As I’ve said probably a million times by now, there’s been a serious intellectual failure regarding the use of social media and news promotion. Jude Machin is as much a victim of poor management and a disastrous set of ethics as she is a perpetrator.
I’m blocked by Paul Mason (called him a drama queen over his reaction to Jeremy Clarkson’s One Show comments about striking unions), Jeremy Vine (suggested he wasn’t impartial), Laura Trevelyan (questioned her coverage of OWS), Joan Soley (took issue with a tweet of hers after Andrew Breitbart’s death), Jane Bradley (pointed out she was a lefty), Fatima Salaria (joked about her boss Andrew Marr). There are a few more whose names escape me – a right-on local radio radio presenter and a couple of producers for example. Oh yeah, I’m also blocked by the BBC US news account – I kind of trolled them during Obama’s convention speech and made some unkind comments about a photo of Mark Mardell they posted that night, so that’s fair enough really.
I make that 5 unjustified and one conceded.
Now, why is it that the BBC and staff can do anything they like, justified or not, all the time, without folk being able to block their licence fee DD’s?
The explanation will, I am sure, be unique.
Hats off to you DB!
Is there a League Table for this…and given the “shit-4-brains beeblefties” you`ve scalped: then you must be in a promotion place already this early in the season.
Bagging a few Lefties eh?…proud to be blocked?…reckon there`s a good contest in this one!
Here’s the authentic reflection of the BBC mindset: Joan Bakewell eulogises Eric Hobsbawm and excuses the passivity of the biens pensants as Savile indulged himself at children’s expense. Now I think about it, the left’s attitude to Hobsbawm is exactly the same as the BBC’s attitude to Savile: in the scheme of things Hobsbawm was supporting “good” (ie the essential correctness of Marxism despite the tens of millions murdered) and Savile was supporting “good” (£millions raised for charity while hundreds? of young girls were abused).
On reflection, and although evils can’t really be compared, I reckon Hobsbawm was worse than Savile: after all Savile “only” ruined a relatively few lives; Hobsbawm was an apologist for the murder of millions.
INBBC’s reporting of Pakistani girl shot in head by Islamic jihad Taliban.
INBBC, in its reporting, restricts the narrative to one of being inside the Islamic world, but the words ‘Islam’, ‘jihad’, ‘Shariah law’ and ‘Muslim’ are excluded!
Alternative reports:
“Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on shooting of Pakistani women’s rights activist and more”
INBBC: it’s about our Labour Gordon McAfity Brown:
– not about Islamic jihad (which Brown facilitated by his mass immigration ‘policy’ from Islamic countries to UK for a decade).
Here’s a good’un for you!! Imagine “liberal”, “progressive” BBC-types had seized control of the Nobel prize committee…… they’d brazenly dish out the awards to their favourite political causes, wouldn’t they? Like, I dunno, oh, let’s say Yasser Arafat! And, and … Gerry Adams! Yeah, Gerry Adams! Oh, and probably, like, the IPCC!!! Yeah, that’s a good ‘un – the IPCC!!!! Oh, and Obama would be on the list as well! Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!! And the EU!! Let’s not forget the EU, they love a bit of EU do the BBC!!!!!! Imagine that, eh? It would be HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
I myself thought that the posthumous effort to award it to Joachim Von Ribbentrop for his attempts to sign up young Molotov for the “Peace Volk” had more credibilty than giving it to the EU.
But hey-they gave it to Obama before he`d even killed Bin Laden…so they`ve decided to take the perpetual piss out of themselves.
Let`s not forget Rudolf Hess either-wasn`t he the first shuttle diplomat after all?
Honey monster look-alike, Mardell, on last night’s debate:
“This was a serious, substantive debate between two men who were well briefed and on their game. It probably won’t change much – the ball is still very much in Mr Obama’s court next week”
Uh? How’s it in Obama’s court? He was utterly annihilated by Romney last week and is trailing in the polls. The BBC would just love to extend the franchise to Broadcasting House… they’d sure as hell do their little bit to get the apotheosis of infantile Leftism back in at whatever cost
Biden lied a lot. Not that anyone at the BBC would know, never mind admit. When he was telling the truth, though, Biden was far more in control of facts and figures than the President.
Technically, the ball is in one’s court when one is on the back foot desperately trying to return an ace serve. Maybe that’s what Mardell meant?
Biden says he KNOWS that Iran is not ready with a bomb. How? Intel tells him so.
Biden says he was unaware of the nature and timing of the Bengazi attacks. How. There was no intel.
Hmm. Seems like he’s taking a chance on Iran…
I almost felt sorry (for the first time) for Nick Clegg this lunch-time. He should have known better though than to agree to appear before Radio 5L’s kangaroo court in Sheffield. An audience of 200, made up almost entirely of activists, teachers, students, benefit claimants, public sector and charity workers gave him the expected extremely rough ride.
The world’s most trusted broadcaster got its balance spot on yet again (mind you it would have been difficult for them to achieve anything other – the strivers would have all been at work).
Mark Urban,
Diplomatic and defence editor, Newsnight”-
“The Turkish prime minister appears to be calculating that taking sides will stand him and the country in good stead with millions of Arabs who are angered by the Syrian government’s continuing use of force against its own people.”
(-and keep Turkey in good stead with INBBC and get 80 million more Muslims into E.U.)
Ah…Last Word eh?
Do catch its eulogy to Jimmy Savile last November 6th…our Jim is lauded from 6 minutes in, to the twelth/thirteenth as I recall.
I mention this because it chooses to praise some wartime French feminist writer who tickled lesbians; rather than Eric Lomax…tortured by the Japs in Singapore and Burma Railway, but still managed to forgive his torturer. Presumably he`s not yet a BBC hero, until they make a film of his book…until then, here`s Columbias finest drugs mule…but female so you go girl eh?
God Bless Eric Lomax…going to a place the BBC will never know!
That’s laugh out loud funny – I think she was probably referring to the Nobel Peace Prize committee, but ‘what a lot of tossers’ sums the whole lot up nicely, Eurocrats included.
Al Gore, Obama, The EU…what next…Blair?…or perhaps Brown – for ‘saving the world’.
How amusing that Mardell has twice today (on Today) referred to the President’s debate performance last week as a “failure”. What a change this makes from his initial scrambling for excuses, quoting the Left-wing BBC America boss that the President meant to be low-key and non-confrontational, that Romney won only on a superficial theatrical level, then trying to play it by pretending to ask if these debates even matter.
I guess a whole week of hearing his colleagues freak out has made him have a little rethink. Quality journalism.
I`ll be listening to “The News Quiz” tonight.
There`s been so much to laugh at…especially the Nobel Peace Prize for the EU.
I`m sure that the ever-topical comedians will skewer the BBC for covering up, defending and schmoozing for Savile these last 50 years.
And will these edgy comedians lay a glove on the useless listless Obama after his tanking last week at the hands of Romey?…critique Camerons sppech with a few of his jokes about the One Notion Labour Party-borrow, spend and borrow, spend and borrow.
I can see it now-the News Quiz will really shaft the useless BBC that funds it and houses paedos…a world where the EU(more money for Hezbollah?…come on over!) wins the PEACE PRIZE?
Can`t wait-for only Pravda would miss a chance to hit this barn door with a banjo!
“They both looked embarrassed – but she was not distressed.”
This type of behaviour by Savile was well known at the corporation at the time, Mr Nicolson said.
“Savile always used to bring scruffy girls into the studios – all teenagers. But no questions were ever asked.
It was all consensual, you see. No rape. And they were “scruffy”, i.e. not nice girls and thus gagging for it. Problem solved, inquiry closed, line drawn under it.
Certainly looking like they see merit in ‘spreading the love’… BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Why did institutions, including the BBC, fail to reveal Sir Jimmy Savile abuse claims? Liz MacKean reports
Her kick off intro is a doozie…
And Newsnight last night was happy to spread the blame…the police, the NHS , social services and-but of course-all those charities-who were asleep on the job.
Seems everybody was to blame…but it seeems only one organisation now seems to have smelt a rat and tried to intervene.
Unfortunately the BBC were scared of all those scary charity workers.
Is that the sound of a a metal spittoon being furiously scraped then?…God they`re DESPERATE!
Ah Hillsborough…the gift that keeps on giving.
Savile…tax dodging?…let the BBC bring you back to the curled up cheese savoury butties and the two week old diet coke.
You may have gagged or refused it last time…but here it is again-an opportunity for us all to revisit the refried beans of the BBC-you know, in the hope that we`ll forget the drunken Scousers who piled in and got away with their own lives, but were able to blame the police for their own behaviour.
Maybe that moron who wore his own T-shirt that mocked the policewomen killed should have worn the shirt today.
He`d get a fair hearing on the BBC today anyway.
‘Here a hint of the BBC’s way out of the Savile mess’
That may seem an attractive route given the paucity of other options open, but I am unsure it is one that this time will get the rest of the sisterhood, and even some of the wimmin, on side. Especially looking at what just popped into my in-box… ‘We are expending a fair bit of man and woman-power on examining what the chairman of the BBC called the “cesspit” of allegations swirling around Jimmy Savile and the corporation.
I can’t give you chapter and verse at the moment, but suffice to say we’ll be looking at the new claims dragging the NHS – and particularly Broadmoor Hospital – into the scandal.
We’ve also got an exclusive report on the attitude of the BBC in the 1970s, suggesting certain people were rather more aware of the Savile problem than they’re letting on.
We’ll also be casting a beady eye over BBC Newsnight’s decision not to run their television investigation into the first raft of sex abuse allegations. We can reveal that it was virtually complete when it was dropped. More from an array of correspondents later.
I wonder if Newsnight is still fascinated by the anger and protests around badgers?
No, the BBC is going to get away with this. Whom are they going to fire? Nobody. It’ll be a black mark for them in their school record, BFD. It was all in the ancient past, back before the progressives were able to reform society, not the BBC’s fault at all as a Corporation. Much of it was consensual anyway. Some naughty individuals may have been responsible for enabling this, but gosh, they’re not around anymore to defend themselves. We promise to listen next time a young girl tells us one of our beloved celebrities jams his tongue down her throat. Can’t really do anything now. Nothing will happen, no matter how many internal inquiries they do.
It’s all going to be used as proof that society was awful back then, tolerating abuse of women and children, thank goodness the BBC has led the charge to reform society and the Corporation to the point where this sort of thing is not only no longer tolerated, but is considered awful and worthy of such a huge outcry and investigation.
The only people who are going to face the music will be at other, less protected institutions. And a bit of character assassination against some of the girls coming forward now. Although it’ll be hard for the BBC to say those handicapped girls were up for it, all consensual-like. But that just makes it easier for them to tut-tut now and act like they’re all just as outraged, helping to further distance themselves from the ugliness.
The BBC will proclaim themselves innocent now, we don’t do it any more, lessons learned. All the usual crowd who jump to the BBC’s defense – “think of all the orchestras, the wonderful dramas, cultural heritage, blah, blah, Mitch Benn’s stupid song” – will stay silent for a while, and then leap right back into defending the BBC against those awful Right-wing extremists who hate it and want it destroyed for political purposes. All those edgy comedians and jumped-up presenters will keep shtum until it’s time to defend the BBC again against Tory Cutz and people here.
Does anyone seriously think any of our defenders of the indefensible believe that the BBC should face severe consequences over this?
The usual suspects are of course rallying in defence of the ‘we knew nothing’/’Let’s blame the tabloids’ play… Daily Mirror @DailyMirror
“I just had three 14-year-old girls… it keeps me young”: What Jimmy Savile boasted to shocked BBC researcher in meeting
Or, maybe. not.
All participants here [at 55:30 in] on today’s BBC Daily Politics delight in giving the Nobel Peace Prize farce a comprehensive going-over and showing complete contempt for both prize givers and prize winners.
Ah …the old BBC “internal review, to be held by one of its director types called Dame Fiona Reynolds…no, me neither!
Let`s hope that Hillsborough finally gets its own “internal enquiry” into what happened-the final version of events.
To be held by “soon to be independent”…Sir Norman Bettison…who else?
I lived in Manchester in the early 60s…only two miles from Jimmy Saviles club.
I was in Tib St one day-and i`m sure that I saw Jims Roller going by…or was it Bernard Mannings?
Which police force or trusted BBC helpline do I begin with , should I wish to claim compo?…not for me , but for all victims of passive smoking!
340 lines of enquiry?…how on earth could he run one marathon-let alone all the ones he did run…if he was as permanently shagged out as this implies?
The mans a creep-but do I detect a pigpile pyramid setting itself up a la Hillsborough…with Jenni Murray at the ready with the tissues?
How come Womans Hour always gets a result?
Frothy ale, lute songs, stories from King Arthur's Court and a roaring hearth in a Dartmoor tavern. says:
I see the BBC (posh egotist, Jo Coburn) are still having a go at those upper class, pleb-hating Tory elitists, in the Daily Politics show…. can’t recall the BBC wringing the Gordon Brown ‘bigot’ affair out to this extent; but then, again, calling a white working class English person a bigot is something that fits in very comfortably with the BBC’s lefty lexicon.
Nicky Campbell sumed up the BBC’s attitude to the Savile scandal this morning. That is, by the way, Nicky ‘I joined as he left (Radio One)’ Campbell. As Manuel would say to Basil ‘I know nothing!’
Campbell was busy propagating the ‘it couldn’t happen now’ meme. His argument was ‘don’t you know how PC the BBC is these days?’
You see what he did there? At one end of the scale lovely modern PC and at the other extreme nasty 1970s style sexism and child abuse. Neat.
Meanwhile his boss Entwhistle is badly flustered by reasonable questions from the press on Sky News.
A classic clip for the traditional BBC staff-only xmas out takes DVD there methinks.
A plethora of enquiries/inquiries etc etc. I give him a year in that job before he has taken all the flak and then quietly walks the plank.
That’s what one of the inquiries is going to be about: has the BBC put in place proper guidelines to ensure this never happens again. Well, of course they have, as Carol Thatcher, Sam Mason, and Kilroy Silk know all too well. Have lessons been learned? Of course. Andrew Marr is sufficiently apologetic for kissing and groping his producer, right? And, as he’s said before (quoted in the sidebar) there’s now an abnormally large number of homosexuals at the BBC who obviously won’t be fiddling young girls. Bet you didn’t know there was a good reason for that, did you?
One inquiry down, two to go.
Did the BBC have a corporate culture which caused this? No, of course not. It was a different era, society to blame, the victims’ parents didn’t believe them either, nothing specific to BBC internal culture.
Two down, one to go.
The external inquiry will of course feed off the info gathered by the other two, only it’ll have a third party holding the rubber stamp.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“The BBC to investigate its liberal bias? Yeah, right.”
By James Delingpole
….and provides this excellent link:
Click to access Booker-BBC.pdf
The introduction by Antony Jay reveals the culture and mindset of the BBC that has perpetuated for over 50 years (he was employed there for 9). Interesting solution he comes up with, too.
Anthony Jay’s forward is excellent and proposes a sensible and achievable way of dealing with the BBC.I hope that some government ministers read it and do what he suggests.
“Lord Leveson must reopen his inquiry to look into the cesspit at the BBC (but don’t hold your breath).”
Read more:
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Leveson should have been looking into the bBC from the get go. How you can have an inquiry into media standards in the UK and not include the bBC in that is beyond me. (Maybe it’s because I live in the real world and not a left wing bubble?)
On Sky News at lunchtime, Adam Boulton had some bloke on from the Grun and was asking him if we need a Leveson type inquiry into Mr Savile and what the bBC knew.
The bloke from the Grun couldn’t object to this idea fast enough. Which just goes to show how the left lookout for their own.
“BBC to rethink its coverage of EU and migration after accusations programmes were unbalanced.
“Lord Patten admits the investigation into the BBC’s practices was triggered by complaints.
“Result of review to be published next year.”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So maybe me complaining about their anti-English agenda over the last five years or so hasn’t been a waste of my time after all..well I suppose I have probably pissed off their complaints staff over the years 🙂
What those entities are doing outside Westminster Abbey is an abomination. That we, the indigenous and predominantly Christian population, are forced to allow them to perform their cultish rituals in public and in front of one of our holiest places without any sanction is unconscionable.
It does look like a deliberate attempt at offense. Wonder if the Beeboids will condemn this the same way they condemned that non-film?
I wonder what the response would be from the MSM (we all know what the Muslim response would be) if Christians were to start praying en masse outside Finsbury Park Mosque?
I think the Muslims should build a mosque like where the Kaaba is based in Mecca in Islington and Hampstead. To make it a proper Islamic mosque the Muslim call to prayer should broadcast around the area 5 times a day as loud as possible.
The champagne socialists who live there think multiculturalism is a good thing let them have it on their doopsteps.
That’s a great idea, but it would never happen, as they would have expensive planning lawyers all over the application in nothing flat. It would be refused. I’ve dealt with these people myself in mosque cases, and they’re always happy for mosques to be near the plebs, but never themselves. Funny, that, eh?
These Muslim public prayer meetings are becoming more common, as they are in France. It’s their way of establishing their authority.
they should have them in the houses of parliament seeing as are traitorous MP’s think Islam is such a good thing.
David Preiser; “It does look like a deliberate attempt at offense.”
Except, where they are praying is right outside the Houses of Parliament and was just a few yards away from a demo taking place at the time.
And your opinion of this…
“EDL Yobs Urinate On Westminster Abbey”
Is what? A deliberate attempt at offence?
David can speak for himself. But IMO those scumbags should have been arrested, charged and punished, no question.
Yes, dez. Of course it is. What the hell is wrong with you?
“Mrs. Wog shit. fuck off because if you don’t we, the indigenous peoples of this country will surely fuck you up. you and your immigrant shitstock will be extirpated without mercy. You fucking wog shit. you are not fit to live in a civilised society.
Long live the anglo-saxon, celtic gene pool.goddamn the ethnic contamination.
john in cheshire”
Don’t tell me – Westminster Abbey was built on the site of a mosque?
Didn’t you know? We’re all born Muslim, but those who aren’t following Islam haven’t yet ‘reverted’. That’s the deal, here.
INBBC interested? –
“Space once Islamic is islam’s forever –
staking their claim.”
Just because the followers of the anti-Christ say something; even if they actually believe it; doesn’t make it true. But I believe that we have a great battle before us to purge this evil from our midst; not least because the forces who should be on our side, appear to be lined against us with our enemies.
And can we please have a Christian or dare I say a Jewish sevice in Mecca next to the place where they all walk round.
If there’s a news channel more odious than the BBC its got to be BNP TV!
Who cares what a bunch of sky fairy botherers do outside another lot of sky fairy botherers play pen?
Just kick ’em up the arse when they are kissing England’s soil and run away larfing innit?
Sorry as an atheist I have no problem with sky lookers but if you so much as look at these bed sheet wrap fools wrong the full weight of the law will drop on you from a great height ! don’t confuse laughing at safe religions with taking a shot at these nutters!
It would be irrational to dismiss the video just because it was on BNP TV. It either depicted an actual event or it didn’t. To make this clear it was either staged or an actual Islamic prayer session.
There are no lengths the average liberal will go to in order to deceive himself as to the nature of reality.
This prayer meeting was designed to give offence and stake a claim on English territory.
To turn the Dar al Harb into the Dar al Islam
“will not go to “
It would be irrational to dismiss the video just because it was on BNP TV
Just as it would be irrational to take it at face value.
This prayer meeting was designed to give offence and stake a claim on English territory
You could well be right but they don’t seem to be crowing much, like you would if they were doing as you say. All they are doing in the film is kissing England and quacking.
They could of course be on an ecumenical visit and popped outside to pray …
‘You could well be right but they don’t seem to be crowing much…’
They don’t need to, the act is sufficient.
“If there’s a news channel more odious than the BBC its got to be BNP TV!”
Maybe, maybe not. The important thing is that we don’t HAVE to pay for it.
Someone should go down to Regents Park Mosque with a copy of the 1964 Roman Ritual for Exorcism and sprinkle the building with holy water.
Shame there wasn’t a frisky Labrador running around loose in the Abbey grounds!
they should try this outside 30 Old Compton Street
they should try this outside 30 Old Compton Street
Apologies if I’m behind the curve on this one but until this afternoon I hadn’t realised that the reason the BBC campaigned so hard to get rid of Andrew Mitchell is that the Police Federation’s spin doctor is ex-BBC man Jon Gaunt.
Sky’s political correspondent is also an ex-Beeboid. There is no escape.
Ahhh, it’s so reassuring to know that the BBC spend our hard earned money on top-notch, finger-on-the-pulse investigative journalism:
In the light of recent tax avoidance scandals and the revolting and hideous alleged Jimmy saVILE abuses, I’m becoming much more concerned with the secrecy within Broadcasting House than alleged crashed spacecraft at Area 51!
I`ve mentioned this elsewhere.
1. This lot of blowhard stoodents also went Stateside at our expense to “investigate” whether 9/11 was a conspiracy by Bush, Jews or whatever.
2. They also wanted to do the same with the 7/7 bombers…doing the bidding of John Reid or whoever.
3. And now they`re rummaging around US restricted sites…with our money in their pockets and our airmiles wasted yet again..
Who paid these fines-was it us again?…and how do we get it back from these passionate, interested stars , Irish comedians and slebs, slobs and stewdents?
And is this Irish comedian of the Dave Allan kind(funny)…or a “comedian” as in Justin Lee Collins, Mark Thomas “funny”(as in not at all funny)?
Haha! Dumbasses. Sh!t-stirring idiots got what they deserved.
For their next special investigation, the BBC will send yet another edgy comedian to poke a bear with a stick so they can film the bemused shock on his face as he gets mauled and we all heap scorn on the bear for being so intolerant.
Won’t work, they would simply blame global warming for making the bear angry.
Hang on, let’s get this right. Our National Broadcaster tried to infiltrate an ally’s top secret weapons reseach facility with a film crew? Seriously?
What are the American government saying about this? It is a hostile act surely?
What do Arthur Scargill and Jimmy Savile have in common?
They both shafted minors during the 80’s . . .
The lunchtime TV news reported government’s plans to commemorate WW1 in 2014. The report was from the Menin Gate at Ypres. A lingering shot from inside the gate showed a memorial to soldiers from the Pathan regiment, including 3 named after the prophet of peace. Perhaps the BBC wants to convince us that the prophet’s followers are (or were then) on our side. However the report also told us that there are 50,000 names recorded in the Gate. 3 out of 50,000 is diddly-squat percent???
Aaargh. It’s things like this that makes so much BBC output unwatchable – they insist on inserting a little pro-Islam, pro-immigration, pro-multiculti message whenever they can.
I know exactly why they do it, I’ve had the misfortune to see the work of ‘diversity departments’ up close. They insist that the ‘pro diversity’ message is vitally important and should be ’embedded’ into everyones daily work – it is not to be simply an ‘add-on’, it is integral.
I see similar global-warming references infecting much BBC output. It utterly transforms programmes from what could be decent and interesting into preaching propaganda.
It’s never ending – almost to OCD type levels.
Diversity is NEVER about being more representative, it’s always about MORE representation of minority groups, regardless of their proportions of the population as a whole.
The only place where the BBC can’t find a black person to interview is a BNP meeting. And then again…..
When did you last see a Sikh person interviewed? And when did you last see an orthodox Jew on the screen at all?
Like this.
This screenshot looks like they short-changed the Sikhs. Did the full shot show them, or was it partially out of the shot the whole time, deliberately putting them aside in favor of Mohammedans?
The screen shot is exactly as held on screen for a second or so, at the start of the report (long enough to be read). Absolutely no cropping or manipulation here.
Towards the end of the report there was a slanting panning shot, within the arch, from bottom left to top right. The names were in focus but the camera didn’t dwell at any point.
BBC hacks can’t get enough of that “biggest brown-noser” thing about Ryan, can they?
They also called Ryan “Darling of the Tea Party movement”. Let’s see one example of them calling a Democrat – or any Left-wing figure, like St. Julian or the Occupiers – anyone’s darling. It’s a pejorative, evidence of bias.
Just noticed the news that Antarctic Ice is at record levels
So I went on the BBC news site to gain an impartial accurate high standard of reporting and could not find it. I am very confused. I even searched the site for ‘arctic ice’ and ‘antarctic ice’ and it appears everywhere is melting. I trust the BBC implicitly so have therefore started stocking up the freezer with ice cubes as I can foresee the price rocketing. When the shortage hits I am going to make a killing!
Yup, ice is melting (even when it isn’t), Great barrier Reef is dying (when it isn’t), grain shortage down to “climate change” (and all out fault) when it isn’t, Jimmy Savile being “investigated” (when he isn’t) BBC on the ball, as usual, (when it isn’t)…
And what they never say either is that the Antarctic accounts for 80% of the world’s ice cover (excluding the cubes in your freezer).
‘Freezers’ plural. I am investing heavily in ice to ride out the global recession so have bought several more freezers. The use of more freezers increases the rate of global warming thereby increasing the value of my investment. You may laugh now but we will see who is laughing when you want to buy my ice at inflated prices!
Now if I can just find the nurse who took my crayons…..
Compare the increased levels of ice in the Antarctic with the loss of ice in the Arctic. Do you really think they are equivalent?
I just caught the back end of BBC Two’s The Story of Wales.
Huw Edwards insists
“Welsh law was the most progressive law of the Middle Ages”
“Wales : the future is outward looking”
“The story of Wales has just begun”
Confused, contadictory and anachronistic. Anti-UK and socialistic however. But just what we have come to expect from the BBC.
Whilst we are on the subject I may as well repost this comment which was at the tail end of the last Open Thread.
The BBC now seem to have eased off from their recent bout of banjo duelling with the residents of Machynlleh.
It can be a pain but it is a cross that I have to bear that my antenna begins to twitch when I sense our national broadcaster to be embellishing, redacting, or otherwise adapting a news story to suit a left liberal palette.
The earliest descriptions of the locality in west Wales which are the home to this tragedy began to sound odd to me. BBC reporters spoke of a remote place to which one might be drawn; not for a higher standard of living but for a simpler life.
That jarred somehow with the usual BBC narative of our shared – indeed universal – desires for and anger at a lack of economic growth.
Next BBC reporters were at pains to point out that although the missing child was very young and was playing out she was on a friendly and community spirited estate. A radio report conjured up images of a green surrounded by cottages upon which childern happily played safely overlooked by loving parents at their kitchen windows.
Only when the garbled descriptions of the colour of the car which might have been seen were released did it sink in that the children were still out at dusk.
Only when I saw a tabloid aerial photograph of the estate did I notice: firstly, that this was a modern housing estate (contrary to my imagined rural idyll): and, perhaps more importantly, did I notice that the place of probable abduction was not in fact in line of sight from the girl’s home as the BBC report had led me to assume.
Then there was a rather odd (to my mind) statement from a relative. On a BBC TV report the viewer was informed that the 5 year old was ‘learning Welsh’
“Men of Harlech, march to glory,Victory is hov’ring o’er ye…”
Now before she would have been able to star in her first Eisteddfod, I’m sure the 5 year old would also be learning her colours, her numbers and to diffentiate between various farm animals.
Casual Anglophobia? Are we saying this child is more worthy than my London based children who are sadly unversed in the Welsh language?
This was from an ordinary local, but let’s be honest; the Beeboids control the edit suite and can very easily prompt and cajole. How often do we hear the questions that elicit such statements? In any case do the BBC not set the media atmosphere in which this woman thought that her statement might provoke increased sympathy?
And at last today I learn (not from the BBC) of the ‘tangled family ties between Mark Bridger and April Jones’
” the residents of Machynlleh.”
It’s Machynlleth sir.
Comments about pronunciation placed at end of previous open thread.
I’ll rewrite it here then:
I have been disappointed by our dear INBBC of late, who have no clues how to say it, but in the past would have managed a perfect “Ndabaninge Sithole” (Cant vouch for the spelling tho’.)
yes that was sithole, not…oh never mind. Angela ripoff usd to do it perfectly. They also managed tahrir square! But Welsh?no clue….
Come on, they still can’t even pronounce Jose Mourinho’s name correctly.
They’ve obviously never heard the joke about the Mexican fire fighter and his sons called Jose and Hose-B.
Probably considered ‘waycist’ at the BBC.
Spanish/Portuguese distinction, apparently. I heard somewhere that the latter pronounce the name with a hard “J”.
At least the BBC seems to acknowledge that the Welsh exist.
BBC approved historical perspective reckons the English are a myth and that in any case half of us were black.
For those who haven’t googletranslated my ID it’s ” A learner of the Welsh language”.
My compliments to you, Sir.
Just to be clear, I’m quite fond of the Welsh, their language and traditions. My objection is toward the systematic traducing of the English by the BBC – much of it by way of the condescending left liberal lauding of the Celtic peoples.
Which breeds resentment. The BBC and Labour have created division, not harmony or ‘inclusiveness’.
Agree with your sentiments and would add that Welsh must be the most melodic language on the planet.
It is ever apparent that the BBC are seriously pro-Islam. I have listened to radio 4 discussions and now a new show on “welcome to India” where only Muslims are followed and Islamic temples, prayer and festivals are spoken of. “welcome to India” seems to be a “welcome to Muslim India” disguised with the bbc’s BS impartiality mandate. It is disgusting to ignore a true multicultural society and push this crap onto an audience who need the education because the school systems are shockingly bad at teaching basic awareness. Utter nonsense. And I will be writing to these morons tomorrow.
A billion Hindus and they focus on the muslims; if there’s a community of them in Iceland, Papua New Guinea or Antarctica you can be sure that the BBC will tell you about it.
The thinking man’s crumpet was inspired by Hobsbawm
YEMEN: Jihad murder.
INBBC relegates Islamic jihad against West again.
‘Fox News’:
“Security official killed at US embassy in Yemen”
(inc video clip)
2.) BBC ARABIC ‘reports’:
“Yemeni employee of US embassy shot dead in Sanaa”
“U.S. embassy security chief assassinated during ‘al-Qaeda attack’ in Yemeni capital”
Read more:
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I guess they think it plays into Republican hands following Ryans combative reference to Lybia last night, and that Obama is losing it in Foreign policy. The Daily Mail straight-to-the-point headline is the sort of thing that BBC editors loath. They spend all their time trying to think up lets-have- an-evade- the-point headline.
What INBBC censors about phoney ‘Arab Spring’ Tunisia:-
“Tunisia: leaked video belies Ghannouchi’s moderate image”
A joy to hear Last Words archive from November 6th last year…the death of Jimmy Savile and how it was told to the rest of us.
Oh dear-so funny or tragic, depending on how you see it.
One producer said he started a boy, then became a man after six months.
And the stuff on Jimmy Savile and children, young girls…oh the irony.
Enjoy it while you can-I`m sure the BBC will be removing this as soon as Dez or some other candid crawler for the BBC sees this!( from 6. 05 to 13,10).
He was right on one thing he boasted to his Beeb producer that they`d never catch him out-his MENSA mind turned out to defeat the thick lefties that employed him, there at the BBC.
So after the failure of the bBC to promote the Ukraine as a racist country where British supporters would not be made welcome. They try to open a second front by claiming that homosexuals best watch their backs.
But hang on, can anybody name me which chain of countries in the world are you picked on for being:
The Ukraine is but one country. Islam controls quite a few and as we see on a daily basis, a religion of peace it is not.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
Come on Pounce, you’re just misunderstanding it. Everyone knows you have to be able to read Arabic properly to understand that “kill the infidels” really means “be nice to the infidels”.
How many gay folk end up dangling from a crane in the Ukraine then?
Links anyone?
New depths have been reached tonight: BBC News at Ten spewing out revolting Obama and Syrian rebel propaganda YET AGAIN. BBC Newsnight = very lofty tonight with a concerted attempt at trying to deflect the heat from the disgusting Jimmy Savile abuse on to the mainstream tabloid press. BBC Question Time tonight = Utterly PATHETIC and usual weak suspects on the panel (had to turn off after just three minutes). BBC Newsnight Scotland = downright atrocious and infantile in trying to compare Scottish independence with Catalonia’s fight for separation with Spain. EPIC Fail. More news to come…
Why did they have Phelps on? Since when did they give a fuck what she thinks?
‘Newsnight = very lofty tonight with a concerted attempt at trying to deflect the heat from the disgusting Jimmy Savile abuse on to the mainstream tabloid press.’
Not working too well.
Rosie Millard on SKY just now was having none of it. And if someone like her is outright saying they have screwed up, and still are, then they really are in doo doo.
Newsnight, I watched the discussion Eddie Mair led, and although it was said very quickly, I’m sure I heard him say that no-one from the BBC would would join in the discussion. I see, does Maire work for sky then?
The ex beeb producer (marsh?) was given an excessive amount of uninterrupted time to propagandise on the beeb’s behalf. When the ex tabloid hack begn to defeat the arguments maire closed it quickly.
QT was an equal joke, when the savile issue was discussed Simon Hughes was allowed to claim that it was never investigated because no-one had actually reported St Jimmy to the police.
What? He was interviewed by the plod under caution in 2007 FFS, and no-one said a bloody word to contradict Hughes.
‘When the ex tabloid hack begn to defeat the arguments maire closed it quickly.’
As you go on to point out, when the facts do not support the BBC line, they suddenly invoke the control switch.
Hardly a commitment to education, information or trust I have much faith in.
‘The BBC declined to appear in this live discussion’
Interesting story on Obama’s wedding ring
Those are snakes. Which is still weird, though.
I notice on Sky News that some BBC journalists are expressing concern that Newsnight dropped its film report into Jimmy Savile. There are some decent people in the BBC, though they know they have to keep quiet, like Christians in Pakistan.
The BBC editors blog mounted a sanctimonious defence of pulling the film on which I made the following comment:
Others have called your integrity into question with good reason, Mr Rippon. I suggest you get a convincing timeline together and publish it all … and then ask those who kept quiet to justify their jobs … before Guido does. Good luck with that.
This was not removed … immediately. It was “referred for further consideration” for a full 5 days, by which time, comments had closed. According to the BBC house rules the only criteron which could be considered to be broken was the catchall “otherwise objectionable”. What this means, of course, is that it got under somebody’s skin – probably Peter Rippon.
This is a seriously unsatisfactory criterion. I have noticed similar thin skinned responses at the Guardian CiF cesspool. I also comment on the Telegraph, where it is very rare to see a comment removed, despite often seriously robust language and aspersions cast on the Author. CiF is notable, because when a non-PC author writes there, heavy criticism is acceptable (including the barmy Berchmans), but when Shame-us writes his Trot drivel, much is moderated out. Should the author be a Muslim, particularly a nasty one, the “moderators are even more heavy handed.
I intend to write to Chis Patten about this and other BBC issues, because in my view the BBC Trust is simply not doing its job.
Thanks to David, Alan and the team for running this site – it needs to be done. If even half of what Pat Cadell says is true about the US media, there are serious issues for our democracy.
‘There are some decent people in the BBC’
Indeed. Probably most; certainly a majority. However that’s not how it works. It’s the weasels and shafters who ooze to the top. And that top has been rotten for a very long time, leaching to the core of the institution and its values.
Now, when that happens in business, I can withdraw support via my wallet. In politics, the ballot box every few years.
With the BBC, one can do neither, and funding is ensured, uniquely, no matter what, via compulsion.
But with the internet, and events such as those here and now, things may be set to change.
‘The BBC editors blog mounted a sanctimonious defence of pulling the film
A classic of the genre. Broadcast only, no responses and comments pulled as questions they couldn’t justify censoring mounted.
Plus a neat example of just one of their many, now derided ‘tricks’…
‘This was not removed … immediately. It was “referred for further consideration” for a full 5 days, by which time, comments had closed.
Allowing them to ‘move on’… usually. Sadly for them, nothing has, and such outposts of arrogance and delusion are now standing isolated and prominent in testimony to what they tried as usual to pull, but this time failed to carry off.
‘What this means, of course, is that it got under somebody’s skin – probably Peter Rippon.
Thereby showing just how BBC systems are configured to enable censorship in support of propaganda, and get abused all the time by personal whim. This must change.
‘I intend to write to Chis Patten about this and other BBC issues, because in my view the BBC Trust is simply not doing its job.’
Which is, currently, all anyone can do, and good on you and good luck. But if he and his cosy cabal have not been shaken out of their heyday reveries on how the BBC existed only to ask questions and hold others to account while all is collapsing down around them, little more than a ‘your views are logged but we still are comfy in our belief that we are untouchable’ will wing its way back eventually, with a ‘sorry it’s late but we were busy, and as the deadline has now passed the case is closed’.
‘Thanks to David, Alan and the team for running this site – there are serious issues for our democracy.’
Agree, it has never had more point in existing, and from what is now happening around, more effect in highlighting BBC abuses. There are those who may wish to argue with that in the face of clear facts, but oddly they seem to be noticeable by their absences of late. Can’t imagine why.
‘There are some decent people in the BBC’
Indeed. Probably most; certainly a majority’.
I’d really like to see the evidence for that as my perception from what I see and hear is rampant leftism oozing from every orifice. If there were decent people there working behind the scenes who truly believed in impartiality, balance etc. they would have had their principles thoroughly traduced by the ruling Marxists and resigned yonks ago.
Caddell is pretty much 100% correct about the US media. His vision of the impartial glory days of yore may be a bit rose-tinted, but he’s definitely right about what’s going on now. And Caddell is a Democrat.
I’ve noticed his shift over the last four years. Maybe he’s a racist.
Still, if the US media is as screwed as he says (which it is), it’s a problem for Britain as well (it all started in America) because the BBC follows their lead when reporting on US issues. All one needs to do is look at whose lead they follow: Politico, the WaPo, the HuffPo.
We’ve heard the excuse over and over again that either it’s okay for the BBC to make a big deal out of something because the US MSM is, or that it’s a non-story they can ignore because nobody else is reporting it. This is false, of course, but that’s how it is.
No…not got this yet.
The BBC continue to tell me that the Savile Show was pulled because of “editorial reasons” by Peter Rippon, the editor of Newsnight.
Has anybody at the BBC “unpacked” this one….or even given us a definition of exactly what that means?
Nah, doubt it…that would only hang them, after only a cursory glance..and Beeb managers know that they`re setting themselves up for a fall anytime soon.
No doubt this morning who the BBC want to be the next performing seal at the Bank of Engalnd.
“Lord Turner”…who better
1. Wrote a chapter in the same book as Huhne, Clarke and Blair telling us all why Britain simply MUST join the Euro, my dahlings….a la mode, don`t you know?
2. Produced numerous Labour Party reports on pensions or whatever…global warming…don`t know , don`t care; it would have been a atme report for Brown or Blair and would not have been used or bothereed them.
In short, a tame trustie like Hutton, Jardine, Slipman…the go-to bloke for Miliband and Balls.
See why the BBC will want this nomark in charge of the Bank…only HIS pension will survive it, I assure you.
Well you have blown me over with a feather….Nicky Campbell and the crew of the good ship Salford can bring us some new Jimmy Saville testimony – brought to us care of the Beeb’s very own Radio Leeds.
Gost it is grim oop North (See BBC’s Octoberfest).
“Jimmy Savile ‘abused 12-year-old”
Nasty. Someone must have question to answer….?
“a council-run home”
“Leeds Safeguarding Children Board said it had not, to its knowledge, received any complaints about Savile ”
“A social worker came down,” she said, “and basically he came back the next day and said it would be his word against Jimmy Savile and it would be unfair to put a girl through the procedure of a police investigation that probably will end in nothing and ruin a man’s career.”
That’s a good strategy BBC, spread the blame as widely as possible as quickly as possible and with a bit of luck nothing will stick to this man’s employer.
‘with a bit of luck nothing will stick to this man’s employer.’
They hope.
Any BBC or BBC family member foe’s employee strays, and from Today to Newsnight the talking heads are asking the CEO or party if they need to consider their positions.
Throw enough silage at the barn door trying to make stuff stick, you can’t really complain if it falls back on top of you when some of your own gets added on top.
BBC : See, we told you that we get it about right.
“BBC’s devolution message ‘better'”
“Four years ago, Professor Anthony King criticised the BBC at a UK level for ignoring political developments in Wales and Scotland.
But in a Royal Television Society Wales lecture he said there had been “an enormous change” in how the BBC now reported on devolved nations.”
‘“Four years ago, Professor Anthony King criticised the BBC at a UK level for ignoring political developments in Wales and Scotland’.
Like the Loughborough University review which concluded the BBC were biased towards Israel in its conflict with Palestine.
Ever feel like a Chinese peasant being patronised by one of Mao’s Red Guards?
Stuart Prebble is doing the “independent” review of possible BBC bias is he?
He’s just been on Today – given a free slot to promote his new book (just in time for Christmas, folks!) about the Conquerer, the sub that sank the Belgrano.
“Independent”, my arse.
Meanwhile, bot so much questions being asked, but statements being made:
Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
If Macquarrie inquiry on Newsnight Saville finds editor leaned on by BBC Vision it could be very serious indeed for BBC DG George Entwistle
Raymond Snoddy @RaymondSnoddy
Difficult to believe that an experienced Newsnight editor would have pulled the Saville inquiry without being “leaned” on from high level
I must look back on my raised concerns to CECUTT to see the length of shrift given any I may have prefaced with ‘difficult to believe’ before the moved to expediting.
Biden interrupts Ryan.
Have White House Democrats been learning from BBC-Democrats on political art of interruption?:-
“Biden actually interrupted Rep. Ryan quite a bit. In fact, according to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, the vice president interrupted the Wisconsin congressman 82 times.”
SKY alluded to this, but not to the extent made clear here.
I presume the BBC is much more even-handed in its ‘analysis’.
Meanwhile, most of my US-based friends are coastal media types, and their twitter feeds are bizarre in the face of the entirety of what I have actually seen here. I am amazed how free they are punting out their religious and political views on social media, which I doubt most Brits do on personal accounts. I’ve also learned to leave them to it, as they don’t take well to shares that do anything but reinforce their views. A bit sad.
Not sure what is going to swing it, but the power of new vs. old media in the US on elections will be fascinating.
Heh, now you’ve made me imagine Biden as a Today presenter.
I’ve just noticed that at some point in the past couple of days all the BBC journalists who had blocked me on Twitter have now unblocked me. Is it just me who has been granted this privilege or has this happened to anyone else? Is there a new policy at the BBC? I guess it could also be an error at Twitter’s end. I’ll be interested to see if others have noticed any changes.
That’s a 10/4 here, good buddy.
At least on Mr. Vine’s account.
Can’t speak for the reason(s), but maybe folk are noticing that they have moved most interaction here but also RT only those they like and ban those they don’t, which makes it no different to their editorial.
I’m still blocked by Jeremy Vine.
Slight correction.
I can now see his tweets, but when I tried to answer one he posed me a while back…
You are not authorized to look up related results for that Tweet.
Are well, now who holds such ‘authority’ to account now then, Jezza?
Ah yes, that’s the same with me – can read but can’t reply. So effectively I’m still blocked by a number of BBC journos.
So what exactly do you guys think you have done to justify your exclusion?
What kind of censorship do you think they are applying?
‘what exactly do you guys think you have done to justify your exclusion?’
Well in my case a fellow poster took Mr. Vine to task (politely) for what appeared to be a less than well-substantiated RT of a partisan political claim.
Mr. Vine actually replied, accusing them of trolling and, as I recall, having a silly posting name.
I merely replied to both suggesting that asking legitimate questions was not trolling and resorting to ad homs was not helping Mr. Vine’s case. Especially given his posting name and the ‘weasel’ disclaimer he uses blaming all on his brother.
He then accused both of us of being rude. And the shutters came down.
Oddly, the whole ‘affaire’ continued without him and his twitter feed elsewhere (as it may surprise some in the BBC this can happen since the dawn of the internet… and for free) and he and his stance were looking dafter and dafter as this progressed.
He then decided to make nice by offering to grant an audience, but given I was now banned the sincerity was as hard to deal with as the logic. There is also the slight suspicion this might have been one of those ‘if you talk to us it will be our little secret, OK?’ deals. In light of current events, creepy on top of crooked.
Whether that justifies exclusion… who can say?
But then I am also awaiting a 6 month epic from CECUTT on an appeal for an expediting (Lunchtime Loather getting the same for a focus on… good heavens… the Jeremy Vine show) for asking them questions they couldn’t cope with either.
So whatever basis they are operating upon, unique it ain’t.
Thanks for that.
I’ve encountered the ‘you’ve offended me so I’m ending this conversation’ before with his like – it was a councillor who was unable to defend his position on a town regeneration issue.
So sounds like Vine employing usual socialist tactics: when you’re losing the argument, smear your opponent, or find an excuse for storming off in a huff or, if you have the power, censor them.
Did Jude Machin have you blocked? Her account is gone now.
Don’t think I ever tweeted her. Pretty sure she will have set up a new account under a different name – she was joking about a second account a couple of days ago.
‘she was joking about a second account’
In the current circumstances, I doubt Hugs Boaden and the rest of the top table would find that too funny as the genetically impartial staff of the world’s most trusted broadcaster find ever more devious ways to broadcast only personal tribal biases to their audiences under the dubious exclusion of ‘views not of the BBC who employ me and whose brand I have plastered everywhere to get followers’.
But one is sure a thorough investigation by Fatty Pang’s cigar end clipper’s BBC compliance manageress’ partner will, in time, conclude all is still well at the national disgrace… because they say so.
You know what? I don’t really blame Jude Machin for any of this. She was just behaving in the manner which is enabled by BBC policy. It’s the Beeboid bosses who are to blame for her actions. They allowed this, encouraged it even, and then crack down on poor staff members when they only do what they think they’re allowed to do.
It’s the BBC’s effed-up policy that’s caused this. As I’ve said probably a million times by now, there’s been a serious intellectual failure regarding the use of social media and news promotion. Jude Machin is as much a victim of poor management and a disastrous set of ethics as she is a perpetrator.
I’m blocked by Paul Mason (called him a drama queen over his reaction to Jeremy Clarkson’s One Show comments about striking unions), Jeremy Vine (suggested he wasn’t impartial), Laura Trevelyan (questioned her coverage of OWS), Joan Soley (took issue with a tweet of hers after Andrew Breitbart’s death), Jane Bradley (pointed out she was a lefty), Fatima Salaria (joked about her boss Andrew Marr). There are a few more whose names escape me – a right-on local radio radio presenter and a couple of producers for example. Oh yeah, I’m also blocked by the BBC US news account – I kind of trolled them during Obama’s convention speech and made some unkind comments about a photo of Mark Mardell they posted that night, so that’s fair enough really.
I make that 5 unjustified and one conceded.
Now, why is it that the BBC and staff can do anything they like, justified or not, all the time, without folk being able to block their licence fee DD’s?
The explanation will, I am sure, be unique.
Hats off to you DB!
Is there a League Table for this…and given the “shit-4-brains beeblefties” you`ve scalped: then you must be in a promotion place already this early in the season.
Bagging a few Lefties eh?…proud to be blocked?…reckon there`s a good contest in this one!
Here’s the authentic reflection of the BBC mindset: Joan Bakewell eulogises Eric Hobsbawm and excuses the passivity of the biens pensants as Savile indulged himself at children’s expense. Now I think about it, the left’s attitude to Hobsbawm is exactly the same as the BBC’s attitude to Savile: in the scheme of things Hobsbawm was supporting “good” (ie the essential correctness of Marxism despite the tens of millions murdered) and Savile was supporting “good” (£millions raised for charity while hundreds? of young girls were abused).
On reflection, and although evils can’t really be compared, I reckon Hobsbawm was worse than Savile: after all Savile “only” ruined a relatively few lives; Hobsbawm was an apologist for the murder of millions.
Correction: tens of millions.
“Nobel Peace Prize awarded to European Union”
An April Fool’s day joke, surely? Next you’ll be telling me it was awarded to Obama.
No surprise – the EU is the prototype for a UN world government.
who was the bloke on QT last night with a spider on his head?
Phil Webb? Joe Cobham? Kilroy Silk? Chris Tarrant-ula.
Syria, jihad, doctors, NHS and INBBC.
INBBC : 1.) doesn’t report negatively on Islamic jihad of some doctors; but 2.) reports positively on medical activities of other doctors.
“Why NHS doctor fighting jihad in Syria won’t be prosecuted”
By Crispin Black.
Read more:
“Aleppo: Treating trauma on the frontline”
By Ian Pannell.
“What makes a doctor become a terrorist?”
( Six weeks ago).
Read more:
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Does the Hippocratic Oath count for nothing these days?
Andrew Marr says he’s a clever ape…
He’s half right.
INBBC’s reporting of Pakistani girl shot in head by Islamic jihad Taliban.
INBBC, in its reporting, restricts the narrative to one of being inside the Islamic world, but the words ‘Islam’, ‘jihad’, ‘Shariah law’ and ‘Muslim’ are excluded!
Alternative reports:
“Robert Spencer and Michael Coren on shooting of Pakistani women’s rights activist and more”
October 12, 2012
“Pakistan: Muslim clerics lead mob in ransacking, burning home of teenage Christian boy accused of sending blasphemous texts”
INBBC: it’s about our Labour Gordon McAfity Brown:
– not about Islamic jihad (which Brown facilitated by his mass immigration ‘policy’ from Islamic countries to UK for a decade).
“Macavity – The Mystery Cat”
a poem by T S Eliot
1,300 years after the split, ‘Guardian, has, from inside Muslim world (not outside non-Muslim criticism of Islam):
“Islam’s sectarian divide has turned from mistrust to bitter violence”
Here’s a good’un for you!! Imagine “liberal”, “progressive” BBC-types had seized control of the Nobel prize committee…… they’d brazenly dish out the awards to their favourite political causes, wouldn’t they? Like, I dunno, oh, let’s say Yasser Arafat! And, and … Gerry Adams! Yeah, Gerry Adams! Oh, and probably, like, the IPCC!!! Yeah, that’s a good ‘un – the IPCC!!!! Oh, and Obama would be on the list as well! Ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!! And the EU!! Let’s not forget the EU, they love a bit of EU do the BBC!!!!!! Imagine that, eh? It would be HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
Oh, wait a minute…………..
Two Words:
Maulala Yousefzai.
be thankful it’s not tony b. liar who has nominated himself every year since 1997.
Can they have a double ceremony? ya know Bliar and MacMental in the same award?
I myself thought that the posthumous effort to award it to Joachim Von Ribbentrop for his attempts to sign up young Molotov for the “Peace Volk” had more credibilty than giving it to the EU.
But hey-they gave it to Obama before he`d even killed Bin Laden…so they`ve decided to take the perpetual piss out of themselves.
Let`s not forget Rudolf Hess either-wasn`t he the first shuttle diplomat after all?
Honey monster look-alike, Mardell, on last night’s debate:
“This was a serious, substantive debate between two men who were well briefed and on their game. It probably won’t change much – the ball is still very much in Mr Obama’s court next week”
Uh? How’s it in Obama’s court? He was utterly annihilated by Romney last week and is trailing in the polls. The BBC would just love to extend the franchise to Broadcasting House… they’d sure as hell do their little bit to get the apotheosis of infantile Leftism back in at whatever cost
“Mr Ryan, meanwhile, said the administration had disregarded diplomats’ requests for more security in Libya”
Here the BBC passes up the opportunity to inform us that Biden said
“We weren’t told they wanted more security there.”
which is a blatant lie.
Biden lied a lot. Not that anyone at the BBC would know, never mind admit. When he was telling the truth, though, Biden was far more in control of facts and figures than the President.
Technically, the ball is in one’s court when one is on the back foot desperately trying to return an ace serve. Maybe that’s what Mardell meant?
Biden says he KNOWS that Iran is not ready with a bomb. How? Intel tells him so.
Biden says he was unaware of the nature and timing of the Bengazi attacks. How. There was no intel.
Hmm. Seems like he’s taking a chance on Iran…
I almost felt sorry (for the first time) for Nick Clegg this lunch-time. He should have known better though than to agree to appear before Radio 5L’s kangaroo court in Sheffield. An audience of 200, made up almost entirely of activists, teachers, students, benefit claimants, public sector and charity workers gave him the expected extremely rough ride.
The world’s most trusted broadcaster got its balance spot on yet again (mind you it would have been difficult for them to achieve anything other – the strivers would have all been at work).
Mark Urban,
Diplomatic and defence editor, Newsnight”-
“The Turkish prime minister appears to be calculating that taking sides will stand him and the country in good stead with millions of Arabs who are angered by the Syrian government’s continuing use of force against its own people.”
(-and keep Turkey in good stead with INBBC and get 80 million more Muslims into E.U.)
Don’t ever forget that Dopey Dave wants them in the EU!
Ah…Last Word eh?
Do catch its eulogy to Jimmy Savile last November 6th…our Jim is lauded from 6 minutes in, to the twelth/thirteenth as I recall.
I mention this because it chooses to praise some wartime French feminist writer who tickled lesbians; rather than Eric Lomax…tortured by the Japs in Singapore and Burma Railway, but still managed to forgive his torturer. Presumably he`s not yet a BBC hero, until they make a film of his book…until then, here`s Columbias finest drugs mule…but female so you go girl eh?
God Bless Eric Lomax…going to a place the BBC will never know!
See Sue Cameron call the EU ‘tossers’ and then get groped live on air at 2m 16s
Full independent enquiry has been set up!
I enjoyed that segment. I guess this balances out all the pro-EU broadcasting.
That’s laugh out loud funny – I think she was probably referring to the Nobel Peace Prize committee, but ‘what a lot of tossers’ sums the whole lot up nicely, Eurocrats included.
Al Gore, Obama, The EU…what next…Blair?…or perhaps Brown – for ‘saving the world’.
How amusing that Mardell has twice today (on Today) referred to the President’s debate performance last week as a “failure”. What a change this makes from his initial scrambling for excuses, quoting the Left-wing BBC America boss that the President meant to be low-key and non-confrontational, that Romney won only on a superficial theatrical level, then trying to play it by pretending to ask if these debates even matter.
I guess a whole week of hearing his colleagues freak out has made him have a little rethink. Quality journalism.
I`ll be listening to “The News Quiz” tonight.
There`s been so much to laugh at…especially the Nobel Peace Prize for the EU.
I`m sure that the ever-topical comedians will skewer the BBC for covering up, defending and schmoozing for Savile these last 50 years.
And will these edgy comedians lay a glove on the useless listless Obama after his tanking last week at the hands of Romey?…critique Camerons sppech with a few of his jokes about the One Notion Labour Party-borrow, spend and borrow, spend and borrow.
I can see it now-the News Quiz will really shaft the useless BBC that funds it and houses paedos…a world where the EU(more money for Hezbollah?…come on over!) wins the PEACE PRIZE?
Can`t wait-for only Pravda would miss a chance to hit this barn door with a banjo!
Here a hint of the BBC’s way out of the Savile mess:
Jimmy Savile: BBC did nothing when director caught him in the act
“They both looked embarrassed – but she was not distressed.”
This type of behaviour by Savile was well known at the corporation at the time, Mr Nicolson said.
“Savile always used to bring scruffy girls into the studios – all teenagers. But no questions were ever asked.
It was all consensual, you see. No rape. And they were “scruffy”, i.e. not nice girls and thus gagging for it. Problem solved, inquiry closed, line drawn under it.
…And they were “scruffy”, i.e. not nice girls….
‘And got what they deserved, just like those girls in Rochdale, Stoke on Trent, Telford, Derby…etc, etc… ‘
Exactly. Oh, and it was a different era, society’s to blame.
Certainly looking like they see merit in ‘spreading the love’…
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Why did institutions, including the BBC, fail to reveal Sir Jimmy Savile abuse claims? Liz MacKean reports
Her kick off intro is a doozie…
And Newsnight last night was happy to spread the blame…the police, the NHS , social services and-but of course-all those charities-who were asleep on the job.
Seems everybody was to blame…but it seeems only one organisation now seems to have smelt a rat and tried to intervene.
Unfortunately the BBC were scared of all those scary charity workers.
Is that the sound of a a metal spittoon being furiously scraped then?…God they`re DESPERATE!
Ah Hillsborough…the gift that keeps on giving.
Savile…tax dodging?…let the BBC bring you back to the curled up cheese savoury butties and the two week old diet coke.
You may have gagged or refused it last time…but here it is again-an opportunity for us all to revisit the refried beans of the BBC-you know, in the hope that we`ll forget the drunken Scousers who piled in and got away with their own lives, but were able to blame the police for their own behaviour.
Maybe that moron who wore his own T-shirt that mocked the policewomen killed should have worn the shirt today.
He`d get a fair hearing on the BBC today anyway.
Savile volunteered as a night porter? Good grief it’s getting like some bad movie.
The Beeboids are going to have to work extremely hard to shoot all these messengers.
£3.5Bn pa of compulsory tv tax should pay for a few rounds of ammo
‘Here a hint of the BBC’s way out of the Savile mess’
That may seem an attractive route given the paucity of other options open, but I am unsure it is one that this time will get the rest of the sisterhood, and even some of the wimmin, on side. Especially looking at what just popped into my in-box…
‘We are expending a fair bit of man and woman-power on examining what the chairman of the BBC called the “cesspit” of allegations swirling around Jimmy Savile and the corporation.
I can’t give you chapter and verse at the moment, but suffice to say we’ll be looking at the new claims dragging the NHS – and particularly Broadmoor Hospital – into the scandal.
We’ve also got an exclusive report on the attitude of the BBC in the 1970s, suggesting certain people were rather more aware of the Savile problem than they’re letting on.
We’ll also be casting a beady eye over BBC Newsnight’s decision not to run their television investigation into the first raft of sex abuse allegations.
We can reveal that it was virtually complete when it was dropped. More from an array of correspondents later.
I wonder if Newsnight is still fascinated by the anger and protests around badgers? ‘We had no evidence against the BBC.’
Who is this ‘we’ again?
Sounds like the good old CECUTT trick of having two separate entities who can point at each other and any doo-doo gets lost in the middle.
Not any more, I’d guess.
No, the BBC is going to get away with this. Whom are they going to fire? Nobody. It’ll be a black mark for them in their school record, BFD. It was all in the ancient past, back before the progressives were able to reform society, not the BBC’s fault at all as a Corporation. Much of it was consensual anyway. Some naughty individuals may have been responsible for enabling this, but gosh, they’re not around anymore to defend themselves. We promise to listen next time a young girl tells us one of our beloved celebrities jams his tongue down her throat. Can’t really do anything now. Nothing will happen, no matter how many internal inquiries they do.
It’s all going to be used as proof that society was awful back then, tolerating abuse of women and children, thank goodness the BBC has led the charge to reform society and the Corporation to the point where this sort of thing is not only no longer tolerated, but is considered awful and worthy of such a huge outcry and investigation.
The only people who are going to face the music will be at other, less protected institutions. And a bit of character assassination against some of the girls coming forward now. Although it’ll be hard for the BBC to say those handicapped girls were up for it, all consensual-like. But that just makes it easier for them to tut-tut now and act like they’re all just as outraged, helping to further distance themselves from the ugliness.
The BBC will proclaim themselves innocent now, we don’t do it any more, lessons learned. All the usual crowd who jump to the BBC’s defense – “think of all the orchestras, the wonderful dramas, cultural heritage, blah, blah, Mitch Benn’s stupid song” – will stay silent for a while, and then leap right back into defending the BBC against those awful Right-wing extremists who hate it and want it destroyed for political purposes. All those edgy comedians and jumped-up presenters will keep shtum until it’s time to defend the BBC again against Tory Cutz and people here.
Does anyone seriously think any of our defenders of the indefensible believe that the BBC should face severe consequences over this?
How enjoyable, sky news 6:20pm: Entwhistle being interviewed by the hacks, squirming at every point , being given a roasting over the Savile affair.
The usual suspects are of course rallying in defence of the ‘we knew nothing’/’Let’s blame the tabloids’ play…
Daily Mirror @DailyMirror
“I just had three 14-year-old girls… it keeps me young”: What Jimmy Savile boasted to shocked BBC researcher in meeting
Or, maybe. not.
links PLEASE!
All participants here [at 55:30 in] on today’s BBC Daily Politics delight in giving the Nobel Peace Prize farce a comprehensive going-over and showing complete contempt for both prize givers and prize winners.
Sorry – didn’t see the earlier comment from DYKEVISION on this one
Ah …the old BBC “internal review, to be held by one of its director types called Dame Fiona Reynolds…no, me neither!
Let`s hope that Hillsborough finally gets its own “internal enquiry” into what happened-the final version of events.
To be held by “soon to be independent”…Sir Norman Bettison…who else?
I lived in Manchester in the early 60s…only two miles from Jimmy Saviles club.
I was in Tib St one day-and i`m sure that I saw Jims Roller going by…or was it Bernard Mannings?
Which police force or trusted BBC helpline do I begin with , should I wish to claim compo?…not for me , but for all victims of passive smoking!
340 lines of enquiry?…how on earth could he run one marathon-let alone all the ones he did run…if he was as permanently shagged out as this implies?
The mans a creep-but do I detect a pigpile pyramid setting itself up a la Hillsborough…with Jenni Murray at the ready with the tissues?
How come Womans Hour always gets a result?
I see the BBC (posh egotist, Jo Coburn) are still having a go at those upper class, pleb-hating Tory elitists, in the Daily Politics show…. can’t recall the BBC wringing the Gordon Brown ‘bigot’ affair out to this extent; but then, again, calling a white working class English person a bigot is something that fits in very comfortably with the BBC’s lefty lexicon.
Nicky Campbell sumed up the BBC’s attitude to the Savile scandal this morning. That is, by the way, Nicky ‘I joined as he left (Radio One)’ Campbell. As Manuel would say to Basil ‘I know nothing!’
Campbell was busy propagating the ‘it couldn’t happen now’ meme. His argument was ‘don’t you know how PC the BBC is these days?’
You see what he did there? At one end of the scale lovely modern PC and at the other extreme nasty 1970s style sexism and child abuse. Neat.
Meanwhile his boss Entwhistle is badly flustered by reasonable questions from the press on Sky News.
A classic clip for the traditional BBC staff-only xmas out takes DVD there methinks.
A plethora of enquiries/inquiries etc etc. I give him a year in that job before he has taken all the flak and then quietly walks the plank.
That’s what one of the inquiries is going to be about: has the BBC put in place proper guidelines to ensure this never happens again. Well, of course they have, as Carol Thatcher, Sam Mason, and Kilroy Silk know all too well. Have lessons been learned? Of course. Andrew Marr is sufficiently apologetic for kissing and groping his producer, right? And, as he’s said before (quoted in the sidebar) there’s now an abnormally large number of homosexuals at the BBC who obviously won’t be fiddling young girls. Bet you didn’t know there was a good reason for that, did you?
One inquiry down, two to go.
Did the BBC have a corporate culture which caused this? No, of course not. It was a different era, society to blame, the victims’ parents didn’t believe them either, nothing specific to BBC internal culture.
Two down, one to go.
The external inquiry will of course feed off the info gathered by the other two, only it’ll have a third party holding the rubber stamp.