Thought this worth sharing…it’s in the form of an Open Letter from Lord Monckton to Jeremy Paxman…
“Your Newsnight segment on Arctic sea ice (BBC2 TV, 8 September 2012) featured a “scientist” who said ice loss since a high point in 1979 would cut the Earth’s albedo and, by this feedback, cause warming equivalent to 20 years’ global CO2 emissions.
On the IPCC’s current central climate-sensitivity estimates, 20 years’ CO2 emissions would only warm the Earth by ¼ C°. But since the IPCC’s first projections in 1990, temperature has risen only half as fast as predicted: so make that just ? C°.
The glaciologist the programme relied on got the math wrong. Ignoring the growth in Antarctic sea ice since 1979, as the programme unwisely did, the loss of 2.5 million km2 of Arctic sea ice (measured as the linear trend on the NSIDC data) will warm the Earth by only 1/20 C°, and only then if the ice loss is permanent. Halve that to allow for the compensating effect of record Antarctic sea-ice growth: say, 1/40 C° of global warming, equivalent to just 2 years’ CO2 emissions on the IPCC’s current projections, not 20 years’ emissions.
As always, the problem is that Paxman sprouts this twaddle on prime time TV, and ‘sceptics/deniers’ are reduced to factual rebuffs on webpages and in blogs.
The only way to win this war is for people to get sick of hearing the alarmist claptrap, and starting to realise that the earth is not warming. So far it has taken 15 years, and there is no sign of the tide turning….
You have to give Lord Monckton credit, he’s not afraid to call a left wing EnvironMentalist a foaming nutter.
I just wish ManBearPig had the balls to debate him, I’d love to see Lord Monckton rip him appart
Warmists have a track record of ducking out of proper scientific debate, because they know they will lose.
Did Chris Monckton ever get a reply?
Perhaps the Director General should be made to reply. He said something to the effect that the BBC was wonderful, on TV today; Misleading the population like this is quite culpable.
Talking of Paxman and Newsnight, I was pretty disgusted with his interrogation of Lord Black – not necessarily with the strong questioning, for Paxman was entitiled to do that, and Black is well equipped to dela with it – but with the way the producer abruptly cut off the piece without the niceties of winding the inteview down and without the normal thanks. No, there was simply a cut-off. I recall the same being done to other interviewees that the BBC didn’t approve of. It’s a sly and despicable way of denigrating the interviewee. The producer should be forced to explain his action.
Who will ever forget Michel Lombert(Frances 2nd best racing driver!) asking Alan Partridge what HE thought about as he asked the questions prepared for him by a spotty researcher with a highlighter pan and post-it notes.
The answer?…”nothing”.
For Partridge, read Paxo-highlighted on an idiot board with a post-it note.
Turns out that Alan Partridge was the last of the great BBC journos….the rest of them since then have been shite.
Eat my goal!
How much do we pay Paxo to parrot whatever is chiselled into his lantern jaw?…private school arse!
‘The producer should be forced to explain his action.’
Well, we seem to be in a new area of precedent, so you might yet see this happen.
The era of unaccountable abuses, even subtle ones, appears to be waning.
In astronomy the effect of albedo changes from ice coverage are so small that the calculations show that it cannot be the cause of the ice ages. The ice exists because the sun hardly shines on it and only in the summer. The change in cloud albedo is the key to climate change. A contrast between the cloudiest satellite picture of the pacific and the least cloudiest satellite picture of the pacific, represents the largest change in albedo of any planet in the solar system. Clouds are more reflective than ice, and they also survive in the sunny tropics unlike ice. An increase in cloud cover in the Arctic would increase temperatures as clouds trap heat. Also the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles and non-existent in the polar winter. As well as the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream.
There was a large increase in cloud cover over the Arctic this summer.
Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites. I do not think that glaciologists are pleased with the diminished importance of ice albedo in astronomy. As for CO2 emissions, the unified theory of climate shows that you should be more worried about raising sea levels by peeing in the sea.
Every licence fee payer should be issued with a copy of Christopher Booker’s report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation on the BBC’s coverage of ‘climate change’, though unfortunately it’s not accessible on the website at the moment.
(Normally here:)
Off topic:
The BBC now appears to be censoring names… perhaps because we all know what this would allude to…
Does anyone know how many ,in total, ‘Asian’ men have charged with or convicted of organised
‘grooming’ since the wall of silence cracked in
Liverpool earlier this year?
It seems as though the, liberal controlled, media
have been conflating these cases in the public
mind (including mine I’m embarrassed to say)
In order to obscure the true extent of this atrocity
We needed a final solution to the Muslim problem.
Your pathetic attempt at humour clearly shows how you view the victims.Islam rules, white trash were up for it. Dhimmi.
Yes the Muslims are going to over the west.
When that happens I had better stay away from cranes.
And this means exactly what in English? Or is it your second language?
Yet you’re perfectly content for Justin Webb to declare that some Christians should be considered unfit for public office.
Ok, that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are.
Is there a glitch in the Matrix?
Something tells me that’s not the real Dez. Impersonating other commenters is Not The Done Thing.
I tend to agree.
And no matter how risible the posts of some are, I would prefer that they stand or fall under the banner of the actual poster.
There are of course also false flag operations at play, and I have not been convinced that some of the more extreme postings have not been created to serve agendas beyond the topics at hand, as too many tag-team bonkers posts from all directions have immediately resulted in a ‘you lot’ [sigh] vulture swoop or the idiocy of the advocacy actually working against the point being claimed.
At least when the Telegraph does it with a Riddell or Lean you know they are low on ratings and the medium is trying to shake a stick in the hornet’s nest; with ever-changing nicknames it’s harder to catch.
I didn’t know it was possible to hijack one though, and that is out of order.
Perfectly easy. (You can tell from the avatar that I ain’t Dez).
Dez would never use the “dhimmi” word, he is in denial over it.
‘You can tell from the avatar’
Oo, nifty.
However, looking at the above, there seems to be a fair number of avatars that are drawing a blank, which, if I may suggest, rather seemed still appropriate given the usual calibre of input from the cherry vulture flockers. So I didn’t notice any absences by their… um.. not being there.
Also, if I make so bold, that does rather seem a challenge to the type of person who likes, and may be skilled at such deceptions.
An avatar, after all, is but an ether-bound representation of something/one else. Ands pixels can be plalyed with.
Quote from the right-hand side of this web page –
“People who know a lot more than I do may be right when they claim that [global warming] is the consequence of our own behaviour. I assume that this is why the BBC’s coverage of the issue abandoned the pretence of impartiality long ago”,
Jeremy Paxman
Media Guardian, Jan 31st, 2007.
Isn’t that a classic? The normally forensic, Rotweiler, doesn’t-take-no-for-an-answer Paxman, comes out with these weasel words?
Impartiality my arse – the man is a sick Leftie joke.
Isn’t that a classic? The man with the forensic, Rotweiler, doesn’t-take-no-for-an-answer reputation, comes out with these weasel words?
Impartiality my arse – the man is a sick Leftie joke.
Trying to improve your rhetoric mid-stream – fatal.
Why has no one blamed Islam for this yet?
Why would anyone point out you’re a tosser? Because nobody has to, you successfully do it all by yourself.
Using this thread to make out this site is anti islam is woeful. Islamic faith causes its own problems. Biased BBC just has to sit back and watch it happen.
Only white people are responsible for Climate Change. Get a clue!
Too true David ! mind I thing Nicky’s anus is really going of the farm with all this ‘final solution’ stuff I mean I dislike Islam and all it stands for but to advocate killing them all well Nick that’s just sick !truly you need help try getting in touch with sane or mind they should be able to help !”
Because warmists blame Texans not Arabs, Oil men not Coal Miners and Europeans and not the Chinese. But if you know about the calibration of carbon dioxide warming using the unified theory of climate, you will find that none of the above is responsible.
Whatever the temperature measurements and models may say, or the campaigners on either side, if the climate isn’t changing it’s a pity that no-one told the plants that are flowering earlier, the trees whose leaves are unfolding earlier, the butterflies that are appearing earlier, the amphibians that are breeding earlier, the birds that are breeding earlier, the spring migrant birds that are arriving earlier, or the deciduous trees whose autumn leaves are falling later or the mammals that are hibernating later.
The climate is changing and has been doing so for billions of years. It would be more worrying if it wasn’t.
Everything you said there, assuming you are being serious, provides not the slightest proof that CO2 is causing the earth to warm.
Yes, but if you really are curious about the cause of the 20th century warming then you must be better informed.
Between 1913 and 1996, only one of eight Solar Cycles was longer than the mean Solar Cycle length of 11.04 years, the last of these was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years, the strength of the Suns magnetic field more than doubled, the cosmic ray flux fell by 11 percent and there was a 8.6 percent reduction in clouds.
For further information you should read (Solar Cycle 24: Expectations and Implications: David. Archibald). A book called “The Chilling Stars” by Henrik Svensmark, and if you are a Mensa member, join the space special interest group.
We are not in America. If you are so slovenly as to omit using the word ‘mathematics’ please use the UK version ‘maths’
As a global citizen I often find the power of the argument more compelling than where the author, or audience, is based, and any consequent errant separations inspired by common language.
However on this site, when the word ‘you’ gets deployed, I remain intrigued as to who it often is referring.
Google being my friend, I found some colloquial explanations here to be amusingly forthright:
In related news, Richard Black’s friend and inspiration, Michael “Is That a Debunked Hockey Stick In Your Pants or Are You Just Glad to See Me” Mann is now suing a few of his critics because one of them compared Penn State’s whitewashing investigation into his research to the school’s cover-up of Penn State’s own Jimmy Savile, Jerry Sandusky.
He’s suing the National Review, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and has also named Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg as targets of the lawsuit.
The fact that they’ve been ripping his “science” to shreds for a while is the real impetus for this suit. Somebody wrote that OTT comparison in a CEI article, which was soon removed from the article, (the rest of which still stands) and Mann has seized on that in an attempt to silence his critics.
Maybe the enormously wealthy St. AlGore can lend him some money for lawyers in case that shared Nobel cash has run out already.