The bBC, how it hates the British armed forces and loves Islamic ones Iran naval task force ‘docks in Sudan’ An Iranian naval task force has docked in Sudan, carrying with it a “message of peace and security to neighbouring countries”,
Ah bless the bBC yet again promoting a message of peace for two of the most backward nations in the world. What is even worse is how the bBC informs you how 2 ships (Yet only one is a military vessel as such) constitutes a task force.
Then the bBC ‘Jonathan Marcus’ goes into anti-Semitism mode: “The visit by the Iranian warships to Sudan underscores the defence and security ties between the two countries.
The arms factory that was the target of the air strike is believed by analysts to be an Iranian facility manufacturing rockets and other weaponry, some of which is smuggled from Sudan, via Egypt, to Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. Israel has refused to say anything about the alleged raid. “
How come when Muslims and terrorists are sent to the great mosque in the ground by explosive means the bBC can point the finger at the Americans,British and Jews from the moment go. (Even with very little news forthcoming)
Yet when Muslims are doing the killing even in our front yards the bBC just can’t seem to get a report out or even point a finger.
” The Iranian navy was quoted as saying the visit was aimed at “conveying the message of peace and friendship to the neighbouring countries and ensuring security for seafaring and shipping lanes against marine terrorism and piracy”.
Pardon me while I fall about laughing like a fool, what a load of shite.
The bBC and its daily pro Hamas spot Growing vegetables without soil on Gaza’s rooftops A UN-led project in the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, has been creating vegetable gardens and fish farms on rooftops. Traditionally dependant on agriculture and fisheries, nowadays the local population has limited access to land because of conflict and construction.
So reading the above the reason why the people of Gaza are growing plants on their roofs is becasue of the nasty Jews bombing them into submission. Yet the elephant in the room the bBC which they even mention is: one of the most densely populated areas in the world,
Gee I wonder if the Pals in Gaza stopped breeding like rats , they may find the means to feed themselves. The bBC,the traitors in our Midst
Taking figures from BBC sources, Gaza, population of 1.4 million living on a land area of 365 km² has a density of 3,836 persons per square kilometre. To help you get an idea of how big that is, 360 sq. km is precisely the same area as the city of Montreal. That gives it a population density about 16% of ‘hotspots’ Monaco (23,660 per km²) and 22% of Macau (17,699 per km²). It also falls behind Hong Kong (6,407 per km²); Singapore (6,200 per km²) and Gibraltar (4,654 per km²).
If we consider urban population density, as we should, Gaza is less crowded than London (4,699 per km²) or Portsmouth (4,689 per km²) and just about any major city you could name. Ironically, Israeli cities Tel Aviv (7,445 per km²) and Bnai Brak (20,076 per km²) are far denser than Gaza although no one would consider that extraordinary, as similar figures are so common.
Nor is the claim that all of the Gaza strip agricultural land has become populated, likely to be true. I haven’t been able to discover what percentage of the Gaza Strip is residential, agricultural or desert but I did find that Hamas Bans Israeli Fruit Imports Into ‘Self-Sufficient’ Gaza Strip The claimed fruit harvest of 70,000 tons per year together with the vegetable harvest in Gaza reaches some 300,000 tons per year (98% self-sufficiency for vegetables) suggest strongly that there is still farmland in Gaza. That is further confirmed by satellite imagery.
Gaza’s agriculture is struggling due to many reasons and the security situation is definitely one of them. But even without Israel the problems of water quality and availability would be a severe limiting factor and encourage aquaponics.
BTW Israel is a world aquaponics leader so it wouldn’t be at all surprising if the technology or even the equipment is Israeli in origin.
In more detail. It is a Gazan roof farmer who claims that construction has taken all the farmland but the BBC let’s it go unchallenged. I often fall asleep in a car (not while driving) so I can sympathise to a degree with Roopa Suchak not seeing the farmland as she passed it. However I’m not supposed to be a paid observer.
Some screengrabs from Google Earth show that this is a very dubious claim. All wet in Gaza
The bbC defends a terrorist org yet again Israel-Gaza violence puts pressure on sides to respond Last Thursday’s ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza did not last long. It is often difficult to pinpoint when a specific escalation in violence started. Both sides will always remember what they see as a previous act of aggression by the other which enables them to justify their attacks as retaliation. On this latest occasion it is believed that small extremist Salafi groups in Gaza, that were not party to the unofficial truce, were the first to restart firing rockets into Israel on Thursday and Friday. Such groups say Hamas is too moderate in its resistance of Israel’s occupation. Hamas, which governs in Gaza, has sometimes tried to stop Salafis from firing but has not always been able to do so. Israel says it holds Hamas responsible for all rocket fire from Gaza.
Yet another sop to Islamic terrorism from the bBC, don’t blame Hamas blame other people. But hang on Hamas rule the enclave like the Tory government rule the Uk. Yet anything and everything done under by the UK is the fault of…the tories. well so the bBC tells me. Yet when Islamic terrorists carry out terrorist acts then its always somebody else’s fault. The thing is the bBC haven’t mentioned how Hamas launched over 80 missiles into Israel minutes after the Emir of Qatar left. Not one news report from the bBC mentions that, but as we all now this latest onslaught was for public consumption and not some anti-Israeli act. The bBC, the mouthpiece of Islamic terrorism around the world
I know it well, or knew well it in the past tense. In my day they were mostly Indian Moslems who avoided the Pakistanis like the plague. I think they only really came together in the mosque.
How the bbC promotes the Labour party as the the ruling party of the UK. Mental illness ‘biggest UK health challenge’ – Miliband The problem of mental illness in the UK is the “biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said.It “blights the lives of millions”, costing UK business £26bn and the NHS an extra £10bn a year, he said.Mr Miliband wants to give patients the same legal right to mental health therapies as physical healthcare.
Can somebody remind the bbC, that the Labour party are in opposition and not in power. But the number of pro labour policy articles they push out gives the impression they are living in the past.
“The problem of mental illness in the UK is the “biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said.It “blights the lives of millions”, costing UK business £26bn and the NHS an extra £10bn a year”, he said.
Not a very loyal way to refer to his predecessor, surely ? And with Blinky still in situ, too. For shame.
What could be more apt than the Hurricane Sandy open thread, where I’m sure at some point we’ll have evidence of b-BBC making connections to global warming, to reveal that at long last our impartial public broadcaster will be dedicating some airtime to Climategate (Wednesday, 9pm, radio 4).
But before we get too excited, have a look at how they are trailing it:
Call me cynical, but these snippets don’t sound too promising:
This happened just a month before the Copenhagen climate change conference, which failed to meet the expectations of many for agreement on international action. The timing may not be coincidental.
In 2012 the Norfolk Police announced they were abandoning their investigation into who hacked into the university’s computer and then distributed what they found.
Chris Vallance investigates, asking if this was it a political crime, and, if so, how effective has it been?
So, a criminal piece of hacking by sceptics aimed at politically undermining the Copenhagen summit?
And notice how the sceptics are only ever called that, but warmists are always ‘scientists’? The inference being sceptics are not scientists, a ‘play the man’ tactic used time and again by the warmists who couldn’t debate their way out of a paper bag.
Wonder if we’ll have an appearance by Steve McCintyre, Ross McKittrick, or any other ‘sceptic’ who can tear the AGW scam and its lying, cheating proponents apart without recourse to ad hominem attacks?
Wonder if they’ll get some explanation of the ambiguity in the statement ‘hide the decline’? Wonder if they’ll get Trenberth on to explain what he meant when he said it was a ‘travesty’ they couldn’t explain the lack of warming since 1998?
Hmm. It appears the BBC has learned their lesson about dropping a promising investigative special report simply because the police have decided not to press it further……
I wonder if they’ll remind everyone how the US Government colluded with the Norfolk police to hassle Roger “Tallbloke” Tattersall and confiscate his computers simply because an anonymous commenter posted a link to another site where the email txt file was being hosted.
Petrossa says:
October 28, 2012 at 10:05 am
Well at least you can be sure it will be as biased as possible. Their reputation as avid AGW enthusiasts is well known. For those who are unfamiliar with BBC’s fall from neutrality’s grace during the last decade here is a guy who keeps track:
Surely the idea of the BBC will be to contrast the upcoming storms of the East Coast with what Bush managed to screw up in New Orleans in n2005.
You`re always safer with the Democrats-hell, the wind and waves defer to Obama do they not?
Mardell already used that trick back in August when Hurricane Isaac was threatening to force the cancellation of the Republican Convention on Florida.
He even went the obvious route and wrote about the “ghosts of Katrina” haunting Republicans, perpetuating the myth that it was all Bush’s fault and nothing to do with the Democrat mayor or Democrat governor failing to do their jobs to protect their own citizens.
Funny how Atlantic City is practically under water already, and much of New Jersey and the other coastal areas seem headed towards New Orleans on steroids, but no Beeboids worrying about how the President is making His minions continue the election drive while Romney has cancelled his appearances for the next day or so.
Oh, that’s right! 🙂 I forgot that He promised that if we elected Him the rise of the oceans would begin to slow.
I wonder if this storm is a sign that His Age is about to end.
I’d like to post a link I put towards the end of the previous Open Thread: it is worth a read; interesting stuff re Beeb history, the milieu of deviancy, the latter-day attitude towards under-age sex, Savile etc.
The BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat “Journalist” promting an interviewee to name a “group” that could have cause trouble at a protest against the treatment of the 5 Royal Marines accused of murder. Eventually getting them to say “Right Wing” before ending the article, no follow up on whether or not there was any trouble – I will assume not.
Amy Lewis, from Falmouth, who grew up a Christian, became a Muslim four years ago.She said the group, which has a page on Facebook, would offer support to anyone who felt isolated in the county. Ms Lewis added that Islam, which has an estimated three million followers in the UK, was a peaceful religion and she wanted to be a “positive presence”.She said she wanted to counter hatred she had encountered.
Can body please point me in the direction of a Christian, Hindu or even Satanist group which has been given a free endorsement by the bBC recently. No.
Love the bit about the religion of peace. Doe’s anybody actually believe that shite any-more?
Muslim women contending with honour killings, genital mutilation, the problems that come with wearing a hijab and the problems when one refuses to wear one, forced marriages, cousin marriages, sharia law, traditional antipathy to education for girls probably need a support group. Unfortunately i don’t think that is Amy Lewis is establishing.
Amy Lewis knows about isolation. This project is about Amy, a young British Muslim living in Cornwall. She comes from a Christian background and converted to Islam after reading and talking about it online. 3 years ago she left England without telling anyone and went to Egypt to marry Omar, an Egyptian she met through an online forum. She is currently waiting for Omar’s visa application to be approved so he can move to England to live with her. She has always lived in a small Cornish village where everyone has know her entire life. This project is about the relationship between her, her home, her new identity and how they have both changed and are now trying to fit back together. This is the beginning of the project and so far I have tried to capture the isolation she has felt since waiting for Omar and settling in her new identity.
‘…Amy, 3 years ago she left England without telling anyone and went to Egypt to marry Omar, an Egyptian she met through an online forum. She is currently waiting for Omar’s visa application to be approved so he can move to England to live with her….. She has always lived in a small Cornish village…’
“In the first half of the 1600s, Barbary corsairs – pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa, authorised by their governments to attack the shipping of Christian countries – ranged all around Britain’s shores…..a probable 7,000 to 9,000 able-bodied British men and women taken into slavery in those years…..attacks were launched against coastal villages in Devon and Cornwall.”
“Corsairs” and “Barbary” Pirates….such quaint old historic terms. I’m surprised (sic) the BBC is not more specific.
The bBC, its mantra that the jews did it and. its mission statement of not using loaded language.
Iran naval task force ‘docks in Sudan’
The bBC promotes the visit of 1 small naval ship and its tender as a task force. (so much for the bBCs defence experts) But as is the way of Al Beeb they soon shed any pretence of a worthy story and go direct to jew hating mode. The arms factory that was the target of the air strike is believed by analysts to be an Iranian facility manufacturing rockets and other weaponry, some of which is smuggled from Sudan, via Egypt, to Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip.
Hang on the bBC which goes to great lengths in which not to say who carried out a terrorist attack in their sphere of operation (Taliban, Boko Haram, Hezb-allah,Hamas etc..) whenever a Church,School,hospital or even market place is blown to bits Due to the bBcs MS of:
a) Waiting to see who was behind it
b) Not use informatory language
Has no problem not only of saying there was an air attack, but the jews did it. As I said before the flight path of an F15i or F16i would take it either through Eygpt or down the middle of the Red Sea. Egypt has Radar which can see into Israel and see when Planes are taking off.
They have F16s and missile barriers which would have no problem shooting down any aircraft which entered their airspace. (Think 1973) Jordan can do likewise. So any aircraft would have to fly down over the Red Sea.
Saudi Arabia owns the right hand side of the RS. Its major cities of Jeddah and Mecca are on the coastline (Mecca is 25 miles in) are you telling me that all that military hardware the Saudi have bought doesn’t watch out to sea. You know like the F15s, Torndos, Eurofighters (of which they have around 200 all told) Also as the bBC has been promoting its the time of the Haj and the only airport which services Mecca is…Jeddah. There is a lot of aircraft flying into Jeddah (2.5 million people during the Haj alone) and nobody picked up those so called planes flying across the water.
Then there’s the Radar picture. The F15 and F16 are not built for stealth in order to fly to Sudan they would require refuelling and drop tanks. Both present a very big radar cross section. But nobody at the bbC can explain that .
Then there’s the pictures that have surfaced of the Arms factory. I will post them after this post. The first is the before picture and the latter after. Can anybody please explain why if the IDF have flown over 2000 miles why they only target a storage area next to the arms complex and not the arms complex itself. Yes that’s right the arms complex doesn’t get hit. But rather a so called collection of Iso containers were the target. This was apparently based on information found when a Hamas agent was murdered in 2010. Nothing like upto date information what?) Now I’ve had a bloody good look at those picture (use the Original format) and you know what those so called splash marks (craters) are bloody hard to discern not only that but there is one question that nobody is asking. where is the wreckage? The place is clean.
I am not discounting that something happened for an org which prides itself on its so called neutrality the bBC has no problem pointing the finger at the IDF. When other than supposition they have …nothing.
But here’s a thought which nation in the world operates a stealth aircraft.(F22) which Nation has a squadron of them in the Gulf and which Nation has just had 2 ships tip up in Sudan one of which is a cargo ship. Maybe the Iso containers were destined for the Kharg to transport to another location (Syria/Lebanon) but with no visible wreckage on the ground makes you wonder if the Kharg will be loading.
The bBC, unable to report the news they make it up for their Islamic masters
Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country will be transformed forever if the yew tree is lost. The same could be said for labour’s mass immigration policy , are we supposed not to notice the way the BBC manages the debate on this subject ?
Scrappydoo wrote: “Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country will be transformed forever
And yet nobody at the bBC has anything to say about the ugly ugly Mosques which are spouting here,there and everywhere. I’m sorry if you want to build a mosque build it in a style that fits into the British way of life. Something which looks like it was copied from Arabian nights doesn’t. The bBC, the traitors in our midst
Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country may be transformed forever if the yew tree is lost. The same could be said for labour’s mass immigration policy, are we supposed not to notice their altogether different treatment of this subject.
What odds would you give that the US ambassador will be invited on to Question Time this week and made to sit through diatribes from greens and lefties about the devastation of the East Coast being due to America’s foreign policy.
Search Biased BBC
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The bBC, how it hates the British armed forces and loves Islamic ones
Iran naval task force ‘docks in Sudan’
An Iranian naval task force has docked in Sudan, carrying with it a “message of peace and security to neighbouring countries”,
Ah bless the bBC yet again promoting a message of peace for two of the most backward nations in the world. What is even worse is how the bBC informs you how 2 ships (Yet only one is a military vessel as such) constitutes a task force.
Then the bBC ‘Jonathan Marcus’ goes into anti-Semitism mode:
“The visit by the Iranian warships to Sudan underscores the defence and security ties between the two countries.
The arms factory that was the target of the air strike is believed by analysts to be an Iranian facility manufacturing rockets and other weaponry, some of which is smuggled from Sudan, via Egypt, to Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. Israel has refused to say anything about the alleged raid. “
How come when Muslims and terrorists are sent to the great mosque in the ground by explosive means the bBC can point the finger at the Americans,British and Jews from the moment go. (Even with very little news forthcoming)
Yet when Muslims are doing the killing even in our front yards the bBC just can’t seem to get a report out or even point a finger.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
” The Iranian navy was quoted as saying the visit was aimed at “conveying the message of peace and friendship to the neighbouring countries and ensuring security for seafaring and shipping lanes against marine terrorism and piracy”.
Pardon me while I fall about laughing like a fool, what a load of shite.
The bBC and its daily pro Hamas spot
Growing vegetables without soil on Gaza’s rooftops
A UN-led project in the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, has been creating vegetable gardens and fish farms on rooftops. Traditionally dependant on agriculture and fisheries, nowadays the local population has limited access to land because of conflict and construction.
So reading the above the reason why the people of Gaza are growing plants on their roofs is becasue of the nasty Jews bombing them into submission. Yet the elephant in the room the bBC which they even mention is:
one of the most densely populated areas in the world,
Gee I wonder if the Pals in Gaza stopped breeding like rats , they may find the means to feed themselves.
The bBC,the traitors in our Midst
Gee, it’s a shame that they destroyed all those Jewish-built greenhouses after Israel withdrew. Funny how the BBC decided not to mention that.
Watching them rip up olive groves while blaming The Evil Jooz is similarly amusing.
Yet again with the one of the most densely populated areas in the world lie. No it is not!
I wrote about it in detail in Just dense
Taking figures from BBC sources, Gaza, population of 1.4 million living on a land area of 365 km² has a density of 3,836 persons per square kilometre. To help you get an idea of how big that is, 360 sq. km is precisely the same area as the city of Montreal. That gives it a population density about 16% of ‘hotspots’ Monaco (23,660 per km²) and 22% of Macau (17,699 per km²). It also falls behind Hong Kong (6,407 per km²); Singapore (6,200 per km²) and Gibraltar (4,654 per km²).
If we consider urban population density, as we should, Gaza is less crowded than London (4,699 per km²) or Portsmouth (4,689 per km²) and just about any major city you could name. Ironically, Israeli cities Tel Aviv (7,445 per km²) and Bnai Brak (20,076 per km²) are far denser than Gaza although no one would consider that extraordinary, as similar figures are so common.
Here is a nice graphic showing Gaza’s population density relative to the other places.
Nor is the claim that all of the Gaza strip agricultural land has become populated, likely to be true. I haven’t been able to discover what percentage of the Gaza Strip is residential, agricultural or desert but I did find that Hamas Bans Israeli Fruit Imports Into ‘Self-Sufficient’ Gaza Strip The claimed fruit harvest of 70,000 tons per year together with the vegetable harvest in Gaza reaches some 300,000 tons per year (98% self-sufficiency for vegetables) suggest strongly that there is still farmland in Gaza. That is further confirmed by satellite imagery.
Gaza’s agriculture is struggling due to many reasons and the security situation is definitely one of them. But even without Israel the problems of water quality and availability would be a severe limiting factor and encourage aquaponics.
BTW Israel is a world aquaponics leader so it wouldn’t be at all surprising if the technology or even the equipment is Israeli in origin.
Great stuff Degree.
or even deegee! d’oh.
In more detail. It is a Gazan roof farmer who claims that construction has taken all the farmland but the BBC let’s it go unchallenged. I often fall asleep in a car (not while driving) so I can sympathise to a degree with Roopa Suchak not seeing the farmland as she passed it. However I’m not supposed to be a paid observer.
Some screengrabs from Google Earth show that this is a very dubious claim.
All wet in Gaza
I’m going to have to save that piece as a brilliant rebuff to all the pro-pally propagandists
great job there!!
The bbC defends a terrorist org yet again
Israel-Gaza violence puts pressure on sides to respond
Last Thursday’s ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza did not last long. It is often difficult to pinpoint when a specific escalation in violence started. Both sides will always remember what they see as a previous act of aggression by the other which enables them to justify their attacks as retaliation. On this latest occasion it is believed that small extremist Salafi groups in Gaza, that were not party to the unofficial truce, were the first to restart firing rockets into Israel on Thursday and Friday. Such groups say Hamas is too moderate in its resistance of Israel’s occupation. Hamas, which governs in Gaza, has sometimes tried to stop Salafis from firing but has not always been able to do so. Israel says it holds Hamas responsible for all rocket fire from Gaza.
Yet another sop to Islamic terrorism from the bBC, don’t blame Hamas blame other people. But hang on Hamas rule the enclave like the Tory government rule the Uk. Yet anything and everything done under by the UK is the fault of…the tories. well so the bBC tells me. Yet when Islamic terrorists carry out terrorist acts then its always somebody else’s fault. The thing is the bBC haven’t mentioned how Hamas launched over 80 missiles into Israel minutes after the Emir of Qatar left. Not one news report from the bBC mentions that, but as we all now this latest onslaught was for public consumption and not some anti-Israeli act.
The bBC, the mouthpiece of Islamic terrorism around the world
Oh while the bBC is squirming over the Saville expose. Here’s a little snippet.
In Dewsbury the main congregation of Pakistani muslims is in:
Savile Town
You couldn’t make this up in a month of Sundays.
I know it well, or knew well it in the past tense. In my day they were mostly Indian Moslems who avoided the Pakistanis like the plague. I think they only really came together in the mosque.
How the bbC promotes the Labour party as the the ruling party of the UK.
Mental illness ‘biggest UK health challenge’ – Miliband
The problem of mental illness in the UK is the “biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said.It “blights the lives of millions”, costing UK business £26bn and the NHS an extra £10bn a year, he said.Mr Miliband wants to give patients the same legal right to mental health therapies as physical healthcare.
Can somebody remind the bbC, that the Labour party are in opposition and not in power. But the number of pro labour policy articles they push out gives the impression they are living in the past.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst
13 years of Labour rule was enough to turn the whole country to Prozac.
“The problem of mental illness in the UK is the “biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age”, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said.It “blights the lives of millions”, costing UK business £26bn and the NHS an extra £10bn a year”, he said.
Not a very loyal way to refer to his predecessor, surely ? And with Blinky still in situ, too. For shame.
High immigrant areas tend to have high incidence of mental health problems.
Remind me again who was in power when they were all allowed in?
What could be more apt than the Hurricane Sandy open thread, where I’m sure at some point we’ll have evidence of b-BBC making connections to global warming, to reveal that at long last our impartial public broadcaster will be dedicating some airtime to Climategate (Wednesday, 9pm, radio 4).
But before we get too excited, have a look at how they are trailing it:
Call me cynical, but these snippets don’t sound too promising:
This happened just a month before the Copenhagen climate change conference, which failed to meet the expectations of many for agreement on international action. The timing may not be coincidental.
In 2012 the Norfolk Police announced they were abandoning their investigation into who hacked into the university’s computer and then distributed what they found.
Chris Vallance investigates, asking if this was it a political crime, and, if so, how effective has it been?
So, a criminal piece of hacking by sceptics aimed at politically undermining the Copenhagen summit?
And notice how the sceptics are only ever called that, but warmists are always ‘scientists’? The inference being sceptics are not scientists, a ‘play the man’ tactic used time and again by the warmists who couldn’t debate their way out of a paper bag.
Wonder if we’ll have an appearance by Steve McCintyre, Ross McKittrick, or any other ‘sceptic’ who can tear the AGW scam and its lying, cheating proponents apart without recourse to ad hominem attacks?
Wonder if they’ll get some explanation of the ambiguity in the statement ‘hide the decline’? Wonder if they’ll get Trenberth on to explain what he meant when he said it was a ‘travesty’ they couldn’t explain the lack of warming since 1998?
Don’t hold your breath.
Hmm. It appears the BBC has learned their lesson about dropping a promising investigative special report simply because the police have decided not to press it further……
I wonder if they’ll remind everyone how the US Government colluded with the Norfolk police to hassle Roger “Tallbloke” Tattersall and confiscate his computers simply because an anonymous commenter posted a link to another site where the email txt file was being hosted.
Nice hat-tip from Petrossa on that thread:
Petrossa says:
October 28, 2012 at 10:05 am
Well at least you can be sure it will be as biased as possible. Their reputation as avid AGW enthusiasts is well known. For those who are unfamiliar with BBC’s fall from neutrality’s grace during the last decade here is a guy who keeps track:
Surely the idea of the BBC will be to contrast the upcoming storms of the East Coast with what Bush managed to screw up in New Orleans in n2005.
You`re always safer with the Democrats-hell, the wind and waves defer to Obama do they not?
They’re probably hoping it puts people off voting next week.
Mardell already used that trick back in August when Hurricane Isaac was threatening to force the cancellation of the Republican Convention on Florida.
He even went the obvious route and wrote about the “ghosts of Katrina” haunting Republicans, perpetuating the myth that it was all Bush’s fault and nothing to do with the Democrat mayor or Democrat governor failing to do their jobs to protect their own citizens.
Funny how Atlantic City is practically under water already, and much of New Jersey and the other coastal areas seem headed towards New Orleans on steroids, but no Beeboids worrying about how the President is making His minions continue the election drive while Romney has cancelled his appearances for the next day or so.
Don’t worry – Bathhouse Barry will simply command the seas to turn back…
Oh, that’s right! 🙂 I forgot that He promised that if we elected Him the rise of the oceans would begin to slow.
I wonder if this storm is a sign that His Age is about to end.
I’d like to post a link I put towards the end of the previous Open Thread: it is worth a read; interesting stuff re Beeb history, the milieu of deviancy, the latter-day attitude towards under-age sex, Savile etc.
Highly recommend it.
A PhD in BBC Perversion for Mr O Hagen please….a Jim`ll Fix It medal will not suffice on this occasion.
Looking at the publicity shots of Savile surrounded by nubile lovelies my only thought is why anybody is surprised.
what do hurricane sandy and the bbc have in common?
they’re both gonna give obama a tremendous blow job in the next few days
Hurricane Sandy hasn’t obliterated Benghazi.
“Benghazi: Early Briefings Pointed to Al Qaeda, Not a Protest”
This is a repost – I asked for my previous one deleting.
Have a listen to this from about 11 minutes on:
The BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat “Journalist” promting an interviewee to name a “group” that could have cause trouble at a protest against the treatment of the 5 Royal Marines accused of murder. Eventually getting them to say “Right Wing” before ending the article, no follow up on whether or not there was any trouble – I will assume not.
The bBC promoting the religion of peace yet again.
Muslim support group started in Cornwall by Amy Lewis
A convert to Islam in Cornwall has started a support group for Muslim women in the county.
Amy Lewis, from Falmouth, who grew up a Christian, became a Muslim four years ago.She said the group, which has a page on Facebook, would offer support to anyone who felt isolated in the county. Ms Lewis added that Islam, which has an estimated three million followers in the UK, was a peaceful religion and she wanted to be a “positive presence”.She said she wanted to counter hatred she had encountered.
Can body please point me in the direction of a Christian, Hindu or even Satanist group which has been given a free endorsement by the bBC recently. No.
Love the bit about the religion of peace. Doe’s anybody actually believe that shite any-more?
“And shall al-Trelawny live?
And shall al-Trelawny die?
Here’s twenty thousand Mussulmen
Who’ll blow up the London Eye.”
Muslim women contending with honour killings, genital mutilation, the problems that come with wearing a hijab and the problems when one refuses to wear one, forced marriages, cousin marriages, sharia law, traditional antipathy to education for girls probably need a support group. Unfortunately i don’t think that is Amy Lewis is establishing.
Amy Lewis knows about isolation.
This project is about Amy, a young British Muslim living in Cornwall. She comes from a Christian background and converted to Islam after reading and talking about it online. 3 years ago she left England without telling anyone and went to Egypt to marry Omar, an Egyptian she met through an online forum. She is currently waiting for Omar’s visa application to be approved so he can move to England to live with her. She has always lived in a small Cornish village where everyone has know her entire life. This project is about the relationship between her, her home, her new identity and how they have both changed and are now trying to fit back together. This is the beginning of the project and so far I have tried to capture the isolation she has felt since waiting for Omar and settling in her new identity.
Anna Nielson
Funny really you would think she would want to move to Egypt to be with Omar and all those other Muslims there. Strange that he wants to move here.
I have mentioned it before but all of the female converts I have come across are attention seekers and Ms Lewis seems to fit that bill.
‘…Amy, 3 years ago she left England without telling anyone and went to Egypt to marry Omar, an Egyptian she met through an online forum. She is currently waiting for Omar’s visa application to be approved so he can move to England to live with her….. She has always lived in a small Cornish village…’
Reminds me of this…..
“In the first half of the 1600s, Barbary corsairs – pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa, authorised by their governments to attack the shipping of Christian countries – ranged all around Britain’s shores…..a probable 7,000 to 9,000 able-bodied British men and women taken into slavery in those years…..attacks were launched against coastal villages in Devon and Cornwall.”
“Corsairs” and “Barbary” Pirates….such quaint old historic terms. I’m surprised (sic) the BBC is not more specific.
The bBC, its mantra that the jews did it and. its mission statement of not using loaded language.
Iran naval task force ‘docks in Sudan’
The bBC promotes the visit of 1 small naval ship and its tender as a task force. (so much for the bBCs defence experts) But as is the way of Al Beeb they soon shed any pretence of a worthy story and go direct to jew hating mode.
The arms factory that was the target of the air strike is believed by analysts to be an Iranian facility manufacturing rockets and other weaponry, some of which is smuggled from Sudan, via Egypt, to Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip.
Hang on the bBC which goes to great lengths in which not to say who carried out a terrorist attack in their sphere of operation (Taliban, Boko Haram, Hezb-allah,Hamas etc..) whenever a Church,School,hospital or even market place is blown to bits Due to the bBcs MS of:
a) Waiting to see who was behind it
b) Not use informatory language
Has no problem not only of saying there was an air attack, but the jews did it. As I said before the flight path of an F15i or F16i would take it either through Eygpt or down the middle of the Red Sea. Egypt has Radar which can see into Israel and see when Planes are taking off.
They have F16s and missile barriers which would have no problem shooting down any aircraft which entered their airspace. (Think 1973) Jordan can do likewise. So any aircraft would have to fly down over the Red Sea.
Saudi Arabia owns the right hand side of the RS. Its major cities of Jeddah and Mecca are on the coastline (Mecca is 25 miles in) are you telling me that all that military hardware the Saudi have bought doesn’t watch out to sea. You know like the F15s, Torndos, Eurofighters (of which they have around 200 all told) Also as the bBC has been promoting its the time of the Haj and the only airport which services Mecca is…Jeddah. There is a lot of aircraft flying into Jeddah (2.5 million people during the Haj alone) and nobody picked up those so called planes flying across the water.
Then there’s the Radar picture. The F15 and F16 are not built for stealth in order to fly to Sudan they would require refuelling and drop tanks. Both present a very big radar cross section. But nobody at the bbC can explain that .
Then there’s the pictures that have surfaced of the Arms factory. I will post them after this post. The first is the before picture and the latter after. Can anybody please explain why if the IDF have flown over 2000 miles why they only target a storage area next to the arms complex and not the arms complex itself. Yes that’s right the arms complex doesn’t get hit. But rather a so called collection of Iso containers were the target. This was apparently based on information found when a Hamas agent was murdered in 2010. Nothing like upto date information what?) Now I’ve had a bloody good look at those picture (use the Original format) and you know what those so called splash marks (craters) are bloody hard to discern not only that but there is one question that nobody is asking. where is the wreckage? The place is clean.
I am not discounting that something happened for an org which prides itself on its so called neutrality the bBC has no problem pointing the finger at the IDF. When other than supposition they have …nothing.
But here’s a thought which nation in the world operates a stealth aircraft.(F22) which Nation has a squadron of them in the Gulf and which Nation has just had 2 ships tip up in Sudan one of which is a cargo ship. Maybe the Iso containers were destined for the Kharg to transport to another location (Syria/Lebanon) but with no visible wreckage on the ground makes you wonder if the Kharg will be loading.
The bBC, unable to report the news they make it up for their Islamic masters
Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country will be transformed forever if the yew tree is lost. The same could be said for labour’s mass immigration policy , are we supposed not to notice the way the BBC manages the debate on this subject ?
Scrappydoo wrote:
“Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country will be transformed forever
And yet nobody at the bBC has anything to say about the ugly ugly Mosques which are spouting here,there and everywhere. I’m sorry if you want to build a mosque build it in a style that fits into the British way of life. Something which looks like it was copied from Arabian nights doesn’t.
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
I expect the BBC will do a report on Sandy’s impact on Greenwich Village
Just how dumb does the BBC think we are? The BBC encourages us to be concerned and sentimental at the loss of red telephone boxes, the £, and now the latest , the Yew tree. The BBC tells us in a caring way that the country may be transformed forever if the yew tree is lost. The same could be said for labour’s mass immigration policy, are we supposed not to notice their altogether different treatment of this subject.
double post —oooops!
Newsnight ….. bullshit of the left
i wonder how much anal sex goes on in the ‘dressing’ rooms at the BBC, especially during SCD season…
What odds would you give that the US ambassador will be invited on to Question Time this week and made to sit through diatribes from greens and lefties about the devastation of the East Coast being due to America’s foreign policy.