Everything is going a bit pear shaped at the BBC regarding Savile……and no matter how many ‘media consultants’ or media analysts from Univeristies (who usually turn out to be ex-BBC employees) the BBC parades in front of us to say it’s something all about nothing really, the increasing likelihood is that Entwistle might go….if this was a Government department you can be sure one of John Humphrys questions would be ‘Should you consider your position?’
Roger Laughton, BBC employee for 25 years and now a media consultant type, was wheeled on yesterday to tell us he felt sorry for Entwistle….‘being grilled by a bunch of quite aggressive MPs….they were attack dogs…jusy looking for questions he couldn’t answer…he tried to answer honestly.’
A new line of defence is that the victims, the girls, are being forgotten in all this and the BBC has become the story instead….that’s because the BBC is the story…how it allowed Savile to ‘get away’ with it for nearly 50 years, why Newsnight abandoned its broadcast…was it to safeguard the BBC reputation?, and the general incompetence of the senior management’s reactions in response to a major crisis.
Now though it looks like there is more trouble brewing internally as they fall out amongst themselves as Victoria Derbyshire on Twitter lays into management…i.e. Entwistle:
Victoria Derbyshire @vicderbyshire ‘If BBC journos/Eds make a poor editorial call, (& most of us hve at some point), will they be treated by mgemnt like Peter Rippon has been?
The Daily Mail reports that the BBC tried to ‘gag’ a government minister, Grant Shapps, when he appeared on question time by laying out what the ‘facts’ really were regarding Savile and the BBC…the facts of course as the BBC management saw them….

BBC Trust chief, Chris Patten, was slow off the mark to comment…and when he did it might have been better if he hadn’t bothered as he completely misjudged his approach when answering a letter from a government minister and implied that the government was in some way threatening the BBC’s independence.
As stated previously when you see the performance and attitudes of past and present chairman of BBC Governors or Trust you realise it is probably almost pointless to complain to them about BBC behaviour….it seems they will defend it however wrong it was.
Another indictment of management is the attitude of Entwistle and his predecessor Thompson who claim, in the interest of BBC ‘independence’, to have refused to take any interest whatsoever in the working of the BBC and therefore cannot be held responsible for whatever goes wrong.
Not a bad get out clause….’I’m in charge but don’t blame me…..I’m just an inspirational figure head or something……pays well though.’
All told a pretty shabby shambles…..still….when the BBC come to make the ‘Film’ I have no doubt that we will find we were all badly mistaken and Savile was actually employed by ITV and it was the BBC, aided by Labour’s Tom Watson, who broke the scandal wide open.