222 Responses to MONDAY OPEN THREAD…

  1. Anders Thomasson says:

    Unless the McQuarrie report says “We just wanted to smear the Tories” then it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. So it’s not worth the paper it’s printedon.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    They just read out the MacQuarrie report result. You’ll never guess in a million years what the findings were.

    Editorial hierarchy unclear.
    Editorial decisions muddled.
    Nobody showed Messham a picture of McAlpine.

    No kidding. Outrageously, the conclusion will be that not having a permanent editor in charge of Newsnight was the problem.

    What about the people who put it together? Why isn’t the BBC pointing fingers at any of the journalists who put this sh!t together? Jim Dandy and Nicked emus have both said that it was crap journalism, so why is there no blame placed on the journalists? Yes, editors/management are responsible for giving things a green or red light, buck stops wherever, but this might lead one to believe that the world-class well-paid investigative journalists are a bunch of monkeys who are just as likely to report garbage as they are to do proper journalism and it’s only a quality editor – preferably, a former world-class, well-paid investigative journalist – who stops them from broadcasting the crap.

    Before our resident professional journalists tell me I don’t understand anything, let me say that this situation is in no way unique to journalism. Employees in all kinds of industries do work which is then supervised, approved, etc. If employees turn out crap, they are crap, and it’s not exclusively the fault of a manager who lets the crap work through on occasion. If there’s any real blame to be placed on management, it’s for hiring shoddy journalists in the first place or not getting rid of ones gone bad.


  3. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I’m enjoying the hypocrisy of BBC reporting on how awful Starbucks/Apple/Google are for escaping tax on corporate income by charging their divisions royalty payments which get paid back to the mothership, when the BBC does this all the time. Only nobody can call them on it.


  4. royof the rovers says:

    if we all said we are not paying the telly tax what would the bbc do.It would go against their grain if the government had to build more prisons to put the peasants in.


  5. George R says:

    “Peter Sissons: the BBC is ‘a clattering train running out of control’



  6. George R says:

    UK’s Syrian Jihadists:
    -No Islam Not BBC (INBBC) report.

    Is INBBC too politically close to Syrian Jihadists to criticise them?

    ‘Daily Mail’:-

    “Anti-terror police hold man, 24, at Heathrow in probe into volunteers travelling to join Syrian rebels.
    “Arrest in relation to investigation of travel to Syria to join rebels.
    “Man detained on suspicion of committing or planning terrorism offences.”




    • johnnythefish says:

      If we started charging these jihadist groups in the Middle East and elsewhere for every one of these nutters we export perhaps we’d stand a chance of reducing the deficit.


  7. JaneTracy says:

    Has anybody had a sighting of the BBC’s Economics Editor Stephanie “floundering” Flanders? With the news on the Bank of England and the big changes to QE shouldnt she be out analysing it?

    Surely she isnt quiet because she doesnt understand it?


  8. Reed says:

    Very good article from Janet Daley…

    But the BBC’s people are unlikely to have come from elsewhere in broadcasting – because there is (almost) no elsewhere. The BBC, equipped with the budget of a small country, has done its best to eliminate or marginalise the competition. It has all but wiped out local radio, pushed the newspaper websites into a struggle for commercial survival and stomped all over any new territory that technology has opened up. It speaks laughably of “pluralism” in society but does its best to extinguish any pluralism of broadcast news provision. Its dominance of the national news output should seem positively sinister in a free country.

    So here’s a suggestion to those who run this megalith: stop telling yourself how f***ing wonderful you are and address the real problems that are leading you to discredit and ultimate destruction.



    • johnnythefish says:

      Janet Daly – class act: clear, concise, logical, knowledgeable. Her piece at the weekend mourning the demise of the US into a mirror image of a decadent, sclerotic, debt-mired Europe was superb.


      • Nicked emus says:

        Janet Daly – class act: clear, concise, logical, knowledgeable.

        That would be the same Janet Daley who just before the US election predicted a clear win by Romney would it? That sort of class, that sort of knowledge? Very impressive.

        The same Janet Daley who was sacked by the Telegraph for being too bonkers and only brought back when the Barclay Brothers brought in a load of ex-Daily Mail types to run the paper?


  9. johnnythefish says:

    Tim Davie – straight out of the Andy Burnham school of Div 2 football manager soundalikes.

    Still, I bet his editorial judgement on climate change is impeccable.


  10. George R says:

    Was was BBC-NUJ chum, Chakrabarti on during sorry ‘Newsnight’?

    The subject was Abu Qatada, and she was chatting about ASBOs!

    A sorry joke, like duff European Court, and spineless British political class.


  11. George R says:

    Islam Not BBC (INBBC) at the ready?:-

    ‘Media manipulation: “Palestinians” push their children to taunt IDF soldiers, as media stand ready to film scene of “Israeli soldier brutalizing Palestinian children”‘

    (inc 1 min video).


  12. lojolondon says:

    I watched the ‘Hunter’ programme last night – a very unbalanced commie propaganda fest – lots of introspection over the nasty, cruel ‘capitalists’ (modelled on the Kray brothers) working against the ‘governments’ and killing innocent people left, right and centre ‘for more money’. Of course, I don’t need to tell you that the police are complicit and on the take!


  13. George R says:

    “Newsnight builds on wave of publicity with Wembley Stadium Live Roadshow”
