Funny old world you might think as the Jews, having suffered at the hands of the Nazis, turn into Nazis themselves and aim to wipe out the Palestinians.
Did I just say that? Must have been listening to the BBC for far too long.
The BBC were a bit nonplussed for a while when Hague blamed Hamas for starting the ‘aggression’. But the BBC has a plan…just like the Egyptian PM, they are going to ignore Hague and blame Israel.
Nicky Campbell set the tone this morning when his first caller came on to tell us that the Jews, just as the Nazis had wiped out 6 million Jews, were aiming to kill all the Palestinians.
Campbell said absolutely nothing….until later…after a torrent of listener messages complaining, forced him to raise the subject, well at least for a brief moment anyway.
Campbell then got told off when a caller said Saudi Arabia was the spiritual leader for Muslims….Campbell said it wasn’t…..caller said it was and he should know, as he’s a Muslim. Campbell says well, only for Sunnis, caller says there is only one Islam……which is technically true if you understand the reasons God gave for the ‘creation’ of Islam.
Campbell demonstrated all too well the BBC arrogance in preaching about Islam whilst applying its own beliefs to ‘modify’ Islam in order that it fits in with their own ideas of what it should be so that non-Muslims don’t get any ideas about the reality of Islamic beliefs and practises.
The BBC has been pretty creative in finding ways to subtly make the Palestinians the ‘victims’…..they send a reporter to Israel….and then describe the nice modern homes….and the ‘safe’ bomb shelters the Israelis have built inside the homes and the ‘Iron Dome’ anti-rocket system…all of which means the Israelis don’t have to bother about rockets coming from Gaza…what’s the problem?
It’s different in Gaza of course where Wyre Davies links in with the comment that sadly the Palestinians don’t have bomb shelters or Iron Dome….presumably to save them from what he described as the ‘brutal’ Israeli offensive.
Wyre Davies ?@WyreDavies
#Israel says this assassination is part of a ‘limited’ operation against Hamas. That’s not how many in Gaza would describe such an op.
The Palestinians do have one option…that’s not to fire hundreds of rockets into Israel…..a bomb shelter and Iron Dome are defensive measures…they ‘protect’ Israelis against something…wonder what that could be?
Davies is rather sceptical about the reasons for Israel’s military strikes….never mind the 1000 rockets fired into Israel in 2012 this is the real reason that Israel is ‘defending itself’:
Wyre Davies ?@WyreDavies
No coincidence there’s soon an election in #Israel. #Netanyahu talks up threats in the North and South, #Lieberman threatens the #PA (1/2)
Jonathan Freedland ?@j_freedland
Lots asking my view of Steve Bell’s cartoon. I’m afraid Guardian colleagues tend to discuss such things internally rather than on Twitter
That’s right BBC (and Guardian)….Israeli politician starts a war to win an election…..just as Maggie started the Falkland War? Never mind the images of body bags etc! What a vote winner.
Jeremy Bowen adds to the mix on Sheila Fogarty’s show with his usual slippery evasiveness…managing never to say anything good about Israel but not shy about saying something bad.
Can’t help thinking after ‘Balen’ he was promoted to keep him, and the BBC, out of trouble by sidelining him into management with limited time on air.
Today reinforces that impression.
Asked about the history of the conflict he began by telling us that it all began in 1897 when a group of Jews, Zionists, decided they were going to take over part of Palestine and make it the Jewish homeland…the thing is, he says, there were people living there already… Jews then Jeremy?
As to the Arab attitude towards the creation of Israel…well…they ‘struggled’ to accept it. ‘Struggle’ as in ‘Jihad’ presumably.
As to the present fighting Bowen had his own unique take on that…..there was a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel…but there was a bit of a ‘flare up’…but this was dying down …until Israel escalated the conflict by killing Jabari… other words it’s Israel’s fault. They’re the aggressors.
Bowen rather fortuitously has the same notion about who started the war as the Al Qassam Brigade:
Alqassam Brigades ?@AlqassamBrigade
Al Qassam: Assassination of the great leader Ahmed al Jabari is the beginning of liberation war and ominous harbinger on sons of Zion #Gaza
Alqassam Brigades ?@AlqassamBrigade
“Tel Aviv” has its original Arabic name which is (Tel El Rabee), so it would be returned back soon ( war of liberation started) #Gaza #Hamas
However even Twitter can give the lie to the little porkies from the BBC’s Middle East Editor.
How would you describe that ‘flare up’ ?
Amir Mizroch ?@Amirmizroch
Let me see if I get this: Gaza terrorists fire 150 rockets at us since Saturday (Nov 10) and today we open the border and send in goods and food??
Tim Marshall ?@Skytwitius
Rocket fired into Israel fm Gaza, no injuries. IDF says it holds Hamas accountable. Over 1000 missiles fired into Israel in 2012
Amir Mizroch ?@Amirmizroch
Without Iron Dome this would be an entirely different reality show
So what really kicked off this latest fracas?
Was it the killing of Jabari as Bowen claimed or this rocket attack on an Israeli Army jeep which injured 4 troops…the Israelis fired back…and the Palestinians launched well over 100 rockets and mortars in response…….Jabari was only then targeted…..
November 10
Neil Lazarus ?@awesomeseminars
#breaking news IDF solider hurt in jeep attack likely to lose sight: Solider who was critically wounded … #israel
This video clearly shows the missile hitting the jeep. (On Sat 10th Nov) An IDF inquiry indicated that during a routine Givati force patrol along the border fence, an anti-tank missile was fired from the Sajaiya neighborhood.
The missile penetrated the jeep and exited from the other side. The IDF responded by with tank fire killing four Palestinians and wounding 20.
The event set in motion a round of violence that saw more than 110 rockets being fired at Israel. One of the soldiers wounded in the attack was discharged from the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon on Monday.
Amir Mizroch ?@Amirmizroch
Hamas not taking on Iron Dome. Firing shorter rockets, mortars also targeting almost all IDF activities along Gaza fence. Per @galey_zahal (10th Nov)
Finally, we had a little chat on the BBC about the Palestinians intentions for Israel….do they really want to wipe it out …or do they just want a peaceable agreement and a two state solution?
Seems not:
Alqassam Brigades ?@AlqassamBrigade
#Palestinian #Resistance strikes on Tel Aviv caused of pampers crisis in the occupied city.
Alqassam Brigades ?@AlqassamBrigade
“Tel Aviv” has its original Arabic name which is (Tel El Rabee), so it would be returned back soon ( war of liberation started) #Gaza #Hamas
Tel Aviv….an Israeli city is ‘occupied’…but soon to be ‘liberated’ in this war of ‘liberation’.
Pretty clear….even if you hadn’t listened to Palestinian politicians of all loyalties talking of freeing ‘Palestine’…. ‘All Palestine’ from the Occupiers.
Shame the BBC tend to ignore or de-emphasise such revealing talk.
Jesus wept Alan, can you keep it shorter and add some relevant links. It’s pointless without links.
So much BBC bias…..may add links if have time.
This have to do for now…..Campbell after 0900.
Fogarty at about 1315.
Happy hunting
oops! … done it again alan 😀
the dandy dummy … definitely out :-D.
top hole 😀
actually as i ve been driving about, i ve heard most of this 5live pap … and posted up on open thread, so i won t repeat it ……
then again,… naaah! … just for” jovial” jim dandy
on bbc station bbc 5live
yesterday all day … the pallywood appreciation society with drip drip guest appearances, always appearing to be “activists” right up until the afternoon resident chimp bacon and the Hamas! press conference? … charming.
AND – al bbc continues, this mornings phone in 5live your call has an attempt at the world speaking without drawing breath record, as panto nikki has abbas s right hand man, and his 10min rant,
oh the calls … well 20 mins in i think they may start … hmmm let the bias begin eh! …
the phone calls ruthlessly impartial?, no sorry folks …
this is the bbc after all 😀
on into the afternoon the drone of bias continues as bowen turns up on sheeeela foglegity … with interspersed bulletins of more israelli strikes
they are asking for your views … but ………
don t bother, as the inquisition will probably be just like mine, where you can give 3 salient points straight off … not interested, and you then hear someone who can hardly string a sentence together put straight on air.
(ah! the power of the mic fairy eh!) …
couldn t have anything to do with support for israells position? and genuine knowledge of the situation …. could it?
and i m afraid the parade of pallywood celebs continues on 5live, as some incomprehensible dr from somewhereistan shouts something about aggressors, followed only about 15 mins later with a rep from the LSE, (london school of extremists) .and a drone about angering the wider region – the whole “muslim” ?? world, and (cue dr evil stylee) – one point yada yada billion mohamheads etc .
just verbal diahorrea – and they call this news?
as an adage … 5live sat a.m.
by ten to eight this morning, i hear that the only blockade to peace, for over twenty years there, has been …
wait for it
collusion?, between Israel and the US?
by some non entity whose writing a beginners guide to israel/gaza?
(where DO they get them from? the UAF website?).
isn t jeremy bowen is it …
check it out … about 8.50 am
Gregory …
(the economic deprivation/isolation – the blockade – occupation the occupation – their all sealed off – the refugees the refugees – Israel/US preventing solution) …
Harms …
2hr 6mins
our resident beebots … well their all ears 😀
absolutely perfect example of
al bbc, and leftist narrative.
ezra levant tongue (as always) firmly in cheek … classic
“universities are the training and recruiting grounds for these whack jobs”
Love it! Most of the protesters seemed gifted with all the mental facilities of a stunned mullet, one whack job claimed he didnt like religions only to be found supporting islamofascists singing ‘God is great’ Hmm picked the wrong side there.
Hamas throw firecrackers at Israel? Yeah one ton rockets with warheads filled with ball bearings, as deadly as any cluster munition, thats the level of intelligence. Whack jobs and university indoctrinated cultists fooled into supporting islamofascism.
Useful idiots is what these people are.
how did i know you d love it 😀
the thing is … you d could make just an example of them this side of the pond, with consummate ease, BUT on al bbc
it is doctored so you don t get the chance
“Stunned Mullet”…LOL.
Only other person I have heard say that is my step-dad.
Whenever I hear someone saying that the missiles fired from Gaza are ineffective (i.e. are not likely to cause harm and are just symbolic), I would like to ask them if they would be willing to subject themselves to a scientific experiment and have one of these fireworks fired at them, or their homes or their children’s school to demonstrate just how ineffective these missiles are.
Damn those Israelis….
Blocking essential things, like chocolate…pmsl!!!
‘Don’t have the materials to mend their sewers.’
But can tunnel into Egypt and under Israel itself.
Congrats on the ad hom restraint there Jim (got the standard 7 too), but as a deputy self-electing hall monitor can I kindly ask you to stay on topic please? It’s pointless with you just hurling demands around.
Now, as to the many tangibles actually provided…
I’m afraid Guardian colleagues tend to discuss such things internally rather than on Twitter
Sort of like 28Gate then? If only those darn kids at the BBC would learn to STFU when it makes Aunty look bad.
They need to learn from the pros…
‘[Newswatch] – about the BBC, by the BBC, for viewers of the BBC to have their criticisms addressed, filmed presumably at BBC studios…and nobody from the BBC can be bothered to wander over and show even the pretense of some sort of accountability.’
I also see a new potential tag-team partner has arisen, Phoenix-like. What’s the word again? [sigh]
But these lengthy unsourced rants, full of assertion and hyperbole, are disrespectful to the reader’s time. I’d like to respond, but don’t know where to start.
Try the David Vance approach Alan. Keep it short and provide links. Otherwise it’s just green ink
In the manner of Eric Morely…
‘I’d like to respond, but don’t know where to start.’
I would bless the small mercies, but it does not seem to have prevented two posts so far with naught to show.
‘these lengthy unsourced rants, full of assertion and hyperbole, are disrespectful to the reader’s time.
An opinion… based on repeated visits to a free site… to be disrespected. You’re not related to Max Mosely are you?
Any thoughts, equivalence-wise (I know this is a matter of some interest in certain newsrooms) on the ‘respect’ shown uniquely fee-imposed BBC licence fee payers regarding the lengthy series of ineptitudes, or deliberate lying and cheating by market rate talents of our most trusted national broadcaster?
To be honest I agree with JD on this (No offence Alan and yes this is the real me! 😀 ). I rarely read through such long posts (an exception was the USA ones DP used to do does with multiple links were structured and logical). Pointing out the bias is easy and so should be succinct unless there is a need for reams of additional info but in most cases there isn’t.
What he said
Unsure of how my relative honesty has a bearing, but I must recalibrate my understanding of the word ‘respect’. Coming to a free site run by volunteers and launching into a irony-free information-absent diatribe, or even chiding critique of style seems just the merest bit impolite to me.
If facts are wrong, correct them. If something is unclear ask.
But if it is simply not to your exacting standards maybe… and this is radical I can see… just leave it alone?
The site owners appear to have the patience of Job and the tolerance of saints to cheerfully allow such presumptuous demands wash off their backs when I would be offering a full money-back refund with their cancellation.
This reminds me of BBC CECUTT, with whom I have some experience, being a paying, concerned customer.
Their single inbound system allows a finite 1500 characters (also noting in checking that they have 2013 already up to complain about, which is novel – time travel?). Not a great space for a proper complaint outline, but usually just enough.
Then, after a few default blow-offs that can get to several pages as they tell you what you told them and print out the sections of the Editorial Guidelines as to why they don’t need to answer, if you do get as far as the ECU and especially Trust you can end up with several megabytes of a response, often running to hundreds of pages.
And if you reply to these, they then complain back that you are consuming their time by following their system requirements… and try to expedite you on that bonkers, internally-created and self-policed basis.
What I see from Alan, above, appears mostly relevant archive material in support of his premise. It’s a blog, by a probably non-professional writer without access to the vast resources of the BBC (proofing, subs, etc… not this seems to improve their charged output any better), so if it rambles… I frankly will cut some slack.
What I see in response from self-elected hall monitors, as with most BBC replies, is petty sniping from people who appear to feel they are on this planet to tear down anything anyone builds out of spite or a misplaced sense of self-importance. The fact that it’s from those (mostly) who in other breaths wish the site did not exist is… novel… if ballsy.
Now, as any who have got this far will probably concede, it’s those who are so time poor they like gatekeepers to feed them only what they think they want to know about, who seem to be getting themselves and a lot of folk in a lot of deep water. Especially at the BBC, eh, Chris, George, Mark, Helen, Ted & Alice?
So if you don’t ‘do’ detail, you can hardly complain if what you don’t know ends up biting you.
Here’s a short link to go with that for those of limited attention span on why it may be worth running through the full course first (don’t keep things tight to the shoulder when firing wildly, and those chips can get knocked off. Also, from the look of it, if someone gives you a loaded weapon, make sure you trust them before the first discharge. That looks like a serious calibre/charge):
Thats funny. Reminds me of the cartoon blunderbuss where the person firing it shoots backwards and splats on the wall.
Not sure how much of that is relevant. I clearly ‘do’ do detail and the standard pat brush-off re the contributors time and patience is totally unnecessary. I have years commenting and in this instance I concurred with a resident ‘moany’. This isn’t the first time however that I have made suggestions or comments about the contributors or their output and I shall continue to do so as I see fit.
‘This isn’t the first time however that I have made suggestions or comments about the contributors or their output and I shall continue to do so as I see fit.’
As is your right. Good for you.
So will I.
Once you are sure on what is relevant, though rather off topic then we maybe can get to what is totally unnecessary in fact or what you simply feel I should not be expressing along with the thread author.
Which does become, in context, ironic.
relevant “to me”, I answered the bit that I thought may have been addressing my comment. btw, if I answer again it will be below as another thing that irritates me is the ‘uncontrolled indents of each reply to the point of crazy replies of one letter width (something else I have mentioned previously)
No real reason to comment, just wanted to see it was at single words stage, lol
Jonathan. Now that, at least, was worth a like:)
Re the Steve Bell cartoon; according to the Jewish Chronicle:
“Mr Bell said he had chosen to draw the cartoon because “the coverage of Operation Pillar of Defence has been so skewed in favour of the Israeli side, particularly I regret to say on the BBC, that I do personally feel quite a strong need to make the counter argument””
These Guardianistas are incorrigible: no doubt the Beeb will see this as proof that they are getting it about right.
Someone seems to have been taking drawing lessons – it’s reasonably stylish compared to their usual scrawls.
What does Pakistan have to do with this post?
Now that’s how to do it. 1 like added.
So. I’m back and I read the news as I koff half a pork pie (Actually bought it in Melton yesterday) and I catch up on how the bun fight between Israel and Gaza is playing out.
And surprise surprise, only one side is guilty of aggression when it comes to the bBC and this is perfectly substantiated by this video report:
Gaza hospital casualities as rockets fired
So watch how Wyre Davies reports at 50 seconds how the IDF have launched over 300 airstrikes (And hit a building next to a school ) with the potential for many civilian causalities yet for 300 airstrikes they have only managed to kill…27 people. (Actually the death toll is 28 Palestinians, but that extra death was an execution carried out by Hamas) Now go back to the start of the video, lots of pictures of pretty children, but hang on why are the doctors not covered in blood with all the people (mostly children) whom the bBC say are overloading Gazas hosptial every half hour. where are the bloody rags on the floor, why aren’t the beds soaked in blood. Just complacent children sat there been quiet. Ok people how many of you here are parents, What does a child do when it is in pain? What does it do when it is bored. However non of the children in the bBC video are crying out or even fidgeting about. Why is that doctor who can’t stand any more wearing a spotless outfit. I mean it doesn’t have a mark on it.
But back to Davies and that airstrike next to the school. Yeah what he doesn’t tell you is that it was hit during the night. Mabe there lies the reason there was no casualties at the school next door and maybe the reason there are no fires burning in the building or even much black smoke . But hang on Davies tells me the Jews are bombing every 30 minutes, yet not only is he under wearing a short sleeve shirt under his spotless body armour, nor wearing a helmet. (Which is a must do in a hot zone) But there isn’t any noise of aircraft, explosions or even rockets . Maybe there lies the reason Davies isn’t bothered about covering up, he knows he is safe and so the body armour is just for show.
“The bBC, inventing story lines to defend the indefensible, you know like they did with Jimmy Saville”
Gosh I’ve got to hand it to the bBC how they report stories where the Islamic bad guys get their comeuppance.
Nigeria Boko Haram commander Ibn Saleh Ibrahim ‘killed’
Nigeria’s military has killed a top commander of militant Islamist group Boko Haram in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri, an army spokesman has said. Ibn Saleh Ibrahim was killed in an exchange of fire with six of his lieutenants, the spokesman added.An unknown number of civilians are said to have been killed in the crossfire, says a BBC reporter in Nigeria.
So let me get this straight. An Islamic terrorist behind thousands of murders is shot dead during a gunfight along with six of his fellow terrorists, but the bBC are more concerned about the people who may have been killed by the police rather than the death of 7 terrorists responsible for the murderer behind thousands of innocent lives been taken I quote:
Earlier this month, rights group Amnesty International accused Nigeria’s security forces of carrying out widespread abuses in their campaign against Boko Haram, including extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism
It’s also very badly written:
“Ibn Saleh Ibrahim was killed in an exchange of fire with six of his lieutenants
‘“Ibn Saleh Ibrahim was killed in an exchange of fire with six of his lieutenants”
And another like gladly added here.
Maybe they were part of the Boko Harem Panda Maquis?
I wish this pathetic and harmful political correctness was under the BBC’s microscope… but, of course, they are part of the problem NOT the solution!
Today programme on Saturday morning – report from Bowen – trouble in Gaza started by the Israelis – so it doesn’t really matter what Hague said – can just be ignored to suit the narrative.
I’m currently watching some stupid, arrogant and biased BBC News 24 reporter patronizing an Israeli defense spokesperson with loaded questions… who the HELL do the BBC think they are? After the incompetence they’ve been guilty of over the last few weeks I would suggest that they stick to Blue Peter and Newsround!
Er, no. They should be kept well away from children as they have shown they cannot be trusted to behave appropriately towards them.
Just watched that black guy on the bBC news channel doing the same to the Israeli ambassador. His main questions:
1) Think of the children
2)Think of the children
3) Come on you started it
4) Please leave Hamas alone
The bBC, the traitors in our midst
The bBC, its non stop coverage of Gaza and half the story.
Since last Saturday when Hamas launched an anti-tank missile at an Israel jeep inside Israel the two sides have been slugging it out. In that time Hamas has launched over 800 rockets and Israel has carried out 300 airstrikes. For all the talk about indiscriminate killings and the faux outrage from the left, Israel has killed 26 people.
Yesterday in Syria. 106 people died yet for a figure that comes out far worse than anything transpiring in Gaza, the bbC haven’t uttered a jot about Syria. Remind me again who the bBC’s so called Middle Eastern Editor used to visit on his time off in the region….Oh that would be a certain Mr Assad. Kind of explains why the bBC hasn’t condemned the Syrian regime and why they wish to big up the bun fight between Gaza and Israel.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic despots and terrorist
The link to the Syrian deaths
Was that the same BBC journalist who reported when the Arab Spring that President Assad would not be threatned because he ‘stood up to Israel’ and his people respected that? The BBC are so obsessed with Israel that they see everything in the Middle East through that prism.
The hypocrisy of the left and the Islamic world when it comes to Israel.
39000 people have been killed in Syria this past year. Turkey which saw rockets launched from inside Syria hit Turkish land has moved rocket batteries, anti-air-craft batteries and troops to the border. Turkey has even launched attacks into Syria in which to retaliate and the icing on the cake in the Syrian-turkish affair is that Turkey has demanded that NATO deploy a patriot missile battery (Well 2) in which to protect Turkish people from Syrian aggression.
Yet that same Turkey is promoting the view that Israel is carrying out this war for votes I quote :
“President Abdullah Gül has decried an ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza that has left more than 20 Palestinians dead so far, most of them civilians, describing the move as a “bloody investment in election.”
“Erdoğan says Israel attacking innocent Gazans on fabricated grounds”
Gee I wonder why the bBC hasn’t mentioned anything about the duplicity of the Turkish Stance.
The bBC, the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism
No doubt posted before, but Pat Condell’s latest rant – about the Guardian – focuses on their attitude to Israel and includes a few mentions of the Beeb.
Message to the IDF
This is currently running on a bBC news article
Several #Israeli drones whirring overhead as I stand at #Hamas’s PM’s HQ in #Gaza. Place deserted apart from a few guards milling around”
Paul Danahar
BBC Middle East bureau chief, Gaza City
Please, please be so kind as to give ABu Danahar an early Christmas present from high above.
Personally, I don’t wish death on anyone – certainly not a BBC journalist. Although I wouldn’t put it past Hamas to use them as human sheilds. eg. by launching rockets from a spot near where the journalists are staying.
You know neither do I. However what do I do when Islamic ideology teaches the faithful to slit mt throat for leaving Islam .
Do I carry on as normal or do I fight back. But what really gets my goat is when the tax payer funded BBC defends the idiots who utter Allah Akbar as somehow being righteous in their blood thirsty ways.
I like the way the BBC just referred to a Muslim leader from North England for a ‘balanced’ view on the Israeli/Gaza conflict. This man was allowed to spew pro-Hamas views for over a couple of minutes without any interjections. Pathetic!
How the bbC shrills for Islamic terrorism.
Jon Donnison ,BBC News, Gaza
It has been another difficult night for people in Gaza. One of the strikes targeted the home of a Hamas leader in the Jabaliya refugee camp – one of the most densely populated places in the world.
Really Don, I’m sure that parts of London has more people packed into rooms than Gaza. But then you wankers at the bbC did describe the suicide bombers who murdered 52 people in 2005 as Misguided criminals So why shouldn’t you defend the followers of a paedophile when they strut their stuff.
It looks as though the missile went in through the front room. The washing is still hanging on a line, and everything else is totally destroyed. Most of the people around here are young children. We understand that 30 people were injured here, some of them children, and some of them critically
Good call, remove any claim of terrorist involvement and play the children card. (On that note anybody see one picture of anybody carrying a weapon in Gaza this past week?)
But the scene here is the picture we’ve been seeing all week, that civilians are being caught up in the violence
Yeah reminds me of that twit DAvies reporting how Israel air strikes have the potential of causing lots of casualties, yet that same remit has never been afforded to the citizens of Israel. you know the target of over 800 missiles this past week. According the bBC only ‘allah ackba uttering Muslims can be victims.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism
I can’t vouch for the figures but this website list of city districts by population density lists Jabbaliya as 21st in density. Is that enough to justify the ‘one of the most densely populated’ label?
The BBC periodically describes the whole of Gaza as one of the most densely populated places in the world. I suppose that is better than describing it as THE most densely populated place in the world but that is still ludicrous. Gaza has the almost identical area and population as Montreal and what would normally be described as urban density.
It also avoids the question is Jabaliya really so densely populated? If so, why?
Gaza, as seen by satellite photographs, has empty spaces that could be built up. Could Jabbaliya be so dense because UNRWA pays out support for refugees in the camps? Could it be that far fewer people actually live there than are registered for exactly that reason?
With the current fighting it is difficult to locate a normal street scene photograph but those I have seen look far less crowded than Bangkok or Hong Kong. Few of the buildings look particularly tall either.
Having lived in Hong Kong several years (pre-1997) I always was amazed at how the population density did not result in many of the ills so easily explained away elsewhere on… population density.
On matters of crime, especially violence to other races, there was amazingly little. Not sure how true it was, but I had it explained as less to do with inherent Asian (the bit that stretches a bit further than BBC and UK Census brains) restraint or lack of racism (as a few black sailors on R&R or any Guailo could testify) but rather simply good business.
Any interfering with the Triads’ ability to rook folk of their hard-earned were usually dealt with from within.
From what I can gather on Gaza, what happens from within can also be extra-judicial and beard-on-beard in nature, but more for ideological or grasping power reasons oblivious to collateral damage. No biggie as the public mindset seems happy enough with such sacrifice for religious reasons (except maybe in Syria where, as Pounce has pointed out, the BBC obsession with equivalent deaths appears to have hit a unique attack of Alzheimers as it suits again).
Maybe Newsnight’s Anger… er… Economics Editor could be persuaded to swing by and do a financial ‘report’ on why they seem more interested in martyrdom than working their way out of the rubble-strewn hole they appear determined to spread further, ably helped by a seemingly limitless import of rather nasty weapons (vs. food) they promptly re-export in vague directions to invite responses to the playgrounds ay which they have set up their ‘Going out of business soon’ stalls.
So listenand watch how bBC ase reporter Miss Robins reports how Gaza is getting hit from the air.
“The camera rocks from the force of the explosions of those strikes”
Err if the camera rocks from the blast waves, why doesn’t the picture shake? it doesn’t So it would seem miss Robins is a lying little cow. Ah that explains why she works for the bBC. What next Dave lee Travis saying he didn’t have sexual relations with those women.
bBC workers adopting the ways of allah in which to earn their daily wage.
” didn’t have sexual relations with those women.”
Now there’s an interesting quote, I wonder if any democrat in the USA has ever used it?
Lying twat!
what amazes me is how the hamastanians have had the resources and time and wherewithall to develop a nice shiny new type of long range rockets,when they are supposed to be “under siege” and geherally living in a dunghill of Israel’s making
if you didn’t know any better,you would think that perhaps they had been smuggled in from some proxy 3rd country-maybe iran,using some kind of elaborate tunnel network or something
oh wait now……..
Amoral evil and cowardly vermin hiding behind women and children, so called parents cutting the scalps of their own infants to make them appear to be victims of shrapnel wounds, I have seen real shrapnel wounds and they are not tiny clean single nicks to the top of the scalp. The left and islamosfascism deserves each other, put them on an Island in the middle of nowhere and those leftists would soon be extinct.
Wont see any BBC footage showing hamas gangsters running into hospitals and surrounding themselves with women and kids, in fact the BBC footage has been almost exclusively hamas approved.
And Jim Dandy manages to insult a large chunk of Israel and any Christian reading this website by taking the name of Jesus in vain.
Ah, but you see all you have to do is watch some of the BBC tv series that are produced and broadcast to see that taking name of Jesus Christ in vain and offending Christianity is perfectly acceptable to the BBC whereas any thought of offending Islam is out of bounds.
Mrs Brown et al…….
In relation to what’s happening between Israel and Gaza the bias pouring forth from the BBC today is unforgivable.
I’m sure Israel, Christendom and indeed Islam for whom JC is prophet) will survive.
The Muslims call JC, Isa, regard him as a Muslim, that he was not the son of God, and a lesser prophet than Mohammed, believe he did not die on the cross (indeed they believe much of the New Testament has been forged or tampered with) and that on the Day of Judgment, Jesus will break the cross and kill all the Christians (I notice the Muslim information site I consulted said he will kill all the pigs, and also Christianity will end – but they don’t fool me). If a Muslim says he regards Jesus as a prophet, you should reply with Professor Joad’s answer:’That depends what you mean by Jesus.’
Jim Dandy writes:
I’m sure Israel, Christendom and indeed Islam for whom JC is prophet) will survive.
Well seeing how in each and every Islamic country in the world other faiths go the way of the dodo you can bet your bottom dinar that Muslims the world over will celebrate like there’s no tomorrow if it is wiped out and the jews are put to the sword.
Funny enough the same thing is happening in Islamic ghettos in the Uk, but the only people they put to the sword are young girls who date outside their faith.
Islam a gay death cult which the bBC tries to pass off as peaceful
” a gay death cult”
Quote of the week.
Beeboid Jon Donnison goes to a flat in Gaza, and finds school bags strewn around the floor(in a neat pile) no damage to the flat at all, oooh those nasty evil Jews is there no end to their evil? Three children he claims were injured and are in hospital, and yet no damage to the flat, no blood and no damage and only the word of some whack job ‘Palestinian’ woman. Sorry, dont buy it.
The only reason Jon Donnison hamas minders allow him into an area is when they have one of their fake victims ready to tell the usual tales of woe. But even beeboid Jon was scraping the bottom of the barrel with the “school bags strewn on the floor(in a neat pile)” crap, WTF was he trying to say? I bet his hamas friends were very grateful for the help this useful idiot collaborator is giving hamarse, they might just kill this infidel last eh?
I had said in an older thread about the BBC possibly in danger of being balanced( Tim Whewell/Newsnight Wed).
Well-heard same show last night, and normal service has been restored.
Not quite sure where Whewell was speaking from( was that the Baghdad palm tree I saw behind him?…the BBC loves that notion and its sand bucket).
Whewell was much more on message-despite his saying that Netenyahu was not doing this for electoral reasons on Wed…by Friday he was back on Montagues Mumsnet and spouting the BBCs line as normal.
Always interesting to see how Beeb memes “evolve” over a few days…the narrative is getting laid down, as we speak.
If Israel “escalated” the crisis on Wednesday…what word do the BBC use for Hamas sending countless rockets into Israel for the preceding weeks and months…lobbed? parcelled? Interflora by airmail?…do tell us beeb!
God Bless Israel. Goddamn the BBC, and its Pen Pallys.
Jon Donnison wears body armour
I see the bBC are shrilling for Islamic terrorists again. Watch how the bBCs Jon Donnison ,play’s the “Think of the children” line while wearing body armour in an area which he knows is safe (I wonder if the bBC have lots of children round them in which to ensure that the IDF don’t target them, or becasue their hero is ‘Mohammed)
Anyway as Jon walks towards the camera in what remains of Hamas HQ somebody fires a shot from a gun and the only person to flinch is…Donnison. Watch the hand of the boy in front of him laughing at the bBCs warrior who while trying to give the impression he is treading into danger, you can tell its all smoke and mirrors to impress their Hamas masters and the British public. which is why the bBC tune is one of:
“Please , think of poor Hamas” every chance they get.
The bBC, mouth piece of radical Islamic terrorist propaganda here in the UK paid by the British taxpayer
Not exactly BBC related, but I
Eh?…see below!
bBC flies the flag for Islamic terrorists
All day the bbC are shouting out, Rocket fire from Gaza has dramatically lessened but don’t give any figures when they make that statement. They state this when they quote how many airstrikes Israel has carried out. 200,260,300. So how many rockets today Sat 17th Nov 12? at 20.02 UK time? 180 that’s how many.
Not exactly BBC-related, but am sure that the likes of Mr Emus, Mr Dandy etc won`t mind.
Am reading “Son Of Hamas” by Mosab Hassan Yousef.
A former Hamas leader who ended up working for the IDF/Shin Bet etc…and became a Christian as well.
All very contempory, revealing. topical and shows the utter gullibility of the media when it comes to Hamas.
They play the media like a violin, and the internecine venality, double dealing and malice of Hamas, PA, Fatah, Sunni and Shia needs urgent revealing before the likes of the BBC tell us that there is a united Arab front…all they care about is driving Israel into the sea, and killing all Jews-but to different timetables, and in ways that al-Beeb and the New York Times would find “agreeable and fascinating”.
That rats nest of the Middle East might smell like ambrosia to the BBC…but countless good people are dying for the amusement of the BBC, Islamists and dozy socialists…enough I say!
The hypocrisy of the Islamic world (and the left) when it comes to Israel.
Around 200 rockets in one day launched from Gaza. The version the bBBC tried to push? None of that had anything to do with Hamas, there was nothing they could really do to stop it because it was all down to some breakaway group or other.
The odd rocket, yes, that would be believable, even the odd half dozen, but 200 or so on a regular basis, and Hamas can’t manage to prevent a single one? As the bBBC are only too keen to keep reminding us, Gaza is a smallish, heavily populated area yet rockets going off every 10 to 15 minutes or so manages to go completely unnoticed, especially by the Hamas Government. Aye, right.
‘Gaza is a smallish, heavily populated area yet rockets going off every 10 to 15 minutes or so manages to go completely unnoticed, especially by the Hamas Government.’
The nutshell summary gems of many on this site are why I appreciate it so, and do wonder at how such pithy examples of logic get so easily steered clear of by those so keen to defend at any costs a BBC ‘reporting’ industry that at best could on this issue be described as ‘uniquely credulous’.