The BBC has produced a modernised version of anti-Semitism…you don’t have to be Jewish and rich…just be rich….. and they’ll come for you.
The Cavalry Ain’t Coming.
That’s right…the Cavalry ain’t coming despite what the BBC tells you.
The BBC’s most fervent efforts go into building the mythology of the Socialist Cavalry riding to the rescue of the poor and downtrodden on the BBC’s favourite hobby horse…massive government subsidy…….more Gordon Brown? or should that be General Custer?
That hobby horse is housed in the Aegean Stables out of which the BBC shovel at us a relentlessly unending supply of soiled socialist bilge.
The Rich are BAD people
Now we have an even more ambitious BBC project…..a veritable propaganda drive if you like…not just in Britain but in concert with 70 broadcasters from around the world…to be broadcast, of course, around the world….nothing like doing a job properly.
What’s the message? The rich are getting richer and they’re doing it by stealing your money…they get richer and you get poorer…….it’s all so unfair.
Poorer? They should mean of course ‘relatively’……because the facts aren’t what the BBC are telling us.
The BBC are lying to us. No other way to say that. They are lying in order to push a political agenda…a very simple one….that of attacking ‘The Rich‘.
Think not? Then watch this programme in particular…it is nothing more than a out and out attack, not just on the fact of people being rich, but on their very personality and character… is if you like a modern version of anti-Semitism…but transferred across to ALL Bankers and rich people not just Jews.
The Rich are detestable, cruel and nasty…the richer they get the meaner they get….they have lavish life styles, luxuriating in unimaginable wealth that is squandered in an orgy of self indulgent spending [wonder where all that ’spending’ ends up?].
The American Dream is over
The programme has two messages…as said the rich have become richer whilst everyone else’s income has stagnated if not fallen in the last 30 years. The second thread is that the American Dream is over….social mobility is over, if you’re born poor, you’re gonna stay poor.
That is also the message here in the UK. (Thanks to Alex Feltham in the Comments who points us towards this which spells out what the reality is regarding social mobility )
Unfortunately for the BBC that might go down a storm in the well heeled Socialist salons of Hampstead but the facts on the ground say otherwise.
Economic figures both here and in the US show incomes have risen across the board in a remarkable fashion since the 70’s….yes the top 1% have risen faster…but that is relative…if you were earning in the 70’s and are still earning now you should feel by far better off now than then….if you knew nothing of the mega wealthy people you would probably be more than content with your life.
A report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) points out that income inequality in America has not risen dramatically over the past 20 years—when the top 1% of earners are excluded. With them, the picture is quite different.
CBO finds that, between 1979 and 2007, income grew by:
275 percent for the top 1 percent of households,
65 percent for the next 19 percent,
Just under 40 percent for the next 60 percent, and
18 percent for the bottom 20 percent.
So far from stagnating even the lowest paid have incomes which rose by nearly 20% and the vast majority saw their income rise by 40%.
In the UK incomes have risen dramatically across the income spectrum…..since Thatcher took over incomes have risen for nearly everyone…..but look at the graphs, they tell an interesting tale…..income has been distributed far more widely across the income levels now…more people earn far more.
And is the American Dream over?
The BBC et al would love you to think it was…why? Because if it is then all you have to rely on is ‘Big Brother’, the State cavalry riding to your rescue propping you up and taking responsibility for your life….They just love Big Government.
The trick the BBC use is to sell us the line that their version of the American Dream means that EVERYONE can be President (or head of Apple or General Motors etc)….not just Can but Will be President at the same time if they only try a bit harder. That’s right….all 300 million Americans can be President…at the same time.
If you can’t do that then the Dream has failed you.
That’s not the American Dream…..people are more realistic……only one person can be President at a time, only so many doctors, lawyers, CEO‘s or whoever are needed in any society and economy…..the American Dream is that you have the ‘Opportunity’ to try for that if you want to… doesn’t promise you will succeed.
Look at this video from a man named Chris Gardner…he is a black man in the US….his life was destroyed, he was homeless with a young child….he saved himself and is now one of those nasty rich people…..he came from the exact same environment as one other famous, and black, success story…Oprah Winfrey….he is now so famous Will Smith made a film of his struggle…‘The Pursuit of Happyness’
The BBC want to deny you those opportunities…they want you to believe that those opportunities don’t exist anymore…well they do. You just have to get off your backside and make it happen…..and not sit around waiting for the next unemployment payment…..which was Labour’s option when they gave up trying to educate and find work for the poorest in our society preferring instead, to the great delight of the BBC, to import massive numbers of cheap, low wage foreign workers.
This BBC programme is nothing more than an ugly polemic against rich people… is the type of propaganda and class war rhetoric that the Soviets and the Khmer Rouge would use to justify the Gulags and the Killing Fields….it is if you like the ‘red wedge’ in the door of a civilised democracy that is being smashed open to let in the thugs of bloody Revolution that some at the BBC so carelessly, or not so carelessly, incite….
Why Poverty? – 4. Park Avenue – Money, Power and the American Dream
‘Gibney’s film is a polemical look at the socio-economic political landscape of contemporary USA.
“There’s always been a gap between the wealthiest in our society and everyone else, but in the last 30 years something changed: that gap became the Grand Canyon,”
What chances do those at the bottom of the ladder have for upward mobility? Can someone who starts life on Park Avenue in the South Bronx end up living on Park Avenue in Manhattan?
A BBC Storyville film, produced in partnership with the Open University, Park Avenue screens as part of Why Poverty? – when the BBC and the OU, in conjunction with more than 70 broadcasters around the world, hosts a debate about contemporary poverty.‘
But the BBC Directors and presenters and editors are among the very rish people with vast expense accounts.
‘The rich are getting richer and they’re doing it by stealing your money…they get richer and you get poorer…….it’s all so unfair.’
Contrast the talent of the market rates..
But at least they are not targeting poor kids’ parents..
‘does not prosecute except where it is in the public interest to do so.’
Now there’s an odd thing; on Leveson the public has shown near zero interest, yet the BBC is strapped to it like a Coxswain to the wheel.
However, if ‘the public’ was asked how interested they are in the BBC prosecuting folk for not feeling too keen on being lied to, cheated, defrauded and propagandised, all to keep Mark Byford in clover up to his 73 virgin reunion, I wonder what the response may be?
PS I’m not drunk. I meant rich.
Indeed they are and what is more they avoid paying the tax that we ‘ordinary’ people have to pay and yet preach endlessly about re-distribution of wealth. We are told that the ex high priest , sorry DG, of the BBC , Hapless George , even wanted MORE than his years severance package. And of course many of the chief wailers, sorry presenters, have second homes on the continent etc etc.
I am surprised that anyone can pass Broadcasting House on the street , let alone work inside it, without a gas mask due to the rich stench of hypocrisy.
The media houris at the BBC and the “better class of paper” should get Oscar nominations for their regular and repeat performances as “champions of the little guy”.
When I hear a millionaire like Paxman, a lotus eater like Humphrys or a Sloane ranger like Montague asking all their “questions on behalf of the tribune and smelly socks brigades”- to billionaires, who they`ll know all too well from their Mayfair clubs or BBC quangos..Opera House or Tate board memberships-I want to give them Oscars.
How dispassionate, how disinterested they are in filthy lucre…how passionate and how advocating they are on behalf of “the poor, marginalised, vulnerable etc etc”…oh, how unfair!
As I write this Paxo will be fly fishing in the Wye, and Dimbleby will be tending his turbines in the Cotswolds…yet come Monday, they`ll be back waving their consciences at us all, while quietly quaffing the Kool Aid of the poor..but with heavy hearts and all done out of understated duty and English reserve.
Any international studies to show how much we lead the world in oily-mouthed, unctuous, self-righteous cant and hypocrisy , as evidenced by our self-serving greedy grooming Oxbridge, prep-school perps?…the BBC and the “broadsheets” have GOT to be world leaders?…and hence those vast salaries and perks, they trouser!
And of course what the World’s Greatest Investigative Journalists never do is the maths – is enough wealth being generated to pay for the government largesse so beloved of Obama, Miliband and the BBC?
The mentality is typified by Miliband whose proposal to tax bankers bonuses (but he never says by how much beyond the 55%+ they already pay) – will negate the need for cuts here, there and everywhere. Never questioned, never analysed by the BBC.
Investigative journalism my arse.
Hand-wringing for the poor is standard narcisism of the Left. “Look at me, I CARE about the poor. I must be a good person, not like those RICH selfish people who only care about themselves”. What the BBC millionaires mean is their wealth comes free of any taint ofguilt – which they should feel about their undeserved riches.
If this kind of “income inequality” is so incredibly troublesome, I fully expect people like Katty Kay to give up her $25,000 speaking engagements, and wave her fees for sitting in as guest host on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show. She’s a high earner already, married to a wealthy man, and so with every extra fat paycheck this hypocrite (see her tweet in the list) contributes to income inequality on a regular basis.
If this is really a concern for her and the BBC, I expect her – and all other high-earning Beeboids who get cushy speaking engagements and appearances on the strength of their BBC status – to wave all extra fees with immediate effect.
Its not really about rich and poor though is it? Its about a methodical attack on the BBCs ideological enemies, its about poisoning and smearing their political enemies. Note that the rich left/democrats are simply not shown at all, they are the invisible rich, the acceptable(to the BBC)face of wealth and stunning unearned inherited wealth.
Al Gore and Tony Bliar are not hated and despised for their wealth in the way that those on the right are despised and hated. An all too obvious partisan attack line for the forces of the left, all right wingers are not rich of course, most are just getting by, the difference is that those ordinary people on the right do not hold bitterness in their hearts for the success of others.
But if you can appeal to the innate hatred and jealousy of those poor who need a scapegoat for their own failure in life, if you can persuade those poor that all their problems can be placed at the door of those on the right who appear to have more than they have then press and agitate and politicise social stresses and strains through jealousy then class war is that much closer to realisation.
Oh the BBC want the poor to hate alright, they want to turn the attentions of those with a grudge and those who to blame others, those with anger and hatred smouldering in their hearts and the BBC has the means and the willingness to fan those smouldering embers into a blazing fire. One that can be directed not against the many rich of the left but directly at their class enemies like a flame thrower.
The BBC is the magnifying prism set to light the revolutionary fire of hate, bitterness and blame shifting, the national socialists and the revolutionary socialists of the 20th century were masters of the art of picking a minority and then focusing the rage and jealousy of the many against them, and millions upon millions of innocents died on the way. This is the BBC for you, this is who they are and what they are all about, it resides in their corporate genetic make up.
Politicians who get power by appealing to the envy of the poor (an election strategy as old as Ancient Athens) do not want the poor to get rich, they want to prevent other people getting rich.
The people they do want to get (or stay) rich is themselves. Not by supplying anything but by tax farming.
For Guardian readers the very thought of working class people going on holiday in the Maldives or buying vast flat screen televisions to watch reality shows appalls them.
When Marcus Brigstocke rails against those who fly around the world do you think for a moment that he applies this to himself?
When Ed Miliband argues passionately in favour of inheritance tax does it surprise anybody that he set up a tax avoidance scheme so that they did not have to pay any inheritance tax on his parents Hampstead home?
For the BBC it is vital that we see (Leftist) politicians as the solution to every problem. Was it the BBC who released the details about the greed and corruption of our MP’s? Does the BBC tell us about the greed and inefficiency of the public sector in general? Of course not – it only counts as greed if money is not going into the pockets of the Left establishment.
a modernised version of anti-Semitism?
Their reporting on Israel, perhaps. Equating attacks on the rich with attacks on the Jews is truly exaggerating.
I agree with that. Although the general points made by Alan are right, that one I think is not necessary nor valid.
You sometimes come across the adage that socialism is the anti-Semitism of intellectuals. Funnily enough it was an example that didn’t involve the Jews at all which, I think it was Theodore Dalrymple, used to give it at least some substance. Nyere’s policy of nationalising everything in sight drove the Asian businessmen and traders out of Tanzania as surely as Amin’s overtly racist policies drove them out of neighbouring Uganda.
I agree with deegee. There’s certainly a type of leftist antisemitism, based on the perception that Jews are plutocrats and powerful, that one historian (can’t recall who) dubbed “rich man antisemitism”. But making hyperbolic links with antisemitism on flimsy or non-existent grounds just plays into the Beeb’s hands – it deflects from the genuine grievances we have over its heinously biased (much if not most of the time) Israel coverage.
Three quotes from Churchill:
‘Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon.
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle’.
Churchill understood socialism and knew how to attack it. Cameron, who shouldn’t be included in the same sentence, can do neither.
“I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people,
like you.”
Well what else could I do –
I said “I’ll see what I can do.”
I took her to a supermarket,
I don’t know why but I had to start it somewhere,
so it started there.
I said pretend you’ve got no money,
she just laughed and said,
“Oh you’re so funny.”
I said “yeah?
Well I can’t see anyone else smiling in here.
Are you sure you want to live like common people,
you want to see whatever common people see,
you want to sleep with common people,
you want to sleep with common people,
like me.”
But she didn’t understand,
she just smiled and held my hand.
Rent a flat above a shop,
cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool,
pretend you never went to school.
But still you’ll never get it right,
cos when you’re laid in bed at night,
watching roaches climb the wall,
if you call your Dad he could stop it all.
You’ll never live like common people,
you’ll never do what common people do,
you’ll never fail like common people,
you’ll never watch your life slide out of view,
and dance and drink and screw,
because there’s nothing else to do.
Sing along with the common people,
sing along and it might just get you through,
laugh along with the common people,
laugh along even though they’re laughing at you,
and the stupid things that you do.
Because you think that poor is cool.
I want to live with common people,
I want to live with common people etc…