We now go over to somewhere near Salford to join the pilot episode of the BBC’s popular comedy My New Family.
The teenage kids are squabbling over what to have on TV. It is a typical scene familiar to living rooms across Britain. Owen Jones plays the son. ‘No, we mustn’t watch Jeremy Kyle. It gives the false impression that Chavs are feckless, drug-addled, bed-hopping, aggressive, benefits scroungers’. His sister is Laurie Penny, she disagrees. ‘But the dialectic view is that the DNA tests expose the patriarchal structure inherent in capitalist society; thereby providing arguments for feminism’ ‘Yeah but anyway Mum (Clare Balding) said we are only allowed to watch London 2012 Olympics DVDs’ ‘Huh…the way you talk it’s as if you don’t even know it’s 2012! You said London. Everyone knows you should say Lahndan. When will you learn to acknowledge local pronunciation sensitivities? You must never use the probably Roman influenced colonial version anymore’.
There is a knock at the door. In comes Uncle Paul Mason. (The audience – just bussed in from Question Time – whistle, whoop, cheer and clap in expectation of his catchphrase) ‘Eee by ‘eck, it’s kicking off everywhere!’
(The audience howl with laughter and approval) ‘Have you been hanging out in trendy left-wing cafes in Barcelona or in Athens this week, Uncle Paul Mason?’ ’Ave I ‘eck-as-like, our lad! I’ve just got back from the Bad Sex Writing Awards ceremony’. ‘Did you win Uncle Paul Mason?’ ‘What’s that our lass…. me in the top one per cent?! Would I ‘eck as like…..me… WIN the Bad Sex Award? ‘Course not. Wait for it…… I CAME second!’
(The audience erupt in an explosion of laughter and applause. Where would we be without these lovable and typical British characters brought to us by the BBC?)
Oh so true, Rufus McDufus,
I honestly do try listening to the R4 “Comedy” shows but about 3 minutes is me whack.
Why can’t I get bliddy refund on bliddy tele licence, eh?
OH! Just cos it’s radio I can’t get me money back, eh?
Don’t seem fair to me!
Jeremy Hardy is just as crap on radio as he wos before they kicked him off telly, like, right!
Question Time last night – Dimbleby introduced it from Liverpool ‘an audience at the heart of QT’. Yes, I thought – the hand selected left leaning audience. But last night the early half of the programme did not all go Burnham’s way. Although anytime that Francis Maude made a good point Burnham just butted in and spoke over him without any interference from the Chairman. But Maude was able to say that the 50p tax rate was introduced in the dying last 3 weeks of the Labour government and that tax had then dropped by £7 billion. And even Dimblelby turned to Burnham and asked if he felt so strongly about the 50p rate – why hadn’t Labour done it sooner. And got quite an applause for doing so. Not sure quite what was happening last night – but still after the first question I had enough and went to bed.
I caught the tail end of it last night (finale episode ‘Spartacus ,Gods of the Arena’ much more important ) but thought,on face of it,audience didn’t look like the typical QT selected jury
That welsh trot didn’t get much of an ovation for the idea of increasing numbers of taxmen
Still no mention of Stemcor though and when did Dimbleby stop being the chairman and become a panelist?
2 socialist MPs a member of the labour party and the chairman Vs one tory and a bloke from the FT(perhaps i should have watched QT instead of Spartacus) that , according to Justin farquar-biscutebarrel at least,would be right wing bias
I Have found a new way (new to me anyway) for me to Watch QT. I record it then I can do all kinds of delightfully playful things, for example fast forward (ff) and watch the nodding heads. I have four speeds to choices from; 2, 6, 12, and 30.
Mute is a further option that allows me to try lip reading. I make notes on a pad of what I think was said and then re-run the sequence with sound. Then do a comparison.
You can also use this facility (mute) to play KEY WORD AND KEY PHRASE /CLICHÉ PLACEMENT. You listen to the question then write down what you think will be the key word(s), phrase(s) and cliché(s) each panellist is likely to use in answering the question.
There are other games you can play. Like hand gesture meaning. This is best done at ff 6.
I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea. It makes the dull and predictable …………
I have nothing of any substance to say really. But I have just watched QT. This panel was particularly tedious. Why has Dominic Lawson never appeared on QT? Do the BBC have something against him?
as i drove back this morning, the mo farrah appreciation society … i mean sports personality of the year drone continued on and on 5live …
he s the one and only mo farrah – wow i remember mo s wins, oh and that commentary was just the best, (after playing the recording of a win from ………. mo farrah!)
yep great, but without mo eh!
don t forget sports personality coming soon on the bbc
(about the fourth day in a row, now for this biased pap)
And we’re also invited to see these sports people as ‘heros’- why?? What they do, they do it for themselves, whether it’s winning themselves medals or trophies or financial reward or both.
Ah that well known paradox of the “Sports Personality”.
Nigel Mansell, Damon Hill, David Beckham…all manner of japes and boulevardier wit to hand this coming Christmas.
Not including the monobrows, ex footie types and all those diverse cultures who know little else but a translation of ” sexy football and spit roast”.
“Sports Personality”, my glutimus maximus… is there a link between linament, Fiery jack and brain damage I wonder?
On the subject of Sports Personality of the Year, this blog from Barbara Slater is quite explicit in stating that after last year -when they left it to 27 sports journalists to nominate and they – horror! – produced an all-male shortlist the BBC have changed the nomination system to ensure that such “anomalies” can’t happen again – hence the riciculous shortlist this year, with Nicola Adams nominated because she is a black woman. How’s this for an admission of politically correct interference from the BBC;
there was a consensus that the BBC itself should be better represented and have more control in the shortlisting process to ensure there are no more anomalies of the sort we saw in 2011 – in the previous system the BBC had no input other than to administer the voting process
I’m not in the least interested in sport of any kind, but from what you have explained, it sounds as though the programme should be renamed as ‘ethnic minority of the year’ or, ‘cultural minority of the year’ or ‘positive discrimination representative of the year’. Is that about the long and short of it?
I’ve put a few euros on Ashley Cole, for showing true multicultural solidarity with his friend, John Terry, a man he knows, by long acquaintance, not to be a racist. In a fit of festive generosity, Ladbrokes have given irresistible odds of 1million-1. Still, I expect Mo Tupper to get the nod.
Bloody racist and chauvinistic tokenism.
Looks like the BBC likes its blacks either servng the coffees, doing the cleaning , punching each other or running around a track.
Doesn`t seem to want either blacks or women anywhere near the sources of power.
And these creeps want women bishops and popes…but no blacks or women in any area of influence at the BBC.
Patten, Thompson, Hall and Bland-all hideously white, nearly-dead white males from prep schools and Oxbridge.
No wonder they send Gary Younge and Bea Campbell safely out of the way…with no prospect of an expose so close to home eh?
Not even for the Godawful incompetents and shroud wavers of Newsnight…that bad!
Pass the sickbag Alice!
I’d love to see Mo Farrah or Rory bloody McIlroy being sent to risk their lives in Afganistan!! Our soldiers are treated like shit when they return from war, whereas, these selfish tossers have their arses kissed by the MSM who make them out to be the real heros!
From link-
“Apart from that it was announced that the city of Amsterdam plans to build so-called “scum-villages” for troublemakers and perpetrators of violence which will be operational from January.”
What in the ‘mecca’ of liberalism ?
The key line is “Alleen de drie Marokkaanse spelers van Nieuw Sloten liepen naar onze grensrechter”, which translates as “Only the three Moroccan players of Nieuw Sloten walked to our linesman”.
Cultural / religious beliefs of the players can be inferred from this fact.
That the rest of the team shook hands with linesman and referee thanking him for his reffing…and that the Marokkense youths went for N. in full view of all……it is being seen as a racist crime in the Netherlands.
This is not just about Dutch teenagers and upbringing but more to do with ‘community’…..and the problems of multicultural immigration.
Dutch teenagers are no worse than the average…but this crime was savage and unrestrained.
That famous BBC ‘analysis’ or ‘sources say’ or whaddyathink? a bit absent here. ‘Two 15 year olds face up to one year in detention if convicted. A 16 year old would face a two-year sentence.’
Given some old men send kids to their deaths in service of a cause, this sentence might to some minds send a message on return of investment that is unhelpful to any who may get into their sights.
Elsewhere on this thread the wisdom of divorcing or excusing cultural impacts on crime are already being seen, with the BBC at the vanguard of what is not likely a trend to be reversed by cover-up and denial.
R2 news busy trying to blame private education for the inability of other uni applicants to fill in the forms without spelling mistakes etc.
No mention of source, Sutton Trust, being total left wing whinging cnuts !
All those toffs setting their kids up for privileged access to vast wealth with woodentop brains eh?
Dimbleby, Ross, Magnussons, Mitchelmores, Attenboroughs…thankfully the likes of Owen Jones and Evan Davis won`t be sending their seed to the Green Room freezer…will they?
And that doesn`t include those sailing under another flag…Justin Webb-Woods and Peter Kellner/Catherine Ashton…Prescotts, Benns…keep up at eh back please!
Yes, you’d think the BBC would be more interested in what can be done to ensure that a state school kid gets a better edukshun. Raising standards so that the poor get a leg up out of poverty. Problem is, then they can compete with the BBCs own sproggs and we mustn’t have that must we children?
Plus what parent doesn’t go over their kids personal statement with a fine tooth comb? The schools are supposed to help too.
Nah, this is more about the failure of state education than the, surprise, surprise revelation that privately educated kids do better on their application forms.
The director of the Prison Reform Trust is at a bit of a loss as how this could be, and opines that:
“It could be that more young people are going to prison and then either converting to the Muslim faith whilst they’re in prison or they’re reverting to the Muslim faith” – in other words, they weren’t muslim at the time of the offence, as muslims don’t commit crime.
This opinion is then verified by the president of the association of muslim lawyers, who makes the bold claim that “You can’t commit crimes and describe yourself as a practising religious person.”
So, stating that the number of muslims going to prison has gone up by 25% in a single year (16%->20%) is simply misleading you see, as they weren’t really muslims, because everyone knows that muslims don’t commit crimes and even if they did it would be because they were poor and anyway this represents a failure on the part of the welfare state, or maybe drugs.
“You can’t commit crimes and describe yourself as a practising religious person.”
If divine law says that all the lands, goods (and women) of the infidel (at least the one who have not surrendered -they just have to pay a poll tax and endure various crushing disabilities) have been given to you by Allah (all you have to do is seize them) and the death of an infidel is no great matter, then I suppose there are a lot of laws it can be quite difficult to break, if you are religious.
I think Bin Laden committed a few crimes and he was a practising religious person. And while on the subject of muslims being a large percentage of prison inmates let us take into consideration those let of with a modest fine, let out early if they are Labour Lords, and of course the suicide bombers around the world who never end up in jail.
I discussed this with our ‘tame’ in-house Muslim… and yes no crime is committed unless it is against another Muslim.
Rape, Murder, theft are all allowed and even encouraged against any non-Muslims, or against a different kind of Muslim (Sunni/Shia) therefore no crime has been committed and the perpetrators should be freed….
Even better he then went on to explain that if a non-Muslim converts in Jail and his crime was against another non-Muslim he too should be freed as the crime no longer occurred…
Our immigration policy has been national and Cultural suicide and those responsible will always have my utter contempt. I grew up in Africa and for years after I returned to Blighty I didn’t have a problem with immigrants but now…. Mass immigration and the Gay agenda rammed down my throat has made me very resentful of these people so well done TPTB.
Sorry to the site administrators as my comments will no doubt be fuel for the beeboids and other Lefties to yell Racist and Homophobe so I will make it plain, these are my views and not this Websites
In a re-organisation of its global broadcasting empire, BBC-NUJ has apparently decided to censor out AUSTRALIA (except for sport?) from its online news; so there’s nothing on this:-
“Sunni-Shi’ite jihad comes to Australia: Shootings, extortions, and threats in Sydney”
Perhaps Brenda should make a hoax phone call to the Aussie Fuzz to ask which of the religions, maybe pentecostal, calvinistic methodists, or whoever are causing the problems?
It puzzles me too. Sometimes I think they were born that way. Nature not nurture.
The only rational explanation I can come up with is that the more education befuddles their brains the more they believe they are the first people to really know how to change the world to fit the idealised world of their dreams.
They are not of course.
Every journey begins with the first step. The first step of the Left is hatred. Their direction is determined by that first step.
“Socialism is nothing but the political expression of visceral hatred and envy of everything that has raised humanity above the level of animals. All that fills the hearts of socialists is a white hot rage that can never be satisfied and cannot be penetrated by rational thought processes.
It has a track record of failing miserably every time, and everywhere it has been tried. This is not a fatal criticism for those who espouse it, or who adore its demagogic champions – for the inner nihilist that lurks deep within each of them it constitutes a kind of testimony.
Revenge is sweeter to a broken soul than personal advancement.”
Credentials are not necessarily the same thing as education. Also, if important opinions stem from emotion rather than reason, there will be difficulty.
Up North, the only middle-class people I know who voted Labour, had low intelligence but an ability to memorize, so they where only able to do degrees in the Arts and Humanities at University, and get a job with the council or go down to London for a job with the BBC, advertised in the Guardian.
They had the same intelligence as the people in the inner-city shit holes that they claimed to be equal too.
If we lived in an all white society based on merit, these people would be doing the menial jobs. Which shows why these people see an all white society as a nightmare.
I know countless people of low intelligence who have degrees (in dubious ‘subjects’ and with mediocre grades, but degrees nonetheless) who are employed in the London-based public sector on £50kpa+. They vote Labour, hate Thatcher, and are viscerally opposed to the idea of advancement through merit.
That’s because in a meritocracy they’d be cleaning offices, ringing tills and driving buses. Luckily for them we have imported millions of third-worlders (who also vote Labour, by happenstance) to do those jobs instead.
Thomas Hardy (yuck) hit on it in Jude The Obscure. Intelligence and insight are suppressed when society (soon to dismantle and fragment) is led by an nihilistic vacuous ruling elite (sic).
BBC seems keen.
Maybe it’s just happy to be in EU central.
Thing is, are we to presume a ‘unique’ exception to carbon concerns?
Questions being asked.
Have a hypocritical holiday, Aunty!
This is surely an act of appeasement in response to last years Christmas market grenade attack
Typical cowardice from the liberal inquisition to which the BBC are happy to be accessories.
UKIP where given an almost uninterrupted 5 minute plug on Breakfast Time this morning allowing old Nigel full vent on his agenda.
So here’s a real conspiracy theory for you. The BBC is happy to let Nigel on air as every % rise in the UKIP vote is a % lost to the Tories and ensures a Labour victory.
UKIP are as likley to win a seat as David Vance was, but just as David pulled in sufficient Unionist votes to ensure that Peter Robinson lost his seat to the wet Alliance party, so UKIP will damage the Tories, especially in marginals.
So next time you become excited that Nigel is on the box, just think. He is part of a left wing set up.
But you could in fact be a Tory plant (50% confirmed) trying to discredit the BBC trying to discredit UKIP to in fact get people to take votes away from the Conservatives?
Wow, this could get complex.
At the turn of the last Century, Labour replaced the Liberals.
After a period of mixed-up Liberal Cameronism, and then a five year spell of Labour Economics, producing a predictable disastrous result from the new socialist third-way economics.
Then this should make this the Century when UKIP replaces the Tories.
Nigel Farage is the Keir Hardie of this new Century.
No doubt we will a completely balanced and unbiased debate from tonight’s Any Questions panel of :-
Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, Dr Samantha Callan from the Centre for Social Justice and the Leader of the House of Commons Andrew Lansley.
And no doubt they will be amply supported by the BBC’s selection of a typically ‘unbiased’ audience.
( Jim in case of doubt I am being sarcastic !)
Political indictment of BBC-NUJ, ‘Today’, EVAN DAVIS and anti-Tory bias:-
“No 10 fury at Radio 4 ‘hostility’ to Osborne: Presenter Evan Davis attacked for talking over Chancellor during interview.
“Presenter Evan Davis is said to have been ‘spoken to’ by managers.
“Downing Street complained to the BBC following the 13-minute encounter on Radio 4’s Today programme
No10 is thought to have received an apology.”
Even though I think Davis might have been right on a couple of points, he handled it badly. His evident disgust with Osborne’s refusal to agree with his approach to the 4G license deal prevented him from giving the audience enough information to figure out if he was right or not.
His goal was obviously to prove that the Government’s budget plans were going to help reduce the deficit only because of that coincidence and not because it was otherwise a reasonable plan. He tried to catch Osborne out, but the man didn’t fall for it. Osborne was evasive, yes, and didn’t help his case any, but that doesn’t change what Davis was evidently trying to do.
I don’t think he should apologize to Osborne or anything like that, but maybe he should apologize to the audience for being an @$$hole instead of finding more useful ways to get his point across. But then that would probably set a very tiresome precedent for Today presenters….
Sorry David P(USA) I have to disagree with you – I thought it was one of the rudest interviews ever carried out on the Today programme – and there have been some pretty bad ones.
Peston hinges his various claims on the idea of “license to operate” put forward by ‘Tomorrow’s Company’, a think tank which is headed up by a chief executive with links to the Labour party. Briefly the license to operate concept seems to be a rehash of the idea of corporate social responsibility.
Peston needs this concept, because he has to rebut the idea that businesses exist to maximise profit, which would otherwise make legitimate tax avoidance a core corporate responsibility for directors.
Starbucks is given a further kicking, as Peston gleefully reports that the £20m they’re now going to cough up is really more like a ‘marketing expense’.
But the main point of the article is Pestons assertion that as British companies’ ownership moved away from the UK, they feel less and less ‘moral’ obligation to pay taxes here.
This is completely muddled thinking from the business editor. Firstly, companies operating in the UK employ mainly british staff who are taxed on their remuneration. To overlook this tax take is disingenuous at best.
Secondly, a business’s profits are earned through the leverage of its capital to create products that people want to buy. As such, if tax is to be imposed on corporate profits, it should by rights be linked to the capital structure of the company, and not necessarily to where the company operates. This point is completely overlooked by the left wing / occupy crowd, who seem to believe that business profits are all about the workers and where it operates, without understanding the key role played by the risk-takers who supply the capital and know-how to actually achieve the profits.
Thirdly, VAT is not included in Peston’s accounting of corporate remittances to government, but it represents a tax take that exists because of goods sold by the company.
What we end up with in this piece is a not-so-subtle shifting of the blame for corporations not paying tax back to the Thatcher era, when mass privatisations were inflicted on the british population by a mean spirited old woman (at least thats how the BBC ‘experts’ see things).
Yes, Peston is too narrowly focused here for his opinion to be useful. Short version of Peston’s ideological statement: Companies don’t really have to maximize shareholder value if they don’t want to. Gosh, they make so much money it’s almost mean that they’d want to.
Nearly a fair point at the end, though, about how too many foreign-based companies erode the tax base. I say nearly, because it’s not fair to say it was any Government’s deliberate policy to make it that way, which is how he kind of presents it. Unless Gordon Brown’s biographer and champion of his economic prowess would like to tell us which government had which policies that actually drove more companies abroad…..
That attack on the Dutch linesman is appalling and it’s quite simply murder.
I noticed as I watched a BBC news clip about it the other day that it was very “light” in it’s approach. I couldn’t believe it and thought to myself “a man volunteering at a football match has been kicked to death!” *angry*.
As I watched the clip above the silence in relation to the accussed was deafening…..
One other thing though, did none of the “witnesses” even try to help him??.
Apparently, the attackers were dispersed, but one ran back to stamp on the poor man’s head. Vile savages. Another disgusting event in the endless litany, the long and bloody line of enforced ‘enrichment’. As Shakespeare wrote, ‘What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?’ Very probably.
“Brown’s Britain” Robert Peston (BBC Business Editor)
“Gordon Brown is portrayed here with some degree of admiration, both for what he has achieved as Chancellor since 1997 and for his undoubted and strongly-held ideological underpinnings…Peston effectively conveys the importance of certain members of Brown’s political clique, especially Ed Balls, with latter coming across – again, with no little admiration – as the animating genius of much that Brown and the Labour government have done on macro-economic policy since assuming office.”
“Former BBC director general Mark Thompson spent thousands on expenses for travel to the US in months before he quit to join New York Times.
“Former BBC chief spent almost £6,000 in return flight to San Francisco.
“BBC senior managers’ hotel and rail expenses doubles since 2009 .
“Despite cutbacks to budgets, three executives received pay rises up to 20pc.”
“Oh, please! Don’t play the victim card, Mr Balls”
“Mr Balls’s mishap was reported cheerily by yesterday morning’s newspapers (though not by the Left-leaning Beeb, which concentrated on Mr Osborne’s lack of munificence to welfare claimants).
“At dawn, Mr Balls was on reputation-retrieval manoeuvres. He went on Radio 4’s Today programme and, later, Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show, adopting the whispery, hurt tones of the authentic drama queen. It being radio, I could not be sure, but I’d say his mascara had run and a damp handkerchief was being wrung in his fingers.”
Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions Paul Mason (BBC Newsnight Economics Editor)
“Mason makes illuminating comparisons with historical eruptions of global protest like 1848…and 1968. He also talks about the intellectual influences – the likes of Marx, Foucault, Debord and about a dozen more…The book has a few flaws. Mason seems mostly blind both to the dark side of the network and to the positive aspects of hierarchy…Strongly recommend this authentic book for anyone looking to deepen and broaden their understanding of the ongoing, world shaking post-crises protest movement.”
Of course, BBC-NUJ is still very quiet about its politically preferred party, Labour, and Rotherham Council’s ban on UKIP members from being foster parents.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“It’s the social workers who are racist, say Slovak parents in UKIP fostering scandal: The Mail reveals the truth behind Thought Police furore – and it’s more shocking than it seemed.”
Blimey a Labour council stealing gyspy children, then giving those children to politically favored families. Sounds like something out of Nazi Germany.
How do the BBC get away with this?
Three badly briefed point-scoring Beeboids up against one Tory…and still splattered all over the ring like the worst tag-team you could imagine!
An absolute disgrace-and about time we had the likes of this Tory dealing with the ignorance, the lazy bias and highlighter pen summaries of Labours fantasies.
More of this Tory please… and let`s here no more talk from the BBC about cuts when we get three fat lotus eaters shown up for the clots that they are.
“Business Correspondents”-they`d hardly make Newsnight standards…THAT`S how shit they are, based on this nine minutes!
The BBC will tell that this is only one episode, and you must instead judge their balance over the long term. Only lists like Craig kept can prove what nonsense this is.
I hope those Australian F***wits and the BBC chap who thought the ‘prank’ call to KE7 Hospital was witty are going to make some sort of gesture of sorrow now that it appears that the nurse who was duped has committed suicide.
What about some attention to the real victims of the press and media BBC rather than the pathetic whining of celebs caught flogging each other or taking drugs or purchasing services from prostitutes.
This ‘prank’ has destroyed more than one life, and all for a cheap joke at the expense of the despised royal family. I am furious and disgusted – there was a degree of knowing smirking by the BBC at this episode. Before I get lambasted, I know the BBC didn’t do it but they have form here with respect to Andrew Sachs and I suspect that they will have to pull the latest Now Show/News Quiz Every fuc***g ‘topical’ comedy show as I am sure Hardy and his vile marxist friends were having a field day with this bit of ‘aren’t the royals stupid and parasitical class enemies’ material.
The BBC wet its pants in rage over the Dowler ‘Hacking’ allegations but saw this with a nod and a wink as a good joke mainly because the Royal family are legitimate targets.
0061293751041 is the telephone number (if you are dialing them from from the UK) of the Australian radio station if your want to make a complaint to them directly.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20645838 ‘The BBC understands Mrs Saldanha had not been suspended or disciplined by the hospital.
In pondering where that line may be headed, that would be a ‘private’ hospital, would it not, BBC? All mention in this piece not present*
And one wonders whether any questions being asked by our glorious media were of a ‘who is to blame… who can we target…?’ nature following what happened, and if the NHS would get so tasked, at least by fellow public sector workers.
*http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20610197 treated at the private hospital over the years..
The private hospital has…
‘…the BBC chap who thought the ‘prank’ call to KE7 Hospital was witty’. That was Richard Bacon on BBC 5 Live Radio: ‘I think the actual call was quite funny’.
He repeated this thought a day later. He further suggested that he would make this sort of call were it not for the fact that the new BBC DG would certainly have to resign over it. Richard Bacon, however,takes a particular interest in cyber bulling and internet trolling and has himself been a victim. I suppose where the Royals are concerned and where innocents get in the way it’s all fair dinkum? Over to you Brian Leveson.
My doctor daughter reckons that the endless bullying of clinical staff by management-Gauleiters is typified by this matter. That harsh criticism for a regrettable but understandable mistake was probably the cause of the nurse’s apparent suicide.
In as much as there is at present no suggestion that this happened, and both employer and Palace have been at pains to make that clear, what evidence for this do you have?
The realm of relative reckons and probably’s is maybe better left to the trusted sources and editors of the BBC until proven tangibles are presented.
The evidence is that members of her family said she was harshly criticised by hospital management. Reported in the press – but I have not heard it mentioned on the BBC.
The evidence is that members of her family said she was harshly criticised by hospital management.
That is hardly ‘evidence’ then is it? It’s what you write someone has said someone else has said. Maybe good enough for a BBC trash job, but not much else.
And if this sorry affair descends into Clintonian semantacists arguing over the degree of harsh dancing on a pin, then the Farce is truly with you all. Reported in the press – but I have not heard it mentioned on the BBC.
There’s an interview linked elsewhere between a BBC peroxide harpie and, for some reason as yet unclear Keith Vaz, where she spends most of her time trying to get him to blame the hospital and even suggesting ‘there’s more to it’ when he clearly knows f-all, and certianly less than your doctor daughter on matters of mental health (I’d hope).
That is a BBC agenda at play, plain as the nose on your face.
Peter Hunt
Royal correspondent
This is embarrassing….
There’ll be no winners as what started badly has now apparently plummeted very South (no pun intended).
But when he gets back from Oz, maybe Lord Lev might have a gander at which media, and especially broadcast, gunned for a bunch of folk who were simply innocent victims of a hoax, making some very heavy, career-compromising pronouncements on top of being very happy to share a bunch of painful details that now look to have had further tragic consequences.
I don’t care if ‘everyone else did it too’; this was not a different time.
And I hold the BBC to a higher standard.
And the next time I hear one of their airhead teleprompter dollies or follically-challenged ‘correspondents’ intone the words ‘this must be embarrassing for…’ when they are the one stirring up a stink for a cheap rating, I’m throwing the set out the window.
I thought it was quite funny and harmless. It is very sad that the nurse has killed herself, but that cannot by any leap of logic be blamed on the incident. I listened to the entire conversation. There was absolutely nothing to cause such an extreme reaction.
“I thought it was quite funny and harmless….There was absolutely nothing to cause such an extreme reaction.”
Well if you thought it was funny that is all that counts. I am just sorry you did not find her humiliation funny enough to justify her suicide. She should have made more of an effort to be more comic.
For a donation of a £100 to Children in Need she could have stripped off in front of the cameras and jumped to her death from the Elizabeth Tower – if she had a good body.
Why take other people’s feeling so seriously. After all, we all die eventually, so we might as well have a laugh.
Of course no-one could have predicted the suicide of this poor woman. None of us can know what it’s like to be held up, not just to public ridicule, but world wide humiliation. it’s just terribly sad and perhaps, in truth, everyone has played a part in this tragic case.
‘perhaps, in truth, everyone has played a part’
The minute an event prompts a story that generates interest, ‘parts’ get played. So first let’s bear in mind who choose to initiate this.
But as a presumed inclusion in that ‘everyone’ I see my responsibilities as different and defined by my actions alone.
When this ‘broke’, my first thought was to wonder what the consequences would be for some poor medical professional tricked out of her area of expertise vs. medical professionals in the NHS being seen as in need of retraining; that which they had received to this point apparently not covering the leaving of patients in soiled beds or how lack of water can cause dehydration. And I kept it to a discussive forum.
Other’s first thoughts were ‘private hospital stuffs up on confidentiality… and it was clearly a wind up as they accents were dodgy… ha-ha. Heads must roll!!!!!!.’ And I defy anyone to tell me that these notions were not being placed directly to the staff of that hospital.
There is therefore a difference to how ‘everyone’ reacted, and hence responsibilities to be be borne.
How do you work that out? Was her suicide one of those strange co-incidences?
Clearly the intent was a innocent enough if a bit vicious. I could say the same about burning a rag whilst shouting “FIRE!” at a football match. The ensuing injuries would still be my fault – irrespective if the panic was unreasonable / disproportionate etc
Whatever the reasons there are apparently two children now without a mother, a mother who was caught up in a stupid prank. Although not the BBC this time, it is very much the BBC’s level of humour. I hope the BBC takes note and takes care in future.
BBC 5 Live led their regular news bulletins with parts of the prank call and were almost apologetic about having to cut off prior to the medical details given by the nurse. Clearly they enjoyed the prank and assumed their listenership would similarly want to have a laugh at the expence of the Royals and that stuffy posh hospital. The irony vis a vis Leveson and Gordon Brown’s child’s medical records presumably escaped the Salford crowd. Payback I guess for all that Royal baby news they had to report through gritted teeth. Now watch to see if the Beeboids try to blame the tabloids and that thing they call the media. Paul Merton is at this moment frantic to revise a couple of gags he had lined up for the next HIGNFY.
Define “prank call”. Why was it done? Who was entertained by it and and why?
This genre depends on the humiliation of innocent people. It is to be deplored.
Yes, the nurse was easy prey for the BBC, didn’t think twice about humiliating her on air and contributing to her demise. No BBC editors caught in a savile/newsnight dilemma here, yes, by god let’s have the voice of the poor nurse on the air, why not! Mohammed cartoons that’s another story.
‘“I thought it was quite funny and harmless”
Rather self-evidently, the latter was not the case.
And, clearly, thinking does tax some more into areas they are perhaps better advised to avoid.
Interesting how again the media shark frenzy wagons were circling this morning as they weighed an easy kill with other consequences.
On SKY their cheeky Northern chappie anchor had some bush tucker Oz media expert on a dodgy Skype connection where they agreed it was all awfully sad, but there was nothing malicious about what was done.
That’s why twitter posts are being pulled from Salford to Potts Point… on account of their gentle hilarity.
And nothing to do with the taunting of easy targets from professions or classes certain media types see with red misted glasses.
The irony will be as their fellow sharks taste their blood in the water now and professional courtesy gives way to a quick, easy rating.
And the BBC will be in there too, as the kindergarden classes that staff them get caught up in a twitter mob.
I just wonder how many fingers are hovering as we speak over a ‘send’ key to a piece that claims un-named sources who are witnessing vast ’embarrassment’ and conjuring up legions of ‘angry’ also un-named ‘critics’ calling for heads to ro… make that, more sensitively… ‘for resignations’. As they all do, especially the BBC, when any pol or celeb steps out of their petty rules of engagement doctrines.
“Aid is just a stop-gap. Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid.”
“In dealing with poverty here and around the world, welfare and foreign aid are a Band-Aid. Free enterprise is a cure.”
“Entrepreneurship is the most sure way of development.”
‘is the ATW site down?
It was, and not in a good way, for any with an interest in free speech and concerns on selective censorship.
The BBC or staff can block and ban commenters at will without any explanation simply because you do not share their views.
Meanwhile trolls can get entire sites shut down by hosts simply by waving a vague ‘ism around.
And that collection of overpaid brain donors in Westminster sit around and do nothing… or hold inquiries (that can do nothing) as it all unravels. http://www.maxfarquar.com/2012/12/a-tangled-web-suspended-arvixe/
ATW’s suspension has nothing to do with the BBC but everything to do with Vance permitting the publication of constant hate messages from the people who post there. Free speech has limits.
Free speech has limits.
Yes the freedom to say what the the liberal inquisition will allow
You know like
‘ethnically cleansing barking and Dagenham of white working class dissenters’.
ATW’s suspension has nothing to do with the BBC
And you know this how? If you actually read my post, I was not suggesting it was a BBC initiative, but made a comparison on variable censorship practices at establishment level, to avoid the house monitor getting in a snit. But as you mention it, the BBC is on record as monitoring critical activity across the blogosphere and does use it to close down critics.
Your next statement not only suggests a poor grasp of how free speech works, but also a dire insight into how pervasive the kapos of righteous thought are across the internet. ‘ Free speech has limits.’
The parameters of which, presumably, are set by people like you?
Thus making it no longer free.
‘The BBC allows Vance to appear..’
I was not aware that appearance on the BBC was a matter of what it allowed. ‘..so you are clearly talking utter rot.’
In terms of clarity, what I talk or you talk is down to the opinion of others. You have however stated that you believe there to be limits, and do not appear to deny those get set and adjudged by you. I would suspect ..
Your suspicions appear to extend far, wide and deep.
When the Wall fell files were found that showed just who was involved in serving the system, including the informers.
Those committed by ideology were mostly given a pass but ostracised.
Those on the payroll, in any form, had a tricker time.
‘the server company is private and can decide what it will tolerate hosting.’
In fact they can do pretty much what they like, being private (As can Blogger, WordPress, etc… who indeed have). At least in denial of service, especially if said service is free (though some may dig out an ‘ism that could force provision for fear of breaking equal rights laws).
Now, when things get public, especially uniquely so, and funded on top, it gets really interesting, and not in a good, but in a Chinese Times way.
Because then it appears you can do what you like but not then get exposed to market forces in consequence, which is where freedom of choice is lost along with freedom of speech, and that pretty much means the end of democratic process. Especially when there is not even a voting opportunity.
One could argue there are certain avenues, but it appears there are expensive FoI lawyers to handle these.
How tolerable that can remain in face of increasingly retrograde censorship remains to be seen.
Watching John bishops big year on bbc1, so far it’s been a foul mouthed scouser talking about his penis, taking about prince Phillips penis, taking the Mickey out of the tories etc etc. Not a single mention of labour or any of the liberal left wing so called comedians. Next is Steven fry, think il go to the pub and talk non politically correctly
If I were to do a case study on how a fundamentally decent, funny man can turn into a BBC “star”; I think I might do John Bishop as that case in point.
Already seeing signs of straining and puffed-up souffle tendencies.
Needs to get back home and avoid the BBC..or else he`ll end up like bloody Tarby-has that Beatle badger ever made anybody laugh?
Noted. Watch out for him to make his first appearance in episode 3 ‘Leagalise It, I’ll Advertise It’. Or as it will be titled in the US version: ‘The one where Mum can’t decide between ganga or shag’
Labour’s Newsnight discussing the size of the state and asking if it is too big. Knock me down with a feather, it must have been really painful for them!!!
Mind you. Matthew Taylor, a former Bliar staffer and Newsnight regular, was there to keep interrupting, as lefties do (as I think they’re instructed – Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones, Charlie Whoever, the SWP bod, I mean you).
Actually for once, an interesting discussion that shewed the extent to which the state has taken over and ‘infantilised’ the population.
It struck me just how much Brown had corrupted the country, for his own ends, and just how much he has to answer for.
Perhaps someone in Newsnight Towers has made a perfunctory attempt at balance, tonight. No doubt normal service will be resumed on Monday
It was that end-of-week dress-down Friday feel to a BBC show that knows it`s on death row after MacAlpine…but none the less welcome for all that.
Heard a bit on the Week in Westminster an hour or so back…Kellner and Lillie talking sense, moderated by Sue Cameron…wow!
Turned off when I heard Hodge would be on…you just know her hubbys some kind of lawyer/judge, and won`t let the third raters like the BBC impugn her Stemcor hypocrisy.
Luckily we go to the Internet(Staines etc) to get the real news these days.
Still-the BBC better than usual…maybe we should carry on without Tony Hall and see if it improves still further!
Pretty sickening homage to two of the beeboids fave institutions on the Sat morning R2 news – step forward UK uncut and Hamas.
Hope nobody reading this is dumb enough to pay these f*ckers a licence fee .
Have to confess I do still pay it, though possibly not much longer, along with canceling the SKY sub (the missus is not prepared to barricade the door against Capita or do the dishes while I am looked after at Her Majesty’s Pleasure… ironically, with BBC DD and SKY covered by the public).
Not really a matter of dumb… more a matter of legal compulsion backed by a state system that will devote all efforts to hounding any ethical protestor on the provision of TV programmes but will cut deals with terrorists, druggies, etc on the basis of their rights.
A matter I do intend to raise via one mechanism still currently available: the ballot box.
The Mob now appears to rule even politics.
Interesting which media by coincidence also favour uncritically which US politician.
Ancient Rome meets 30’s Chicago.
Another awesome precedent from history.
Great excitement on the Today programme: the ‘climate change’ beano (the party, not the comic, but it could be either) in Doha could be reaching agreement on re-distributing wealth from the West to poorer countries (thus keeping the UN’s Agenda 21 nicely on track, though they didn’t say that).
The good old unbiased BBC framed this in terms of compensation for the damage done by storms, floods etc ’caused by climate change’, echoing the UN position in the usual unquestioning fashion. This is shameful broadcasting as not even the UN’s own IPCC report (the science bit) is able to make any kind of link between ‘climate change’ and storms, blizzards, floods etc., let alone what other scientists (yes, they are out there BBC) are telling us:
‘British’ will be eventually dropped, & we’ll have the United Nations Broadcasting Corp., based in London, but with substantial outstations around the globe. Nation shall speak peace unto nat…hang on, where did the nations go? The BBC will be in pole position to demurely accept the mantle of premier world broadcaster. The pieces will fall into place; the fruition of years of planning, oh, & the relentless drumming of agenda & ‘narrative’. Mehdi Hassange, our modest, oh-so-balanced, D-G. It’s all looking good.
Yes, politically the misnamed ‘BBC’ and ‘BBC Arabic TV’ really represents the interests of the dominant bloc of 57 Islamic countries at the U.N.
The ‘International Broadcasting Corporation'(not ‘BBC’) actively supports (but British people have to pay for) the U.N agenda on:-
mass immigration to West, increasing foreign aid, anti-Israel, climate, etc.
In a festival of bias, Naughtie interviewed Lord Stern – an economist not a scientist – on Today. Naughtie set the scene by damning the “some who say” that the “science” of CAGW is a load of crap and joined Stern in a prayer that the CAGW parasites in Doha would do the right thing and vote to impoverish the West.
So the reality of “climate change” lunacy is slowly revealed. It’s not about the – in reality – impossibility of preserving the existing climate in aspic (please tell us the mechanics of that Lord Stern or even Harrabin) but the transfer of massive wealth from the developed West to anyone who is capable of holding his hand out.
The potential beneficiaries of Stern’s largesse include India, where in Calcutta, according to Today, no-one talks about anything else. What wasn’t mentioned (natch!) was the mechanism (which will certainly include an eye-wateringly expensive bureaucracy) whereby this magic transfer could be effected and the economic consequences for the population of the UK. Lord Stern ended by paying warm tribute to the traitorous scum civil servants and ministers from the UK struggling in Doha to come to an agreement. What a way to start a weekend!
As soon as I heard ‘Stern’ the off button got the big clunking fist treatment (but only temporary relief, I know).
For as long as all three main parties subscribe to this redistributionist socialist movement shamming as some kind of super-elite scientific body who claim the debate is finished on a subject so horrendously complex and still in its infancy, the BBC will get away with it.
Orwell must have spun so much he’ll have burrowed his way to the earth’s core by now.
Bastards, BBC, absolute lying, cheating undemocratic bastards (yes, the bias is that bad.)
Speaks volumes – shows he’s still in the bloom of idealistic youth if he doesn’t remember the legendary band led by the great Dave Dee – what a top bloke.
So on the subject of ‘bending it’ – any thoughts yet on the BBC’s ‘climate change’ coverage, or are you going to remain teasingly coy? Perhaps you are simply silently content with their blatant bias, lies and secret meetings with eco activists, knowing it is all in a good socialist cause?
‘What on earth are you babbling on about?’
Sorry to be so long.
Just back from a lovely day out in the sadly rare, late Autumn sun. Gathering Winter fuel.. literally.
As you do. When you have a life.
Anyhoo, I see others have kindly set you right on the 60’s pop allusion, if that was what was causing comprehension problems.
If it was the other bit, well, though we do have our differences, Mr. Dandy has rather showed why he’s often still worth sparring with and you have the abilities of a Turin Machine powered by Shuckman on a pedalo connected to a generator. He, at least, can show a spark of humour.
And probably appreciates that coming to troll a site and flounce around on good blog etiquette when not reading what is posted before jerking kneewise, is an irony too far.
If you were any more up yourself you could floss from inside out.
And though he’s probably much too polite to put words into others’ mouths (though I think that may actually have happened), he may even concede that whatever you are doing, it’s not really helping… well… anything really.
Wise move, GW, as I think a lot more of that white stuff the BBC and their like were saying we’d never see again is on the way, along with temperatures that are so far off the opposite end of the scale of the warm wet winters we were also promised we should expect sightings of polar bears around the Shap area anytime soon.
Just like those Indian tailenders, Richard Bacon is fighting a spirited rearguardv action…..
Jim Halsall @bigjim123
@richardpbacon Do you feel slightly ill at ease that you said yesterday that found the prank very funny #lawofunintendedconsequenses
12:02 PM – 7 Dec 12 · Details
14h richard bacon richard bacon @richardpbacon
@bigjim123 I also said I felt sorry for the nurse
STOP BREEDING @selfishbreeding
@richardpbacon On your show you thought the royal prank was hilarious.You must be so proud you’ve contributed to someone’s death.
14h richard bacon richard bacon @richardpbacon
@selfishbreeding rarely have I been sent such a meaningless tweet
The principle of insincere apologia, too late, is really only now credible within the corridors of the BBC.
And even then, as Evan Almighty has shown, when it’s best to leave it at that and move on, deluded pride, bubble-worship from the echo chamber and market rate management powerlessness combined with public sector lack of accountability means that the nastiest, mangiest members of the Flokk will still be unable to resist playing to the mob.
One day, minor BBC celebrities and or presenters will get to grasp that being very selective when you decide on fun, or what is not, or bullying, or what is not, will have consequences.
While ye high-cost Beeboid HARRABIN, he of the very large carbon footprint, is in Qatar, spinning for interests of non-Western countries, Nigel Lawson has this optimistic piece on shale gas prospects in England:-
“Thought we were running out of fossil fuels? New technology means Britain and the U.S. could tap undreamed reserves of gas and oil.”
Only undemocratic action by eco-fascists could stop the development of shale gas in England.
And high-cost Beeboid ‘greenies’ would not propagandise in support of such action, would they?
What gets me is the way Beeboids interviewing government ministers point out that the US economy is showing more life than that of the UK and imply that it’s Obama’s spending policies, in contrast to Conservative ‘austerity’, that are the reason. In fact US resilience is to no small extent the result of the fracking that the Beeb has contributed, in its own way, towards delaying or even trying to prevent taking place in this country.
” EU might take a lead ”
If they do, it will be to enact a law that makes OUR gas all theirs to share any way they see fit.
They cocked up over N Sea oil, they must have other ideas now.
Try OUR fish as an example?
Beeboid Ms Stewart provides political outlet for Ms Lucas, to pontificate against shale gas development, (apparently there is only one political party in the South East) as indicated here:
“Autumn Statement: Relief over fuel duty but concern over fracking”
The reliably atrocious ‘Weekend Woman’s Hour’ on R4 today witnessed Jane Garvey once again incapable of saying ‘the previous government’ (when discussing something she approved of that the present incumbents have stopped doing). Instead, as always it is ‘the Labour government’.
Presumably she does this to remind the poor empty-headed dears whom to vote for, the next time hubby allows them to go to the polling station?
I must apologise for previous comments I have made concerning Nicky Campbell (Radio 5 Live/ The Big Question) that may have suggested that he was on the BBC payroll.
Turns out that he has some rather more advantageous tax arrangements than might be available under PAYE
Intravenus De Milo @IntravenusMP
@Mancman10 @NickyAACampbell I understood the BBC gave very generous relocation exp’s tell me I’m wrong & I take it back.
Nicky Campbell
@IntravenusMP @mancman10 not to me.
@NickyAACampbell @mancman10 I take it back! Did the BBC not pay relocation payments? Pleased about that.
8h Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@IntravenusMP @mancman10 I am not staff. Never have been. Don’t know what arrangements where.
2:18 AM – 8 Dec 12 · Details
2h Intravenus De Milo Intravenus De Milo @IntravenusMP
@NickyAACampbell @mancman10 I take it all back – independent ltd co? Very tax / NI efficient 😉 I heard about that on your radio show 😉
2h Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@IntravenusMP work a lot for other people. Pay full rate of income tax and ni. Anything else?
I am still waiting for a BBC-NUJ investigation into Labour Council ban on UKIP members being foster parents.
In meantime, Christopher Booker has article in ‘Sunday Telegraph’ (scroll down):-
“There is a groundswell of anger at the number of children now being seized by English social workers from foreign families in Britain, too often for what the Slovak government describes as ‘no sound reason’. It emerges that the number of children taken from one Slovak family in Rotherham, as reported during the recent by-election, was not three but seven – at an overall cost to Rotherham council estimated on official figures to be nearly £40,000 a year for each child. This bill of more than a quarter of a million pounds for just one family thus equates to the council tax paid by some 250 households. Payments to foster carers alone for each looked-after child average £400 a week.”
And the establishment, the usual suspects and the party with three heads tell us immigration is a good thing. I suppose it is … if the aim is to bankrupt us.
Not bias but Pointless Celebrities on Saturday had two of the most pointless ‘celebrities’ there have ever been – Edwina Currie and Diane Abbott – and amazingly they reached the final even though they were thick as shit. And Abbott’s charity … The Sickle Cell Society … ‘sickle cell is a very horrible disease and a lot of people in my constituency suffer from it.’ Not the white ones though. Raccccciiiiiissst.
The tabloid sports writers upset our BBC last year. Instead of the usual list of their favourite sports personalities (yes I know, oxymoron) the ever onward marching Beeb diversity bureau decided that what it wanted was an inclusive list – so that all the different flavours of jelly beans were properly represented.
So BBC/Common Purpose have taken the selection of the short list in-house.
I know and you know that really sport is not the most crucial of political issues – but the BBC regard sport as very much an arena where politics, or at least one wing of politics, can and must be promoted.
This sports personality nonsense brings into sharp focus the true instincts and political bias of our national broadcaster. The BBC may not be able (directly) to introduce legislation into Parliament, to sway judicial decisions or to dictate the outcome of elections – but I would contend that the alteration of the rules of this game, the arrogance and confidence they now have to call foul on the existing situation and their solution – the appointment of a ‘right-minded’ board of commissars – tell us all we need to know about the modern BBC.
By the way the BBC have found a tabloid sports writer they like. Patrick Collins ‘of the Mail’ is invited onto Garry Richardson’s sports week on 5 Live. Gosh a Mail journo on the BBC dollar – that will tick a massive box on some balance statistic table somewhere deep within the corporation.
Don’t worry PC fans, Mr Collins has some sound liberal views. In reference to Frankie Dettori’s drugs ban he opines ‘I don’t see why jockies have to be tested for non-performance enhancing drugs?’
“Last weekend, almost every BBC radio bulletin I listened to, over several days, mentioned a petition calling for full implementation of the Leveson Report into the press, and said that the number of signatures was rising.
GMar 1, 12:24 Weekend 1st March 2025 Even bigger than that, in my humble view. The obsequious Trump has joined the club now alongside Putin and Beijing…
MarkyMarkMar 1, 12:20 Weekend 1st March 2025 Actual footage …. “just one out of 228” [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/August-Landmesser-Almanya-1936.jpg/530px-August-Landmesser-Almanya-1936.jpg[/img]
vladMar 1, 12:18 Weekend 1st March 2025 Here’s a headline in the Indy worthy of the BBC by it’s bias and irrelevance: “Just 1 voter backed AfD…
ZephirMar 1, 12:09 Weekend 1st March 2025 Never mind, NASA can be fun, I spent a year at the European space agency and the poor girl next…
GMar 1, 12:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 They’re all ‘dodgy’ again and its mostly all to do with the manipulations of the Gold “market” and in particular…
MarkyMarkMar 1, 12:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 [img]https://www.antikbar.co.uk/catalogue/images/PP2492_1_l.JPG[/img] [img]https://d3410d11flrn02.cloudfront.net/1983%20Labour%20_HAT_1_55_92_.jpg[/img]
GMar 1, 12:03 Weekend 1st March 2025 John, You might like to take a look at this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_INZM98BAyk
Eddy BoothMar 1, 12:01 Weekend 1st March 2025 A Russian blogers take on the zelensky White House visit “BLOODBATH IN THE OVAL OFFICE A presidential dressing down for…
JohnCMar 1, 11:57 Weekend 1st March 2025 The irony is that our civil service and the BBC are outdated institutions with their ‘power’ and ways of working…
ZephirMar 1, 11:56 Weekend 1st March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/MpnDDLvt/Capture6.jpg[/img]
We now go over to somewhere near Salford to join the pilot episode of the BBC’s popular comedy My New Family.
The teenage kids are squabbling over what to have on TV. It is a typical scene familiar to living rooms across Britain. Owen Jones plays the son. ‘No, we mustn’t watch Jeremy Kyle. It gives the false impression that Chavs are feckless, drug-addled, bed-hopping, aggressive, benefits scroungers’. His sister is Laurie Penny, she disagrees. ‘But the dialectic view is that the DNA tests expose the patriarchal structure inherent in capitalist society; thereby providing arguments for feminism’ ‘Yeah but anyway Mum (Clare Balding) said we are only allowed to watch London 2012 Olympics DVDs’ ‘Huh…the way you talk it’s as if you don’t even know it’s 2012! You said London. Everyone knows you should say Lahndan. When will you learn to acknowledge local pronunciation sensitivities? You must never use the probably Roman influenced colonial version anymore’.
There is a knock at the door. In comes Uncle Paul Mason. (The audience – just bussed in from Question Time – whistle, whoop, cheer and clap in expectation of his catchphrase) ‘Eee by ‘eck, it’s kicking off everywhere!’
(The audience howl with laughter and approval) ‘Have you been hanging out in trendy left-wing cafes in Barcelona or in Athens this week, Uncle Paul Mason?’ ’Ave I ‘eck-as-like, our lad! I’ve just got back from the Bad Sex Writing Awards ceremony’. ‘Did you win Uncle Paul Mason?’ ‘What’s that our lass…. me in the top one per cent?! Would I ‘eck as like…..me… WIN the Bad Sex Award? ‘Course not. Wait for it…… I CAME second!’
(The audience erupt in an explosion of laughter and applause. Where would we be without these lovable and typical British characters brought to us by the BBC?)
Lol great one !
I`d watch it…and will happily get an opera commissioned for radio 3 if you like!
Let’s see … we have four hard-up arty types living in a bohemian area of town. Throw in a poor dying waif and we’ve got an opera !
Wait – such an opera’s been done before – Puccini’s “La Boheme”, set in 1830s Paris.
There’s only one thing wrong with your spoof sketch – it’s actually funny, so not realistic at all!
Oh so true, Rufus McDufus,
I honestly do try listening to the R4 “Comedy” shows but about 3 minutes is me whack.
Why can’t I get bliddy refund on bliddy tele licence, eh?
OH! Just cos it’s radio I can’t get me money back, eh?
Don’t seem fair to me!
Jeremy Hardy is just as crap on radio as he wos before they kicked him off telly, like, right!
Question Time last night – Dimbleby introduced it from Liverpool ‘an audience at the heart of QT’. Yes, I thought – the hand selected left leaning audience. But last night the early half of the programme did not all go Burnham’s way. Although anytime that Francis Maude made a good point Burnham just butted in and spoke over him without any interference from the Chairman. But Maude was able to say that the 50p tax rate was introduced in the dying last 3 weeks of the Labour government and that tax had then dropped by £7 billion. And even Dimblelby turned to Burnham and asked if he felt so strongly about the 50p rate – why hadn’t Labour done it sooner. And got quite an applause for doing so. Not sure quite what was happening last night – but still after the first question I had enough and went to bed.
I caught the tail end of it last night (finale episode ‘Spartacus ,Gods of the Arena’ much more important ) but thought,on face of it,audience didn’t look like the typical QT selected jury
That welsh trot didn’t get much of an ovation for the idea of increasing numbers of taxmen
Still no mention of Stemcor though and when did Dimbleby stop being the chairman and become a panelist?
2 socialist MPs a member of the labour party and the chairman Vs one tory and a bloke from the FT(perhaps i should have watched QT instead of Spartacus) that , according to Justin farquar-biscutebarrel at least,would be right wing bias
FT have supported both Labour & Tories so I wouldn’t claim them as ‘right wing’, probably ‘centre’.
Like the actual paper, they’re pinkish.
I Have found a new way (new to me anyway) for me to Watch QT. I record it then I can do all kinds of delightfully playful things, for example fast forward (ff) and watch the nodding heads. I have four speeds to choices from; 2, 6, 12, and 30.
Mute is a further option that allows me to try lip reading. I make notes on a pad of what I think was said and then re-run the sequence with sound. Then do a comparison.
You can also use this facility (mute) to play KEY WORD AND KEY PHRASE /CLICHÉ PLACEMENT. You listen to the question then write down what you think will be the key word(s), phrase(s) and cliché(s) each panellist is likely to use in answering the question.
There are other games you can play. Like hand gesture meaning. This is best done at ff 6.
I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea. It makes the dull and predictable …………
I have nothing of any substance to say really. But I have just watched QT. This panel was particularly tedious. Why has Dominic Lawson never appeared on QT? Do the BBC have something against him?
as i drove back this morning, the mo farrah appreciation society … i mean sports personality of the year drone continued on and on 5live …
he s the one and only mo farrah – wow i remember mo s wins, oh and that commentary was just the best, (after playing the recording of a win from ………. mo farrah!)
yep great, but without mo eh!
don t forget sports personality coming soon on the bbc
(about the fourth day in a row, now for this biased pap)
And we’re also invited to see these sports people as ‘heros’- why?? What they do, they do it for themselves, whether it’s winning themselves medals or trophies or financial reward or both.
Ah that well known paradox of the “Sports Personality”.
Nigel Mansell, Damon Hill, David Beckham…all manner of japes and boulevardier wit to hand this coming Christmas.
Not including the monobrows, ex footie types and all those diverse cultures who know little else but a translation of ” sexy football and spit roast”.
“Sports Personality”, my glutimus maximus… is there a link between linament, Fiery jack and brain damage I wonder?
On the subject of Sports Personality of the Year, this blog from Barbara Slater is quite explicit in stating that after last year -when they left it to 27 sports journalists to nominate and they – horror! – produced an all-male shortlist the BBC have changed the nomination system to ensure that such “anomalies” can’t happen again – hence the riciculous shortlist this year, with Nicola Adams nominated because she is a black woman. How’s this for an admission of politically correct interference from the BBC;
there was a consensus that the BBC itself should be better represented and have more control in the shortlisting process to ensure there are no more anomalies of the sort we saw in 2011 – in the previous system the BBC had no input other than to administer the voting process
I’m not in the least interested in sport of any kind, but from what you have explained, it sounds as though the programme should be renamed as ‘ethnic minority of the year’ or, ‘cultural minority of the year’ or ‘positive discrimination representative of the year’. Is that about the long and short of it?
Adams was nominated because she won a very popular Gold medal and she has a personality.
Wiggins will win it anyway. Bet your house on it.
I’ve put a few euros on Ashley Cole, for showing true multicultural solidarity with his friend, John Terry, a man he knows, by long acquaintance, not to be a racist. In a fit of festive generosity, Ladbrokes have given irresistible odds of 1million-1. Still, I expect Mo Tupper to get the nod.
Bloody hell, GF, instant transport back to “The Victor”, mid sixties. Must be Alf’s grandson, then? :-o)….
You got it, xplod! Two gold medals won, thanks to those pre-race cod & chips!
Bloody racist and chauvinistic tokenism.
Looks like the BBC likes its blacks either servng the coffees, doing the cleaning , punching each other or running around a track.
Doesn`t seem to want either blacks or women anywhere near the sources of power.
And these creeps want women bishops and popes…but no blacks or women in any area of influence at the BBC.
Patten, Thompson, Hall and Bland-all hideously white, nearly-dead white males from prep schools and Oxbridge.
No wonder they send Gary Younge and Bea Campbell safely out of the way…with no prospect of an expose so close to home eh?
Not even for the Godawful incompetents and shroud wavers of Newsnight…that bad!
Pass the sickbag Alice!
I’d love to see Mo Farrah or Rory bloody McIlroy being sent to risk their lives in Afganistan!! Our soldiers are treated like shit when they return from war, whereas, these selfish tossers have their arses kissed by the MSM who make them out to be the real heros!
absolutely appalling, and signals the return of the ubiquitous erm … “youths” in al bbc reporting.
“Three charged over Dutch linesman Richard Nieuwenhuizen death”
you just know when a story like this is reported that something is missing….and thanks to bBBC we know what.
“Geert Wilders: we don’t have a soccer problem; we have a Moroccan problem…”
From link-
“Apart from that it was announced that the city of Amsterdam plans to build so-called “scum-villages” for troublemakers and perpetrators of violence which will be operational from January.”
What in the ‘mecca’ of liberalism ?
Given the religion of the Moroccan criminals in the ‘mecca’ of liberalism, the word ‘mecca’ could be most apt when naming the ‘scum villages’ ! .
The three ‘youths’ are Moroccan it seems. Link to a de Telegraaf, a dutch news site that includes an eyewitness account (its in dutch).
The key line is “Alleen de drie Marokkaanse spelers van Nieuw Sloten liepen naar onze grensrechter”, which translates as “Only the three Moroccan players of Nieuw Sloten walked to our linesman”.
Cultural / religious beliefs of the players can be inferred from this fact.
That the rest of the team shook hands with linesman and referee thanking him for his reffing…and that the Marokkense youths went for N. in full view of all……it is being seen as a racist crime in the Netherlands.
This is not just about Dutch teenagers and upbringing but more to do with ‘community’…..and the problems of multicultural immigration.
Dutch teenagers are no worse than the average…but this crime was savage and unrestrained.
BBC…no hint.
That famous BBC ‘analysis’ or ‘sources say’ or whaddyathink? a bit absent here.
‘Two 15 year olds face up to one year in detention if convicted. A 16 year old would face a two-year sentence.’
Given some old men send kids to their deaths in service of a cause, this sentence might to some minds send a message on return of investment that is unhelpful to any who may get into their sights.
Elsewhere on this thread the wisdom of divorcing or excusing cultural impacts on crime are already being seen, with the BBC at the vanguard of what is not likely a trend to be reversed by cover-up and denial.
All too predictable. On Dec 4 OCT I posted:
‘Check out this story:
Not what one would expect from a Dutch ‘group of teenage football players’.
Could there be something that the BBC is not telling us?
………. *tumbleweed*…………..’
OT not OCT.
R2 news busy trying to blame private education for the inability of other uni applicants to fill in the forms without spelling mistakes etc.
No mention of source, Sutton Trust, being total left wing whinging cnuts !
All those toffs setting their kids up for privileged access to vast wealth with woodentop brains eh?
Dimbleby, Ross, Magnussons, Mitchelmores, Attenboroughs…thankfully the likes of Owen Jones and Evan Davis won`t be sending their seed to the Green Room freezer…will they?
And that doesn`t include those sailing under another flag…Justin Webb-Woods and Peter Kellner/Catherine Ashton…Prescotts, Benns…keep up at eh back please!
Yes, you’d think the BBC would be more interested in what can be done to ensure that a state school kid gets a better edukshun. Raising standards so that the poor get a leg up out of poverty. Problem is, then they can compete with the BBCs own sproggs and we mustn’t have that must we children?
Plus what parent doesn’t go over their kids personal statement with a fine tooth comb? The schools are supposed to help too.
Nah, this is more about the failure of state education than the, surprise, surprise revelation that privately educated kids do better on their application forms.
Number of muslims in UK jail rises, BBC helpfully lists possible causes:
The director of the Prison Reform Trust is at a bit of a loss as how this could be, and opines that:
“It could be that more young people are going to prison and then either converting to the Muslim faith whilst they’re in prison or they’re reverting to the Muslim faith” – in other words, they weren’t muslim at the time of the offence, as muslims don’t commit crime.
This opinion is then verified by the president of the association of muslim lawyers, who makes the bold claim that “You can’t commit crimes and describe yourself as a practising religious person.”
So, stating that the number of muslims going to prison has gone up by 25% in a single year (16%->20%) is simply misleading you see, as they weren’t really muslims, because everyone knows that muslims don’t commit crimes and even if they did it would be because they were poor and anyway this represents a failure on the part of the welfare state, or maybe drugs.
To call the article risible is an understatement.
“You can’t commit crimes and describe yourself as a practising religious person.”
If divine law says that all the lands, goods (and women) of the infidel (at least the one who have not surrendered -they just have to pay a poll tax and endure various crushing disabilities) have been given to you by Allah (all you have to do is seize them) and the death of an infidel is no great matter, then I suppose there are a lot of laws it can be quite difficult to break, if you are religious.
“You can’t commit crimes and describe yourself as a practising religious person.”
Errrr….yes you can! What a numpty!
Not you Wallygreeninker.
I think Bin Laden committed a few crimes and he was a practising religious person. And while on the subject of muslims being a large percentage of prison inmates let us take into consideration those let of with a modest fine, let out early if they are Labour Lords, and of course the suicide bombers around the world who never end up in jail.
I discussed this with our ‘tame’ in-house Muslim… and yes no crime is committed unless it is against another Muslim.
Rape, Murder, theft are all allowed and even encouraged against any non-Muslims, or against a different kind of Muslim (Sunni/Shia) therefore no crime has been committed and the perpetrators should be freed….
Even better he then went on to explain that if a non-Muslim converts in Jail and his crime was against another non-Muslim he too should be freed as the crime no longer occurred…
at which point I walked away…
Our immigration policy has been national and Cultural suicide and those responsible will always have my utter contempt. I grew up in Africa and for years after I returned to Blighty I didn’t have a problem with immigrants but now…. Mass immigration and the Gay agenda rammed down my throat has made me very resentful of these people so well done TPTB.
Sorry to the site administrators as my comments will no doubt be fuel for the beeboids and other Lefties to yell Racist and Homophobe so I will make it plain, these are my views and not this Websites
Here is a song that sums up the BBC at the moment….
Wot no Australia?
In a re-organisation of its global broadcasting empire, BBC-NUJ has apparently decided to censor out AUSTRALIA (except for sport?) from its online news; so there’s nothing on this:-
“Sunni-Shi’ite jihad comes to Australia: Shootings, extortions, and threats in Sydney”
Perhaps Brenda should make a hoax phone call to the Aussie Fuzz to ask which of the religions, maybe pentecostal, calvinistic methodists, or whoever are causing the problems?
Somehow the hoax ceases to be funny now the nurse who took it has gone and topped herself.
Totally agree wally!
Whilst I agree with your sentiment I don’t think that ringing someone up pretending to be someone else is funny in the first place.
Do you do irony ?
It was to wally, not you my friend.
But what is it that makes the highly educated BBC elite so dumb? The results of its socialism have been well-known for decades and are all around us.
I think this: “The Fatal Flaw” sheds some light on that at:
It puzzles me too. Sometimes I think they were born that way. Nature not nurture.
The only rational explanation I can come up with is that the more education befuddles their brains the more they believe they are the first people to really know how to change the world to fit the idealised world of their dreams.
They are not of course.
Every journey begins with the first step. The first step of the Left is hatred. Their direction is determined by that first step.
“Socialism is nothing but the political expression of visceral hatred and envy of everything that has raised humanity above the level of animals. All that fills the hearts of socialists is a white hot rage that can never be satisfied and cannot be penetrated by rational thought processes.
It has a track record of failing miserably every time, and everywhere it has been tried. This is not a fatal criticism for those who espouse it, or who adore its demagogic champions – for the inner nihilist that lurks deep within each of them it constitutes a kind of testimony.
Revenge is sweeter to a broken soul than personal advancement.”
who wrote that ?
The science fiction author L. Neil Smith.
Credentials are not necessarily the same thing as education. Also, if important opinions stem from emotion rather than reason, there will be difficulty.
“The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.”
Orthodoxy, by Gilbert K. Chesterton p.3
Up North, the only middle-class people I know who voted Labour, had low intelligence but an ability to memorize, so they where only able to do degrees in the Arts and Humanities at University, and get a job with the council or go down to London for a job with the BBC, advertised in the Guardian.
They had the same intelligence as the people in the inner-city shit holes that they claimed to be equal too.
If we lived in an all white society based on merit, these people would be doing the menial jobs. Which shows why these people see an all white society as a nightmare.
What a silly post.
Richard is absolutely right.
I know countless people of low intelligence who have degrees (in dubious ‘subjects’ and with mediocre grades, but degrees nonetheless) who are employed in the London-based public sector on £50kpa+. They vote Labour, hate Thatcher, and are viscerally opposed to the idea of advancement through merit.
That’s because in a meritocracy they’d be cleaning offices, ringing tills and driving buses. Luckily for them we have imported millions of third-worlders (who also vote Labour, by happenstance) to do those jobs instead.
That is what we are up against.
Thomas Hardy (yuck) hit on it in Jude The Obscure. Intelligence and insight are suppressed when society (soon to dismantle and fragment) is led by an nihilistic vacuous ruling elite (sic).
BBC seems keen.
Maybe it’s just happy to be in EU central.
Thing is, are we to presume a ‘unique’ exception to carbon concerns?
Questions being asked.
Have a hypocritical holiday, Aunty!
This is surely an act of appeasement in response to last years Christmas market grenade attack
Typical cowardice from the liberal inquisition to which the BBC are happy to be accessories.
UKIP where given an almost uninterrupted 5 minute plug on Breakfast Time this morning allowing old Nigel full vent on his agenda.
So here’s a real conspiracy theory for you. The BBC is happy to let Nigel on air as every % rise in the UKIP vote is a % lost to the Tories and ensures a Labour victory.
UKIP are as likley to win a seat as David Vance was, but just as David pulled in sufficient Unionist votes to ensure that Peter Robinson lost his seat to the wet Alliance party, so UKIP will damage the Tories, especially in marginals.
So next time you become excited that Nigel is on the box, just think. He is part of a left wing set up.
Do you know I never thought of it. Probably you have hit on the truth.
But you could in fact be a Tory plant (50% confirmed) trying to discredit the BBC trying to discredit UKIP to in fact get people to take votes away from the Conservatives?
Wow, this could get complex.
“The BBC is happy to let Nigel on air as every % rise in the UKIP vote is a % lost to the Tories and ensures a Labour victory.”
Well durrrr…………..Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
So does that make David V Northern Irelands’ Ross Perot or Ralph Nader?
*ducks flying cookware*
…or the Screaming Lord Sutch… 😮 😉
At the turn of the last Century, Labour replaced the Liberals.
After a period of mixed-up Liberal Cameronism, and then a five year spell of Labour Economics, producing a predictable disastrous result from the new socialist third-way economics.
Then this should make this the Century when UKIP replaces the Tories.
Nigel Farage is the Keir Hardie of this new Century.
No doubt we will a completely balanced and unbiased debate from tonight’s Any Questions panel of :-
Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna, Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee, Dr Samantha Callan from the Centre for Social Justice and the Leader of the House of Commons Andrew Lansley.
And no doubt they will be amply supported by the BBC’s selection of a typically ‘unbiased’ audience.
( Jim in case of doubt I am being sarcastic !)
NB. The sarcastic comment refers to the last paragraph.
Political indictment of BBC-NUJ, ‘Today’, EVAN DAVIS and anti-Tory bias:-
“No 10 fury at Radio 4 ‘hostility’ to Osborne: Presenter Evan Davis attacked for talking over Chancellor during interview.
“Presenter Evan Davis is said to have been ‘spoken to’ by managers.
“Downing Street complained to the BBC following the 13-minute encounter on Radio 4’s Today programme
No10 is thought to have received an apology.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244328/George-Osborne-No10-fury-Radio-4-hostility-presenter-Evan-Davis-talking-Chancellor-interview.html#ixzz2EMznzypE
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Which one of them will tweet that there was no apology?
here it is folks!
Even though I think Davis might have been right on a couple of points, he handled it badly. His evident disgust with Osborne’s refusal to agree with his approach to the 4G license deal prevented him from giving the audience enough information to figure out if he was right or not.
His goal was obviously to prove that the Government’s budget plans were going to help reduce the deficit only because of that coincidence and not because it was otherwise a reasonable plan. He tried to catch Osborne out, but the man didn’t fall for it. Osborne was evasive, yes, and didn’t help his case any, but that doesn’t change what Davis was evidently trying to do.
I don’t think he should apologize to Osborne or anything like that, but maybe he should apologize to the audience for being an @$$hole instead of finding more useful ways to get his point across. But then that would probably set a very tiresome precedent for Today presenters….
Agree entirely.
Sorry David P(USA) I have to disagree with you – I thought it was one of the rudest interviews ever carried out on the Today programme – and there have been some pretty bad ones.
I did say Davis acted like an @$$hole, didn’t I?
The interviewer shouldn’t have any ‘point to get across’.
Marxist drivel from Peston, related to corporate tax and the choices faced by companies.
Peston hinges his various claims on the idea of “license to operate” put forward by ‘Tomorrow’s Company’, a think tank which is headed up by a chief executive with links to the Labour party. Briefly the license to operate concept seems to be a rehash of the idea of corporate social responsibility.
Peston needs this concept, because he has to rebut the idea that businesses exist to maximise profit, which would otherwise make legitimate tax avoidance a core corporate responsibility for directors.
Starbucks is given a further kicking, as Peston gleefully reports that the £20m they’re now going to cough up is really more like a ‘marketing expense’.
But the main point of the article is Pestons assertion that as British companies’ ownership moved away from the UK, they feel less and less ‘moral’ obligation to pay taxes here.
This is completely muddled thinking from the business editor. Firstly, companies operating in the UK employ mainly british staff who are taxed on their remuneration. To overlook this tax take is disingenuous at best.
Secondly, a business’s profits are earned through the leverage of its capital to create products that people want to buy. As such, if tax is to be imposed on corporate profits, it should by rights be linked to the capital structure of the company, and not necessarily to where the company operates. This point is completely overlooked by the left wing / occupy crowd, who seem to believe that business profits are all about the workers and where it operates, without understanding the key role played by the risk-takers who supply the capital and know-how to actually achieve the profits.
Thirdly, VAT is not included in Peston’s accounting of corporate remittances to government, but it represents a tax take that exists because of goods sold by the company.
What we end up with in this piece is a not-so-subtle shifting of the blame for corporations not paying tax back to the Thatcher era, when mass privatisations were inflicted on the british population by a mean spirited old woman (at least thats how the BBC ‘experts’ see things).
Yes, Peston is too narrowly focused here for his opinion to be useful. Short version of Peston’s ideological statement: Companies don’t really have to maximize shareholder value if they don’t want to. Gosh, they make so much money it’s almost mean that they’d want to.
Nearly a fair point at the end, though, about how too many foreign-based companies erode the tax base. I say nearly, because it’s not fair to say it was any Government’s deliberate policy to make it that way, which is how he kind of presents it. Unless Gordon Brown’s biographer and champion of his economic prowess would like to tell us which government had which policies that actually drove more companies abroad…..
That attack on the Dutch linesman is appalling and it’s quite simply murder.
I noticed as I watched a BBC news clip about it the other day that it was very “light” in it’s approach. I couldn’t believe it and thought to myself “a man volunteering at a football match has been kicked to death!” *angry*.
As I watched the clip above the silence in relation to the accussed was deafening…..
One other thing though, did none of the “witnesses” even try to help him??.
“Global Media Conceals Fact that Football Players Who Beat Dutch Referee to Death were Moroccans”
Apparently, the attackers were dispersed, but one ran back to stamp on the poor man’s head. Vile savages. Another disgusting event in the endless litany, the long and bloody line of enforced ‘enrichment’. As Shakespeare wrote, ‘What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?’ Very probably.
“Brown’s Britain” Robert Peston (BBC Business Editor)
“Gordon Brown is portrayed here with some degree of admiration, both for what he has achieved as Chancellor since 1997 and for his undoubted and strongly-held ideological underpinnings…Peston effectively conveys the importance of certain members of Brown’s political clique, especially Ed Balls, with latter coming across – again, with no little admiration – as the animating genius of much that Brown and the Labour government have done on macro-economic policy since assuming office.”
“Former BBC director general Mark Thompson spent thousands on expenses for travel to the US in months before he quit to join New York Times.
“Former BBC chief spent almost £6,000 in return flight to San Francisco.
“BBC senior managers’ hotel and rail expenses doubles since 2009 .
“Despite cutbacks to budgets, three executives received pay rises up to 20pc.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244161/Mark-Thompson-spent-thousands-travel-expenses-US-months-quit-BBC-New-York-Times.html#ixzz2EN1NJdKa
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I tended to pay my own expenses and took time off when on job interviews.
I guess it was a different time.
…or you just weren’t lucky enough to be on the public purse.
“Oh, please! Don’t play the victim card, Mr Balls”
“Mr Balls’s mishap was reported cheerily by yesterday morning’s newspapers (though not by the Left-leaning Beeb, which concentrated on Mr Osborne’s lack of munificence to welfare claimants).
“At dawn, Mr Balls was on reputation-retrieval manoeuvres. He went on Radio 4’s Today programme and, later, Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine show, adopting the whispery, hurt tones of the authentic drama queen. It being radio, I could not be sure, but I’d say his mascara had run and a damp handkerchief was being wrung in his fingers.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244326/Oh-Dont-play-victim-card-Mr-Balls.html#ixzz2EN2HxmTp
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Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions Paul Mason (BBC Newsnight Economics Editor)
“Mason makes illuminating comparisons with historical eruptions of global protest like 1848…and 1968. He also talks about the intellectual influences – the likes of Marx, Foucault, Debord and about a dozen more…The book has a few flaws. Mason seems mostly blind both to the dark side of the network and to the positive aspects of hierarchy…Strongly recommend this authentic book for anyone looking to deepen and broaden their understanding of the ongoing, world shaking post-crises protest movement.”
Of course, BBC-NUJ is still very quiet about its politically preferred party, Labour, and Rotherham Council’s ban on UKIP members from being foster parents.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“It’s the social workers who are racist, say Slovak parents in UKIP fostering scandal: The Mail reveals the truth behind Thought Police furore – and it’s more shocking than it seemed.”
By Sue Reid.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244297/UKIP-fostering-scandal-Its-social-workers-racist-say-Slovak-parents.html#ixzz2EN8Sn6qb
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Blimey a Labour council stealing gyspy children, then giving those children to politically favored families. Sounds like something out of Nazi Germany.
Some fine political satire from the BBC – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdNhY0bOwcQ&feature=youtu.be&a.
I wonder when it will be the Labour Party’s turn…
God, what a tired, pedestrian, predictable, hackneyed, lame, stilted, ropey piece of non-humour – like a timewarp back to the 80s.
There is no new comedy here, just reheated off-cuts from The Mary Whitehouse Experience. It’s so mechanical, they probably do this in their sleep.
“The BBC and its commie economists”
By Steve Baker, MP.
Musical chairs: BBC-Opera House-‘Guardian.’
“Alan Rusbridger’s swan song.”
Reeports of Decision on East London Mega-Mosque.
“London Borough of Newham deliberation on the proposed Riverine Mosque”
INBBC report:-
“Biggest UK mosque: Newham Council rejects plans”
“How awkward. I agree with the head-bangers”
(-who, for all I know, may be a ‘head-banger’.)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2244219/How-awkward-I-agree-head-bangers.html#ixzz2ENX7yU4h
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“George Osborne wasn’t the only Treasury minister who battled with BBC presenters over the Autumn Statement”
By Tim Montgomerie
(inc audio).
Hmm, blatant blind Keynesian borrowing and spending ideology from yet another BBC economics correspondent. Who could have imagined?
How do the BBC get away with this?
Three badly briefed point-scoring Beeboids up against one Tory…and still splattered all over the ring like the worst tag-team you could imagine!
An absolute disgrace-and about time we had the likes of this Tory dealing with the ignorance, the lazy bias and highlighter pen summaries of Labours fantasies.
More of this Tory please… and let`s here no more talk from the BBC about cuts when we get three fat lotus eaters shown up for the clots that they are.
“Business Correspondents”-they`d hardly make Newsnight standards…THAT`S how shit they are, based on this nine minutes!
The BBC will tell that this is only one episode, and you must instead judge their balance over the long term. Only lists like Craig kept can prove what nonsense this is.
I hope those Australian F***wits and the BBC chap who thought the ‘prank’ call to KE7 Hospital was witty are going to make some sort of gesture of sorrow now that it appears that the nurse who was duped has committed suicide.
What about some attention to the real victims of the press and media BBC rather than the pathetic whining of celebs caught flogging each other or taking drugs or purchasing services from prostitutes.
This ‘prank’ has destroyed more than one life, and all for a cheap joke at the expense of the despised royal family. I am furious and disgusted – there was a degree of knowing smirking by the BBC at this episode. Before I get lambasted, I know the BBC didn’t do it but they have form here with respect to Andrew Sachs and I suspect that they will have to pull the latest Now Show/News Quiz Every fuc***g ‘topical’ comedy show as I am sure Hardy and his vile marxist friends were having a field day with this bit of ‘aren’t the royals stupid and parasitical class enemies’ material.
The BBC wet its pants in rage over the Dowler ‘Hacking’ allegations but saw this with a nod and a wink as a good joke mainly because the Royal family are legitimate targets.
0061293751041 is the telephone number (if you are dialing them from from the UK) of the Australian radio station if your want to make a complaint to them directly.
08442001280 0061293751041 if you want a cheap rate line (0.5 pence a minute)
They (say they will) take telephone calls from 9:30 onwards UK time.
‘The BBC understands Mrs Saldanha had not been suspended or disciplined by the hospital.
In pondering where that line may be headed, that would be a ‘private’ hospital, would it not, BBC? All mention in this piece not present*
And one wonders whether any questions being asked by our glorious media were of a ‘who is to blame… who can we target…?’ nature following what happened, and if the NHS would get so tasked, at least by fellow public sector workers.
treated at the private hospital over the years..
The private hospital has…
‘…the BBC chap who thought the ‘prank’ call to KE7 Hospital was witty’. That was Richard Bacon on BBC 5 Live Radio: ‘I think the actual call was quite funny’.
He repeated this thought a day later. He further suggested that he would make this sort of call were it not for the fact that the new BBC DG would certainly have to resign over it. Richard Bacon, however,takes a particular interest in cyber bulling and internet trolling and has himself been a victim. I suppose where the Royals are concerned and where innocents get in the way it’s all fair dinkum? Over to you Brian Leveson.
Leveson is already in Oz aint he?
I believe he was at 2DayFM getting some more material……
Talk about hypocrisy. What if one of these oafish DJs commits suicide after being pilloried? Who does the ‘media’ go after the? The Queen?
My doctor daughter reckons that the endless bullying of clinical staff by management-Gauleiters is typified by this matter. That harsh criticism for a regrettable but understandable mistake was probably the cause of the nurse’s apparent suicide.
In as much as there is at present no suggestion that this happened, and both employer and Palace have been at pains to make that clear, what evidence for this do you have?
The realm of relative reckons and probably’s is maybe better left to the trusted sources and editors of the BBC until proven tangibles are presented.
The evidence is that members of her family said she was harshly criticised by hospital management. Reported in the press – but I have not heard it mentioned on the BBC.
The evidence is that members of her family said she was harshly criticised by hospital management.
That is hardly ‘evidence’ then is it? It’s what you write someone has said someone else has said. Maybe good enough for a BBC trash job, but not much else.
And if this sorry affair descends into Clintonian semantacists arguing over the degree of harsh dancing on a pin, then the Farce is truly with you all.
Reported in the press – but I have not heard it mentioned on the BBC.
There’s an interview linked elsewhere between a BBC peroxide harpie and, for some reason as yet unclear Keith Vaz, where she spends most of her time trying to get him to blame the hospital and even suggesting ‘there’s more to it’ when he clearly knows f-all, and certianly less than your doctor daughter on matters of mental health (I’d hope).
That is a BBC agenda at play, plain as the nose on your face.
I wonder if The News Quiz or The Now Show are quickly changing their script?
Just a thought, as the BBC are into their ‘edgy’ comedy (Brand/Ross episode refers).
Peter Hunt
Royal correspondent
This is embarrassing….
There’ll be no winners as what started badly has now apparently plummeted very South (no pun intended).
But when he gets back from Oz, maybe Lord Lev might have a gander at which media, and especially broadcast, gunned for a bunch of folk who were simply innocent victims of a hoax, making some very heavy, career-compromising pronouncements on top of being very happy to share a bunch of painful details that now look to have had further tragic consequences.
I don’t care if ‘everyone else did it too’; this was not a different time.
And I hold the BBC to a higher standard.
And the next time I hear one of their airhead teleprompter dollies or follically-challenged ‘correspondents’ intone the words ‘this must be embarrassing for…’ when they are the one stirring up a stink for a cheap rating, I’m throwing the set out the window.
I thought it was quite funny and harmless. It is very sad that the nurse has killed herself, but that cannot by any leap of logic be blamed on the incident. I listened to the entire conversation. There was absolutely nothing to cause such an extreme reaction.
“I thought it was quite funny and harmless….There was absolutely nothing to cause such an extreme reaction.”
Well if you thought it was funny that is all that counts. I am just sorry you did not find her humiliation funny enough to justify her suicide. She should have made more of an effort to be more comic.
For a donation of a £100 to Children in Need she could have stripped off in front of the cameras and jumped to her death from the Elizabeth Tower – if she had a good body.
Why take other people’s feeling so seriously. After all, we all die eventually, so we might as well have a laugh.
Of course no-one could have predicted the suicide of this poor woman. None of us can know what it’s like to be held up, not just to public ridicule, but world wide humiliation. it’s just terribly sad and perhaps, in truth, everyone has played a part in this tragic case.
‘perhaps, in truth, everyone has played a part’
The minute an event prompts a story that generates interest, ‘parts’ get played. So first let’s bear in mind who choose to initiate this.
But as a presumed inclusion in that ‘everyone’ I see my responsibilities as different and defined by my actions alone.
When this ‘broke’, my first thought was to wonder what the consequences would be for some poor medical professional tricked out of her area of expertise vs. medical professionals in the NHS being seen as in need of retraining; that which they had received to this point apparently not covering the leaving of patients in soiled beds or how lack of water can cause dehydration. And I kept it to a discussive forum.
Other’s first thoughts were ‘private hospital stuffs up on confidentiality… and it was clearly a wind up as they accents were dodgy… ha-ha. Heads must roll!!!!!!.’ And I defy anyone to tell me that these notions were not being placed directly to the staff of that hospital.
There is therefore a difference to how ‘everyone’ reacted, and hence responsibilities to be be borne.
How do you work that out? Was her suicide one of those strange co-incidences?
Clearly the intent was a innocent enough if a bit vicious. I could say the same about burning a rag whilst shouting “FIRE!” at a football match. The ensuing injuries would still be my fault – irrespective if the panic was unreasonable / disproportionate etc
Whatever the reasons there are apparently two children now without a mother, a mother who was caught up in a stupid prank. Although not the BBC this time, it is very much the BBC’s level of humour. I hope the BBC takes note and takes care in future.
To the BBC’s credit they did not re-play the tape of her humiliation for our entertainment. Channel Four news on the other hand…….
BBC 5 Live led their regular news bulletins with parts of the prank call and were almost apologetic about having to cut off prior to the medical details given by the nurse. Clearly they enjoyed the prank and assumed their listenership would similarly want to have a laugh at the expence of the Royals and that stuffy posh hospital. The irony vis a vis Leveson and Gordon Brown’s child’s medical records presumably escaped the Salford crowd. Payback I guess for all that Royal baby news they had to report through gritted teeth. Now watch to see if the Beeboids try to blame the tabloids and that thing they call the media. Paul Merton is at this moment frantic to revise a couple of gags he had lined up for the next HIGNFY.
Define “prank call”. Why was it done? Who was entertained by it and and why?
This genre depends on the humiliation of innocent people. It is to be deplored.
Yes, the nurse was easy prey for the BBC, didn’t think twice about humiliating her on air and contributing to her demise. No BBC editors caught in a savile/newsnight dilemma here, yes, by god let’s have the voice of the poor nurse on the air, why not! Mohammed cartoons that’s another story.
‘“I thought it was quite funny and harmless”
Rather self-evidently, the latter was not the case.
And, clearly, thinking does tax some more into areas they are perhaps better advised to avoid.
Interesting how again the media shark frenzy wagons were circling this morning as they weighed an easy kill with other consequences.
On SKY their cheeky Northern chappie anchor had some bush tucker Oz media expert on a dodgy Skype connection where they agreed it was all awfully sad, but there was nothing malicious about what was done.
That’s why twitter posts are being pulled from Salford to Potts Point… on account of their gentle hilarity.
And nothing to do with the taunting of easy targets from professions or classes certain media types see with red misted glasses.
The irony will be as their fellow sharks taste their blood in the water now and professional courtesy gives way to a quick, easy rating.
And the BBC will be in there too, as the kindergarden classes that staff them get caught up in a twitter mob.
I just wonder how many fingers are hovering as we speak over a ‘send’ key to a piece that claims un-named sources who are witnessing vast ’embarrassment’ and conjuring up legions of ‘angry’ also un-named ‘critics’ calling for heads to ro… make that, more sensitively… ‘for resignations’. As they all do, especially the BBC, when any pol or celeb steps out of their petty rules of engagement doctrines.
Oh, dear, St. Bono is going to get his wings clipped for this:
Rockstar Capitalism in the Developing World
“Aid is just a stop-gap. Commerce [and] entrepreneurial capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid.”
“In dealing with poverty here and around the world, welfare and foreign aid are a Band-Aid. Free enterprise is a cure.”
“Entrepreneurship is the most sure way of development.”
From his lips to Ban Ki Moon’s ears.
Is it just me or is the ATW site down? I keep getting a “suspended” message.
‘is the ATW site down?
It was, and not in a good way, for any with an interest in free speech and concerns on selective censorship.
The BBC or staff can block and ban commenters at will without any explanation simply because you do not share their views.
Meanwhile trolls can get entire sites shut down by hosts simply by waving a vague ‘ism around.
And that collection of overpaid brain donors in Westminster sit around and do nothing… or hold inquiries (that can do nothing) as it all unravels.
ATW’s suspension has nothing to do with the BBC but everything to do with Vance permitting the publication of constant hate messages from the people who post there. Free speech has limits.
Hate speech oh yes that would be what you come here to do ?
Free speech has limits.
Yes the freedom to say what the the liberal inquisition will allow
You know like
‘ethnically cleansing barking and Dagenham of white working class dissenters’.
ATW’s suspension has nothing to do with the BBC
And you know this how? If you actually read my post, I was not suggesting it was a BBC initiative, but made a comparison on variable censorship practices at establishment level, to avoid the house monitor getting in a snit. But as you mention it, the BBC is on record as monitoring critical activity across the blogosphere and does use it to close down critics.
Your next statement not only suggests a poor grasp of how free speech works, but also a dire insight into how pervasive the kapos of righteous thought are across the internet.
‘ Free speech has limits.’
The parameters of which, presumably, are set by people like you?
Thus making it no longer free.
The BBC allows Vance to appear on its programmes so you are clearly talking utter rot.
I would suspect that ATW actually holds him back from any media ambitions as it’s so unpleasant.
‘The BBC allows Vance to appear..’
I was not aware that appearance on the BBC was a matter of what it allowed.
‘..so you are clearly talking utter rot.’
In terms of clarity, what I talk or you talk is down to the opinion of others. You have however stated that you believe there to be limits, and do not appear to deny those get set and adjudged by you.
I would suspect ..
Your suspicions appear to extend far, wide and deep.
When the Wall fell files were found that showed just who was involved in serving the system, including the informers.
Those committed by ideology were mostly given a pass but ostracised.
Those on the payroll, in any form, had a tricker time.
David should find another server. Free speech is a public right, but the server company is private and can decide what it will tolerate hosting.
‘the server company is private and can decide what it will tolerate hosting.’
In fact they can do pretty much what they like, being private (As can Blogger, WordPress, etc… who indeed have). At least in denial of service, especially if said service is free (though some may dig out an ‘ism that could force provision for fear of breaking equal rights laws).
Now, when things get public, especially uniquely so, and funded on top, it gets really interesting, and not in a good, but in a Chinese Times way.
Because then it appears you can do what you like but not then get exposed to market forces in consequence, which is where freedom of choice is lost along with freedom of speech, and that pretty much means the end of democratic process. Especially when there is not even a voting opportunity.
One could argue there are certain avenues, but it appears there are expensive FoI lawyers to handle these.
How tolerable that can remain in face of increasingly retrograde censorship remains to be seen.
ATW is back up. I think someone who has a personal political vendetta against DV sent in a bogus complaint to get the site shut down.
Nothing to do with any hate speech on the site, contrary to prole’s vicious accusation.
Watching John bishops big year on bbc1, so far it’s been a foul mouthed scouser talking about his penis, taking about prince Phillips penis, taking the Mickey out of the tories etc etc. Not a single mention of labour or any of the liberal left wing so called comedians. Next is Steven fry, think il go to the pub and talk non politically correctly
If I were to do a case study on how a fundamentally decent, funny man can turn into a BBC “star”; I think I might do John Bishop as that case in point.
Already seeing signs of straining and puffed-up souffle tendencies.
Needs to get back home and avoid the BBC..or else he`ll end up like bloody Tarby-has that Beatle badger ever made anybody laugh?
Re: ‘My New Family’ sitcom
You forgot Mum’s boyfriend Benjamin Zephaniah.
Noted. Watch out for him to make his first appearance in episode 3 ‘Leagalise It, I’ll Advertise It’. Or as it will be titled in the US version: ‘The one where Mum can’t decide between ganga or shag’
Theme tune?…”Bank Robber” by the Clash as rapped by Plan B with a suitable black chap to make it all so edgy, funky and urban.
Labour’s Newsnight discussing the size of the state and asking if it is too big. Knock me down with a feather, it must have been really painful for them!!!
Mind you. Matthew Taylor, a former Bliar staffer and Newsnight regular, was there to keep interrupting, as lefties do (as I think they’re instructed – Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones, Charlie Whoever, the SWP bod, I mean you).
Actually for once, an interesting discussion that shewed the extent to which the state has taken over and ‘infantilised’ the population.
It struck me just how much Brown had corrupted the country, for his own ends, and just how much he has to answer for.
Perhaps someone in Newsnight Towers has made a perfunctory attempt at balance, tonight. No doubt normal service will be resumed on Monday
It was that end-of-week dress-down Friday feel to a BBC show that knows it`s on death row after MacAlpine…but none the less welcome for all that.
Heard a bit on the Week in Westminster an hour or so back…Kellner and Lillie talking sense, moderated by Sue Cameron…wow!
Turned off when I heard Hodge would be on…you just know her hubbys some kind of lawyer/judge, and won`t let the third raters like the BBC impugn her Stemcor hypocrisy.
Luckily we go to the Internet(Staines etc) to get the real news these days.
Still-the BBC better than usual…maybe we should carry on without Tony Hall and see if it improves still further!
Pretty sickening homage to two of the beeboids fave institutions on the Sat morning R2 news – step forward UK uncut and Hamas.
Hope nobody reading this is dumb enough to pay these f*ckers a licence fee .
Have to confess I do still pay it, though possibly not much longer, along with canceling the SKY sub (the missus is not prepared to barricade the door against Capita or do the dishes while I am looked after at Her Majesty’s Pleasure… ironically, with BBC DD and SKY covered by the public).
Not really a matter of dumb… more a matter of legal compulsion backed by a state system that will devote all efforts to hounding any ethical protestor on the provision of TV programmes but will cut deals with terrorists, druggies, etc on the basis of their rights.
A matter I do intend to raise via one mechanism still currently available: the ballot box.
As the UKUncutters prepare to swamp a certain chain of coffee shops…
The Mob now appears to rule even politics.
Interesting which media by coincidence also favour uncritically which US politician.
Ancient Rome meets 30’s Chicago.
Another awesome precedent from history.
Can’t stand Starbucks. But may go along today as a matter of principle.
See what happens when you give in to the mob.
Am popping in later on with the family…let`s love them!
Great excitement on the Today programme: the ‘climate change’ beano (the party, not the comic, but it could be either) in Doha could be reaching agreement on re-distributing wealth from the West to poorer countries (thus keeping the UN’s Agenda 21 nicely on track, though they didn’t say that).
The good old unbiased BBC framed this in terms of compensation for the damage done by storms, floods etc ’caused by climate change’, echoing the UN position in the usual unquestioning fashion. This is shameful broadcasting as not even the UN’s own IPCC report (the science bit) is able to make any kind of link between ‘climate change’ and storms, blizzards, floods etc., let alone what other scientists (yes, they are out there BBC) are telling us:
So in other words what the BBC is actually doing is parrotting what the eco-nutters, not even the IPCC’s own tame scientists, are saying.
They know what they are doing, which is helping to bring a UN world eco-socialist state nearer to you.
The BBC, your future world state broadcaster.
‘British’ will be eventually dropped, & we’ll have the United Nations Broadcasting Corp., based in London, but with substantial outstations around the globe. Nation shall speak peace unto nat…hang on, where did the nations go? The BBC will be in pole position to demurely accept the mantle of premier world broadcaster. The pieces will fall into place; the fruition of years of planning, oh, & the relentless drumming of agenda & ‘narrative’. Mehdi Hassange, our modest, oh-so-balanced, D-G. It’s all looking good.
Yes, politically the misnamed ‘BBC’ and ‘BBC Arabic TV’ really represents the interests of the dominant bloc of 57 Islamic countries at the U.N.
The ‘International Broadcasting Corporation'(not ‘BBC’) actively supports (but British people have to pay for) the U.N agenda on:-
mass immigration to West, increasing foreign aid, anti-Israel, climate, etc.
In a festival of bias, Naughtie interviewed Lord Stern – an economist not a scientist – on Today. Naughtie set the scene by damning the “some who say” that the “science” of CAGW is a load of crap and joined Stern in a prayer that the CAGW parasites in Doha would do the right thing and vote to impoverish the West.
So the reality of “climate change” lunacy is slowly revealed. It’s not about the – in reality – impossibility of preserving the existing climate in aspic (please tell us the mechanics of that Lord Stern or even Harrabin) but the transfer of massive wealth from the developed West to anyone who is capable of holding his hand out.
The potential beneficiaries of Stern’s largesse include India, where in Calcutta, according to Today, no-one talks about anything else. What wasn’t mentioned (natch!) was the mechanism (which will certainly include an eye-wateringly expensive bureaucracy) whereby this magic transfer could be effected and the economic consequences for the population of the UK. Lord Stern ended by paying warm tribute to the
traitorous scumcivil servants and ministers from the UK struggling in Doha to come to an agreement. What a way to start a weekend!I wish the whole Climate change edifice would sink, Stern first, taking the BBC with it in the undertow.
After all, it has been holed below the waterline ever since someone thought a fast buck or two could be made out of a non-event.
As soon as I heard ‘Stern’ the off button got the big clunking fist treatment (but only temporary relief, I know).
For as long as all three main parties subscribe to this redistributionist socialist movement shamming as some kind of super-elite scientific body who claim the debate is finished on a subject so horrendously complex and still in its infancy, the BBC will get away with it.
Orwell must have spun so much he’ll have burrowed his way to the earth’s core by now.
Bastards, BBC, absolute lying, cheating undemocratic bastards (yes, the bias is that bad.)
I see another former BBC journalist has been showing his “class”
“Leave the two Australian radio DJs alone
Posted on December 8, 2012 | 12 Comments
by Iain Maciver, former BBC radio DJ turned journalist
The guy has nothing to do with the BBC,
Is that all you can find?
Must try harder.
Its says “former”.
We’ll decide for ourselves how that reflects on the BBC.
He worked as a stringer on the Gaelic service! Can no-one here do basic research?
‘Must try harder’
When they get back from break, Jim, Dez, Scotty, Beaky, Mick & Titch will probably be wishing you stopped trying at all.
What on earth are you babbling on about?
It’s a play on the name of the 1960s pop band Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich.
Speaks volumes – shows he’s still in the bloom of idealistic youth if he doesn’t remember the legendary band led by the great Dave Dee – what a top bloke.
I got it. Comma after ‘Jim’ needs to go, but otherwise good.
“Bend It, Bend It just a little bit…. Show you’re likin it” a decent description of the posts and related comments on B-BBC.
…..Not sure that works entirely.
Very good, Jim, like it.
So on the subject of ‘bending it’ – any thoughts yet on the BBC’s ‘climate change’ coverage, or are you going to remain teasingly coy? Perhaps you are simply silently content with their blatant bias, lies and secret meetings with eco activists, knowing it is all in a good socialist cause?
‘What on earth are you babbling on about?’
Sorry to be so long.
Just back from a lovely day out in the sadly rare, late Autumn sun. Gathering Winter fuel.. literally.
As you do. When you have a life.
Anyhoo, I see others have kindly set you right on the 60’s pop allusion, if that was what was causing comprehension problems.
If it was the other bit, well, though we do have our differences, Mr. Dandy has rather showed why he’s often still worth sparring with and you have the abilities of a Turin Machine powered by Shuckman on a pedalo connected to a generator. He, at least, can show a spark of humour.
And probably appreciates that coming to troll a site and flounce around on good blog etiquette when not reading what is posted before jerking kneewise, is an irony too far.
If you were any more up yourself you could floss from inside out.
And though he’s probably much too polite to put words into others’ mouths (though I think that may actually have happened), he may even concede that whatever you are doing, it’s not really helping… well… anything really.
Wise move, GW, as I think a lot more of that white stuff the BBC and their like were saying we’d never see again is on the way, along with temperatures that are so far off the opposite end of the scale of the warm wet winters we were also promised we should expect sightings of polar bears around the Shap area anytime soon.
Ignored the climate bias again, Prole, I see. You’re not trying at all, really, are you? Just come on here nit-picking at trivia.
Just like those Indian tailenders, Richard Bacon is fighting a spirited rearguardv action…..
Jim Halsall @bigjim123
@richardpbacon Do you feel slightly ill at ease that you said yesterday that found the prank very funny #lawofunintendedconsequenses
12:02 PM – 7 Dec 12 · Details
14h richard bacon richard bacon @richardpbacon
@bigjim123 I also said I felt sorry for the nurse
STOP BREEDING @selfishbreeding
@richardpbacon On your show you thought the royal prank was hilarious.You must be so proud you’ve contributed to someone’s death.
14h richard bacon richard bacon @richardpbacon
@selfishbreeding rarely have I been sent such a meaningless tweet
The principle of insincere apologia, too late, is really only now credible within the corridors of the BBC.
And even then, as Evan Almighty has shown, when it’s best to leave it at that and move on, deluded pride, bubble-worship from the echo chamber and market rate management powerlessness combined with public sector lack of accountability means that the nastiest, mangiest members of the Flokk will still be unable to resist playing to the mob.
One day, minor BBC celebrities and or presenters will get to grasp that being very selective when you decide on fun, or what is not, or bullying, or what is not, will have consequences.
While ye high-cost Beeboid HARRABIN, he of the very large carbon footprint, is in Qatar, spinning for interests of non-Western countries, Nigel Lawson has this optimistic piece on shale gas prospects in England:-
“Thought we were running out of fossil fuels? New technology means Britain and the U.S. could tap undreamed reserves of gas and oil.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2244822/Thought-running-fossil-fuels-New-technology-means-Britain-U-S-tap-undreamed-reserves-gas-oil.html#ixzz2EShSfBVL
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
“Blackpool shale gas deposit ’50pc larger than first thought'”
Only undemocratic action by eco-fascists could stop the development of shale gas in England.
And high-cost Beeboid ‘greenies’ would not propagandise in support of such action, would they?
What gets me is the way Beeboids interviewing government ministers point out that the US economy is showing more life than that of the UK and imply that it’s Obama’s spending policies, in contrast to Conservative ‘austerity’, that are the reason. In fact US resilience is to no small extent the result of the fracking that the Beeb has contributed, in its own way, towards delaying or even trying to prevent taking place in this country.
I’ve a feeling the EU might take a lead on this one. No prizes for guessing in which direction.
” EU might take a lead ”
If they do, it will be to enact a law that makes OUR gas all theirs to share any way they see fit.
They cocked up over N Sea oil, they must have other ideas now.
Try OUR fish as an example?
They’re already on the case:
Beeboid Ms Stewart provides political outlet for Ms Lucas, to pontificate against shale gas development, (apparently there is only one political party in the South East) as indicated here:
“Autumn Statement: Relief over fuel duty but concern over fracking”
The reliably atrocious ‘Weekend Woman’s Hour’ on R4 today witnessed Jane Garvey once again incapable of saying ‘the previous government’ (when discussing something she approved of that the present incumbents have stopped doing). Instead, as always it is ‘the Labour government’.
Presumably she does this to remind the poor empty-headed dears whom to vote for, the next time hubby allows them to go to the polling station?
I must apologise for previous comments I have made concerning Nicky Campbell (Radio 5 Live/ The Big Question) that may have suggested that he was on the BBC payroll.
Turns out that he has some rather more advantageous tax arrangements than might be available under PAYE
Intravenus De Milo @IntravenusMP
@Mancman10 @NickyAACampbell I understood the BBC gave very generous relocation exp’s tell me I’m wrong & I take it back.
Nicky Campbell
@IntravenusMP @mancman10 not to me.
@NickyAACampbell @mancman10 I take it back! Did the BBC not pay relocation payments? Pleased about that.
8h Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@IntravenusMP @mancman10 I am not staff. Never have been. Don’t know what arrangements where.
2:18 AM – 8 Dec 12 · Details
2h Intravenus De Milo Intravenus De Milo @IntravenusMP
@NickyAACampbell @mancman10 I take it all back – independent ltd co? Very tax / NI efficient 😉 I heard about that on your radio show 😉
2h Nicky Campbell Nicky Campbell @NickyAACampbell
@IntravenusMP work a lot for other people. Pay full rate of income tax and ni. Anything else?
I am still waiting for a BBC-NUJ investigation into Labour Council ban on UKIP members being foster parents.
In meantime, Christopher Booker has article in ‘Sunday Telegraph’ (scroll down):-
“There is a groundswell of anger at the number of children now being seized by English social workers from foreign families in Britain, too often for what the Slovak government describes as ‘no sound reason’. It emerges that the number of children taken from one Slovak family in Rotherham, as reported during the recent by-election, was not three but seven – at an overall cost to Rotherham council estimated on official figures to be nearly £40,000 a year for each child. This bill of more than a quarter of a million pounds for just one family thus equates to the council tax paid by some 250 households. Payments to foster carers alone for each looked-after child average £400 a week.”
And the establishment, the usual suspects and the party with three heads tell us immigration is a good thing. I suppose it is … if the aim is to bankrupt us.
Take it you don’t like Tories, son?
Not bias but Pointless Celebrities on Saturday had two of the most pointless ‘celebrities’ there have ever been – Edwina Currie and Diane Abbott – and amazingly they reached the final even though they were thick as shit. And Abbott’s charity … The Sickle Cell Society … ‘sickle cell is a very horrible disease and a lot of people in my constituency suffer from it.’ Not the white ones though. Raccccciiiiiissst.
The tolerant left speaks.
Gosh, where are Nicked emus, Jim Dandy, prole, redwhiteblue, Scott, etc., when one needs their moral superiority?
I am here my son. Let me have your confession.
David, I don’t think you should feed the beast.
The tabloid sports writers upset our BBC last year. Instead of the usual list of their favourite sports personalities (yes I know, oxymoron) the ever onward marching Beeb diversity bureau decided that what it wanted was an inclusive list – so that all the different flavours of jelly beans were properly represented.
So BBC/Common Purpose have taken the selection of the short list in-house.
I know and you know that really sport is not the most crucial of political issues – but the BBC regard sport as very much an arena where politics, or at least one wing of politics, can and must be promoted.
This sports personality nonsense brings into sharp focus the true instincts and political bias of our national broadcaster. The BBC may not be able (directly) to introduce legislation into Parliament, to sway judicial decisions or to dictate the outcome of elections – but I would contend that the alteration of the rules of this game, the arrogance and confidence they now have to call foul on the existing situation and their solution – the appointment of a ‘right-minded’ board of commissars – tell us all we need to know about the modern BBC.
By the way the BBC have found a tabloid sports writer they like. Patrick Collins ‘of the Mail’ is invited onto Garry Richardson’s sports week on 5 Live. Gosh a Mail journo on the BBC dollar – that will tick a massive box on some balance statistic table somewhere deep within the corporation.
Don’t worry PC fans, Mr Collins has some sound liberal views. In reference to Frankie Dettori’s drugs ban he opines ‘I don’t see why jockies have to be tested for non-performance enhancing drugs?’
Right on, man! Legalise it, I’ll advertise it.
BBC’s Leveson propaganda.
Peter Hitchens:-
“Plugging this petition is proof of BBC bias.
“Last weekend, almost every BBC radio bulletin I listened to, over several days, mentioned a petition calling for full implementation of the Leveson Report into the press, and said that the number of signatures was rising.
“Unless they can show that they have ever done this with any other comparable petition, I believe this is objective evidence of BBC bias on a matter of public controversy. Will the BBC Trust act?”
(Scroll down.)
There is at least an alternative e-petition on this –
Please Santa, can we have a national radio station for debate and discussion that has absolutely nothing to do with the state broadcaster.