On your marks….get set….and….and….Nelson Mandela’s condition is not serious. The doyen of eponymous student bars of the 1980s up and down this land (and coincidently the BBC) is happily still doing well. But gosh were the BBC on red alert. Sadly, one of our own, Patrick Moore has died.
I liked Patrick Moore although I got the feeling the Beeb were less and less keen on him as the years went on. His refusal to dumb down the Sky at Night really did show up the rest of the Beebs science output as being set at the level of a retarded 12 year old , which must have been annoying for them.
Any bets what will happen now ? They dare not drop Sky at Night straight away but my money would be on having either Konnie Huq or perhaps Olly Murrs as guest presenters for a single series before quietly dropping it.
I’m hoping they’ll do the sensible thing and keep the current ‘group’ style of presenting on The Sky At Night – Chris Lintott as the main host, with the other 3 regulars (Pete & Paul, Chris North).
This would provide some much needed continuity, as they’ve been co-hosts for many years now. However, expecting the BBC to be ‘sensible’ with these kinds of choices is…well…you know.
Of course, nobody can replace Sir Patrick. A great loss.
I also am sad at the death of a man who influenced me and my science career-such as it is!
That said, I `d hold off on the tributes post Savile-if the BBC are lauding him up and about to do a Christmas tribute, I really would be worried for the great mans reputation.
Thanks a lot Beeb…maybe we could get less people working for the BBC if they knew that a tribute from them leads to your coffin being exhumed a few months later.
The BBC-true poisoned ivy!
I think we’re safe with Patrick – one of the truly decent, old-school gentlemen. Humble to the core.
Though the BBC, in any tribute, will no doubt HAVE to make reference to his ‘controversial’ political views (UKIP) and less than PC opinions on immigration and ‘Englishness’.
They protected crap like Savile for decades…watch them try and crap on one of the good guys who committed the sin of not being ‘one of us’.
I`d keep an eye of the Silver Skyride lounge at Heathrow, to see the rush of linen suits heading for their favoured Crimble boltholes in multieffnic Jo`burg!
Until then-I`d not panic about Mandela…as soon as the BBC and Snow at C4 get their Radisson bookings firmed up like their pectorals c/o some Soweto boys, then I`ll get my Royal sickbag ready for the gushing geysers of liberal b/s that will follow St Nelsons demise.
Bet they won’t mention one of his wives – the one who liked forcing her victims to wear burning tyres around their necks, and who had her own private army of young thugs and rapists aka Mandela United Football Club.
What is a ‘racial jibe or slur’? ‘Cameron is not a real caucasian’. Does that count?
Sun slogans…Jibe, Slur, Attack etc. At least the Sun were pretending to be something they weren’t.
“Britain gives millions in ‘climate aid’ to tackle flatulent Colombian cows… plus £31m to Turkish wind farms and funding for talks with Kenyan ‘rain-makers’ ”
Here’s a thought. I’ve just been watching some of Songs of Praise. They were interviewing some people from the Salvation Army. My conclusion is that, in such projections of Christian belief, the bbc show old people. I suggest this is subliminal and that the viewer is to take away the implication that members of these organisations are always very old, and therefore a dying breed who can be cuddled but not taken seriously.
What with the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra doing their best to improve the tacky image of Chavez’s Venezuala and the East West Divan Orchestra making a dubious contribution to Middle Eastern peace I suppose I should have been prepared for a lengthy piece on the Gay men’s Chorus of Los Angeles from Aled Jones on Radio 3’s ‘The Choir’ this evening. They are quite frank that they go around performing in schools and for associations in order to improve the image of the LGBT community and bring home the message of equality, impressing with their high level of excellence. Whatever the social reasons for the Welsh having a tradition of male voice choirs I doubt if sexual proclivities came into it and personally I’d be a bit dubious about a choir of 200 men, self selected on such a basis, performing in a school. Still, it gives the beeb a chance to push the message for one of its pet minority interest groups anxious to make some sort of claim to victim status.
“Syria: Rebel Prisoners On Their Religious War.
“Sky’s Tim Marshall gains rare access to a prison where he finds evidence that international jihadists are operating in Syria.”
“Ignore the doom merchants, Britain should get fracking
It’s green, it’s cheap and it’s plentiful! So why are opponents of shale gas making such a fuss??”
c8.15am this morning and Paddy Crerand makes minced meat of the Beeboids on 5 Live. I do hope this makes it to some i-player type thing. It was a classic.
For example….
Beeboid: We’ve had many texts and messages saying….
Paddy: How many?
Beeboids: Well, lots
Paddy: How many?
Beeboid: I don’t know how many…..
tomoMar 1, 15:31 Weekend 1st March 2025 Gives some context to Labour’s pool of ministerial talent? I see Fick Ange got caught necking some of TTK’s prize…
wwfcMar 1, 15:28 Weekend 1st March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enhWKh-U7Cs&ab_channel=TheUnitedSpot
tomoMar 1, 15:28 Weekend 1st March 2025 https://twitter.com/FamedCelebrity/status/1895809070927659054
ZephirMar 1, 15:19 Weekend 1st March 2025 I happened to mention Taiwan once. A and E is not what it was although plastic surgery is going well.…
Rob in CheshireMar 1, 15:07 Weekend 1st March 2025 Remember that Trump was impeached because of Ukraine. He asked Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma. He never…
Rob in CheshireMar 1, 15:01 Weekend 1st March 2025 I believe Jersey is a vibrant multicultural society these days, so that is to be expected. After all, who do…
GreencoatMar 1, 14:30 Weekend 1st March 2025 ‘They don’t give a shit how many Africans are dying of hunger or living in appalling conditions because they can’t…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 1, 14:10 Weekend 1st March 2025 Perhaps it would have went better if Zelenskyy had invited Trump for a state visit to Ukraine (live on tv…
On your marks….get set….and….and….Nelson Mandela’s condition is not serious. The doyen of eponymous student bars of the 1980s up and down this land (and coincidently the BBC) is happily still doing well. But gosh were the BBC on red alert. Sadly, one of our own, Patrick Moore has died.
I liked Patrick Moore although I got the feeling the Beeb were less and less keen on him as the years went on. His refusal to dumb down the Sky at Night really did show up the rest of the Beebs science output as being set at the level of a retarded 12 year old , which must have been annoying for them.
Any bets what will happen now ? They dare not drop Sky at Night straight away but my money would be on having either Konnie Huq or perhaps Olly Murrs as guest presenters for a single series before quietly dropping it.
‘I got the feeling that the beeb were less and less keen on him as the years went on’
It probably had something to do with this –
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1411100/Sir-Patrick-attacked-over-racist-comments.html – if you think about it, it’s amazing he was ever seen on the beeb again.
I’m hoping they’ll do the sensible thing and keep the current ‘group’ style of presenting on The Sky At Night – Chris Lintott as the main host, with the other 3 regulars (Pete & Paul, Chris North).
This would provide some much needed continuity, as they’ve been co-hosts for many years now. However, expecting the BBC to be ‘sensible’ with these kinds of choices is…well…you know.
Of course, nobody can replace Sir Patrick. A great loss.
Here’s the current, and hopefully future team…
I also am sad at the death of a man who influenced me and my science career-such as it is!
That said, I `d hold off on the tributes post Savile-if the BBC are lauding him up and about to do a Christmas tribute, I really would be worried for the great mans reputation.
Thanks a lot Beeb…maybe we could get less people working for the BBC if they knew that a tribute from them leads to your coffin being exhumed a few months later.
The BBC-true poisoned ivy!
I think we’re safe with Patrick – one of the truly decent, old-school gentlemen. Humble to the core.
Though the BBC, in any tribute, will no doubt HAVE to make reference to his ‘controversial’ political views (UKIP) and less than PC opinions on immigration and ‘Englishness’.
They protected crap like Savile for decades…watch them try and crap on one of the good guys who committed the sin of not being ‘one of us’.
James May (no relation to Queen’s Brian) would make a good presenter as he’s a bit of an amateur astronomer himself.
Also we need a smart and attractive female presenter who’s good at maths and physics – Rachel Riley !
My first ‘serious’ astronomy book was The Observer’s Guide of 1968, written by PM himself.
God help us when saint nelson of the communist terrorist persuasion actually dies.
You thought the Diana circus was bad, wait till the old terrorist pops his cork, they’ll be the wailing and gnashing of teeth at the beeb 24/7.
I`d keep an eye of the Silver Skyride lounge at Heathrow, to see the rush of linen suits heading for their favoured Crimble boltholes in multieffnic Jo`burg!
Until then-I`d not panic about Mandela…as soon as the BBC and Snow at C4 get their Radisson bookings firmed up like their pectorals c/o some Soweto boys, then I`ll get my Royal sickbag ready for the gushing geysers of liberal b/s that will follow St Nelsons demise.
Bet they won’t mention one of his wives – the one who liked forcing her victims to wear burning tyres around their necks, and who had her own private army of young thugs and rapists aka Mandela United Football Club.
Norwich beat Swansea in a seven goal thriller watched by 20,000 at the Liberty Stadium.
BBC news bulletins however reckon the game was overshaddowed by the arrest of one man. Of course the arrest was for racism. A ‘racial jibe’ no less.
Bit more serious then, than kicking the linesman to death.
What is a ‘racial jibe or slur’? ‘Cameron is not a real caucasian’. Does that count?
Sun slogans…Jibe, Slur, Attack etc. At least the Sun were pretending to be something they weren’t.
More Beeboid political propaganda for its high cost climate chums:
(inc video propaganda)
“Friends of the Earth: UN climate agreement ‘an empty deal'”
Alternative, which BBC censors:
“Britain gives millions in ‘climate aid’ to tackle flatulent Colombian cows… plus £31m to Turkish wind farms and funding for talks with Kenyan ‘rain-makers’ ”
Here’s a thought. I’ve just been watching some of Songs of Praise. They were interviewing some people from the Salvation Army. My conclusion is that, in such projections of Christian belief, the bbc show old people. I suggest this is subliminal and that the viewer is to take away the implication that members of these organisations are always very old, and therefore a dying breed who can be cuddled but not taken seriously.
What with the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra doing their best to improve the tacky image of Chavez’s Venezuala and the East West Divan Orchestra making a dubious contribution to Middle Eastern peace I suppose I should have been prepared for a lengthy piece on the Gay men’s Chorus of Los Angeles from Aled Jones on Radio 3’s ‘The Choir’ this evening. They are quite frank that they go around performing in schools and for associations in order to improve the image of the LGBT community and bring home the message of equality, impressing with their high level of excellence. Whatever the social reasons for the Welsh having a tradition of male voice choirs I doubt if sexual proclivities came into it and personally I’d be a bit dubious about a choir of 200 men, self selected on such a basis, performing in a school. Still, it gives the beeb a chance to push the message for one of its pet minority interest groups anxious to make some sort of claim to victim status.
A contrast to Bowen.
“Syria: Rebel Prisoners On Their Religious War.
“Sky’s Tim Marshall gains rare access to a prison where he finds evidence that international jihadists are operating in Syria.”
bbc on
egypt … wrong
libya … wrong
syria … wrong
hmmm bbc wake up call … try and listen 😀
climate change … wrong
so now we have … ta ra!
the al bbc and the friends of the earth cartel?
… ooohhh! brother …
“Ignore the doom merchants, Britain should get fracking
It’s green, it’s cheap and it’s plentiful! So why are opponents of shale gas making such a fuss??”
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/borisjohnson/9733518/Ignore-the-doom-merchants-Britain-should-get-fracking.htmlBy Boris Johnson.
c8.15am this morning and Paddy Crerand makes minced meat of the Beeboids on 5 Live. I do hope this makes it to some i-player type thing. It was a classic.
For example….
Beeboid: We’ve had many texts and messages saying….
Paddy: How many?
Beeboids: Well, lots
Paddy: How many?
Beeboid: I don’t know how many…..