After 4 decades of murderous Socialist dictatorship with a boot on the neck of Eastern Europe, with the deaths of millions in the Chinese ‘Great Leap Forward’ towards their Socialist nirvana, with millions of people around the third world terrorised by socialists waving Soviet supplied AK47s you might think that a right thinking person would be wary of Socialists who proclaim they have the answer to what ails us as a society.
And you’d be right….except of course there is little right thinking in the champagne quaffing Socialist haven known as the BBC.
There the danger is of Hitler rising again, of Fascists marching across Europe…..Greece is the new Weimar Republic…no, really…the Greeks are about to vote in another Hitler and he will set out to take Moscow and blitz London.
If only those loveable Socialists were in control, how wonderful life would be.
And surprise surprise……the BBC’s real target….denouncing those who want to limit immigration…..not so subtly labelled racist and extremist by association….
‘[It is] another chilling echo of the past and it has led many critics to argue that the EU and its member-states must do more to fight against extremism.
“The developments we have are so frightening,” argued Hannes Swoboda, the leader of the socialist group in the European parliament.
“The European Union, which was founded to overcome the consequences of racism, has to react but it does not really react.”
[Amnesty says…..] “Xenophobia and intolerance are on the rise throughout Europe.”
Of course historical parallels are never exact but we can always learn something from the past.
And this eurozone crisis is not just a financial one – in many countries it has become an acute social and political crisis too.
If some of the potential outcomes are dangerous, we cannot say we have not been warned.
Across the continent “mainstream parties are very committed to freedom, democracy and European values”, the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, pointed out in a BBC interview.
“[But] I think we have to be vigilant. The old demons are still there.”
You could of course accept the truth of some of that….except the same treatment is not given to the threat of the Socialist ‘Old Demons’ which are as active as ever and have formed a union with Islamists in the hope their aims will be furthered…..a warning from history for them….Iran.
In fact many of the Socialist ‘Old Demons’ are given pride of place at the BBC….Paul Mason for instance…..& Martin Jacques and Slavoj Žižek…..
The savage madness of Slavoj Žižek
“You’ve had your anti-communist fun,” writes Žižek, “and you are pardoned for it – time to get serious once again!”
For Žižek, “getting serious” also apparently means a commitment to pure will, ruthless dictatorship, “divine terror”, and disciplined organisation as the necessary tools to abolish liberal democracy and impose Communism, or what he breezily calls (as if Stalinism never happened!) “absolute Truth … designating the ethically committed ideal Order of the Good”.
Finally, getting serious means embracing violent excess and even self-sacrificial death as salvific. Risibly, Žižek invites today’s young revolutionary to adopt the “proper attitude of a warrior towards death.”
….er….I have to admit to a sneaking admiration for Žižek…at least on a short acquaintance with his work…..he talks a lot of sense….and seems to be mocking rather than supporting Communism (when you read his work….you can’t help but get a nagging feeling that it is an elaborate prank.)….he admits to being ‘some sort of Communist’.…he admits the Left have no answer except ones that ‘frankly Hitler would have agreed with’……Hitler = Occupy…there’s a thought.
And the clincher for me….
“We in the West are the Last Men,” he writes, “immersed in stupid daily pleasures, while the Muslim radicals are ready to risk everything, engaged in the nihilist struggle up to the point of self-destruction.”
Socialist or not… least he has noticed the truth….Muslims have an endgame in sight and are working towards that with a determination and ruthlessness that the West doesn’t dare use to defend itself….it doesn’t even dare to acknowledge that Muslim intent let alone act against it.
Just been for a night out with our resident ‘Socialist”.
He explained to me how it was all right to stop women’s rights, stone gay people, accept paedophilia in the short term to install Islam in the UK after which they can re-introduce the correct socialist values into Islam and make it follow the correct socialist values provided to Islam of totalitarian government without political opposition and with an unelected mandate as the Proletariat cannot be trusted with a vote until all opposition (especially Tories and UKIP) is killed off…. oh and racist socialists like BNP
I asked him about Iran where the where the socialists helped the over throw of the Shah only to be hung from the nearest lamp-post once Islam was in control..
They were the wrong sort of Islam,the right sort of Islam will bend to the correct Socialist policies once they were in power…
time for another beer…
No one ever said that. You’re making it up right?
All true from a conversation
he described it as a price worth paying for the eventual long term aims…. casualties always occur and socialism and Islam are always at war so there would always be casualties…
He did say that rights would be re-instated once the revolution was enacted….
You need to get out more, Jim. Listen to some of the people your chum Paul Mason is so enthralled by.
‘No one ever said that. You’re making it up right?’
Funnily enough, that Hibernian footyballist said pretty much that to a couple of BBC R5 drones and they had a fit of the vapours whilst not actually answering. And then they set the Graun on him to denounce him daring to challenge their god-given right to be the only ones who ask the questions.
Was it a different time, Jim?
Cuba gets its free pass , as per usual at the BBC.
Gays in prison or mental hospitals…well, that`s their culture innit?…they`re a pain to Uncle Sam and that is all the BBC require of them.
Castros useful tools include the lefties everywhere-Guardian, BBC wherever…and what goes on in the torture dens ,stays in them as far as their Socialist apologists are concerned.
Do you think that we should tell the Socialist gobshites that it`s not officially a smoke-free zone…Castro smokes big cigars and that evil horrid weed ,tobacco…is a main export>
Maybe then.,.and only then…will the Guardian/BBC “challenge” the Cuban dictatorship.
Until then…another lazy cruise to Lala Land, with themselves up on the lounge deck as ever!
Cruising pilgrims..useful apologists for Cuban evil…thanks for nothing Leftie scum!
So the rise of Golden Dawn is not noteworthy and it’s the Maoists we should worry about? You piece is all over the place. What is your point about bbc bias here?
Personally I’m not worried about the Maoists – just give them some lolly and they end up believing in crony capitalism. China and Barroso are proof of that.
Is that the ‘left leaning’ Chairman Mao?
@ “The European Union, which was founded to overcome the consequences of racism”.
Really?…..Last time we had a vote it was about a common agricultural and fisheries policy…..
How agendas change when your not allowed to have your say.
Slavoj Žižek? Yeah, he’s never off the BBC. I hear he’s doing Strictly next year.
Your link to what I presume is the BBC article:
Not Found
Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.
Oh dear. This Blog is great for its comedy value:
The article you link to though makes it sound like he would be an interesting guest. In fact, I’m going to complain to the BBC that this guy isn’t on enough:
Bigt, I don’t think your friend is a socialist. He’s a lunatic.
Alan, how many times are you going to go on about the BBC reporting about fascists as if this is bias?
Of course, I forgot, you support EDL. Surely the bias is only yours.
Reporting on the Fascists is not bias. Reporting on the Fascists and ignoring the Communists is bias.
I thought that was the point of this piece.
Prole doesn’t get points, he only thinks he can issue his unique versions of them.
As a metaphor for the BBC, not bad.
Wait until food prices soar and the economy collapse in Egypt.
88 milion potential enrichers marching towards Europe in half-capsized boats. Most of them Brotherhood brothers.
“And surprise surprise……the BBC’s real target….denouncing those who want to limit immigration…..not so subtly labelled racist and extremist by association….
‘[It is] another chilling echo of the past and it has led many critics to argue that the EU and its member-states must do more to fight against extremism.‘ ”
And surprise surprise… here is Alan being just as completely dishonest as always.
The above (corrected) quote in context:
“And a few days ago one of its MPs caused outrage with a speech in parliament. A list of names should be compiled, he declared, of Jews who pose a threat to national security.
It was another chilling echo of the past and it has led many critics to argue that the EU and its member-states must do more to fight against extremism.”
Biased-BBC, Liars in our midst..