Interesting report here from the BBC. It informs us that seven charity workers, six of them women, have been shot dead in north-west Pakistan. Clearly a terrible act of savagery but who could have been responsible? Well, no one is quite sure….but the BBC helpfully ads…
“No group has claimed responsibility for the attack although militants in the conservative Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province oppose female education and have attacked female students and their schools.”
“Militants”…..”conservatives”…..mmmmm. Hang on, do you think the BBC is trying to tell us that these killings were carried out by Islamic Taliban terrorists do you think? After all, they rather dominate in this region….
Surely not!
They`ll be Freedom Fighters agitating for the right of the polio virus to survive the onslaught of whitey in the West.
If it attacked only women, kids and Christians…the BBC would be only too happy to see the Polio Rights campaign get the likes of Clooney or Sarandon to promote equal rights for viruses …NOW!
As it is, it`s a bit too inclusive and not targetted at those who resist the Toblerone(oh boy, I`m scared to use that name of theirs-stigmatising, you see).
Still-we might get some poetry about little bitty polio viruses not getting enough respect from Israel, and therefore those who want polio to go the way of the dodo are fair game for the Pakistani Poetry Slam Collective.
Sponsor a virus now…let`s see polio and TB back in the UK, now that all those now over there at marriages etc will be returning home…..
They had a slot for North Koreas ‘charismatic’ dear leader but failed to mention the millions dying in concentration camps in this ultra LEFT WING utopia.
Nah, that be ‘ waaaycist ‘ to mention a description of their ethnicity and religion.
It’s ” men ” for muslims and ” youths ” for blacks, that is the BBC,NUJ euphemisms. They must think we’re all born yesterday.
“Police have arrested a 15 year old white man and a 42 year old youth”
I can see it now – quite obviously in BBC eyes these acts of terrorism are carried out by Tory-bora graduates of the evil Michael Gove inspired free madrassas….
Oh wait a minute, that’s probably not funny considering such institutions are actually opening in many a town hereabouts.
What a fine snooker Labour have placed us in. NUT Compo diversity education or tribal segregation in preperation for civil war.
‘NUT Compo diversity education’
Speaking of which…
A survey is ‘suggesting’ stuff again.
But it’s the gov causing it, through cuts ‘n all… not a profession that has allowed itself to become a parody of a farce by meddling in areas that should have never been under their union leadership’s malign control over the last government.
Yep, the BBC won’t call Islamic terrorists ‘Islamic terrorists’ because that would apparently be unfair to Islamic non-terrorists, but they’ll call everyone from opponents of gay marriage to hardline Stalinists in Moscow ‘Conservative’.
Of course, this does raise an interesting point: if these guys really are ‘conservative’, what is it they’re trying to conserve? Weren’t we assured that Islam was a peaceful religion and the terrorists were just a wacky radical offshot? So what are these guys? Radical conservatives, fighting to preserve a completely new interpretation of Islam?
It’s just that the violent ones misunderstand Islam, simples!
The BBC suspects it was done by Taliban types, but are as always waiting for more information to come out before rushing to judgment, in exactly the way they didn’t for the Toulouse killer or the Tucson killer or Norway.
In the BBC Book of PC Euphemisms, the words ‘radical’, ‘progressive’ and ‘conservative’ are all interchangeable with ‘extremist’, ‘terrorist’ and ‘murderer’. The most disgusting word interchange of the lot has to be the BBC’s willful usage of the word ‘grooming’ to replace what is really happening: despicable racist child rape by third-world religious fanatics.
The article has been amended to reflect developments
Late night at the ministry of truth then?
See my comment above about how the BBC was of course waiting for more developments.
‘The article has been amended to reflect developments’
That’s a fine complement to ‘watertight oversight’ ((c) Black, R), where what is wanted gets ‘interpreted’ on the spot by any jerk of knee going, but if things don’t suit… let’s just say the Newsnight team won’t get to do a special with the BIJ no matter how compelling the story may be.
Good to get your goon attitudes properly aligned, if to one side.
The word ‘radical’ would probably be a more accurate description of all these particularly fanatical Islamic ideologues.
Suggested reading of:
” A politically Incorrect Guide to Islam” by Robert Spencer.
There is no fanatical interpretation versus moderate,
there’s just Islam!
Have you ever seen a bBC report which allows somebody to blame ‘Islam’ for all the death and destruction which has beset the world since Sept 11th 2001. No
Here is a bBC report about how comedian Al Murray went to visit the town of Royal Wootten Bassett:
Royal Wootton Bassett and the fallen
As one of the guest editors of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, comedian Al Murray went to Wiltshire to meet some of those who played a part in the repatriation ceremonies – including 96-year-old Ken Scott. The former Desert Rat collected dozens of the personal tributes left by service families. He says the moving scenes he witnessed in his town have left a lasting impression on how he views war.
So what message do you think the bbC is happy to relate from 96 Year old Ken:
His message starts at 2.05 and his anti-war message comes in at 2.50.
Apparently according to Ken: Christianity is one of two reasons we went to War and he wants everybody to know it. Anybody ever heard the bBC allow anybody say anything along those lines about the religion of peace.
In BBC speak, Militant Conservatives is a code word for members of UKIP isn’t it.
I reckon Sayeeda Warsi did it!
Or maybe Diane Abbot??
Maybe somebody should ask Kieth Vaz …. He seems to be the source of `truth` for the BBC whenever an explanation is needed regarding violence within the Islamic mindset….
Mullah NAZIR: killed.
As usual, BBC licencepayers are fed Islamic political narrative from BBC Urdu on what we should think of the drone killing of Islamic jihadist (not misnomer INBBC ‘militant’) Mullah NAZIR. “He was a soft-spoken man with an unassuming manner, says BBC Urdu’s Dilawar Wazir Khan. ” Say no more, INBBC’s Mr Khan. We get your politically sympathetic picture.
Mullah Nazir was a murderous Islamic jihad Taliban leader who organised the murders of many Western troops.
Well, I for one will never vote for David Cameron again, not if he’s off shooting charity workers in Pakistan.
Thanks Biased BBC!