Anyone catch the BBC’s coverage of this major story?
“Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country. Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night. Around 1,200 cars were burned by rioting Muslims on the New Year’s Eve in France, where the mass burning cars in the national holidays are kind of tradition among Muslim residents of the disadvantaged suburbs of immigrants. In recent years, the celebration of the New Year and the Bastille Day (July 14) in France is often marked by mass burning cars as well. On the night of January 1, 2010, there were 1,137 thousand cars burned on the night of January 1, 2009 – 1,147 thousand were burned.”
With all those world class journalists eagerly seeking out news, it is curious that these riots just across the Channel seemed to fall below radar? I wonder WHY?
I suspect those ‘men’ and ‘da yoofs’ were just playing, it’s high jinx. You gotta love them.
Hey, we got fireworks, they got the Renault Clio.
Nothin’ to see here folks.
This clearly isn’t an oversight. It is censorship, plain and simple. Appalling behaviour. We have a right to know about this sort of news from our state broadcaster.
Whilst I agree with you that the utterly loathsome BBC has deliberately excluded this from ‘the news’, and it is in effect a form of censorship, a small voice wonders whether they might have in mind that copy-cat actions are a possibility if such roits are given strong publicity. Disaffected muslim yoof are susceptable to suggestion, and might think this would be a great thing to import into the UK. Maybe there has also been some liaison with the police and government? I don’t like giving any credence to the BBC on anything, but maybe low key publicitiy is best in this case? Obviously, I’m perfectly content if folks want to disagree.
Martin W – you may have a point but there is a difference between low-key publicity and zero coverage. Furthermore, the BBC gave blanket+ coverage to the 2011 UK riots. They dd not hold back and to my mind contributed to the spread of violence across the country.
Yes Bob and I’m sure they could find someone with the tagline “it’s kicking off everywhere!”
‘I’m sure they could find someone with the tagline “it’s kicking off everywhere!”
Newsnight’s Anger & Protests Editor Paul Mason stands ever ready to heed the call.
How come the lefty stuffed bBC always allows that pillock to still go to work with constant flu?
Sure not an oversight Bob nelson: well they had the important news:
Old woman trapped in shop over new year:
And they managed news of an apartment fire:
Oh, and the Paris Apple store was robbed:
Oh, and some blood of Louis XVI was found in a jar:
I thought it was an expression of cultural diversity. Maybe they have a fatwa on cars, maybe there is something in the Koran about torching cars.
That’s only the ones who misunderstand it.
I can’t find one mainstream UK media organisation that has covered this, just the usual baiting sites like Jihadwatch.
Not really news is it?
I take it you are being ironic. If 1193 cars had been burned in GB it would have been huge news and headlines for days. I can just imagine the fuss.
So are you saying it did nor happen and if it did it does’nt matter. ?
It matters a great deal for instability in France is not good for Europe in any way.
The BBC would have had to report it if it had been in the UK but their take would have been along the following lines .
‘Young men from xxxxtown peacefully protested against government cuts and set light to a few cars to keep the elderly, who can’t afford to heat their homes because of something ( unspecified) that Mrs Thatcher did 30 years ago, warm. Commenting on the lack of police action a spokesman said that with the reduction in police numbers they can’t be everywhere and most of them were employed persecuting innocent motorists to get some money in from the fines. A passing member of the public said that the local Tory council was to blame for reducing the amount of street lighting in the area’
You missed out the part where they were also doing there bit to tackle global warming by taking all those Co2 producing cars off the roads.
“I can’t find one mainstream UK media organisation that has covered this, just the usual baiting sites like Jihadwatch”
You appear to think it’s perfectly reasonable to ignore this kind of thing. I can only think you expect nothing better from that section of the population. And that blame should be laid at the door of Jihadwatch for pointing it out rather than at the door of those carrying out these acts.
Yay! Lemming journalism! Mainstream media in the UK didn’t report on the concentration camps back in the day, either. Not news, then. Mainstream media in the UK didn’t report on widespread gulags of the Soviet Union. Not news, then. Mainstream media in the UK didn’t report on the existence of the Tea Party movement in the US for nearly two months. Not news, then. Mainstream media in the UK hasn’t covered the ongoing saga of the Lower Hudson Journal News printing a map with the names, addresses, and personal contact info for all registered gun owners in the area right after the Sandy Hook tragedy, declaring it was in the public interest. As if anyone who owns a gun is now a potential mass murderer, and the public needs to know who they are. The Rockland County Times then published a list of names and addresses and contact info for Lo-Hud journalists and management, after which the Lo-Hud Journal News hired armed guards. Not news, then.
In other words, the BBC is nothing special, not much of an innovative, leading news organization. They don’t have to report anything if other news organizations don’t, either.
Which once again calls into question all the claims of Today leading the news agenda. The BBC claims it does, Jim Dandy says they lie out of hubris. Even though a significant majority of the population gets their news from a BBC source, they have no influence. Except, you know, when they want to take credit for something.
However, the BBC will rush to report some things that nobody else does, when it suits them. In those cases, the BBC is of course superior to everyone else.
I think I got it about right here.
Jim, you can’t find one mainstream news outlet that will tell you the truth about global warming – that doesn’t stop the cooling though, does it? Only a real idiot would think that over 1000 cars burnt in one night in a European city was not news….
‘Only a real idiot would think that over 1000 cars burnt in one night in a European city was not news….’
I see what you did there.
Makes the linear over chronological nature of site comments rather fun later on, too.
Jim Lad opined:
I can’t find one mainstream UK media organisation that has covered this, just the usual baiting sites like Jihadwatch.
Muslim News here in the UK reports it:
France: Thousand of vehicles burnt on New Year’s eve
PARIS, (Xinhua): A total of 1,193 vehicles were burnt on the New Year’s eve in France, in comparison with last official figure of 1,147 torched cars in 2009, French Interior Minister said Tuesday. “When it concerns insecurity, there is nothing to hide … There is no significant change from torched cars and two-wheelers of recent years,” Manuel Valls said. Setting cars ablaze has become quite a tradition in French suburbs on New Year’s eve these years as a display of vandalism. On this New Year eve 53,000 policemen and gendarmes were mobilized across the country to secure safety in roads, in the famous Champs Elysee and in the Eiffel Tower where hundreds of thousands of people gathered for the New Year countdown. One young man was killed in the Bas-Rhin in Monday’s celebration due to an explosion of a mortar type firework, while three policemen and four gendarmes suffered from slight injuries, according to the minister.
Ok it’s a reprint, but can you say it’s a usual baiting site, how about Huff Post. Oh just for the info the act of burning cars in which to see in the New Year started in certain areas of the French City of Strasbourg. (Around the mid-late 90s) Funny enough Strasbourg was also the city where German intelligence foiled a plot to blow up the cathedral in 200. I don’t know for sure, but do you think there might be a link?
I have been wondering whether the murder of the church organist in Sheffield on Christmas Eve has anything to do with this as well.
this is a regular new year occurance …
and jim er … jihadwatch “baiting” site? … how so?
‘Not really news is it?
What you can’t find being the possible subject of a major BBC documentary in its own right.
I just had to love the delivery of this…
‘In recent years, the celebration of the New Year and the Bastille Day (July 14) in France is often marked by mass burning cars as well.’
As you do.
Which may explain, if not excuse the odd mindset of some who think that torching on such a level is either faked because it has not been seen on the BBC, or most certainly not as newsworthy as… say… Span Owls selection, or…
So close.
‘analysis says the frequency of extreme rainfall in the UK may be increasing.’
The kind of ‘analysis’ that comes with a ‘may’ sounds like a punt without the self-confidence of any conviction.
Never mind your pathetically naff bit about Jihadwatch, Mr Dandy, or about other mainstream UK media organisations. There’s only “one” that we the British public (comprised of ALL political persuasions) have to keep putting up with funding and so should absolutely rightly be able to expect totally unbiased news from!!
Of course if was bloody “news” – and you know it!
Here’s today’s ‘don’t mention the M word’ on the bBBC, despite the fact that this al-Qaeda terrorist used Islamic religious terms as codewords for his mass-murder plans.
I noticed there is nothing in the article, that he alone out of everybody else caught building bombs for allah, fought and won the right to remain in the Uk becasue of his human rights. (He claimed he would be killed if returned to Pakistan) But then if the bBC had reported that (or even linked it into that article) all attempts of playing the victim card (Hell he was deported to the nasty evil US) would have been lost.
I just hope that that 18 stone weakling of a cell mate is showing him the error of his ways in the Prison shower.
Just another midunderstander of Islam you see!
“On the night of January 1, 2010, there were 1,137 thousand cars burned on the night of January 1, 2009 – 1,147 thousand were burned.”
This must be a typo, as 1,137 thousand is 1,137,000 or over a million !
Even if it was over a million cars, the BBC doesn’t have to report it if nobody else bothers.
If it was the flag protesters in Belfast the BBC would report it unendingly, as they did.
Yes, complete with the usual suspects lined up ready to condemn.
Bigger news would’ve been if it was later found (not by the multicultitarded bBC of course) that a couple of the burnt brum brums had copies of the Koran in them!
Oh dear..
Your so called major story is complete bollocks. Try to find a French news source to collaborate your scoop that ‘1200 cars were burnt by Muslims’ and you certainly will not. There is unfortunately a new year tradition of setting cars alight in French suburbs. From there, to say that there are riots across the channel, that are being covered up – complete twaddle. But on this site, you’ve got captive audience of twaddle-gobblers.
Mr McKinney wrote:
“Your so called major story is complete bollocks. Try to find a French news source to collaborate your scoop that ’1200 cars were burnt by Muslims’ and you certainly will not.
I think you will find that this story is very much ‘true’ and the reason you won’t find this story covered by any French News agency is that it is active French policy not to report this Islamic penchant for burning cars. Funny enough this was a directive that was installed by the previous conservative government of former President Nicolas Sarkozy. This was done so as to try and limit copy cat burning . which is why in 2005 1193 cars were burnt and on Dec 31 2009 the number burnt was 1147 and why the other night only 1193 cars were burnt out. My claim can be substantiated by these statements which were released the other day:
Bruno Beschizza, a security chief for Sarkozy’s UMP party, said on iTele TV that publishing the numbers motivates youths to commit such crimes.
Every year, the night of December 31-January 1 sees more than 1,000 cars set ablaze across the country in an orgy of vandalism to which the authorities have, until now, largely turned a blind eye. Since 2010, no official figures on the number of vehicles torched have been published, after it was discovered that a district-by-district breakdown was fuelling a destructive competition between rival gangs.
Yet the thing is, it is a French directive and not a British one which is why everybody else in the world has no problem reporting this story except the bBC. But then the bBC has failed to report:
The Murder of a Islamic policeman guarding a Serbian Church in Bosnia
The murder of a woman by her Husband inside a prison in Afghanistan
The attack on a Jew in Venice by 15 Arabs
The Attack on an Indian man by 2 Muslims in Berlin who tried to cut out his tongue when he refused to convert to Islam.
The bBC as a news agency has developed a disturbing trend of not reporting the news as it stands when it comes to followers of Islam. Be it a School boy attacked with an Hammer in Swindon, a school boy Murdered in Scotland or even 1000s of cars burnt in a capital city of our nearest neighbour the bBC does free speech a huge disservice by not reporting the facts.
They haven’t reported the case of Imran Firasat, the ex-Muslim who is being deported from Spain for his role in making a film about Islam.
He was originally an asylum seeker and will probably be executed if he returns to Pakistan. Spain is a member of the Council of Europe and therefore must comply with the European Convention of Human Rights which is supposed to protect the right to free expression.
Yes it does smack of bollocks. But the gullibles here will lap up anything that chimes with their dogma.
So I can rest easy . It didn’t happen. That’s a relief.
If any other news outlet reports it I can take it they are mistaken, lying or a right wing hate site.
The London riots never happened either. The battle of Hastings never took place.
And so so and so on.
Nothing is so sad as a liberal confronted by reality and unable to handle it.
My French isn’t all that good but the above link, dated Tuesday 1st January 2013, seems to refer to the nonexistent car burnings. Of course, it could be that Manuel Valls, the French Minister of the Interior, has just invented the whole thing simply to create a good photo op.
Find me the bit in the article where he attributes these to Muslims (clue: musulman is the relevant french word.) That logical leap is the initiative of this and similarly positioned sites. The gist of the article you’ve linked to is that the figures are consistent with previous years, and in some respects slightly down. Hence this is in no way a major news story; I only regret that Walls did not continue with the line of his UMP predecessor who decided it was counter-productive to report these figures, as it creates a climate of ‘competition’.
Interesting viewpoint. What other events would you like the media to suppress in order to keep the sheeple from getting ideas?
Jim, why haven’t you replied to all the other, relevant comments? Many who replied to your initial post made some pertinent comments. Anyone confident in their assertions would have responded to the counter-argument. You haven’t and instead chosen to reply with “Yes it does smack of bollocks. But the gullibles will lap up anything that chimes with their dogma.”
I’ve noticed in previous posts that you seem to disappear and ignore cogently argued challenges to your opinions, only to pop up later with sarcastic comments or insults.
I’m beginning to think you are just a troll who isn’t serious about entering into debate , and, just like Dez, Scott and Prole, comes on this site just to wind up other contributors and sneer at their opinions.
You, know, you may just be on to something with that last para.
But so far those gracing us with their input don’t really have their 2013 act together very well yet.
Won’t impede their mission one jot, but the blow to credibility of such default contrarian stances, arrogant dismissals and factual foot-shooting on this topic are going to be a poor foundation to base any future claims on record or complaints on treatment around.
The petty cash budget may need to go to some new IP addresses.
‘Your so called major story is complete bollocks’
A new name joins the merry BBBC fray I do believe, and in typical modest style (if without the usual ‘I used to be Attila the Hun’s dog groomer, and had hoped to find like-minded folk here, but am now flouncing away stage left, followed by a truly buff Shih tzu’).
Shame there seems to be a glitch in the Matrix, as your ‘is’ has already been downgraded by the Forlorn Hope to a ‘smacks of’.
The trend does not look promising.
Also speaking of twaddle-gobblers on any forum discussing the BBC and loyal consumers of its output is always brave, but raising in the same breath the notion of captive audiences rather moves irony to a new level.
What is holding anyone captive here?
Certainly not the notion of getting something for the money, as it is free to join and leave (no hints meant) if found not to taste.
Rather a different story with the BBC, mind.
Seems Jim has also tangled his Fokker to another circus novice and the resultant mashup is proving as airworthy as ever.
The only trouble with getting booted so often is they end up fronting the next thread.
Then again, that is maybe the best place to take proper aim for the next kill.
Ah, so it’s just one of those quaint cultural things, a French version of Bonfire Night. Never mind, then.
Le Figaro 1193 véhicules brûlés lors de la nuit du Nouvel an (Valls)
How the bbC goes out of its way in which to defend the good name of Muslims.
One Pound Fish man ‘not deported’
A man whose east London market stall banter went viral has told the BBC he was not deported from the UK. Muhammad Shahid Nazir’s One Pound Fish tune was originally sung to attract customers, but ended up attracting 8 million hits on YouTube. It was also released as a single, reaching number 29 in the UK chart. There were reports Mr Nazir was deported back to Pakistan after his visa expired.
Any half decent reporter would have just contacted the immigration office. Instead the bBC sends a fawning idiot almost 500kms to interview Mr Mohammed for the bBC News.
It’s actually his second visit: the bBBC drone had previously been there on 22 December, to interview Mr Nazir’s mother and children.
Why do I get the feeling that’s a set-up?
“This is just the boost that the French auto industry needs”, claimed a jubilant Francois Hollande . . . .
…the French Insurance industry may have a more merde-based view of the trend, mind
I believe the government rather than the insurance companies pay compensation for these yoof activities thus saving a lot of problems that might otherwise lead to an insurance industry crisis and a national call for something effective to be done about a vulnerable ethnic minority.
Ah but at what cost to the environment?
Let`s hope the cars were all LPG and sustainably sourced…Mere Gaia will be desole, surlement.
Besides the official police count as confirmed by the unions turns out to be only two cars that overheated-Islam is not…is blame?
Get it?..or fear the exploding underpants bombers! Your call…
I have just has a look at the web and found a of ‘reputable’ report to back up these assertions
“New Year’s Eve has long been tarnished by the practice, as unruly urban youth set ablaze hundreds of cars and motorcycles to usher in the new year.
Interior Minister Manuel Valls said late Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles had been burned on New Year’s Eve, mostly in urban areas, including 209 in the Paris region, though none in the city itself”
That is the New York Times directly quoting the French Interior Minister. Admittedly there is no mention of the religion of the perpetrators However Jim you said:
“Yes it does smack of bollocks. But the gullibles here will lap up anything that chimes with their dogma.”
Or perhaps you could say, more accurately in this case, that the bigoted BBC refuse to believe and report anything that doesn’t chime with their dogma.
Radio Free Europe has also reported reported
“Interior Minister Manuel Valls also said police and rioters clashed in Strasbourg and Mulhouse and that 339 people were arrested.”
Not as newsworthy as an old lady locked in the khazi eh? I mean France is on the other side of the world with totally different socio-economic conditions to the UK…
It looks to me like there is an editorial decision somewhere in the BBC to avoid covering this story.
Google ‘burnt cars paris news’ and there are hundreds of sites, many mention the suburbs and the predominant religion in those areas.
True the incidents are reported, but the religious motivation is imposed only by the hate sites.
Islamic hostile acts are denied by the sycophants
of Left-Islam political alliance.
So you’ve already moved from there being no value in any reporting to there now being reporting, but the wrong kind to suit your moral parameters. I preferred the 2012 Jim model; a delusional contrarian yes, but with a hint of wit. 2013 is like a 1997 Turing Machine running on a couple of expired AA’s.
This quaint French-style Bonfire Night wouldn’t have anything to do with this, would it?
Prophet cartoon book unveiled in France
The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, the focus of protests for its cartoons mocking militant Islamists, has published a 65-page strip cartoon book portraying the life of the Prophet Mohammed.
The magazine, once firebombed after it published a special edition entitled “Charia [sharia] Hebdo”, insisted the new book, which went on sale yesterday, was “halal” and said it was an attempt to teach largely ignorant non-Muslims about the Prophet’s life, based on accounts by Muslim sources.
Nothing to see here, move along.
Not by the BBC
‘Baiting sites’, ‘hate sites’ – had it ever occurred to you that it’s useful to have the evidence from all over the world reported in one place, that Islam teaches perpetual struggle by the believers against non- believers.
According to the ex-Muslim, Anwar Shaikh, who really did know more about these things than you do: ‘Hatred of the non-Islamic is the pivot of Muslim existence.’ In your strange looking glass, reality denying world, collecting together news stories that confirm this is an act of hatred.
In the world of jimbbc Islam is beyond criticism, it seems. How unhealthy is that.
“Just Another New Year’s Eve”
There must be a mass order from top to toe of the BBC organization that stipulates that under no circumstances must anyone EVER portray Muslims in a negative light. Disgraceful when one considers that the religion of ‘peace’ is behind much of the bloodshed and unrest in the world.
Pourquoi brûler des voitures le 31 décembre?
Notorious rag Time reports…
This story clearly is “complete bollocks” and believed only by “gullibles”. It really is looking more and more like a completely made up fiction perpetrated by closet racists and ‘baiters’ everywhere isn’t it?
There is no doubt whatsoever that the arson and riots took place. However, who the miscreants are remains obscured under the tags ‘urban’ and ‘disadvantaged’ and we should be careful not to jump to conclusions
Strangely for a significant issue in the capital of our second closest European neighbour, the BBC is still not reporting the story but does find space to cover something more in line with its agenda.
It’s racist football supporters (again). Wicked surely, but how many cars did these racists burn in Italy – were there 339 arrests at the match? When will Panorama investigate?
yes indeed, and more terrible news from asia
Coming to a town near you, sooner than you think!
So, according to Aunty, thousands of cars being torched by third world ragheads isn’t news. And yet, a gobby woman being rude on a bus is a headline for a week.
Talking of crime, BBC censors this too:-
“4,000 foreign murderers and rapists we can’t throw out. . . and, yes, you can blame human rights again.
“Government wants to deport them but admits many cannot be kicked out.
“Thousands cite Human Rights Act that guarantees the ‘right to family life.’
“Parliamentary answer reveals scale of foreign criminals ‘living in the community.'”
By TIM SHIPMAN and JACK DOYLE–yes-blame-human-rights-again.html
Oh come on, that’s pure crypto-fascist racism from the Daily Mail! I feel slightly sick at the thought that this could be reported by ‘reputable’ papers and broadcasters. Think of the immense damage it would do.
As if the BBC would touch such a story. These incarcerated people are the victims – they are vulnerable and dispossessed and deserve to be treated in a preferential manner to atone for our wicked unfair social system. Good grief some of them have pet cats and like dogs (well fighting dogs that they can bet on) I mean to say it is so one sided.
No This is a completely unacceptable story and will, just like the traditional French “voiture Brulee festival”, fail to edge onto the BBC consciousness. Can’t have any orthodox opinions undermined can we.
I must admit, I have never heard of Baluchistan until I read the article below in The Commentator. I’d be very surprised if anybody else reading this will have done so either, although there was a bus bombing a few days ago which killed 19 people there.
The amazing thing is the conflict described below is of quite a magnitude, where it’s reckoned that at least 8000 have been killed in the last 10 years by Pakistani troops. After reading the story I went on to the BBC website to see what they had to say about it. Other than seeing a few words on the bus bombing, which may or may not be related, – NOTHING.
For the BBC, it doesn’t exist.
Clearly militant Islamists don”t want it publicised.
So any wonder 1400 cars being burnt doesn’t appear on the BBC radar either?
Pakistan’s secret war in Baluchistan
A large number of Pakistanii Muslims are employed by the bBC in London, this means that the bBCs perception of all things Islamic is coloured by that Pakistani bent.
This is why the bBC hates:
The Jews
and Loves:
Islamic terrorists
Anything that puts a good spin on Islam.
The story was run by the Associated Press news agancy on 1 January. The BBC obviously receive the AP news feed – a lot of their churnalism is based on Reuters and AP.
The AP story was picked up by a lot of the US and Canadian American press and TV – as well as in other countries.
For instance – :the New York Times :
But it is true that the French media are urged not to report on these car-torching rioters. Car-burning by yoofs adds up to nearly 200 million Euros a year. Chicken-feed Jim will no doubt say.
A Google search under “News” for “cars torched New Year’s Eve France” gives 21,000 results round the world.
But somehow the BBC, with the biggest website in the world, “overlooks” this story from just over the Channel ?
Or was it spiked deliberately, like so many other stories unfavourable to Muslims ?
You better be careful…… It`s Friday prayers later and Dez will be all over your comments frothing at the mouth like a rabid mongrel dog…. He will explain that the BBC were unable to report it due to spending cuts which left no money for a translater who could read French and also had a pro Islamic background ( such as an Algerian or Morrocan `activist`) as the BBC had paid for them to travel to Syria where they are now embedded with the Islamists who are pretending to fight for democracy and are using civilians as human shields in between `staging` situations for Lyse Doucet and Rageh Omar who are now supplying 99% of the Arab Spring footage via Al Jazeera and Rueters….. I won`t be here later after Friday Prayers…… but Dez will and he will destroy your very will to live with his inability to shut his flapping gob!!! You have been warned!!!!
you don t mean … smug sanctimonious political correct self-appointed, liberal/moronic moral guardian of the flowering of the rich tapestry of our diverse and multicultural society dez ……. do you? surely not 😀
The BBC does report arson
Surely people can see that 1200 cars in one night or 40,000 cars a year is insignificant compared to 2 trees! 😉
INBBC’s Islamic propaganda chums at AL JAZEERA TV.
INBBC’s political partiality towards Islam shows up again in its praise for its propagandist chums at Islamic Al Jazeera-Qatar TV, and for the expansion of their global Islamic propaganda broadcasting empire.
As Islamic Al Jazeera does a deal with Gore, INBBC applauds, by saying that Clinton approves Al Jazeera propaganda, but American right doesn’t.
INBBC makes no reference to Al Jazeera propaganda on e.g. Libya or on Syria, nor to resignation of key Al Jazeera staff this week:
“Al-Jazeera Correspondent in Berlin Resigns Over Channel’s Loss of Professionalism”
Nor does INBBC indicate how Al Jazeera deceitfully responses to criticism of certain Islamic activities inside USA:-
“Screaming hysteria from al-Jazeera: ‘Anti-Muslim violence spiralling out of control in America”
“Al Jazeera targets US expansion after buying Current TV”
“Leftist/Jihadist Alliance: Al Jazeera acquires Current TV.”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As I noted earlier today, Al-Jazeera has been dubbed ‘the most powerful voice of the Muslim Brotherhood.’ And Pamela Geller has noted that ‘Al Jazeera is the leading terrorist propaganda organization in the world. Jihad murder mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki has praised Al Jazeera, and several years ago one of its most prominent reporters was arrested on terror charges. Al Jazeera also has for years been the recipient of numerous Al Qaeda videos featuring bin Laden, Zawahiri, and American traitor Adam Gadahn. Yet they never seem to be able to trace where these videos are coming from. They have repeatedly been set up at the point of attack right before a bomb went off, so that they could take the picture of the slaughtered, dismembered bodies.’
“The Left and the jihadis have been cooperating for years. This makes their alliance official.”
Of course, Qatar’s Al Jazeera English has many ex-Beeboids in its employ, spreading the Islamic word; many are based at:-
Al Jazeera,
Westminster Tower,
3 Albert Embankment,
London SE1 7SL
(across the river from Houses of Parliament).
The Islamic Republic of Iran’s propaganda arm, ‘Press TV’ is rightly no longer allowed to broadcast from studios in London.
The anti-West propaganda of ‘Al Jazeera’-Qatar should ensure it has the same fate.
“Fox & Friends Rips Al Gore: Former Vice President Selling Out To ‘Clearly Anti-American’ Al Jazeera”
St. Algore sold his stake at this time to avoid taking a serious tax hit on his evil profits. And as far as I’m concerned, Al Jazeera is no more anti-American than MSNBC or the BBC these days. They’re actually more honest about Mohammedan countries sometimes.
I’ve started watching Al J. One thing I’ve noticed is all their reporters speak well spoken English. Unlike the bBC which employs people you really have trouble understanding and i am somebody who can understand broad Geordie,Glaswegians and Yorkies.
funnily enough i watch AlJ occasionally and have noticed how much more objective their coverage of the arab spring is than the bbc’s.
Spot on
Hi, I do think this is an excellent website. I stumbledupon
it 😉 I may revisit yet again since I book marked it.
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