Lets hope that no-one thinks that the ECHR has made Christianity any safer by its bizarre and contradictory efforts at rulings today.
Their very presumption that they can confer the rights for me to worship my God and saviour as I like , is frankly satanic….and that the BBC/E.U would chuck us a bone and tell us to suck on it is just a ruse.
The E.U refused the likes of Rocco Buttiglioni remember?(2004)-but was happy to accept Mandelson and (before him) Kinnock and his many coated family ,as the kind of oozers that are typical EU material…
When will Christians learn something from Islam worth the knowing?…they`ll not be around much longer if they don`t see what the E.U /BBC and liberal elite are up to…
A fact free news 24 Shukman item on Graphene : Nothing about what it’s made from, how it’s made, how much it costs. The only information conveyed by the report was that there’s not enough state funding for UK research – and we’re being left behind by the US/ Korea / China on this important UK discovery. Just wondering why Shukman is so reluctant to mention what it’s made from. Could it be because ‘Carbon’ cannot be mentioned in anything other than a negative light – otherwise it risks undermining the BBC’s climate scaremongering agenda? With BBC news reports you truely learn more from what they DON’T say, than what they do say.
There’s a slightly more informative article by Shukman on the BBC news website – but it’s what they choose to serve up on TV for the plebs that’s interesting. Or rather what they choose explcitly not to mention to the plebs: In this case, that Carbon is a ‘wonder material’, and not a ‘pollutant’ as they constantly claim carbon [dioxide] to be.
Use of the word ‘carbon’ by the media is often absurd. It can mean the element (charcoal, diamond, graphite, symbol C) or it can mean any of its thousands of compounds.
I know others have mention this story, but bloody hell:
Jim has fixed it for 9 Muslim Males to ensure that when the bBC reports their story any hint of just who they are are kept out of the story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21033966 The bBC, the apologists for Islamic paedophiles in the Uk
The audience, this berserk woman suggested, needed ‘valid and culturally accurate’ reportage, which meant far fewer honkeys. Everybody, at the time, said that this was offensive gibberish and the BBC sort of disowned her comments. But watching BBC news reports recently it would seem to me that this is precisely what they have done. Not a scientific study, I accept; but there seems to be far more foreign correspondents on the pay roll who hail from the countries from which they are reporting – and are sometimes unintelligible for that reason. Anyone else noticed this?
Rod Liddle is an elitist !#$%. He thinks that only he and his fellows in the exclusive club of British journalism can do proper reporting. I definitely don’t want parochial, close-minded foreigners traipsing around giving the rest of the world a condescending, ill-informed outsider’s opinion on how I live my life and what my fellow countrymen get up to.
The prejudices and ignorance on display from Beeboids reporting on the US make for poor journalism and an uninformed and even misled public. The Chinese and Egyptians and Brazilians and even the Germans deserve the same fairness. Of course, the BBC seems to hire only similarly Left-wing ideologues in the US (including political campaign activists) to report on their fellow United Statesians for the BBC, so I wouldn’t necessarily claim that having an indigenous reporter is an automatic improvement. But it’s a start.
If you want to hear only your domestic elite’s opinion on foreign issues, then keep things the way Liddle prefers them.
‘Horsemeat beef burgers’ investigated in UK and Ireland’
To the open-minded intelligent observer this looks and feels to be an Irish problem.
BBC 5 Live however is packed with Plastic Paddies and so this becomes a typical case of Salford-based cultural obfuscation and the issue is projected as one for the UK.
This kind of thing doesn’t fit in with the big picture story the BBC is trying to tell about Egypt, so they don’t bother. Suicide bombers make the cut, of course, because that’s part of the regional and/or sectarian conflict. The Beeboids understand that, see how it fits in with their storytelling. Anything else is left alone, although they always seem to find time for the typical human interest/evening news drivel, like a train wreck in Cairo.
No-go Islamic areas are no-go for INBBC to report?
‘The Commentator’:-
“‘Muslim Patrol’ vigilantes attempt to control London streets’
Thugs masquerading as ‘Muslim Patrols’ have been accosting residents in London, demanding they abide by the laws of what they deem a ‘Muslim area.'”
The BBC or is it some scared junior reporter outdo themselves. Foreigners ‘abducted’ by Islamist militants in Algeria Islamist militants in eastern Algeria are reported to have abducted several foreigners, in what the UK Foreign Office says is a “terrorist incident”.
Is there any doubt someone was abducted? Is it possible they went willingly or got lost? So why the ‘scare quotes’ around the word? Undoubtably someone used the word but if it is reporting direct speech it is not clear who.
The Foreign office saysterrorist but apparently the BBC does not. We are used to the BBC casting doubt on the credibility of Israel and others by reporting incidents as indirect speech but is the BBC implying the Foreign Office is not to be trusted? Perhaps they should give back the cash with which the C.F.O. subsidises the World Service so as not to be associated with an unreliable source?
So the BBC did get around to reporting on that video of Egypt’s President Morsi ranting about Jews being the descendent of pigs and apes, and to teach Egyptian children to hate the Jews. Of course, while they managed to cite the boilerplate, not-very-condemning statement from the US State Dept. (no other countries matter, I guess), the BBC made the effort to reassure you that Morsi is still a good partner for peace with Israel, nothing to see here, move along.
Actually, that’s the same position coming out of the US State Dept., which is depressing. But there’s no excuse for Jeremy Bowen to call the Muslim Brotherhood – led by Morsi – “moderate”. This video isn’t a revelation to anyone following the reality of the Muslim Brotherhood over the last few years. Bowen knew about this, knew about what they really think. Yet he called them “moderate” anyway, until he got caught and was asked to remove it.
Beeboids claim that BBC increases UK national income by £8 billion a year; but Beeboids do not indicate by how much UK national income would increase, given the ‘multiplier’ effect, of ex-BBC licencepayers spending their own money instead. It would be about the same, but it would not be BBC-enforced spending.
It’s obvious the BBC picks and chooses the moments when they label someone or something Left or Right. There’s no real editorial policy other than that they should do it when it suits them. The latest example is this BBC report about the white European French invading a sovereign nation on another continent to kill black African Mohammedans they don’t like.
In the sidebar, the BBC provides quotes from three different major French newspapers editorializing about the conflict. Each paper is labeled according to how their overall political slant are views from the BBC’s perspective (centre-right, centre-left). Why do the labels here, BBC?
Every time somebody complains that they didn’t label someone or something, the BBC gives an excuse which is a variation on the following: they don’t have to, it’s not necessary, they can’t possibly label everyone all the time. Yet they clearly do it when it suits them.
Also, hey, BBC: where’s your anti-war crowd now? Why isn’t every World Service and Radio 5 show focused on the evils of the white man’s intervention in an African conflict, like you did back when the forced removal of Mugabe was being mooted? Why aren’t you asking all the anti-war darlings you had on very five minutes back when they were hating on Bush and Blair why they’re mute now? Where are the accusatory interviews with French officials? I don’t mean quotes in reports, I mean actual aggressive, venal challenging interviews asking about the legal ramifications, etc., like you used to do with US officials on Iraq and Afghanistan? Why no calls to talk to the Taliban equivalent? When will you be wheeling out Hugh Orde to explain how Northern Ireland is the example to follow on Mali?
Perhaps there is something far more profound being expressed in this article than I’m seeing, or else it’s the basis for business and just about every person who ever went out to work understood completely.
Here’s the way the BBC put it: “The basic premise is that when the BBC spends a pound, the impact of that pound is ‘multiplied’”
The report said: “The effect of initial BBC spending is ‘multiplied’ as it ripples through the economy from region to region and sector to sector (and to the employees of those sectors). This is known as the ‘multiplier effect’.”
The BBC’s chief economic and policy adviser Najma Rajah explained: “The basic premise is that when the BBC spends a pound, the impact of that pound is ‘multiplied’ as that pound spent by the BBC creates value elsewhere in the economy.
“So, for example, if the BBC were to buy a camera from a supplier in Manchester, the camera supplier would receive some money in return for the camera.
“The camera company would then use the income generated from the sale of the camera to pay their suppliers for the components that went into the camera and to also pay their employees and so on.”
😯 🙄
Now that is supposed to explain this claim The total expenditure over the two-year period came to £4.3bn, which led to a gross value-added (GVA) boost to the economy of £8.3bn.
Now I have to wonder what the GVA would be if all the householders spent £145 per year on something else besides the licence fee?
I also have to wonder that if the BBC didn’t waste so much of their resources the way they do, how much they could really generate?
It also occurs to me, that if the BBC really understand the principles of the economics involved here, why are they so negative towards big business?
tomoMar 5, 18:32 Midweek 5th March 2025 Turdeau won’t just resign… https://twitter.com/thevivafrei/status/1896995317746438190
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
Lets hope that no-one thinks that the ECHR has made Christianity any safer by its bizarre and contradictory efforts at rulings today.
Their very presumption that they can confer the rights for me to worship my God and saviour as I like , is frankly satanic….and that the BBC/E.U would chuck us a bone and tell us to suck on it is just a ruse.
The E.U refused the likes of Rocco Buttiglioni remember?(2004)-but was happy to accept Mandelson and (before him) Kinnock and his many coated family ,as the kind of oozers that are typical EU material…
When will Christians learn something from Islam worth the knowing?…they`ll not be around much longer if they don`t see what the E.U /BBC and liberal elite are up to…
A fact free news 24 Shukman item on Graphene : Nothing about what it’s made from, how it’s made, how much it costs. The only information conveyed by the report was that there’s not enough state funding for UK research – and we’re being left behind by the US/ Korea / China on this important UK discovery. Just wondering why Shukman is so reluctant to mention what it’s made from. Could it be because ‘Carbon’ cannot be mentioned in anything other than a negative light – otherwise it risks undermining the BBC’s climate scaremongering agenda? With BBC news reports you truely learn more from what they DON’T say, than what they do say.
There’s a slightly more informative article by Shukman on the BBC news website – but it’s what they choose to serve up on TV for the plebs that’s interesting. Or rather what they choose explcitly not to mention to the plebs: In this case, that Carbon is a ‘wonder material’, and not a ‘pollutant’ as they constantly claim carbon [dioxide] to be.
Use of the word ‘carbon’ by the media is often absurd. It can mean the element (charcoal, diamond, graphite, symbol C) or it can mean any of its thousands of compounds.
I know others have mention this story, but bloody hell:
Jim has fixed it for 9 Muslim Males to ensure that when the bBC reports their story any hint of just who they are are kept out of the story:
The bBC, the apologists for Islamic paedophiles in the Uk
Rod Liddle is grumpy (as usual)…
The audience, this berserk woman suggested, needed ‘valid and culturally accurate’ reportage, which meant far fewer honkeys. Everybody, at the time, said that this was offensive gibberish and the BBC sort of disowned her comments. But watching BBC news reports recently it would seem to me that this is precisely what they have done. Not a scientific study, I accept; but there seems to be far more foreign correspondents on the pay roll who hail from the countries from which they are reporting – and are sometimes unintelligible for that reason. Anyone else noticed this?
Rod Liddle is an elitist !#$%. He thinks that only he and his fellows in the exclusive club of British journalism can do proper reporting. I definitely don’t want parochial, close-minded foreigners traipsing around giving the rest of the world a condescending, ill-informed outsider’s opinion on how I live my life and what my fellow countrymen get up to.
The prejudices and ignorance on display from Beeboids reporting on the US make for poor journalism and an uninformed and even misled public. The Chinese and Egyptians and Brazilians and even the Germans deserve the same fairness. Of course, the BBC seems to hire only similarly Left-wing ideologues in the US (including political campaign activists) to report on their fellow United Statesians for the BBC, so I wouldn’t necessarily claim that having an indigenous reporter is an automatic improvement. But it’s a start.
If you want to hear only your domestic elite’s opinion on foreign issues, then keep things the way Liddle prefers them.
So we’ve found Shergar.
‘Horsemeat beef burgers’ investigated in UK and Ireland’
To the open-minded intelligent observer this looks and feels to be an Irish problem.
BBC 5 Live however is packed with Plastic Paddies and so this becomes a typical case of Salford-based cultural obfuscation and the issue is projected as one for the UK.
“…………………………. the issue is projected as one for the UK”. Perhaps that is because the product was being sold in the UK.
As you know very well the nub of the issue is about the source of the adulteration.
And Albaman….
You say tomato I say tomahto,
Let’s call the whole thing off!
More INBBC censorship to assist ‘Left’-Islam political alliance.
All the INBBC staff at Cairo Bureau, inc INBBC Arabic, has collectively decided to censor this:-
“Egypt: 5,000 Muslims stream out of mosques, demolish church building while chanting ‘Allahu akbar’.
This kind of thing doesn’t fit in with the big picture story the BBC is trying to tell about Egypt, so they don’t bother. Suicide bombers make the cut, of course, because that’s part of the regional and/or sectarian conflict. The Beeboids understand that, see how it fits in with their storytelling. Anything else is left alone, although they always seem to find time for the typical human interest/evening news drivel, like a train wreck in Cairo.
No-go Islamic areas are no-go for INBBC to report?
‘The Commentator’:-
“‘Muslim Patrol’ vigilantes attempt to control London streets’
Thugs masquerading as ‘Muslim Patrols’ have been accosting residents in London, demanding they abide by the laws of what they deem a ‘Muslim area.'”
The BBC or is it some scared junior reporter outdo themselves.
Foreigners ‘abducted’ by Islamist militants in Algeria
Islamist militants in eastern Algeria are reported to have abducted several foreigners, in what the UK Foreign Office says is a “terrorist incident”.
Is there any doubt someone was abducted? Is it possible they went willingly or got lost? So why the ‘scare quotes’ around the word? Undoubtably someone used the word but if it is reporting direct speech it is not clear who.
The Foreign office says terrorist but apparently the BBC does not. We are used to the BBC casting doubt on the credibility of Israel and others by reporting incidents as indirect speech but is the BBC implying the Foreign Office is not to be trusted? Perhaps they should give back the cash with which the C.F.O. subsidises the World Service so as not to be associated with an unreliable source?
Islam – Islamic jihad – Mali – Algeria – France/UK.
While the Tories have internal problems, which BBC-NUJ propagandises on,
so does Labour Party, which BBC-NUJ is disinclined to propagandise on:-
“Ken Livingstone ‘ridiculed’ as he tries to help Lutfur Rahman”
By Andrew Gilligan.
So the BBC did get around to reporting on that video of Egypt’s President Morsi ranting about Jews being the descendent of pigs and apes, and to teach Egyptian children to hate the Jews. Of course, while they managed to cite the boilerplate, not-very-condemning statement from the US State Dept. (no other countries matter, I guess), the BBC made the effort to reassure you that Morsi is still a good partner for peace with Israel, nothing to see here, move along.
Actually, that’s the same position coming out of the US State Dept., which is depressing. But there’s no excuse for Jeremy Bowen to call the Muslim Brotherhood – led by Morsi – “moderate”. This video isn’t a revelation to anyone following the reality of the Muslim Brotherhood over the last few years. Bowen knew about this, knew about what they really think. Yet he called them “moderate” anyway, until he got caught and was asked to remove it.
For Beeboids:-
Deceptive Beeboid economics on BBC.
Beeboids claim that BBC increases UK national income by £8 billion a year; but Beeboids do not indicate by how much UK national income would increase, given the ‘multiplier’ effect, of ex-BBC licencepayers spending their own money instead. It would be about the same, but it would not be BBC-enforced spending.
The delusion strong with this one is…
(Before it closes)
Delusion? Seems like this is more gloating about their goals to direct your thoughts even more and influence the news agenda in other media outlets.
It’s obvious the BBC picks and chooses the moments when they label someone or something Left or Right. There’s no real editorial policy other than that they should do it when it suits them. The latest example is this BBC report about the white European French invading a sovereign nation on another continent to kill black African Mohammedans they don’t like.
In the sidebar, the BBC provides quotes from three different major French newspapers editorializing about the conflict. Each paper is labeled according to how their overall political slant are views from the BBC’s perspective (centre-right, centre-left). Why do the labels here, BBC?
Every time somebody complains that they didn’t label someone or something, the BBC gives an excuse which is a variation on the following: they don’t have to, it’s not necessary, they can’t possibly label everyone all the time. Yet they clearly do it when it suits them.
Also, hey, BBC: where’s your anti-war crowd now? Why isn’t every World Service and Radio 5 show focused on the evils of the white man’s intervention in an African conflict, like you did back when the forced removal of Mugabe was being mooted? Why aren’t you asking all the anti-war darlings you had on very five minutes back when they were hating on Bush and Blair why they’re mute now? Where are the accusatory interviews with French officials? I don’t mean quotes in reports, I mean actual
aggressive, venalchallenging interviews asking about the legal ramifications, etc., like you used to do with US officials on Iraq and Afghanistan? Why no calls to talk to the Taliban equivalent? When will you be wheeling out Hugh Orde to explain how Northern Ireland is the example to follow on Mali?Hostages taken by so called Islamists once again. Some British among them. How will the bbc sanitise their treatment by barbaric savages ?
Some British among the hostages, or some British among the Islamists ? These days, we can’t be so sure, with the Tipton Taliban et al.
BBC ‘boosts UK economy by £8bn’
Perhaps there is something far more profound being expressed in this article than I’m seeing, or else it’s the basis for business and just about every person who ever went out to work understood completely.
Here’s the way the BBC put it:
“The basic premise is that when the BBC spends a pound, the impact of that pound is ‘multiplied’”
The report said: “The effect of initial BBC spending is ‘multiplied’ as it ripples through the economy from region to region and sector to sector (and to the employees of those sectors). This is known as the ‘multiplier effect’.”
The BBC’s chief economic and policy adviser Najma Rajah explained: “The basic premise is that when the BBC spends a pound, the impact of that pound is ‘multiplied’ as that pound spent by the BBC creates value elsewhere in the economy.
“So, for example, if the BBC were to buy a camera from a supplier in Manchester, the camera supplier would receive some money in return for the camera.
“The camera company would then use the income generated from the sale of the camera to pay their suppliers for the components that went into the camera and to also pay their employees and so on.”
😯 🙄
Now that is supposed to explain this claim
The total expenditure over the two-year period came to £4.3bn, which led to a gross value-added (GVA) boost to the economy of £8.3bn.
Now I have to wonder what the GVA would be if all the householders spent £145 per year on something else besides the licence fee?
I also have to wonder that if the BBC didn’t waste so much of their resources the way they do, how much they could really generate?
It also occurs to me, that if the BBC really understand the principles of the economics involved here, why are they so negative towards big business?