The BBC… digging ever deeper holes for itself… on matters of selective censorship…? I am shocked, I tell you… shocked! ‘At enormous public expense, Freeman hired an investigator to pursue this preposterous, bewhiskered claim, with a full panoply of interviews, witnesses and statements. Oddly enough, or perhaps not, the one person the fearless gumshoe didn’t manage to hook up with was the key witness…’
As is becoming clear to some BBC CECUTT decide are in need of clamping down upon, this is exactly what the national broadcaster does to silence its critics too.
They are not in good company, or a good place, or headed in a very good direction.
The BBC will now have to overdub Basil’s voice every time he condescendingly refers to Manuel as being from Barcelona. Now they’ll have to have him say the only acceptable insult left: “Don’t mind him – he went to Eton.”
I think I mentioned this before but a Two Ronnies sketch was censored the last time it was on. It was the one where they were a couple of inept Vikings following a treasure map.
Ronnie C. in the lead was reading the map and said “Look at this, it says ‘Beware the giant Rabbi hole’ – the ‘t’ must have dropped off as it must be rabbit hole.” With that a giant rabbi, like something from Jeux sans Frontieres, popped up out of a hole with the line “Oy, vot have we here the?” Hilarious as it was unexpected and not at all offensive.
However, the last time that episode was shown they had dropped completely that bit. They are bigots, plain and simple.
Dea, you are pathetic! My father was Jewish and some of his family were murdered in the camps. I think I have a better idea than a fascist like you what is offensive to Jews. Go back to your SS friends.
Jonah Goldberg wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. It explains the truth of the fact that Hitler and therefore the Nazis but not the Fascists, hated Jews for typical socialist reasons. Nazi is short for National Socialist not nasty right winger as the book explains.
Richard Pinder,
Oh I do so love this supremely dumb argument; The Nazi’s were socialists because look they called themselves National Socialists.
And the GDR was a democracy because look they called themselves the German Democratic Republic.
And I’m really, really clever because I’m in Mensa and look so was Jimmy Savile.
Pointing out the fact that the Nazis were socialists is guaranteed to get lefty heads exploding; it’s delicious.
In order to overcome the computation that the history of their repressive and destructive ideology – unequalled in its barbarism – is shared with psychopaths and genocidaires they try to pretend that it was all a trick by that nasty Mr Hitler.
Unfortunately for them they haven’t yet been able to re-write history to pretend that the Fascists’ economic and social policies were based on free-market, low-tax and low-regulation laissez faire principles; so – for now at least – anyone can go to a history book and see that the Nazi attitudes to state control of industry, role of government, individual freedom (even down to how parents should raise children and what food people should eat), are wholly indistinguishable from those of their modern-day left-wing descendents.
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harman and our very own Dez: Socialist peas in one pod.
Ignore dez’s misplaced outrage. Unless he shows us proof of angry missives he’s written to the BBC about the racist stereotypes in Come Fly With Me and in Welcome to Hebburn, his anger here should be laughed at and dismissed.
Last seen on a satellite channel a decade or more ago I’m afraid. The elite is trying to alter history and now doesn’t want the Proles to know that such shows were made in the past.
I recently downloaded a few episodes from a very old and now much lessed used institution called “Usenet” (newsgroups). Highly recommended for those looking for the glorious past in both radio and TV. (err, that TV means “television”, please don’t censor it!) 🙂
..but if you’re flavour of the moment, and part of the ‘trendy’ set, you can get away with it, apparently…
“While It Ain’t Half Hot Mum has been condemned for casting white Englishman Bates in a lead Indian role, Little Britain duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams were allowed to darken their faces in their portrayal of a wide range of ethnic characters in their latest series Come Fly With Me.
Yet Bates, a man brought up in India and who was fluent in Urdu, had legitimate claims to the role as Asian actor Renu Setna, who also appeared in It Aint Half Hot Mum, has conceded. “There’s no way it could have been played by anyone but Michael Bates,” he said.
One of the main differences between the comedy of Perry and Croft and what passes for comedy today is that while Perry and Croft set out simply to make us laugh modern comedians and comedy writers seem more concerned in shocking us.”
I like listening to “Round the Horne” on Radio4extra (Radio 7 as was). They usually air one episode a week at different times in a loop through all the series of of the show. However 4 or 5 shows are never aired. According to Wikipedia they exist but they must just be to shocking to modern ears.
I’ve got *hundreds* of ’em too! Oh, a’right, dozens then. A laugh a minute, every single one. They can raise a smile in the grumpiest of days. If you have access through your ISP to Usenet (newsgroups) look for the likes of “” etc.
… and then there are ‘The Goodies’. The BBC have only ever released a ‘selection’ of Goodies shows from each series whilst ITV released the whole lot of theirs.
Why? Surely anyone likely to be offended isn’t going to buy Goodies DVDs?
Just what did the Goodies do to upset the Beeb ? They pulled in some amazing viewing figures in the 70s but I don’t think the Beeb have ever repeated any of them since 1980.
It’s the patronising health warning the presenter gives before the broadcast of an old ‘Goon show’ or ‘Round the Horn’ on R4extra that infuriates me. Listeners are warned that they display an attitude towards race or gender that were of their time but would not, now, be acceptable – or some such form of word. What sort of nation of prissies (or chippy sods) do they think we are?
We had a similar disclaimer from Miranda Richardson when “The Thirties in Colour”, featuring scenes from Egypt, India and Mexico, was shown on BBC2 a couple of years ago.
Bizarre. The whole point of having the Major say that stuff was to make him look dated and out of touch, a gentle swipe at Colonialism. So even caricatures whom you’re supposed to scorn must be suppressed now because there’s an unapproved thought lurking?
As ever, David, you make the exact point. It’s like people who say Whiteladies should change its name*, or statues of famous colonialists should be taken down; it has nothing to do with combatting racism and everything to do with Cultural Marxism.
* I believe there is disagreement about the etymology anyway.
The BBC’s terrible decision to remake Reggie Perrin recently was no doubt driven by the fact that they wouldn’t dare show the original. For example there’s a scene where the boss CJ tries to find out if one his employees is “a pansy” (19.20 in), there’s a racist landlady (19.02 in) and even some blackface (17.24 in – includes John Barron in full minstrel mode – “Ah didn’t get where ah iz today…”).
You can see all 3 series on YouTube though how long they’ll be allowed to remain up is anyone’s guess. The first series is the best, the 3rd is pretty poor.
Oh to be a fly on the wall of the scheduling meeting when they dropped ‘Reggie Perrin 2: This time it’s crap’.
I bet they were completely non-plused. better sets, funny actors (ish) and the scripts identical, well except for the removal of the odd archaic term for purely PC reasons you understand.
Blimey O’Reilly! I’ve never seen that one before. I clicked on your 19.02 in link and nearly peed myself thinking what would happen if such a script was presented to the BBC these days. It wasn’t all that funny either nowadays, though *MUCH* funnier than the R4 18:30 “comedy” slots. (I cannot comment on BBC TV as I do not watch it.)
Thanks for the link.
Reggie Perrin wanted to own five contiguous houses, so that charade in Series Three with blacked-up Tony, Tom and C.J. was to play on those owners’ racist prejudices in order to force them to sell up.
Yes. The Major in Fawlty Towers, Curry and Chips, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Love Thy Neighbour, Mind Your Language – all give an insight into the time they were made and we should be allowed to see all of them on our TV screens. The Theatres Act abolished censorship on the stage in 1968 but the spirit of the red pen lives on within today’s PC establishment.
The BBC ‘comedy’ the Thick of it, the media loves this programme because it’s all about them , and as we all know the journalists are narcissistic and egotistical.
This is what the BBC thinks is amusing, a constant stream of the F and C word, yeah, very classy.
Channel 4’s Drop the Dead Donkey was good, really taking the mickey out of seedy, ruthless and arrogant hacks. True acting and scripting talent doesn’t need f and c words, which only immature audiences laugh at – the kind who snort cocaine and vote Labour.
“Love Thy Neighbour” is another no-no for repeating, although it was first shown on ITV.
Apart from the petty racist name-calling between the men, another problem was the fact that Eddie Booth, the ignorant white racist, was a Labour voter, whereas West Indian Bill Reynolds was a Conservative voter !
And what of Mind Your Language?
I know it was ITV…but a well-meant futuristic parable of E.U harmony, with all learning English at a Labour-run night school.
I have only amended a part of this , so the BBC would run it for me…it`s a Eurodream , showing harmony between all nations seeking to enter and preogress through Britain under dear Jim Callaghan, funded by Shirley Williams!
Come on BBC…it slags the Coalition ..honest!
On Fawlty Towers, you’ve missed the point. A couple of words have been edited because of the time of broadcast. Theyve been included in other versions. Its just a Daily Mail created story. Well done though, you all jumped that bandwagon.
“Porridge” episodes running on Gold at the moment has frequently been edited; and not just for pre-watershed swearwords.
e.g. check out the episode in the prison school room, where McLaren (the mixed-race Scot) is ‘pacing out’ a model of the solar system. Cue a complete cut of Fletcher’s repost ” They’ve got a lovely sense of rythmn these West Indians” . Is it really that insulting?
Judging by the output of today’s BBC one would know anyway that they lost the ability to know what creativity and humour is. This story provides an insight into one of the reasons the Ministry of Truth has lost the plot in their attempt to control the way people should think and act to be what they see as politically correct.
The BBC justifies this recent editing by saying it was done to ‘suit a family audience to reflect changing attitudes.’
Otherwise the public really does know how to relate to racist humour that is meant to be scoffed at without protection by the BBC. It is actually an insult to our intelligence. They have their heads so far up their backsides on this subject with the worst example that they cannot refer to a Muslim terrorist as such, preferring instead to call them a militant.
The mindset of the BBC is like a malevolent ostrich. Cannot bear the realities of the past or present, when ordinary people were and are so disgustingly uneducated to look at the world around them and form opinions without using the approved labels.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
The BBC… digging ever deeper holes for itself… on matters of selective censorship…? I am shocked, I tell you… shocked!
‘At enormous public expense, Freeman hired an investigator to pursue this preposterous, bewhiskered claim, with a full panoply of interviews, witnesses and statements. Oddly enough, or perhaps not, the one person the fearless gumshoe didn’t manage to hook up with was the key witness…’
As is becoming clear to some BBC CECUTT decide are in need of clamping down upon, this is exactly what the national broadcaster does to silence its critics too.
They are not in good company, or a good place, or headed in a very good direction.
They’ll be censoring out O’Reilly next on the grounds he is a stereotype of incompetent Irish builders.
Then there will be Mrs Richards, the deaf lady. As being offensive to the aurally challenged.
And as for slapping around a poor Spaniard because he’s thick and comes from Barcelona…
The BBC will now have to overdub Basil’s voice every time he condescendingly refers to Manuel as being from Barcelona. Now they’ll have to have him say the only acceptable insult left: “Don’t mind him – he went to Eton.”
Que, old boy?
The words “Paki shop” have also been censored from “Only fools and horses”. This was done ages ago. Suppose the Trotters now use Ocado.
It would be a Nigerian shop now anyway, as with everything in Peckham.
Seems a “Commonwealth” passport opens all doors. And they go on about the Poles…
I think I mentioned this before but a Two Ronnies sketch was censored the last time it was on. It was the one where they were a couple of inept Vikings following a treasure map.
Ronnie C. in the lead was reading the map and said “Look at this, it says ‘Beware the giant Rabbi hole’ – the ‘t’ must have dropped off as it must be rabbit hole.” With that a giant rabbi, like something from Jeux sans Frontieres, popped up out of a hole with the line “Oy, vot have we here the?” Hilarious as it was unexpected and not at all offensive.
However, the last time that episode was shown they had dropped completely that bit. They are bigots, plain and simple.
Demon; “Oy, vot have we here then?”
Yeah, because that’s what we want on television – more racist jewish stereotypes.
It’s usually considered better taste to disguise your antisemitism as antizionism.
Dea, you are pathetic! My father was Jewish and some of his family were murdered in the camps. I think I have a better idea than a fascist like you what is offensive to Jews. Go back to your SS friends.
Jonah Goldberg wrote a book called Liberal Fascism. It explains the truth of the fact that Hitler and therefore the Nazis but not the Fascists, hated Jews for typical socialist reasons. Nazi is short for National Socialist not nasty right winger as the book explains.
Richard Pinder,
Oh I do so love this supremely dumb argument; The Nazi’s were socialists because look they called themselves National Socialists.
And the GDR was a democracy because look they called themselves the German Democratic Republic.
And I’m really, really clever because I’m in Mensa and look so was Jimmy Savile.
Pointing out the fact that the Nazis were socialists is guaranteed to get lefty heads exploding; it’s delicious.
In order to overcome the computation that the history of their repressive and destructive ideology – unequalled in its barbarism – is shared with psychopaths and genocidaires they try to pretend that it was all a trick by that nasty Mr Hitler.
Unfortunately for them they haven’t yet been able to re-write history to pretend that the Fascists’ economic and social policies were based on free-market, low-tax and low-regulation laissez faire principles; so – for now at least – anyone can go to a history book and see that the Nazi attitudes to state control of industry, role of government, individual freedom (even down to how parents should raise children and what food people should eat), are wholly indistinguishable from those of their modern-day left-wing descendents.
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harman and our very own Dez: Socialist peas in one pod.
Demon, I see – so not wanting racist Jewish stereotypes on tv makes me facist nazi now?!
Dez. You are the one who believes the Jews deserved their fate. Yes you are a neo-nazi.
Ignore dez’s misplaced outrage. Unless he shows us proof of angry missives he’s written to the BBC about the racist stereotypes in Come Fly With Me and in Welcome to Hebburn, his anger here should be laughed at and dismissed.
For Christ’s sake.
I’m so glad I live in France now, away (but not far enough) from this dire lunacy.
What next?
Dad’s Army because of references to the Fuzzywuzzies not liking it up ’em? Or derogatory references to the Germans?
Are You Being served because of the pussy word, and double-entendres relating to Mr. Humphries?
What am I doing? Any Beeboids reading this may be getting ideas…
Has anybody seen any repeats of “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum”?
Last seen on a satellite channel a decade or more ago I’m afraid. The elite is trying to alter history and now doesn’t want the Proles to know that such shows were made in the past.
I recently downloaded a few episodes from a very old and now much lessed used institution called “Usenet” (newsgroups). Highly recommended for those looking for the glorious past in both radio and TV. (err, that TV means “television”, please don’t censor it!) 🙂
I’ve seen a bunch of episodes on YouTube. Mostly very funny stuff, if a bit dated in spots.
There’s a reason you haven’t seen repeats of “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum”…yep, you’ve already guessed…
..but if you’re flavour of the moment, and part of the ‘trendy’ set, you can get away with it, apparently…
“While It Ain’t Half Hot Mum has been condemned for casting white Englishman Bates in a lead Indian role, Little Britain duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams were allowed to darken their faces in their portrayal of a wide range of ethnic characters in their latest series Come Fly With Me.
Yet Bates, a man brought up in India and who was fluent in Urdu, had legitimate claims to the role as Asian actor Renu Setna, who also appeared in It Aint Half Hot Mum, has conceded. “There’s no way it could have been played by anyone but Michael Bates,” he said.
One of the main differences between the comedy of Perry and Croft and what passes for comedy today is that while Perry and Croft set out simply to make us laugh modern comedians and comedy writers seem more concerned in shocking us.”
I like listening to “Round the Horne” on Radio4extra (Radio 7 as was). They usually air one episode a week at different times in a loop through all the series of of the show. However 4 or 5 shows are never aired. According to Wikipedia they exist but they must just be to shocking to modern ears.
I’ve got *hundreds* of ’em too! Oh, a’right, dozens then. A laugh a minute, every single one. They can raise a smile in the grumpiest of days. If you have access through your ISP to Usenet (newsgroups) look for the likes of “” etc.
… and then there are ‘The Goodies’. The BBC have only ever released a ‘selection’ of Goodies shows from each series whilst ITV released the whole lot of theirs.
Why? Surely anyone likely to be offended isn’t going to buy Goodies DVDs?
Just what did the Goodies do to upset the Beeb ? They pulled in some amazing viewing figures in the 70s but I don’t think the Beeb have ever repeated any of them since 1980.
Interestingly, the most controversial Goodies episode of all, “South Africa”, DID actually make the cut and is available on DVD.
Also, “Kung Fu Kapers” aka “Ecky Thump” was released, despite one viewer tragically, and literally, dying laughing .
As has been pointed out before, for the BBC 1984 isn’t a dystopian novel; it’s an operations manual.
It’s the patronising health warning the presenter gives before the broadcast of an old ‘Goon show’ or ‘Round the Horn’ on R4extra that infuriates me. Listeners are warned that they display an attitude towards race or gender that were of their time but would not, now, be acceptable – or some such form of word. What sort of nation of prissies (or chippy sods) do they think we are?
We had a similar disclaimer from Miranda Richardson when “The Thirties in Colour”, featuring scenes from Egypt, India and Mexico, was shown on BBC2 a couple of years ago.
I’d prefer that to censoring it!
Bizarre. The whole point of having the Major say that stuff was to make him look dated and out of touch, a gentle swipe at Colonialism. So even caricatures whom you’re supposed to scorn must be suppressed now because there’s an unapproved thought lurking?
Yes David but the project has progressed further. Now we are supposed to forget that people like the Major even existed.
Doctoring pictures and airbrushing people out of History. The BBC seems to be taking its cue from Stalin.
That’s what I meant. Down the memory hole indeed.
If you’re not TV you will never have existed on TV soon.
As ever, David, you make the exact point. It’s like people who say Whiteladies should change its name*, or statues of famous colonialists should be taken down; it has nothing to do with combatting racism and everything to do with Cultural Marxism.
* I believe there is disagreement about the etymology anyway.
Whiteladies as in Whiteladies Road, Bristol? The one that leads onto Black Boy Hill? Just up from Blackfriars?
Let’s hope the martians don’t discover Green lane eh?
No wonder the BBC was so eager to move more operations out of White City.
‘Hideously White City”.
Someone should do a ‘Banksy’ nearby.
Yet on the Graham Norton show, he says the F**K and C**T words, and the audience of liberals / student slackers clap and squeal in delight.
Our morals are all upside down, we really are living in a sick society.
Yet the BBC has a dirty little secret, ” The Black and White Minstrel Show,” ran for 20 years from 1958 to 1978, watched by millions.
A group of Welshmen, blacked up, dressed like Mexicans, singing Brazilian songs.
The BBC’s terrible decision to remake Reggie Perrin recently was no doubt driven by the fact that they wouldn’t dare show the original. For example there’s a scene where the boss CJ tries to find out if one his employees is “a pansy” (19.20 in), there’s a racist landlady (19.02 in) and even some blackface (17.24 in – includes John Barron in full minstrel mode – “Ah didn’t get where ah iz today…”).
You can see all 3 series on YouTube though how long they’ll be allowed to remain up is anyone’s guess. The first series is the best, the 3rd is pretty poor.
Oh to be a fly on the wall of the scheduling meeting when they dropped ‘Reggie Perrin 2: This time it’s crap’.
I bet they were completely non-plused. better sets, funny actors (ish) and the scripts identical, well except for the removal of the odd archaic term for purely PC reasons you understand.
Where did they go wrong?
Speaking of old Leonard Rossiter vehicles, they can’t show Rising Damp, either.
ITV shows the Xmas episode every year. It’s brilliant.
Blimey O’Reilly! I’ve never seen that one before. I clicked on your 19.02 in link and nearly peed myself thinking what would happen if such a script was presented to the BBC these days. It wasn’t all that funny either nowadays, though *MUCH* funnier than the R4 18:30 “comedy” slots. (I cannot comment on BBC TV as I do not watch it.)
Thanks for the link.
Reggie Perrin wanted to own five contiguous houses, so that charade in Series Three with blacked-up Tony, Tom and C.J. was to play on those owners’ racist prejudices in order to force them to sell up.
Yes. The Major in Fawlty Towers, Curry and Chips, It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, Love Thy Neighbour, Mind Your Language – all give an insight into the time they were made and we should be allowed to see all of them on our TV screens. The Theatres Act abolished censorship on the stage in 1968 but the spirit of the red pen lives on within today’s PC establishment.
The BBC ‘comedy’ the Thick of it, the media loves this programme because it’s all about them , and as we all know the journalists are narcissistic and egotistical.
This is what the BBC thinks is amusing, a constant stream of the F and C word, yeah, very classy.
Channel 4’s Drop the Dead Donkey was good, really taking the mickey out of seedy, ruthless and arrogant hacks. True acting and scripting talent doesn’t need f and c words, which only immature audiences laugh at – the kind who snort cocaine and vote Labour.
“Love Thy Neighbour” is another no-no for repeating, although it was first shown on ITV.
Apart from the petty racist name-calling between the men, another problem was the fact that Eddie Booth, the ignorant white racist, was a Labour voter, whereas West Indian Bill Reynolds was a Conservative voter !
Yes but it was a seriously poor show. Crap acting, bad sets, bad scripts and thats before you get to any value judgements on its leaden message.
Same with ‘On the Buses’ – utterly crap but for some reason it is remembered with fondness.
Another from the banned list – Spike Milligan’s Curry and Chips.
Oops just mentioned this on the Open Thread!
And what of Mind Your Language?
I know it was ITV…but a well-meant futuristic parable of E.U harmony, with all learning English at a Labour-run night school.
I have only amended a part of this , so the BBC would run it for me…it`s a Eurodream , showing harmony between all nations seeking to enter and preogress through Britain under dear Jim Callaghan, funded by Shirley Williams!
Come on BBC…it slags the Coalition ..honest!
To be fair Mind your language was utter shite, as was The Dustbinmen – nowhere near as crap as ‘Miranda’ mind.
The original Reggie Perrin was being repeated up until recently, as was Rising Damp.
The Goodies wasn’t repeated because its dire:
On Fawlty Towers, you’ve missed the point. A couple of words have been edited because of the time of broadcast. Theyve been included in other versions. Its just a Daily Mail created story. Well done though, you all jumped that bandwagon.
“up until recently” How recently, and was it shown in full?
And when was the last time the BBC broadcast that episode of Fawlty Towers uncensored?
“Porridge” episodes running on Gold at the moment has frequently been edited; and not just for pre-watershed swearwords.
e.g. check out the episode in the prison school room, where McLaren (the mixed-race Scot) is ‘pacing out’ a model of the solar system. Cue a complete cut of Fletcher’s repost ” They’ve got a lovely sense of rythmn these West Indians” . Is it really that insulting?
Judging by the output of today’s BBC one would know anyway that they lost the ability to know what creativity and humour is. This story provides an insight into one of the reasons the Ministry of Truth has lost the plot in their attempt to control the way people should think and act to be what they see as politically correct.
The BBC justifies this recent editing by saying it was done to ‘suit a family audience to reflect changing attitudes.’
It doesn’t reflect changing attitudes, it does however reflect the BBC desire to change attitudes. They should be more concerned about not broadcasting programmes that have any reference to the likes of Jimmy Savile, or any others who have been accused fairly conclusively of abuse.
Otherwise the public really does know how to relate to racist humour that is meant to be scoffed at without protection by the BBC. It is actually an insult to our intelligence. They have their heads so far up their backsides on this subject with the worst example that they cannot refer to a Muslim terrorist as such, preferring instead to call them a militant.
The mindset of the BBC is like a malevolent ostrich. Cannot bear the realities of the past or present, when ordinary people were and are so disgustingly uneducated to look at the world around them and form opinions without using the approved labels.
“Censoring Fawlty’s gags makes the Beeb look more bonkers than Basil.”
OMG Richard Bacon is just stressing over those *naughty words*!
He just asked, ‘Can I say a word that rhymes with it?’
Oh go back to Blue Peter you pathetic manchild!
“BBC censors ‘racist’ Fawlty Towers”
[Note result of opinion poll]
“I say, Fawlty, there are men wearing frocks in the cocktail bar”