It is a basic tenet of BBC Radio 5 that leftwing politics must be brought into the world of sport.
Meanwhile Westminster MPs have been relieved of many of their former duties by Brussels. But it seems our own Parliamentary delagates are still allowed to have their areas of interest. So a committee of these well paid busy bodies has spent two long years looking into the administration of ….wait for it…. football.
Nicky Campbell and a chum from….guess which low circulation newspaper (no prizes) ….the Guardian….. seem to admire some of the wacky and irrelevant ideas of the MP’s and give them a full airing.
Some wonderful lefty nonsense follows: The FA should regulate ticket prices; Wealth is concentrated at the top and not enough is spread to the lower reaches.
Why can’t lefties understand that football is part of the entertainment industry? Participation at all levels is voluntary. You don’t like it, you know what to do. People don’t watch, then the whole ediface would crumble.
I suppose the fact that the BBC and Guardian are both apparently immutable forces separated from normal market forces and consumer preferences helps induce this other-worldliness in their views.
for once a bit of cold hard reality … for the nikki
panto 5live roadshow, “your call” check it out
48 mins in .. sadly no link yet
straight away … we have al bbc the microphone fairy to hand. to whisk him away, and whisk in in some SWP dunce , to bleat a drone about imperialism, the crusades … no less … radio gold
Just listened to it. Hats off to the soldier loved the “are you drunk ” bit. The dickhead muppet blatting on about Bloody Sunday deserved all the derision he got.
Great piece of straight talking vox pop, thanks. Notice how Nicky tried to derail him on soldiers giving people a hard time in Northern Ireland, but it didn’t put him off his stride – both barrels into “you left wingers”. Another hero like Rachel Bull and “that bigot woman”. Grab back to media foghorn stolen by overeducated monkeys like Dame Nikky and the socialist New Ruling Class.
I listened to dame Nicki’s list of atrocities at the beginning and thought “at last hes going to discus the fate of those scores of vulnerably white girls abused by ‘asian’ pimping gangs.” Foolish me
extreme bias alert ….
nearly spat out my tea at the services,
the 5live anoon chimp, r bacon is going to review and devote a lot of time to …
wait for it …
a new programme “make me a muslim” apparently bbc s latest attempt to sanitise, its favourite ideology, and programme younger and impressionable viewers to its agenda.
– murdering the elderly?, 85 year old, carving cross into the corpse? fifth murder now?
get a mention at all ?
– how about
“insurgents apparently set fire to a library that is home to thousands of priceless ancient manuscripts, an act described by the city’s mayor as a “devastating blow” to world heritage”
no … nothing
– how about the epidemic of child gang rapes then? … sound of crickets!
– 20, 303 murderous jihadi terror attacks, just since 9/11 … worth a mention?
i mean …….. bbc whats not to like eh!
Make me a muslim?
I wonder if they will put a health warning at the beginning, stating that once adopted, any attempt to leave the faith will lead to an early death?
And could surviving relatives sue the inbbc for compo?
All part of the relentless re-distribution agenda favoured by Obama, the EU and the UN and not-so-secretly underpinned by the mitigating actions recommended (and being implemented) for ‘climate change’.
Would you rather watch Manchester United vs Chelsea, or Accrington Stanley vs Luton Town?
It is the exact same principle of would a beeb/Guardian talking head prefer to watch a show in the west end, or down at South Oxhey Methodist church?
I know the answer, you know the answer…THEY know the answer, but it’s just allll so unfair, innit?
I don’t see the west end shows funding South Oxhey Methodist church’s production of “Oliver!”, so why should Manchester United fund Accrington Stanley?….because they got their business model right?…please!
If the Guardian/BBC were so worried about grass roots lower league football, perhaps they could start commenting on matches/showing matches…what’s that you say?….no one is interested?….it is not financially viable to do so?…no return on your investment you say?…oh.
Actually, mate, I get as much enjoyment watching the likes of Accrington as I do Chelsea – or watching a Sunday league game down the local rec. What the two ends of the professional football spectrum have in common, generally, is successful businessmen who come into football with a load of money (and in the case of the Prem, see the promised land of a fortune from Sky) who then seem to throw their business acumen out of the window and let emotion take over and/or let themselves be dictated to by the players and an unsustainable wage structure.
Where the ‘re-distribution’ should occur, if you can call it that, would be by making the top players put something back into the game at the lower levels. It used to happen automatically years ago when they had to continue playing out of necessity and the smaller clubs used to benefit financially and in skills mentoring by having a ‘big name’ playing for them. There is no chance of this happening now because top players can retire at the peak of their earnings, and almost none have any interest in carrying on playing for the pleasure or for putting something back.
I too heard this crap this morning about the need for the Government to intervene in the running of the F.A.
Beforehand, we`d also heard about childcare, and the soft drinks industry as well. The “need to intervene” of course…
Recent ones, of course include Syria, Mali, Starbucks taxation, obesity yada, yada….
The BBC are never happier in finding more Government, law and snooping quangos for the rest of us to fund and submit to…and they can tell us all about their shortfalls in due course…so MORE funding, regulations and lawyers can get livings off the backs of the new scandals as well.
That`s our BBC…to quote their poster boy Heseltine…happy to intervene before breakfast, dinner and tea in order to show that Government works….
Mid Staffs, Millennium Dome, Tax discs, Baby P…yes folks…our BBC…
Nice one, TomR. In case anyone isn’t aware of it, the cartoon
that appeared in the Guardian is here.
Now, after the Sunday Times cartoon, the BBC feel safe to deal with it. So who better to get on than crazed Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell. Although Bell’s cartoon is discussed in the clip, all that appears on the website is
Steve Bell, cartoonist in the Guardian, said: “For once, this wasn’t a bad cartoon. The problem with the state of Israel and the Zionist lobby is that they never acknowledge the crime of ethnic cleansing on which the state was founded.”
which is two sentences pasted together from the garbage he spouted.
Was the host in that clip being run… through… a… filter? ‘For once, this wasn’t a bad cartoon’
Modest much?
I try never to miss Matt.
Mr. Bell I could care less about.
Which may explain the relative level of exposure of each via the BBC.
‘Steve Bell was referring to Gerald Scarfe’s cartoon.’
He shoots… He scores!
‘Too complicated for you?’
Not really.
I was aware of his reference subject; but my comment was more on his tonality, which about the work of fellow professional came across as somewhat patronising. You may be aware of such a temptation?
He’d be unlikely to refer to his own work in such a way unless with a low and deranged level of self-esteem. Speaking of which.. thanks for chipping in.
A rare outing from the bunker I think we can all agree has been very worthwhile.
When challenged about it by a guy from the Jewish Chronicle (I think it was) on this morning’s Today, Steve Bell denied his cartoon portrayed Netanyahu as a puppet master.
But then The Left can make any denial they want on the BBC, can’t they? Helping to re-write history – even when it’s as recent as that – is all part of their job description.
Yes, Bell said it wasn’t Netanyahu as a puppet master, but rather Netanyahu holding Blair and Hague hand puppets. I guess that makes him a puppeteer, not a puppet master, right, BBC?
Naughtie had no complaints about such BS. Rolled right over.
That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. If he holds the approved thoughts, he can use historically anti-Semitic imagery to his heart’s content. The BBC knows exactly where he’s coming from, which is why they had him on to attack Israel as part of the “debate” about the cartoon. Pollard was left to cry wolf and devalue real anti-Semitism. If there is any, which Bell seems to doubt.
I fully expect to see hordes of angry Jews attacking embassy’s, burning British flags, setting fire to cars, military compounds, and anything else they can think of burning, then, capturing an ambassador, sodomizing him, and murdering him, before dragging his brutalized body through the streets of Tel Aviv from the back of a motorcycle…
No surprise there. Funny how the BBC forgot to mention that Scarfe and Roger Waters got in some hot water for similar anti-Jewish imagery in their animated sequences for Water’s recent The Wall tour. News of which the BBC censored, as far as I’m aware. So I guess they can’t mention it now.
It’s not like the BBC doesn’t know about the virulent anti-Israel and associated anti-Jewish sentiment of Waters and Scarfe. The BBC happily reported it when Waters wrote anti-Israel graffiti on a barrier wall in Bethlehem.
I really don’t agree that the BBC is ‘anti-Jewish’. You may have a case for arguing that they are ‘anti-Israel’ (although I would describe it more as ‘pro-Palestine’) but that is hardly the same thing – they bang on about the Holocaust constantly!
Its part of their agenda for ‘warning’ us about the supposed threat of nationalism.
I’m beginning to agree with those people who think it’s a replay of 1930s appeasement: this time the Czech are being demonised for their treatment of the Sudetens and become identical with the Jews, which no sensible person would believe the Nazis wanted to murder – as that would mean us fighting a big war and none of us wants that. So we grovel to Islam, treat the ‘Palestinians’ as a submerged and persecuted nation, demonise Israel and haven’t lost every shred of dignity we ever had, because we’re anti-racist and right on.
I’m not saying the BBC is anti-Jewish, full stop. What I am saying is that the way they cover Israel and the whole scene is loaded in such a way that it encourages and lends succor to anti-Jewish sentiment. It’s one thing to criticize Israel, and report things that make the country look bad, but it’s quite another to demonize and push the dual-loyalty angle.
When Israel is portrayed as the only real villain of the piece, and Hamas is sanitized and the real genocidal goals of the Palestinians are swept under the rug, and the BBC plays it as only Israel not wanting a two-state solution, it encourages people like Bell to moan about the “Zionist Lobby”, which is Jews. Then you get the inevitable “You people always dismiss any criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism” canard, which Bell stated outright, totally condoned by Naughtie. This encourages anti-Jewish sentiment in the general public.
The BBC does not take care to avoid encouraging anti-Jewish sentiment the way they make every effort to avoid anti-Muslim sentiment. It’s a double standard, driven by the personal beliefs of BBC staff. No need for a memo or editorial directive from the top because they all think the same way, and the demonization will come naturally.
Trying awfully hard to be impartial, listening to a piece on the Today programme on the Gerald Scarfe cartoon in the Sunday Times, I could not help feel sorry for Jim Naughtie trying to shut up the lunatic from the Guardian Steve Bell.
Mr Bell has become a parody of himself just like Dave Spart in Private Eye. His acidic self-loathing just oozed over the air waves. Maybe this was his job interview at the beeb before the Guardian folds!?
As for ‘ I did not know it was holocaust day’ Scarfe, he has certainly dug up a hornets nest at the BBC and obviously did not stop to think what he was doing.
Murdoch shouldn’t have apologised. And to suggest it shouldn’t have been published is nonsense. Publish away, no matter what or who is offended.
What are people going to do when someone publishes a cartoon of the maniac, murdering, paedophile Mohammed? call for an apology? no…it will be all “freedom of speech!” etc. It cuts both ways, I’m afraid.
“What are people going to do when someone publishes a cartoon of the maniac, murdering, paedophile Mohammed? call for an apology? no…it will be all “freedom of speech!” etc. It cuts both ways, I’m afraid.”
the difference being of course that in this case there will be no baying slavering savages calling for Scarfe to be beheaded etc etc etc
‘Comments are closed’ As are minds, and free speech.
Messrs Scarfe & Bell should be able to publish what they want. If there is protest, and boycott, so be it. Market freedom, market forces.
But then, I am compelled to pay for whatever the BBC comes out with no matter what, so whatever outrage there is abounding (Down, Paul, down… it’s in the UK, so you’d have to come back), there’s always a unique exemption, possibly with a lawyer attached to rig things the ‘correct’ way.
This whole country is now so twisted by exceptions it’s like a lattice crust on top of a rancid stew ready to erupt.
Now that I’ve listened to it, it’s much worse than that. Bell was there to demonize Israel and contribute to the rising anti-Semitism in the UK. Defending the cartoon was a pretext. He hit all the favored talking points: the existence of Israel is based on genocide, the Zionist Lobby, people like Pollard cry wolf and devalue the term anti-Semitism. Completely unchallenged except for one brief squawk from Pollard, quickly stepped on.
Naughtie was almost as disgusting. Only one PM in the world should be protected from political cartoons? Just another way of saying that Jews demand special treatment and play the victim card. It all added up to one more instance of the BBC helping to encourage anti-Jewish sentiment.
Having said that, I’ll now say this: Piss off Naughtie, piss off Today producers. You wouldn’t publish the Mohammed cartoons, so don’t pretend you’re champions of free speech and that cartoons should offend.
Naughtie didn’t try to shut him up at all. At most he had to work a little harder to let Pollard get a word in edgewise. But he had no complaints about any of Bell’s complete demonization of Israel and the Zionist Lobby and Jews who suggest there might be any anti-Semitism. Naughtie allowed it, and allowed Bell to hijack the whole thing.
I am very worried about the proposed referendum on In/Out of Europe. Although the polls say that there is a good majority in favour of leaving remember what happened to the Irish. Millions was chucked at the Media to make them reconsider and they did: the same could happen here The BBC foremost but the Labour, and Lib/Dems and Half the Tories all wanting to be part of the gravy train No one really knows how much of EU money finds its way back to the UK purely for propagander. The Scots would probably would like to stay in. But those wavering in the UK will find much pressure. To their credit we don’t hear much from the Kinnocks.
by the time any referendum occurs ,i assume that there will be enough “new arrivals” in the country , that will be given a vote, and i can guess which way they shall be voting. im just a simple person but it certainly seems this way to me. anyhow, if a no vote won, it would just be altered until it became a yes vote. we are not getting out of the e.useless any time soon.
a couple of obvious ones today-1 from radio and 1 from tv
on radio 2 news at 8AM,the Scarfe cartoon has apparently elicited “claims” of anti semitism
the obviuos use of the word “claims” is clearly intended to sow the seeds of doubt in the mind of the listener.
on breakfast “news”,the very pretty but completely vacuous airhead Susanna Reid interviewed Bill Gates about his plans to eliminate polio,and he named Afghanistan,Pakistan and Northern Nigeria as problem areas where vaccination has proved very difficult
The elephant in the room had to dodge numerous tumbleweeds blowing across the studio floor as the obvious question went unasked……….
Bill Gates’ Richard Dimbleby Lecture is on BBC1 this evening; I wonder if he’ll mention the reasons why the last strongholds of polio are proving resistant to modern medical practice.
the “islamists” don’t like the idea of westerners coming in and spreading their poison,such as medicines which cure horrible diseases
by the way-is “islamist” a contraction of “islamic terrorist”? 🙂
if the bbc get to hear that it could be,watch them scrabble to find a new “non-judgemental” epithet to describe muslim terrorists in some other suitably bland PC manner
If it isn’t, it’s well worth seeing if you can make it so [Jean-Luc voice].
Updating a saying that has already seen great service:
‘Twitter can see anything get around the world before Snopes can get its boots on’
It would be rather funny seeing the Kremlin May Day Rally Photoshoppers at the BBC’s Bureau of Right Thinking scamble to ‘deal’ with their own rather vast body of published works.
Agreed, the bully-boy ‘islamists’ don’t like the science of the West exposing their wilful backwardness, their utter uselessness, but millions of muslim mothers are delighted to have their kids innoculated.
Before the capture of Bin Laden, CIA agents posed as polio vaccinators in the area around ‘Dusty Bin’s’ compound. Ergo, given headcase ‘islamist’ logic, even bona fide vaccinators must be shot. F*ck the kids’ welfare.
if the bbc get to hear that it could be,watch them scrabble to find a new “non-judgemental” epithet to describe muslim terrorists in some other suitably bland PC manner
They already found it: Miltant!
It is also put about by the relevant elders in these areas that the jabs contain contraceptives or some other means of sterilising Muslim women in a Western plot to stop them breeding.
‘he named Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern Nigeria as problem areas’
What they need is a world class NHS.
Not there of course.
But that Mo/Mountain dilemma seems to have been neatly resolved by Labour and the UK Border Agency long ago.
Radio 5 Dead! dimwit Rachel Burden departed briefly from her norm of talking entirely about ‘MY HUSBAND’ and ‘MY CHILDREN’ to interview Bill Gates.
She’s not usually a target for this site as she’s not remotely interested in news or politics (despite ‘anchoring’ a news and politics programme but there you go that’s the BBC for you) only being interested in ‘MY HUSBAND’ and ‘MY CHILDREN’.
She does allow herself however to be a useful idiot for the student radicals on the programme. (Or is too thick to realise it’s happening)
And sure enough today we got that very tired Radio 5 Live tactic of shoving their own student radical view in our faces and blaming it on lozeoftex.
Apparently, so we are supposed to believe, they had lozeoftex asking about the comment from Tax Research UK about Microsoft ‘avoiding’ 5 billion dollars of tax and had to put it to Bill Gates.
No context of course – that the rather official and quango sounding Tax Research UK is nothing more than a dreary blog written by a (pretrendy) lefty fellow-traveller. Amazing, no, how easy it is for certain bloggers to be given a platform of sniggers ‘three million listeners’ sniggers again
So may I put it to the jury, m’lud’ that rather than lozeoftex on the subject, the truth was that Gameshow Nikki received a tweet from Tax Research UK, nudged ‘myhusbandandmychildren’ in the ribs, showed her the tweet, and said ‘wydoanyeraskthis’.
It’s the Boundary Review debate in the Commons today, and already this morning, on both R4 and Five Live, the BBC have announced that the Bill’s proposals will give the Tories and extra 20 seats at the next election.
Clearly they think that a suggestion of ‘gerrymandering’ will serve their purpose better than a more neutral statement that the Bill is concerned with addressing imbalances in the sizes of constituencies.
The BBC seem to have given up any pretence of impartiality and just don’t give a toss any more.
I heard this too and it was a blatant case of the BBC telling half the story to suit its own agenda. Bloody disgraceful but not the first time they’ve done it on the boundary review.
Irrespective of the advantage or otherwise to any party, you think that the BBC might make the point that it is undemocratic for people’s votes to be unequal.
As I heard pointed out by a conservative on the radio, Labour should have carried out the much needed boundary changes while they were in office but as it would have been to their detriment they didn’t bother. You don’t hear it from that angle at the BBC though as it would show labour in a poor light and we can’t have that can we?
I dug out the Sunday Times to view Scarfe’s cartoon. On Sunday – as on all other Sundays for the past God knows how long – I ignored Scarfe and his puerile leftism. On reflection, I suppose the cartoon could be interpreted as anti-semitic. However, IMHO, it’s simply the usual knee-jerk anti-Israel crapola approved in Islington (actual and metaphorical) and certainly not worth the complaints from “official” Jewry in the UK. Sure, it’s probably Scarfe channelling his distaste for Jews and, given that Sunday was Holocaust Day, a mite insensitive. OTOH “insensitivity” would probably preclude commenting (during Black History Month) on the scholastic and educational failure of black Britons or mentioning (on Nakba Day) the grooming of white girls by Moslems.
All the complaints have achieved is to big up Scarfe and let the publicity sun shine on the anti-Israel anti-semitic deniers rather than leaving them festering in their own dung-heap. They also allowed Steve Bell to whine on Today and illustrate both his political and personal unattractiveness. However, given Bell’s performance on Today and his Der Stürmer cartoon (published in the Guardian which still BTW hasn’t published the Mo cartoons) it seems to me that Bell harbours a far darker hatred than that underlying Scarfe’s efforts.
I don’t think you understand why false accusations against the Jewish State which this cartoon highlighted are just part of the incitement to hatred by the media and the BBC is a major player in this.. If the BBC keeps reporting against the Jewish State and states things that are simply NOT true than it makes it much easier for those that want to see the demise of the only Jewish State. The Holocaust didnot just happen it began with words.
Let’s take just as an example headline news from a few years ago.
“A Palestinian woman who was in the passenger seat of a car was killed by an Israeli soldier” The people who put that news headline knew why that Palestinian woman was shot. She was wearing a suicide belt and intended to murder innocent bystanders . Had she not been shot than tens if not more innocent Israeli’s would have lost their lives. So the powers that be at the BBC deliberately put only half the story in so that they can continue to poison people’s minds against Israel . Israeli soldiers do not shoot innocent Palestinian women but now the idea is put into people’s heads and Israeli’ soldiers are seen as evil. . .
I’m only too aware of the anti-Israeli bias at the BBC which colours its reportage as well as its analysis. After all, one of the BBC’s less distinguished correspondents who has, apparently, a personal grudge against Israel, is the BBC’s Middle East editor. However, publication of nasties like the Scarfe cartoon and the Bell extract from his work for Der Stürmer the Guardian are part of the price payable for a (nominally) free press.
Unfortunately the press, even if nominally “free”, is not necessarily particularly courageous. As I mentioned in my intial comment, the Guardian, while happy to insult its Jewish readership in the Palestinian cause, is not prepared to publish the Mo cartoons under any circumstances. I would add that the Guardian is not alone in refusing to publish: the rest of the British MSM has been scared witless by the prospect of a Moslem backlash. Frankly, this is far more important than Scarfe’s nonsense which is, I would say, part of the small change of puerile leftism in the UK.
I agree with you though that the constant actual or near demonisation of Jews by supporters of the Palestinians and those with a religious motivation serves only to corrupt political discourse and poison social relations in the UK. The BBC in its tendentious reporting concerning Israel, acts as a major enabler of such anti-Jewish sentiment.
When Naughtie said that there would be a piece about that Scarfe cartoon later on in the programme, even I would never have thought that they`d be creating a row with the editor of the Jewish Chronicle.
Given the BBCs recent history, I can only guess that they had arranged the piece, assuming that Murdoch would be in the dock.
Murdoch saying an unqualified apology therefore ensured that the BBC would NOT be allowing an unqualified apology to those offended by publication of Scarfes malodorous little scribbles.
The “debate” was all that`s wrong with the Guardian and BBC axis of weevils-Steve Bell is probably confined to drawings because his own views give the game away when he presumes to talk.
Never heard such a boorish, self-righteous bellicose thug with his ignorance and sheer racist views about Israel and the Jews…ignorant and shouting over Pollard whenever he tried to speak.
Naughties pointless musings throughout reminded me of Bell being one of the dogs bred by Napoleon in” Animal Farm”…the BBC have fuelled and paid for the likes of Bell over they years, and his cartoons are a mere front for the kind of vicious anti-Semite that gets a fortune from the Guardian and the BBC, in granting him a licence to offend, an outrider for the coming New Order of the Left.
Noted too Naughties list of people that Bell might draw…George W, Cameron, Bibi….note NOT Obama (why ever not then?)…and I do hope that Jim tells us how often Bell has ever shown Ed Balls and Miliband as the quisling leavings of Uncle Joe that they really are?
Boycott the Guardian-and anyone seeing it in a staffroom( about the only place you DO see it!)…should tell their local council about its “incitement to racial hatred”…for I perceive it to be institutionally anti-Semite…so it is( MacPherson says so…so up yours Guardian scum!)
Funnily enough, Naughtie was on R3’s 10.30am, 30min spot, for 5 days, to talk about life and music a few weeks ago: this week it’s Alan Rusbridger. The latter, apparently, went to a choir school, is a an amateur pianist and something to do with the National Youth Orchestra – still, it’s all very incestuous.
One of the (many) complaints against cartoonists attacking Israel is that they recycle medieval antisemitic tropes while attacking Israel. Blood is certainly one of them. I suppose the Jews should be grateful that Netanyahu wasn’t portrayed drinking the blood or eating the babies.
Only wish a few hot-headed Jews would put the wind up the likes of Scarfe and Bell, with a few threats.
Not veiled of course, for it would not be prepetually-offended Muslims doing it.
Of course they won`t for they are Gods real chosen people…which is why Islam as a tribute band, and the BBC/Guardian as the clueless undiscerning promoters for the imposters will rage and hate, hate and rage until they`re removed…we`re long past praying for either of them to be improved.
God Bless Israel.
Quick Quiz, Over the new year, Radio 5 breakfast show Nicky ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was looking back in history, guess what they were talking about ?
A. Stephen Lawrence
B. Stephen Lawrence
C. Stephen Lawrence
Groan, Lawrence is the ‘Risen Christ’ in the multicultural / marxist agenda
Uh-oh, I thought.
Though, given the criticisms listed in the Wiki article, I am amazed to find there is not more.
What there is appears rather more concerned with the perps’ travails subsequently than the victim, mind. I guess they are still alive, and make better copy.
And as to the Newswatch ‘discussion’ listed, that this case managed to generate 4 comments via the BBC site before a closing, suggests that the public awareness was not as well developed as it has been in other cases.
As to why, the BBC might like to ponder , along with its educational and informational abilities.
A few of the comments published offer some thoughts, and cite a few names still in the frame still.
I don’t remember any BBC TV or radio coverage of this at the time or, if there was, I blinked and missed it.
But I’m sure our cute little troll collective will consider one small story on a BBC webpage more than a balance for the hundreds of hours of broadcast time enjoyed by the Lawrence juggernaut.
Most of those who visit this site know that shameful and sinister reason why the BBC repeatedly cover the tragic story of Lawrence but not the equally tragic story of Donald, is that they are engaged , along with their Liberal Left Establishment ( LLE) chums, in a decades long propaganda war to convince the British people that mass immigration and multicultralism is a good thing. Obviously reporting that Donald was brutally murdered by Muslims damages their narrative whilst the Lawrence case increases ‘white guilt’ and so supports it.
All of the BBC output is tailored to support this ‘multicultural/mass immigration is good’ narrative and NO exceptions are allowed. Truth is sacrificed on the alter of their precious narrative every day.
So successful has the propaganda war been that few of the British people even realise that the daily news they get from the plethora of BBC outlets is being managed to support the narrative. The problem is that the LLE control the country and the BBC controls what is in the news so there is little challenge to their views.
However, I note that the BBC has not be given control of local TV so perhaps there is a chink of light there. Of course the LLE will attempt to snuff this out if it begins to broadcast stuff which they don’t agree with .
Also I am hopeful that the explosion of new ways of sending and obtaining information will put an end to the LLE control and the BBC monopoly of news. If that happens on a large scale and people start to learn the truth about what the LLE has done to the country things may become interesting.
The problem is the LLE as you call them are actually not all just ‘lefties’ there are thousands of right wing free marketeer Globalists who support them. It is not about ‘leftism’ but anti nationalism and the OWG agenda.
I wholeheartedly agree that there is overkill regarding SL in the media and whilst I sympathise with his family and their loss it narks the hell out of me that this is used to further an agenda that is destroying the very fabric of our society. The double standards are sickening but seem to be the norm across the board these days.
Missed it. Pity, as I’d have liked to hear Lawrence’s friend/witness/drug dealer Duwayne Brookes change his story for the millionth time, forensic experts tell us more about how genuine microscopic evidence can be separated from clothing contaminated by the police, and the judge explain how playing a tape of racist talk doesn’t prejudice juries.
How quaint. Good to see the BBC maintaining the accuracy of their historical drama’s. Although I’m sure it won’t be long before we see history being rewritten in the style of the Olympic opening ceremony – with an exclusively black and ‘asian’ portrayal of British people in the 1800’s.
No the most important event in British history for middle class Leftists was the Stalinism-lite car crash that was the (1945-51) Attlee government
“one of the most disastrous governments ever to take office…[and]…voted..out at the first opportunity.” James Bartholomew
A close second and third, for Leftist parasites is the Wilson-Callaghan and the Blair-Brown government, both of which are so etched into the hearts of anybody that lived through them that the BBC does not feel the need to mention them.
‘One of the most disasterous governments to take office and voted out at the first opportunity.’ Not true and the figures don’t back it up either. In 1945 the Labour party famously won a landslide gaining 393 seats and 11,967,746 votes (Con 197 seats, 8,716, 211). This resulted in a 145 seat majority. The next election in 1950 (the first opportunity to reject the government) resulted in a Labour majority of 5 although they actually got more votes than 1945 (13,266,176). The Tories increased their total of seats to 282 with 11,507,061 votes. 1951 saw a third election in 6 years and the Tories (12,659,883) gained a majority of 16 despite Labour winning more votes than in 1950 (13,948,883 – their highest ever total). Labour picked up 48% of the national vote but only 295 seats. Even in 1955 Labour polled 12 million votes but for the first time in ten years the Tories out-polled Labour with 13.3 million votes. You’d have to say that the British people wanted a Labour government in 1951 but due to the peculiarities of our voting system the Conservatives formed the government. It’s as true now as it was then, it’s not how many votes you get, it’s where you get them.
Fair point (about the Labour Party increasing its vote in 1951) and now you mention it I recall a comrade from the Party telling me this – and making your exact same point.
I quoted Bartholomew because it is clear that voters did turn against the disastrous Labour Party, until that is the next wave of radicalism in the Sixties (which also ended in tears – for the country not for the nomenklatura needless to add) and of course the new dawn of the New Labour Party (which again was a disaster for everybody but the thieving commissariat) – but I would not want to give you the impression that I believe that socialism will always curtailed by voters eventually coming to their senses.
One of the reasons why Brown expanded the (generally inept) public sector is that those who work/leech off the State are more likely to vote for the Labour Party. As of course do low quality immigrants from Third World countries that have been encouraged by the Left to move to this country.
It is also clear that the BBC see themselves playing a key role educating the public to vote Labour.
Just as there will never be a shortage of envy, greed, malice, and stupidity, there will never be a shortage of fresh Labour voters.
Even so they distorted Call the Midwife to bring in a few multi-culti touches, a few black ‘extras’ in teh background depsite Worth havign specified in he rbook that there were none.
Indeed Poplar remained one of the Cockneys last stands right up into the eighties after Whitechapel and Bow had already fallen.
Kirsty Wark looks like she’d have hunted it down and bitten its head off before you could say Ozzy.
Meanwhile some of the sexier kittens from the teleprompter dolly production line probably have dislocatable jaws (and not just for job interviews)… ‘a semi-circle of barriers will be in place to stop the inevitable face-pulling and “Hi Mum” signs getting too close to the studio windows. ‘
Given the bunkerbound discussions of late, at 20m from the plate glass, I thought the inclusion of a non security-profiled visitor with her rucksack in the application doco imagery was brave.
Stage Performer Maitlis on the News Channel just now talking to Lord ex-General Donnatt about all those defense cuts and now sending British troops to Mali. “I guess, ” said Maitlis, “a lot of the public thought it would be impossible” for Britain to get involved in any more overseas action.
She guesses, along with a version of “some say”.
Now she’s asking “Do we know who the enemy is, and how big it is? Because we’re not dealing with just one country, are we?”
Nice to see the anti-war activists at the BBC back on form. I was actually getting worried that they’d given up since their beloved Obamessiah brought war into more countries than Bush could have dreamed of.
One last thing: No mention at all in any of the various segments on the News Channel so far today have mentioned the destruction of Islamic heritage stuff. It’s like the BBC doesn’t think it’s important.
According to he Beeb tonight, most of the ancient material had been moved to the capital for safe keeping. Wahhabism – the Saudi brand of back to basics Islam and closely related to the types espoused by the brotherhood, al Quaida and all those Pakistani jamati Islami is fiercely anti-conservationist: because of a few quotes from Ol’ Mo equating the Christian veneration of the tombs of saints with idolatry. It’s also useful to obliterate reminders of pre-Islamic cullture as well as preserve fictions of Islam, such as the non-Judaic nature of the Temple in Jerusalem. Even when the Bamiyan Buddhas were blown up, I’ve never seen the subject discussed in any informed way on the Beeb: when Rageh Omar made his life of Mohammed he spoke very quickly with minimal explanation as to why the tomb of Mo’s first wife had been demolished before the WWII and the tomb of Mo himself was in the cellar of a library the Saudis had built over it, after an outcry from other Muslims about their plans to destroy it altogether. God help he antiquities of Egypt if things get really bad.
The shrines, not just documents. Time for the BBC to start bringing in British Mohammedans for their take on the situation. Not the usual suspects on speed-dial, either. Where is the outrage, BBC?
Bishop of Liverpool – another of the BBC’s right-on choices of Christian – wittering on about the environment on Thought for the Day this morning. Just dozing off again when ears pricked up as he started to articulate his sadness that Muslims and Christians can’t get along together a bit more nicely. Expressed it something along the lines of ‘Christians and Muslims engaged in violent conflict across the world’ – like, you know, they’re both as bad as each other aren’t they?
Another wet, stinking, unvarnished dog turd of BBC propaganda brought to you courtesy of one of our ‘religious leaders’.
The Christian churches have been infiltrated by Marxists, if they aren’t do gooding liberals, effete and supine, practicing dhmmitude, they’re child molesters !
What a joke Jimmy Jones is.
Cringing around the Hillsborough memorabilia, which has got to be easier for this poncy prelate that might be…you know…telling them all up there about Jesus and the need of Him.
Hmm…that Muslim Christian parity claim…oh can`t we both get along…who`s to say who`s right and who`s wrong.
All those years in Theology College…and the vacuous beard still does`nt know that one comes through love, faith reason and revelation…one at the tip of a sword?
Witness the evil drummed up by Scarfes cartoon….the Jews have not gone on the rampage in Hampstead wanting the head of the Guardian/Times/BBC etc…(more`s the pity, some might say)…
How go back near on 7 years to the day with those dangerous cartoons from Denmark….and the Muslim response.
Do`t recall Naughtie asking Muslims about the “right to offend in a free society” as he did Stephen Pollard this morning ,at that time.
Nor do I recall the BBC continuing to cause offence with the Muslims by continuing to quote the words of that nasty Bradford MP…you know, so they could piggy back on his sentiments and ensure that the BBC would like to be associated with his remarks…without the courage to say so.
Any chance of that Balen Report of ours, that you`re sitting on, you fat slugs at the BBC?….go on, go on….
University Challenge (28/01/13)
Euro coins showing major landmarks, identify the Spanish city the coin represents.
Durham : Grenada.
Paxman : No, that’s Cordoba, that’s the mosque there.
Except it isn’t, it’s a cathedral and has been since 1236. The building was begun as a Visigoth church and only became a mosque in 784. So, it was a mosque for 452 years but a church for 777 years (since 1236) yet Paxman refers to it as a mosque. Incidentally (and unsurprisingly) ‘Spanish’ muslims have lobbied the RC church to be allowed to pray there but this has been rejected by the Vatican. In April 2010 two muslim tourists were arrested when half a dozen muslims from a group of 118 ‘Austrian’ muslims stopped to pray and when security guards asked them to move on and continue the tour the guards were badly assaulted. I’m sure Spanish muslims need worry no longer, the BBC is already on the case.
The Spanish don’t help themselves in this matter: just as they have the Temple, Old Jewry and Scotalnd Yard in London, I believe he street signs still point to ‘la mezquita’.
I got most of that from the wikipedia page where it is called the mosque/cathedral of Cordoba (like in the photo you posted). Paxman should probably have described it as the mosque/cathedral but instead he referred to it as a mosque – and that’s the point I was making. Do you think for a second he’d have referred to Hagia Sofia as a cathedral? Beeboids and muslims share a similar viewpoint – that buildings like this are actually muslim and always will be. Was Paxman’s slip up just innaccuracy, was he pushed for time or was it something more insidious? Many people watching the programme will have been left with the wrong impression that it was a mosque in Cordoba. The BBC – doing it’s best to re-establish the Caliphate.
No wonder the BBC seem so relaxed by mass immigration from Eastern Europe. If it’s left to their comrades at the WWF, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, Poland will have no economy to speak of soon:
‘A news story published last month in the German magazine, Der Spiegel, exemplifies the current state of affairs. Titled ‘Coal-aholics’: Poland Wages War on Efforts to Save the Climate, it might as well have been written by an environmental activist.
The subtitle claims that “Poland is addicted to coal.” The body of the article quotes a professor who teaches, what else, “courses on sustainability.” According to Michael Labelle, the people of Poland:
are coal-aholics, that’s the best term to use, it’s horrible but it’s true.’
‘Environmentalists seem intent on heaping bad publicity on that country, on pushing it in directions that make no sense if we care about real people who are struggling right now.
Here are some other examples:
•Poland cannot block EU decision to increase climate ambition – WWF
•Poland should drop nuclear, study for Greenpeace says
•Climate Action Network members slam Poland’s selection
•Poland must prove trustworthiness as host of 2013 climate talks (says Greenpeace)
•Future climate talk host Poland needs big ambition now (insists the WWF)
All of the above make for upsetting reading, but perhaps the most nauseating is this account, published last November on the Friends of the Earth website. It’s titled Poland must stop blocking climate action and begins this way:
Activists satirised the Polish government’s blocking of progress on necessary climate action. Dressed as coal industry lobbyists, our activists offered free Polish coal to participants on their way to the European Council’s Working Party on International Environment Issues.
The Polish government’s close ties to the coal industry are leading it to adopt positions in discussions that are not in the best interests of people and the planet, but rather benefit companies engaged in fossil fuel extraction.’
Poland is a poor country dependent on coal for 92% of its electricity. Wonder if it will survive the onslaught of this particular group of fascists?
A news story published last month in the German magazine, Der Spiegel, exemplifies the current state of affairs. Titled ‘Coal-aholics’: Poland Wages War on Efforts to Save the Climate
I bet the Squareheads are itching to roll over the Polish border again 🙂
Note the BBC still squauking atop a Salford dunghill in regard of “childcare revisions” proposed by the Tories.
The new ideas incorporate the best of French provision(Europe)…increased qualifications and restrictions to entry as a worker( selection and excellence)…and better pay for those that make it( public sector pay).
My God…we`re either becoming Israel or Ceausescus Romania…and wouldn`t the BBC normally be happy about this capitulation of another Bourgeois citadel before the leftward hordes?
Er..not really-and conveniently all manner of vox pops from West London( do tell…BBC…sources please!), as well as “charities working from inside the nursery industry”( again, do tell us BBC…REAL charities…or Blairs version of agitprop with a virtuous excuse to screw us all over?)…well they don`t like it at all!
What?..after the BBC have been “banging on” about women being unable to return to work?…the cost of childcare? crap it is , compared to Scandinavia etc?…
Oh it`s not Labour doing it…so it`ll be a fat cat ruse as ever.
Suppose Evan Davis has no skin in the game with this one…hence his louche ignorance was not tinged with the class hatred that he usually shows…Liz Truss was even politely listened to at times.
Unlike HS2 yesterday-another Tory sop to the left, that the BBC weren`t grateful for…what?…no interchange at Hinckley?…Pickering?….God, how typical to exclude every other damn town along the track!
If only Craig were here.
There`s GOT to be a research project into BBC bias as a random event, as sampled throughout the day.
Put the car radio on 3.30 or so, only to hear some crap about multicultural joys as discovered in white old Norfolk…and the historian on the show was happy to tell us more.
I had a tape to listen to.
Got home just after 4…Radio 4 still on, so quickly listened.
Oh God…some Berlin yummy mummy hoping that her sprog will live off renewable energy alone by the time he`s 20….would any mum want anything less for her boy?
I went back to my tape.
Random Bias?…or is it systematic?..what proportions?…all day every day?…or only when bloody public sector workers don`t have a cassette player in the traffic jams?
Yes Dimblyboy?…I do have a few Questions….but I doubt you or the BBC will ever answer them for me.
Completely agree. Typically I ‘dip in and out’ of Radio 4 and more often than not after switching on find myself listening to some leftist-themed drivel giving an endless one-sided spin to immigration, multiculturalism, LGBT, Islam, global warming etc etc.
bbc whose side are they on 😀
re- a massacre in Aleppo
“A captain in the rebel Free Syrian Army said some of those who had been killed were just teenagers.
He told the AFP news agency that many bodies were still in the water and the death toll might rise to 100.”
hmmm bbc waffling on and on about the youtube vid … yep! posted BY the jihadists themselves,
“A Syrian government source said that many of the victims had been kidnapped but accused “terrorists” –
wait for it! … “the term officials use to describe the rebels”
of carrying out the kidnappings and killings. They were kidnapped by terrorist groups… and executed last night in a park in Bustan al-Qasr under their control,” the source told AFP.”
after the 2nd last item on 5dead, in which Allen practically painted the whole of the british Army as torturers, and the call from the “fill yer boots” lawyers group for a public enquiry, louise minchin brought us the story about an eagle owl on the loose in inverness, speaking to a witness on the phone, “tell us Mr X, what did it look like?”
Hurray for Janet Daley of Sunday Telegraph, who caught Gavin Esler a lovely broadside on ‘Dateline London’ at the weekend – a BBC World program hosted by Gavin Esler (Not sure if it’s broadcast in UK?).
He introduced ‘Democracy’ as the theme, and first topic this week was Cameron’s announcement of an In/Out Referendum, which Esler introduced by posing three possibilities: “Is this: A political masterstroke? A genuine democratic consultation? Or perhaps a political tactic driven by internal Tory party politics which could result (voice rising) in a strategic catastrophe as a weak Britain stumbles out of the EU by mistake?”
Janet Daley “Gosh! Is that the official BBC News …..?”..(interrupted here by Esler’s strong denial of the existence of such a thing as an ‘official BBC news spinline, and his claim that these were the opinion of the Swedish Finance Minister – as if this was the supreme authority). Interestingly he had not acknowledged that source originally.
JD: “Well if there was a democratic vote to ‘come out’ (of the EEC) then that would be a cheer for democracy, and it wouldn’t be accidental and it wouldn’t be a catastrophe according to a majority of the population”
She made mincemeat of Esler’s sly attempts to denigrate Cameron’s motives, and anyone silly enough to vote ‘out’ as Cameron’s most likely motive – it was pretty obvious that the first two possiblities, political masterstroke/genuine consultation were not serious contenders. Well done JD – she was sharp and brilliant and exposed the BBC’s weaselly ways perfectly!
Yet another BBC programme which discusses the issue from that same angle. No memo needed, no editorial directive to do it. The bias is institutional automatically because they all think the same way. It’s not the management system: it’s the personnel.
You’ll remember Jordan, he who was one of the ‘three wise monkeys’ who alongside Patten and Entwistle heard, saw and spoke no evil over Savile, nor the BBC’s conduct in the handling of the story.
Who could fail to remember Jordan’s rubbishing at the hands of Peter Allen and his dismissive, complacent and patronising responses when confronted with allegations of the BBC’s wrong-doing.
How he managed to escape without censure is beyond belief.
One wonders how the usually vocal creative community will react to a rather clear and worrying intrusion by Big Brother censors on works of art, to such a degree?
Maybe the BBC Compliance should in future create the original … approved material, and Drama simply gets brought in at the end to attempt to make the propaganda a little more aesthetically pleasing, if possible?
Four red pencils good.
A Radio 4 spokesman said: “This is a hard-hitting drama about the realities of honour killing in Britain. A single line in the script could be taken to infer that the pressure and motivation to commit such a crime in a family comes from the wider Muslim community, potentially misrepresenting majority British Muslim attitudes to honour killing. Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti was asked to amend this line in the normal editorial process of script development.”
So the pressure not to marry non-Muslims, or not go out clubbing, or not marry the man of your father’s choice, or not touch alcohol, or….
….is not perceived to come from ‘the wider Muslim community’ because of, say, its culture?
Your muddle-headed BBC, censoring to bring you more PC-inspired bollocks.
Lol I have no idea what subversive is working north of the border at BBC Scotland but thanks who ever you are for letting Jonathan Meades on again ! the wet BBC liberal lot down here will hate his new program and it’s truth about them and their followers!!
The bBC and its penchant for shoddy reporting. Sinkhole’ appears in Guatemala bedroom A Guatemalan woman woke up in the middle of the night to discover a 12m hole (39ft) under her bed. The country’s National Disaster Relief Agency says because Guatemala City is surrounded by volcanoes and prone to heavy rain, it is susceptible to natural erosions that cause sinkholes. The agency is investigating if there are any risks to residents in the area.,/i>
The bBC reports on how volcanic activity in Guatemala city lead to a woman finding a sink hole appear under her bed.
Now watch the bBC video and tell me what you think of that so called natural sinkhole and how for some strange reason it is lined with bricks all the way down.
Its a well bBC, which somebody covered up when they built the house, and which the top covering layer fell into it after time.
Well, it certainly opens up a whole new BBC avenue of anguish… Anthropogenic Global Dire Reporting.
Maybe the public should be imposed with a £145.50 annual tax to address this? Oh… Ok.. As you were..
Nice catch, thanks for the laugh. A brick-lined sinkhole, complete with ready-made plumbing. Isn’t Mother Nature marvelous? I say this is clear evidence of Intelligent Design, right, BBC?
Okay, somebody at the BBC obviously knows this is a joke, hence the scare quotes for ‘sinkhole’. But they put it up anyway. What’s the point of this? Did they need to fill some quota for stories from the region? Thought they’d just slip it in as part of the drip, drip, drip of the Vengeful Gaia Narrative?
Outrage over a cartoon… and yet no one died
The blood libel cartoons and the Mohammed cartoons, even if equally offensive, show the difference in the reactions of two peoples at loggerheads.
Only on a BBC radio call-in show in Britain could you have heard listeners phoning in to express how the West would get what it has coming to it for a peasant-like film being uploaded to YouTube by some anonymous character in the United States.
But that is precisely what I heard, when as a guest on the BBC Asian Network last year, I was asked to take part in a phone-in discussion with listeners about the “Innocence of Muslims” film.
note that after r bacon, spending time advertising, and reviewing – new programme “make me a muslim” apparently bbc s latest attempt to sanitise, its favourite ideology, and programme younger and impressionable viewers to its agenda. on the the afternoon show yesterday.
well, islams best sponsor, “panto” nikki campbell, does the same this morning with interviews added, he gushes about islams “design for life”,(good) – western life, (bad), having the freedom to do what you would like,(bad), if you go out at weekends,(bad) etc etc.
more of the same shameful mission creep” from al bbc, to programme our young, impressionable minds into believing
that islam, despite the ENORMOUS FACT BASE TO THE CONTRARY, is benign, doesn t have an agenda to destroy any society non islamic, isn t racist/supremacist, doesn t treat other ethnic/sexual minorities, and women, with derision and discrimination, is willing to threat, commit violence to, even murder anyone who disagrees with it, (the more public/the more threat) … yep! people the HARD FACTS … remember them, that plainly show islam as the most dangerous ideology on the planet.
but, don t expect to see that on “make me a muslim”, or the little aspect of what could happen should you leave
For those not interested in football….look away now.
Colin Murray is a dyed-in-the-wool young trendy Beeboid with all the correct and properly requisite right-on attitudes. Despite this BBC have just bumped him off Match of the Day 2. Perhaps an example of a presenter losing the dressing room?
Anyway, Murray soldiers on channelling his inner Beeboid. Here he is in today’s Metro newspaper writing about Mario Balotelli….
‘If this article seems a little mocking, let me set the record straight – I really like Mario. His upbringing was difficult and his flaws are not entirely his own fault.’
Ah bless, it’s not his fault.
I’m sure there will be plenty more BBC gigs for young Murray.
But it’s not his fault. Colin Murray: ‘I’ll leave the deeper analysis to the professionals but I’m just making the point that his life wasn’t always a box of chocolates’.
Surprised at this. The Beeb usually go out of their way to get and keep as many from Norn Irn onto their airwaves as pos, especially those with an accent, like Murray’s, I can only describe as ‘grinding’.
BBC website headline about latest release of statistics: ‘138,000 speak no English – census’.
Buried deep in story – four million do not speak English as their main language.
Conscious bias and twisting in action.
Very interesting how the with a quick hand trick the information at hand is rewritten in which to give the impression of something else. So the according to the news the poles are the largest ethnic group in the UK. Lets have a look again shall we:
Polish = 546,000
Gujarati= 213,00
All of the above are languages spoken by the region of the Indian subcontinent between Pakistan and India. But hang on, only 269,00 people speak Urdu, the main language in Pakistan , yet over 1 million Pakistani live in the Uk. NOw its fine quoting 500K for polish speakers. Yet each and every Pole I have met speaks…English. Not every Pakistani I have met speaks..English.
At a stroke Indians/Pakistani (who are the same people) have been overtaken by Poles as the majority minority faith.
David Copperfield would be really proud of pulling off that one.
Does anybody believe the government got a full and honest response to its census, or anywhere near it?
A friend’s daughter looking to move went to view one house in East London recently and found it had 25 ‘Asians’ living in it. All dutifully and accurately recorded on the census form, no doubt.
What will Mardell and Flanders make of this? US economy shrinks a surprise 0.1% in fourth quarter
Although note that the mathematically-challenged bBBC staff have got it wrong when they say ‘The world’s largest economy grew 3.1% in July to September’: it actually grew 0.75% in those three months, an annualised rate of 3.1%. That’s the way the US presents their figures.
“Unexpectedly”. Except to those of us who’ve been predicting this for months, that is. Of course, worshiping Him gets in the way of reality sometimes, so we can understand how highly-credentialed, high-salaried expert editorialists (not journalists) might have missed this.
I know that, according to conventional wisdom, one bad quarter does not a Double-Dip Recession make. So let’s watch what happens next quarter. After a couple ore months of numbers which somehow turn out not to be true again, that is.
I wonder if this will stop “Two Eds” or the rest of them from pointing to The Obamessiah’s economic genius as the way Forward.
Here’s an official prediction of the growth in US GDP from the 2010 mid term fiscal review direct from the horse’s mouth
“Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Unemployment Rate: Real GDP is expected to decline by 2.8 percent this year, and to increase by 2.0 percent in 2010. The growth rate is projected to accelerate in 2011 to 3.8 percent and to exceed 4 percent per year in 2012-2014. Beyond 2014, real GDP growth is projected to converge to a long-run annual growth rate of potential GDP of 2.5 percent.”
If the BBC expresses “surprise” over the new figures, it’s because they swallow propaganda too readily. The press release (in this case a govt. report) should be the first step towards investigation.
As the author “LACUNA” wrote in 1937 in a British car magazine: “Remember, news is what people do NOT want reported.”
Perhaps the clearest indication of the truth of what WE have all been saying for years now about the bias in the media in favor of the current US President was given in an interview 60 Minutes reporter Steve Croft. Croft told another dreadful Obama acolyte CNN’s Piers Morgan: “I think he knows that we (CBS) are not going to play gotcha with him, that we’re not going to go out of our way to make him look bad or stupid.” Tell that to George W Bush!
So now we know how Mardell can get his interview with the President: (a) Stick tongue out (b) Lick arse
BBC comedy to fearlessly take on the issue of mass immigration?
Welcome To Our Village, Please Invade Carefully
‘Hattie Morahan stars in a new sitcom series about an alien invasion of a small village in Buckinghamshire.
Katrina Lyons was only visiting Cresdon Green, the village where she grew up, to borrow some money from her parents. They said no. But when she tried to head back to London, it turned out alien beings known as the Geonin had lowered a force field around the village and were refusing to let anyone in or out.
There’s worse to come. Once the Geonin have finished studying the sample of humankind they’ve trapped in Cresdon Green, they’ll launch a global invasion. Katrina finds this even more abhorrent than the prospect of living with her parents again at the age of thirty four – which she also has to do whilst the village is under alien rule. Unfortunately almost everyone in the village is too cowardly, apathetic, polite or stupid to stand up to this alien menace, so Katrina has no choice but to start the resistance movement herself. In the cricket pavilion.’
Might those clever writers have quietly slipped something subversive past the BBC ‘Compliance Department’?
Second thoughts, I guess the show is just a load of tosh (probably will be mocking the traditional conservative British way of life) and I’m just a paranoid racist.
Ably assisted by the BBC presenter this morning, Claudia Wood, Deputy Director of DEMOS think-tank (founded by a former editor of ‘Marxism Today’, just to give some context which the BBC did not) was adamant that using plastic cards to facilitate benefits claimants should not be subject to restrictions – e.g. to prevent benefits from being used for gambling, smoking, drinking and on things like SKY TV.
This is because, as she later expounded, we need to get people to start thinking that their benefits aren’t really benefits, but more of a wage…..because that’ll really help them work out how to manage their money.
Right….let’s get everybody into the frame of mind that benefits are really wages, and that living on benefits is the newest form of being employed. Just what we need.
‘living on benefits is the newest form of being employed’
Employed????! I fort it was more of an ‘uman rite! No one said nuffink bart ‘avin to be employed!
And now, here is the BBC News…
The look on Prescott’s face when she says she can’t be working class ‘Because I don’t work’.
Priceless. Good old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, aspiration-destroying Labour class war skewered in seconds, and the most hypocritical of its own ruling class along with it. Beautiful.
I’m truly sorry, but since Grant’s departure has taken away the fun of baiting him about Scotland’s very healthy diet etc, I simply must find amusement somewhere. And getting amusement out of Lord Lard Arse’s continued pollution of the planet takes some doing, believe me.
Still, as a sop to your frustration you might consider that p’raps he’s descended from the vast army of English who moved to South Wales during the mining boom in the mid-1800’s. None of whom, mark you, were Kentish so you don’t catch me there.
On the other hand (and far more likely, methinks) it might be that he’s the lineal descendant of Owain Glyndwr, and awaits the call to lead his country into a bright new future. As the Land Of Pies And Song. But mostly Pies.
No “Left-leaning” label for Demos, but you have a “Tory” MP taking the opposite side. No need to label Demos, then, right, BBC?
I’m kind of amazed that nobody mentioned what actually goes on in the US. Humphrys mentioned Food Stamps but got it wrong. I think all States ditched the paper “Food Stamps” ages ago, and now people on benefits get a plastic card which is effectively a debit card (Electronic Benefit Transfer), which they use to pay for whatever they like in grocery stores and delis, drug stores, etc. And it’s up to individual stores to decide if they take the cards or not. I suppose in some neighborhoods, like mine, there’s no choice, because otherwise the majority of residents wouldn’t shop there at all. But not everyone does, and you certainly can’t use them in the whiter, wealthier areas. Amazingly, some places even have a scheme to allow their use in restaurants. They’re still called “Food Stamps” out of habit, but Humphrys is 100% wrong in what he said. What we have is more or less exactly what the Demos lady is suggesting (if I understood her correctly). Unfortunately, Humphrys instead acts superior to the US, and you’re left misinformed, misled, and encouraged to support her scheme.
Oh, and despite the restrictions on what you can buy with them, you can use them in ATMs in some areas to get cash anyway.
Nanny Bloomberg in NYC tried to forbid the poor from using their benefits to buy soda. The USDA, which controls the whole program (long story, a relic of a former era) blocked his bid and those of other cities and States which tried it on. Many places already block the use of benefits for buying cigarettes and alcohol, precisely the kind of infatiliziation of the poor Humphrys and the Demos lady were tut-tutting. Oh, my, the dripping caring in his voice when he said that makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? I’ll assume they don’t know about any of this, either.
In addition to this, unemployment benefits in many States actually are done with individual bank accounts (loaded up weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the State, but one has to phone in or appear every week to get the payment released, the equivalent of “signing on”), with…wait for it….debit cards. The bank accounts aren’t fully functional regular ones, but you can use the card at ATMs and any place that takes credit/debit cards, without any of the restrictions placed on the other kind of benefits card.
Basically, the US already has in place exactly what the Demos lady is suggesting, and actually a better version than what her goal would be. Does it help people adjust to living like they’re on a regular wage, or benefit (no pun intended) them in the ways she suggests? I doubt it. It’s still regular money for doing nothing, still a lack of incentive to improve one’s lot if there’s no push to do better. So the fancy features of a card versus getting cash here and there seems like window dressing so she and the bureaucrats can appear to care more and do more for the poor.
One small difference between what I bet the BBC and the Demos lady want and what happens in the US: Unemployment benefits are scaled according to how much money one earned (and paid taxes into the system) before losing a job and applying for benefits. So if you earned more money than your neighbor, you get more cash each month. There’s a limit to the payment, of course, and the top end isn’t all that great, but it’s not entirely egalitarian. That would never do in Equality of Outcome Britain, I’m sure.
Now, do these programs save money in the long run over other schemes? Yes. But Allah forbid we talk about saving taxpayers’ money when discussing the benefits culture. Who cares about that, eh?
‘Humphrys is 100% wrong in what he said.’
That old educating and informing thing they do a bargain at just £145.50 a year then.
Shame they don’t do refunds.
‘Almost 50,000 children living abroad are receiving benefits claimed by immigrant families based in Britain, figures have revealed.
Keith Vaz, chairman of the home affairs committee, said he was ‘surprised’ by the figures which were released in a written answer by the Treasury. ‘Most people would consider it wrong for people to receive child benefit when the children are living abroad permanently,’ he added.’
What does my £145 per year BBC subscription get me on this subject?
‘More than a million better-off families will lose some or all of their child benefit, under rules now in force.
Families with one parent with a taxable income of more than £50,000….[blah, blah blah…..]’
Ah, the BBC do at least have the 50,000 figure. Completely wrong context. I guess the old story is closer to their hearts. Strange because the new story is likely to produce anger in the British public (even Keith Vaz acknowledges that) ; and the BBC usually do so love to report ‘anger’.
BBC: Wilfully behind the curve (on certain stories)
So Vaz was surprised, was he? What, even if it is a while since a senior colleague of his expressed her approval of the practice – so much so, in fact, she considered them ‘heroes’?
Merely a messenger, but an intriguing little tweet: @BBCMarkEaston via Twitter
Attlee’s govt used ‘devious little devices’ to discourage ‘coloured’ migrants while encouraging white workers from old Commonwealth.
Meanwhile Mr. Cameron’s seems in contrast keen to invite in all those colourful Roma immigrants while encouraging (via policy, tax and laws of unintended consequence) white flight to the Commonwealth.
It’s a different time, see.
In his haste to be on message (e.g. ‘migrants’ for ‘immigrants’, dear Lord), I fear Easton has overlooked which party Atlee actually led.
And surely (it’s drummed in often enough) the passengers on the ‘Empire Windrush’ came here in response to a plea for people to do work on the buses etc that the lazy good for nothing Anglos couldn’t be bothered with ?
The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel Fried, the special envoy for closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and will not replace him, according to an internal personnel announcement. Mr. Fried’s office is being closed, and his former responsibilities will be “assumed” by the office of the department’s legal adviser, the notice said.
The announcement that no senior official in President Obama’s second term will succeed Mr. Fried in working primarily on diplomatic issues pertaining to repatriating or resettling detainees appeared to signal that the administration does not currently see the closing of the prison as a realistic priority, despite repeated statements that it still intends to do so.
I wonder what Matt Frei (ex-BBC, former Washington correspondent and anchor of BBC World News America) thinks about this? Should we expect the BBC to update their Q&A page about closing Gitmo? I won’t hold my breath.
The BBC won’t be reporting this as they’re far too busy pushing His gun control and illegal immigrant amnesty agenda. They need to focus on His positives, as always.
I think they should give the President a Nobel Peace Prize for keeping locked up all those people he doesn’t like.
At least he’s not ordering drones to murder them.
He should win every year, just for being ‘Him’. And making us all feel better thereby. Because He’s amongst us. Thank you Barry. For everything.
I wish we could vote for him. Typical bloody Yanks to bogart his wonderfulness (and the thrill of seeing his name on the ballot paper) for themselves. Grrr.
Maybe (Yessss !) we could clone him, so that everyone could have their own Barack, to inspire them to become better people.
What…no Obama nomination for Best International Folk Music Award?
I only mention the oversight, because Billy Bragg has just got a “Roots Award” from the Radio 2 leftie wallahs.
Good Lord…is ther NO current folkies apart from the Wurzels that are NOT dedicating their songs to old collieries or Occupy?
Absolute gobshites one and all…now if only they`d just do instrumentals we might be OK.
Bragg “played” some heap of crap called ideology…a direct rip off of Bob Dylans Chimes Of Freedom, but who there in the real ale tent would tell Bragg that he`s as derivative and as much a facsimile as Milli Vannilli.
Ah well, back to Glen Campbell!
Arts Councils, licence fees, freee bars in Glasgow..why the hell are WE paying for it….and why no picket lines to denounce Maggie for shutting down the Mike Harding Mine .
Maybe I should write the folk song about the Harding Hanging of 2012…bloody Thatch again!
I once heard a dentist accidentally come up with a spoonerism when saying: “Thumb sucking isn’t usually a problem” in a radio discussion but my all time favourite was was Charlotte Green missing out the first ‘s’ in ‘floppy discs’ once. These things happen.
There was a story she introduced once from Cambridge filed by the BBC Punt Correspondent.
Oddly, though he never forgave her, no one else batted an eyelid.
The bBC and it’s penchant for very shoddy reporting which it tries to pass off as…NEWS. Israeli ‘strike on convoy on Syria-Lebanon border’ Israeli forces have attacked a convoy on the Syria-Lebanon border, unnamed security sources in the region have told news agencies.
So the bBC brings the world this breaking news story that Isreal has struck a convoy. But lets look at what the bBC actually gives us:
1)It is not clear what the convoy was carrying, or which side of the border it was hit, though it is thought the attack took the form of air strikes.
So we don’t know where or what was hit or by who in what format.?
2)BBC Middle East correspondent Wyre Davies says the reports are impossible to verify, although some well-placed diplomats and military sources say they would not be surprised if Israel had acted, given the recent instability in Syria.
Again we can’t say for certain if the story is true, but you know what, you can’t trust a Jew, so lets go with the story anyway.
3)The Lebanese military and internal security forces have not officially confirmed the reports, but say there has been increased activity by Israeli warplanes over the country in the past week, and particularly in recent hours.
So with no strike in Lebanon yet confirmed (and the same for Syria) lets go on the angle the jews did it anyway.
4)Unnamed sources who spoke to Reuters and AFP news agencies differed as to whether the convoy was hit in Lebanon or in Syria, although correspondents say an attack on the Syrian side would cause a major diplomatic incident.
So with nobody actually having any proof of any attack, we can all agree that if Israel was behind this atatck nobody knows about it would be a huge diplomatic incident. Unlike when the Jews hit that nuke site inside Syria the other year.
5)Iran has said it will treat any Israeli attack on Syria as an attack on itself.
Actually they didn’t, what Iran said was: BEIRUT—Issuing Tehran’s strongest warning to date, a top Iranian official said Saturday that any attack on Syria would be deemed an attack on Iran, a sign that it will do all it can to protect embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad. Ali Akbar Velayati, an aide to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made his comments as Syrian troops discovered a trio of tunnels rebels were using to smuggle weapons in their fight to topple Assad.
The above comments have been aimed at NATO after it deployed Patriot missile batteries on the Turkish/Syrian border. Israel hasn’t been mentioned. Iran warns against attacking Syria
6) The attack came days after Israel moved its Iron Dome defence system to the north of the country.
What attack, the whole article informs the reader (other than the headline and its entire premise , that no evidence can be found of an attack, and just becasue the IDF has deployed one Iron dome battery (range 10,000 metres) border 50 miles.
The bbC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism, where replacing hard facts with hype and rumour is the standard operating procedure.
Hype and rumour: now you’re talking. Debka file tells of the Syrians trying to take advantage of cloudy weather to sneak sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah but getting wiped out:
Debka file tells of the Syrians trying to take advantage of cloudy weather to sneak sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah but getting wiped out:
Maybe so, but my post concerns the bBC, whose widely published remit states that they don’t publish any story until the full facts are in. Unless theya re reporting a stroy handed to them by:
The Taliban
Islamic terrorists in general
The Labour Party
The Green Party
Pickles is right to point to BBC regional outfits as some of the worst of many sing-a-long to Labour choirs now active at the BBC.
I have watched BBC London handed over to what I could only really term the community unit. It then acted as Ken Livingstone’s PR department and has continued to snipe at Boris with every possible chance it gets.
Hardly a day goes by when the BBC London News isn’t wailing out the boring refrain ‘cuts cuts cuts’.
Ditto North West News. Always about the savage cuts and the dire consequences for the oppressed citizens. Nary a challenge e.g. ‘Is there any spending you are not cutting which people might think is less important – in other words, are you just trying to score political points?’ Or ‘If the cuts are so bad, how did the councils of Greater Manchester manage to find £1.5 billion to buy Stansted?’ Or ‘Is you Diversity and Equality Department more important than social care?’ etc etc
You can bet none of the bureaucrats and pen-pushers in those typically shiny county council headquarters have lost their jobs – they’ll protect their own and ditch those who actually provide the services first. What better way to make those cuts more visible to the local electorate, along with sitting quietly on millions of pounds held in reserve for just this sort of occasion. I’ll bet they have one of those platitudinous slogans on their glossy pamphlets too…
“Putting ̶p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶s̶ people first”.
Absent from this BBC article about former Rep. Giffords promoting more gun control laws are the facts of her victimhood. The BBC’s description:
Ms Giffords, who is still recovering after being shot by a mentally ill gunman while meeting her constituents in Tucson, opened Wednesday’s hearing saying: “Violence is a big problem.
The BBC also points out a couple paragraphs later that Ms. Giffords and her husband are both gun owners.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that the lunatic who shot her and killed several others used a handgun, a Glock, with a 30-round magazine, not an “assault rifle”. The gun control laws everyone is pushing at the moment wouldn’t have prevented that tragedy. At most, a limit to 10-round magazines would have simply made Loughner and any other lunatic have to reload a bit sooner. Actually, the only thing that prevented him from killing even more people is that somebody tackled him when he stopped to reload. But if he had had to use a smaller clip in the first place, he’d have done what everyone else does: brought more guns to the party. Simples.
Bonus point: a gun with a smaller clip is much easier to conceal. Nice going, guys.
There’s been some lip-service paid to doing something about the mentally ill, but nothing real is going to happen with that, as it’s all about the superficial act of banning scary-looking guns and harming innocent target shooters by taxing their bullets. Giffords and the BBC talk about there being too much violence in society, but that’s more about Chicago – where there’s stricter gun control than most other places already – than about a mentally ill person acting out. Why aren’t they in Chicago right now? I mean, a black teenage girl who attended The Obamessiah’s inauguration was just gunned down near His Chicago home. What better story could you want? Has the BBC sent one of the battalion of Beeboids to do one of those “bespoke” video magazine pieces on this?
It’s more dangerous to be a young black man in Chicago than it is to be a US soldier in Afghanistan. There’s your gun violence story right there, BBC. Or what about Detroit? We all know the answer: this isn’t about stopping violence at all. It’s about controlling the citizens even more. The BBC won’t be allowing that point of view in their discussions.
Giffords and her husband own handguns, not “assault weapons”, so they’re not going to be affected by the laws everyone is threatening to push through at the moment. In other words, this whole sexy gun ban would not have prevented her from getting shot, and won’t affect her personally now. That’s why the BBC editor chose the general term “gun owners” – to obscure the facts.
The BBC doesn’t want you to know about any of that because it distracts from the agenda. I’m all for having a rational debate about gun laws, but it has to be an honest debate, not dishonest.
lthough most gun owners reportedly keep a firearm in their home for “protection” or “self defense,” 83 percent of gun-related deaths in these homes are the result of a suicide, often by someone other than the gun owner.
Firearms are used in more suicides than homicides.
Death by firearms is the fastest growing method of suicide.
Firearms account for 50 percent of all suicides.
Once again that mental health issue seems to be far more important in all this than the BBC wants you to know. Let’s have a debate about it, but please let’s keep it honest.
I`m just 8 minutes into the BBC3 broadcast
“Make Me A Muslim” …. Growing numbers of young British women are converting to Islam. Shanna Bukhari, a 26-year-old Muslim from Manchester, sets out to find out why girls are giving up partying, drinking and wearing whatever they want for a religion some people associate with the oppression of women……
This is the kind of pro Islamic programming we don`t need to see……. how about a documentary showing the plight of five muslim girls who have chosen to leave islam???
“…. some people associate with the oppression of women”
– it would more than ‘some’ if the BBC told the public the truth for once in their vile, dishonest lives.
One aspect of the documetary so far not being shown are the “fiances or male partners” of the women…… Plus I`m not trying to be intentionally cruel about these women, but…. they`re not exactly what you might call “clubbers, or party girls” are they??? Okay i understand they don`t wear make up, but a couple of them could at least try trimming thier moustaches….
Bloody hell Dopey Dave is flying around africa like superman solving all the AQ problems by pronouncing hes going to cooperate with algerian intelligence. Instant solution! What a dope!
What is actually needed is for the French to recommission and make battle ready the original Foriegn Legion forces…. Those guys knew all about quelling the Jihadist nature of the Sub-Saharan peoples…. They were able to counter the threat on a tight budget without the need for vast resources and know the terrain. One Legion battalion is equivelant to about five standard infantry in this region…. If the Algerians want help from us, offer them the Legion with a gaurantee that thier mobisation will not result in an attempted coup this time round……
There is no such thing as a `secular` Arab Government… All are subject to Theocratic interference spart from Syria which although non Theocratic under Assad it is stll a country which is ruled by a pseudo elected Presidency resulting from a direct handdown of power from father to son….. In every other Islamic state theocratic rule from behind a viel of either a monarch or President elected from within a one party state system is the norm……. So far every single successful ousting of previous rule within the Arab Spring demographic has been hijacked by fundamentalist parties who look only to install a Sharia law based system of rule and another one party state system from then on…… The masses have no experience of a true multi party election and in the aftermath of thier revolts have by instinct turned to the only influences they know in elections… That of religious parties whose only aim is Theocracy and subsequent one party state regimes… The Islamic countries who have a monarch are subject to religious law and thier figurehead rulers are nothing more than puppets of Islamic clerics and Imams who have the true power….
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
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ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
It is a basic tenet of BBC Radio 5 that leftwing politics must be brought into the world of sport.
Meanwhile Westminster MPs have been relieved of many of their former duties by Brussels. But it seems our own Parliamentary delagates are still allowed to have their areas of interest. So a committee of these well paid busy bodies has spent two long years looking into the administration of ….wait for it…. football.
Nicky Campbell and a chum from….guess which low circulation newspaper (no prizes) ….the Guardian….. seem to admire some of the wacky and irrelevant ideas of the MP’s and give them a full airing.
Some wonderful lefty nonsense follows: The FA should regulate ticket prices; Wealth is concentrated at the top and not enough is spread to the lower reaches.
Why can’t lefties understand that football is part of the entertainment industry? Participation at all levels is voluntary. You don’t like it, you know what to do. People don’t watch, then the whole ediface would crumble.
I suppose the fact that the BBC and Guardian are both apparently immutable forces separated from normal market forces and consumer preferences helps induce this other-worldliness in their views.
talking of the dame 😀
for once a bit of cold hard reality … for the nikki
panto 5live roadshow, “your call” check it out
48 mins in .. sadly no link yet
straight away … we have al bbc the microphone fairy to hand. to whisk him away, and whisk in in some SWP dunce , to bleat a drone about imperialism, the crusades … no less … radio gold
heres the link …
no … i wasn t hearing things 😀
no wonder he didn t expect to be
put through.
Just listened to it. Hats off to the soldier loved the “are you drunk ” bit. The dickhead muppet blatting on about Bloody Sunday deserved all the derision he got.
Great piece of straight talking vox pop, thanks. Notice how Nicky tried to derail him on soldiers giving people a hard time in Northern Ireland, but it didn’t put him off his stride – both barrels into “you left wingers”. Another hero like Rachel Bull and “that bigot woman”. Grab back to media foghorn stolen by overeducated monkeys like Dame Nikky and the socialist New Ruling Class.
Come the revolution, hacks and IRA up against the wall.
I listened to dame Nicki’s list of atrocities at the beginning and thought “at last hes going to discus the fate of those scores of vulnerably white girls abused by ‘asian’ pimping gangs.” Foolish me
extreme bias alert ….
nearly spat out my tea at the services,
the 5live anoon chimp, r bacon is going to review and devote a lot of time to …
wait for it …
a new programme “make me a muslim” apparently bbc s latest attempt to sanitise, its favourite ideology, and programme younger and impressionable viewers to its agenda.
disgusting – there are no words
– murdering the elderly?, 85 year old, carving cross into the corpse? fifth murder now?
get a mention at all ?
– how about
“insurgents apparently set fire to a library that is home to thousands of priceless ancient manuscripts, an act described by the city’s mayor as a “devastating blow” to world heritage”
no … nothing
– how about the epidemic of child gang rapes then? … sound of crickets!
– 20, 303 murderous jihadi terror attacks, just since 9/11 … worth a mention?
i mean …….. bbc whats not to like eh!
I wonder if the bBC would care to use me in a program called:
“Make me an apostate”
Yeah right and the Popes a duck.
Make me a muslim?
I wonder if they will put a health warning at the beginning, stating that once adopted, any attempt to leave the faith will lead to an early death?
And could surviving relatives sue the inbbc for compo?
All part of the relentless re-distribution agenda favoured by Obama, the EU and the UN and not-so-secretly underpinned by the mitigating actions recommended (and being implemented) for ‘climate change’.
What’s the odd trillion here or there, comrades?
BBC proposes state regulation as answer to {insert problem here}.
I put any football debate like this:
Would you rather watch Manchester United vs Chelsea, or Accrington Stanley vs Luton Town?
It is the exact same principle of would a beeb/Guardian talking head prefer to watch a show in the west end, or down at South Oxhey Methodist church?
I know the answer, you know the answer…THEY know the answer, but it’s just allll so unfair, innit?
I don’t see the west end shows funding South Oxhey Methodist church’s production of “Oliver!”, so why should Manchester United fund Accrington Stanley?….because they got their business model right?…please!
If the Guardian/BBC were so worried about grass roots lower league football, perhaps they could start commenting on matches/showing matches…what’s that you say?….no one is interested?….it is not financially viable to do so?…no return on your investment you say?…oh.
Actually, mate, I get as much enjoyment watching the likes of Accrington as I do Chelsea – or watching a Sunday league game down the local rec. What the two ends of the professional football spectrum have in common, generally, is successful businessmen who come into football with a load of money (and in the case of the Prem, see the promised land of a fortune from Sky) who then seem to throw their business acumen out of the window and let emotion take over and/or let themselves be dictated to by the players and an unsustainable wage structure.
Where the ‘re-distribution’ should occur, if you can call it that, would be by making the top players put something back into the game at the lower levels. It used to happen automatically years ago when they had to continue playing out of necessity and the smaller clubs used to benefit financially and in skills mentoring by having a ‘big name’ playing for them. There is no chance of this happening now because top players can retire at the peak of their earnings, and almost none have any interest in carrying on playing for the pleasure or for putting something back.
I too heard this crap this morning about the need for the Government to intervene in the running of the F.A.
Beforehand, we`d also heard about childcare, and the soft drinks industry as well. The “need to intervene” of course…
Recent ones, of course include Syria, Mali, Starbucks taxation, obesity yada, yada….
The BBC are never happier in finding more Government, law and snooping quangos for the rest of us to fund and submit to…and they can tell us all about their shortfalls in due course…so MORE funding, regulations and lawyers can get livings off the backs of the new scandals as well.
That`s our BBC…to quote their poster boy Heseltine…happy to intervene before breakfast, dinner and tea in order to show that Government works….
Mid Staffs, Millennium Dome, Tax discs, Baby P…yes folks…our BBC…
The EU’s behind sport regulation, but you never hear that from their media grant recipients…….
the bBC – money no object
bloody hypocrites
Perhaps the BBC could set the example by giving some of its £4bn pa ‘market share’ to less successful media organisations.
The Times – with impeccable timing, might I add – publish an anti-Semitic cartoon, which upsets Jews and the groups which represent them, forcing an apology from News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch. Well, I’m sure this isn’t an attempted smear of one of the BBC’s biggest threats, after all, they covered the controversy over that ‘puppet-master’ cartoon in the Guardian and —
Nice one, TomR. In case anyone isn’t aware of it, the cartoon
that appeared in the Guardian is here.
Now, after the Sunday Times cartoon, the BBC feel safe to deal with it. So who better to get on than crazed Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell. Although Bell’s cartoon is discussed in the clip, all that appears on the website is
Steve Bell, cartoonist in the Guardian, said: “For once, this wasn’t a bad cartoon. The problem with the state of Israel and the Zionist lobby is that they never acknowledge the crime of ethnic cleansing on which the state was founded.”
which is two sentences pasted together from the garbage he spouted.
Was the host in that clip being run… through… a… filter?
‘For once, this wasn’t a bad cartoon’
Modest much?
I try never to miss Matt.
Mr. Bell I could care less about.
Which may explain the relative level of exposure of each via the BBC.
Guest Who;
“‘For once, this wasn’t a bad cartoon’
Modest much?”
Steve Bell was referring to Gerald Scarfe’s cartoon.
Too complicated for you?
‘Steve Bell was referring to Gerald Scarfe’s cartoon.’
He shoots… He scores!
‘Too complicated for you?’
Not really.
I was aware of his reference subject; but my comment was more on his tonality, which about the work of fellow professional came across as somewhat patronising. You may be aware of such a temptation?
He’d be unlikely to refer to his own work in such a way unless with a low and deranged level of self-esteem. Speaking of which.. thanks for chipping in.
A rare outing from the bunker I think we can all agree has been very worthwhile.
When challenged about it by a guy from the Jewish Chronicle (I think it was) on this morning’s Today, Steve Bell denied his cartoon portrayed Netanyahu as a puppet master.
But then The Left can make any denial they want on the BBC, can’t they? Helping to re-write history – even when it’s as recent as that – is all part of their job description.
Yes, Bell said it wasn’t Netanyahu as a puppet master, but rather Netanyahu holding Blair and Hague hand puppets. I guess that makes him a puppeteer, not a puppet master, right, BBC?
Naughtie had no complaints about such BS. Rolled right over.
So he wasn’t really having a go at the joooooz.
That’s his story and he’s sticking to it. If he holds the approved thoughts, he can use historically anti-Semitic imagery to his heart’s content. The BBC knows exactly where he’s coming from, which is why they had him on to attack Israel as part of the “debate” about the cartoon. Pollard was left to cry wolf and devalue real anti-Semitism. If there is any, which Bell seems to doubt.
To be fair Murdock has a spotless record as a supporter of Israel. This is one reason why I expect the Sunday Times to be more careful in future.
I fully expect to see hordes of angry Jews attacking embassy’s, burning British flags, setting fire to cars, military compounds, and anything else they can think of burning, then, capturing an ambassador, sodomizing him, and murdering him, before dragging his brutalized body through the streets of Tel Aviv from the back of a motorcycle…
No surprise there. Funny how the BBC forgot to mention that Scarfe and Roger Waters got in some hot water for similar anti-Jewish imagery in their animated sequences for Water’s recent The Wall tour. News of which the BBC censored, as far as I’m aware. So I guess they can’t mention it now.
It’s not like the BBC doesn’t know about the virulent anti-Israel and associated anti-Jewish sentiment of Waters and Scarfe. The BBC happily reported it when Waters wrote anti-Israel graffiti on a barrier wall in Bethlehem.
‘Funny how the BBC forgot to mention’
We don’t need no education… or… for that matter… information.
I really don’t agree that the BBC is ‘anti-Jewish’. You may have a case for arguing that they are ‘anti-Israel’ (although I would describe it more as ‘pro-Palestine’) but that is hardly the same thing – they bang on about the Holocaust constantly!
Its part of their agenda for ‘warning’ us about the supposed threat of nationalism.
I’m beginning to agree with those people who think it’s a replay of 1930s appeasement: this time the Czech are being demonised for their treatment of the Sudetens and become identical with the Jews, which no sensible person would believe the Nazis wanted to murder – as that would mean us fighting a big war and none of us wants that. So we grovel to Islam, treat the ‘Palestinians’ as a submerged and persecuted nation, demonise Israel and haven’t lost every shred of dignity we ever had, because we’re anti-racist and right on.
I’m not saying the BBC is anti-Jewish, full stop. What I am saying is that the way they cover Israel and the whole scene is loaded in such a way that it encourages and lends succor to anti-Jewish sentiment. It’s one thing to criticize Israel, and report things that make the country look bad, but it’s quite another to demonize and push the dual-loyalty angle.
When Israel is portrayed as the only real villain of the piece, and Hamas is sanitized and the real genocidal goals of the Palestinians are swept under the rug, and the BBC plays it as only Israel not wanting a two-state solution, it encourages people like Bell to moan about the “Zionist Lobby”, which is Jews. Then you get the inevitable “You people always dismiss any criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism” canard, which Bell stated outright, totally condoned by Naughtie. This encourages anti-Jewish sentiment in the general public.
The BBC does not take care to avoid encouraging anti-Jewish sentiment the way they make every effort to avoid anti-Muslim sentiment. It’s a double standard, driven by the personal beliefs of BBC staff. No need for a memo or editorial directive from the top because they all think the same way, and the demonization will come naturally.
Trying awfully hard to be impartial, listening to a piece on the Today programme on the Gerald Scarfe cartoon in the Sunday Times, I could not help feel sorry for Jim Naughtie trying to shut up the lunatic from the Guardian Steve Bell.
Mr Bell has become a parody of himself just like Dave Spart in Private Eye. His acidic self-loathing just oozed over the air waves. Maybe this was his job interview at the beeb before the Guardian folds!?
As for ‘ I did not know it was holocaust day’ Scarfe, he has certainly dug up a hornets nest at the BBC and obviously did not stop to think what he was doing.
Murdoch shouldn’t have apologised. And to suggest it shouldn’t have been published is nonsense. Publish away, no matter what or who is offended.
What are people going to do when someone publishes a cartoon of the maniac, murdering, paedophile Mohammed? call for an apology? no…it will be all “freedom of speech!” etc. It cuts both ways, I’m afraid.
“What are people going to do when someone publishes a cartoon of the maniac, murdering, paedophile Mohammed? call for an apology? no…it will be all “freedom of speech!” etc. It cuts both ways, I’m afraid.”
the difference being of course that in this case there will be no baying slavering savages calling for Scarfe to be beheaded etc etc etc
And again… Nice chap, Bell. He and the BBC – made for each other! Perhaps he can do illustrations for CBBC?
‘Comments are closed’ As are minds, and free speech.
Messrs Scarfe & Bell should be able to publish what they want. If there is protest, and boycott, so be it. Market freedom, market forces.
But then, I am compelled to pay for whatever the BBC comes out with no matter what, so whatever outrage there is abounding (Down, Paul, down… it’s in the UK, so you’d have to come back), there’s always a unique exemption, possibly with a lawyer attached to rig things the ‘correct’ way.
This whole country is now so twisted by exceptions it’s like a lattice crust on top of a rancid stew ready to erupt.
BBC ‘Today’, featuring pro-Islamic jihad Hamas supporter and ‘Guardian’ political cartoonist, Mr Bell; and Stephen Pollard of ‘Jewish Chronicle’.
(Scroll down to 08:20 for 7 min audio of item.)
Now that I’ve listened to it, it’s much worse than that. Bell was there to demonize Israel and contribute to the rising anti-Semitism in the UK. Defending the cartoon was a pretext. He hit all the favored talking points: the existence of Israel is based on genocide, the Zionist Lobby, people like Pollard cry wolf and devalue the term anti-Semitism. Completely unchallenged except for one brief squawk from Pollard, quickly stepped on.
Naughtie was almost as disgusting. Only one PM in the world should be protected from political cartoons? Just another way of saying that Jews demand special treatment and play the victim card. It all added up to one more instance of the BBC helping to encourage anti-Jewish sentiment.
Having said that, I’ll now say this: Piss off Naughtie, piss off Today producers. You wouldn’t publish the Mohammed cartoons, so don’t pretend you’re champions of free speech and that cartoons should offend.
Naughtie didn’t try to shut him up at all. At most he had to work a little harder to let Pollard get a word in edgewise. But he had no complaints about any of Bell’s complete demonization of Israel and the Zionist Lobby and Jews who suggest there might be any anti-Semitism. Naughtie allowed it, and allowed Bell to hijack the whole thing.
I am very worried about the proposed referendum on In/Out of Europe. Although the polls say that there is a good majority in favour of leaving remember what happened to the Irish. Millions was chucked at the Media to make them reconsider and they did: the same could happen here The BBC foremost but the Labour, and Lib/Dems and Half the Tories all wanting to be part of the gravy train No one really knows how much of EU money finds its way back to the UK purely for propagander. The Scots would probably would like to stay in. But those wavering in the UK will find much pressure. To their credit we don’t hear much from the Kinnocks.
by the time any referendum occurs ,i assume that there will be enough “new arrivals” in the country , that will be given a vote, and i can guess which way they shall be voting. im just a simple person but it certainly seems this way to me. anyhow, if a no vote won, it would just be altered until it became a yes vote. we are not getting out of the e.useless any time soon.
a couple of obvious ones today-1 from radio and 1 from tv
on radio 2 news at 8AM,the Scarfe cartoon has apparently elicited “claims” of anti semitism
the obviuos use of the word “claims” is clearly intended to sow the seeds of doubt in the mind of the listener.
on breakfast “news”,the very pretty but completely vacuous airhead Susanna Reid interviewed Bill Gates about his plans to eliminate polio,and he named Afghanistan,Pakistan and Northern Nigeria as problem areas where vaccination has proved very difficult
The elephant in the room had to dodge numerous tumbleweeds blowing across the studio floor as the obvious question went unasked……….
Bill Gates’ Richard Dimbleby Lecture is on BBC1 this evening; I wonder if he’ll mention the reasons why the last strongholds of polio are proving resistant to modern medical practice.
Pray, what are the reasons?
A certain over-reliance on prayer vs. other more tangible responses in this day and age might well be a factor.
the “islamists” don’t like the idea of westerners coming in and spreading their poison,such as medicines which cure horrible diseases
by the way-is “islamist” a contraction of “islamic terrorist”? 🙂
if the bbc get to hear that it could be,watch them scrabble to find a new “non-judgemental” epithet to describe muslim terrorists in some other suitably bland PC manner
If it isn’t, it’s well worth seeing if you can make it so [Jean-Luc voice].
Updating a saying that has already seen great service:
‘Twitter can see anything get around the world before Snopes can get its boots on’
It would be rather funny seeing the Kremlin May Day Rally Photoshoppers at the BBC’s Bureau of Right Thinking scamble to ‘deal’ with their own rather vast body of published works.
I think it should be seen to as soon as possible
make it so number 1(shameless crib)
Agreed, the bully-boy ‘islamists’ don’t like the science of the West exposing their wilful backwardness, their utter uselessness, but millions of muslim mothers are delighted to have their kids innoculated.
Before the capture of Bin Laden, CIA agents posed as polio vaccinators in the area around ‘Dusty Bin’s’ compound. Ergo, given headcase ‘islamist’ logic, even bona fide vaccinators must be shot. F*ck the kids’ welfare.
Oh the enrichment they could bring to our shores. Their religion shackles them to the 7th century.
if the bbc get to hear that it could be,watch them scrabble to find a new “non-judgemental” epithet to describe muslim terrorists in some other suitably bland PC manner
They already found it: Miltant!
isn’t that a character out of viz?
Is that a young Jo Brand?
too good lookin for that!!
It is also put about by the relevant elders in these areas that the jabs contain contraceptives or some other means of sterilising Muslim women in a Western plot to stop them breeding.
Given the evident incentives within our shores, the logic of that one takes some beating.
Logic is probably considererd a Western vice as well in that part of the world.
‘he named Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern Nigeria as problem areas’
What they need is a world class NHS.
Not there of course.
But that Mo/Mountain dilemma seems to have been neatly resolved by Labour and the UK Border Agency long ago.
Radio 5 Dead! dimwit Rachel Burden departed briefly from her norm of talking entirely about ‘MY HUSBAND’ and ‘MY CHILDREN’ to interview Bill Gates.
She’s not usually a target for this site as she’s not remotely interested in news or politics (despite ‘anchoring’ a news and politics programme but there you go that’s the BBC for you) only being interested in ‘MY HUSBAND’ and ‘MY CHILDREN’.
She does allow herself however to be a useful idiot for the student radicals on the programme. (Or is too thick to realise it’s happening)
And sure enough today we got that very tired Radio 5 Live tactic of shoving their own student radical view in our faces and blaming it on lozeoftex.
Apparently, so we are supposed to believe, they had lozeoftex asking about the comment from Tax Research UK about Microsoft ‘avoiding’ 5 billion dollars of tax and had to put it to Bill Gates.
No context of course – that the rather official and quango sounding Tax Research UK is nothing more than a dreary blog written by a (pretrendy) lefty fellow-traveller. Amazing, no, how easy it is for certain bloggers to be given a platform of sniggers ‘three million listeners’ sniggers again
So may I put it to the jury, m’lud’ that rather than lozeoftex on the subject, the truth was that Gameshow Nikki received a tweet from Tax Research UK, nudged ‘myhusbandandmychildren’ in the ribs, showed her the tweet, and said ‘wydoanyeraskthis’.
Well, Gameshow, worryathinkothaaa?
It’s the Boundary Review debate in the Commons today, and already this morning, on both R4 and Five Live, the BBC have announced that the Bill’s proposals will give the Tories and extra 20 seats at the next election.
Clearly they think that a suggestion of ‘gerrymandering’ will serve their purpose better than a more neutral statement that the Bill is concerned with addressing imbalances in the sizes of constituencies.
The BBC seem to have given up any pretence of impartiality and just don’t give a toss any more.
BBC 5 Live news had the wonderful formulation ‘changes some believe will help the Tories at the next election’
And this from a news organisation that was rather keen on PR as I recall from the AV debate.
I heard this too and it was a blatant case of the BBC telling half the story to suit its own agenda. Bloody disgraceful but not the first time they’ve done it on the boundary review.
Why do they do it? Because they can.
Biased Bastard Cretins*.
* or a word of your choice beginning with ‘c’.
Yup, ‘the boundary changes will help the Tories win 20 more seats at the next election.’
It is bare, naked bias.
Yeah – and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a system where the Tories can win an almost equal share of the popular vote but still end up with half as many seats as Labour.,_2005
The 6PM news on R4 was even worse.
Irrespective of the advantage or otherwise to any party, you think that the BBC might make the point that it is undemocratic for people’s votes to be unequal.
Naturally they don’t mention once that Labour have unfairly got 20 seats.
Labour are cheering the fact that they may well have just won the next election, with a rigged system…
As I heard pointed out by a conservative on the radio, Labour should have carried out the much needed boundary changes while they were in office but as it would have been to their detriment they didn’t bother. You don’t hear it from that angle at the BBC though as it would show labour in a poor light and we can’t have that can we?
I dug out the Sunday Times to view Scarfe’s cartoon. On Sunday – as on all other Sundays for the past God knows how long – I ignored Scarfe and his puerile leftism. On reflection, I suppose the cartoon could be interpreted as anti-semitic. However, IMHO, it’s simply the usual knee-jerk anti-Israel crapola approved in Islington (actual and metaphorical) and certainly not worth the complaints from “official” Jewry in the UK. Sure, it’s probably Scarfe channelling his distaste for Jews and, given that Sunday was Holocaust Day, a mite insensitive. OTOH “insensitivity” would probably preclude commenting (during Black History Month) on the scholastic and educational failure of black Britons or mentioning (on Nakba Day) the grooming of white girls by Moslems.
All the complaints have achieved is to big up Scarfe and let the publicity sun shine on the anti-Israel anti-semitic deniers rather than leaving them festering in their own dung-heap. They also allowed Steve Bell to whine on Today and illustrate both his political and personal unattractiveness. However, given Bell’s performance on Today and his Der Stürmer cartoon (published in the Guardian which still BTW hasn’t published the Mo cartoons) it seems to me that Bell harbours a far darker hatred than that underlying Scarfe’s efforts.
I don’t think you understand why false accusations against the Jewish State which this cartoon highlighted are just part of the incitement to hatred by the media and the BBC is a major player in this.. If the BBC keeps reporting against the Jewish State and states things that are simply NOT true than it makes it much easier for those that want to see the demise of the only Jewish State. The Holocaust didnot just happen it began with words.
Let’s take just as an example headline news from a few years ago.
“A Palestinian woman who was in the passenger seat of a car was killed by an Israeli soldier” The people who put that news headline knew why that Palestinian woman was shot. She was wearing a suicide belt and intended to murder innocent bystanders . Had she not been shot than tens if not more innocent Israeli’s would have lost their lives. So the powers that be at the BBC deliberately put only half the story in so that they can continue to poison people’s minds against Israel . Israeli soldiers do not shoot innocent Palestinian women but now the idea is put into people’s heads and Israeli’ soldiers are seen as evil. . .
I’m only too aware of the anti-Israeli bias at the BBC which colours its reportage as well as its analysis. After all, one of the BBC’s less distinguished correspondents who has, apparently, a personal grudge against Israel, is the BBC’s Middle East editor. However, publication of nasties like the Scarfe cartoon and the Bell extract from his work for
Der Stürmerthe Guardian are part of the price payable for a (nominally) free press.Unfortunately the press, even if nominally “free”, is not necessarily particularly courageous. As I mentioned in my intial comment, the Guardian, while happy to insult its Jewish readership in the Palestinian cause, is not prepared to publish the Mo cartoons under any circumstances. I would add that the Guardian is not alone in refusing to publish: the rest of the British MSM has been scared witless by the prospect of a Moslem backlash. Frankly, this is far more important than Scarfe’s nonsense which is, I would say, part of the small change of puerile leftism in the UK.
I agree with you though that the constant actual or near demonisation of Jews by supporters of the Palestinians and those with a religious motivation serves only to corrupt political discourse and poison social relations in the UK. The BBC in its tendentious reporting concerning Israel, acts as a major enabler of such anti-Jewish sentiment.
When Naughtie said that there would be a piece about that Scarfe cartoon later on in the programme, even I would never have thought that they`d be creating a row with the editor of the Jewish Chronicle.
Given the BBCs recent history, I can only guess that they had arranged the piece, assuming that Murdoch would be in the dock.
Murdoch saying an unqualified apology therefore ensured that the BBC would NOT be allowing an unqualified apology to those offended by publication of Scarfes malodorous little scribbles.
The “debate” was all that`s wrong with the Guardian and BBC axis of weevils-Steve Bell is probably confined to drawings because his own views give the game away when he presumes to talk.
Never heard such a boorish, self-righteous bellicose thug with his ignorance and sheer racist views about Israel and the Jews…ignorant and shouting over Pollard whenever he tried to speak.
Naughties pointless musings throughout reminded me of Bell being one of the dogs bred by Napoleon in” Animal Farm”…the BBC have fuelled and paid for the likes of Bell over they years, and his cartoons are a mere front for the kind of vicious anti-Semite that gets a fortune from the Guardian and the BBC, in granting him a licence to offend, an outrider for the coming New Order of the Left.
Noted too Naughties list of people that Bell might draw…George W, Cameron, Bibi….note NOT Obama (why ever not then?)…and I do hope that Jim tells us how often Bell has ever shown Ed Balls and Miliband as the quisling leavings of Uncle Joe that they really are?
Boycott the Guardian-and anyone seeing it in a staffroom( about the only place you DO see it!)…should tell their local council about its “incitement to racial hatred”…for I perceive it to be institutionally anti-Semite…so it is( MacPherson says so…so up yours Guardian scum!)
Funnily enough, Naughtie was on R3’s 10.30am, 30min spot, for 5 days, to talk about life and music a few weeks ago: this week it’s Alan Rusbridger. The latter, apparently, went to a choir school, is a an amateur pianist and something to do with the National Youth Orchestra – still, it’s all very incestuous.
One of the (many) complaints against cartoonists attacking Israel is that they recycle medieval antisemitic tropes while attacking Israel. Blood is certainly one of them. I suppose the Jews should be grateful that Netanyahu wasn’t portrayed drinking the blood or eating the babies.
The cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen (Dry Bones) claims that these tropes form a code identifying the target as Jewish rather than some other group. “Memetics and the Viral Spread of Antisemitism Through “Coded Messages” in Political Cartoons”

For some reason I can’t add images.
Only wish a few hot-headed Jews would put the wind up the likes of Scarfe and Bell, with a few threats.
Not veiled of course, for it would not be prepetually-offended Muslims doing it.
Of course they won`t for they are Gods real chosen people…which is why Islam as a tribute band, and the BBC/Guardian as the clueless undiscerning promoters for the imposters will rage and hate, hate and rage until they`re removed…we`re long past praying for either of them to be improved.
God Bless Israel.
Quick Quiz, Over the new year, Radio 5 breakfast show Nicky ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was looking back in history, guess what they were talking about ?
A. Stephen Lawrence
B. Stephen Lawrence
C. Stephen Lawrence
Groan, Lawrence is the ‘Risen Christ’ in the multicultural / marxist agenda
When you think of the number of horrific deaths since then – Kriss Donald, 7/7 etc…
Nothing of interest there though.
15 year old Kris Donald kidnapped by a gang of muslims, tortured, set alight, then murdered.
Nah, not interested.
Uh-oh, I thought.
Though, given the criticisms listed in the Wiki article, I am amazed to find there is not more.
What there is appears rather more concerned with the perps’ travails subsequently than the victim, mind. I guess they are still alive, and make better copy.
And as to the Newswatch ‘discussion’ listed, that this case managed to generate 4 comments via the BBC site before a closing, suggests that the public awareness was not as well developed as it has been in other cases.
As to why, the BBC might like to ponder , along with its educational and informational abilities.
A few of the comments published offer some thoughts, and cite a few names still in the frame still.
I don’t remember any BBC TV or radio coverage of this at the time or, if there was, I blinked and missed it.
But I’m sure our cute little troll collective will consider one small story on a BBC webpage more than a balance for the hundreds of hours of broadcast time enjoyed by the Lawrence juggernaut.
BBC coverage was limited to the trial only,and that limited to two days!
The actual murder was shockingly (even by BBC standards) reported only on BBC Scotland, and I suspect minimally.
Nor were all the horrors of the sadistic nature of the murder reported.
And it was real torture; they didn’t put a bag on his head and shout at him.
Most of those who visit this site know that shameful and sinister reason why the BBC repeatedly cover the tragic story of Lawrence but not the equally tragic story of Donald, is that they are engaged , along with their Liberal Left Establishment ( LLE) chums, in a decades long propaganda war to convince the British people that mass immigration and multicultralism is a good thing. Obviously reporting that Donald was brutally murdered by Muslims damages their narrative whilst the Lawrence case increases ‘white guilt’ and so supports it.
All of the BBC output is tailored to support this ‘multicultural/mass immigration is good’ narrative and NO exceptions are allowed. Truth is sacrificed on the alter of their precious narrative every day.
So successful has the propaganda war been that few of the British people even realise that the daily news they get from the plethora of BBC outlets is being managed to support the narrative. The problem is that the LLE control the country and the BBC controls what is in the news so there is little challenge to their views.
However, I note that the BBC has not be given control of local TV so perhaps there is a chink of light there. Of course the LLE will attempt to snuff this out if it begins to broadcast stuff which they don’t agree with .
Also I am hopeful that the explosion of new ways of sending and obtaining information will put an end to the LLE control and the BBC monopoly of news. If that happens on a large scale and people start to learn the truth about what the LLE has done to the country things may become interesting.
The problem is the LLE as you call them are actually not all just ‘lefties’ there are thousands of right wing free marketeer Globalists who support them. It is not about ‘leftism’ but anti nationalism and the OWG agenda.
Couldn’t agree more. Open borders suits globalists looking for cheap labour as well as leftists hoping the ensuing conflicts will lead to revolution.
I wholeheartedly agree that there is overkill regarding SL in the media and whilst I sympathise with his family and their loss it narks the hell out of me that this is used to further an agenda that is destroying the very fabric of our society. The double standards are sickening but seem to be the norm across the board these days.
sorry this should have been further up
Missed it. Pity, as I’d have liked to hear Lawrence’s friend/witness/drug dealer Duwayne Brookes change his story for the millionth time, forensic experts tell us more about how genuine microscopic evidence can be separated from clothing contaminated by the police, and the judge explain how playing a tape of racist talk doesn’t prejudice juries.
Saw this sickening photograph on the BBC website.
3 WHITE nurses holding 3 WHITE babies !
Where is the diversity ? I think you’ll agree, as Greg Dyke said ” it’s hideously white.”
Meanwhile, over in Sherwood Forest…
Of course, it was a different time.
And King Arthur would have been horrified.
How quaint. Good to see the BBC maintaining the accuracy of their historical drama’s. Although I’m sure it won’t be long before we see history being rewritten in the style of the Olympic opening ceremony – with an exclusively black and ‘asian’ portrayal of British people in the 1800’s.
The greatest achievement in Britain’s history is not the Empire, the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the railways, etc etc.
No, it was the arrival of Jamaican immigrants on the SS Windrush in 1948.
No the most important event in British history for middle class Leftists was the Stalinism-lite car crash that was the (1945-51) Attlee government
“one of the most disastrous governments ever to take office…[and]…voted..out at the first opportunity.” James Bartholomew
A close second and third, for Leftist parasites is the Wilson-Callaghan and the Blair-Brown government, both of which are so etched into the hearts of anybody that lived through them that the BBC does not feel the need to mention them.
‘One of the most disasterous governments to take office and voted out at the first opportunity.’ Not true and the figures don’t back it up either. In 1945 the Labour party famously won a landslide gaining 393 seats and 11,967,746 votes (Con 197 seats, 8,716, 211). This resulted in a 145 seat majority. The next election in 1950 (the first opportunity to reject the government) resulted in a Labour majority of 5 although they actually got more votes than 1945 (13,266,176). The Tories increased their total of seats to 282 with 11,507,061 votes. 1951 saw a third election in 6 years and the Tories (12,659,883) gained a majority of 16 despite Labour winning more votes than in 1950 (13,948,883 – their highest ever total). Labour picked up 48% of the national vote but only 295 seats. Even in 1955 Labour polled 12 million votes but for the first time in ten years the Tories out-polled Labour with 13.3 million votes. You’d have to say that the British people wanted a Labour government in 1951 but due to the peculiarities of our voting system the Conservatives formed the government. It’s as true now as it was then, it’s not how many votes you get, it’s where you get them.
Fair point (about the Labour Party increasing its vote in 1951) and now you mention it I recall a comrade from the Party telling me this – and making your exact same point.
I quoted Bartholomew because it is clear that voters did turn against the disastrous Labour Party, until that is the next wave of radicalism in the Sixties (which also ended in tears – for the country not for the nomenklatura needless to add) and of course the new dawn of the New Labour Party (which again was a disaster for everybody but the thieving commissariat) – but I would not want to give you the impression that I believe that socialism will always curtailed by voters eventually coming to their senses.
One of the reasons why Brown expanded the (generally inept) public sector is that those who work/leech off the State are more likely to vote for the Labour Party. As of course do low quality immigrants from Third World countries that have been encouraged by the Left to move to this country.
It is also clear that the BBC see themselves playing a key role educating the public to vote Labour.
Just as there will never be a shortage of envy, greed, malice, and stupidity, there will never be a shortage of fresh Labour voters.
At least you said ‘where you get them’ rather than ‘who counts them’ or ‘who posts them’ or ‘who dictates to the extended family their wishes’
Even so they distorted Call the Midwife to bring in a few multi-culti touches, a few black ‘extras’ in teh background depsite Worth havign specified in he rbook that there were none.
Indeed Poplar remained one of the Cockneys last stands right up into the eighties after Whitechapel and Bow had already fallen.
I think they’re all boys, too.
Mouse runs around the Radio 5 studio this afternoon, Shelia Fogarty shrieks, and stands on her chair, very Tom and Jerry.
Don’t know why she’s upset, she worked with that sniveling little creep / rat Nicky Campbell for years. So a little mouse is nothing.
‘Sheila Fogarty shrieks, and stands on her chair…’
Not quite ready for gender equality, then, the ladies at the Beeb.
Kirsty Wark looks like she’d have hunted it down and bitten its head off before you could say Ozzy.
Meanwhile some of the sexier kittens from the teleprompter dolly production line probably have dislocatable jaws (and not just for job interviews)…
‘a semi-circle of barriers will be in place to stop the inevitable face-pulling and “Hi Mum” signs getting too close to the studio windows. ‘
Given the bunkerbound discussions of late, at 20m from the plate glass, I thought the inclusion of a non security-profiled visitor with her rucksack in the application doco imagery was brave.
Stage Performer Maitlis on the News Channel just now talking to Lord ex-General Donnatt about all those defense cuts and now sending British troops to Mali. “I guess, ” said Maitlis, “a lot of the public thought it would be impossible” for Britain to get involved in any more overseas action.
She guesses, along with a version of “some say”.
Now she’s asking “Do we know who the enemy is, and how big it is? Because we’re not dealing with just one country, are we?”
Nice to see the anti-war activists at the BBC back on form. I was actually getting worried that they’d given up since their beloved Obamessiah brought war into more countries than Bush could have dreamed of.
One last thing: No mention at all in any of the various segments on the News Channel so far today have mentioned the destruction of Islamic heritage stuff. It’s like the BBC doesn’t think it’s important.
According to he Beeb tonight, most of the ancient material had been moved to the capital for safe keeping. Wahhabism – the Saudi brand of back to basics Islam and closely related to the types espoused by the brotherhood, al Quaida and all those Pakistani jamati Islami is fiercely anti-conservationist: because of a few quotes from Ol’ Mo equating the Christian veneration of the tombs of saints with idolatry. It’s also useful to obliterate reminders of pre-Islamic cullture as well as preserve fictions of Islam, such as the non-Judaic nature of the Temple in Jerusalem. Even when the Bamiyan Buddhas were blown up, I’ve never seen the subject discussed in any informed way on the Beeb: when Rageh Omar made his life of Mohammed he spoke very quickly with minimal explanation as to why the tomb of Mo’s first wife had been demolished before the WWII and the tomb of Mo himself was in the cellar of a library the Saudis had built over it, after an outcry from other Muslims about their plans to destroy it altogether. God help he antiquities of Egypt if things get really bad.
The shrines, not just documents. Time for the BBC to start bringing in British Mohammedans for their take on the situation. Not the usual suspects on speed-dial, either. Where is the outrage, BBC?
Bishop of Liverpool – another of the BBC’s right-on choices of Christian – wittering on about the environment on Thought for the Day this morning. Just dozing off again when ears pricked up as he started to articulate his sadness that Muslims and Christians can’t get along together a bit more nicely. Expressed it something along the lines of ‘Christians and Muslims engaged in violent conflict across the world’ – like, you know, they’re both as bad as each other aren’t they?
Another wet, stinking, unvarnished dog turd of BBC propaganda brought to you courtesy of one of our ‘religious leaders’.
The Christian churches have been infiltrated by Marxists, if they aren’t do gooding liberals, effete and supine, practicing dhmmitude, they’re child molesters !
What a joke Jimmy Jones is.
Cringing around the Hillsborough memorabilia, which has got to be easier for this poncy prelate that might be…you know…telling them all up there about Jesus and the need of Him.
Hmm…that Muslim Christian parity claim…oh can`t we both get along…who`s to say who`s right and who`s wrong.
All those years in Theology College…and the vacuous beard still does`nt know that one comes through love, faith reason and revelation…one at the tip of a sword?
Witness the evil drummed up by Scarfes cartoon….the Jews have not gone on the rampage in Hampstead wanting the head of the Guardian/Times/BBC etc…(more`s the pity, some might say)…
How go back near on 7 years to the day with those dangerous cartoons from Denmark….and the Muslim response.
Do`t recall Naughtie asking Muslims about the “right to offend in a free society” as he did Stephen Pollard this morning ,at that time.
Nor do I recall the BBC continuing to cause offence with the Muslims by continuing to quote the words of that nasty Bradford MP…you know, so they could piggy back on his sentiments and ensure that the BBC would like to be associated with his remarks…without the courage to say so.
Any chance of that Balen Report of ours, that you`re sitting on, you fat slugs at the BBC?….go on, go on….
Didn’t Jack Nicholson say “Little fellers – can’t we all just get along?” to some aliens once?
He did, in “Mars Attacks” and they promptly…..killed him.
In fact, the Martians in that film had an awful lot in common with our enriching pals from the desert.
“We come in peace…..”
University Challenge (28/01/13)
Euro coins showing major landmarks, identify the Spanish city the coin represents.
Durham : Grenada.
Paxman : No, that’s Cordoba, that’s the mosque there.
Except it isn’t, it’s a cathedral and has been since 1236. The building was begun as a Visigoth church and only became a mosque in 784. So, it was a mosque for 452 years but a church for 777 years (since 1236) yet Paxman refers to it as a mosque. Incidentally (and unsurprisingly) ‘Spanish’ muslims have lobbied the RC church to be allowed to pray there but this has been rejected by the Vatican. In April 2010 two muslim tourists were arrested when half a dozen muslims from a group of 118 ‘Austrian’ muslims stopped to pray and when security guards asked them to move on and continue the tour the guards were badly assaulted. I’m sure Spanish muslims need worry no longer, the BBC is already on the case.
Yup, it’s a mosque !
The Spanish don’t help themselves in this matter: just as they have the Temple, Old Jewry and Scotalnd Yard in London, I believe he street signs still point to ‘la mezquita’.
I got most of that from the wikipedia page where it is called the mosque/cathedral of Cordoba (like in the photo you posted). Paxman should probably have described it as the mosque/cathedral but instead he referred to it as a mosque – and that’s the point I was making. Do you think for a second he’d have referred to Hagia Sofia as a cathedral? Beeboids and muslims share a similar viewpoint – that buildings like this are actually muslim and always will be. Was Paxman’s slip up just innaccuracy, was he pushed for time or was it something more insidious? Many people watching the programme will have been left with the wrong impression that it was a mosque in Cordoba. The BBC – doing it’s best to re-establish the Caliphate.
Didn’t Michelle Obama pay a special visit to the Cordoba Mosque a couple of years ago when on one her taxpayer funded jaunts?
For brilliant essay on this:-
” The New York Times, and That Business At the Cathedral In Cordoba”
By Hugh Fitzgerald.
No wonder the BBC seem so relaxed by mass immigration from Eastern Europe. If it’s left to their comrades at the WWF, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, Poland will have no economy to speak of soon:
‘A news story published last month in the German magazine, Der Spiegel, exemplifies the current state of affairs. Titled ‘Coal-aholics’: Poland Wages War on Efforts to Save the Climate, it might as well have been written by an environmental activist.
The subtitle claims that “Poland is addicted to coal.” The body of the article quotes a professor who teaches, what else, “courses on sustainability.” According to Michael Labelle, the people of Poland:
are coal-aholics, that’s the best term to use, it’s horrible but it’s true.’
‘Environmentalists seem intent on heaping bad publicity on that country, on pushing it in directions that make no sense if we care about real people who are struggling right now.
Here are some other examples:
•Poland cannot block EU decision to increase climate ambition – WWF
•Poland should drop nuclear, study for Greenpeace says
•Climate Action Network members slam Poland’s selection
•Poland must prove trustworthiness as host of 2013 climate talks (says Greenpeace)
•Future climate talk host Poland needs big ambition now (insists the WWF)
All of the above make for upsetting reading, but perhaps the most nauseating is this account, published last November on the Friends of the Earth website. It’s titled Poland must stop blocking climate action and begins this way:
Activists satirised the Polish government’s blocking of progress on necessary climate action. Dressed as coal industry lobbyists, our activists offered free Polish coal to participants on their way to the European Council’s Working Party on International Environment Issues.
The Polish government’s close ties to the coal industry are leading it to adopt positions in discussions that are not in the best interests of people and the planet, but rather benefit companies engaged in fossil fuel extraction.’
Poland is a poor country dependent on coal for 92% of its electricity. Wonder if it will survive the onslaught of this particular group of fascists?
A news story published last month in the German magazine, Der Spiegel, exemplifies the current state of affairs. Titled ‘Coal-aholics’: Poland Wages War on Efforts to Save the Climate
I bet the Squareheads are itching to roll over the Polish border again 🙂
More pictures of BBC Mousegate, the place is full of vermin, who knew ?
That’s a face for radio. Urgh.
That’ll be one one of those glass ceiling breaking BBC Wimmin
…perhaps it was one of Hugh Sykes’ Eurosceptic rats.
Note the BBC still squauking atop a Salford dunghill in regard of “childcare revisions” proposed by the Tories.
The new ideas incorporate the best of French provision(Europe)…increased qualifications and restrictions to entry as a worker( selection and excellence)…and better pay for those that make it( public sector pay).
My God…we`re either becoming Israel or Ceausescus Romania…and wouldn`t the BBC normally be happy about this capitulation of another Bourgeois citadel before the leftward hordes?
Er..not really-and conveniently all manner of vox pops from West London( do tell…BBC…sources please!), as well as “charities working from inside the nursery industry”( again, do tell us BBC…REAL charities…or Blairs version of agitprop with a virtuous excuse to screw us all over?)…well they don`t like it at all!
What?..after the BBC have been “banging on” about women being unable to return to work?…the cost of childcare? crap it is , compared to Scandinavia etc?…
Oh it`s not Labour doing it…so it`ll be a fat cat ruse as ever.
Suppose Evan Davis has no skin in the game with this one…hence his louche ignorance was not tinged with the class hatred that he usually shows…Liz Truss was even politely listened to at times.
Unlike HS2 yesterday-another Tory sop to the left, that the BBC weren`t grateful for…what?…no interchange at Hinckley?…Pickering?….God, how typical to exclude every other damn town along the track!
If only Craig were here.
There`s GOT to be a research project into BBC bias as a random event, as sampled throughout the day.
Put the car radio on 3.30 or so, only to hear some crap about multicultural joys as discovered in white old Norfolk…and the historian on the show was happy to tell us more.
I had a tape to listen to.
Got home just after 4…Radio 4 still on, so quickly listened.
Oh God…some Berlin yummy mummy hoping that her sprog will live off renewable energy alone by the time he`s 20….would any mum want anything less for her boy?
I went back to my tape.
Random Bias?…or is it systematic?..what proportions?…all day every day?…or only when bloody public sector workers don`t have a cassette player in the traffic jams?
Yes Dimblyboy?…I do have a few Questions….but I doubt you or the BBC will ever answer them for me.
Completely agree. Typically I ‘dip in and out’ of Radio 4 and more often than not after switching on find myself listening to some leftist-themed drivel giving an endless one-sided spin to immigration, multiculturalism, LGBT, Islam, global warming etc etc.
Coincidence or magic? You decide….
bbc whose side are they on 😀
re- a massacre in Aleppo
“A captain in the rebel Free Syrian Army said some of those who had been killed were just teenagers.
He told the AFP news agency that many bodies were still in the water and the death toll might rise to 100.”
hmmm bbc waffling on and on about the youtube vid … yep! posted BY the jihadists themselves,
“A Syrian government source said that many of the victims had been kidnapped but accused “terrorists” –
wait for it! … “the term officials use to describe the rebels”
of carrying out the kidnappings and killings. They were kidnapped by terrorist groups… and executed last night in a park in Bustan al-Qasr under their control,” the source told AFP.”
after the 2nd last item on 5dead, in which Allen practically painted the whole of the british Army as torturers, and the call from the “fill yer boots” lawyers group for a public enquiry, louise minchin brought us the story about an eagle owl on the loose in inverness, speaking to a witness on the phone, “tell us Mr X, what did it look like?”
It looked like a fkn camel.
I want a refund
Hurray for Janet Daley of Sunday Telegraph, who caught Gavin Esler a lovely broadside on ‘Dateline London’ at the weekend – a BBC World program hosted by Gavin Esler (Not sure if it’s broadcast in UK?).
He introduced ‘Democracy’ as the theme, and first topic this week was Cameron’s announcement of an In/Out Referendum, which Esler introduced by posing three possibilities: “Is this: A political masterstroke? A genuine democratic consultation? Or perhaps a political tactic driven by internal Tory party politics which could result (voice rising) in a strategic catastrophe as a weak Britain stumbles out of the EU by mistake?”
Janet Daley “Gosh! Is that the official BBC News …..?”..(interrupted here by Esler’s strong denial of the existence of such a thing as an ‘official BBC news spinline, and his claim that these were the opinion of the Swedish Finance Minister – as if this was the supreme authority). Interestingly he had not acknowledged that source originally.
JD: “Well if there was a democratic vote to ‘come out’ (of the EEC) then that would be a cheer for democracy, and it wouldn’t be accidental and it wouldn’t be a catastrophe according to a majority of the population”
She made mincemeat of Esler’s sly attempts to denigrate Cameron’s motives, and anyone silly enough to vote ‘out’ as Cameron’s most likely motive – it was pretty obvious that the first two possiblities, political masterstroke/genuine consultation were not serious contenders. Well done JD – she was sharp and brilliant and exposed the BBC’s weaselly ways perfectly!
Yet another BBC programme which discusses the issue from that same angle. No memo needed, no editorial directive to do it. The bias is institutional automatically because they all think the same way. It’s not the management system: it’s the personnel.
Sorry – that should have read ‘come out (of the EU)’ – haven’t lived in England for a long time!!
‘Honour killing’:
– INBBC censors out reference to ‘Muslim’ in Radio 4 play:-
“Behzti playwright accuses BBC of ‘extraordinary’ censorship of ‘honour killings’ episode”
Aah! David Jordan’s mob editorialising again, despite what he had to say to the Select Committee [ ].
You’ll remember Jordan, he who was one of the ‘three wise monkeys’ who alongside Patten and Entwistle heard, saw and spoke no evil over Savile, nor the BBC’s conduct in the handling of the story.
Who could fail to remember Jordan’s rubbishing at the hands of Peter Allen and his dismissive, complacent and patronising responses when confronted with allegations of the BBC’s wrong-doing.
How he managed to escape without censure is beyond belief.
BBC compliance department?
One wonders how the usually vocal creative community will react to a rather clear and worrying intrusion by Big Brother censors on works of art, to such a degree?
Maybe the BBC Compliance should in future create the original … approved material, and Drama simply gets brought in at the end to attempt to make the propaganda a little more aesthetically pleasing, if possible?
Four red pencils good.
A Radio 4 spokesman said: “This is a hard-hitting drama about the realities of honour killing in Britain. A single line in the script could be taken to infer that the pressure and motivation to commit such a crime in a family comes from the wider Muslim community, potentially misrepresenting majority British Muslim attitudes to honour killing. Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti was asked to amend this line in the normal editorial process of script development.”
So the pressure not to marry non-Muslims, or not go out clubbing, or not marry the man of your father’s choice, or not touch alcohol, or….
….is not perceived to come from ‘the wider Muslim community’ because of, say, its culture?
Your muddle-headed BBC, censoring to bring you more PC-inspired bollocks.
Come on, INBBC, even your ex-Beeboid chums at Al Jazeera have this:-
“France to deport ‘radical foreign imams’
France’s interior minister says the move is part of a fight against ‘global jihadism’.”
Lol I have no idea what subversive is working north of the border at BBC Scotland but thanks who ever you are for letting Jonathan Meades on again ! the wet BBC liberal lot down here will hate his new program and it’s truth about them and their followers!!
Yes, a very good programme, if you can get your head around his style – it’s well worth it, but takes a little time.
The bBC and its penchant for shoddy reporting.
Sinkhole’ appears in Guatemala bedroom
A Guatemalan woman woke up in the middle of the night to discover a 12m hole (39ft) under her bed. The country’s National Disaster Relief Agency says because Guatemala City is surrounded by volcanoes and prone to heavy rain, it is susceptible to natural erosions that cause sinkholes. The agency is investigating if there are any risks to residents in the area.,/i>
The bBC reports on how volcanic activity in Guatemala city lead to a woman finding a sink hole appear under her bed.
Now watch the bBC video and tell me what you think of that so called natural sinkhole and how for some strange reason it is lined with bricks all the way down.
Its a well bBC, which somebody covered up when they built the house, and which the top covering layer fell into it after time.
Shoddy reporting or what?
Well, it certainly opens up a whole new BBC avenue of anguish… Anthropogenic Global Dire Reporting.
Maybe the public should be imposed with a £145.50 annual tax to address this? Oh… Ok.. As you were..
Nice catch, thanks for the laugh. A brick-lined sinkhole, complete with ready-made plumbing. Isn’t Mother Nature marvelous? I say this is clear evidence of Intelligent Design, right, BBC?
Okay, somebody at the BBC obviously knows this is a joke, hence the scare quotes for ‘sinkhole’. But they put it up anyway. What’s the point of this? Did they need to fill some quota for stories from the region? Thought they’d just slip it in as part of the drip, drip, drip of the Vengeful Gaia Narrative?
Complacent? Arrogant? Incompetent? Unaccountable? Careless?
Take your pick, then add ‘overpaid’.
At The Commentator…
Outrage over a cartoon… and yet no one died
The blood libel cartoons and the Mohammed cartoons, even if equally offensive, show the difference in the reactions of two peoples at loggerheads.
Only on a BBC radio call-in show in Britain could you have heard listeners phoning in to express how the West would get what it has coming to it for a peasant-like film being uploaded to YouTube by some anonymous character in the United States.
But that is precisely what I heard, when as a guest on the BBC Asian Network last year, I was asked to take part in a phone-in discussion with listeners about the “Innocence of Muslims” film.
Also at the Commentator, the BBC’s darling Occupy Wall Street show a shocking lacking of diversity.
Occupy movement was ‘rich white boys’ says new study
‘Well to do middle class lefties kicking off everywhere’ would have been a more appropriate title for Comrade Mason’s book..
There was a study done last year as well.
81.2% white and 1.6% black
The BBC made sure to present the group differently.
note that after r bacon, spending time advertising, and reviewing – new programme “make me a muslim” apparently bbc s latest attempt to sanitise, its favourite ideology, and programme younger and impressionable viewers to its agenda. on the the afternoon show yesterday.
well, islams best sponsor, “panto” nikki campbell, does the same this morning with interviews added, he gushes about islams “design for life”,(good) – western life, (bad), having the freedom to do what you would like,(bad), if you go out at weekends,(bad) etc etc.
more of the same shameful mission creep” from al bbc, to programme our young, impressionable minds into believing
that islam, despite the ENORMOUS FACT BASE TO THE CONTRARY, is benign, doesn t have an agenda to destroy any society non islamic, isn t racist/supremacist, doesn t treat other ethnic/sexual minorities, and women, with derision and discrimination, is willing to threat, commit violence to, even murder anyone who disagrees with it, (the more public/the more threat) … yep! people the HARD FACTS … remember them, that plainly show islam as the most dangerous ideology on the planet.
but, don t expect to see that on “make me a muslim”, or the little aspect of what could happen should you leave
bbc beneath contempt.
Is it because I is Italian?
For those not interested in football….look away now.
Colin Murray is a dyed-in-the-wool young trendy Beeboid with all the correct and properly requisite right-on attitudes. Despite this BBC have just bumped him off Match of the Day 2. Perhaps an example of a presenter losing the dressing room?
Anyway, Murray soldiers on channelling his inner Beeboid. Here he is in today’s Metro newspaper writing about Mario Balotelli….
‘If this article seems a little mocking, let me set the record straight – I really like Mario. His upbringing was difficult and his flaws are not entirely his own fault.’
Ah bless, it’s not his fault.
I’m sure there will be plenty more BBC gigs for young Murray.
Regarding the ”Italian” football player Mario Balotelli.
1. He set off fireworks inside his house, causing £20,000 worth of damage. Not his fault.
2. While out driving, he needed the toilet, so he used a local schools facilities, as you do. Again, not his fault.
3. Crashed his Bentley into another car, nearly killing the driver. Not his fault.
4. His brother assaulted 2 Italian police officers outside a night club. Not his fault.
I would hazard a guess that ”our” Mario is a victim of ”waaycism.”
But it’s not his fault. Colin Murray: ‘I’ll leave the deeper analysis to the professionals but I’m just making the point that his life wasn’t always a box of chocolates’.
‘Italian footballer, Mario Balotelli has a net worth of $8 million (£5m) as of April 2012, according to the Sunday Times UK Rich List. ‘
That’s a lot of Curly Wurleys in my book.
Poverty stricken !
Regarding Colin Murray,
I heard him 6 months ago saying ” I love multiculturalism, I get a long with anyone and everyone, it doesn’t matter to me where you come from.”
Nah, chum, you’re boasting about your own piousness, by repeating a learned Cultural Marxist script, like a good little brainwashed Pavlovs dog.
Surprised at this. The Beeb usually go out of their way to get and keep as many from Norn Irn onto their airwaves as pos, especially those with an accent, like Murray’s, I can only describe as ‘grinding’.
BBC website headline about latest release of statistics: ‘138,000 speak no English – census’.
Buried deep in story – four million do not speak English as their main language.
Conscious bias and twisting in action.
Very interesting how the with a quick hand trick the information at hand is rewritten in which to give the impression of something else. So the according to the news the poles are the largest ethnic group in the UK. Lets have a look again shall we:
Polish = 546,000
Gujarati= 213,00
All of the above are languages spoken by the region of the Indian subcontinent between Pakistan and India. But hang on, only 269,00 people speak Urdu, the main language in Pakistan , yet over 1 million Pakistani live in the Uk. NOw its fine quoting 500K for polish speakers. Yet each and every Pole I have met speaks…English. Not every Pakistani I have met speaks..English.
At a stroke Indians/Pakistani (who are the same people) have been overtaken by Poles as the majority minority faith.
David Copperfield would be really proud of pulling off that one.
bbc – brit brainwashing corp, more …
bbc – bast-rds beneath contempt
bloody big con
Bring Back Communism.
Does anybody believe the government got a full and honest response to its census, or anywhere near it?
A friend’s daughter looking to move went to view one house in East London recently and found it had 25 ‘Asians’ living in it. All dutifully and accurately recorded on the census form, no doubt.
What will Mardell and Flanders make of this?
US economy shrinks a surprise 0.1% in fourth quarter
Although note that the mathematically-challenged bBBC staff have got it wrong when they say ‘The world’s largest economy grew 3.1% in July to September’: it actually grew 0.75% in those three months, an annualised rate of 3.1%. That’s the way the US presents their figures.
“Unexpectedly”. Except to those of us who’ve been predicting this for months, that is. Of course, worshiping Him gets in the way of reality sometimes, so we can understand how highly-credentialed, high-salaried expert editorialists (not journalists) might have missed this.
I know that, according to conventional wisdom, one bad quarter does not a Double-Dip Recession make. So let’s watch what happens next quarter. After a couple ore months of numbers which somehow turn out not to be true again, that is.
I wonder if this will stop “Two Eds” or the rest of them from pointing to The Obamessiah’s economic genius as the way Forward.
Here’s an official prediction of the growth in US GDP from the 2010 mid term fiscal review direct from the horse’s mouth
“Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Unemployment Rate: Real GDP is expected to decline by 2.8 percent this year, and to increase by 2.0 percent in 2010. The growth rate is projected to accelerate in 2011 to 3.8 percent and to exceed 4 percent per year in 2012-2014. Beyond 2014, real GDP growth is projected to converge to a long-run annual growth rate of potential GDP of 2.5 percent.” (page 10)
If the BBC expresses “surprise” over the new figures, it’s because they swallow propaganda too readily. The press release (in this case a govt. report) should be the first step towards investigation.
As the author “LACUNA” wrote in 1937 in a British car magazine: “Remember, news is what people do NOT want reported.”
Perhaps the clearest indication of the truth of what WE have all been saying for years now about the bias in the media in favor of the current US President was given in an interview 60 Minutes reporter Steve Croft. Croft told another dreadful Obama acolyte CNN’s Piers Morgan: “I think he knows that we (CBS) are not going to play gotcha with him, that we’re not going to go out of our way to make him look bad or stupid.” Tell that to George W Bush!
So now we know how Mardell can get his interview with the President: (a) Stick tongue out (b) Lick arse
I hate the whole way GDP is calculated anyway. But anyone could have seen this coming if ideology didn’t get in the way.
BBC comedy to fearlessly take on the issue of mass immigration?
Welcome To Our Village, Please Invade Carefully
‘Hattie Morahan stars in a new sitcom series about an alien invasion of a small village in Buckinghamshire.
Katrina Lyons was only visiting Cresdon Green, the village where she grew up, to borrow some money from her parents. They said no. But when she tried to head back to London, it turned out alien beings known as the Geonin had lowered a force field around the village and were refusing to let anyone in or out.
There’s worse to come. Once the Geonin have finished studying the sample of humankind they’ve trapped in Cresdon Green, they’ll launch a global invasion. Katrina finds this even more abhorrent than the prospect of living with her parents again at the age of thirty four – which she also has to do whilst the village is under alien rule. Unfortunately almost everyone in the village is too cowardly, apathetic, polite or stupid to stand up to this alien menace, so Katrina has no choice but to start the resistance movement herself. In the cricket pavilion.’
Might those clever writers have quietly slipped something subversive past the BBC ‘Compliance Department’?
Second thoughts, I guess the show is just a load of tosh (probably will be mocking the traditional conservative British way of life) and I’m just a paranoid racist.
Ably assisted by the BBC presenter this morning, Claudia Wood, Deputy Director of DEMOS think-tank (founded by a former editor of ‘Marxism Today’, just to give some context which the BBC did not) was adamant that using plastic cards to facilitate benefits claimants should not be subject to restrictions – e.g. to prevent benefits from being used for gambling, smoking, drinking and on things like SKY TV.
This is because, as she later expounded, we need to get people to start thinking that their benefits aren’t really benefits, but more of a wage…..because that’ll really help them work out how to manage their money.
Right….let’s get everybody into the frame of mind that benefits are really wages, and that living on benefits is the newest form of being employed. Just what we need.
‘living on benefits is the newest form of being employed’
Employed????! I fort it was more of an ‘uman rite! No one said nuffink bart ‘avin to be employed!
And now, here is the BBC News…
It’s nice to see old Ieuan ap Lard Arse again, hey ?
The look on Prescott’s face when she says she can’t be working class ‘Because I don’t work’.
Priceless. Good old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, aspiration-destroying Labour class war skewered in seconds, and the most hypocritical of its own ruling class along with it. Beautiful.
Please do not remind me this lardarse is actually Welsh!
I’m truly sorry, but since Grant’s departure has taken away the fun of baiting him about Scotland’s very healthy diet etc, I simply must find amusement somewhere. And getting amusement out of Lord Lard Arse’s continued pollution of the planet takes some doing, believe me.
Still, as a sop to your frustration you might consider that p’raps he’s descended from the vast army of English who moved to South Wales during the mining boom in the mid-1800’s. None of whom, mark you, were Kentish so you don’t catch me there.
On the other hand (and far more likely, methinks) it might be that he’s the lineal descendant of Owain Glyndwr, and awaits the call to lead his country into a bright new future. As the Land Of Pies And Song. But mostly Pies.
Hope this helps.
Speaking of getting amusement from ‘baiting’ – you still holding a candle for the Hackney Honey?
…and where is Scottish Grant? Wasn’t he relocating to somewhere African?
No “Left-leaning” label for Demos, but you have a “Tory” MP taking the opposite side. No need to label Demos, then, right, BBC?
I’m kind of amazed that nobody mentioned what actually goes on in the US. Humphrys mentioned Food Stamps but got it wrong. I think all States ditched the paper “Food Stamps” ages ago, and now people on benefits get a plastic card which is effectively a debit card (Electronic Benefit Transfer), which they use to pay for whatever they like in grocery stores and delis, drug stores, etc. And it’s up to individual stores to decide if they take the cards or not. I suppose in some neighborhoods, like mine, there’s no choice, because otherwise the majority of residents wouldn’t shop there at all. But not everyone does, and you certainly can’t use them in the whiter, wealthier areas. Amazingly, some places even have a scheme to allow their use in restaurants. They’re still called “Food Stamps” out of habit, but Humphrys is 100% wrong in what he said. What we have is more or less exactly what the Demos lady is suggesting (if I understood her correctly). Unfortunately, Humphrys instead acts superior to the US, and you’re left misinformed, misled, and encouraged to support her scheme.
Oh, and despite the restrictions on what you can buy with them, you can use them in ATMs in some areas to get cash anyway.
Nanny Bloomberg in NYC tried to forbid the poor from using their benefits to buy soda. The USDA, which controls the whole program (long story, a relic of a former era) blocked his bid and those of other cities and States which tried it on. Many places already block the use of benefits for buying cigarettes and alcohol, precisely the kind of infatiliziation of the poor Humphrys and the Demos lady were tut-tutting. Oh, my, the dripping caring in his voice when he said that makes one feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? I’ll assume they don’t know about any of this, either.
In addition to this, unemployment benefits in many States actually are done with individual bank accounts (loaded up weekly or bi-weekly, depending on the State, but one has to phone in or appear every week to get the payment released, the equivalent of “signing on”), with…wait for it….debit cards. The bank accounts aren’t fully functional regular ones, but you can use the card at ATMs and any place that takes credit/debit cards, without any of the restrictions placed on the other kind of benefits card.
Basically, the US already has in place exactly what the Demos lady is suggesting, and actually a better version than what her goal would be. Does it help people adjust to living like they’re on a regular wage, or benefit (no pun intended) them in the ways she suggests? I doubt it. It’s still regular money for doing nothing, still a lack of incentive to improve one’s lot if there’s no push to do better. So the fancy features of a card versus getting cash here and there seems like window dressing so she and the bureaucrats can appear to care more and do more for the poor.
One small difference between what I bet the BBC and the Demos lady want and what happens in the US: Unemployment benefits are scaled according to how much money one earned (and paid taxes into the system) before losing a job and applying for benefits. So if you earned more money than your neighbor, you get more cash each month. There’s a limit to the payment, of course, and the top end isn’t all that great, but it’s not entirely egalitarian. That would never do in Equality of Outcome Britain, I’m sure.
Now, do these programs save money in the long run over other schemes? Yes. But Allah forbid we talk about saving taxpayers’ money when discussing the benefits culture. Who cares about that, eh?
‘Humphrys is 100% wrong in what he said.’
That old educating and informing thing they do a bargain at just £145.50 a year then.
Shame they don’t do refunds.
Google ‘News child benefit’
and you get…..
‘Almost 50,000 children living abroad are receiving benefits claimed by immigrant families based in Britain, figures have revealed.
Keith Vaz, chairman of the home affairs committee, said he was ‘surprised’ by the figures which were released in a written answer by the Treasury. ‘Most people would consider it wrong for people to receive child benefit when the children are living abroad permanently,’ he added.’
What does my £145 per year BBC subscription get me on this subject?
[7th January 2013]
‘More than a million better-off families will lose some or all of their child benefit, under rules now in force.
Families with one parent with a taxable income of more than £50,000….[blah, blah blah…..]’
Ah, the BBC do at least have the 50,000 figure. Completely wrong context. I guess the old story is closer to their hearts. Strange because the new story is likely to produce anger in the British public (even Keith Vaz acknowledges that) ; and the BBC usually do so love to report ‘anger’.
BBC: Wilfully behind the curve (on certain stories)
So Vaz was surprised, was he? What, even if it is a while since a senior colleague of his expressed her approval of the practice – so much so, in fact, she considered them ‘heroes’?
Merely a messenger, but an intriguing little tweet:
@BBCMarkEaston via Twitter
Attlee’s govt used ‘devious little devices’ to discourage ‘coloured’ migrants while encouraging white workers from old Commonwealth.
Meanwhile Mr. Cameron’s seems in contrast keen to invite in all those colourful Roma immigrants while encouraging (via policy, tax and laws of unintended consequence) white flight to the Commonwealth.
It’s a different time, see.
I hate white people.
Canadian ”comedian” doesn’t like white people either.
” White people tend to screw up.”
Unlike those Third Worlders, they’re perfect.
In his haste to be on message (e.g. ‘migrants’ for ‘immigrants’, dear Lord), I fear Easton has overlooked which party Atlee actually led.
And surely (it’s drummed in often enough) the passengers on the ‘Empire Windrush’ came here in response to a plea for people to do work on the buses etc that the lazy good for nothing Anglos couldn’t be bothered with ?
Oh, that’s right, no they didn’t.
Hey, The Obamessiah has decided to save some taxpayer money and close down a government agency after all:
Office Working to Close Guantánamo Is Shuttered
The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel Fried, the special envoy for closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and will not replace him, according to an internal personnel announcement. Mr. Fried’s office is being closed, and his former responsibilities will be “assumed” by the office of the department’s legal adviser, the notice said.
The announcement that no senior official in President Obama’s second term will succeed Mr. Fried in working primarily on diplomatic issues pertaining to repatriating or resettling detainees appeared to signal that the administration does not currently see the closing of the prison as a realistic priority, despite repeated statements that it still intends to do so.
I wonder what Matt Frei (ex-BBC, former Washington correspondent and anchor of BBC World News America) thinks about this? Should we expect the BBC to update their Q&A page about closing Gitmo? I won’t hold my breath.
The BBC won’t be reporting this as they’re far too busy pushing His gun control and illegal immigrant amnesty agenda. They need to focus on His positives, as always.
I think they should give the President a Nobel Peace Prize for keeping locked up all those people he doesn’t like.
At least he’s not ordering drones to murder them.
He should win every year, just for being ‘Him’. And making us all feel better thereby. Because He’s amongst us. Thank you Barry. For everything.
I wish we could vote for him. Typical bloody Yanks to bogart his wonderfulness (and the thrill of seeing his name on the ballot paper) for themselves. Grrr.
Maybe (Yessss !) we could clone him, so that everyone could have their own Barack, to inspire them to become better people.
What…no Obama nomination for Best International Folk Music Award?
I only mention the oversight, because Billy Bragg has just got a “Roots Award” from the Radio 2 leftie wallahs.
Good Lord…is ther NO current folkies apart from the Wurzels that are NOT dedicating their songs to old collieries or Occupy?
Absolute gobshites one and all…now if only they`d just do instrumentals we might be OK.
Bragg “played” some heap of crap called ideology…a direct rip off of Bob Dylans Chimes Of Freedom, but who there in the real ale tent would tell Bragg that he`s as derivative and as much a facsimile as Milli Vannilli.
Ah well, back to Glen Campbell!
Arts Councils, licence fees, freee bars in Glasgow..why the hell are WE paying for it….and why no picket lines to denounce Maggie for shutting down the Mike Harding Mine .
Maybe I should write the folk song about the Harding Hanging of 2012…bloody Thatch again!
That can’t possibly be ‘True’.
I once heard a dentist accidentally come up with a spoonerism when saying: “Thumb sucking isn’t usually a problem” in a radio discussion but my all time favourite was was Charlotte Green missing out the first ‘s’ in ‘floppy discs’ once. These things happen.
Poor Friar Tuck never recovered from his encounter with Professor Spooner…………
There was a story she introduced once from Cambridge filed by the BBC Punt Correspondent.
Oddly, though he never forgave her, no one else batted an eyelid.
The bBC and it’s penchant for very shoddy reporting which it tries to pass off as…NEWS.
Israeli ‘strike on convoy on Syria-Lebanon border’
Israeli forces have attacked a convoy on the Syria-Lebanon border, unnamed security sources in the region have told news agencies.
So the bBC brings the world this breaking news story that Isreal has struck a convoy. But lets look at what the bBC actually gives us:
1)It is not clear what the convoy was carrying, or which side of the border it was hit, though it is thought the attack took the form of air strikes.
So we don’t know where or what was hit or by who in what format.?
2)BBC Middle East correspondent Wyre Davies says the reports are impossible to verify, although some well-placed diplomats and military sources say they would not be surprised if Israel had acted, given the recent instability in Syria.
Again we can’t say for certain if the story is true, but you know what, you can’t trust a Jew, so lets go with the story anyway.
3)The Lebanese military and internal security forces have not officially confirmed the reports, but say there has been increased activity by Israeli warplanes over the country in the past week, and particularly in recent hours.
So with no strike in Lebanon yet confirmed (and the same for Syria) lets go on the angle the jews did it anyway.
4)Unnamed sources who spoke to Reuters and AFP news agencies differed as to whether the convoy was hit in Lebanon or in Syria, although correspondents say an attack on the Syrian side would cause a major diplomatic incident.
So with nobody actually having any proof of any attack, we can all agree that if Israel was behind this atatck nobody knows about it would be a huge diplomatic incident. Unlike when the Jews hit that nuke site inside Syria the other year.
5)Iran has said it will treat any Israeli attack on Syria as an attack on itself.
Actually they didn’t, what Iran said was:
BEIRUT—Issuing Tehran’s strongest warning to date, a top Iranian official said Saturday that any attack on Syria would be deemed an attack on Iran, a sign that it will do all it can to protect embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad. Ali Akbar Velayati, an aide to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made his comments as Syrian troops discovered a trio of tunnels rebels were using to smuggle weapons in their fight to topple Assad.
The above comments have been aimed at NATO after it deployed Patriot missile batteries on the Turkish/Syrian border. Israel hasn’t been mentioned.
Iran warns against attacking Syria
6) The attack came days after Israel moved its Iron Dome defence system to the north of the country.
What attack, the whole article informs the reader (other than the headline and its entire premise , that no evidence can be found of an attack, and just becasue the IDF has deployed one Iron dome battery (range 10,000 metres) border 50 miles.
The bbC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism, where replacing hard facts with hype and rumour is the standard operating procedure.
Hype and rumour: now you’re talking. Debka file tells of the Syrians trying to take advantage of cloudy weather to sneak sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah but getting wiped out:
Debka file tells of the Syrians trying to take advantage of cloudy weather to sneak sophisticated weapons to Hezbollah but getting wiped out:
Maybe so, but my post concerns the bBC, whose widely published remit states that they don’t publish any story until the full facts are in. Unless theya re reporting a stroy handed to them by:
The Taliban
Islamic terrorists in general
The Labour Party
The Green Party
You left off “non-Tories in general”
“Eric Pickles hits out at BBC reporters for being Labour ‘backing band'”
Pickles is right to point to BBC regional outfits as some of the worst of many sing-a-long to Labour choirs now active at the BBC.
I have watched BBC London handed over to what I could only really term the community unit. It then acted as Ken Livingstone’s PR department and has continued to snipe at Boris with every possible chance it gets.
Hardly a day goes by when the BBC London News isn’t wailing out the boring refrain ‘cuts cuts cuts’.
Ditto North West News. Always about the savage cuts and the dire consequences for the oppressed citizens. Nary a challenge e.g. ‘Is there any spending you are not cutting which people might think is less important – in other words, are you just trying to score political points?’ Or ‘If the cuts are so bad, how did the councils of Greater Manchester manage to find £1.5 billion to buy Stansted?’ Or ‘Is you Diversity and Equality Department more important than social care?’ etc etc
You can bet none of the bureaucrats and pen-pushers in those typically shiny county council headquarters have lost their jobs – they’ll protect their own and ditch those who actually provide the services first. What better way to make those cuts more visible to the local electorate, along with sitting quietly on millions of pounds held in reserve for just this sort of occasion. I’ll bet they have one of those platitudinous slogans on their glossy pamphlets too…
“Putting ̶p̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶s̶ people first”.
Absent from this BBC article about former Rep. Giffords promoting more gun control laws are the facts of her victimhood. The BBC’s description:
Ms Giffords, who is still recovering after being shot by a mentally ill gunman while meeting her constituents in Tucson, opened Wednesday’s hearing saying: “Violence is a big problem.
The BBC also points out a couple paragraphs later that Ms. Giffords and her husband are both gun owners.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know is that the lunatic who shot her and killed several others used a handgun, a Glock, with a 30-round magazine, not an “assault rifle”. The gun control laws everyone is pushing at the moment wouldn’t have prevented that tragedy. At most, a limit to 10-round magazines would have simply made Loughner and any other lunatic have to reload a bit sooner. Actually, the only thing that prevented him from killing even more people is that somebody tackled him when he stopped to reload. But if he had had to use a smaller clip in the first place, he’d have done what everyone else does: brought more guns to the party. Simples.
Bonus point: a gun with a smaller clip is much easier to conceal. Nice going, guys.
There’s been some lip-service paid to doing something about the mentally ill, but nothing real is going to happen with that, as it’s all about the superficial act of banning scary-looking guns and harming innocent target shooters by taxing their bullets. Giffords and the BBC talk about there being too much violence in society, but that’s more about Chicago – where there’s stricter gun control than most other places already – than about a mentally ill person acting out. Why aren’t they in Chicago right now? I mean, a black teenage girl who attended The Obamessiah’s inauguration was just gunned down near His Chicago home. What better story could you want? Has the BBC sent one of the battalion of Beeboids to do one of those “bespoke” video magazine pieces on this?
It’s more dangerous to be a young black man in Chicago than it is to be a US soldier in Afghanistan. There’s your gun violence story right there, BBC. Or what about Detroit? We all know the answer: this isn’t about stopping violence at all. It’s about controlling the citizens even more. The BBC won’t be allowing that point of view in their discussions.
Giffords and her husband own handguns, not “assault weapons”, so they’re not going to be affected by the laws everyone is threatening to push through at the moment. In other words, this whole sexy gun ban would not have prevented her from getting shot, and won’t affect her personally now. That’s why the BBC editor chose the general term “gun owners” – to obscure the facts.
The BBC doesn’t want you to know about any of that because it distracts from the agenda. I’m all for having a rational debate about gun laws, but it has to be an honest debate, not dishonest.
Further to my previous comment, the BBC also has this article about US gun deaths.
US gun debate: Guns in numbers
Some 9,960 people were murdered with a firearm in the USA in 2010, a rate of 3.2 per 100,000 people.
Here are some different numbers for your consideration, from a gun control advocacy site:
Guns were used in 11,078 homicides in the U.S. in 2010, comprising almost 35% of all gun deaths, and over 68% of all homicides.
Huh? Only 35% of all gun deaths? What’s that about?
lthough most gun owners reportedly keep a firearm in their home for “protection” or “self defense,” 83 percent of gun-related deaths in these homes are the result of a suicide, often by someone other than the gun owner.
Firearms are used in more suicides than homicides.
Death by firearms is the fastest growing method of suicide.
Firearms account for 50 percent of all suicides.
Once again that mental health issue seems to be far more important in all this than the BBC wants you to know. Let’s have a debate about it, but please let’s keep it honest.
hate he mcc do you? have a look at
no mention of how the indian, pakistan or east indies cricket authorities address he same issue
A very eloquent letter to ‘Thinking Allowed’ regarding its foot-shooting piece on the psychoanalysis of ‘climate change sceptics’:
Well written Johnnythefish!
Well all I did was provide the link! Let’s see if Ben Pile gets a reply….
I`m just 8 minutes into the BBC3 broadcast
“Make Me A Muslim” …. Growing numbers of young British women are converting to Islam. Shanna Bukhari, a 26-year-old Muslim from Manchester, sets out to find out why girls are giving up partying, drinking and wearing whatever they want for a religion some people associate with the oppression of women……
This is the kind of pro Islamic programming we don`t need to see……. how about a documentary showing the plight of five muslim girls who have chosen to leave islam???
“…. some people associate with the oppression of women”
– it would more than ‘some’ if the BBC told the public the truth for once in their vile, dishonest lives.
was there a similar documentary in 2005 about five young muslim men who decided to blow up trains in london.
One aspect of the documetary so far not being shown are the “fiances or male partners” of the women…… Plus I`m not trying to be intentionally cruel about these women, but…. they`re not exactly what you might call “clubbers, or party girls” are they??? Okay i understand they don`t wear make up, but a couple of them could at least try trimming thier moustaches….
Bloody hell Dopey Dave is flying around africa like superman solving all the AQ problems by pronouncing hes going to cooperate with algerian intelligence. Instant solution! What a dope!
What is actually needed is for the French to recommission and make battle ready the original Foriegn Legion forces…. Those guys knew all about quelling the Jihadist nature of the Sub-Saharan peoples…. They were able to counter the threat on a tight budget without the need for vast resources and know the terrain. One Legion battalion is equivelant to about five standard infantry in this region…. If the Algerians want help from us, offer them the Legion with a gaurantee that thier mobisation will not result in an attempted coup this time round……
Uh-oh, looks like trouble, Britain seems to like toppling secular Arab governments, Libya, Egypt, Syria and enabling / installing islamic regimes.
I don’t know if that’s the intention, but it sure is working, praise be to Allah.
There is no such thing as a `secular` Arab Government… All are subject to Theocratic interference spart from Syria which although non Theocratic under Assad it is stll a country which is ruled by a pseudo elected Presidency resulting from a direct handdown of power from father to son….. In every other Islamic state theocratic rule from behind a viel of either a monarch or President elected from within a one party state system is the norm……. So far every single successful ousting of previous rule within the Arab Spring demographic has been hijacked by fundamentalist parties who look only to install a Sharia law based system of rule and another one party state system from then on…… The masses have no experience of a true multi party election and in the aftermath of thier revolts have by instinct turned to the only influences they know in elections… That of religious parties whose only aim is Theocracy and subsequent one party state regimes… The Islamic countries who have a monarch are subject to religious law and thier figurehead rulers are nothing more than puppets of Islamic clerics and Imams who have the true power….