Barclay’s Bank has released details of its pay structure and some at the BBC are up in arms commenting about how unfair it all is that some Bankers get paid so much whilst some get very much less.
Victoria Derbyshire is not impressed that so many earn less than £25,000. (11:38)
I don’t know what she and the likes of Nicky Campbell get paid but I’m pretty certain it’s no where near as low as £25,000…after all although she seems to only work part time she still manages to pay for the air fare to fly herself to work.
I don’t think Barclays will be taking any lessons in pay restraint from the BBC.
A good question from Greg Dyke:
‘Why do we pay all these presenters all this money for them to then slag us off?’
Yes…why do we?
Alan, you are king of meaningless whataboutery posts.
The country is in economic crisis brought about by the banks bonus culture and you still go on about totally irrelevant facts. The bonus culture is an evil which in turn began an escalation in salaries right across the board, including the media industry.
Salaries in the media are in decline (rightly) as they should be in banks.
And it’s correct that the BBC point out that plenty of Barclays staff who are being shafted by management are on low wages.
What is utterly preposterous is to link every story about salaries with a few star presenters wages as if theis means no news organisation can ever report on salaries.
You talk about the BBC being afraid the mention gays or moslems. So now you want it to stop mentioning overpaid Bankers. What sort of news reporting would you want left that anyone would watch!
“economic crisis brought about by the banks bonus culture ”
Really Coldtits? I thought it had more to do with Governments spending money they hadn’t got, maintaining growth through debt. Is that how your household is run? On payday loans?
Bankers are pretty obnoxious but this is tiresome claptrap repeated like a Hari Krishna mantra by organs of the Left, who dare not look the real causes in the eye. Look in the mirror, Coldtits.
Coldtits, take a chill pill. Doncha see the irony of over-paid dudes slagging off other, over-paid dudes? It’s hypocracy man, live with it !
chilly nipples chill pill?
he’s more likely to run off at the gob making groundless accusations
like you did yesterday,eh tits?
have you wound your neck in yet,just in case you get beheaded? 🙂
fool gobshite
Oh dear don’t let the facts get in the way of a good old left wing rant. The banking crisis was NOT caused by bonus payments. Other than of course the fuss about bonuses is not helping our banks regain a foothold in the world of finance. British banking, insurance and financing was a business that helped prop up our economy when dear old Gordon went off on a daft spending spree and then sold our gold to a few chaps who gave him nothing in return. Not even a few beans.
This thing about bonuses is a smoke screen to cover up what really happened. At a time of prosperity when money was sloshing about banks were offering 110% mortgages. That is to say, for those who are a little deaf financially, they offered more than the house was worth. This was encouraged by the thick Scottish socialist councillor with no knowledge of business or banking (Gordon again) because all this turnover meant more taxes and the more taxes he got the more he spent. With me so far?
The banks all knew the mortgages were crap and sold them on all around the world to other banks for peanuts, a couple of glasses of champers and a quick shuffle with a few local girls with big bosoms. Still with me?
Anyway this little bubble eventually burst and the banks collapsed. Not just British banks of course but lots of banks from all over the world and more importantly in the land of the free as well.
Did I mention that there was a certain chap from Chicago who encouraged the same stupid sort of mortgages in the USA as well? He was a well known agitator of a certain hue and as he shouted a lot in a gospelly sort of way, he tended to get his way, changed a few little laws and then lots of American banks sold mortgages to the underclass (euphemism) that couldn’t afford them as well. And guess what? They all went belly up too. As is the way in life the guilty get promoted of course and this particular chappie has done quite well I believe.
So there we are, nothing to do with bonuses at all. Just socialism doing what it does best. Feerking up the economy of the world again.
Exacerbated, though, by the fee-based culture, wherein the pushers get a fee for the transaction selling, among other things, those derivatives, whether they’re crap or not. And unfortunately, some of the big bosses didn’t even know it was all crap until it was too late. Of course, without the government creating the situation in the first place, it wouldn’t have happened like that.
Remind me, when did Barclays ask the taxpayer for bail-out money? Yet people are expected to finance high TV salaries every year.
Barclays staff get paid 20k unless they make the bank A LOT of money. So to earn £1m you would have to bring £10-50m profit for the bank.
BBBC staff get paid millions to be continuity announcers – no talent in that list above, they do nothing that anyone else couldn’t.
Total waste of taxpayers money, shut it down!
Alan – how dare you comment on the BBC’s pay structure. Have you read all of it? Do you have a scientific qualification in payroll ergonomics and control structures? Have you any idea of the complexities of PAYE and National Insurance, with particular emphasis on Statutory Sick Pay and Paternity Leave?
No? Then I suggest you stop wading in on subjects you know nothing about.
I’ll miss publicly applauding the calibre of subtle satire in comments like this, RD, presuming it is really you.
But as I no longer have confidence it is, making interaction unreliable, a watching brief and private appreciation it seems it may now need to be.
Keep up the good work.
I’d say that the silly moo might not have realised that a lot of these sub £25K workers will be part-timers…. but the sick truth is that working at the BBC means she’s probably never encountered the idea that not working a full week means you should earn less.
Wow what amazing remuneration packages. Can it be true that Lineker and Hansen get so much for presenting an out of date football programme?
Whilst I disagree with Paxo and Humph on most things and think their pay is too high, I do think that they should go on strike for at least equal pay with the two morons above.
A cynical naughty person might view some of that largesse to Paxman and Humphrys as hush money for them to look the other way about Savile for all those years.
ya-awn bankers bonuses.
If you’re a bog brush salesman and you sell a lot of bog brushes guess what you get a big bonus.
If you’re a really really shit teacher in a really really shit comprehensive school you’ll get paid ‘the going rate’.
It’s a private / public sector thing.
The leftards really don’t understand the supply of and demand for labour.
It wasn’t as much what VD said, it was the cynical laugh after she spoke about Barclays transparency that was typical of activists in the BBC (obviously Evan Davies went to the same training session). With her laugh she was making a statement.
This Marxist ideology wears thin now. I don’t care how many people earn a £million as long as they pay their taxes. The more high earners we have the better off we’ll all be.