If you actually listened to him you would understand he was ranting about the BBC’s coverage of just about every world event.
If you listened you would realise he is left wing, anti big business, pro palestinian and definitely anti Israel.
Why is he here?
Because firstly this isn’t a ‘rightwing’ blog….having a leftwing complaint gives some perspective…but it also shows that the ‘swivel eyed nutters’ aren’t the sole preserve of the Right as the BBC so likes to portray them.
If you just want to be spoonfed a certain type of anti-BBC rhetoric this isn’t the place…you need to think a bit.
Was this a new BBC alternative comedy programme? If not this chap has listened to too much BBC radio 4. He can recover by lying in a silent dark room for 12 months.
But it shows what can happen if the BBC isn’t closed down very soon.
Sorry I’m still trying to work out the connection between ‘BBC bias’ and the mad cabbies ravings?
Clearly the BBC are horribly biased as anyone with functioning eyes, ears and brain can deduce but to describe this rant and about BBC Bias is specious to say the least.
He may have an idiosynchratic way of expressing himself, literally foaming at the mouth…and he may be overdosing on the leftwingery, but he’s not wrong about the state of the world is he?…at least he does something about it eh Albaman? unlike some very clever people.
I assume you’ll be making your way over to his video to make your own comment about his criticism of the BBC or are we the lucky recipients of your undivided attention on this blog?
I don’t know why people are objecting to Alan’s posting of this. The BBC gets complaints from both sides, you know. This guy’s rant is proof of their overall balance and impartiality, no?
Technically, the BBC isn’t going to make a profit off him, but he has a fair point overall. I’d probably feel the same way if any network tried that on me.
New idea for a TV series: this guy and Pat Condell in a room together.
It is probably illegal to publish the opinions of most cab drivers, but no doubt the intention was to persuade idiots and the young that this man is representative of them, and therefore of the working class, and so you’d better share his opinions or else you’re a nasty Tory.
The video also serves to titillate Guardian-reading deadbeats as they sip their posy coffees clad in Palestinian scarves. They like a bit of rough.
It’s bleedin’ Alf Garnett, init? Resurrected from the bleedin’ grave inhe?
If you can’t see the funny side of it then you definitely have a SOHF. No doubt, like Mary Whitehouse, you would have thought Alf was intended to be an example to behave instead of a how his character was written, a totally OTT satirical version of a totally outrageous bigot.
The cabbie is ripe for turning into a character in Spittin’ Image.
He’s a dribbling halfwit. He also calls ukip “racist” amongst other names in another video and praises Chavez. Seriously doesn’t belong on here. He’s a obnoxious ranting pub bore with no coherent argument.
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So this incoherrent, foul mouthed rant is ‘genius’ is it Alan?
Not much in it about BBC bias either. More a generalised diatribe about rampant corporatism, politicians and the Queen.
I think this bloke needs help, urgently.
“So this incoherrent, foul mouthed rant is ‘genius’ is it Alan?”
Quite…we’re all angry but this clip is an incoherent mess and plays up to the “window lickers” meme
If you actually listened to him you would understand he was ranting about the BBC’s coverage of just about every world event.
If you listened you would realise he is left wing, anti big business, pro palestinian and definitely anti Israel.
Why is he here?
Because firstly this isn’t a ‘rightwing’ blog….having a leftwing complaint gives some perspective…but it also shows that the ‘swivel eyed nutters’ aren’t the sole preserve of the Right as the BBC so likes to portray them.
If you just want to be spoonfed a certain type of anti-BBC rhetoric this isn’t the place…you need to think a bit.
Oh…and it’s just very very funny.
Oh please!
‘Think a bit’ is what you need to do mate.
It’s not funny. If you think it’s funny that says a lot about you.
p.s. “this isn’t a ‘rightwing’ blog”
Going by your rabid posts you could have fooled me!
Was this a new BBC alternative comedy programme? If not this chap has listened to too much BBC radio 4. He can recover by lying in a silent dark room for 12 months.
But it shows what can happen if the BBC isn’t closed down very soon.
Sorry I’m still trying to work out the connection between ‘BBC bias’ and the mad cabbies ravings?
Clearly the BBC are horribly biased as anyone with functioning eyes, ears and brain can deduce but to describe this rant and about BBC Bias is specious to say the least.
Another recycled drive by troll ?
Typical. Anyone who disagrees with your narrow, bigoted view is a troll.
Grow up.
You out on licence?
I appreciate the sentiments but in my view the clip is counterproductive…
“A different take on the BBC’s bias from a cabby” ……………………well amongst a lot of other things he did mention the BBC.
“Genius”………………… based on what? The ability to swear or the inability to string a coherent sentence together?
Or even the ability to punctuate.
He may have an idiosynchratic way of expressing himself, literally foaming at the mouth…and he may be overdosing on the leftwingery, but he’s not wrong about the state of the world is he?…at least he does something about it eh Albaman? unlike some very clever people.
I assume you’ll be making your way over to his video to make your own comment about his criticism of the BBC or are we the lucky recipients of your undivided attention on this blog?
I don’t know why people are objecting to Alan’s posting of this. The BBC gets complaints from both sides, you know. This guy’s rant is proof of their overall balance and impartiality, no?
Here is his take on the BBC who have asked him to wear a white shirt and appear on TV without payment.
Technically, the BBC isn’t going to make a profit off him, but he has a fair point overall. I’d probably feel the same way if any network tried that on me.
New idea for a TV series: this guy and Pat Condell in a room together.
Lighten up people!
It is probably illegal to publish the opinions of most cab drivers, but no doubt the intention was to persuade idiots and the young that this man is representative of them, and therefore of the working class, and so you’d better share his opinions or else you’re a nasty Tory.
The video also serves to titillate Guardian-reading deadbeats as they sip their posy coffees clad in Palestinian scarves. They like a bit of rough.
The guy’s a left wing loon. There are lots of them about you know!
He needs to come to terms with reality before his little tantrums turn into a serious mental illness.
It’s bleedin’ Alf Garnett, init? Resurrected from the bleedin’ grave inhe?
If you can’t see the funny side of it then you definitely have a SOHF. No doubt, like Mary Whitehouse, you would have thought Alf was intended to be an example to behave instead of a how his character was written, a totally OTT satirical version of a totally outrageous bigot.
The cabbie is ripe for turning into a character in Spittin’ Image.
He’s a dribbling halfwit. He also calls ukip “racist” amongst other names in another video and praises Chavez. Seriously doesn’t belong on here. He’s a obnoxious ranting pub bore with no coherent argument.