Just about to go out for Mother’s Day lunch and have just caught the start of the ‘Big’ Questions… Looks like it’s gonna be a real leftie-fest! Better leave quick!
Just heard a tiny bit of the dreadful BH, only with Comrade Mason holding the fort.
Fine bit before the papers featuring “a bloke from Planet Thatcher”(i.e the slug from Spitting Image)…a fine piece between some lazy female Trot, and the marvellous Nick Cohen-a true lefty but(don`t tell too many) a man who thinks for himself, and is always worth a row…top bloke!
Oh the venom-the two against one-the edits and the last word going to Che`s granny…but Cohen pasted them re “Chavez legacy”.
Think we can see why all the pre-edits were done…not a chance he`d be allowed on live to say this.
Any more than Chris Booker for that matter!
Oh-and one other thing.
Yesterdays Today( easy as a Sunday morning, but creepy as every working weekday!)…featured the “embalmed”…you know, Mao, Lenin, Kim Jong not so wells…and now Ugo Boss Himself of Caracas!
What do these godless, socialist, commie despots who raged against God in life and reckon Disney will bring them back soon enough…who murdered, donned the uniform, shut down the press, hounded opponents to early graves . psychiatric wards or labour camps/gulags…what do these Commie dictators and well-loved liberal lefty causes all have in common?
Socialists? Commies?…Trot tyrants?….well maybe so at Planet Pleb!
But where they were looking form-Spaceship Tony-the common link was…yes, embalming fluids, techniques…and here`s a happy chappie from Yorkshire to tell us all how the embalming process has evolved to where we all are today…thank Uncle Joe for that!
Speaking of who…are they still topping up Uncle Joe with his rejuvenating juices?…that hermetically-sealed see through sarcophagus still getting its seals replaced?…oh, do tell us BBC?
Send a reporter if you like…Guy Burgess BOUND to have a helpful descendent or two working for you I`m sure!
Too late for the BBC to do an embalming number on Uncle James of Leeds Mortuaries, I expect by now!
I mean how tired are these droid ‘tricks’ for shoving their own tired opinions in your face while pretending they are playing devil’s advocate. I mean these ‘somes’ and Gameshow Nikki’s ‘lozotex’ only ever seem to be coming from one political direction.
I had a dream last night that I beat Gameshow Nikki to death with the corpse of Paul Mason – sadly I woke up.
In the first five minutes of the Suzanna (do you like my lovely knees?) Marr show.
Labour will have lead of 100 seats after the next election.
The election in Falklands just a PR stunt.
Coalition in turmoil.
And, Nick Cleg (I’m very sorry about our broken promises and the chap who told lies to get off from speeding points and those pesky sex allegations that I knew nothing about) will tell his member something later on today.
Also, Cameron warned by his own Quango that austerity (Financial responsibility) is harming people who don’t work. However, plan B, spend, spend, spend (the money of people who do work) is much better and is advocated by the socialists who caused the problem in the first place. Plan B will naturally help the growth of the retail sector who only sell stuff made in China of course. So that’s all right then, I’m all for helping the Chinese by going broke.
I have evidently been transported by aliens into a world of fantasy where the elite of the planet live in a palace somewhere near Manchester and solve the problems of the world and single mothers by having little chats on a red sofa.
My mother and father, born in 1900, lived through two world wars, and saw the humble beginnings of the motor car and the aeroplane made of bicycle bits through to men landing on the moon (allegedly according to my son) and then on to jet setting holidays. From the corner shop through to supermarkets selling 20,000 exotic lines of fruit and veg, TVs and even horse meat pies, apparently.
They would be so pleased that the BBC, that they so respected, has morphed into the detested ABC (Anti British Craporation). Those who the gods wish to destroy…………………………..
Ah yes, the line taken on the Falklands’ referendum by our treacherous inbbc was that it’s irrelevant because Argentina doesn’t recognise its validity. Well, call me old fashioned, but WTF has it got to do with the Argentinians?
Dont those lovely inbbc twats just adore using the word ” Malvinas” . It’s trotted out at every opportunity. What a treacherous bunch of anti-british scum infest our precious ” aunty”!
The excellent popular science programme MythBusters checked every claim under laboratory conditions that the moon landings were staged and found them all to be false. Episode 104: NASA Moon Landing
Old Timer have your son Google Mythbusters and moon landing. (He might be able to find the complete episode online at Sidereel.com.
Thank you Ted and Degree for your parental advice but I will neither “correct” my son nor will I “have my son” do anything thank you. I have a great relationship with my son, probably because I take his “allegedly” comments with a sense of humour, as this is the way they are meant, and I respect his opinions.
Like you, “allegedly”, I lived through the moon landings and know them to be a fact. My son did not, he assesses the information that is available today, mostly on the net, and makes his own mind up.
He of course wonders why in nearly 50 years we have not been back to the moon when materials and technology have improved so much, as do most young people today. He wonders why good clear pictures are not available of the landing sites, taken now and from earth, bearing in mind the fantastic digital cameras that are available nowadays. As for the Mythbuster program his comment was “if we have to rely on a couple of odd bods in a dusty old garage waving a flag about as evidence I think I will take a pass on that, thanks”.
I can see his point of view, albeit I know it is wrong, and hope that one day hard evidence is provided in his lifetime that will persuade him of the truth. Thank you again for your advice but I will continue to keep a sense of perspective and a sense of humour about this matter, if it’s all the same to you, and I urge you to do likewise.
In the meantime I think the problems we have with our “allegedly” treasured BBC are more important.
And talking about history have you seen their efforts on the Horrible History programs? Now that is something you should try and “have them correct”.
Anyone know why the BBC has suddenly taken such a huge interest in third world leaders?
In the past week, there have been major news stories concerning Hugo Chavez passing away and the election of a guy called Kenyatta in Kenya (which should interest me why?!!).
Doubtless these are very important events if you live in Venezuela or Kenya, but what makes the BBC think that the rest of the world could care less?
You ain’t heard nothing yet!
Just wait until Nelson Mandela pops his clogs it will be wall to wall eulogies. The BBC have probably already got it planned.
…and you can guarantee they won’t screw up the reporting by trying to find ‘a different way’ to cover the event, Jubilee style – ie disrespectfully tacky and juvenile.
There was a moment of uninitentional humour when the BBC newsreader informed me that the Kenyan was wanted for “crimes against humanity”
It was the deadpan way he said it.
An archbish called Justin…JUSTIN?
Funny when the useful left liberal tools from Giles Frasers old toolbox tend to get a BBC brandishing at the workshop isn`t it?
Now if Justin dared to have a mitochondrial level of the courage of Nazir-Ali or Sentamu(less so, but still better than the UK deserves)…he just might have less to say about IDS,a bit more to say on how Christians-his so-called “flock” are losing jobs and career prospects here in the UK…losing lives and limbs in Pakistan , Sudan, China etc.
Ah but…the BBC don`t want to hear that-and creepy la-di-dah Gunner Graham in a frock-sure as hell won`t be wanting to say anything like this.
Not with Giles, Clifford, Jonesy and all those beloved lefty mitre monkeys and malcontents stuffing the BBCs studios with their “reverend Blue jeans” schtick.
Which Derek Nimmo and those two off Dads Army did so much better…and with more theological conviction.
Reckon the Cof E wanted Elton Welsby, but got Justin instead…poor sods!
This is a very sad thing for the C of E if true.
The Church cannot survive if it is to be merely a sub office of some left wing social services charity.
The BBC should be asking the bishops why they don’t lead from the front, and donate more of the C of E’s income to the poor, as well as letting the country’s homeless sleep in their churches…
So the Church should not complain if politicians tell them publicly what they must put in their sermons. If I were one I would say “Archbish – I demand your sermons for the next 6 months should back a strongly anti-EU message.”
The C of E has billions well invested and growing by the year. They could alleviate much financial suffering of the poor but choose not to.
But what does amuse me is when some well meaning do-gooders decide to sleep out overnight to publicise the plight of the homeless. Better still why not offer a bed in their house and really help a homeless person. Not so appealing, maybe a bit smelly , bleeding hypocrites.
And whilst I am ranting, Bishopthorpe Palace the home of the Archbishop of York, recently had a multi million pound refurbishment but no facilities fo the homeless.
The poverty industry is a good earner for those with an absence of conscience (and too thick to become a doctor or lawyer) – for most middle class socialists Leftist “ideology” is nothing more than a way of legitimating [their] greed.
A Labour MP is a thief with a well rehearsed line about “I am only doing it for the poor”. The hatred you (and everybody else) can see in their face as they stick their hand in the till derives from their bottomless sense of entitlement.
Poverty is redefined these days. After paying out for a full sky tv package, huge multi screen ( 3 D of course) i-phone, i-pad, an Internet service provider ( including BT landline of course) beer and fags, they wonder why they have to choose “eat or heat” !
Hardly any British household is poor these days is certainly true, and the politically motivated who set the level of poverty have decided that it’s just above the level of benefits! It’s a moveable bar so if the benefits level is raised to £1 million per week, poverty would be defined as less than £1.1 million per week.
Unmarried mothers (lets not give in to using the left wing niceity of single mothers) are treated very generously having emerged from the cuts almost unscathed . These are the ones who to be honest have kids simply because they don’t want to work, not because they really want them.
The people I feel sorry for are the young & single who are reaching the point thanks to truly stupid ConDem cuts where they will have to pay out more than they receive! We all pay NI for the day when we might need to claim & it’s unacceptable that the benefits are being reduced to nothing while the premiums are increasing !
The Archbishop another posh boy too far removed from the lives of ordinary people think it might make him & the church more popular if he talks about kids, well child poverty is a choice made by parents, perhaps he might do better by encouraging a little abstinence.
As for the assertion that a group of Bishops think we should be giving more of our money to other people, this is plainly wrong. The piece was about cuts to existing benefits not adding extra. Wait until the next set of riots which will inevitably come – see how much money is saved when London is wrecked again!
I’m not suggesting *we* should pay out, but not cut back so much. Setting a firm boundary where people begin to starve is a boudary which will be broken. History teaches the consequences those making rules would do well to study it.
BTW look up ‘clemmed to death’ Those days are not somewhere I would like to see this country return to.
OK then Aerfen I shall set you and Dysgwr Cymraeg a challenge – to live for one week on the amount that an under 25 receives in benefits. I won’t include the ludicrous assertion that you buy the products stated, just survive. This cold week should be a good one to try.
BTW after the governments deductions how much do you think is left for you to live for a week?
Most under twenty fives who are genuinely unemployed still receive some support from their parents. The majority of them could also get some sort of job if they were willing to take literally anything.
Dont get me wrong, I do feel for those who are looking for work, and its appalling that this is made more so much harder by letting in millions of foreigners who they are forced to compete with, but the trouble is no benefit system is perfect, and it is plainly WRONG that anyone, especially a foreigner , is subsidised to live in areas that working people on average incomes can only dream of living in. Surely you can see that? Central London should be a no go area for housing benefit except for certain exceptional groups such as elderly people or disabled people who have lived there for many years or are dependent on family support. NO foreigners coming to London should be able to claim housing benefit, or any fit young people such as single mums who just want to live there, subsidised by everyone else.
Aerfen you’ve completely ignored my last post! You haven’t mentioned the challenge presumably because you know you’re telling lies and your position is untenable.
You haven’t attempted to guess how much people are left with after deductions, you obviously don’t know, but are prepared to guess based on what your prejudices tell you it needs to be to justify your position.
Young people cannot get the jobs you mention because they’re being filled by immigrants ! What do you think all the problem with Liebour having to apologise for betraying the white wrorking class are about?
Then there’s not the jobs you talk about outside of the South East!
Part time work is a waste of time as it costs you to work! Full time work at the mimimum wage has been hit by coalition cuts as well so working people are even worse off than some on benefits!
Once again you ignore my previous post – I never mentioned foreigners, this wasn’t the subject of the thread so why do you keep returning to it?
There are endless examples like the one above showing families on benefits who are clearly not in poverty.
I am NOT aware of there being similar examples of single persons in the same position.
And, no, I would not care to join them in that position. My view of the benefits system has been formedby examples such as in the link I gave.
I paid my occupational pension from the age of 19, and for many years paid in additional contributions when I could have been spending it on foreign holidays and swish cars.
You only reap what you sow.
Modern measures of poverty are somewhat misleading. Real poverty can be seen in places
Ike Africa, but I dont think anyone here is in that position.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg I despair sometimes! YOu’ve just echoed everything I’ve said & expanded a little. What a shame that these days people are so spoon fed by television that unless thoughts are introduced into their minds they are unable to think for themselves.
Has the contradiction in your post not occurred to you? That certain people are doing very nicely on benefits – exactly as I stated, yet others are being reduced to absolute poverty.
Here’s a quote from my previous post which no one has adressed because they’re too frightened to know the truth, so I’ll spell it out to spoonfeed.
Remember these deductions don’t come in until April so they haven’t taken effect yet.
Income for single adult £56 per week
Bedroom tax £14
contribution to rates £6
Fines £10
Maintanence £10
Arrears £10.25
A total of over £50 of deductions will be possible from the benefit income of an individual. If anyone (outside the ConDem assylum) thinks this is reasonable then they need a padded room! Who can live on £50 per week let alone the lesser amounts, and in the worst case £6 per week means inevitable death.
Most revolutions in history have started because of hunger, I think Camerons self destructive personality is allowing him to push people to the brink.
My dear thoughtful. If I had had the benefit of reading your post at 5:55 pm i wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of posting my own thoughts on defining poverty. However, when I outlined what I saw as a major problem, I didn’t have the benefit of your superior view as it wasn’t there. Whether or not I considered single folks in my definition is not clear. But you appear to know the answer to that. There is little point in arguing like ferrets in a sack about something in which we share such common ground. So, thoughtful, don’t despair, but rejoice and continue the fight. Just don’t encourage the riots that you so certainly predict. We have enough folk who love to broadcast” it’s kicking off everywhere”
A fan of Elizabeth Gaskell I see,but remember she like Dickens was a reformer so Little Knell had to be clemmed to death. An alternative view of Victorian England might be found in ‘The Welfare State We’re In’ by James Bartholomew.
That’s because ‘poverty’ in the UK is ‘relative poverty’. Thus the poverty industry keeps grinding on, the left have their clarion calls and ‘the poor are always with us’. I wonder what percentage of Indians have a sole-use indoor toilet?
Suppose nobody at the BBC will be checking what`s going on in Duchy territory out near Dorchester and Poundbury will they?
Malls, complexes, 1000s of new houses for the floodplains and watermeadows…postmen hanging from lamp posts because the streets have no names…very sustainable you creepy walking wingnut!
What kind of bloke only starts work at the age of 75?…Morrisseys not wrong about him(The Queen Is Dead”).
Exactly the kind of Clegg-bottomed 24 carat plated hypocrite that the BBC really lurve….I`d gladly support a life support machine for the Queen, rather than let this poltroon hand us over to Islam!
Prince of phantom disasters and imagined future of hardship for the prols. Loss of rent income more like.
If he IS that worried why doesn’t he do something and put his hand in his pocket.
Too hot for ‘politically correct’ BBC-NUJ to handle?:-
“Teenage sex slave raped 90 times in one weekend despite authorities saying she wasn’t at risk.
Girl gave evidence to committee despite still being ‘deeply traumatised’.
CSJ report claims efforts to tackle slavery in a state of crisis.
More than 1,000 adults and children trafficked into or within UK in 2011/12.
The BBC has reported it, but purely from a stance of using the reports to attack the government.
Notable by their absence are any references to;
Who the perpetrators were
The role of government immigration policy
Why the police and social services refused to act despite years of warnings about what was going on, and the role that a left-wing inspired culture of political correctness / censorship played.
“Sex Trafficking Victims ‘Failed’ By Authorities.
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were found last year, but ministers remain “clueless” about the problem, a think tank says.”
On the contrary the BBC have been banging on a great deal today about ‘trafficking’!
Apparently its nothing to do with immigration!
Funny its called ‘trafficking’ then, don’t you thin?
But the BBC managed to find a ‘trafficked’ man with an indigenous British accent who had been used for slave labour.
I feel very sorry for British citizens to whom this has happened, usually people of subnormal IQ, but most of the so called ‘trafficked’ foreigners came voluntarily to Britain, knowing what they were doing was illegal, and if they thought they were going to be lap dancers rather than whores, they still have themselves to blame.
Quite but *Pikey* slavery is negligible compared to the scale of immigrants slavery, or rather ‘debt slavery’ which is the more accurate description.
Of course what the BBC would never mention now, with its recent ‘ultra PC’ censorship was a study done only a few years ago, following which the researcher was, in fact, interviewed by the BBC itself, and who made it quite clear that many of these ‘trafficked’ prostitutes do not want to be ‘rescued’. In other word sthey knew exactly what they were getting into and felt it a price worth paying for a few years until they earned their freedom and would eventually gain British citizenship. Of course if caught they say they were ‘trafficked’ innocents, knowing this will get them kid glove treatment and give them the excuse to plead that they now can no longer go home or their families will kill them due to their name being tarnished.
Ouch, I organised a sleep out for the homeless when I was a teenager. Sorry, I couldn’t offer them a room, I didn’t have a house myself. Also, I’m in no way affiliated with the CofE so have no power over what do with the funds.
I agree with ditching as much tax as possible, people should take personal responsibility for people worse of than them. Less government would be so much better. However, charity work that is purely for charity (and not, say, for lobbying the government for more funds) is a good thing and should generally be encouraged. I think anyway.
The Beeb are incorrigible: apparently Hague has announced that a British engineer has probably been murdered by “what he called terrorists.” (R4 news at 18.15)
Lego’s range of pink toys for girls helps enforce a gender divide that sees boys performing better in science, a BBC television presenter and scientist has claimed.
The scientist is Professor Alice Roberts (apparently professor of Public Engagement in Science at Birmingham) as a comment in the telegraph ponders So let’s get this straight: pink lego (a fairly new idea) is responsible for the lack of popularity of science amongst little girls in the many years before it was actually released?
Alice Roberts is a full member of the Globalists propaganda squad, a favourite of the Beeb (ironically as much for her good looks as her being ‘on message’, ironic since Dr Roberts is a apparently a feminist too). She was chosen as the anchor person for the BBCs highly dishonest series, the human journey, when Doc Alice truly undermined her scientific integrity by claiming that the failure to find evidence of Homo Erectus DNA in modern Chinese (the quest based on sampling of degenerate ancient homo erectus DNA) prove that Chinese did not descend from H.E., as they firmly believe, but was purely ‘out of Africa’.
The entire series was a blatant attempt to promote the theory (i.e. the PC one) of a all non African humans descending from, as Roberts put it, ‘a few African families’ who left Africa in one recent exit.
CHRISTOPHER STRINGER is one of the world’s foremost paleoanthropologists. He is a founder and most powerful advocate of the leading theory concerning our evolution: Recent African Origin or “Out of Africa”. He has worked at The Natural History Museum, London since 1973, is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and currently leads the large and successful Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project (AHOB), His most recent book is The Origin of Our Species (titled Lone Survivors in the US)
Rethinking “Out of Africa”
[CHRISTOPHER STRINGER:] At the moment, I’m looking again at the whole question of a recent African origin for modern humans—the leading idea over the last 20 years. This argues that we had a recent African origin, that we came out of Africa, and that we replaced all of the other human forms that were outside of Africa. But we’re having to re-evaluate that now because genetic data suggest that the modern humans who came out of Africa about 60,000 years ago probably interbred with Neanderthals, first of all, and then some of them later on interbred with another group of people called the Denisovans, over in south eastern Asia.
If this is so, then we are not purely of recent African origin. We’re mostly of recent African origin, but there was contact with these other so-called species. We’re having to re-evaluate the Out-of-Africa theory, and we’re having to re-evaluate the species concepts we apply
I think Lucy Worsley is excellent – intelligent, knows her subject and, most importantly, doesn’t seem to have an agenda. She also has a very genuine, engaging personality.
Indeed its thought there may have been several seperate ‘Out of Africas’ and its also been found that as Europeans bred with Neanderthals, modern day Africans bred with other earlier types of humans, in the distant past.
Not much has been made of that of course because its very disquieting to the PC claims that there are hardly any differences between modern day human gene pools.
Always thought it was unlikely that everyone was descended from these few Africans who travelled all over the world (before motor transport) and then created the various races and then stopped moving around for no obvious reason.
Firstly the jury is most certainly still out on that.
Secondly the interbreeding with earlier humans is now a fact.
Thirdly she was utterly wrong to claim that she could PROVE a negative simply by the absence of a positive result in one dodgy DNA test. The woman is supposed to be a scientist! She perjured herself.
She’s lovely, leave her alone, Dr of Anatomy no less, she’s smart and cute, would have taken her for a wife at the drop of a hat but for a hairy Archaeologist who stole her heart, lucky bastard.
“She’s lovely, leave her alone, Dr of Anatomy no less,”
No her PhD was in Paleopathology, and she took a very long time doing it.
But she certainly should have known better than to make the ludicrous claim she did about the Chinese and Homo Erectus on the Human Journey. The Chinese expert was far too polite to correct her, but appeared uttelry unconvinced!
Of course, science is male “dominated” – meaning boy scientists are hurling girls through the windows whenever they enter the lab. And pink lego bwicks keep the girls so juvenile that instead of fighting their way back in, they go off cwying to their mummies. Makes sense if you’re an emotional cripple, I guess.
Last November a BBC report claimed the 11 month old son of one of their cameramen had been killed in an Israel bombardment:
“Many of the Palestinians killed in Gaza during the last two days by the Israeli aerial and naval bombardment were members of militant groups, but civilians – including at least four children – were also among the dead. They included 11-month-old Omar, the son of Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic picture editor.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-20441798
I did not keep it to myself. First, I sent my complaint to the BBC and other media sources listed in the Honest Reporting article. Then I posted what I thought to be the most relevant extracts of the report to this site together with verifiable links.
What have you done?
Oh the irony! One woman supported by us (via the compulsory TV-tax) commenting adversely on another woman supported by us. But the latter knows how to behave and how to keep her mouth shut, and the former doesn’t.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) staff in the Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN:-
“‘Joke’ about Prophet Muhammad triggers violence in Pakistan as Christians’ homes are set on fire.
Dozens of homes were burned after a Christian was accused of blasphemy.
Angry mob torched the homes after the accusation became known .
Police say 150 people have been arrested on suspicion of starting the fires .
Hundreds of Christians have protested and clashed with police.
Have called on Pakistan’s government to rebuild their homes.”
“‘Joke’ about Prophet Muhammad triggers violence in Pakistan as Christians’ homes are set on fire.’
For some reason that reminds me of this – which we used to think was nonsense….
“The Funniest Joke in the World” is the title most frequently used for written references to a Monty Python’s Flying Circus comedy sketch, which is also known by two other phrases that appear within it, “Joke Warfare” and “Killer Joke”, the latter being the most commonly spoken title used to refer to it. The premise of the sketch is that the joke is so funny that anyone who reads or hears it promptly dies from laughter.’
Minorities? What kind, eh? In other cases, I might agree with a defender of the indefensible who said that you were wrong to complain because the BBC says “Muslim mob” in the first sentence. But since that’s the whole reason for the violence, and the victims are considered minorities on specifically religious grounds, using the broad protected genus (if you know what I mean) “minorities” is silly. They could at least have said “religious minorities” if they wanted to avoid getting “complaints from both sides” about using the M word.
Joke overheard in the BBC canteen:
“Minorities terrorized by mob violence? I didn’t know the EDL had spread to Bangladesh.”
Can you show me where the application for tickets for Question Time asks for political affiliation?
If an audience is pro-Labour (Or I would say anti-governement) then it’s down to either:
A) Pro-government supporters being too lazy to apply for tickets.
B) Are ashamed to air their views in public.
Or most likely C): Are in a whopping minority. Has it not occurred to you that the reason you hear so many arguments you disagree with is because you guys on his forum are in fact in a very small, self selecting group. Just because you all *like* each others myopic posts doesn’t mean that people in the real world feel the same way.
has it ever occured to you that you can pick the probable political affiliation of a member of the audience by their answers to the questions asked them?
Dan, can you explain why the young female Labour activist, who admitted spending the afternoon with panellist and Labour M.P. Stephen Twigg, knew beforehand she was going to be picked by Dimbleby to excoriate the UKIP panellist. She actually twittered the message to her followers to “watch Question Time tonight and watch me tear into the disgusting UKIP woman” ?
How would she have known she was going to be picked if it hadn’t been arranged beforehand?
Andy S.
No party should plant people in the audience (this wasn’t PM QT after all) and Twigg and Rutland were wrong. I hope the Labour Party give them a good rap across the knuckles. As for the Tweet, remember the programme is recorded. She sent her Tweet after that and before it went out on BBC 1.
Dan, you can see for yourself the BBC asking for political affiliation plain as day on the BBC website. The BBC also states very clearly that they need to know the political leanings on various issues (like the EU) of audience members so they can ensure it reflects (according to their capricious judgment of polls, I guess) the political demographics of the host area. This is fact, not suspicion, as you will have seen if you dared to click through the links. I’m sure there’s a valid reason for doing this, deep down, but the problem is with how they manage it.
As I said elsewhere, Dimbleby can’t possibly have a list of all audience members and their political affiliations, along with a seating chart with which to identify them. It’s silly to think he would. However, he does have all the selected questions in advance, with the names of the audience members who submitted them. That fact is not in dispute. Why he chooses the questions he does – and when he chooses them – is a whole other discussion.
As Rutland seems to have been called on as a random hand up wanting to respond to a panelist, rather than being called on for a new question, I’d say Dimbleby is in the clear there. However, the QT audience wranglers ought to have some way to check if they’re political party workers – I don’t mean every single party member or volunteer or whatever, but Rutland is a real campaign coordinator who applied as an innocent, independent member of the public. Which she obviously isn’t. Especially since she met earlier in the day with the very Labour MP they had on the panel.
We’ve had people here tell us that they (or friends or relations) have applied to be in the audience and were not only required to submit a question in advance, but one or two occasions were told to try again because their question was off-topic or already being asked.
David. I thought ticket allocation was on a first come basis. Didn’t realise the programme wanted info in advance. I suppose it makes sense? Of course people can fib but it does mean that they can try and get a cross section. Of course, I believe that the producers will be fair and do their job properly. I’m equally sure many on this site will be convinced the audience selected will be left of centre.
Dan, applications are probably approved on FC/FS basis, makes perfect sense. Except the BBC admits that they will sometimes call up local political or advocacy groups if they feel not enough of them have applied, which certainly appears to be a gesture towards fairness on their part. But this leaves the door wide open to suspicion that they equally get in touch with specific people or groups when they want a good show on a specific issue. It’s all entertainment in the end, so they probably think it’s okay to do it. Like, you know, when they faked phone-in competitions and lie to children and steal money from them. It’s all entertainment, not a serious competition, innit, so what’s the big deal?
People probably do lie on their forms, since we’ve seen activists get through many times. But this is bigger than that, someone who was active in election campaigning and met with a panelist that very same day. If nothing else, the BBC should be laying into Twigg for not telling them. But they don’t care.
Many here are convinced that the BBC rigs the audience because there have been too many instances where the audience doesn’t reflect reality, and too many clear examples of people bused in from out of town with an agenda. This is all going to be down to the whims of the audience wranglers, and they seem to have an endless set of “Get-out-of-bias-free” cards, which is telling. It means the bias has been there and the compliance mandarins put these into place for ass-covering. That’s what most compliance rules are for, anyway: to provide an excuse when things go wrong. “We followed the rules, all boxes ticked, so can’t be held responsible for things beyond our control”. Like when Labour campaign organizers collude with a panelist and then don’t tell the BBC about who they are and what they’re up to, and the panelist keeps shtum as well.
Of course there is a thing in Dinglebums ear called an ear piece into which the editor/director with a seating plan of candidates can direct him to request the required question.
Even I’m not that paranoid. That’s way too much effort even for the BBC. However, you do have a point there if, in an ideal world, the BBC bothered checking for plants like this (which they should do – add this to the latest round of “Safeguarding Trust” courses) and could have alerted Dimbleby what Rutland was up to. He could have cut her off much sooner if a producer buzzed his ear. Or maybe they do check, but only for those with unapproved thoughts. Like others have pointed out, can anyone recall an audience member screaming at a Labour MP like that, or getting caught out later for sneaking in? Either they do check for only some people, or those not on the far Left are more honest and reasonable, I suppose.
This was certainly the intention of the Labour plant – shout nasty labels to make people’s reasonable views seem socially unacceptable. We’ve heard it all before. Nice try. You failed to include the now obligatory ‘disgusting’ to your point B.
“Or most likely C): Are in a whopping minority.”
The results in Eastleigh show this up for the crap it is. The Labour candidate failed miserably, beaten by the UKIP candidate by almost a 3 to 1 ratio.
Just because you hear your comfortable lefty assumptions parroted continually on the BBC doesn’t mean that people in the real world feel the same way.
…and the above image is clearly a lighthearted jab at the recent QT episode. Are smug, po-faced left-wingers required to undergo a humour bypass?
Lighten up, silly.
The “above image” is funny and made me smile. I wasn’t writing because of that, but the comments on this forum.
As for point C and the Eastleigh vote. Add the Tory/UKIP vote together and you get just over 38%. That’s 38% out of a 53% turn-out, hardly a thumping endorsement for right-wing ideas. Plus this site is often so far to the right it would leave many floating Tory voters adrift.
And finally, why are you (and many on this site) so rude? I try to be polite. Why call me “smug, po-faced”?
Indeed they are wrong that should be 53% of a 53% turn out with labour and lib/dems getting 42% (I used figures from guardian for your benefit)
So a pretty good endorsement of centre/right views
And if as you say people in the real world are left of centre then how is it that ‘right wing’ news papers out sell ‘Left wing’ ones by about 2 to 1 and the ‘little englander’ daily mail is read by 3 times as many people as the BBC house paper,the guardian?
Suggesting that we might be ‘ashamed to air our views in public’ is not the most polite of ways to engage, but I apologise if my comment was a bit on the brusque side. I don’t like to offend individual posters here, but I’ve long grown tired of the perfectly reasonable views to which I subscribe being used to define me as some sort of beyond the pale monster who ought to be ashamed.
…but again, apologies for my abruptness, Dan. It’s all too easy to forget that there’s a person behind each comment.
Because, Dan, except for Jonathan Marcus’ lone effort explaining that the supreme power of it is kind of a myth, plenty of BBC staff believe the Jewish Lobby is just that powerful. Katty Kay, for instance (her concerns are about the US, but if they can control the superpower, why not the UN?). A similar assertion was made by the HardTalk presenter last year. Here’s an old BBC “analysis” piece explaining how the Zionist Lobby influenced the US, which in turn influenced the UN’s decision to turn part of Palestine over to the Jews (bonus: the piece states that, while Arabs had lived there continuously for centuries, the Jews were only recent interlopers). And a BBC producer who used to comment here under the alias “John Reith” stated it in no uncertain terms, regularly. The BBC’s UN correspondent, Barbara “Tears” Plett, reported, for example, that the Israel Lobby influenced the US government to veto a resolution condemning Israeli settlements as an obstacle to peace. As before, if one controls the US, one controls the ultimate actions of the UN. The BBC’s Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen, has expressed similar sentiments. Which is why – according to this mindset – the other UN resolutions condemning the settlements have no teeth. And on it goes.
The BBC also apparently believes that if they get numerous complaints about anti-Israel bias, it must be driven by an organized lobbying effort.
Are you sensing a pattern yet? If not, please tell me the number of items it would take for you to consider the idea.
Alternatively, I suppose you could be in agreement with Robert Fisk, who believes the Jews influence the BBC, in which case there’s a whole other set of evidence to deal with.
The Labour plant on Question Time, Amy Rutland, the spolied brat who kept on saying ” You’re DISGUSTING ” to all and sundry, reminded me of Veruca Salt from the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The resemblance is uncanny.
Anyone see the Beebs latest Northerly crime drama, Shetland?
As per usual despite the remote location they had to feed in a little Multikulti propaganda:
Policeman’s surname is Perez (message Britain, even the Shetland Isles, is a ‘Nation of Immigrants’)
The dead girl Hattie from Glasgow appears to have a Chinese father.
Isn’t the back story that Perez ran off to Shetland to hide from his gay past, while Hattie’s real father is an Irish catholic that ran off with a 16 year old, leaving her 2nd generation Indian-English mother to marry her ‘boyfriend’ from Dudley, the refugee smuggling, Chinese step-father?
And when I awoke “Shetland” had finished.
As I said on the other thread “Mayday” typifies the BBC. Idyllic home counties town – superficial niceness, really a seething mass of perversion, class tension, suppressed violence and general unpleasntness etc. Lead sympathetic character played by Sophie Okenedo. Entirely negative view of provincial Britain.
Murder and violence are really, really rare in the Home Counties, and almost exclusively restricted to crimes of passion (Husband tops Mrs and her shagging partner) as opposed to crimes of acquisition of dominance preferred in London and other ‘urban’ centres.
The BBC would never do a programme called “one week of murders in Stockwell” showing the murder of teenagers etc and the back stories of drugs, gangs, idleness aggression etc and how about a programme about the plague of sex grooming gangs that have grown up throughout britain, thriving under their rocks because no one thought that it would be ‘politic’ to shine a light under there.
The BBC would never do a programme called “one week of murders in Stockwell” showing the murder of teenagers etc and the back stories of drugs, gangs, idleness aggression etc and how about a programme about the plague of sex grooming gangs that have grown up throughout britain, thriving under their rocks because no one thought that it would be ‘politic’ to shine a light under there.
What is annoying though is that they COULD make a brilliant job of it, there is plenty of potential, but of course if they DID try to make such adrama it would be a load of propagandist bunkum, with blacks seriously underrepresented in the ‘baddies’ roles, an Alpha Male black detective, with limited acting ability in the lead role, and several ‘nasty’ white characters thrown in to be blamed for the black youths bad outcomes.
Your comments regarding the ‘quality’ of BBC drama and the underlying PC garbage that it always seems to contain is the main reason I came across this site. After watching an episode of a forensic crime scene type series (I can’t recall what the series was) where a character started opining that the English were all a nation of immigrants blah sodding blah, I put into google ‘Why is the BBC so biased to the left?’ and the previous site to this one popped up. Trouble is, I feel that the vast majority of Beeb watchers are either unaware of this constant pernicious agit-prop or don’t care one way or the other. I do enjoy visiting this site and agree with most (but not all) of the views expressed by the regular contributors here. However, what’s to be done about the sewage that masquerades as CBBC, polluting the myriad of youngsters that are plonked in front of it every day, and the stultifyingly dull (but oh so edgy and ‘real’) dramas? I wish I knew, friends, I wish I knew
Careful – don’t fall into the trap, climate change IS real (and, I suppose, a threat, if you are a greenie), it’s just nothing special, and not us that are responsible.
I’m not THAT happy about the alarmism about the resistance to antibiotics, either – we’ve had so many scares about this or that going to annihilate us all ‘within 20 years or, so’, that I now take most of it with a pinch of salt (not TOO much salt, of course, ‘cos that’s a bad thing!).
After all, if the climate doesn’t get us, horsemeat will, if salt doesn’t get us, fat will, if fizzy drinks don’t get us, alcoholic drinks will, and if we don’t all die of obesity, the fags will kill us, and so it goes on.
BBC Breakfast telling me that 1 in 7 women don’t have a job to go back to after having a baby and that this shows the scandalous discrimination against women.
So 6 out of 7 women – a huge majority – do have a job to go back to.
And perhaps the 1 in 7 women are the ones who decide that would actually like to stay at home and look after the kids.
The liberals do not like the thought of a mother raising her own children at home. It is essentially a conservative act and strikes at the heart of their desire to remake society into an pastiche of reality.
My daughters and daughters in law all raise their children at home despite money worries. They are obviously discriminated against but by whom is the question.
Its true – they want the state, or institutions monitored by the state, to have access to children’s minds as early as possible:
Give me a child at an impressionable age…
For example day nurseries are now obliged to teach children about ‘diversity’, which is far from ‘neutral’, what they really mean is teach children that ‘diversity’ (euphemism for mass immigration), is desirable.
Another fabricated atrocity – Will the many, many mainstream media outlets that reported that Jihad Misharawi’s son was killed by the Israelis run retractions and apologies?
R Spencers jihadwatch
The Washington Post and a BBC bureau chief last November accused and convicted the Israel Defense Forces in a heartrending, angry piece without verifying their information …
hmm you don t say.
Last night I watched ‘The Hardest Place to Be A’ taxi driver in Bombay (except the BBC call it Mumbai). Whilst it really showed me that I should count my blessings and overall good entertainment there had to be a little segment where Mason McQueen the London cabbie discovered that those at the bottom of the cab driver hierarchy came from a different region and suffered prejudice because of it – a little subliminal message about how the great British public should have sympathy for immigrants. How rare to have any BBC programme that doesn’t have a pc message in it somewhere.
Surprised by the location chosen TBH, as I would have thought that “The Hardest Place To Be A Taxi Driver” is probably The Rainbow Nation based on recent events.
‘Bet in-play’ as they say.
The trouble is that you wont get any worthwhile odds on the ROP. Any friends of the BBC hereabouts care to take 1000 to 1 these men are Mormons?
No, it appears that the victims were pupils at – oddly emphasised by the BBC – an islamic school. Clearly it proves that the rash of grooming gang perverts are not targeting one specific race and therefore everyone who has suggested a strong correlation is a racist.
“Three men arrested on suspicion of sex assault and false imprisonment of teenagers in grounds of Islamic girls’ school.
Welfare concern for students at Jamea Al Kauthar school in Lancaster.”
Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has no problems with use of a stooge on Question Time.
Caroline Flint @CarolineFlintMP Mar 7
And well done to @rutters101 for putting UKIP on ropes using their claims against them – we need more of that #bbcqt
Interesting that in this tweet, which I think was made immediately after the programme, Flint knows the identity of the stooge.
Indeed. having watched the 5 min QT clip it isn’t so much the fact that she was allowed a comment it was the fact that she was allowed several follow up shouts as if it was her in the debate, this VERY rarely happens (well, not when I used to watch anyway!). Plus the camera kept going back to show her shacking her head, I know the camera often goes back but she was practically given her own show.
“BBC’s firebrand of the Left loses his edge.
Paul Mason, the man who put the case for the rioters after London blazed, steers Broadcasting House to the Left, but only a single listener complains.”
Hasn’t ‘Newsnight Pauly’ semi-retired to Masonikos, the Greek ‘Isle of Dreams’, the stronghold of Golden Sunset? The only inhabitants, looter…oops, ‘political trailblazers’, rioting up and down his fevered neural pathways.
‘The independent Jamea al-Kauthar school opened in 1996 in a listed building set in its own grounds. It caters for 410 residential girls aged 11 to 20 from all over the world. Last year, more than 90% of the school’s year 11 pupils attained five or more A*-C grades in their GCSEs for the fifth year running.’
Had to laugh at this bit of copy from the internet…..
‘If I had 10 daughters, I would send them all to Jamea al-Kauthar.’
But Abdul…..what do you mean ‘if’ you had 10 daughters…?
Have one or two gone awal?
Could it be possible that the bBC has finally got the story it was praying for?
Of course the identity of those abused is secret, but should it turn out to be Moslem kids then the bBC will be able to triumphantly trumpet that all the attacks on white kids by gangs of Pakistani (lets not call them Asian) Moslem Men are not motivated by race or religion, and that there is little difference between them and the Catholics who have done similar.
This story is one of ‘Muslim on Muslim’ abuse and the BBC would probably be happy with this story as it would bury the news of more widespread ‘Muslim on non-Muslim’ abuses.
Having said that, I’m fairly sure that sharia law treats the first case much more seriously.
Mark the bBC story doesn’t mention who the victims were, we only know that they were ‘a small group of teenage girls’ and the suspicion is sexual assault and false imprisonment.
Do you have any report that the girls were Moslem, because it is possible that they were white and held prisoner within the school.
They are particularly interested in the voting system because the BBC editorialises for us. I quote from 1.50….
‘Now, let’s look at where most of the world’s Catholics are today….. 41% live in Latin America…. while Europe has droped to 24%…. you could say there’s a missmatch between this body of Cardinal electors and the Catholic population as whole…..’
Well I don’t need to say that since you have said it for me, BBC.
Now what was that minor fuss about equal constituency size in Britain?
‘The Conservatives and Lib Dems were… keen to redress what they see as a pro-Labour advantage arising from the existing constituency boundaries. They wanted “fairer” elections.’
‘What they see as’ “fairer” (in scare quotes) Whereas in the case of the Latin American Catholics the imbalance is represented as fact by the BBC.
‘But Labour smelled a rat. They believed the Conservatives would gain an unfair advantage at the next general election if constituencies were equalised.’
So ‘unfair’ when Labour say it doesn’t seem to need the scare quotes.
Now the Catholic Church has never and does not now claim to be a representative democracy – although the BBC appear to want to hold it to account as though it were one.
Then how about equal constituencies? Bias. Double standards. Labour supporting slanting of issues.
I agree this is an idiotic argument from the BBC, driven by their own internal ideology and not entirely by reality. Here’s the list of Cardinal Electors. As you can see, nearly all of them are ethnically representative of their constituencies. The only exceptions seem to be those who work for the administration itself in some way and aren’t Archbishops. And it’s not like they’re all Italian, either. As usual, the BBC sees people for their race first, and character second. What a shame they can’t move past the old racialist attitudes.
The equal constituencies point is also hypocritical, as you point out. What’s funny is that I bet the BBC wouldn’t like the result if they got their wish and the majority vote actually was influenced by the very socially conservative, deeply religious, magical thinking Hispanics. Except for the vernacular Mass bit, that part of the world hasn’t quite managed to absorb Vatican II yet. The ones in my neighborhood, or at the mostly black congregations in the Bronx and Harlem sure haven’t.
bbc 5live news a carefully worded, cryptic report, that appears to show imprisonment of teenage girls in Lancaster
at a (whisper it quietly) islamic school?
(whooda thought it :-D)
by the schools very own taliban sorry i mean “teachers”?
lots of very careful, and cultural sensitivity crap
See the thread a few posts up. No one has yet revealed who the girls assaulted yet, there is an obvious expected assumption that they are pupils which would be manna from heaven for the bBC, but it could equally be White girls . The false imprisonment is intriguing, as it implies who ever the victims were, they were held against their will.
“Jamea al Kauthar offers the ‘Tahfeez Ul Quraan’ programme [committing the whole quran to memory] and a two year abridged version of the Islamic Teaching programme in the English medium”
sounds suspiciously like the “madrassa” brainwashing programme to me
.and ofsted gave this school “outstanding” …(shudder!)
“Lancashire Police said it does not have the identities of all the girls and it is trying to find out if the alleged victims are current or former pupils.”
Do they mean the alleged victims have all been pupils at some time? Or that they may have had nothing to do with the school at all? Perhaps I missed it, but I didn’t notice these qualifications when I looked at the story earlier today.
hmmm … little bit of back pedalling
the al bbc narrative appeared to be pushing islamic victims,(how original) at that islamic madrassa i mean school, all a bit “cloak n dagger” isn t it.
bbc (shakes head), why do you have to be bloody sherlock holmes, everytime eh!
Detectives executed a search warrant of the premises last night and also arrested three men at the site. (uh OH!)
Bosses at Jamea Al Kauthar said they were co-operating with what police labelled a “complex investigation” and added it anticipated the matter would be(covered up?) “cleared up soon”.
This really is going to hit the fan when it breaks and the consequences are going to be very far reaching.
Basically the UKs winter wheat harvest has failed on the heels of a very poor summer harvest. Expect stories on farm bankruptcies, balance of trade issues, starving kids because of benefit cuts etc.
Do not expect the knock on effects on the economy (which might excuse the Tories), food price inflation due to more mouths to feed because of mass immigration, nor the excessive imports also required.
The BBC is still refusing to admit whose idea the Sequester cuts were, but now they’re just being pathetic. In the recent report about how the US has added tons of jobs in the last month, with unemployment down to it’s lowest level since the President first took office, the BBC still avoids analysis that makes anything He does look bad.
Last week, President Barack Obama signed into effect spending cuts worth $85bn (£56bn), although he warned that the cuts – if fully realised – would slow US economic growth by 0.5% and cost 750,000 jobs.
The sequester was drawn up in mid-2011 as Congress and the White House feuded over raising the debt ceiling and how to slash the huge US deficit.
Republicans wanted deep cuts in spending, while Democrats insisted on raising taxes as part of any plan to tackle the country’s $16.6 trillion debt.
This leaves the reader to believe the Republicans have forced evil budget cuts, while the President has warned us how dangerous it would be. This is false. Proof is here.
But then we get this:
The US Federal Reserve has said it will keep interest rates close to zero and will continue buying $85bn of bonds a month until there is a substantial improvement in the labour market.
So we’re cutting spending by $85bn this year, but printing (increasing debt) $85bn per month? Where’s the astute BBC journalist to provide and inset “analysis” telling us how this policy is making the debt worse? Even if the BBC agrees with the borrow-and-spend-to-infinity-and-beyond policy (which they do, as Mark Mardell stated at the BBC CoJ – that’s not me inferring or interpreting something that isn’t there, it’s his own words), they should still say this increases the debt in the short term at least until the Keynesian magic takes effect. But they don’t, and pretend it’s not happening.
Also, no mention at all about how much of these jobs are low-wage and/or part-time (this is from the Democrat and President-supporting CNN, not Fox News, not Breitbart). And certainly there have been no BBC warnings about all the layoffs or work reductions there are going to be because of ObamaCare. BBC audiences are going to be shocked when it happens, as if it appeared out of nowhere.
Since the original post about Amy Rutland is about to disappear from the page, lots of discussion about this is happening elsewhere, and I’m still seeking an answer, I’ll repeat my question here.
Scott claimed that the correct time stamp on her tweet was 11:33pm. Now, that may very well be what he found using Twitter’s API. But that’s after the broadcast ended, so why would she be telling people to check it out “tonight”? Is she just stupid (which could be the case, I admit) like that guy who tweeted a Strictly result without realizing the show was tape-delayed? In Rutland’s case, did she not realize it was broadcast already by the time she tweeted? They explain it to the studio audience before they start, so she doesn’t have much of an excuse there. Or did she tweet after recording was done but before broadcast? It’s an important distinction.
Something doesn’t add up. Can anyone help me out here? I’m open to the Occam’s Razor answer that she’s just a moron, but I’ll need a bit more data.
Scott claimed that the correct time stamp on her tweet was 11:33pm
Not quite – that was in reference to the @BBCQuestionTime tweet which made reference to her, as linked to by Arthur Strebe-Grebling.
I don’t know what time she tweeted, as her timeline is protected. I had a quick look at the other blogs which were commenting about this, and while they mentioned the content of her tweet I didn’t see reference to a time.
Now here’s Michelle Fleury (BBC Business reporter in NYC) to tell you that, even though unemployment is still high and the expiration of (Bush) tax cuts means ordinary folk have more taken out of their pay check, things are looking up. She listens to the worries of a single mother with teenage kids, but the report closes on a positive note. Of course, since the BBC just can’t stop seeing the positive when it comes to The Obamessiah’s economy.
The economic recovery may be “beginning to bloom”, we’re told. Nice emotive terminology there. Still no mention of what’s going to happen to unemployment and take-hom pay once the first wave of ObamaCare layoffs and reduced hours kicks in.
At least she tweeted the other day that long-term unemployment is still on the rise. Too bad that doesn’t seem to affect the rosey tint on her glasses.
It isn’t just the bBC who are biased, many public sector organisations are scared to death of being called ‘racist’ (what ever that means!) so we now find this statement on the news about the Muslim school:
‘Police will not confirm the details of the men’s connections with the establishment, but said they were arrested at the school.’
So they probably are not staff, and have used the property to carry out their disgusting crime.
When it comes to the victims there’s little more news:
‘Lancashire Police said it does not have the identities of all the girls and it is trying to find out if the alleged victims are current or former pupils. ‘
However this incident would appear to bear little resemblance to other gang related Moslem attacks on white girls:
‘Officers are investigating a single alleged incident last Tuesday involving a small number of girls’
A delightful little story just before the 8am news on Today this morning.
An SDLP( MLA)…hurray!(only one circle of virtue outside the Provos in BBC benchmarking…you know Gerry Fitt, John Hume etc…hurrray!)…turns out to be against abortion on demand in Ulster(boo…but, its SDLP, not a Unionist neanderthal either…oh God!)
His opponent ( shrill harpie…abortion for all of us whether we want one or not…yes, men too!)…turns out to want “Private clinics”…PRIVATE?…WTF? to carry out these abortions…the NHS aren`t doing so!
Oh God…isn`t private health evil…even if named after St Marie Stopes?
So-an SDLP bloke wants us to use the NHS for abortions…but this is all bad.
Whereas a feminist abortionist on demand wants private health clinics to do them, even after Winterborne and all those breast implants that went wrong?
What was Humphrys to do?….swivel his head, seek guidance and curl up under his slanket…that`s what!
Oh the switchblade, corkscrew ride entailed in tracking the BBCs postures….all end in tears and heads exploding with all the double standards and incoherencies!
Taxi for Humph…let`s think no more about it eh, grandad!
The wonderful Marie Stopes “passionately advocated eugenics. She called for compulsory sterilisation of those deemed unfit for parenthood. Her concerns about passing on ‘inferior’ traits saw her disinherit her son when he married a woman who had poor eyesight.” http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/people/mariestopes.aspx
She was such a warm compassionate example of the human condition.
Cranmer today fulminates at the segregation of the audience attending an open debate held by the Islamic Education and Research Academy at UCL on the 9th March.
UCL security staff enforced a policy by which women were made to sit at the back and 3 people were thrown out of the meeting for refusing to conform to the arrangement. One of the participants in the debate, Professor Krauss, had to threaten to walk out unless the meeting (which, typically, he had been told would not be gender segregated) was held under desegregated conditions and the staff were forced to give way.
Cranmer throws in the comment:
“Any mention of this by the BBC? None at all. What outcry would have greeted a debate at which the audience was segregated black and white or gay and straight. But male and female is okay, because it is the will of Mohammed (pbuh).”
Gerald Sinstadt talks to Peter Allen and pays tribute to his former BBC colleague Tony Gubba this evening on 5 Live Drive.
I’ve a feeling he forgot that Licence Payers might be listening in, as Peter Allen and BBC top brass toes curled. I wouldn’t expect his anecdotes about flight upgrades and slap up meals on expences to ever be repeated.
Former deputy Newsnight editor Liz Gibbons has been appointed as commissioning editor at BBC Global News.
She was acting editor of Newsnight when the programme broadcast an item on November 2 that led to former senior Conservative politician Lord McAlpine being wrongly linked to child abuse.
The report resulted in the resignation of the then BBC director general, George Entwistle, and the corporation paying more than £185,000 to Lord McAlpine after a libel settlement was agreed.
Gibbons will commission programmes and content for BBC World News and its website http://www.bbc.com/news.
The BBC says she was chosen as the best candidate after an open process for an internally advertised vacancy.
Your license fee hard at work. It’s not the management structure that’s the problem: it’s the Beeboids doing it.
Woman is raped and killed in a revolting attack in India – Women protest about the lack of respect and the general view of women by men on the sub continent. It’s carried by Wimmins hour and there are interviews with several women protestors. There’s general agreement that the attitude of the countries men has to change.
Get back to Britain however and those same people when found guilty of similar crimes, are not guilty of following cultural precendents set back in their culture and for anyone to suggest so is racism!
How can anyone say this and keep a straight face? The utter dichotomy is screamingly obvious !
Our old pal, Britain’s resident “great” film directer Ken Loach was on radio 4’s “Start The Week” today. Listen to the podcast and remember his views are the bible for BBC producers.
When asked politely about the present state of Britain, he blamed – yes, you guessed it – Maggie Thatcher. And what about Tony Blair? Well, he inherited the mess, quoth Dr Chuckles.
I’d love to see him being challenged even more. If he faces Bacon or Campbell he’ll walk all over them. He gets a free ride because of his film making credentials. He has a great film making technique and uses it to convince us that world is a dung heap and we are all flies. Not a noble ambition.
I once told a right-wing Tory I was about to interview, “I’m going to ask some tough questions…”. He beamed and replied, “Go ahead. The harder you bowl the ball the better I can hit it for six. I love a good argument.” I wish some of the gentle flowers of the left were as robust.
The ‘gentle flowers’ on the left lost the ability to frame a cogent arguement when they introduced their ism & phobia bully words. Who needs to bother justifying your beliefs when you can bully people into silence with a single word?
JeffMar 3, 16:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 So, not only a “vehicle attack” in Germany, apparently there’s a massive lockdown in Vienna, though details are rather opaque…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:39 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 DEAD? LOST – See Theresa May! 22 Lost in Manchester …. why is this a terrible statement? Lost … so…
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taffmanMar 3, 16:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What happened to “Stop the boats and crush the gangs”? Anything on the BBC News ? Zilch. Does our ‘PM’…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “As of December 2024, France’s debt was €3.3 trillion, which is about 112.32% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).…
Fedup2Mar 3, 16:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news -cost of UK and other European failed states increasing as markets figure how much the Marxists will touch…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Foreign Secretary announces £20 million in additional funding while visiting the Adré on the Chad-Sudan border. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sudan-must-not-be-forgotten-david-lammy-announces-political-and-humanitarian-action-to-address-catastrophe-in-sudan
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I know believe – thankyou! “MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE Trailer (1986) Stephen King Horror” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH39mKBrrP4
moggiemooMar 3, 15:58 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “…You see, is it just me or does that headline imply some automotive murderous intent on the part of the…
Just about to go out for Mother’s Day lunch and have just caught the start of the ‘Big’ Questions… Looks like it’s gonna be a real leftie-fest! Better leave quick!
I’m sure this petition for a referendum on the licence fee has already been covered here, but, just in case…
Just heard a tiny bit of the dreadful BH, only with Comrade Mason holding the fort.
Fine bit before the papers featuring “a bloke from Planet Thatcher”(i.e the slug from Spitting Image)…a fine piece between some lazy female Trot, and the marvellous Nick Cohen-a true lefty but(don`t tell too many) a man who thinks for himself, and is always worth a row…top bloke!
Oh the venom-the two against one-the edits and the last word going to Che`s granny…but Cohen pasted them re “Chavez legacy”.
Think we can see why all the pre-edits were done…not a chance he`d be allowed on live to say this.
Any more than Chris Booker for that matter!
Oh-and one other thing.
Yesterdays Today( easy as a Sunday morning, but creepy as every working weekday!)…featured the “embalmed”…you know, Mao, Lenin, Kim Jong not so wells…and now Ugo Boss Himself of Caracas!
What do these godless, socialist, commie despots who raged against God in life and reckon Disney will bring them back soon enough…who murdered, donned the uniform, shut down the press, hounded opponents to early graves . psychiatric wards or labour camps/gulags…what do these Commie dictators and well-loved liberal lefty causes all have in common?
Socialists? Commies?…Trot tyrants?….well maybe so at Planet Pleb!
But where they were looking form-Spaceship Tony-the common link was…yes, embalming fluids, techniques…and here`s a happy chappie from Yorkshire to tell us all how the embalming process has evolved to where we all are today…thank Uncle Joe for that!
Speaking of who…are they still topping up Uncle Joe with his rejuvenating juices?…that hermetically-sealed see through sarcophagus still getting its seals replaced?…oh, do tell us BBC?
Send a reporter if you like…Guy Burgess BOUND to have a helpful descendent or two working for you I`m sure!
Too late for the BBC to do an embalming number on Uncle James of Leeds Mortuaries, I expect by now!
Comrade Mason … soom would argue.
Guest – … but what you’re arguing is…
Comrade – no, ah said *soom* would argue
I mean how tired are these droid ‘tricks’ for shoving their own tired opinions in your face while pretending they are playing devil’s advocate. I mean these ‘somes’ and Gameshow Nikki’s ‘lozotex’ only ever seem to be coming from one political direction.
I had a dream last night that I beat Gameshow Nikki to death with the corpse of Paul Mason – sadly I woke up.
BBC 5 Live Pinkie and Perkie
‘A different slant on the weeks new’s….’
Pacifist BBC sheds a tear for military redundancies….
Should Britain follow Portugal drug lead, or legalise it I’ll advertise it (for about the seven millionth time!)
So just as we might have guessed… exactly the same, boring bloody BBC slant as per usual, on the week’s news
Switch off.
I thought you said “different”? 😉
You guys are just scratching the surface by endlessly debating how the BBC broadcasts such weird rubbish day in day out.
For an alternative humorous take on their condition see: “Liberal Replicant” at:
you really are a blog hussy Alex (in the best possible way) You’d be in their favourites by now if they wanted to read all your posts.
In the first five minutes of the Suzanna (do you like my lovely knees?) Marr show.
Labour will have lead of 100 seats after the next election.
The election in Falklands just a PR stunt.
Coalition in turmoil.
And, Nick Cleg (I’m very sorry about our broken promises and the chap who told lies to get off from speeding points and those pesky sex allegations that I knew nothing about) will tell his member something later on today.
Also, Cameron warned by his own Quango that austerity (Financial responsibility) is harming people who don’t work. However, plan B, spend, spend, spend (the money of people who do work) is much better and is advocated by the socialists who caused the problem in the first place. Plan B will naturally help the growth of the retail sector who only sell stuff made in China of course. So that’s all right then, I’m all for helping the Chinese by going broke.
I have evidently been transported by aliens into a world of fantasy where the elite of the planet live in a palace somewhere near Manchester and solve the problems of the world and single mothers by having little chats on a red sofa.
My mother and father, born in 1900, lived through two world wars, and saw the humble beginnings of the motor car and the aeroplane made of bicycle bits through to men landing on the moon (allegedly according to my son) and then on to jet setting holidays. From the corner shop through to supermarkets selling 20,000 exotic lines of fruit and veg, TVs and even horse meat pies, apparently.
They would be so pleased that the BBC, that they so respected, has morphed into the detested ABC (Anti British Craporation). Those who the gods wish to destroy…………………………..
Ah yes, the line taken on the Falklands’ referendum by our treacherous inbbc was that it’s irrelevant because Argentina doesn’t recognise its validity. Well, call me old fashioned, but WTF has it got to do with the Argentinians?
Dont those lovely inbbc twats just adore using the word ” Malvinas” . It’s trotted out at every opportunity. What a treacherous bunch of anti-british scum infest our precious ” aunty”!
Please correct your son regarding the moon landings.
google ‘moon landings’ ted and you will see the problem
The excellent popular science programme MythBusters checked every claim under laboratory conditions that the moon landings were staged and found them all to be false.
Episode 104: NASA Moon Landing
Old Timer have your son Google Mythbusters and moon landing. (He might be able to find the complete episode online at Sidereel.com.
Thank you Ted and Degree for your parental advice but I will neither “correct” my son nor will I “have my son” do anything thank you. I have a great relationship with my son, probably because I take his “allegedly” comments with a sense of humour, as this is the way they are meant, and I respect his opinions.
Like you, “allegedly”, I lived through the moon landings and know them to be a fact. My son did not, he assesses the information that is available today, mostly on the net, and makes his own mind up.
He of course wonders why in nearly 50 years we have not been back to the moon when materials and technology have improved so much, as do most young people today. He wonders why good clear pictures are not available of the landing sites, taken now and from earth, bearing in mind the fantastic digital cameras that are available nowadays. As for the Mythbuster program his comment was “if we have to rely on a couple of odd bods in a dusty old garage waving a flag about as evidence I think I will take a pass on that, thanks”.
I can see his point of view, albeit I know it is wrong, and hope that one day hard evidence is provided in his lifetime that will persuade him of the truth. Thank you again for your advice but I will continue to keep a sense of perspective and a sense of humour about this matter, if it’s all the same to you, and I urge you to do likewise.
In the meantime I think the problems we have with our “allegedly” treasured BBC are more important.
And talking about history have you seen their efforts on the Horrible History programs? Now that is something you should try and “have them correct”.
Anyone know why the BBC has suddenly taken such a huge interest in third world leaders?
In the past week, there have been major news stories concerning Hugo Chavez passing away and the election of a guy called Kenyatta in Kenya (which should interest me why?!!).
Doubtless these are very important events if you live in Venezuela or Kenya, but what makes the BBC think that the rest of the world could care less?
You ain’t heard nothing yet!
Just wait until Nelson Mandela pops his clogs it will be wall to wall eulogies. The BBC have probably already got it planned.
…and you can guarantee they won’t screw up the reporting by trying to find ‘a different way’ to cover the event, Jubilee style – ie disrespectfully tacky and juvenile.
Indeed! They even report him having routine hospital check-ups! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-21728844
There was a moment of uninitentional humour when the BBC newsreader informed me that the Kenyan was wanted for “crimes against humanity”
It was the deadpan way he said it.
Archbishop of Canterbury condemns benefit changes – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21731488
Why is this the BBC news website’s main story?!?
One man’s opinion is not major news…
PS The Editors’ Pick selections are interesting. They certainly don’t include the most popular views…
An archbish called Justin…JUSTIN?
Funny when the useful left liberal tools from Giles Frasers old toolbox tend to get a BBC brandishing at the workshop isn`t it?
Now if Justin dared to have a mitochondrial level of the courage of Nazir-Ali or Sentamu(less so, but still better than the UK deserves)…he just might have less to say about IDS,a bit more to say on how Christians-his so-called “flock” are losing jobs and career prospects here in the UK…losing lives and limbs in Pakistan , Sudan, China etc.
Ah but…the BBC don`t want to hear that-and creepy la-di-dah Gunner Graham in a frock-sure as hell won`t be wanting to say anything like this.
Not with Giles, Clifford, Jonesy and all those beloved lefty mitre monkeys and malcontents stuffing the BBCs studios with their “reverend Blue jeans” schtick.
Which Derek Nimmo and those two off Dads Army did so much better…and with more theological conviction.
Reckon the Cof E wanted Elton Welsby, but got Justin instead…poor sods!
The phrase “mitochondrial level” makes no sense. What has a cellular organelle to do with the matter?
Certainly isnt. And shouldn’t the Arch bishop be concerning himself with our spiritual well being and leaving monetary matters to the politicians?
Clearly Welby is a man whose cloth is of a similar cut to his predecessor’s, despite the BBCs earlier unease that he might not be *on message*.
This is a very sad thing for the C of E if true.
The Church cannot survive if it is to be merely a sub office of some left wing social services charity.
Yet another commie pretending to be a Christian…yawn.
Only yesterday the bBBC magazine featured differences between the 1971 household survey and the latest (2011) results.
In 1971, 10.3% had an outdoor toilet and 1.2% had none at all. Now 99.7% have a sole-use indoor toilet while 0.2% said they had shared use.
In 1971 only 91% of houses had a bath. Now, nearly 100% of households have either a bath (or a shower).
In 1971 only 66% of households had a washing machine. Now 96% do.
In 1971 only 42% of households had a telephone. Now almost every house has one.
Hardly any British household is truly poor these days, yet the poverty industry is in full swing, encouraged by publicity from the bBBC including , today, the bBBC’s headline ‘news’ story that a group of bishops think we should be giving even more of our money to other people.
The BBC should be asking the bishops why they don’t lead from the front, and donate more of the C of E’s income to the poor, as well as letting the country’s homeless sleep in their churches…
So the Church should not complain if politicians tell them publicly what they must put in their sermons. If I were one I would say “Archbish – I demand your sermons for the next 6 months should back a strongly anti-EU message.”
The C of E has billions well invested and growing by the year. They could alleviate much financial suffering of the poor but choose not to.
But what does amuse me is when some well meaning do-gooders decide to sleep out overnight to publicise the plight of the homeless. Better still why not offer a bed in their house and really help a homeless person. Not so appealing, maybe a bit smelly , bleeding hypocrites.
And whilst I am ranting, Bishopthorpe Palace the home of the Archbishop of York, recently had a multi million pound refurbishment but no facilities fo the homeless.
The poverty industry is a good earner for those with an absence of conscience (and too thick to become a doctor or lawyer) – for most middle class socialists Leftist “ideology” is nothing more than a way of legitimating [their] greed.
A Labour MP is a thief with a well rehearsed line about “I am only doing it for the poor”. The hatred you (and everybody else) can see in their face as they stick their hand in the till derives from their bottomless sense of entitlement.
Well said Wild. You only have to look who were the biggest and most blatant expense fiddlers.
Poverty is redefined these days. After paying out for a full sky tv package, huge multi screen ( 3 D of course) i-phone, i-pad, an Internet service provider ( including BT landline of course) beer and fags, they wonder why they have to choose “eat or heat” !
Hardly any British household is poor these days is certainly true, and the politically motivated who set the level of poverty have decided that it’s just above the level of benefits! It’s a moveable bar so if the benefits level is raised to £1 million per week, poverty would be defined as less than £1.1 million per week.
Unmarried mothers (lets not give in to using the left wing niceity of single mothers) are treated very generously having emerged from the cuts almost unscathed . These are the ones who to be honest have kids simply because they don’t want to work, not because they really want them.
The people I feel sorry for are the young & single who are reaching the point thanks to truly stupid ConDem cuts where they will have to pay out more than they receive! We all pay NI for the day when we might need to claim & it’s unacceptable that the benefits are being reduced to nothing while the premiums are increasing !
The Archbishop another posh boy too far removed from the lives of ordinary people think it might make him & the church more popular if he talks about kids, well child poverty is a choice made by parents, perhaps he might do better by encouraging a little abstinence.
As for the assertion that a group of Bishops think we should be giving more of our money to other people, this is plainly wrong. The piece was about cuts to existing benefits not adding extra. Wait until the next set of riots which will inevitably come – see how much money is saved when London is wrecked again!
So we should pay out because of the *threat* of rioting bullies should we?
Whatever happened to ‘setting firm boundaries’?
I’m not suggesting *we* should pay out, but not cut back so much. Setting a firm boundary where people begin to starve is a boudary which will be broken. History teaches the consequences those making rules would do well to study it.
BTW look up ‘clemmed to death’ Those days are not somewhere I would like to see this country return to.
“Setting a firm boundary where people begin to starve is a boudary which will be broken.”
As Dysgwr Cymraeg explained, that is not where it has been set.
It is plainly wrong when we have foreign immigrants living in properties which hard working Brits on average incomes could only dream of living in.
OK then Aerfen I shall set you and Dysgwr Cymraeg a challenge – to live for one week on the amount that an under 25 receives in benefits. I won’t include the ludicrous assertion that you buy the products stated, just survive. This cold week should be a good one to try.
BTW after the governments deductions how much do you think is left for you to live for a week?
I never ever mentioned foreign immigrants !
If they under 25 cannot survive on the benefits then they should be dead.
But they aren’t.
Most under twenty fives who are genuinely unemployed still receive some support from their parents. The majority of them could also get some sort of job if they were willing to take literally anything.
Dont get me wrong, I do feel for those who are looking for work, and its appalling that this is made more so much harder by letting in millions of foreigners who they are forced to compete with, but the trouble is no benefit system is perfect, and it is plainly WRONG that anyone, especially a foreigner , is subsidised to live in areas that working people on average incomes can only dream of living in. Surely you can see that? Central London should be a no go area for housing benefit except for certain exceptional groups such as elderly people or disabled people who have lived there for many years or are dependent on family support. NO foreigners coming to London should be able to claim housing benefit, or any fit young people such as single mums who just want to live there, subsidised by everyone else.
Aerfen you’ve completely ignored my last post! You haven’t mentioned the challenge presumably because you know you’re telling lies and your position is untenable.
You haven’t attempted to guess how much people are left with after deductions, you obviously don’t know, but are prepared to guess based on what your prejudices tell you it needs to be to justify your position.
Young people cannot get the jobs you mention because they’re being filled by immigrants ! What do you think all the problem with Liebour having to apologise for betraying the white wrorking class are about?
Then there’s not the jobs you talk about outside of the South East!
Part time work is a waste of time as it costs you to work! Full time work at the mimimum wage has been hit by coalition cuts as well so working people are even worse off than some on benefits!
Once again you ignore my previous post – I never mentioned foreigners, this wasn’t the subject of the thread so why do you keep returning to it?
There are endless examples like the one above showing families on benefits who are clearly not in poverty.
I am NOT aware of there being similar examples of single persons in the same position.
And, no, I would not care to join them in that position. My view of the benefits system has been formedby examples such as in the link I gave.
I paid my occupational pension from the age of 19, and for many years paid in additional contributions when I could have been spending it on foreign holidays and swish cars.
You only reap what you sow.
Modern measures of poverty are somewhat misleading. Real poverty can be seen in places
Ike Africa, but I dont think anyone here is in that position.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg I despair sometimes! YOu’ve just echoed everything I’ve said & expanded a little. What a shame that these days people are so spoon fed by television that unless thoughts are introduced into their minds they are unable to think for themselves.
Has the contradiction in your post not occurred to you? That certain people are doing very nicely on benefits – exactly as I stated, yet others are being reduced to absolute poverty.
Here’s a quote from my previous post which no one has adressed because they’re too frightened to know the truth, so I’ll spell it out to spoonfeed.
Remember these deductions don’t come in until April so they haven’t taken effect yet.
Income for single adult £56 per week
Bedroom tax £14
contribution to rates £6
Fines £10
Maintanence £10
Arrears £10.25
A total of over £50 of deductions will be possible from the benefit income of an individual. If anyone (outside the ConDem assylum) thinks this is reasonable then they need a padded room! Who can live on £50 per week let alone the lesser amounts, and in the worst case £6 per week means inevitable death.
Most revolutions in history have started because of hunger, I think Camerons self destructive personality is allowing him to push people to the brink.
My dear thoughtful. If I had had the benefit of reading your post at 5:55 pm i wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of posting my own thoughts on defining poverty. However, when I outlined what I saw as a major problem, I didn’t have the benefit of your superior view as it wasn’t there. Whether or not I considered single folks in my definition is not clear. But you appear to know the answer to that. There is little point in arguing like ferrets in a sack about something in which we share such common ground. So, thoughtful, don’t despair, but rejoice and continue the fight. Just don’t encourage the riots that you so certainly predict. We have enough folk who love to broadcast” it’s kicking off everywhere”
A fan of Elizabeth Gaskell I see,but remember she like Dickens was a reformer so Little Knell had to be clemmed to death. An alternative view of Victorian England might be found in ‘The Welfare State We’re In’ by James Bartholomew.
That’s because ‘poverty’ in the UK is ‘relative poverty’. Thus the poverty industry keeps grinding on, the left have their clarion calls and ‘the poor are always with us’. I wonder what percentage of Indians have a sole-use indoor toilet?
Prince Charles ‘worried’ for rural communities – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21732501
His platform for this political message? None other than the BBC’s Countryfile…
Suppose nobody at the BBC will be checking what`s going on in Duchy territory out near Dorchester and Poundbury will they?
Malls, complexes, 1000s of new houses for the floodplains and watermeadows…postmen hanging from lamp posts because the streets have no names…very sustainable you creepy walking wingnut!
What kind of bloke only starts work at the age of 75?…Morrisseys not wrong about him(The Queen Is Dead”).
Exactly the kind of Clegg-bottomed 24 carat plated hypocrite that the BBC really lurve….I`d gladly support a life support machine for the Queen, rather than let this poltroon hand us over to Islam!
Prince of phantom disasters and imagined future of hardship for the prols. Loss of rent income more like.
If he IS that worried why doesn’t he do something and put his hand in his pocket.
Too hot for ‘politically correct’ BBC-NUJ to handle?:-
“Teenage sex slave raped 90 times in one weekend despite authorities saying she wasn’t at risk.
Girl gave evidence to committee despite still being ‘deeply traumatised’.
CSJ report claims efforts to tackle slavery in a state of crisis.
More than 1,000 adults and children trafficked into or within UK in 2011/12.
The BBC has reported it, but purely from a stance of using the reports to attack the government.
Notable by their absence are any references to;
Who the perpetrators were
The role of government immigration policy
Why the police and social services refused to act despite years of warnings about what was going on, and the role that a left-wing inspired culture of political correctness / censorship played.
“Sex Trafficking Victims ‘Failed’ By Authorities.
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were found last year, but ministers remain “clueless” about the problem, a think tank says.”
We mustn’t upset the moslems.
Or immigrant Roma.
Send in Liam….
On the contrary the BBC have been banging on a great deal today about ‘trafficking’!
Apparently its nothing to do with immigration!
Funny its called ‘trafficking’ then, don’t you thin?
But the BBC managed to find a ‘trafficked’ man with an indigenous British accent who had been used for slave labour.
I feel very sorry for British citizens to whom this has happened, usually people of subnormal IQ, but most of the so called ‘trafficked’ foreigners came voluntarily to Britain, knowing what they were doing was illegal, and if they thought they were going to be lap dancers rather than whores, they still have themselves to blame.
I noticed that as well. I was sitting there thinking – how on earth did they manage to find this white, male British slave?
From the pikeys. I recall last year a couple of guys were rescued from a traveler camp.
Quite but *Pikey* slavery is negligible compared to the scale of immigrants slavery, or rather ‘debt slavery’ which is the more accurate description.
Of course what the BBC would never mention now, with its recent ‘ultra PC’ censorship was a study done only a few years ago, following which the researcher was, in fact, interviewed by the BBC itself, and who made it quite clear that many of these ‘trafficked’ prostitutes do not want to be ‘rescued’. In other word sthey knew exactly what they were getting into and felt it a price worth paying for a few years until they earned their freedom and would eventually gain British citizenship. Of course if caught they say they were ‘trafficked’ innocents, knowing this will get them kid glove treatment and give them the excuse to plead that they now can no longer go home or their families will kill them due to their name being tarnished.
See below:
It’s all too much says:
March 10, 2013 at 4:38 pm
How much prominence will the BBC give to this ?
Same Story in the Mail
I won’t pay my TV licence because I was abused by Jimmy Savile’: Woman claims 35 men attacked her while visiting the BBC headquarters
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2291025/Jimmy-Savile-I-wont-pay-TV-licence-I-abused-star-claims-woman.html#ixzz2N9WZex00
Heard the story mentioned on a R4 news first thing this morning – might have been in the newspaper round-up.
No mention of who is doing the enslavement in this report. Do I recall that some ‘Travellers’ were recently convicted of enslaving some people…..
I wonder why the report makes absolutely no reference to the perpetrators of this crime.
Ouch, I organised a sleep out for the homeless when I was a teenager. Sorry, I couldn’t offer them a room, I didn’t have a house myself. Also, I’m in no way affiliated with the CofE so have no power over what do with the funds.
I agree with ditching as much tax as possible, people should take personal responsibility for people worse of than them. Less government would be so much better. However, charity work that is purely for charity (and not, say, for lobbying the government for more funds) is a good thing and should generally be encouraged. I think anyway.
No good point charity’s have stopped making the world better and are now just another arm of the government they lobby !
Some charities – usually the bigger ones. There are still good ones left.
Do you have a room now ?
The Beeb are incorrigible: apparently Hague has announced that a British engineer has probably been murdered by “what he called terrorists.” (R4 news at 18.15)
Well, lets face it, they may have been militants? But most likely : men!
Ah ok mishal hussein has cleared it up: militant islamists, so thats all right then!
Sorry I have to post a correction, she did say: radical!
Oh, like your compatriot, LLoyd George. So that’s all right them.
I dont mind you linking to Lloyd George,
Just don’t remind me that lardarse Prescott was welsh also.
Btw, my father knew Lloyd George!
I thought Lloyd George knew everyone’s father.
That rather was the point!
Reminds me of an old Private Eye cartoon in which a man with a walrus moustache says ‘Lloyd George knew my mother.’
Lego’s range of pink toys for girls helps enforce a gender divide that sees boys performing better in science, a BBC television presenter and scientist has claimed.
The scientist is Professor Alice Roberts (apparently professor of Public Engagement in Science at Birmingham) as a comment in the telegraph ponders So let’s get this straight: pink lego (a fairly new idea) is responsible for the lack of popularity of science amongst little girls in the many years before it was actually released?
It would appear that years mixing with the luvvies has reduced Alice’s scientific rigour
Alice Roberts is a full member of the Globalists propaganda squad, a favourite of the Beeb (ironically as much for her good looks as her being ‘on message’, ironic since Dr Roberts is a apparently a feminist too). She was chosen as the anchor person for the BBCs highly dishonest series, the human journey, when Doc Alice truly undermined her scientific integrity by claiming that the failure to find evidence of Homo Erectus DNA in modern Chinese (the quest based on sampling of degenerate ancient homo erectus DNA) prove that Chinese did not descend from H.E., as they firmly believe, but was purely ‘out of Africa’.
The entire series was a blatant attempt to promote the theory (i.e. the PC one) of a all non African humans descending from, as Roberts put it, ‘a few African families’ who left Africa in one recent exit.
That does seem to be where the vast bulk of the evidence points though, so the lovely Dr Alice is hardly in the wrong for pointing that out, is she?
Pardon Dav9d….what was that?
CHRISTOPHER STRINGER is one of the world’s foremost paleoanthropologists. He is a founder and most powerful advocate of the leading theory concerning our evolution: Recent African Origin or “Out of Africa”. He has worked at The Natural History Museum, London since 1973, is a Fellow of the Royal Society, and currently leads the large and successful Ancient Human Occupation of Britain project (AHOB), His most recent book is The Origin of Our Species (titled Lone Survivors in the US)
Rethinking “Out of Africa”
[CHRISTOPHER STRINGER:] At the moment, I’m looking again at the whole question of a recent African origin for modern humans—the leading idea over the last 20 years. This argues that we had a recent African origin, that we came out of Africa, and that we replaced all of the other human forms that were outside of Africa. But we’re having to re-evaluate that now because genetic data suggest that the modern humans who came out of Africa about 60,000 years ago probably interbred with Neanderthals, first of all, and then some of them later on interbred with another group of people called the Denisovans, over in south eastern Asia.
If this is so, then we are not purely of recent African origin. We’re mostly of recent African origin, but there was contact with these other so-called species. We’re having to re-evaluate the Out-of-Africa theory, and we’re having to re-evaluate the species concepts we apply
Wasn’t aware of Chris Stringer’s growing doubts about the theory. That’s quite a turnabout.
One for me and Dr Alice to catch up on it seems.
I found Alice quite persuasive on this point, but this might have been because she is quite cute.
Exactly, which is as much why the Beeb love her as for her PC views – same with Lucy Worsley domestic historian!
Ahh the BBC =sexism , misogyny and ageism all for only 40p a day what value!
I think Lucy Worsley is excellent – intelligent, knows her subject and, most importantly, doesn’t seem to have an agenda. She also has a very genuine, engaging personality.
I actually like Lucy Worsley too, but no ‘agenda’? You have to be joking! Every program is riddled with her feminist rhetoric.
So far though I’ve heard nothing about how great immigration or Mohammedanism is, so I do still quite like her.
Indeed its thought there may have been several seperate ‘Out of Africas’ and its also been found that as Europeans bred with Neanderthals, modern day Africans bred with other earlier types of humans, in the distant past.
Not much has been made of that of course because its very disquieting to the PC claims that there are hardly any differences between modern day human gene pools.
Here is the link:
Always thought it was unlikely that everyone was descended from these few Africans who travelled all over the world (before motor transport) and then created the various races and then stopped moving around for no obvious reason.
To be fair, they did it quite slowly. Maybe they were on stone bicycles.
Hengist Pod is our mutual ancestor ? Well, it explains Prescott……..
There was also some recent research from remains found in the Caucasus that also casts doubt on the “out of Africa” theory.
Based on the dating, which preceded the “out of Africa” dating, these people would have had to have gone back and forth from Africa.
Firstly the jury is most certainly still out on that.
Secondly the interbreeding with earlier humans is now a fact.
Thirdly she was utterly wrong to claim that she could PROVE a negative simply by the absence of a positive result in one dodgy DNA test. The woman is supposed to be a scientist! She perjured herself.
She’s lovely, leave her alone, Dr of Anatomy no less, she’s smart and cute, would have taken her for a wife at the drop of a hat but for a hairy Archaeologist who stole her heart, lucky bastard.
“She’s lovely, leave her alone, Dr of Anatomy no less,”
No her PhD was in Paleopathology, and she took a very long time doing it.
But she certainly should have known better than to make the ludicrous claim she did about the Chinese and Homo Erectus on the Human Journey. The Chinese expert was far too polite to correct her, but appeared uttelry unconvinced!
I also note that Roberts research publication record is not so impressive. Just 6 peer reviewed publications and all but one joint:
Seems being telegenic is more important than research ability for the particular ‘Professorship’ she’s been granted.
Of course, science is male “dominated” – meaning boy scientists are hurling girls through the windows whenever they enter the lab. And pink lego bwicks keep the girls so juvenile that instead of fighting their way back in, they go off cwying to their mummies. Makes sense if you’re an emotional cripple, I guess.
get it right –
“…they go off cwying to their mummies” ironing in the kitchen.
“professor of Public Engagement in Science”
How did Newton,Clerk Maxwell or Einstein ever manage?
Last November a BBC report claimed the 11 month old son of one of their cameramen had been killed in an Israel bombardment:
“Many of the Palestinians killed in Gaza during the last two days by the Israeli aerial and naval bombardment were members of militant groups, but civilians – including at least four children – were also among the dead. They included 11-month-old Omar, the son of Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic picture editor.”
Well, the truth is now out there, reported in The Algemeiner two days ago:
Yet I can’t seem to find it on my “trustworthy,” impartial”, BBC news site.
Don’t keep it to yourself, spend two minutes complaining to the institutionally anti-Israel BBC. Here’s the page.
I did not keep it to myself. First, I sent my complaint to the BBC and other media sources listed in the Honest Reporting article. Then I posted what I thought to be the most relevant extracts of the report to this site together with verifiable links.
What have you done?
“Kate has no opinions on anything: BBC presenter Sandi Toksvig hits out at Duchess of Cambridge for being ‘very Jane Austen'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2291125/Kate-Middleton-BBC-Radio-4s-Sandi-Toksvig-hits-Duchess-Jane-Austen.html#ixzz2NAV2Ssu4
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Of course, if Middleton ever did express an opinion on something, Toksvig would be one of the first to excoriate her if it wasn’t an approved thought.
Oh the irony! One woman supported by us (via the compulsory TV-tax) commenting adversely on another woman supported by us. But the latter knows how to behave and how to keep her mouth shut, and the former doesn’t.
…and if it had been a MAN who had the audacity to offer up such an opinion, the same group of humourless, po-faced wimmin would scream misogyny !!!!
I always thought Sandi Toksvig was a man!
Tosvig inpregnated her “lover” with a turkey baister and the sperm of the brother of trigger. The relationship soon fizzled out so to speak.
Further to my last post I’m told the word apparently was missing so there !
She is.
For Islam Not BBC (INBBC) staff in the Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN:-
“‘Joke’ about Prophet Muhammad triggers violence in Pakistan as Christians’ homes are set on fire.
Dozens of homes were burned after a Christian was accused of blasphemy.
Angry mob torched the homes after the accusation became known .
Police say 150 people have been arrested on suspicion of starting the fires .
Hundreds of Christians have protested and clashed with police.
Have called on Pakistan’s government to rebuild their homes.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2291130/Joke-non-Muslim-Prophet-Muhammad-leads-violent-clashes-Christians-homes-set-fire.html#ixzz2NAVTduzV
“‘Joke’ about Prophet Muhammad triggers violence in Pakistan as Christians’ homes are set on fire.’
For some reason that reminds me of this – which we used to think was nonsense….
“The Funniest Joke in the World” is the title most frequently used for written references to a Monty Python’s Flying Circus comedy sketch, which is also known by two other phrases that appear within it, “Joke Warfare” and “Killer Joke”, the latter being the most commonly spoken title used to refer to it. The premise of the sketch is that the joke is so funny that anyone who reads or hears it promptly dies from laughter.’
A crucial amendment needed to INBBC headline on Islamic BANGLADESH:-
“Bangladesh minorities ‘terrorised’ after [ISLAMIC] mob violence”
Minorities? What kind, eh? In other cases, I might agree with a defender of the indefensible who said that you were wrong to complain because the BBC says “Muslim mob” in the first sentence. But since that’s the whole reason for the violence, and the victims are considered minorities on specifically religious grounds, using the broad protected genus (if you know what I mean) “minorities” is silly. They could at least have said “religious minorities” if they wanted to avoid getting “complaints from both sides” about using the M word.
Joke overheard in the BBC canteen:
“Minorities terrorized by mob violence? I didn’t know the EDL had spread to Bangladesh.”
Can you show me where the application for tickets for Question Time asks for political affiliation?
If an audience is pro-Labour (Or I would say anti-governement) then it’s down to either:
A) Pro-government supporters being too lazy to apply for tickets.
B) Are ashamed to air their views in public.
Or most likely C): Are in a whopping minority. Has it not occurred to you that the reason you hear so many arguments you disagree with is because you guys on his forum are in fact in a very small, self selecting group. Just because you all *like* each others myopic posts doesn’t mean that people in the real world feel the same way.
has it ever occured to you that you can pick the probable political affiliation of a member of the audience by their answers to the questions asked them?
Or is that too subtle for a lefty?
Are you suggesting that Dimbleby knows which members of the audience are anti-goverment? And so he only asks those for comments?
Dan, can you explain why the young female Labour activist, who admitted spending the afternoon with panellist and Labour M.P. Stephen Twigg, knew beforehand she was going to be picked by Dimbleby to excoriate the UKIP panellist. She actually twittered the message to her followers to “watch Question Time tonight and watch me tear into the disgusting UKIP woman” ?
How would she have known she was going to be picked if it hadn’t been arranged beforehand?
I cannot see any explanation other than Dimbleby being asked by Twigg to invite a certain young lady in the audience for her views.
Andy S.
No party should plant people in the audience (this wasn’t PM QT after all) and Twigg and Rutland were wrong. I hope the Labour Party give them a good rap across the knuckles. As for the Tweet, remember the programme is recorded. She sent her Tweet after that and before it went out on BBC 1.
Dan, you can see for yourself the BBC asking for political affiliation plain as day on the BBC website. The BBC also states very clearly that they need to know the political leanings on various issues (like the EU) of audience members so they can ensure it reflects (according to their capricious judgment of polls, I guess) the political demographics of the host area. This is fact, not suspicion, as you will have seen if you dared to click through the links. I’m sure there’s a valid reason for doing this, deep down, but the problem is with how they manage it.
As I said elsewhere, Dimbleby can’t possibly have a list of all audience members and their political affiliations, along with a seating chart with which to identify them. It’s silly to think he would. However, he does have all the selected questions in advance, with the names of the audience members who submitted them. That fact is not in dispute. Why he chooses the questions he does – and when he chooses them – is a whole other discussion.
As Rutland seems to have been called on as a random hand up wanting to respond to a panelist, rather than being called on for a new question, I’d say Dimbleby is in the clear there. However, the QT audience wranglers ought to have some way to check if they’re political party workers – I don’t mean every single party member or volunteer or whatever, but Rutland is a real campaign coordinator who applied as an innocent, independent member of the public. Which she obviously isn’t. Especially since she met earlier in the day with the very Labour MP they had on the panel.
We’ve had people here tell us that they (or friends or relations) have applied to be in the audience and were not only required to submit a question in advance, but one or two occasions were told to try again because their question was off-topic or already being asked.
David. I thought ticket allocation was on a first come basis. Didn’t realise the programme wanted info in advance. I suppose it makes sense? Of course people can fib but it does mean that they can try and get a cross section. Of course, I believe that the producers will be fair and do their job properly. I’m equally sure many on this site will be convinced the audience selected will be left of centre.
Dan, applications are probably approved on FC/FS basis, makes perfect sense. Except the BBC admits that they will sometimes call up local political or advocacy groups if they feel not enough of them have applied, which certainly appears to be a gesture towards fairness on their part. But this leaves the door wide open to suspicion that they equally get in touch with specific people or groups when they want a good show on a specific issue. It’s all entertainment in the end, so they probably think it’s okay to do it. Like, you know, when they faked phone-in competitions and lie to children and steal money from them. It’s all entertainment, not a serious competition, innit, so what’s the big deal?
People probably do lie on their forms, since we’ve seen activists get through many times. But this is bigger than that, someone who was active in election campaigning and met with a panelist that very same day. If nothing else, the BBC should be laying into Twigg for not telling them. But they don’t care.
Many here are convinced that the BBC rigs the audience because there have been too many instances where the audience doesn’t reflect reality, and too many clear examples of people bused in from out of town with an agenda. This is all going to be down to the whims of the audience wranglers, and they seem to have an endless set of “Get-out-of-bias-free” cards, which is telling. It means the bias has been there and the compliance mandarins put these into place for ass-covering. That’s what most compliance rules are for, anyway: to provide an excuse when things go wrong. “We followed the rules, all boxes ticked, so can’t be held responsible for things beyond our control”. Like when Labour campaign organizers collude with a panelist and then don’t tell the BBC about who they are and what they’re up to, and the panelist keeps shtum as well.
Of course there is a thing in Dinglebums ear called an ear piece into which the editor/director with a seating plan of candidates can direct him to request the required question.
Even I’m not that paranoid. That’s way too much effort even for the BBC. However, you do have a point there if, in an ideal world, the BBC bothered checking for plants like this (which they should do – add this to the latest round of “Safeguarding Trust” courses) and could have alerted Dimbleby what Rutland was up to. He could have cut her off much sooner if a producer buzzed his ear. Or maybe they do check, but only for those with unapproved thoughts. Like others have pointed out, can anyone recall an audience member screaming at a Labour MP like that, or getting caught out later for sneaking in? Either they do check for only some people, or those not on the far Left are more honest and reasonable, I suppose.
“B) Are ashamed to air their views in public.”
This was certainly the intention of the Labour plant – shout nasty labels to make people’s reasonable views seem socially unacceptable. We’ve heard it all before. Nice try. You failed to include the now obligatory ‘disgusting’ to your point B.
“Or most likely C): Are in a whopping minority.”
The results in Eastleigh show this up for the crap it is. The Labour candidate failed miserably, beaten by the UKIP candidate by almost a 3 to 1 ratio.
Just because you hear your comfortable lefty assumptions parroted continually on the BBC doesn’t mean that people in the real world feel the same way.
…and the above image is clearly a lighthearted jab at the recent QT episode. Are smug, po-faced left-wingers required to undergo a humour bypass?
Lighten up, silly.
The “above image” is funny and made me smile. I wasn’t writing because of that, but the comments on this forum.
As for point C and the Eastleigh vote. Add the Tory/UKIP vote together and you get just over 38%. That’s 38% out of a 53% turn-out, hardly a thumping endorsement for right-wing ideas. Plus this site is often so far to the right it would leave many floating Tory voters adrift.
And finally, why are you (and many on this site) so rude? I try to be polite. Why call me “smug, po-faced”?
A reply to my own point! Just realised My figures were wrong and should have read just over 54%.
Indeed they are wrong that should be 53% of a 53% turn out with labour and lib/dems getting 42% (I used figures from guardian for your benefit)
So a pretty good endorsement of centre/right views
And if as you say people in the real world are left of centre then how is it that ‘right wing’ news papers out sell ‘Left wing’ ones by about 2 to 1 and the ‘little englander’ daily mail is read by 3 times as many people as the BBC house paper,the guardian?
Suggesting that we might be ‘ashamed to air our views in public’ is not the most polite of ways to engage, but I apologise if my comment was a bit on the brusque side. I don’t like to offend individual posters here, but I’ve long grown tired of the perfectly reasonable views to which I subscribe being used to define me as some sort of beyond the pale monster who ought to be ashamed.
…but again, apologies for my abruptness, Dan. It’s all too easy to forget that there’s a person behind each comment.
For you guys > http://t.co/yI899zdaI7
Thanks, Billy, but you know the BBC will still believe the Jewish Lobby got to them.
Probarly, might be good to go and dig out original bbc report ?
Ps you should really get twitter 🙂
Hello David. How do you know that?
Because, Dan, except for Jonathan Marcus’ lone effort explaining that the supreme power of it is kind of a myth, plenty of BBC staff believe the Jewish Lobby is just that powerful. Katty Kay, for instance (her concerns are about the US, but if they can control the superpower, why not the UN?). A similar assertion was made by the HardTalk presenter last year. Here’s an old BBC “analysis” piece explaining how the Zionist Lobby influenced the US, which in turn influenced the UN’s decision to turn part of Palestine over to the Jews (bonus: the piece states that, while Arabs had lived there continuously for centuries, the Jews were only recent interlopers). And a BBC producer who used to comment here under the alias “John Reith” stated it in no uncertain terms, regularly. The BBC’s UN correspondent, Barbara “Tears” Plett, reported, for example, that the Israel Lobby influenced the US government to veto a resolution condemning Israeli settlements as an obstacle to peace. As before, if one controls the US, one controls the ultimate actions of the UN. The BBC’s Middle East editor, Jeremy Bowen, has expressed similar sentiments. Which is why – according to this mindset – the other UN resolutions condemning the settlements have no teeth. And on it goes.
The BBC also apparently believes that if they get numerous complaints about anti-Israel bias, it must be driven by an organized lobbying effort.
Are you sensing a pattern yet? If not, please tell me the number of items it would take for you to consider the idea.
Alternatively, I suppose you could be in agreement with Robert Fisk, who believes the Jews influence the BBC, in which case there’s a whole other set of evidence to deal with.
The Labour plant on Question Time, Amy Rutland, the spolied brat who kept on saying ” You’re DISGUSTING ” to all and sundry, reminded me of Veruca Salt from the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The resemblance is uncanny.
LOL, that really made me chuckle!
Anyone see the Beebs latest Northerly crime drama, Shetland?
As per usual despite the remote location they had to feed in a little Multikulti propaganda:
Policeman’s surname is Perez (message Britain, even the Shetland Isles, is a ‘Nation of Immigrants’)
The dead girl Hattie from Glasgow appears to have a Chinese father.
Isn’t the back story that Perez ran off to Shetland to hide from his gay past, while Hattie’s real father is an Irish catholic that ran off with a 16 year old, leaving her 2nd generation Indian-English mother to marry her ‘boyfriend’ from Dudley, the refugee smuggling, Chinese step-father?
And when I awoke “Shetland” had finished.
Isn’t this just the adult version of Balamory?
I tried and failed to watch it. Gibberish.
As I said on the other thread “Mayday” typifies the BBC. Idyllic home counties town – superficial niceness, really a seething mass of perversion, class tension, suppressed violence and general unpleasntness etc. Lead sympathetic character played by Sophie Okenedo. Entirely negative view of provincial Britain.
Murder and violence are really, really rare in the Home Counties, and almost exclusively restricted to crimes of passion (Husband tops Mrs and her shagging partner) as opposed to crimes of acquisition of dominance preferred in London and other ‘urban’ centres.
The BBC would never do a programme called “one week of murders in Stockwell” showing the murder of teenagers etc and the back stories of drugs, gangs, idleness aggression etc and how about a programme about the plague of sex grooming gangs that have grown up throughout britain, thriving under their rocks because no one thought that it would be ‘politic’ to shine a light under there.
The BBC would never do a programme called “one week of murders in Stockwell” showing the murder of teenagers etc and the back stories of drugs, gangs, idleness aggression etc and how about a programme about the plague of sex grooming gangs that have grown up throughout britain, thriving under their rocks because no one thought that it would be ‘politic’ to shine a light under there.
What is annoying though is that they COULD make a brilliant job of it, there is plenty of potential, but of course if they DID try to make such adrama it would be a load of propagandist bunkum, with blacks seriously underrepresented in the ‘baddies’ roles, an Alpha Male black detective, with limited acting ability in the lead role, and several ‘nasty’ white characters thrown in to be blamed for the black youths bad outcomes.
Your comments regarding the ‘quality’ of BBC drama and the underlying PC garbage that it always seems to contain is the main reason I came across this site. After watching an episode of a forensic crime scene type series (I can’t recall what the series was) where a character started opining that the English were all a nation of immigrants blah sodding blah, I put into google ‘Why is the BBC so biased to the left?’ and the previous site to this one popped up. Trouble is, I feel that the vast majority of Beeb watchers are either unaware of this constant pernicious agit-prop or don’t care one way or the other. I do enjoy visiting this site and agree with most (but not all) of the views expressed by the regular contributors here. However, what’s to be done about the sewage that masquerades as CBBC, polluting the myriad of youngsters that are plonked in front of it every day, and the stultifyingly dull (but oh so edgy and ‘real’) dramas? I wish I knew, friends, I wish I knew
I had to laugh this morning, 7:10am on BBC breakfast tv they proclaimed “Antibiotic resistant bacteria is as serious threat as climate change”.
The only difference is that antibiotic resistance is real.
They just can’t help themselves, pathetic really.
Be fair, the BBC have to make an effort with global warming this morning – it’s bloody freezing!
Careful – don’t fall into the trap, climate change IS real (and, I suppose, a threat, if you are a greenie), it’s just nothing special, and not us that are responsible.
I’m not THAT happy about the alarmism about the resistance to antibiotics, either – we’ve had so many scares about this or that going to annihilate us all ‘within 20 years or, so’, that I now take most of it with a pinch of salt (not TOO much salt, of course, ‘cos that’s a bad thing!).
After all, if the climate doesn’t get us, horsemeat will, if salt doesn’t get us, fat will, if fizzy drinks don’t get us, alcoholic drinks will, and if we don’t all die of obesity, the fags will kill us, and so it goes on.
Yes, you are right I should have been more specific: The only difference is that antibiotic resistance is a real threat.
I think the original report likened the threat to that of terrorism – but the ‘T’ work can’t be spoken on the BBC.
I agree, I was a bit surprised that they were talking about antibiotics like they have only just found out about resistance.
BBC Breakfast telling me that 1 in 7 women don’t have a job to go back to after having a baby and that this shows the scandalous discrimination against women.
So 6 out of 7 women – a huge majority – do have a job to go back to.
And perhaps the 1 in 7 women are the ones who decide that would actually like to stay at home and look after the kids.
“86% of women return to work after child birth” doesn’t have the je ne sais quoi the BBC are looking for.
Mothers staying at home to look after their own children.
What a ridiculous concept !
The liberals do not like the thought of a mother raising her own children at home. It is essentially a conservative act and strikes at the heart of their desire to remake society into an pastiche of reality.
My daughters and daughters in law all raise their children at home despite money worries. They are obviously discriminated against but by whom is the question.
Its true – they want the state, or institutions monitored by the state, to have access to children’s minds as early as possible:
Give me a child at an impressionable age…
For example day nurseries are now obliged to teach children about ‘diversity’, which is far from ‘neutral’, what they really mean is teach children that ‘diversity’ (euphemism for mass immigration), is desirable.
The Labour Party ought to book Nicky Campbell as the warm up act for their next conference.
This morning he was trying out some more of his comedy material.
He links amusingly from a report on banking to a report on the discovery of a new species of giant rat. That tickled him.
Come on Miliband, give the wee laddie a gig!
UN Reports the Truth: Hamas Killed BBC Reporter’s Baby in Gaza,” Israel National News,
oh! bbc getting favourable press again? 😀
Another fabricated atrocity – Will the many, many mainstream media outlets that reported that Jihad Misharawi’s son was killed by the Israelis run retractions and apologies?
R Spencers jihadwatch
The Washington Post and a BBC bureau chief last November accused and convicted the Israel Defense Forces in a heartrending, angry piece without verifying their information …
hmm you don t say.
Last night I watched ‘The Hardest Place to Be A’ taxi driver in Bombay (except the BBC call it Mumbai). Whilst it really showed me that I should count my blessings and overall good entertainment there had to be a little segment where Mason McQueen the London cabbie discovered that those at the bottom of the cab driver hierarchy came from a different region and suffered prejudice because of it – a little subliminal message about how the great British public should have sympathy for immigrants. How rare to have any BBC programme that doesn’t have a pc message in it somewhere.
Surprised by the location chosen TBH, as I would have thought that “The Hardest Place To Be A Taxi Driver” is probably The Rainbow Nation based on recent events.
Only if you’re foreign or not part of the Taxi mafia that run the taxis.
The Rainbows don’t take kindly to foreigners invading their land especially Zimbabwe birds.
I wonder when the BBC will put this information on the ‘news’??
How DARE you use facts to substantiate your position.
Interesting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-21740704
I winder if this will make headline news? Will probably quietly slip down the page!
“A 40-year-old from Bolton and two men from Blackburn, aged 30 and 53, are in police custody.”
Anyone for the beard/Moh bet?
‘Bet in-play’ as they say.
The trouble is that you wont get any worthwhile odds on the ROP. Any friends of the BBC hereabouts care to take 1000 to 1 these men are Mormons?
No, it appears that the victims were pupils at – oddly emphasised by the BBC – an islamic school. Clearly it proves that the rash of grooming gang perverts are not targeting one specific race and therefore everyone who has suggested a strong correlation is a racist.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“Three men arrested on suspicion of sex assault and false imprisonment of teenagers in grounds of Islamic girls’ school.
Welfare concern for students at Jamea Al Kauthar school in Lancaster.”
An ‘Islamic school’ but not Islamic ‘men’>
“Liam Fox urges public spending freeze in speech”
oh, oh, Miss, I have a question Miss: if they are just talking about freeze now, what was all the cutzz before?
Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has no problems with use of a stooge on Question Time.
Caroline Flint @CarolineFlintMP Mar 7
And well done to @rutters101 for putting UKIP on ropes using their claims against them – we need more of that #bbcqt
Interesting that in this tweet, which I think was made immediately after the programme, Flint knows the identity of the stooge.
Indeed. having watched the 5 min QT clip it isn’t so much the fact that she was allowed a comment it was the fact that she was allowed several follow up shouts as if it was her in the debate, this VERY rarely happens (well, not when I used to watch anyway!). Plus the camera kept going back to show her shacking her head, I know the camera often goes back but she was practically given her own show.
After the stooge delivered her opening salvo:
Dimbleby : Cue Diane James.
Diane James : Can I just go back please…
Dimbleby (interrupting): No, no,no,no,no. She thinks you’re disgusting. You better answer her first and then go back.
A five ‘no’ rebuke from the Dimbleby. A Question Time first?
David Dumbledy was in collusion with the Labour plant
” Could you answer the question, she thinks you’re DISGUSTING.”
That isn’t a question, that’s name calling from an adolescent petulant brat.
“You’re disgusting” is abuse, not a question.
“You’re a geriatric halfwit”
No, no,no,no,no. You better answer that first, Mr. Dimbleby.
I hear David Dimbleby is soon to retire. He will be replaced as chairman of BBC Question Time by Moe, Larry and Curley.
Oscar Pistorius ‘on verge of suicide’
So that’s two people he’s planned to kill.
‘South African athlete Oscar Pistorius, accused of killing his girlfriend, may be “on the verge of suicide”, a close family friend has told the BBC.’
Dear me! “on verge of suicide”, ‘may be’, ‘a close family friend has told the BBC’
Has rapid backpeddling become the new Paralympic sport? If so the BBC are training like billyoh.
BBC-NUJ: ‘Start The Week’ with champagne socialism-
LOACH (BBC-NUJ’s favouriteTrotskyist) with usual class political propaganda.
[Repeated tonight.]
“BBC’s firebrand of the Left loses his edge.
Paul Mason, the man who put the case for the rioters after London blazed, steers Broadcasting House to the Left, but only a single listener complains.”
By Tim Walker.
I rather like him. He is quite endearing and eccentric. Completely harmless and very predictable.
Hasn’t ‘Newsnight Pauly’ semi-retired to Masonikos, the Greek ‘Isle of Dreams’, the stronghold of Golden Sunset? The only inhabitants, looter…oops, ‘political trailblazers’, rioting up and down his fevered neural pathways.
I see that cut & paste journalism is deployed to the maximum at the BBC and the Gruan…..
‘The independent Jamea al-Kauthar school opened in 1996 in a listed building set in its own grounds. It caters for 410 residential girls aged 11 to 20 from all over the world. Last year, more than 90% of the school’s year 11 pupils attained five or more A*-C grades in their GCSEs for the fifth year running.’
Had to laugh at this bit of copy from the internet…..
‘If I had 10 daughters, I would send them all to Jamea al-Kauthar.’
But Abdul…..what do you mean ‘if’ you had 10 daughters…?
Have one or two gone awal?
He doesn’t say whose daughters he’s ‘having’.
Could it be possible that the bBC has finally got the story it was praying for?
Of course the identity of those abused is secret, but should it turn out to be Moslem kids then the bBC will be able to triumphantly trumpet that all the attacks on white kids by gangs of Pakistani (lets not call them Asian) Moslem Men are not motivated by race or religion, and that there is little difference between them and the Catholics who have done similar.
This story is one of ‘Muslim on Muslim’ abuse and the BBC would probably be happy with this story as it would bury the news of more widespread ‘Muslim on non-Muslim’ abuses.
Having said that, I’m fairly sure that sharia law treats the first case much more seriously.
Mark the bBC story doesn’t mention who the victims were, we only know that they were ‘a small group of teenage girls’ and the suspicion is sexual assault and false imprisonment.
Do you have any report that the girls were Moslem, because it is possible that they were white and held prisoner within the school.
100% in agreement – see my comment above
The BBC are clearly excited about the election of the next Pope
They are particularly interested in the voting system because the BBC editorialises for us. I quote from 1.50….
‘Now, let’s look at where most of the world’s Catholics are today….. 41% live in Latin America…. while Europe has droped to 24%…. you could say there’s a missmatch between this body of Cardinal electors and the Catholic population as whole…..’
Well I don’t need to say that since you have said it for me, BBC.
Now what was that minor fuss about equal constituency size in Britain?
‘The Conservatives and Lib Dems were… keen to redress what they see as a pro-Labour advantage arising from the existing constituency boundaries. They wanted “fairer” elections.’
‘What they see as’ “fairer” (in scare quotes) Whereas in the case of the Latin American Catholics the imbalance is represented as fact by the BBC.
‘But Labour smelled a rat. They believed the Conservatives would gain an unfair advantage at the next general election if constituencies were equalised.’
So ‘unfair’ when Labour say it doesn’t seem to need the scare quotes.
Now the Catholic Church has never and does not now claim to be a representative democracy – although the BBC appear to want to hold it to account as though it were one.
Then how about equal constituencies? Bias. Double standards. Labour supporting slanting of issues.
Who voted for Gordon Brown, or the Director General come to think of it.
prezza should have been automatically PM – gawd help us
Would have been the first Welsh PM since Lloyd George.
I agree this is an idiotic argument from the BBC, driven by their own internal ideology and not entirely by reality. Here’s the list of Cardinal Electors. As you can see, nearly all of them are ethnically representative of their constituencies. The only exceptions seem to be those who work for the administration itself in some way and aren’t Archbishops. And it’s not like they’re all Italian, either. As usual, the BBC sees people for their race first, and character second. What a shame they can’t move past the old racialist attitudes.
The equal constituencies point is also hypocritical, as you point out. What’s funny is that I bet the BBC wouldn’t like the result if they got their wish and the majority vote actually was influenced by the very socially conservative, deeply religious, magical thinking Hispanics. Except for the vernacular Mass bit, that part of the world hasn’t quite managed to absorb Vatican II yet. The ones in my neighborhood, or at the mostly black congregations in the Bronx and Harlem sure haven’t.
at least one conservative knows the bbc are a bunch of quislings
Peter Bone MP getting stuck into Clive Myrie about abu qatada
“there we go,that’s the bbc again,standing up for terrorists and trying to put words in my mouth”
mr Myrie was not very happy 🙂
glad to see not all tories are asleep at the wheel when it comes to these traitors
bbc 5live news a carefully worded, cryptic report, that appears to show imprisonment of teenage girls in Lancaster
at a (whisper it quietly) islamic school?
(whooda thought it :-D)
by the schools very own taliban sorry i mean “teachers”?
lots of very careful, and cultural sensitivity crap
See the thread a few posts up. No one has yet revealed who the girls assaulted yet, there is an obvious expected assumption that they are pupils which would be manna from heaven for the bBC, but it could equally be White girls . The false imprisonment is intriguing, as it implies who ever the victims were, they were held against their will.
“Jamea al Kauthar offers the ‘Tahfeez Ul Quraan’ programme [committing the whole quran to memory] and a two year abridged version of the Islamic Teaching programme in the English medium”
sounds suspiciously like the “madrassa” brainwashing programme to me
.and ofsted gave this school “outstanding” …(shudder!)
I thought this paragraph was intriguing:
“Lancashire Police said it does not have the identities of all the girls and it is trying to find out if the alleged victims are current or former pupils.”
Do they mean the alleged victims have all been pupils at some time? Or that they may have had nothing to do with the school at all? Perhaps I missed it, but I didn’t notice these qualifications when I looked at the story earlier today.
hmmm … little bit of back pedalling
the al bbc narrative appeared to be pushing islamic victims,(how original) at that islamic madrassa i mean school, all a bit “cloak n dagger” isn t it.
bbc (shakes head), why do you have to be bloody sherlock holmes, everytime eh!
Detectives executed a search warrant of the premises last night and also arrested three men at the site. (uh OH!)
Bosses at Jamea Al Kauthar said they were co-operating with what police labelled a “complex investigation” and added it anticipated the matter would be(covered up?) “cleared up soon”.
This really is going to hit the fan when it breaks and the consequences are going to be very far reaching.
Basically the UKs winter wheat harvest has failed on the heels of a very poor summer harvest. Expect stories on farm bankruptcies, balance of trade issues, starving kids because of benefit cuts etc.
Do not expect the knock on effects on the economy (which might excuse the Tories), food price inflation due to more mouths to feed because of mass immigration, nor the excessive imports also required.
Just a heads up, what a happy start to the week !
The BBC is still refusing to admit whose idea the Sequester cuts were, but now they’re just being pathetic. In the recent report about how the US has added tons of jobs in the last month, with unemployment down to it’s lowest level since the President first took office, the BBC still avoids analysis that makes anything He does look bad.
Last week, President Barack Obama signed into effect spending cuts worth $85bn (£56bn), although he warned that the cuts – if fully realised – would slow US economic growth by 0.5% and cost 750,000 jobs.
The sequester was drawn up in mid-2011 as Congress and the White House feuded over raising the debt ceiling and how to slash the huge US deficit.
Republicans wanted deep cuts in spending, while Democrats insisted on raising taxes as part of any plan to tackle the country’s $16.6 trillion debt.
This leaves the reader to believe the Republicans have forced evil budget cuts, while the President has warned us how dangerous it would be. This is false. Proof is here.
But then we get this:
The US Federal Reserve has said it will keep interest rates close to zero and will continue buying $85bn of bonds a month until there is a substantial improvement in the labour market.
So we’re cutting spending by $85bn this year, but printing (increasing debt) $85bn per month? Where’s the astute BBC journalist to provide and inset “analysis” telling us how this policy is making the debt worse? Even if the BBC agrees with the borrow-and-spend-to-infinity-and-beyond policy (which they do, as Mark Mardell stated at the BBC CoJ – that’s not me inferring or interpreting something that isn’t there, it’s his own words), they should still say this increases the debt in the short term at least until the Keynesian magic takes effect. But they don’t, and pretend it’s not happening.
Also, no mention at all about how much of these jobs are low-wage and/or part-time (this is from the Democrat and President-supporting CNN, not Fox News, not Breitbart). And certainly there have been no BBC warnings about all the layoffs or work reductions there are going to be because of ObamaCare. BBC audiences are going to be shocked when it happens, as if it appeared out of nowhere.
Since the original post about Amy Rutland is about to disappear from the page, lots of discussion about this is happening elsewhere, and I’m still seeking an answer, I’ll repeat my question here.
Scott claimed that the correct time stamp on her tweet was 11:33pm. Now, that may very well be what he found using Twitter’s API. But that’s after the broadcast ended, so why would she be telling people to check it out “tonight”? Is she just stupid (which could be the case, I admit) like that guy who tweeted a Strictly result without realizing the show was tape-delayed? In Rutland’s case, did she not realize it was broadcast already by the time she tweeted? They explain it to the studio audience before they start, so she doesn’t have much of an excuse there. Or did she tweet after recording was done but before broadcast? It’s an important distinction.
Something doesn’t add up. Can anyone help me out here? I’m open to the Occam’s Razor answer that she’s just a moron, but I’ll need a bit more data.
Scott claimed that the correct time stamp on her tweet was 11:33pm
Not quite – that was in reference to the @BBCQuestionTime tweet which made reference to her, as linked to by Arthur Strebe-Grebling.
I don’t know what time she tweeted, as her timeline is protected. I had a quick look at the other blogs which were commenting about this, and while they mentioned the content of her tweet I didn’t see reference to a time.
Now here’s Michelle Fleury (BBC Business reporter in NYC) to tell you that, even though unemployment is still high and the expiration of (Bush) tax cuts means ordinary folk have more taken out of their pay check, things are looking up. She listens to the worries of a single mother with teenage kids, but the report closes on a positive note. Of course, since the BBC just can’t stop seeing the positive when it comes to The Obamessiah’s economy.
The economic recovery may be “beginning to bloom”, we’re told. Nice emotive terminology there. Still no mention of what’s going to happen to unemployment and take-hom pay once the first wave of ObamaCare layoffs and reduced hours kicks in.
At least she tweeted the other day that long-term unemployment is still on the rise. Too bad that doesn’t seem to affect the rosey tint on her glasses.
It isn’t just the bBC who are biased, many public sector organisations are scared to death of being called ‘racist’ (what ever that means!) so we now find this statement on the news about the Muslim school:
‘Police will not confirm the details of the men’s connections with the establishment, but said they were arrested at the school.’
So they probably are not staff, and have used the property to carry out their disgusting crime.
When it comes to the victims there’s little more news:
‘Lancashire Police said it does not have the identities of all the girls and it is trying to find out if the alleged victims are current or former pupils. ‘
However this incident would appear to bear little resemblance to other gang related Moslem attacks on white girls:
‘Officers are investigating a single alleged incident last Tuesday involving a small number of girls’
A delightful little story just before the 8am news on Today this morning.
An SDLP( MLA)…hurray!(only one circle of virtue outside the Provos in BBC benchmarking…you know Gerry Fitt, John Hume etc…hurrray!)…turns out to be against abortion on demand in Ulster(boo…but, its SDLP, not a Unionist neanderthal either…oh God!)
His opponent ( shrill harpie…abortion for all of us whether we want one or not…yes, men too!)…turns out to want “Private clinics”…PRIVATE?…WTF? to carry out these abortions…the NHS aren`t doing so!
Oh God…isn`t private health evil…even if named after St Marie Stopes?
So-an SDLP bloke wants us to use the NHS for abortions…but this is all bad.
Whereas a feminist abortionist on demand wants private health clinics to do them, even after Winterborne and all those breast implants that went wrong?
What was Humphrys to do?….swivel his head, seek guidance and curl up under his slanket…that`s what!
Oh the switchblade, corkscrew ride entailed in tracking the BBCs postures….all end in tears and heads exploding with all the double standards and incoherencies!
Taxi for Humph…let`s think no more about it eh, grandad!
The wonderful Marie Stopes “passionately advocated eugenics. She called for compulsory sterilisation of those deemed unfit for parenthood. Her concerns about passing on ‘inferior’ traits saw her disinherit her son when he married a woman who had poor eyesight.”
She was such a warm compassionate example of the human condition.
Cranmer today fulminates at the segregation of the audience attending an open debate held by the Islamic Education and Research Academy at UCL on the 9th March.
UCL security staff enforced a policy by which women were made to sit at the back and 3 people were thrown out of the meeting for refusing to conform to the arrangement. One of the participants in the debate, Professor Krauss, had to threaten to walk out unless the meeting (which, typically, he had been told would not be gender segregated) was held under desegregated conditions and the staff were forced to give way.
Cranmer throws in the comment:
“Any mention of this by the BBC? None at all. What outcry would have greeted a debate at which the audience was segregated black and white or gay and straight. But male and female is okay, because it is the will of Mohammed (pbuh).”
Gerald Sinstadt talks to Peter Allen and pays tribute to his former BBC colleague Tony Gubba this evening on 5 Live Drive.
I’ve a feeling he forgot that Licence Payers might be listening in, as Peter Allen and BBC top brass toes curled. I wouldn’t expect his anecdotes about flight upgrades and slap up meals on expences to ever be repeated.
Here’s one for you:
Liz Gibbons moves to BBC Global News
Former deputy Newsnight editor Liz Gibbons has been appointed as commissioning editor at BBC Global News.
She was acting editor of Newsnight when the programme broadcast an item on November 2 that led to former senior Conservative politician Lord McAlpine being wrongly linked to child abuse.
The report resulted in the resignation of the then BBC director general, George Entwistle, and the corporation paying more than £185,000 to Lord McAlpine after a libel settlement was agreed.
Gibbons will commission programmes and content for BBC World News and its website http://www.bbc.com/news.
The BBC says she was chosen as the best candidate after an open process for an internally advertised vacancy.
Your license fee hard at work. It’s not the management structure that’s the problem: it’s the Beeboids doing it.
Left wing doublethink !
Woman is raped and killed in a revolting attack in India – Women protest about the lack of respect and the general view of women by men on the sub continent. It’s carried by Wimmins hour and there are interviews with several women protestors. There’s general agreement that the attitude of the countries men has to change.
Get back to Britain however and those same people when found guilty of similar crimes, are not guilty of following cultural precendents set back in their culture and for anyone to suggest so is racism!
How can anyone say this and keep a straight face? The utter dichotomy is screamingly obvious !
Our old pal, Britain’s resident “great” film directer Ken Loach was on radio 4’s “Start The Week” today. Listen to the podcast and remember his views are the bible for BBC producers.
When asked politely about the present state of Britain, he blamed – yes, you guessed it – Maggie Thatcher. And what about Tony Blair? Well, he inherited the mess, quoth Dr Chuckles.
I’d love to see him being challenged even more. If he faces Bacon or Campbell he’ll walk all over them. He gets a free ride because of his film making credentials. He has a great film making technique and uses it to convince us that world is a dung heap and we are all flies. Not a noble ambition.
I once told a right-wing Tory I was about to interview, “I’m going to ask some tough questions…”. He beamed and replied, “Go ahead. The harder you bowl the ball the better I can hit it for six. I love a good argument.” I wish some of the gentle flowers of the left were as robust.
The ‘gentle flowers’ on the left lost the ability to frame a cogent arguement when they introduced their ism & phobia bully words. Who needs to bother justifying your beliefs when you can bully people into silence with a single word?