Astonishing…a new political party in Germany and the BBC still ignores it one day after its official announcement….after all ‘German news magazine Focus found that 26 percent of Germans would be willing to vote for an anti-euro party’ :
‘The Alternative for Germany, or AfD. Founded by a group of businessmen, economists, politicians and journalists, this political party has a simple platform. They argue that the euro has subverted democracy and undermined the rule of law, particularly the Maastricht Treaty’s provision against bailouts.’
A party with perhaps 26% of the vote isn’t worth a look I suppose….Labour fortunately took 29% of the vote whilst the Liberals polled a meagre 23% in 2010…oh look…the Liberals had the balance of power and are in government.
Maybe 26% isn’t too bad after all…maybe worth a look eh BBC?
Shouldn’t your title be ‘No Alternative for Germany’, a la BBC?
One day? What are you moaning about? The BBC refused to report on a new political movement in the US for two months. And be careful what you wish for, because when reality finally forced them to start covering it, they demonized it and insulted the participants with a sexual innuendo. And don’t get me started about what happened after that.
As David says: Tea Party, UKIP (until recently) now AfD.
This is standard operating procedure for the BBC. It routinely uses its near monopoly control of the news and current affairs agenda in the UK to suppress news that doesn’t fit the liberal left narrative and to boost news that does.
It abuses its position as a tax payer funded broadcaster on a daily basis. Indeed I think it is well past the point where its bias has undermined democracy in Britain. The voters make up their minds about issues based on what they hear on the news and for most people that means the BBC , not because they prefer the BBC but because the BBC is just so much larger than ALL its commercial rivals put together. The constant bias in favour of the liberal left agenda means that any other point of view is drowned out or shouted down.
The BBC is an enemy of free speech, tolerance and debate and hence of democracy.
I’m happy that Germany has its own UKIP so should the rest of the EU.
It WILL come one day, maybe sooner than the inbbc wants it to. Sheeple may just morph into people once again and stop swallowing the bullshit being fed to them by the federalists of the undemocratic EU.
What does “inbbc” refer to?
Islam, not the british broadcasting corporation.
To be fair to the BBC, that’s pretty much their main talking point gone in a flash.
It’ll be a trauma for them.
They’ve spent years ranting about ‘Little Englanders’ and now it turns out those pesky Huns have started whining about freedom, the rule of law and all that crazy right wing stuff too.
Just wait until some tells them about this:
They’ll just start referring to it as the “German Golden Dawn” or some such. It’s the easiest thing in the world for the BBC to start lumping a German group in with whatever old fascist movement they can think of. All of which are, of course, Right-Wing, according to the BBC Style Guide. If anyone at BBC News is even slightly intelligent, they’ll figure out how to use this to promote the “Dangerous Far Right movements” Narrative.
This represents everything the Beeboids fear, and tell you to dread: economic problems leading to the rise of far-Right fascism in Europe. The story practically writes itself.
The favored “edgy” comedians have no problem bashing Germans for a laugh, so it’ll be an easy sell to the audience.
Since when did anyone in the UK give two figs about Johnny Foreigner? There is no interest in what other countries do or don’t do in their parliaments, and it has always been the same. Who is PM in Belgium? Would anyone outside anoraks know or care?
Just because some party fits onto your bias radar hardly makes it news that needs to be followed. When there are some elections and the support is quantified, there is likely to be some interest.
In the same manner, do you think anyone in Germany cares a jot about Nigel and his nuts? Only if they win seats at Westminster, which is as likely as David Vance being elected anywhere for anything.
Funny how the BBC gives us so much coverage of the US. Do the Beeboids just like being there? Do they tell us all the ins and outs of American issues such as gun control even though we ‘are not interested in Jonny Foreigner’?
The answer of course is that the BBC brings us the foreign news it wants us to hear.
Gosh, I know an awful lot about the ‘dangerous right’ in Greece. Thank you, Paul Mason.
Hey, colditz, you might want to tell that to the BBC. They’re the ones engaging in relentless expansionism across the globe at your expense. Here’s just one tiny example about what they’re up to in my country, which is what AsISeeIt is talking about. They view themselves as a global media organization, not the Little Britainer one you seem to want (oh, the irony). Do you honestly not know about this?
I’d love for the BBC to get the hell out of my country and stop trying to “spread influence” here, and for them to stop spreading poison in your country about me and my fellow countrymen. If you want to start a campaign to reign the BBC in, you’ll have my support.
Belgium had 4 PMs in the last 5 years, and that includes 541 days when they had no PM and no ruling party. Anyway, why would we care??
We do care when Jonny Foreigner comes here to rape our children or steal our welfare or take our island, otherwise we believe live and let live. But of course Bliar wanted to tell other people like the Serbians, Afghans and Iranians how to run their countries and declared war on all of the above. Us Tories are nothing like that.
“Call to War: German-Language Video Promotes ‘Jihad’ in Syria.”
We should also remember how the BBC did rush to report not one, but two different non-conservative faux-movements in the US. The Coffee Party, which was founded by an ex-NY Times darling, and the phony “No Labels” group, which was a classic astro-turf movement started by Leftoids and Republican establishment types who hated the Tea Party. Both groups received immediate attention and praise from the BBC.
The BBC’s Brussels sponsors will be up in arms about this new German party. From Bob Spink’s Early Day Motion –
“That this House notes that soft loans and payments amounting to 258 million euros over the last five years were paid by the EU to the BBC………therefore calls on the Government to establish an independent inquiry into EU funding of the BBC and its impact on the BBC’s objectivity on European matters……”
I find it quite amusing that the Left and the BBC especially parade their historical ignorance at ever account. The term “Little Englander” was a term of abuse invented by what the BBC would call a ‘Daily Mail’ tendency in the late Victorian period. It was an insult slung at those who objected to British Imperialism and the foreign entanglements of treaties (e.g. the Entante Cordiale)
i.e. exactly the opposite of its imputed current meaning. For clarity the Little Englanders were despised by the right wing for being too left wing.
As the majority of the BBC and the leftists have no conception of history and wouldn’t be able to tell you who Lord Palmerston or Lord Salisbury or the Duke of Wellington were I am sure that this is of no consequence to their self validating mind set.
I just wish they weren’t such arrogant ignorant bastards.
Oh, by the way I contend that the Entant Cordiale and the Treaty of London (designed to protect Belgium from the French and not the Germans) were fundamental foreign policy mistakes which led directly to
a) WW1 and the deaths of 90,000 British and Empire Troops
b) The bankruptcy of the British Empire and the rise of Communism in Eastern Europe
c) The transfer of economic an political power to the USA
d) the power vacuum in Europe led to the rise of fascism, nazism and the lack of influence on Russia (Total eventual deaths 200,000,000 ?)
e) World War 2 and the collapse of Britain into third power status and its terminal economic decline egged on by socialism and Keynesian economics
f) The rise of the EU
g)The current miserable state that we are in
One minor correction, the figure for dead Empire and Commonwealth troops in WW1 was over 900,000. You missed a 0.