Frack Off Back To Where You Came From Johnny Foreigner


Richard Black ?@enviroblack
@LeoHickman The rules of the #climate battle are currently being set by the sceptics/deniers – progressives have yet to learn from them



Roger Harrabin will get a rap over the knuckles from the BBC’s PC police for this one:

roger harrabin@RHarrabin

It seems that Johnny Foreigner owns much of UK fracking rights. Quelle surprise. …



It seems OK to open the borders for any old ‘Johnny Foreigner’ as long as they don’t Frack….a bit o’ terrorism,  that’s OK…British democracy has obviously failed you.  A bit of crime, that’s OK.  A bit of trafficking of women for sex…we’ll look the other way.  Undercut the natives on the job market…good for growth.  A million pound council house for your 10 kids, who might not even be yours….that’s your human right.  You want to drill for gas?  You’ve got to be kidding….Just who do you think you are coming here with your foreign money and fancy ways?

Good old BBC…sticking up for the underdog and culturally oppressed.



I was looking at the Twitteratti to see how news of the recent release of the last tranche of Climategate emails was going down…..apparently the BBC has yet to catch up with that one.


WUWT has an initial taster:

Remember that non-existent Medieval Warm period (as well as no more snow)?  It seems that even in 2001 they were rather more aware of its existence and significance than they admit, and not ‘local’ as Black et al argued but global:

This from an email from Dr. Edward R. Cook to Mann & Co:

>there are unresolved (I think) inconsistencies in the low-frequency aspects
>of the hockey stick series compared to other results.
Jan then
>averaged the 2 RCS chronologies together to produce a single chronology
>extending back to AD 800. It has a very well defined Medieval Warm Period –
>Little Ice Age – 20th Century Warming pattern, punctuated by strong decadal
>fluctuations of inferred cold that correspond well with known histories of
>neo-glacial advance in some parts of the NH.
It also
>revealed somewhat more intense cooling in the Little Ice Age that is more
>consistent with what the borehole temperatures indicate back to AD 1600.
>This result also bolsters the argument for a reasonably large-scale
>Medieval Warm Period that may not be as warm as the late 20th century, but
>is of much(?) greater significance than that produced previously.

So, at this stage I would argue that the Medieval Warm Period was probably
>a global extra-tropical event, at the very least, with warmth that was
>persistent and probably comparable to much of what we have experienced in
>the 20th century. However, I would not claim (and nor would Jan) that it
>exceeded the warmth of the late 20th century. We simply do not have the
>precision or the proxy replication to say that yet. This being said, I do
>find the dismissal of the Medieval Warm Period as a meaningful global event
>to be grossly premature and probably wrong.




Black is no longer a member of the BBC enviromafia but he’s still worth a look as he amply demonstrates the BBC mindset and we can learn a lot about his approach whilst at the BBC to reporting and what he might have taught his new Adepts at the College of Churnalism:

Had to laugh at this one as he pointed fingers at other journos….

Richard Black ?@enviroblack
@markpmcc Leveson… ‘a cultural tendency…to practice journalism which on occasion is deliberately, recklessly or negligently inaccurate’


And this where he blames Thatcher for the Crash….in the article referenced neither Thatcher nor the Tories are so blamed:

Richard Black ?@enviroblack
Britain: a nation in decay  @guardian – Thatcherism scrapped strategic planning, and no govt since has put it back

In the year 2000 the economy was back in the black with no debts as Gordon Brown followed Tory economic policy handed to him in 1997….a legacy he then went out and spent, many times over.



Oh and this astonishing claim:

Richard Black ?@enviroblack  Thatcher as research chemist invented CO2… released into ‘wild’…..Gone rogue…world doomed #ThatcherKilledPlanetEarth!



Might just have made that last one up.





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19 Responses to Frack Off Back To Where You Came From Johnny Foreigner

  1. Old Goat says:

    Climategate 3 a’comin’ at yer…


    • johnnythefish says:

      This would be something to celebrate were it not for the fact Climategate1 e-mails, despite their damning evidence, have done nothing to slow the AGW juggernaut or open the eyes of any of our political leaders. As an example of what the UEA/CRU got away with last time, read this (and compare and contrast with Leveson):

      ‘More news on Acton’s supposed “investigation” of the deletion of emails. New documents show that Acton did not even meet with Briffa or Jones in his supposed “investigation” of the deletion of emails. Acton sent Briffa a letter asking him whether he had “knowingly” deleted emails subject to FOI. Briffa wrote back that he hadn’t. That appears to be the entire extent of Acton’s “investigation”…….

      Acton waxed lyrical about the written statements he had received from Jones and Briffa confirming that they had not deleted emails subject to FOI. These statements, he assured the Tribunal, had been signed in good old-fashioned blue ink. Unfortunately, he went on to explain, they had subsequently been lost’.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    So the formerly impartial Black admits to being a Progressive, and that the entire Warmist movement is a Progressive one. What a shock.


    • johnnythefish says:

      No agenda there, then – not even with the numbers ‘two’ and ‘one’ in it.

      Black might like to explain what ‘progressive’ has got to dow with science. But then again, he’s so thick a blank look would probably be his best offer.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘To dow’ = Yorkshire for ‘to do’.


        • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

          To dow wi’t science surely?
          Pedants corner or dunces corner? Sorry sir!,


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Black has already revealed his anti-democratic desires about this. The true goal of Black and his fellow Progressives is there for all to see.


        • johnnythefish says:

          Indeed ‘in a nutshell’ – ‘….does the way humanity governs itself need a series of tweaks or a complete overhaul, in order to meet the broadest ambitions of improving the lot of the planet’s poorest, safeguarding nature and making the global economy more sustainable?’

          – is Agenda 21. Nothing to do with science, but everything to do with ‘progressive’ i.e. Eco-Marxist, global politics.


        • Aerfen says:

          ‘anti democratic desires’

          Then please do not honour them with the self ascribed description ‘progressives’, it ha sfar too euphemistic a ring to it!

          Globalists is the most useful term, and allows for the reality that while some are Marxists, many are right wing free marketeers too, while others are economic moderates, but all share the goal of diminishing the influence of nation states, destroying national borders, and moving towards supra national governance.


          • tckev says:

            Communists with Nazi leanings is surely a more accurate description. They do not want a free market, they want a controlled cabal of manufacturer/suppliers/employers, just as the National Socialist of Hitler’s Germany. Only they want it globally.
            True free markets negate such controls that the EU/UN want as per their Agenda 21 requirements.


          • johnnythefish says:

            ‘…all share the goal of diminishing the influence of nation states, destroying national borders, and moving towards supra national governance’.

            But not all of those you describe would aspire to the world governance advocated by the AGW movement. For a very simple illustration of what they/Agenda 21 is about, see the diagram at the beginning of this article:



          • David Preiser (USA) says:

            If you think Progressives would be any more democratic in the end, if they were put in charge, I’ve got a nice bridge to sell you. It’s a bargain, hardly used, only a few little old ladies driving across it on Sundays….


  3. Richard Pinder says:

    “The rules of the climate battle are currently being set by the sceptics/deniers – progressives have yet to learn from them”

    Sounds like a moronic statement from someone with low intelligence, but I have attempted to answer this statement as best as is possible for BBC employees to understand.

    (1) The scientific method is used as “The rules of the climate battle”
    (2) The scientific debate is “currently being set by those sceptical of man made warming and deniers of the assumptions”
    (3) Progressives could make progress in learning from reading and understanding the Unified Theory of Climate.


  4. john in cheshire says:

    Progressive = marxist.
    We need to sideline all the communists in our midst, for until we do they will continue with their hate-filled destruction.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Agreed, they’d love all the lights to go out as they will control how much lamp oil you get allowed, just like the minimum alco-unit price is designed to do.
      The Champagne socialists wont worry if their chateau lafite goes up 5 p a bottle, just lets keep the plebs under control, show them where the power lies.


  5. london calling says:

    We are all lost as long as that Tory PR spiv Cameron continues to dance to the Labour tune, forever trying to “detoxify the Tory brand” without dawning on him that the “toxicity” is entirely Labour-driven, because they define themselves as “people who hate Tories”


    • TigerOC says:

      I see we have a new progressive Tory, Dr Sarah Woolston, Totnes, Devon who is quickly attaining saintly status with the media as a Tory “moderniser”.