The above is a link to Ray Cook’s blog which I left in a wrong thread. It deals with the Gaza tunnels and the BBC’s way of “reporting” the story, as well as touching on other things. Ray Cook is always an interesting read.
“We take all complaints of rape seriously and will be investigating the victim.” She could have lightened the tone just a tad there. That’s not going to go over very well in some circles.
“Muslim peer blames Jewish conspiracy for jailing him.”
Labour peer, Lord AHMED “claimed that his prison sentence for dangerous driving resulted from pressure placed on the courts by Jews ‘who own newspapers and TV channels.'”
One would think the man would keep a low profile having caused the death of another, but no, only his imagined Jewish conspiracy matters. Very typical of this type.
Yes, Radio 2 in the late morning had this on their ‘on the hour’ news, by 3 pm it had disappeared. Having it come and go so quickly allows Nicked Emeus, Colditz, Dez et al provide the evidence that the BBC didn’t ignore the story, but limiting the audience that would be aware of it.
the greasy chip shop baron strikes again …
suppose the “jooos” made this arrogant and ignorant individual keep texting, as well, before he killed someone?
and … wheres his 10, 00 muslims when he needs them eh!
it was only 13 days before he was sentenced, he ensured a Dutch politician was banned from the United Kingdom for disagreeing with his ideology
i mean What else would a good, moderate and pious Muslim committed to our core of democracy, free speech and other decent British values do in his position eh?
“Lord Ahmed’s lawyers persuaded the court that his community work would be ‘irreparably and permanently damaged’ if he remained in prison.’
yeah! right (shakes head)
but! but! … its the jews i tell you
laughably … his maiden speech to the Lords was on prison conditions/reform/rehabilitation and for MUSLIM prisoners. no not black, white, Jewish, Christian, or Hindu, gay or straight.
i ll stand to be corrected, but wasn t Lord’ Nazir Ahmed’s 12 week jail sentence for killing a man, automatically reduced to 6 weeks, reduced to 20 days, reduced to 16 and a suspended sentence on appeal anyway?
did the jews do that?
maybe he couldn t find his 10 00 men, but most certainly his “supporters”, claiming he got over 25,000 messages of support ahem, ‘from all communities’ ? over his conviction
maybe an immediate bbc 5live “your call” about inherrent muslim antisemitism, is on the cards, or a slot on the bbc1 s “big questions” with panto feverishly writing the script ……
no i didn t think so either
Having worked in saudi arabia and seen their abnormal rationality at first hand, I can say that they don’t accept that anything bad that happens to a non-muslim is ever the fault of a muslim. The first reaction is ‘if you weren’t in our country then this wouldn’t have happened, so therefore it’s your fault, not mine’. And this is why I vehemently advocate this form of reaction to miscreant muslims in our country; if they weren’t here, their misdeeds wouldn’t have occurred. Use their own deviant reasoning against them.
Can you imagine the quality of life we all would be enjoying if there had been no immigration since 1945. The schools, hospitals, housing, the roads, law and order, drugs. All taboo to talk about but bloody true.
We would have had to make sure that you only got benefits if you had ‘paid into ‘ the scheme or were genuinely unable to work . Or else we would still have a lot of scrounging Brits sitting on the backsides and taking tax payers hard earned money.
Otherwise totally agree.
The fact that the man said it while in Pakistan in Urdu speaks volumes. Obviously that kind of talk plays to an audience which is probably quite enthused about it, he almost certainly did not expect it to be heard in the UK. I wonder if we will be hearing a weak apology and then him being allowed back into the party again.
Not only did the Joos intimidate the court but also the Labour Party. Pity the all-powerful Joos couldn’t intimidate the government to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
Just as bad. Livingstone should have been expelled from the Labour Party immediately and prosecuted under the various race-relations laws. Failure to prosecute him showed that the laws were intended to protect the sensibilities of some minorities only.
Indeed. If the US can elect a black man as President – twice – and still be considered by the BBC to be a largely racist country, then why should Labour get a free pass simply because they have a genetically Jewish leader?
Because it’s not whether someone is Jewish or not, it’s whether they are socialist or not. All socialists are the enemy whether Jewish, Christian or Atheist. Are there any muslim or sikh or buddhist or hindu socialists? I don’t know. But if there are, they are also the enemy.
“Nazi Ahmed, Baron Ahmed was appointed to the Lords by Tony Blair in 1998. Along with Lord Waheed Alli and Baroness Pola Uddin, one of the three first Muslim peers in the United Kingdom” (Wiki)
It was Tony wot dun it, who scarpered, but left us with this Labour “Baron” douche-bag hanging around Britons neck to attack free speech and threaten us with Muslim violence, killing a stranded motorist on a motorway. He had received a text shortly before, but not sent one at the moment of the crash. He may have been composing a reply, but impossible to prove. Ahmed is a good example of diversity forced down the British throat, devoid of any merit other than joined the Labour Party at eighteen, climbed the greasy pole, and its been down hill all the way – for us – ever since.
“Baroness Uddin, Labour politician and community activist, was investigated as part of the parliamentary expenses scandal, She has been asked to repay over £120,000, and is currently barred from entering the House of Lords”
No she’s back. And her fellow muslims payed it all back for her. So she will be back to clock in at 9.30. to claim her £300 and back out at 9.45. as she was doing previously.
You forgot Sacranie, the one who said it’s ok to kill Jew’s by suicide bombing. This is what you get when you lower the bar as low as it can get to make pc appointments.
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Coming up on #newsnight – last-minute changes to the government’s so-called Bedroom Tax – and @NYTimeskrugman on austerity
Would that be Paul Krugman? haha. The Austrian school of economics is where we should be looking for guidance but the retards in charge don’t acknowledge the existence of such ideas let alone consider them as possibly the non insane way to go.
But St. Paul of Princeton won a Nobel for writing all those anti-Bush screeds in the NY Times his work on trade theory, so he’s not to be questioned about economics of any stripe.
There’s no way normally I’d be described as left thinking in any way, but even I can see how wrong this cut in benefit is. The worst part is the lying behind it, because if the government really wanted to tackle the housing issue then it wouldn’t have exempted the worst offenders – pensioners.
The continuing and inexcusable attack on this disabled has hardly been mentioned by Liebour or the media, probably because they come pretty low down in the hierarchy of isms.
All of this wouldn’t be quite so bad if there were smaller houses available for people to move to, if there were then it would be fair for the government to suggest that this was indeed a supplement to be paid for occupancy of a larger home than strictly necessary, but there aren’t , and therefore it’s pretty obvious it’s a thinly disguised cut in benefits.
The ‘smaller’ houses are those vacated by the single-mothers when they are moved into ‘larger’ houses as a result of gaining another child from another father.
Of course if the first father lived with his child and the mother then, a) ‘his’ house would become free and, b) having to look after his first child might disincline him from going for in for another soon.
But then, as we have taken over responsibility for the mother and child what is to stop him starting another single-mum on her career of house moves, (so filling up the empty house that his previous love interest has just vacated)?
Early news for the first of April
In a surprise move today the Business Minister Vince Cable has been handed responsibility for overseeing reform of the BBC.
Previously the Corporation was within the remit of the Department for Culture. However, an extensive review of BBC output has found the quantity and quality of British culture that is actually broadcast now falls so far below expected standards that it is generally agreed to be no longer sustainable for it to remain within the oversight of a department with the word Culture in its title.
Dr Cable has already floated the idea for the BBC to be split into two parts – a ‘Good BBC’ and a ‘Bad BBC’ – prior to a return to the private sector.
The ‘Good BBC’ will include all of the popular items such as wildlife programming and the Sky At Night. These may have some residual commercial value, providing they can be purged of climate change alarmism which has infected many areas of the BBC once popular with the public. Indeed Vince Cable has suggested the novel concept that former TV Licence Payers may choose to subscribe £145 per year for a future ‘Good BBC’ service.
All of the BBC’s unredeemable toxic assets such as East Enders, the Top of the Pops archives, the Today Programme, Newsnight and, of course, current BBC management, will be gathered together into a ‘Bad BBC’.
Provided that EU permission can be agreed these worthless ‘bad assets’ will be floated out into international waters and dumped.
Vince Cable has also tabled plans for the ring fencing of BBC ‘Casino Commentary’ so as to safely separate it from the day to day normal reporting of news which could then form a useful service to the public.
The reckless activities of BBC speculators such as Stephanie Flanders, Paul Mason, Robert Peston and Jeremy Bowen have attracted much criticism. Their failures have spilled over into news reporting leading to the loss of trust in the entire system. Some say, these unregulated individuals have merely feathered their own nests, avoided UK taxes and undermined this country’s reputation and its interests.
The BBC ‘Casino Speculators’ are those freewheeling, private on-the-side book deal and BBC travel and expenses focused operators; the self-dubbed: ‘Motor-mouths of the Universe’. Indeed their highly complex derivative product is understood by few outside of the Islington bubble and it is now generally agreed to be a real danger to the country’s future prosperity and well being.
Often suspected of underhand dealings with outside third parties, they certainly put themselves at odds with what the British public expect from their national broadcaster. Their socialism fuelled commentary has, in the opinion of many, never been of real benefit. Under the previous Labour Government they did all they could to encourage a boom in unproductive areas of the economy. Since the crash their bad habits have simply continued unabated as they call for more of the same. Many feel it is about time their activities were reined in; in spite of their repeated threats that were they more closely regulated they would simply up sticks and go to live in Cuba. Some say, their threats to leave the UK are hollow since, despite the crash they helped cause and indeed unlike the rest of us, they are still doing well enough here. Others suggest we would simply be better off without them.
“…The ‘Good BBC’ will include all of the popular items such as wildlife programming and the Sky At Night. These may have some residual commercial value, providing they can be purged of climate change alarmism which has infected many areas of the BBC once popular with the public…”
The sad fact is that it’s true. I just cannot enjoy anything the BBC Natural History Unit puts out these days – it’s all tainted with the foul stench of the BBC’s ‘CGAW Propaganda Board’. Of course, it’s not just natural history and science programming that suffers from this kind of climate messaging; like an insidious virus, it has spread into almost every facet of BBC output these days…
Not only did they lie throught their teeth about the CMEP meeting, they have shamelessly implemented – in overdrive mode – what they agreed in that meeting with their activist/environmentalist friends at Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth etc i.e. to convey the AGW message through every facet of every broadcasting department of the BBC.
The BBC just cannot help it. Yesterday the News Channel carried a report about British troops training in snowy Norway. It was all supposed to be about assisting the Norwegians in any future conflict to protect gas supplies. Yet the reporter couldn’t help adding ” with both Polar Icecaps melting due to climate change…… blah,blah,blah.”
More blatant lying propaganda from the Beeb – even though “the melting icecaps” meme has been exposed as a myth by recent ice surveys. The propaganda is incessant.
The QT audience wranglers should have known. Even if Rutland lied on her form, they should have a list of local campaign workers for all parties. Unless the rules allow known apparatchiks in? I’m sure that, as always, lessons will be learned and new compliance procedures put into place, etc., and staff will be required to sit through an hour-long “Safeguarding Trust” webinar.
More importantly, Twigg knew. If nothing else, the BBC should be tearing him a new one for making them look bad. If they’re not, then that’s all we need to know about the BBC’s position on the matter.
Is it really so crazy to wonder if a moderator could just gently instruct an audience member in the direction of more appropriate behavior for adults? I know the show prides itself in the Jerry Springer undertones with the cozy panel facade, as if that equates to populist debate, but this kind of thing simply wouldn’t happen if somebody had even the lightest grip on the audience when it mattered. Forget about politics for a minute, and it’s obvious just how the show has gotten out of hand. I mean, what, exactly, does the BBC think is accomplished by this kind of thing?
“The Question Time stooge: How Labour Party planted a diehard supporter in the BBC audience to attack UKIP panellist on debate show.
Labour activist Amy Rutland, 23, attacked UKIP candidate on Question Time.
Politics graduate called UKIP Eastleigh candidate Diane James ‘disgusting.’
Accusations she was ‘Labour Party plant’ deliberately given airtime by BBC.
BBC received dozens of complaints from viewers.”
I’d love to be a fly on the wall in BBC editors meetings over how they’re covering the story of the new Pope. It must be killing a few Beeboids to have to remain impartial in their reporting of things like this:
The new Pope is a theological conservative and those looking for a change in the Church’s stance on abortion, same-sex marriage, and contraception will be disappointed. He is staunchly orthodox on issues of sexual morality.
These qualities made him a strong contender for the papacy in 2005, when he was reportedly the chief rival to Joseph Ratzinger.
Pope Francis is also said to have warm relations with the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, receiving awards from Jewish organisations, which strengthen his interfaith credentials.
He is a keen evangelist, criticising what he has called “the spiritual sickness of a self-referential Church” – and calling for the Church to “get out into the street”.
At least the Beeboids did get their wish and it’s someone who represents Latin America, the largest contingent of Catholics. Although I think he’s one of those “white Hispanics”. Hope that’s good enough for you, BBC.
If they really want to play this game, then surely those made redundant will be using the least energy in the office. Why, the BBC should be championing the Tory budget cuts for leading to such a huge energy savings. Think of the planet first, BBC, not jobs for the boys.
Let’s see, they need someone to take clippings from the Guardian, someone to open the mail from UEA’s climate research unit, someone to ring up the SWP, Stephanie Flanders to sleep with Labour bigwigs, a nutter to control religious programming….er…
On Bedroom Tax & Benefits second piece down very interesting polling information which has never made it to the media, and generally supports my own point of view:
at the end of last year found 42% of people thought benefits were too generous, compared to 28% who thought they were about right and 18% not high enough. 59% thought that Britain had a culture of benefit dependency that needed radical change, as opposed to 29% who thought that welfare benefits were far from generous .
However look below the surface and it isn’t a blanket opposition to welfare – it is hostile towards welfare for particular groups, supportive of particular cuts. So the YouGov/Prospect poll found people were happy to see support for disabled people and for the elderly to rise (even if it meant higher taxes), the areas where they think welfare is too generous and should fall are those Daily Mail favourites “single parents” and the unemployed. People are more evenly divided over support for low-paid people in work, with marginally more people thinking support should be cut than think it should rise.
I have a disabled brother completely dependent on the state and he lives a far more lavish lifestyle than my son who earns a very modest wage and has to pay tax – including a villa holiday (with pool) every year, a UK holiday and a brand new car every three years. He also has to spend his money as quickly as he can so it doesn’t accumulate and disqualify him from benefits. The disabled are not as ‘vulnerable’ as the Labour mantras lead people to believe, and there is plenty of scope for cutting back. I have other examples too, if you like.
For those of you not living in Scotland feel blessed that you’re not subjected to the appallingly pro-SNP drivel spewed out on a daily basis… I ‘wonder’ who this jumped-up little pip-squeak of a reporter will be voting for in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum?
Just tuned in for some teatime BBC punishment and am gobsmacked by the smugness of Nick Robinson’s tone towards David Cameron’s pulling out of cross-party Leveson talks; whether the PM’s decision be right or wrong isn’t my point. My point be this: I wonder if Nick will also be reporting on the BBC’s refusal to implement an external inquiry into its disgusting harbouring, lies and opaque organizational culture during the Saville scandal? Pure double standards, but all too predictable from the Left.
The BBC are happy to feature victims or families of victims if they advocate gun or press control, but not if they support the death penalty or deport foreigners.
How the bBC rewrites facts in which to make White people guilty of racism. Germany’s n-word race debate Seven-year-old Timnit Mesghena is an avid reader. In the evenings, she and her father like to sit on the sofa in their flat in Berlin and read to each other. They present an easy picture of family happiness. One of their favourites is the classic children’s book, The Little Witch, an enchanting tale of a witch who flies and birds who talk. But one day they reached page 94, and a difficult word came up. It was neger, describing a black boy. It is true that it can mean “negro” in German, but it also means the utterly offensive “nigger”. When the book was written, the former may have been true – but now it is more like the latter.Timnit’s father, Mekonnen, had no doubts. He is black, originally from Eritrea, and found the word completely unacceptable….He also decided on a one-man campaign and wrote to the publisher. It sparked a national debate. One television presenter with the public broadcaster ARD blacked up, minstrel-style on screen, in protest at changing the text of classics…the preferred solution was to put a note of explanation in books which use the word neger, explaining how offensive it is today.In the end, the publisher did not think this did the trick. Thienemann Verlag announced that it would revise the book and review all its other works of children’s fiction to remove offensive terms and plot lines. It said it was the duty of the publishers of children’s books to make sure that classics could continue through the ages, but that this meant that particular terms which were once not thought to be discriminatory, but which had become so, should be deleted or replaced.
Reading the above article do you get the impression this man has undergone a Sisyphean task in which to rid the nasty Germans of their racist mindset. This is given further credence by this follow up against his daughter. Which is true. He does want to change society. He has become something of a campaigner against racism, starting with his own daughter as a helper. Timnit had two happy years in kindergarten but then started coming home and complaining that other children were calling her the n-word. Her father complained but was told that the children were getting the word from their parents.
Reading the above, do you get the impression that people called her a nigger because of her father?
Here is how the Guardian reported on this story 2 months ago: German row over whitewashing the n-word from children’s books A German man whose letter to a publishing house prompted it to expunge the racist sentiment from a classic children’s book has spoken of his relief that about the decision, despite the angry backlash and hate mail it has generated. Mekonnen Mesghena wrote to one of Germany’s oldest children’s publishers urging it to revise the text of Die Kleine Hexe (The Little Witch) after stumbling across a passage in which two children dress up as “neger”, which can be translated from German as both “nigger” and “negro”. “I am hugely relieved to have been told that all the words to do with the skin colour will be abolished,” he said…Mesghena, a naturalised German who emigrated to Germany from Eritrea at 14, is the head of the migration and diversity department at the Heinrich Böll Foundation. He initially wrote to the publishers in November, who offered to review the text and subsequently agreed to change it after consulting with the author, Otfried Preussler, who is 90. “I told them what it means for a black girl to be confronted with that chapter and how exclusionary it is,” Mesghena added.Thienemann’s director Klaus Willberg, said the decision was necessary to allow the publishing house to stay up to date with changes in language and politics.” He added: “We will now be trawling through all our classics.”
So instead of hitting a brickwall as the bBC tries to make out, actually the German Publishing house changed the text of the book straight away without question, Oh and about his daughter getting abuse for how he pressured the Germans to change their way, the Guardian writes a different version from what the bBC does: But Mesghena said the depiction of black people as something exotic contributed to the fact that his daughter was treated as something “other”. “In the playground from the age of two she has had to deal with being referred to as ‘negerkuss’ or negro kiss,” he said, referring to an old-fashioned name for a marshmallow sweet which is covered in chocolate. “When I complain to the teachers they say: ‘there’s nothing we can do – it’s what the parents teach them’,” he said.
There is nothing racist about this story, yes people have complained , but they are not having a go at the family rather they are having a go at the whole subject of Political correctness. Something the bBC is at the forefront of .
Can’t any of the Grauniad/ bBBC ‘journalists’ see the double-standards in their own racist writing? Mekonnen Mesghena said “I am hugely relieved to have been told that all the words to do with the skin colour will be abolished”.
“I told them what it means for a black girl to be confronted with that chapter and how exclusionary it is,” Mesghena added.
The BBC seems to have suddenly discovered Britain’s roads are covered not in tarmac, but with potholes, covered at length on Today and the lunchtime news not just here:
‘However, the backlog in repairs is growing longer, now estimated at £10.5bn, and 20% of local roads are classed as being in “poor condition”, which is defined as having five years or less life remaining…..
Based on responses from 75% of England and Wales councils, the survey reported the average English authority was £6.2m short of what it needed to properly maintain its roads, up from £5.3m in 2011.
The Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils across England and Wales, is warning that if councils’ funding is cut, many may find it impossible to keep on top of road repairs’.
But then, unlike the Today and news items, it says this:
‘Councillor Peter Box, chair of the LGA’s Economy and Transport Board, said: “Decades of underfunding by Whitehall, severe winters and recent widespread flooding has left large swathes of our roads in disrepair with many councils struggling to move beyond simply patching up a deteriorating network’.
So an impression, however slight, that this isn’t a recent phenomenon and totally the fault of the nastytorycutz, which the broadcast versions didn’t give. Nor is it the fault of the ‘recent widespread flooding’ as quoted above and as re-iterated on the BBC today (subtle ‘extreme weather event’ narrative), as the Department for Transport’s own report says:
‘ Successive severe winters (2008/09 worst for 20 years, 2009/10 worst for 30 years and 2010/11 the coldest December for 100 years) have had a devastating impact on the condition of the English local road network. After each of these winters there has been a vast increase in the number of potholes and wider road surface defects caused by the winter freeze/thaw conditions’.
Note: not rain, not floods – ‘severe winters’ and ‘freeze/thaw’ – you know, all that weather stuff global warming should have consigned to history.
And those of you with longer memories will recall this isn’t a recent phenomenon – though admittedly it has got worse since global warming really kicked in with its nasty freezing winters – there have been grumblings for many years now about the state of our roads and especially during the ‘boom’ years when roads seemed to drop off the bottom of the beneficiary list of Gordon’s ‘largesse’.
Funny, then, how the BBC have just woken up to this, especially when you consider a certain 13-year period of slumber.
That’s the same 13 year slumber which saw a zero ‘investment’ in much needed nuclear energy production capacity whilst current generating capacity deteriorated towards obsolescence.
The bBC and its Muslims can only be victims agenda. Pork DNA in halal sausages at Westminster primary school Pork DNA has been found in halal chicken sausages served in a primary school in Westminster, central London, the local authority said. The sausages were from St Mary’s Bryanston Square, a Church of England school, Westminster Council said.Tests on a sample from Burdett Coutts School revealed the presence of lamb and pork DNA in lean minced beef.
Yet another major bBC article voicing concerns about how Muslims can only be victims in the Uk. However there is a big difference between DNA and actual substitution of Meat. (DNA traces are usually down to machinery not being rigorously steam cleaned after use, which is why DNA and not actual meat is found)
Now compare the above Major Breaking story with this one from Last week which I bet virtually nobody heard about: Wrong meat in curries in Scotland is ‘widespread practice’ A leading bacteriologist has said he believes the practice of substituting lamb with beef is widespread in Indian restaurants and takeaways in Scotland.Professor Hugh Pennington was speaking after a report, published in the Sunday Mail, said low quality beef was passed off as lamb in one in three curries tested by the Food Standards Agency.Prof Pennington said he had been aware of the issue for years.He said it was potentially a bigger scandal than the use of horsemeat.
Seeing as Hindus don’t eat meat that would leave only one faith from the Indian community who would actually serve meat. But instead of saying Pakistani or Bangladeshi restaurants the bBC say..Indian thus hiding the fact that Muslims (who run the vast majority of Indian take-aways and such)are the guilty party. So on that note how many people caught sight of the above news article.
The bBC, who can only promote Islam as a victim in every story is pushes out
Far more scandalous, in my view, is halal meat being fed to non-Muslims whether they want it or not – quite, often I’m sure, without their knowledge. The school where that dinner lady was sacked,fed all pupils with halal meat, although it was a multi-faith school.
You don’t have to be an animal rights activist to want animals to be humanely slaughtered and I personally object to eating something that has had ‘allahu akbar’ recited over its last moments – simply on principle and also there is a Christian injunction on eating animals which have been sacrificed , which it comes very close to. Nobody should be made to eat kosher meat without their knowledge or for some institutional convenience either.
Okay, that’s more or less what I was getting at. Thanks. Jews say the same kind of prayer when they do ritual slaughter. Although technically, I think if you’re killing the animal to eat it, that doesn’t count as “sacrificed”.
From what I remember of a debate about this on Jeremy Vine a few years ago, the leftie hierarchy of causes dictated that the ‘cultural needs’ of a particular minority should trump any ‘rights’ conveyed on the animal by certain activist groups.
Several studies, including reports from the Farm Animal Welfare Council (1985, 2003,2009), have called for a ban on religious slaughter of animals in the food chain on the grounds that it involves an unacceptable level of suffering. This is based on welfare science, not an animal rights perspective. However, political authorities in the EU consider that respect for religious diversity (protected under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and under the Human Rights Act 1998) has a greater interest than animal suffering. To date a ban is out of the question, but I understand that some Islamic scholars have conceded that stunning prior to slaughter is acceptable. The politicians seem to have embraced the more traditional approach which rejects stunning. Consideration might be given to proposals to label food produced in this way in order to inform the public. In this way an informed decision could be made regarding preferences for halal, kosher or meat produced via welfare acceptable methods of slaughter. A critical question here is should human religious rights trump animal welfare and suffering?
Its not for ‘institutional convenience at all. For years Mohammedan children ate non Halal in schools, simply avoiding pork, just as Jewish children do.
The push for Halal has been economically not religiously motivated, ensuring that lucrative school contracts go to Mohammedan not ethnic British butchers. Its a robbery of the ethnic majority by a colonising minority.
Hindus do eat meat, especially in Rajastan and the Punjab. Vegetarianism is common, indeed restaurants have veg and non-veg options. Beef eating is incredibly rare amongst observant Hindus but for different reasons than why Muslims & Jews don’t eat pork. Muslims & Jews don’t eat pork because they view it as ‘unclean’, Hindus don’t eat beef because it is a sacred ‘animal’.
Only the hopeless Toady Show would consider a few minutes broadcasting time be worth the giving to a piece about…er….what we`re ALL talking about these days….yes…pet obesity!
Presumably the BBC were playing for time whilst they sniffed around the laundry bags of Buenos Aires in the hope on Islamophobia, anti-abortion, same sex contraception on demand…and of course the motherlode that is “child abuse”…so we`d have to settle for “pet obesity” by was of filling up the schedules.
Need I tell you where this will be going…people refused pets, no fostering or adoption of pets. court cases if your dog is chubby, and health warnings all over you Junior Kitten sachets?
Social workers for pets?…pet partnership agreements enforceable by Attenborough or Rolf…a glorious future awaits!
Can see the experts gathering around the clouds even as I write…Chrissie Hynde and Carla Lane already on the case…pet gyms are coming, I tellsya!
Thank you f***in BBC tossers….privately educated little shitsus all!
I have recently visited Crufts where lessons have been learnt about animal welfare; over feeding and under exercising dogs. There is a Dog Advisory Council which oversees breeding standards, and much is being done by various charities to improve canine welfare. Several years ago the BBC ran a programme called Pedigree Dogs Exposed. which made some valid points about genetic defects and close breeding. But the programme was distasteful, juxtaposing images of Nazi eugenics with photos of the Kennel Club building, and when they had the opportunity to question the Chair of the KC, they asked him whether he would contemplate sex with his daughter. The BBC then cancelled all coverage of Crufts – another national institution deleted. Last year the BBC re-made their Pedigree Dogs programme, and outlined their objective – a state funded pet welfare quango with statutory powers. Nanny state to provide the answers. Anyhow, Crufts was filmed by Channel 4, and exhibited much about animal welfare, responsible ownership and more. So thank you BBC, we really understand that your staff have issues with dogs, and the Haddith does indicate that angels will not enter premises where there is a dog. ‘At least 28% of South African schoolgirls are HIV positive compared with 4% of boys because “sugar daddies” are exploiting them..
“It is clear that it is not young boys who are sleeping with these girls. It is old men,” ‘ ‘..the Jimmy Savile and the Rochdale grooming scandals have also shown vulnerable witnesses have been let down..’
The “Rochdale grooming scandals” seems rather understating the situation: the site run by the unfortunately named ‘Kaffircrusader’ has mapped 60 separate cases to date at different localities.
Marsh was not only editor-in-chief of Today, but boss of the BBC College of Journalism as well. He and the BBC were proud to claim that Today has been setting the news agenda. So he knows all about influence.
So leaving to found a political lobbying group attempting to influence Labour going after BBC competition can be viewed as something of a lateral move for him.
Of course it’s silly for Hodges to cry foul if a lobbying group engages in lobbying and has some success, since that’s what they’re supposed to do. But this “We’re both influential and innocent of doing it, squire” is just so typical of the Beeboid mindset. Like I keep saying, it’s not so much the poor management structure or directives from on high: it’s the people who are the problem.
Little chance now of a nuclear war but every chance of a nuclear device planted by a home-grown jihadist in a city not far from you (or you, Marcus, you plank).
“THE BBC’s new multi-million pound TV news studio has been built to be ‘suicide bomber-proof’. Situated in the £1 billion New Broadcasting House, the studio, described as part of “one of the largest live newsrooms in the world”, has been located in a bunker under the main reception in central London….”
Back in the 90’s I think I heard that the government’s nuclear bunkers were to be made available to senior BBC staff and their families, as well as to politicians, civil servants, army brass etc.
I noticed that the news story about antibiotic resistance that was covered by many major outlets was accompanied in the evening by a special edition of Bang Goes The Theory which was also about antibiotic resistance.
Now, the BBC has always done coordinated campaigns, and I am also sure that this is a serious issue.
But I find it a bit sinister how this issue is being promoted in these different ways. Hints at things going on behind the scenes.
Radio 4 Front Row
A programme about music & theatre
Gustavo Dudamel, the young Venezuelan conductor of the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra, has become one of the most high-profile classical musicians in the world
And tonight we’ve asked him to take about his views on our God Ugo Shavezzzzzzzzzzzzz
Is there no end to the ways the bBC can incorporate this man into schedules?
Over-rated, floppy-haired luvvie. He’ll be pretty great one day if he can lose the excessive interpretive mannerisms. But right now his work usually annoys the hell out of me.
Wacism. You’re meant to like Yo-yo Ma too, even though his attempts to imitate Jacqueline du Pre’s style of playing fail every time. Aaaargh just said the east copies the west, wacism.
YoYo Ma got better with age, and plays more in tune and more cleanly than Jacqueline du Pré ever did. I realize that’s also a strike against him in some circles. Very different approach to dramatic mannerisms, although I guess there was a period when everyone’s Elgar was imitating inspired to some degree by her famous recording. but in the end she never got the chance to mature as a player.
How many of Ma’s recordings do I return to on purpose? Okay, fair point. But other than the Elgar, not really for du Pré, either. I admit I have rather eclectic taste.
He’s also a novelty act – the only way, it seems, that a classical musician can get an occasional mention on mainstream TV.
Other names that spring to mind: Nigel Kennedy, Evelyn Glennie, James Galway, and an apparently endless supply of crossover performers. Don’t get me started on that.
Try saying that most Chinese pianists are technically amazing but lack emotional depth and you’ll be accused of Waayyycism (I have been) listen to bang bang (Lang Lang) and marvel at how he keeps a following, but listen to Yundi Li and marvel at how a human can be so proficient in music. He’s reckoned to be one of the very few greatest pianists ever to have lived – exceptional.
I saw a report on Al Jazeera a couple of days ago. The report was about anti – immigration protests. Singaporeans are concerned that by 2030 immigrants will make up 50% of the population, given continued immigration and the higher birthrate of immigrants. Just checked the BBC Online News site for any report on this issue. Drew a big 0. I put into the search tab – Singapore Anti – immigration protest. It could be that my search phrase was wrong? But if not, how come our publicly financed BBC, which appears to have reporters like spawn of rabbits in places like Israel, does not have a single reporter reporting on racist anti – immigrant Singaporeans?
I watch Al Jazerra, and there are many occasions where I think; ‘not seen that news report anywhere else’. Usually from abroad, these items will normally show that other countries citizens are unhappy about similar issues to us, however we are given the perceptive that they are unique and only apply to us.
“Stitching up press freedom behind closed doors.
Labour and Hacked Off are now prepared to hold the political system to ransom and rewrite the UK constitution in order to tame the press.”
Of course the BBc wants an end to the freedom of the press. The whole liberal elite want it badly.
Next on the list will be the internet. Sites like this need to be under no illusion they are next.
Free speech is redundant now the liberal elites rule the media.
It seems that the group doing the negotiations also contains, Miliband, Harman, Clegg and Hughes. What a santimonious bunch of control freaks, no wonder there is no agreement. That group equates to the end of ‘freedom of the press’.
Christ! The BBC are promoting eating insects again! Radio Four! this time they have gone so far as to say we WILL be eating insects in the future – well only if we allow people to go on breeding like rabbits until we cannot feed ourselves on more palatable food.
Historically all societies have given up insect eating when they become richer.
This is becoming a regular feature now – only yesterday the Guardian had an article about it. Eat less meat and eat insects.
It’s eerily like Mark Blank-Settle’s tweet above about the Express and the EU. The EU gave marching orders, and the apparatchiks dutifully followed. I said it was a reflexive response, no need to actually give orders, and this is just more evidence. It comes naturally to the Beeboids. But since we know the EU actually is working on a sneaky propaganda machine, it’s hard not to be a little paranoid on this.
This story shows the complete disregard and lack of respect the BBC holds for the millions of Catholics world wide.
It’s not everyday a new Pope is elected, and considering the event, one would think that the BBC would make sure whoever is going to translate the words of the incoming Pope, they would be familiar with the English terminology and expressions likely to be used.
I don’t know yet who’s decision it was to use the Italian translator they did, but clearly he had no religious background, judging how he tried to translate the Lord’s Prayer. Was it the BBC’s Muslim head of religion idea of a dig at Christianity, or the decision of just some secular idiot that felt any religious background of this individual was not relevant or important?
I cannot imagine them doing the same if it was to translate a sermon or speech of an Islamic Imam, so why do they think this would be acceptable? What if the translator quoted the Imam as saying Jews and Christians were pigs and dogs???
Oh yeah….
Video of part of the translation is available on the webpage below.
Why do they need real-time translating for something that’s been printed in English for centuries already? Even I know the Lord’s Prayer. It’s not like the new Pope was free-styling his own version which needed a fresh new approach. Not a deliberate slight, but silly lazy thoughtlessness from the producers here, I think. I wonder if any of the Beeboids involved in the production even noticed at the time.
Has anyone pined for the “practicing Catholic” ex-DG to return and fix this yet?
What’s he complaining about? He doesn’t have to keep within the boundaries that affect the majority of the population.
Within the last week, a formal complaint has been made against one of my wife’s colleagues for saying that a tacky looking pen was probably made in some third world sweatshop.
Its another of the BBC’s mass hypnosis day for our children tomorrow. I mean of course red nose day.
My 11 year old daughter has decided, I mean hypnotised into believing that tying herself to her school friend all day tomorrow will somehow help the world. This from the BBC’s Helen Skelton:
I have suggested that such mass hypnosis was somehow reminiscent of the state propaganda that existed in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
This did not go down well. Nor did the idea that the money is simply going to other children who have better mobile phones than my daughter.
Bah. Humbug.
Reminds me of when one of Bob Crowe’s ‘membahs’ was sacked for playing squash when he was ‘on the sick’. Advised, apparently, by his doctor that exercise would help his recovery and was merely following his doctor’s advice. He could always have got this recuperative exercise by walking to work but there you go.
Reminds me too of a fireman chappie who was a regular at my fairly punchy keep-fit class for the entire year he was ‘on the sick’. He made an amazing recovery on the 366th day as he only got full pay for the first year. It’s a different fing world out there, that’s for sure.
Evan ‘Bolt Thru His Jimmy’ Davis on the Toady so-called ‘Show’ this a.m.
‘Buworrabou all these people who live in houses where the price has gone up a lot and they’ve done nothing to earn it, why shouldn’t they be made to pay for….’.
Suddenly it’s to be open season on anybody with equity in their houses.
Why do *I* never meet anyone with these hare-brained idiotic opinions? Where does Evan get them from? BBC canteen, Little Owen Shoutie tweets, Guardian, NUJ chapel meetings I suppose.
Evan, mate, get out more. And lose the ironmongery, it’s making you walk funny.
The BBC do seem to be trying to create the orthodoxy of becoming wealthy as being socially unacceptable and keep trying to make wealthy people into social pariahs, don’t they?
Strange that it never occurs to idiots like the fragrant Evan Davis if he truly earns his large, publicly funded remuneration.
The inbbc is having its own back for criticism over rutter the nuttet, they have imported her ilk again, only fivefold!
Its two fingers to you plebs, so bog off!
He will skip ahead to the bit that says it’s ok to have 3 in HIS marriage, s o you see the q’ran has something for everyone, just sweet FA for women or girls.
It’s a shame he doesn’t try improving his Welsh language instead, more suitable for a Prince of Wales!
What a stupid foolish idea, that he can learn enough arabic to understand the bloody q’ran? The whole idea is a joke.
Ask him how many Welsh novels he has read, and actually understood.
Defender of faith? God help us when he gets his feet under the throne.
Dear aerfen have you seen the analysis of Wales’ MP’s?
Let in labour has no significance here. I count myself as lucky to live in one of the marginals where a vote actually counts.
A heart warming tale from the BBC (not for those of a nervous disposition)…
This charming article tells us how Palestinians are being born “from sperm smuggled outside of Israeli prisons” (see Highly fanciful, but in reality just another opportunity to have a dig at Israel and remind us of how those brave Palestinians suffer and struggle, yet are still clever enough to outwit those brutal Nazi-Zionist-Colonist-Newspaper owners-Bankers.
I notice this little dig in the article Unlike some Israeli prisoners, Palestinians who are jailed for what Israel calls security offences are not allowed conjugal visits where they can be intimate with their partners.
The IPS could not say whether any Palestinians jailed for criminal offences had ever been granted such visits.
“Israeli prisoners get a lot of rights. They are allowed out of prison for homes visits. They are able to be with their wives,” says Palestinian Authority Minister of Prisons Issa Qaraqa.
Well I doubt any of the Israeli prisoners pose too much of a threat to murdering other prisoners or guards using something that could be smuggled in to them, unlike the Palestinians, which may have something to do with it.
There again, if the Palestinian wives were willing to undergo a complete body search, including intimate areas, it might give them a better chance of being offered such visits.
Of course, the BBC doesn’t offer that as a credible reason for the disparity.
I expect well paid broadcasters to get their facts right. If they don’t, I expect it to be for a good reason. One minute on Google, that’s all it would have taken.
Belfast was a light cruiser , battleships such as the Rodney or King George V class made the Belfast look like a 5 stone white school girl inside the BBC mosque.
One of the reasons I despise the BBC is the way it likes to hire smart arse Oxbridge English graduates who play with language.
Whilst you are quite right about the Nelson and KGV class battleships they had been scrapped or sunk by 1963 (the year HMS Belfast was decommissioned). IIRC, excepting air craft carriers, I think the ‘largest and most powerful’ class in the RN in 1963 was the light cruiser class.
I suppose it is debatable whether air craft carriers are more powerful than light cruisers – they are certainly larger.
It’s the ‘once’ bit. I am happy to be wrong in this because I am in no way an expert on Royal Navy ships but, apart from a couple of aircraft carriers (which were surely larger) I can’t find any other larger (beam, length and displacement) ships at that time.
Battleships became obsolete on the 7th December 1941 . They were replaced by Aircraft Carriers. In 1963 The UKs most powerful warship (Or boat as the bBC calls them) was HMS Ark Royal. She was equipped with Blackburn Buccaneers. A plane that nobody (even now) could stop at low level flying. During Red Flag in the US, (USAF top gun) the Yanks either loved it or hated it. No middle ground. The best strike aircraft the UK has ever had and it gave the UK carrier fleet a bloody good punch, which nobody else had.
In the case of aircraft carriers there’s a pedantic argument which places the power in the hands of the aircraft and not the ship that carries them. Otherwise an airbase is as powerful as a tank transporter etc.
Sorry but I’m in that kind of a mood! I’m off to bed (late shift) before I get any worse 😉
My Brother in law flew them after , they were transferred to the RAF , then they were replaced by , the maritime version of the Tornado. In the 80s ,they used to visit the Falklands on a regular basis , ready to give the Argies a bloody nose if needed ,I was also a RAF radar tech / operator , who , could see what was going on on the Argie mainland & airspace , with our High tech equipment , thanks to Maggie , Marconi , Ferranti & Plessey , ( lots of Italian , sounding names, I know, all of , Italian decent , from many years ago! )
At 613 ft and 13,175 tonnes fully loaded the Belfast was never one of the largest ships in the RN. It is certainly a long warship but beaten in length by the Iron Duke, Queen Elizabeth, Revenge, KG5 and Vanguard Class battleships and also by 7 Battlecruisers. The longest warship the Royal Navy has ever possessed (at least until the new aircraft carriers are commissioned) was the Mighty Hood at 860 ft long. At 48,650 tonnes fully loaded this dwarfed the Belfast. The heaviest non-aircraft carrier (Eagle and Ark Royal were roughly 53,000 tonnes fully loaded) ship was the last great battleship we built, the Vanguard, ignominiously turned into razor blades by the Macmillan government. She was 51, 420 tonnes fully loaded.
As Pounce says the Belfast was only really a light cruiser with 12 6″ guns. A proper heavy cruiser like for example, the Prinz Eugen was five thousand tonnes heavier and possessed larger 8″ guns. Which leads us to what constitutes powerful as it’s quite hard to define. Do the 10 14″ guns of the KG5 make it more powerful than the 8 15″ guns of the Queen Elizabeth class? I’d say that the nine 16″ guns affixed forward on the interwar battleships Nelson and Rodney makes them the most powerful battleships in terms of armament. (The Victoria class turret ships actually had 2 16.3″ guns for pedants out there and I think one sub had a 18″ gun). They were the only RN battleships to carry 16″ guns, the rest carried either 15″ guns or 14″ guns. If you were to take the whole package of armament, armour, speed etc then the most powerful non-aircraft carrier warship was probably the enlarged KG5 Vanguard class as it ironed out many of the faults of it’s predecessors. It possessed 8 15″, 16 5.25″ and 73 40 mm guns. In comparison to the RN the longest non-aircraft carrier was the Iowa class at 887ft while the Yamato was the heaviest (69,990 fully loaded) and had the longest guns, 9 18.1″. If you’re wondering how I know all this, I read my book of battleships when I’m on the shithouse.
This was on the Today programme this morning, where the researchers traveled to that well known multicultural town – Stockton on Tees !
Why would a report need to come from there? It’s a town in the back end of nowhere, but it does have one important thing, hardly any ethinc population.
It’s obvious why the bBC chose this town to broadcast the report from, because they know no one is going to mention the problems which arise from large ethnic families, and the results of Liebours mass immigration policy.
(as an aside has anyone ever heard a leftie saying mass immigration is a positive thing, because I’ve never heard anyone trying to defend it)
They don’t need to defend it they just pump out the lie that wicked capitalists wanted it to keep labour costs down, as though that justifies the fact that the Leftoids did their unspoken bidding for them. It was done solely for gerrymandering the UK population, a not-so-long game which they will win. Unfortunately for us!
Labour have been scoring on bribes from cheap labour employers as well asthe ethnic vote. Why else would they have (1) made India independent, then (2) imported Indians to the Manchester cotton mill district straight afterwards?
The Tories are daft, only going for the cheap labour bungs. But they still shut us up using the same word as Labour – “racist!”
(Post-war, the Lancashire mill owners’ cheap labour women workers had been replaced by men coming back from the front – and they simply couldn’t compete with the cheap labour mills in India.)
Funny you should say that. I was asking my left leaning girlfriend this morning what the benefits of immigration were and should couldn’t think of any. She still didn’t think it was right to limit immigration though, even though she admitted it caused problems in terms of strain on public services. Trouble is she can’t think logically, her feelings based purely on emotion. Typical lefty trait.
Immigration has the same temporary benefits that motivated the slave trade, cheap Labour.
But the benefits are temporary, for instance, after the indigenous Arawak population of Jamaica was decimated, this meant that from the middle of the 16th century to the 1670’s, Jamaica had a white European majority population.
This means that if Black slavery had been banned from the start, then Jamaica today would be as hideously white as you could imagine. In fact a hideously white paradise, that would repel the lefties. So you can see that slavery was a bad thing in every sense.
A hypothesis worthy of Dr Craig himself!
Note too, those digs at the Tories for stopping that wonderful School Building Fund that Balls and Brown left us with.
Delightful atriums in which to take a picture of Chukka or Andy, and how the sunlight glistened on these knives as brandished by the gangsta community, as lovingly researched by Laurie Taylors monkeys.
Ah, but none of that book stuff, teaching or learning crap-it`s Red Nose Day, so as long as there`s a helipad for Miranda or Jo, then what`s your problem, posh boy?
This “head teacher”…really(by the sound of her, hardly a school worth sending a kid to!)…blamed the Government, and probably her local council for not being Labour enough I`d expect!
Justin sends his sprogs somewhere private, but just loved those northern accents…so Brassed Off, so Billy Elliot, so..well..the Full Montague, what what…jolly good!
W***ers all!
Cant wait to see the analysis of names: jocasta, tristan, trenton, fifi trixibelle. Better have larger amount of filing space for names beginning with M.
Don’t forget “Peaches”, Guilt-aid Bob’s inappropriate name for his waif-like daughter. Now why didn’t that tsunami money ever leave the UK….if he could raise money for Eritrean guns, then…
Interesting graph in the bBC article, shows that the rising numbers were predicted way back into the Liebore regime. If so why did Balls aim all the money at secondaries and not at primaries. So he borrowed putting us into debt spending money on the wrong type of school.
We have all noticed how often the most bland of left-wing slogans to emanate from the QT panel are inexplicably cheered to the rafters. Who let in the Labour glee club?
But how’s this for an odd moment…..
Last night on QT former employment lawyer and media friendly Labour hopeful Chuka Umunna must have won the toss backstage, because he is invited to open the batting by Dimbleby.
He ducks that first question and washes his hands of the issue.
And yet he still receives a ripple of appluase.
Now, the question was: ought Vicky Pryce and Chris Huhne have been sent to prison?
Chucka Umunna pleads some made up quasi-judicial status and reckons he’s not supposed to have an opinion on this. Such things are beneath him we conclude. He performs the full Pontius Pilot as if to say ‘I can see no wrong in this man – you judge’
Later we find the questioner – a woman in a red outfit (just saying) explains her position: Let them off jail and make them pay a big fine.
Well if Dimbleby sent a taxi round for me on a Thursday night – and assuming I had nothing important to do – I would have told QT that I would vote for the prison sentence AND the fine – so there!
But that opening ripple of appluase for the Labour man….. that still has me scratching my head. He said nothing, so did the crowd simply take an instant liking to the cut of jib?
Was that clapping led by his old mum, cheer leading in the audience? Was Mrs Umunna there to support her boy?
No, of course not, there was, once again, a hard core of Labour activists vetted and invited by the BBC in the crowd.
On the BBC news this morning I hear there is a surge in school age children putting a strain on the schooling system. No mention whatsoever about the cause of this surge. I wonder why?
I cant possibly imagine why?
Bad batch of condoms 4 years ago?
Supplies of the pill ran out?
Catholicism made a huge advance in congregation numbers 4 years back?
Country wide power cut meant everyone went to bed early in 2009 ?
Does anyone even ask the question?
Is there perhaps a huge grey animal in the room?
Notice the BBC has a small article on an ex-Labour MP assaulting police in the Commons pub for the second time in a year – lots of mention how sorry he was and was going to go for treatment for his problem etc. Not very much about how ‘Prescott’ it is to behave like that in Westminster or anywhere!
Can’t you just imagine the headlines this morning if that had been one of the Tory extreme right!
The incident of course pales into insignificance when compared to calling someone a pleb, even if it was a lie!
Irony didn’t die, it just ended up in a strait jacket.
“The government has backed moves to end a ban on people who have had serious mental health issues being MPs, company directors or serving on juries…..Nick Clegg said…’It’s ludicrous in this day and age that a person can’t contribute to public life if they’ve had issues with their mental health.'”
“MPs are to be awarded a special £25,000 fund to provide mental-health services in the House of Commons……a self-confessed Labour bruiser has talked about his battles with severe depression….”
250,000 extra school places required by 2014.£5 billion of taxpayers money spent on school places between 2010 and 2012. The reason is massive immigration into the U.K. especially London and the South East although the MSM is delibrately failing to
mention the reason.
School places under real strain, spending watchdog warns
BBC typically in denial that immigration is ENTIRELY to blame.
The rise in the birth rate is certainly not caused by ethnic British people, but totally by foreigners including ethnic foreigners born here!
There was a report on 5 live this evening with an analysis and an attempt to say that we only know about this from the 2011 census (which the coalition were allegedly trying to cancel). Immigration was only mentioned en passant stating that there were probably more young women in the cuntry.
Must admit with all the box ticking in the NHS someone would have realised the increase in children being born.
“Iain Duncan Smith attacks BBC over its coverage of welfare reforms.
“Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, has launched an astonishing attack on the BBC for repeatedly referring to one of his welfare reforms as a ‘bedroom tax’.”
Three ‘men’ have pleaded guilty to acts preparatory to terrorism after attending training camps in Pakistan. No mention at all that they are & were motivated by their Moslem faith.
I am puzzled. If ,as the BBC likes to say, they are British then they would appear to be guilty of treason. If they are not British then the crime is as stated. Which is it or is that too much for a liberal to get his or her’s head round.
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED! i tell you this morning
that the Fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood, don t like
women to have any status (shakes head) .. and are following islamic doctrine … where have they been eh!
They of course are dead set against the UN charter on womens rights, (and UN decl on Human Rights? 😀 )
So to speak loud n proud about it, trawl up, muslim women
network spokeswomen, who is just a plant, and starts off with ambiguous excuses and gets worse,
oh! and who wants to go to Egypt, and force the MB to follow … Sharia? :-D, (for fairness, obviously :-D),
yep! you couldn t make it up.
hilariously she is helped out , by the al beeb chimp, who
on reading the appalling Islamic dictates about women, chips in with, ah! … but its all about context, all about interpretation though isn t, its not that islam, its this islam
hmmm … i m going to Cairo, to get them to follow islamic principles … ;-D good luck with that
oh and don t go via Tahir Square luv
so bloody glad its only in Egypt aren t you
with burkhas, and sharia, repression, and all that.
The bBC, Horrible histories and why can’t they employ somebody who speaks ‘English’ Will Nato leave tank graveyards in Afghanistan? When the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from Afghanistan in 1989, it left “graveyards” of military hardware scattered across the country. As Nato plans the drawdown of its forces, many wonder whether there will be similar dumping grounds of Western military hardware in Afghanistan. Abdujalil Abdurasulov visited a graveyard of Soviet tanks in the outskirts of Kabul to see if it may be replaced by new remnants of the US-led war in Afghanistan.
The bBC’s Islamic reporter waxes lyrical about how NATO will leave a tank graveyard behind just like the soviets did when they left Afghanistan during the 1990s. Listen to him at 45 seconds at how NATO which supported the Taliban during its fight against the USSR are now like the Soviets on the losing end.
Err bBC, the Taliban didn’t fight the USSR, or even Russia. The Taliban was born after the Soviet Pullout. But to anybody who doesn’t know better the seed has been planted that we supported the Taliban.
Did we or the Americans lose any tanks during the war? Seriously, how many M1 or Challengers were lost? AFAIAA the US didn’t deploy more than 20 M1 tanks and we didn’t deploy any Challenger 2 tanks. It’s not really tank country.
Leopards? Nope. Perhaps the Danes or the Mongolians have lost a tank or two?
Warriors could be called light tanks, at a pinch, but we have only lost a couple of those – hardly a grave yard.
So how exactly many tanks form a ‘tank graveyard’?
Or do they mean AFVs or Land Rovers?
Or are they confusing ex-Soviet tanks with Western ones like they do when saying the West armed Iraq?
BBC-NUJ should openly state that it has a political (anti-Murdoch) hat in the ring.
While Nick Robinson speculates on PM Cameron’s political motives, Robinson does not make clear BBC-NUJ’s own political interest in increasing the media power of BBC-NUJ, and reducing that of e.g News International.
“Labour ‘the political wing of Hacked Off’:
Hugh Grant ‘contacted senior party figures to urge them not to accept Cameron’s Press regulation compromise.’
Campaign group involved in amendments tabled to Bills in House of Lords.
Actor Hugh Grant says ‘no one will give up on this.’
Sources claim group warned Labour it would attack them if they backed PM.”
tomoMar 3, 14:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Human DNA is apparently ca. 25% banana – some people seem to have more than that.
Fedup2Mar 3, 14:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Have they blamed Trump / JD / Elon yet … The suspect is described as XXXXXX originally from XXXXXX Definitely…
JeffMar 3, 14:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Uh-oh, just when you thought it might be safe to walk the pavements, another car has gone on the rampage…
wwfcMar 3, 14:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
NW NinepenceMar 3, 13:47 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Friday Whitehouse meeting with a ‘washed up’ Zalenski was certainly an eye-opener. As 1066 poem goes… they all started…
FlotsamMar 3, 13:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 David Starkey, spot on as usual. He touched upon an issue I voiced during the Brexit campaign with our European…
wwfcMar 3, 13:43 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 [img][/img]
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 3, 13:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Lucy. Does that mean we can all now get acting jobs on tv adverts.
The above is a link to Ray Cook’s blog which I left in a wrong thread. It deals with the Gaza tunnels and the BBC’s way of “reporting” the story, as well as touching on other things. Ray Cook is always an interesting read.
Newsbeat kids info: focussing on false tape claims to discourage reporting of groomers?
For tape read rape! Sorry
“We take all complaints of rape seriously and will be investigating the victim.” She could have lightened the tone just a tad there. That’s not going to go over very well in some circles.
Isn’t newsbeat supposed to be aimed at kids under 16? Nice of the bBBC to encourage them to think about rape.
Is INBBC giving any prominence to this?
(‘Times’ front page £):-
“Muslim peer blames Jewish conspiracy for jailing him.”
Labour peer, Lord AHMED “claimed that his prison sentence for dangerous driving resulted from pressure placed on the courts by Jews ‘who own newspapers and TV channels.'”
This was on the front news page earlier today, but has now gone into hiding.
One would think the man would keep a low profile having caused the death of another, but no, only his imagined Jewish conspiracy matters. Very typical of this type.
Good thing he didn’t call a policeman a “pleb”, right? Then the BBC might have been making more of an effort.
It’s unsurprising that entities such as he, never consider that this news is worth his time as a member of the ruling elite of a Christian country :
But then he’d probably be in the vanguard of the hate-filled thugs that perpetrate such atrocities against Christians.
Yes, Radio 2 in the late morning had this on their ‘on the hour’ news, by 3 pm it had disappeared. Having it come and go so quickly allows Nicked Emeus, Colditz, Dez et al provide the evidence that the BBC didn’t ignore the story, but limiting the audience that would be aware of it.
the greasy chip shop baron strikes again …
suppose the “jooos” made this arrogant and ignorant individual keep texting, as well, before he killed someone?
and … wheres his 10, 00 muslims when he needs them eh!
it was only 13 days before he was sentenced, he ensured a Dutch politician was banned from the United Kingdom for disagreeing with his ideology
i mean What else would a good, moderate and pious Muslim committed to our core of democracy, free speech and other decent British values do in his position eh?
“Lord Ahmed’s lawyers persuaded the court that his community work would be ‘irreparably and permanently damaged’ if he remained in prison.’
yeah! right (shakes head)
but! but! … its the jews i tell you
laughably … his maiden speech to the Lords was on prison conditions/reform/rehabilitation and for MUSLIM prisoners. no not black, white, Jewish, Christian, or Hindu, gay or straight.
i ll stand to be corrected, but wasn t Lord’ Nazir Ahmed’s 12 week jail sentence for killing a man, automatically reduced to 6 weeks, reduced to 20 days, reduced to 16 and a suspended sentence on appeal anyway?
did the jews do that?
maybe he couldn t find his 10 00 men, but most certainly his “supporters”, claiming he got over 25,000 messages of support ahem, ‘from all communities’ ? over his conviction
maybe an immediate bbc 5live “your call” about inherrent muslim antisemitism, is on the cards, or a slot on the bbc1 s “big questions” with panto feverishly writing the script ……
no i didn t think so either
It’s a shame we couldn’t have honoured his culture by sentencing him according to Sharia Law. I’m sure he would have appreciated that.
Having worked in saudi arabia and seen their abnormal rationality at first hand, I can say that they don’t accept that anything bad that happens to a non-muslim is ever the fault of a muslim. The first reaction is ‘if you weren’t in our country then this wouldn’t have happened, so therefore it’s your fault, not mine’. And this is why I vehemently advocate this form of reaction to miscreant muslims in our country; if they weren’t here, their misdeeds wouldn’t have occurred. Use their own deviant reasoning against them.
Can you imagine the quality of life we all would be enjoying if there had been no immigration since 1945. The schools, hospitals, housing, the roads, law and order, drugs. All taboo to talk about but bloody true.
We would have had to make sure that you only got benefits if you had ‘paid into ‘ the scheme or were genuinely unable to work . Or else we would still have a lot of scrounging Brits sitting on the backsides and taking tax payers hard earned money.
Otherwise totally agree.
The fact that the man said it while in Pakistan in Urdu speaks volumes. Obviously that kind of talk plays to an audience which is probably quite enthused about it, he almost certainly did not expect it to be heard in the UK. I wonder if we will be hearing a weak apology and then him being allowed back into the party again.
yep! thats taqiya for you, one story over here, raging hateful f-ckwit in the pak, keep him over there
I wonder what else these people say in Urdu?
Does anyone find the wording of the title curious: “Labour peer Lord Ahmed suspended after ‘Jewish claims'”
Sounds a bit like “Israeli rocket” to me.
Not only did the Joos intimidate the court but also the Labour Party. Pity the all-powerful Joos couldn’t intimidate the government to move the embassy to Jerusalem.
Is there a substantial difference in value (not content) between what he said and what Ken Livingstone said while he was running for mayor?
Just as bad. Livingstone should have been expelled from the Labour Party immediately and prosecuted under the various race-relations laws. Failure to prosecute him showed that the laws were intended to protect the sensibilities of some minorities only.
“If Lord Ahmed is a pariah why doesn’t the Labour Party kick out more members for alleged anti-Semitism?”
Indeed. If the US can elect a black man as President – twice – and still be considered by the BBC to be a largely racist country, then why should Labour get a free pass simply because they have a genetically Jewish leader?
Because it’s not whether someone is Jewish or not, it’s whether they are socialist or not. All socialists are the enemy whether Jewish, Christian or Atheist. Are there any muslim or sikh or buddhist or hindu socialists? I don’t know. But if there are, they are also the enemy.
Oh, yeah, there are definitely Socialists in India. There’s even a prominent Communist Party. They control one of the northeastern states.
I wouldn’t know if Paul Mason is involved.
David, haha. Paul Mason is Big Brother.
Only to Laurie Penny.
Deport the odious bastard back to the shit hole he came from.
“Nazi Ahmed, Baron Ahmed was appointed to the Lords by Tony Blair in 1998. Along with Lord Waheed Alli and Baroness Pola Uddin, one of the three first Muslim peers in the United Kingdom” (Wiki)
It was Tony wot dun it, who scarpered, but left us with this Labour “Baron” douche-bag hanging around Britons neck to attack free speech and threaten us with Muslim violence, killing a stranded motorist on a motorway. He had received a text shortly before, but not sent one at the moment of the crash. He may have been composing a reply, but impossible to prove. Ahmed is a good example of diversity forced down the British throat, devoid of any merit other than joined the Labour Party at eighteen, climbed the greasy pole, and its been down hill all the way – for us – ever since.
Another thing to thank the perma-tanned one for.
“Baroness Uddin, Labour politician and community activist, was investigated as part of the parliamentary expenses scandal, She has been asked to repay over £120,000, and is currently barred from entering the House of Lords”
What a gruesome twosome.
While we’re at it:
oops, just another dodgy Labour-created peer but not a Muslim one
No she’s back. And her fellow muslims payed it all back for her. So she will be back to clock in at 9.30. to claim her £300 and back out at 9.45. as she was doing previously.
You forgot Sacranie, the one who said it’s ok to kill Jew’s by suicide bombing. This is what you get when you lower the bar as low as it can get to make pc appointments.
‘They won the battle on how the debate was framed in the media’
£9.96 bedroom tax demand for Inverness MS sufferer
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
Coming up on #newsnight – last-minute changes to the government’s so-called Bedroom Tax – and @NYTimeskrugman on austerity
Any chance of a non-Progressive economist appearing on Newsnight to talk about this?
Would that be Paul Krugman? haha. The Austrian school of economics is where we should be looking for guidance but the retards in charge don’t acknowledge the existence of such ideas let alone consider them as possibly the non insane way to go.
But St. Paul of Princeton won a Nobel for
writing all those anti-Bush screeds in the NY Timeshis work on trade theory, so he’s not to be questioned about economics of any stripe.There’s no way normally I’d be described as left thinking in any way, but even I can see how wrong this cut in benefit is. The worst part is the lying behind it, because if the government really wanted to tackle the housing issue then it wouldn’t have exempted the worst offenders – pensioners.
The continuing and inexcusable attack on this disabled has hardly been mentioned by Liebour or the media, probably because they come pretty low down in the hierarchy of isms.
All of this wouldn’t be quite so bad if there were smaller houses available for people to move to, if there were then it would be fair for the government to suggest that this was indeed a supplement to be paid for occupancy of a larger home than strictly necessary, but there aren’t , and therefore it’s pretty obvious it’s a thinly disguised cut in benefits.
The ‘smaller’ houses are those vacated by the single-mothers when they are moved into ‘larger’ houses as a result of gaining another child from another father.
Of course if the first father lived with his child and the mother then, a) ‘his’ house would become free and, b) having to look after his first child might disincline him from going for in for another soon.
But then, as we have taken over responsibility for the mother and child what is to stop him starting another single-mum on her career of house moves, (so filling up the empty house that his previous love interest has just vacated)?
Perhaps the Motability Scheme could be scaled back instead.
Come on if you’re going to use a link at least make sure the author wasn’t being ripped to pieces for inaccuracies and downright lies!
Which are….?
You only need to look at the last labour govt.To see why we need to curb the welfare budget . 4 million people arrived in our country in ten years.
The ‘bedroom tax’ is the new great lie of the Left and the BBC. How on earth can a small welfare cut be a tax?
At least someone is reporting that the bBBC has been pulled up on this wrong use of the word “tax”
Early news for the first of April
In a surprise move today the Business Minister Vince Cable has been handed responsibility for overseeing reform of the BBC.
Previously the Corporation was within the remit of the Department for Culture. However, an extensive review of BBC output has found the quantity and quality of British culture that is actually broadcast now falls so far below expected standards that it is generally agreed to be no longer sustainable for it to remain within the oversight of a department with the word Culture in its title.
Dr Cable has already floated the idea for the BBC to be split into two parts – a ‘Good BBC’ and a ‘Bad BBC’ – prior to a return to the private sector.
The ‘Good BBC’ will include all of the popular items such as wildlife programming and the Sky At Night. These may have some residual commercial value, providing they can be purged of climate change alarmism which has infected many areas of the BBC once popular with the public. Indeed Vince Cable has suggested the novel concept that former TV Licence Payers may choose to subscribe £145 per year for a future ‘Good BBC’ service.
All of the BBC’s unredeemable toxic assets such as East Enders, the Top of the Pops archives, the Today Programme, Newsnight and, of course, current BBC management, will be gathered together into a ‘Bad BBC’.
Provided that EU permission can be agreed these worthless ‘bad assets’ will be floated out into international waters and dumped.
Vince Cable has also tabled plans for the ring fencing of BBC ‘Casino Commentary’ so as to safely separate it from the day to day normal reporting of news which could then form a useful service to the public.
The reckless activities of BBC speculators such as Stephanie Flanders, Paul Mason, Robert Peston and Jeremy Bowen have attracted much criticism. Their failures have spilled over into news reporting leading to the loss of trust in the entire system. Some say, these unregulated individuals have merely feathered their own nests, avoided UK taxes and undermined this country’s reputation and its interests.
The BBC ‘Casino Speculators’ are those freewheeling, private on-the-side book deal and BBC travel and expenses focused operators; the self-dubbed: ‘Motor-mouths of the Universe’. Indeed their highly complex derivative product is understood by few outside of the Islington bubble and it is now generally agreed to be a real danger to the country’s future prosperity and well being.
Often suspected of underhand dealings with outside third parties, they certainly put themselves at odds with what the British public expect from their national broadcaster. Their socialism fuelled commentary has, in the opinion of many, never been of real benefit. Under the previous Labour Government they did all they could to encourage a boom in unproductive areas of the economy. Since the crash their bad habits have simply continued unabated as they call for more of the same. Many feel it is about time their activities were reined in; in spite of their repeated threats that were they more closely regulated they would simply up sticks and go to live in Cuba. Some say, their threats to leave the UK are hollow since, despite the crash they helped cause and indeed unlike the rest of us, they are still doing well enough here. Others suggest we would simply be better off without them.
“…The ‘Good BBC’ will include all of the popular items such as wildlife programming and the Sky At Night. These may have some residual commercial value, providing they can be purged of climate change alarmism which has infected many areas of the BBC once popular with the public…”
The sad fact is that it’s true. I just cannot enjoy anything the BBC Natural History Unit puts out these days – it’s all tainted with the foul stench of the BBC’s ‘CGAW Propaganda Board’. Of course, it’s not just natural history and science programming that suffers from this kind of climate messaging; like an insidious virus, it has spread into almost every facet of BBC output these days…
Not only did they lie throught their teeth about the CMEP meeting, they have shamelessly implemented – in overdrive mode – what they agreed in that meeting with their activist/environmentalist friends at Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth etc i.e. to convey the AGW message through every facet of every broadcasting department of the BBC.
Accountable to nobody – your Untouchable BBC.
The BBC just cannot help it. Yesterday the News Channel carried a report about British troops training in snowy Norway. It was all supposed to be about assisting the Norwegians in any future conflict to protect gas supplies. Yet the reporter couldn’t help adding ” with both Polar Icecaps melting due to climate change…… blah,blah,blah.”
More blatant lying propaganda from the Beeb – even though “the melting icecaps” meme has been exposed as a myth by recent ice surveys. The propaganda is incessant.
I see The Mail has finally woken up to report last weeks QT plant. Loving the comments so far (2000+) tearing Amy Ruttlidge and the BBBC to pieces.
“tearing Amy Ruttlidge and the BBBC a new one”
i would REALLY like to know who knew what and when they knew it.
The QT audience wranglers should have known. Even if Rutland lied on her form, they should have a list of local campaign workers for all parties. Unless the rules allow known apparatchiks in? I’m sure that, as always, lessons will be learned and new compliance procedures put into place, etc., and staff will be required to sit through an hour-long “Safeguarding Trust” webinar.
More importantly, Twigg knew. If nothing else, the BBC should be tearing him a new one for making them look bad. If they’re not, then that’s all we need to know about the BBC’s position on the matter.
Dimbleby’s/Ruttledge’s interrogation duet of the UKIP woman told us all we needed to know.
Is it really so crazy to wonder if a moderator could just gently instruct an audience member in the direction of more appropriate behavior for adults? I know the show prides itself in the Jerry Springer undertones with the cozy panel facade, as if that equates to populist debate, but this kind of thing simply wouldn’t happen if somebody had even the lightest grip on the audience when it mattered. Forget about politics for a minute, and it’s obvious just how the show has gotten out of hand. I mean, what, exactly, does the BBC think is accomplished by this kind of thing?
“The Question Time stooge: How Labour Party planted a diehard supporter in the BBC audience to attack UKIP panellist on debate show.
Labour activist Amy Rutland, 23, attacked UKIP candidate on Question Time.
Politics graduate called UKIP Eastleigh candidate Diane James ‘disgusting.’
Accusations she was ‘Labour Party plant’ deliberately given airtime by BBC.
BBC received dozens of complaints from viewers.”
What particular extra stunt of political bias will BBC-NUJ pull tonight on ‘QT’?
I’d love to be a fly on the wall in BBC editors meetings over how they’re covering the story of the new Pope. It must be killing a few Beeboids to have to remain impartial in their reporting of things like this:
The new Pope is a theological conservative and those looking for a change in the Church’s stance on abortion, same-sex marriage, and contraception will be disappointed. He is staunchly orthodox on issues of sexual morality.
These qualities made him a strong contender for the papacy in 2005, when he was reportedly the chief rival to Joseph Ratzinger.
Pope Francis is also said to have warm relations with the Jewish community in Buenos Aires, receiving awards from Jewish organisations, which strengthen his interfaith credentials.
He is a keen evangelist, criticising what he has called “the spiritual sickness of a self-referential Church” – and calling for the Church to “get out into the street”.
At least the Beeboids did get their wish and it’s someone who represents Latin America, the largest contingent of Catholics. Although I think he’s one of those “white Hispanics”. Hope that’s good enough for you, BBC.
LOL not even a ‘white Hispanic’, he’s an ethnic Italian, son of Italian immigrants!
I’ll bet the BBC are bitterly disappointed its not a black African.
Not once they got Cardinal Peter Turkson’s (the 3-1 favorite) take on the link between
the church’s peadophillia problem and homosexuality
“Lord Ahmed controversy: if a Labour politician said something rude about Muslims instead of Jews, they’d be drummed out immediately.”
By Stephen Pollard .
“Lord Ahmed suspended over ‘Jewish conspiracy’ claims”
“Will Lord Ahmed Become RESPECT’s First Peer?”
‘workers can compete over who uses the least energy in the office.’
Should companies pay to pollute?
‘..before the arrival of the power-hungry News Channel and BBC1 Bulletins next week.’
If they really want to play this game, then surely those made redundant will be using the least energy in the office. Why, the BBC should be championing the Tory budget cuts for leading to such a huge energy savings. Think of the planet first, BBC, not jobs for the boys.
Let’s see, they need someone to take clippings from the Guardian, someone to open the mail from UEA’s climate research unit, someone to ring up the SWP, Stephanie Flanders to sleep with Labour bigwigs, a nutter to control religious programming….er…
On Bedroom Tax & Benefits second piece down very interesting polling information which has never made it to the media, and generally supports my own point of view:
at the end of last year found 42% of people thought benefits were too generous, compared to 28% who thought they were about right and 18% not high enough. 59% thought that Britain had a culture of benefit dependency that needed radical change, as opposed to 29% who thought that welfare benefits were far from generous .
However look below the surface and it isn’t a blanket opposition to welfare – it is hostile towards welfare for particular groups, supportive of particular cuts. So the YouGov/Prospect poll found people were happy to see support for disabled people and for the elderly to rise (even if it meant higher taxes), the areas where they think welfare is too generous and should fall are those Daily Mail favourites “single parents” and the unemployed. People are more evenly divided over support for low-paid people in work, with marginally more people thinking support should be cut than think it should rise.
I have a disabled brother completely dependent on the state and he lives a far more lavish lifestyle than my son who earns a very modest wage and has to pay tax – including a villa holiday (with pool) every year, a UK holiday and a brand new car every three years. He also has to spend his money as quickly as he can so it doesn’t accumulate and disqualify him from benefits. The disabled are not as ‘vulnerable’ as the Labour mantras lead people to believe, and there is plenty of scope for cutting back. I have other examples too, if you like.
For those of you not living in Scotland feel blessed that you’re not subjected to the appallingly pro-SNP drivel spewed out on a daily basis… I ‘wonder’ who this jumped-up little pip-squeak of a reporter will be voting for in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum?
Reporting Scotland = Reporting Nationalist Scotland.
“feel blessed that you’re not subjected to the appallingly pro-SNP drivel spewed out on a daily basis”
Yes, where is Albaman?
It’s the EU regionalisation agenda, innit.
Mark Blank-Settle, smartphone and social media maven for the BBC College of Journalism:
This is from one of the instructors on BBC staff proper use of social media. It’s okay if it’s an approved thought.
The European Parliament slagged off the Express the day before, so its broadcasting whores repeated the message on Twitter –
The sad thing is, the EU mandarins don’t even have to send out marching orders. It happens automatically. It’s in their DNA.
Rhys Hughes, Head of Programmes for BBC Radio 1:
Now you know what to expect in future programming.
Just tuned in for some teatime BBC punishment and am gobsmacked by the smugness of Nick Robinson’s tone towards David Cameron’s pulling out of cross-party Leveson talks; whether the PM’s decision be right or wrong isn’t my point. My point be this: I wonder if Nick will also be reporting on the BBC’s refusal to implement an external inquiry into its disgusting harbouring, lies and opaque organizational culture during the Saville scandal? Pure double standards, but all too predictable from the Left.
My thoughts exactly – outrageous report all round
The BBC are happy to feature victims or families of victims if they advocate gun or press control, but not if they support the death penalty or deport foreigners.
Good point, Ralph.
How the bBC rewrites facts in which to make White people guilty of racism.
Germany’s n-word race debate
Seven-year-old Timnit Mesghena is an avid reader. In the evenings, she and her father like to sit on the sofa in their flat in Berlin and read to each other. They present an easy picture of family happiness. One of their favourites is the classic children’s book, The Little Witch, an enchanting tale of a witch who flies and birds who talk. But one day they reached page 94, and a difficult word came up. It was neger, describing a black boy. It is true that it can mean “negro” in German, but it also means the utterly offensive “nigger”. When the book was written, the former may have been true – but now it is more like the latter.Timnit’s father, Mekonnen, had no doubts. He is black, originally from Eritrea, and found the word completely unacceptable….He also decided on a one-man campaign and wrote to the publisher. It sparked a national debate. One television presenter with the public broadcaster ARD blacked up, minstrel-style on screen, in protest at changing the text of classics…the preferred solution was to put a note of explanation in books which use the word neger, explaining how offensive it is today.In the end, the publisher did not think this did the trick. Thienemann Verlag announced that it would revise the book and review all its other works of children’s fiction to remove offensive terms and plot lines. It said it was the duty of the publishers of children’s books to make sure that classics could continue through the ages, but that this meant that particular terms which were once not thought to be discriminatory, but which had become so, should be deleted or replaced.
Reading the above article do you get the impression this man has undergone a Sisyphean task in which to rid the nasty Germans of their racist mindset. This is given further credence by this follow up against his daughter.
Which is true. He does want to change society. He has become something of a campaigner against racism, starting with his own daughter as a helper. Timnit had two happy years in kindergarten but then started coming home and complaining that other children were calling her the n-word. Her father complained but was told that the children were getting the word from their parents.
Reading the above, do you get the impression that people called her a nigger because of her father?
Here is how the Guardian reported on this story 2 months ago:
German row over whitewashing the n-word from children’s books
A German man whose letter to a publishing house prompted it to expunge the racist sentiment from a classic children’s book has spoken of his relief that about the decision, despite the angry backlash and hate mail it has generated. Mekonnen Mesghena wrote to one of Germany’s oldest children’s publishers urging it to revise the text of Die Kleine Hexe (The Little Witch) after stumbling across a passage in which two children dress up as “neger”, which can be translated from German as both “nigger” and “negro”. “I am hugely relieved to have been told that all the words to do with the skin colour will be abolished,” he said…Mesghena, a naturalised German who emigrated to Germany from Eritrea at 14, is the head of the migration and diversity department at the Heinrich Böll Foundation. He initially wrote to the publishers in November, who offered to review the text and subsequently agreed to change it after consulting with the author, Otfried Preussler, who is 90. “I told them what it means for a black girl to be confronted with that chapter and how exclusionary it is,” Mesghena added.Thienemann’s director Klaus Willberg, said the decision was necessary to allow the publishing house to stay up to date with changes in language and politics.” He added: “We will now be trawling through all our classics.”
So instead of hitting a brickwall as the bBC tries to make out, actually the German Publishing house changed the text of the book straight away without question, Oh and about his daughter getting abuse for how he pressured the Germans to change their way, the Guardian writes a different version from what the bBC does:
But Mesghena said the depiction of black people as something exotic contributed to the fact that his daughter was treated as something “other”. “In the playground from the age of two she has had to deal with being referred to as ‘negerkuss’ or negro kiss,” he said, referring to an old-fashioned name for a marshmallow sweet which is covered in chocolate. “When I complain to the teachers they say: ‘there’s nothing we can do – it’s what the parents teach them’,” he said.
There is nothing racist about this story, yes people have complained , but they are not having a go at the family rather they are having a go at the whole subject of Political correctness. Something the bBC is at the forefront of .
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Can’t any of the Grauniad/ bBBC ‘journalists’ see the double-standards in their own racist writing?
Mekonnen Mesghena said “I am hugely relieved to have been told that all the words to do with the skin colour will be abolished”.
“I told them what it means for a black girl to be confronted with that chapter and how exclusionary it is,” Mesghena added.
The BBC seems to have suddenly discovered Britain’s roads are covered not in tarmac, but with potholes, covered at length on Today and the lunchtime news not just here:
‘However, the backlog in repairs is growing longer, now estimated at £10.5bn, and 20% of local roads are classed as being in “poor condition”, which is defined as having five years or less life remaining…..
Based on responses from 75% of England and Wales councils, the survey reported the average English authority was £6.2m short of what it needed to properly maintain its roads, up from £5.3m in 2011.
The Local Government Association, which represents more than 370 councils across England and Wales, is warning that if councils’ funding is cut, many may find it impossible to keep on top of road repairs’.
But then, unlike the Today and news items, it says this:
‘Councillor Peter Box, chair of the LGA’s Economy and Transport Board, said: “Decades of underfunding by Whitehall, severe winters and recent widespread flooding has left large swathes of our roads in disrepair with many councils struggling to move beyond simply patching up a deteriorating network’.
So an impression, however slight, that this isn’t a recent phenomenon and totally the fault of the nastytorycutz, which the broadcast versions didn’t give. Nor is it the fault of the ‘recent widespread flooding’ as quoted above and as re-iterated on the BBC today (subtle ‘extreme weather event’ narrative), as the Department for Transport’s own report says:
Click to access 110721-HMEP-pothole-review-brief.pdf
‘ Successive severe winters (2008/09 worst for 20 years, 2009/10 worst for 30 years and 2010/11 the coldest December for 100 years) have had a devastating impact on the condition of the English local road network. After each of these winters there has been a vast increase in the number of potholes and wider road surface defects caused by the winter freeze/thaw conditions’.
Note: not rain, not floods – ‘severe winters’ and ‘freeze/thaw’ – you know, all that weather stuff global warming should have consigned to history.
And those of you with longer memories will recall this isn’t a recent phenomenon – though admittedly it has got worse since global warming really kicked in with its nasty freezing winters – there have been grumblings for many years now about the state of our roads and especially during the ‘boom’ years when roads seemed to drop off the bottom of the beneficiary list of Gordon’s ‘largesse’.
Funny, then, how the BBC have just woken up to this, especially when you consider a certain 13-year period of slumber.
That’s the same 13 year slumber which saw a zero ‘investment’ in much needed nuclear energy production capacity whilst current generating capacity deteriorated towards obsolescence.
The bBC and its Muslims can only be victims agenda.
Pork DNA in halal sausages at Westminster primary school
Pork DNA has been found in halal chicken sausages served in a primary school in Westminster, central London, the local authority said. The sausages were from St Mary’s Bryanston Square, a Church of England school, Westminster Council said.Tests on a sample from Burdett Coutts School revealed the presence of lamb and pork DNA in lean minced beef.
Yet another major bBC article voicing concerns about how Muslims can only be victims in the Uk. However there is a big difference between DNA and actual substitution of Meat. (DNA traces are usually down to machinery not being rigorously steam cleaned after use, which is why DNA and not actual meat is found)
Now compare the above Major Breaking story with this one from Last week which I bet virtually nobody heard about:
Wrong meat in curries in Scotland is ‘widespread practice’
A leading bacteriologist has said he believes the practice of substituting lamb with beef is widespread in Indian restaurants and takeaways in Scotland.Professor Hugh Pennington was speaking after a report, published in the Sunday Mail, said low quality beef was passed off as lamb in one in three curries tested by the Food Standards Agency.Prof Pennington said he had been aware of the issue for years.He said it was potentially a bigger scandal than the use of horsemeat.
Seeing as Hindus don’t eat meat that would leave only one faith from the Indian community who would actually serve meat. But instead of saying Pakistani or Bangladeshi restaurants the bBC say..Indian thus hiding the fact that Muslims (who run the vast majority of Indian take-aways and such)are the guilty party. So on that note how many people caught sight of the above news article.
The bBC, who can only promote Islam as a victim in every story is pushes out
Far more scandalous, in my view, is halal meat being fed to non-Muslims whether they want it or not – quite, often I’m sure, without their knowledge. The school where that dinner lady was sacked,fed all pupils with halal meat, although it was a multi-faith school.
Unless one is an animal rights activist, why does it matter if the meat is halal or not? Would it be equally horrible if it was kosher meat instead?
You don’t have to be an animal rights activist to want animals to be humanely slaughtered and I personally object to eating something that has had ‘allahu akbar’ recited over its last moments – simply on principle and also there is a Christian injunction on eating animals which have been sacrificed , which it comes very close to. Nobody should be made to eat kosher meat without their knowledge or for some institutional convenience either.
Okay, that’s more or less what I was getting at. Thanks. Jews say the same kind of prayer when they do ritual slaughter. Although technically, I think if you’re killing the animal to eat it, that doesn’t count as “sacrificed”.
From what I remember of a debate about this on Jeremy Vine a few years ago, the leftie hierarchy of causes dictated that the ‘cultural needs’ of a particular minority should trump any ‘rights’ conveyed on the animal by certain activist groups.
Several studies, including reports from the Farm Animal Welfare Council (1985, 2003,2009), have called for a ban on religious slaughter of animals in the food chain on the grounds that it involves an unacceptable level of suffering. This is based on welfare science, not an animal rights perspective. However, political authorities in the EU consider that respect for religious diversity (protected under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights and under the Human Rights Act 1998) has a greater interest than animal suffering. To date a ban is out of the question, but I understand that some Islamic scholars have conceded that stunning prior to slaughter is acceptable. The politicians seem to have embraced the more traditional approach which rejects stunning. Consideration might be given to proposals to label food produced in this way in order to inform the public. In this way an informed decision could be made regarding preferences for halal, kosher or meat produced via welfare acceptable methods of slaughter. A critical question here is should human religious rights trump animal welfare and suffering?
It’s a valid question, and one the BBC should be asking.
Its not for ‘institutional convenience at all. For years Mohammedan children ate non Halal in schools, simply avoiding pork, just as Jewish children do.
The push for Halal has been economically not religiously motivated, ensuring that lucrative school contracts go to Mohammedan not ethnic British butchers. Its a robbery of the ethnic majority by a colonising minority.
Hindus do eat meat, especially in Rajastan and the Punjab. Vegetarianism is common, indeed restaurants have veg and non-veg options. Beef eating is incredibly rare amongst observant Hindus but for different reasons than why Muslims & Jews don’t eat pork. Muslims & Jews don’t eat pork because they view it as ‘unclean’, Hindus don’t eat beef because it is a sacred ‘animal’.
Only the hopeless Toady Show would consider a few minutes broadcasting time be worth the giving to a piece about…er….what we`re ALL talking about these days….yes…pet obesity!
Presumably the BBC were playing for time whilst they sniffed around the laundry bags of Buenos Aires in the hope on Islamophobia, anti-abortion, same sex contraception on demand…and of course the motherlode that is “child abuse”…so we`d have to settle for “pet obesity” by was of filling up the schedules.
Need I tell you where this will be going…people refused pets, no fostering or adoption of pets. court cases if your dog is chubby, and health warnings all over you Junior Kitten sachets?
Social workers for pets?…pet partnership agreements enforceable by Attenborough or Rolf…a glorious future awaits!
Can see the experts gathering around the clouds even as I write…Chrissie Hynde and Carla Lane already on the case…pet gyms are coming, I tellsya!
Thank you f***in BBC tossers….privately educated little shitsus all!
Toady show was probably inspired by EU-funded dog fitness centres.
Click to access top50euwaste2010.pdf
I have recently visited Crufts where lessons have been learnt about animal welfare; over feeding and under exercising dogs. There is a Dog Advisory Council which oversees breeding standards, and much is being done by various charities to improve canine welfare. Several years ago the BBC ran a programme called Pedigree Dogs Exposed. which made some valid points about genetic defects and close breeding. But the programme was distasteful, juxtaposing images of Nazi eugenics with photos of the Kennel Club building, and when they had the opportunity to question the Chair of the KC, they asked him whether he would contemplate sex with his daughter. The BBC then cancelled all coverage of Crufts – another national institution deleted. Last year the BBC re-made their Pedigree Dogs programme, and outlined their objective – a state funded pet welfare quango with statutory powers. Nanny state to provide the answers. Anyhow, Crufts was filmed by Channel 4, and exhibited much about animal welfare, responsible ownership and more. So thank you BBC, we really understand that your staff have issues with dogs, and the Haddith does indicate that angels will not enter premises where there is a dog.
‘At least 28% of South African schoolgirls are HIV positive compared with 4% of boys because “sugar daddies” are exploiting them..
“It is clear that it is not young boys who are sleeping with these girls. It is old men,” ‘
‘..the Jimmy Savile and the Rochdale grooming scandals have also shown vulnerable witnesses have been let down..’
The “Rochdale grooming scandals” seems rather understating the situation: the site run by the unfortunately named ‘Kaffircrusader’ has mapped 60 separate cases to date at different localities.,-1.395264&spn=3.158784,7.03125&z=7&source=embed
cough * * cough
‘I just had an interesting Twitter exchange with Kevin Marsh, former Today programme editor and founder member of Hacked Off.’
Marsh was not only editor-in-chief of Today, but boss of the BBC College of Journalism as well. He and the BBC were proud to claim that Today has been setting the news agenda. So he knows all about influence.
So leaving to found a political lobbying group attempting to influence Labour going after BBC competition can be viewed as something of a lateral move for him.
Of course it’s silly for Hodges to cry foul if a lobbying group engages in lobbying and has some success, since that’s what they’re supposed to do. But this “We’re both influential and innocent of doing it, squire” is just so typical of the Beeboid mindset. Like I keep saying, it’s not so much the poor management structure or directives from on high: it’s the people who are the problem.
Marcus Brigstock
‘In the event of a nuclear war this is the room in which we would all be told we were about to die.’
Oh roll on that happy day!
Little chance now of a nuclear war but every chance of a nuclear device planted by a home-grown jihadist in a city not far from you (or you, Marcus, you plank).
“THE BBC’s new multi-million pound TV news studio has been built to be ‘suicide bomber-proof’. Situated in the £1 billion New Broadcasting House, the studio, described as part of “one of the largest live newsrooms in the world”, has been located in a bunker under the main reception in central London….”
Back in the 90’s I think I heard that the government’s nuclear bunkers were to be made available to senior BBC staff and their families, as well as to politicians, civil servants, army brass etc.
Maybe the BBC are planning a sudden lurch to the right.
I noticed that the news story about antibiotic resistance that was covered by many major outlets was accompanied in the evening by a special edition of Bang Goes The Theory which was also about antibiotic resistance.
Now, the BBC has always done coordinated campaigns, and I am also sure that this is a serious issue.
But I find it a bit sinister how this issue is being promoted in these different ways. Hints at things going on behind the scenes.
Radio 4 Front Row
A programme about music & theatre
Gustavo Dudamel, the young Venezuelan conductor of the Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra, has become one of the most high-profile classical musicians in the world
And tonight we’ve asked him to take about his views on our God Ugo Shavezzzzzzzzzzzzz
Is there no end to the ways the bBC can incorporate this man into schedules?
Over-rated, floppy-haired luvvie. He’ll be pretty great one day if he can lose the excessive interpretive mannerisms. But right now his work usually annoys the hell out of me.
Wacism. You’re meant to like Yo-yo Ma too, even though his attempts to imitate Jacqueline du Pre’s style of playing fail every time. Aaaargh just said the east copies the west, wacism.
YoYo Ma got better with age, and plays more in tune and more cleanly than Jacqueline du Pré ever did. I realize that’s also a strike against him in some circles. Very different approach to dramatic mannerisms, although I guess there was a period when everyone’s Elgar was
imitatinginspired to some degree by her famous recording. but in the end she never got the chance to mature as a player.How many of Ma’s recordings do I return to on purpose? Okay, fair point. But other than the Elgar, not really for du Pré, either. I admit I have rather eclectic taste.
He’s also a novelty act – the only way, it seems, that a classical musician can get an occasional mention on mainstream TV.
Other names that spring to mind: Nigel Kennedy, Evelyn Glennie, James Galway, and an apparently endless supply of crossover performers. Don’t get me started on that.
Try saying that most Chinese pianists are technically amazing but lack emotional depth and you’ll be accused of Waayyycism (I have been) listen to bang bang (Lang Lang) and marvel at how he keeps a following, but listen to Yundi Li and marvel at how a human can be so proficient in music. He’s reckoned to be one of the very few greatest pianists ever to have lived – exceptional.
The Commentator has an article on how dubious his election victories were, with rampant fraudulent registering and intimidation of voters:
something not even hinted at in the Beeb website obituary, which reels off the majority percentage of the vote for each of his election victories.
Ooogo Shaveeez – he died – his hair
Go on then, what happened to his hair?
It died …
This is good –
I saw a report on Al Jazeera a couple of days ago. The report was about anti – immigration protests. Singaporeans are concerned that by 2030 immigrants will make up 50% of the population, given continued immigration and the higher birthrate of immigrants. Just checked the BBC Online News site for any report on this issue. Drew a big 0. I put into the search tab – Singapore Anti – immigration protest. It could be that my search phrase was wrong? But if not, how come our publicly financed BBC, which appears to have reporters like spawn of rabbits in places like Israel, does not have a single reporter reporting on racist anti – immigrant Singaporeans?
Out of interest from where are they migrating?
I watch Al Jazerra, and there are many occasions where I think; ‘not seen that news report anywhere else’. Usually from abroad, these items will normally show that other countries citizens are unhappy about similar issues to us, however we are given the perceptive that they are unique and only apply to us.
I see the ‘One Show’ are covering the….[presenter narrows eyes…lowers voice…adopts a theatrically sinister tone…pauses for effect]…BEDROOM TAX
Yep. Was that Melvin Bragg I saw in the few seconds when I accidentally viewed it, telling us how morally wrong it is?
The One Show is a Labour Party Political Broadcast lite
Is BBC-NUJ interested upholding FREEDOM OF SPEECH?:-
BBC-NUJ seems determined to support a clamp down on the media.
In the following BBC-NUJ piece, importance of freedom of speech is relegated:-
“David Cameron halts press regulation talks”
In contrast, ‘spiked-online’ has:-
“Stitching up press freedom behind closed doors.
Labour and Hacked Off are now prepared to hold the political system to ransom and rewrite the UK constitution in order to tame the press.”
By Mick Hume. ‘spiked’.
I understand that a member of the judiciary is helping the PCC to mutate into an EU-approved “media council”.
“Hacked Off does influence Ed Miliband’s Leveson policies,
says group’s founder member” (ex-BBC ‘Today’).
By Dan Hodges (Labour).
Of course the BBc wants an end to the freedom of the press. The whole liberal elite want it badly.
Next on the list will be the internet. Sites like this need to be under no illusion they are next.
Free speech is redundant now the liberal elites rule the media.
It seems that the group doing the negotiations also contains, Miliband, Harman, Clegg and Hughes. What a santimonious bunch of control freaks, no wonder there is no agreement. That group equates to the end of ‘freedom of the press’.
Christ! The BBC are promoting eating insects again! Radio Four! this time they have gone so far as to say we WILL be eating insects in the future – well only if we allow people to go on breeding like rabbits until we cannot feed ourselves on more palatable food.
Historically all societies have given up insect eating when they become richer.
This is becoming a regular feature now – only yesterday the Guardian had an article about it. Eat less meat and eat insects.
As it’s EU policy to eat insects, the BBC is merely regurgitating Brussels’ policy ejaculate onto the radio waves.
Like Stephanie Flanders and the PLP.
Interesting – thanks for that link.
Okay, now even I’m creeped out.
How do we tell spoof from reality these days? Every newspaper you pick up, whatever the date, is like an April 1st edition.
It’s eerily like Mark Blank-Settle’s tweet above about the Express and the EU. The EU gave marching orders, and the apparatchiks dutifully followed. I said it was a reflexive response, no need to actually give orders, and this is just more evidence. It comes naturally to the Beeboids. But since we know the EU actually is working on a sneaky propaganda machine, it’s hard not to be a little paranoid on this.
Bugs rights!!!
Darn right.
This is no ‘spoof’. The Guardian has featured articles about insect eating for several years and no, NOT on April 1st.
This story shows the complete disregard and lack of respect the BBC holds for the millions of Catholics world wide.
It’s not everyday a new Pope is elected, and considering the event, one would think that the BBC would make sure whoever is going to translate the words of the incoming Pope, they would be familiar with the English terminology and expressions likely to be used.
I don’t know yet who’s decision it was to use the Italian translator they did, but clearly he had no religious background, judging how he tried to translate the Lord’s Prayer. Was it the BBC’s Muslim head of religion idea of a dig at Christianity, or the decision of just some secular idiot that felt any religious background of this individual was not relevant or important?
I cannot imagine them doing the same if it was to translate a sermon or speech of an Islamic Imam, so why do they think this would be acceptable? What if the translator quoted the Imam as saying Jews and Christians were pigs and dogs???
Oh yeah….
Video of part of the translation is available on the webpage below.
‘He is clearly not a Catholic! Viewers slam BBC’s Pope election coverage after on-air translator fails to decipher the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary correctly
Why do they need real-time translating for something that’s been printed in English for centuries already? Even I know the Lord’s Prayer. It’s not like the new Pope was free-styling his own version which needed a fresh new approach. Not a deliberate slight, but silly lazy thoughtlessness from the producers here, I think. I wonder if any of the Beeboids involved in the production even noticed at the time.
Has anyone pined for the “practicing Catholic” ex-DG to return and fix this yet?
The only difference is that Catholics end the prayer at “…. deliver us from evil. Amen.” i.e. they omit the “kingdom, power and glory” verse.
One of the comments made by David Lammy in his Papal election gaffe which does not appear to have made in onto bbc news was this:
“But maybe I’m just weary of the endless discussion of race”
Aren’t we all brother, aren’t we all.
What’s he complaining about? He doesn’t have to keep within the boundaries that affect the majority of the population.
Within the last week, a formal complaint has been made against one of my wife’s colleagues for saying that a tacky looking pen was probably made in some third world sweatshop.
Its another of the BBC’s mass hypnosis day for our children tomorrow. I mean of course red nose day.
My 11 year old daughter has decided, I mean hypnotised into believing that tying herself to her school friend all day tomorrow will somehow help the world. This from the BBC’s Helen Skelton:
I have suggested that such mass hypnosis was somehow reminiscent of the state propaganda that existed in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
This did not go down well. Nor did the idea that the money is simply going to other children who have better mobile phones than my daughter.
Bah. Humbug.
Wasn’t Comic Relief founded to prop up that corrupt Communist regime in Ethiopia?
I’m sure Mengistu Haile Mariam enjoyed his brand new Mercedes courtesy of the British public.
And the BBC claims Socialism works.
Comic Relief was founded to keep sanctimonious, fading “comics” in the public eye, surely|?
Or perhaps provided to a local bookshop supplying schoolbooks to under privileged children in certain schools in the Midlands.
The book suppliers and books strangely morphed into bombs that self detonated in London on 7/7.
…or indeed financing children’s charity workers going to Australia “on the sick” to fight off sharks.
Meh he was recuperating.
Reminds me of when one of Bob Crowe’s ‘membahs’ was sacked for playing squash when he was ‘on the sick’. Advised, apparently, by his doctor that exercise would help his recovery and was merely following his doctor’s advice. He could always have got this recuperative exercise by walking to work but there you go.
Reminds me too of a fireman chappie who was a regular at my fairly punchy keep-fit class for the entire year he was ‘on the sick’. He made an amazing recovery on the 366th day as he only got full pay for the first year. It’s a different fing world out there, that’s for sure.
Evan ‘Bolt Thru His Jimmy’ Davis on the Toady so-called ‘Show’ this a.m.
‘Buworrabou all these people who live in houses where the price has gone up a lot and they’ve done nothing to earn it, why shouldn’t they be made to pay for….’.
Suddenly it’s to be open season on anybody with equity in their houses.
Why do *I* never meet anyone with these hare-brained idiotic opinions? Where does Evan get them from? BBC canteen, Little Owen Shoutie tweets, Guardian, NUJ chapel meetings I suppose.
Evan, mate, get out more. And lose the ironmongery, it’s making you walk funny.
I’m in favour of a pilot scheme beginning with postcodes NW3 and N1.
Nah, SW5 where Evan lives lives in a flat in Earl’s Court (which he owns) with his long-term partner Guillaume Baltz, a French landscape architect.
Hang on, ‘bolt’, ‘Baltz’ – too much of a coincidence.
People like Evan Davis and his ilk must have enough axes to grind to supply all the dwarf armies of Middle-Earth !
The BBC do seem to be trying to create the orthodoxy of becoming wealthy as being socially unacceptable and keep trying to make wealthy people into social pariahs, don’t they?
Strange that it never occurs to idiots like the fragrant Evan Davis if he truly earns his large, publicly funded remuneration.
Bollinger Bolsheviks are a time honoured phenomenon.
The inbbc is having its own back for criticism over rutter the nuttet, they have imported her ilk again, only fivefold!
Its two fingers to you plebs, so bog off!
BBCQT dimblebore is taking it to extremes tonight with his annecdotes
Oh dear, bbcqt, yes they have managed to get leveson back in the spotlight! What a surprise
Well, at least leanne wood is killing the electoral chances of plaid cymru!
Is she really? Well that’s kind of good news, but it does let in Labour…
On the bright side, Prince Charles is learning Arabic so he can read the Koran !!
I wonder what he will think of the bit where it says what should be done to adulterers ?
He will skip ahead to the bit that says it’s ok to have 3 in HIS marriage, s o you see the q’ran has something for everyone, just sweet FA for women or girls.
It’s a shame he doesn’t try improving his Welsh language instead, more suitable for a Prince of Wales!
What a stupid foolish idea, that he can learn enough arabic to understand the bloody q’ran? The whole idea is a joke.
Ask him how many Welsh novels he has read, and actually understood.
Defender of faith? God help us when he gets his feet under the throne.
Charles is learning Arabic so that the “new Welsh” will be able to understand him.
Thanks for that reassurance!
Dear aerfen have you seen the analysis of Wales’ MP’s?
Let in labour has no significance here. I count myself as lucky to live in one of the marginals where a vote actually counts.
Indeed, I realise much of it is ‘donkey with a red rosette’ territory (or maybe sheep?)
It’s Comic Relief tonight, Huzzah ! dripping in sarcasm.
I don’t know why we’re giving money to Africa, to quote the Duke the Edinburgh ” Most of them are over here ! ”
Lenny Henry – I rest my case.
Time to browse the DVD collection then.
Today, I will mainly be listening to Classic FM, and avoiding the stupid BBC cretins like the plague, this evening.
A heart warming tale from the BBC (not for those of a nervous disposition)…
This charming article tells us how Palestinians are being born “from sperm smuggled outside of Israeli prisons” (see Highly fanciful, but in reality just another opportunity to have a dig at Israel and remind us of how those brave Palestinians suffer and struggle, yet are still clever enough to outwit those brutal Nazi-Zionist-Colonist-Newspaper owners-Bankers.
Mastur race??? 🙄
That’s about as close as they’ll get methinks.
I notice this little dig in the article
Unlike some Israeli prisoners, Palestinians who are jailed for what Israel calls security offences are not allowed conjugal visits where they can be intimate with their partners.
The IPS could not say whether any Palestinians jailed for criminal offences had ever been granted such visits.
“Israeli prisoners get a lot of rights. They are allowed out of prison for homes visits. They are able to be with their wives,” says Palestinian Authority Minister of Prisons Issa Qaraqa.
Well I doubt any of the Israeli prisoners pose too much of a threat to murdering other prisoners or guards using something that could be smuggled in to them, unlike the Palestinians, which may have something to do with it.
There again, if the Palestinian wives were willing to undergo a complete body search, including intimate areas, it might give them a better chance of being offered such visits.
Of course, the BBC doesn’t offer that as a credible reason for the disparity.
Dim, careless, unresearched comment on the BBC this morning:
“HMS Belfast was once the largest and most powerful boat in the Royal Navy”
For God’s sake.
In the interests of clarity (and not wishing to have my arse flamed off) what are you objecting to in that sentence?
Is it the ‘boat’ stupidity or the claim that she was ‘once the largest and most powerful […] in the Royal Navy’?
I expect well paid broadcasters to get their facts right. If they don’t, I expect it to be for a good reason. One minute on Google, that’s all it would have taken.
Slapdash – and not the first time.
Belfast was a light cruiser , battleships such as the Rodney or King George V class made the Belfast look like a 5 stone white school girl inside the BBC mosque.
One of the reasons I despise the BBC is the way it likes to hire smart arse Oxbridge English graduates who play with language.
Whilst you are quite right about the Nelson and KGV class battleships they had been scrapped or sunk by 1963 (the year HMS Belfast was decommissioned). IIRC, excepting air craft carriers, I think the ‘largest and most powerful’ class in the RN in 1963 was the light cruiser class.
I suppose it is debatable whether air craft carriers are more powerful than light cruisers – they are certainly larger.
It’s the ‘once’ bit. I am happy to be wrong in this because I am in no way an expert on Royal Navy ships but, apart from a couple of aircraft carriers (which were surely larger) I can’t find any other larger (beam, length and displacement) ships at that time.
As to ‘most powerful’ it probably was… in 1963.
As to ‘most powerful’ it probably was… in 1963.
Battleships became obsolete on the 7th December 1941 . They were replaced by Aircraft Carriers. In 1963 The UKs most powerful warship (Or boat as the bBC calls them) was HMS Ark Royal. She was equipped with Blackburn Buccaneers. A plane that nobody (even now) could stop at low level flying. During Red Flag in the US, (USAF top gun) the Yanks either loved it or hated it. No middle ground. The best strike aircraft the UK has ever had and it gave the UK carrier fleet a bloody good punch, which nobody else had.
In the case of aircraft carriers there’s a pedantic argument which places the power in the hands of the aircraft and not the ship that carries them. Otherwise an airbase is as powerful as a tank transporter etc.
Sorry but I’m in that kind of a mood! I’m off to bed (late shift) before I get any worse 😉
My Brother in law flew them after , they were transferred to the RAF , then they were replaced by , the maritime version of the Tornado. In the 80s ,they used to visit the Falklands on a regular basis , ready to give the Argies a bloody nose if needed ,I was also a RAF radar tech / operator , who , could see what was going on on the Argie mainland & airspace , with our High tech equipment , thanks to Maggie , Marconi , Ferranti & Plessey , ( lots of Italian , sounding names, I know, all of , Italian decent , from many years ago! )
“As to ‘most powerful’ it probably was… in 1963.”
I find it very hard to believe that this is what the BBC was referring to. The use of “boat” suggests ignorance to me.
Couldn’t agree more – even little boys know the difference between a ship and a boat.
At 613 ft and 13,175 tonnes fully loaded the Belfast was never one of the largest ships in the RN. It is certainly a long warship but beaten in length by the Iron Duke, Queen Elizabeth, Revenge, KG5 and Vanguard Class battleships and also by 7 Battlecruisers. The longest warship the Royal Navy has ever possessed (at least until the new aircraft carriers are commissioned) was the Mighty Hood at 860 ft long. At 48,650 tonnes fully loaded this dwarfed the Belfast. The heaviest non-aircraft carrier (Eagle and Ark Royal were roughly 53,000 tonnes fully loaded) ship was the last great battleship we built, the Vanguard, ignominiously turned into razor blades by the Macmillan government. She was 51, 420 tonnes fully loaded.
As Pounce says the Belfast was only really a light cruiser with 12 6″ guns. A proper heavy cruiser like for example, the Prinz Eugen was five thousand tonnes heavier and possessed larger 8″ guns. Which leads us to what constitutes powerful as it’s quite hard to define. Do the 10 14″ guns of the KG5 make it more powerful than the 8 15″ guns of the Queen Elizabeth class? I’d say that the nine 16″ guns affixed forward on the interwar battleships Nelson and Rodney makes them the most powerful battleships in terms of armament. (The Victoria class turret ships actually had 2 16.3″ guns for pedants out there and I think one sub had a 18″ gun). They were the only RN battleships to carry 16″ guns, the rest carried either 15″ guns or 14″ guns. If you were to take the whole package of armament, armour, speed etc then the most powerful non-aircraft carrier warship was probably the enlarged KG5 Vanguard class as it ironed out many of the faults of it’s predecessors. It possessed 8 15″, 16 5.25″ and 73 40 mm guns. In comparison to the RN the longest non-aircraft carrier was the Iowa class at 887ft while the Yamato was the heaviest (69,990 fully loaded) and had the longest guns, 9 18.1″. If you’re wondering how I know all this, I read my book of battleships when I’m on the shithouse.
Spot the missing reason why more school places are required:
Typical PC report from the BBC
This was on the Today programme this morning, where the researchers traveled to that well known multicultural town – Stockton on Tees !
Why would a report need to come from there? It’s a town in the back end of nowhere, but it does have one important thing, hardly any ethinc population.
It’s obvious why the bBC chose this town to broadcast the report from, because they know no one is going to mention the problems which arise from large ethnic families, and the results of Liebours mass immigration policy.
(as an aside has anyone ever heard a leftie saying mass immigration is a positive thing, because I’ve never heard anyone trying to defend it)
They don’t need to defend it they just pump out the lie that wicked capitalists wanted it to keep labour costs down, as though that justifies the fact that the Leftoids did their unspoken bidding for them. It was done solely for gerrymandering the UK population, a not-so-long game which they will win. Unfortunately for us!
Labour have been scoring on bribes from cheap labour employers as well asthe ethnic vote. Why else would they have (1) made India independent, then (2) imported Indians to the Manchester cotton mill district straight afterwards?
The Tories are daft, only going for the cheap labour bungs. But they still shut us up using the same word as Labour – “racist!”
(Post-war, the Lancashire mill owners’ cheap labour women workers had been replaced by men coming back from the front – and they simply couldn’t compete with the cheap labour mills in India.)
I have always wondered why we gave up our empire so quickly and so needlessly after WW2.
I can only think of two reasons:
1. Labour were doing their Soviet masters bidding.
2. It was the price of American aid during WW2.
Funny you should say that. I was asking my left leaning girlfriend this morning what the benefits of immigration were and should couldn’t think of any. She still didn’t think it was right to limit immigration though, even though she admitted it caused problems in terms of strain on public services. Trouble is she can’t think logically, her feelings based purely on emotion. Typical lefty trait.
If you press them they start with ‘jobs that we (meaning themselves) wont do’
Ask them ‘who did those jobs before then?’ and they fall back on ‘curry’
Immigration has the same temporary benefits that motivated the slave trade, cheap Labour.
But the benefits are temporary, for instance, after the indigenous Arawak population of Jamaica was decimated, this meant that from the middle of the 16th century to the 1670’s, Jamaica had a white European majority population.
This means that if Black slavery had been banned from the start, then Jamaica today would be as hideously white as you could imagine. In fact a hideously white paradise, that would repel the lefties. So you can see that slavery was a bad thing in every sense.
And Bermuda.
More problems than you would expect in this extremely wealthy little country.
High prison population, for starters.
She’s probably been conditioned by the BBC to think it’s racist to question immigration. No further thought required.
I guess the BBC won’t be doing any TV reporting on this one from one of their usual inner-city (London) schools.
A hypothesis worthy of Dr Craig himself!
Note too, those digs at the Tories for stopping that wonderful School Building Fund that Balls and Brown left us with.
Delightful atriums in which to take a picture of Chukka or Andy, and how the sunlight glistened on these knives as brandished by the gangsta community, as lovingly researched by Laurie Taylors monkeys.
Ah, but none of that book stuff, teaching or learning crap-it`s Red Nose Day, so as long as there`s a helipad for Miranda or Jo, then what`s your problem, posh boy?
This “head teacher”…really(by the sound of her, hardly a school worth sending a kid to!)…blamed the Government, and probably her local council for not being Labour enough I`d expect!
Justin sends his sprogs somewhere private, but just loved those northern accents…so Brassed Off, so Billy Elliot, so..well..the Full Montague, what what…jolly good!
W***ers all!
Cant wait to see the analysis of names: jocasta, tristan, trenton, fifi trixibelle. Better have larger amount of filing space for names beginning with M.
Don’t forget “Peaches”, Guilt-aid Bob’s inappropriate name for his waif-like daughter. Now why didn’t that tsunami money ever leave the UK….if he could raise money for Eritrean guns, then…
Interesting graph in the bBC article, shows that the rising numbers were predicted way back into the Liebore regime. If so why did Balls aim all the money at secondaries and not at primaries. So he borrowed putting us into debt spending money on the wrong type of school.
In honour of the passing of Hugo Chavez, Sean Penn has had his initials inscribed onto his bathroom taps.
Great actors tread a thin line between genius and madness. Apparently.
I don’t think it’s madness (although I’ll make an exception in Vanessa Redgrave’s case).
IMO, they’re like children, cats and dogs – they’ll do anything for attention.
Gosh, wish I could be a rich socialist and get mytaps engraved.
Biased BBC Question Time audiences
We have all noticed how often the most bland of left-wing slogans to emanate from the QT panel are inexplicably cheered to the rafters. Who let in the Labour glee club?
But how’s this for an odd moment…..
Last night on QT former employment lawyer and media friendly Labour hopeful Chuka Umunna must have won the toss backstage, because he is invited to open the batting by Dimbleby.
He ducks that first question and washes his hands of the issue.
And yet he still receives a ripple of appluase.
Now, the question was: ought Vicky Pryce and Chris Huhne have been sent to prison?
Chucka Umunna pleads some made up quasi-judicial status and reckons he’s not supposed to have an opinion on this. Such things are beneath him we conclude. He performs the full Pontius Pilot as if to say ‘I can see no wrong in this man – you judge’
Later we find the questioner – a woman in a red outfit (just saying) explains her position: Let them off jail and make them pay a big fine.
Well if Dimbleby sent a taxi round for me on a Thursday night – and assuming I had nothing important to do – I would have told QT that I would vote for the prison sentence AND the fine – so there!
But that opening ripple of appluase for the Labour man….. that still has me scratching my head. He said nothing, so did the crowd simply take an instant liking to the cut of jib?
Was that clapping led by his old mum, cheer leading in the audience? Was Mrs Umunna there to support her boy?
No, of course not, there was, once again, a hard core of Labour activists vetted and invited by the BBC in the crowd.
Yes, they have done exactly what i observed above, shoved two fingers in the air and said fuck off plebs, we will do JUST as we want, so bog off!
No further comment required on this one…
‘Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed
Call 999! Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed returns for a second series of his critically acclaimed BBC Radio 4 sitcom.
“Delightfully bonkers!” ★★★★ The Guardian ‘
I had to google this – thought you’d made it up!
I have a suggestion for the BBC:
“Detective Manny Cohen – solves a case of rabid antisemitism in Bradford”.
There’s not enough cells.
That’s ok, the islamophobic Cohen only needs one.
I know, I’m afraid Nick Mohmammed’s first first ‘critically aclaimed’ series passed me by.
‘This time around Nick is tackling some major crimes – and assisting with some major public events.’
I wonder what major crimes? Muslim Loverboy gangs? No. I bet it turns out to be a phone hacking conspiracy at the Rotherham Bugle.
Or some non-Labour voting people wanting to foster children.
On the BBC news this morning I hear there is a surge in school age children putting a strain on the schooling system. No mention whatsoever about the cause of this surge. I wonder why?
oops didn’t notice it’s been mentioned above, sorry
I cant possibly imagine why?
Bad batch of condoms 4 years ago?
Supplies of the pill ran out?
Catholicism made a huge advance in congregation numbers 4 years back?
Country wide power cut meant everyone went to bed early in 2009 ?
Does anyone even ask the question?
Is there perhaps a huge grey animal in the room?
bBC news24 take on the pop explosion – cut to footage showing all white/blonde kids working at their desks,
you couldn’t make it up (bBC can tho)
Notice the BBC has a small article on an ex-Labour MP assaulting police in the Commons pub for the second time in a year – lots of mention how sorry he was and was going to go for treatment for his problem etc. Not very much about how ‘Prescott’ it is to behave like that in Westminster or anywhere!
Can’t you just imagine the headlines this morning if that had been one of the Tory extreme right!
The incident of course pales into insignificance when compared to calling someone a pleb, even if it was a lie!
Excellent comparison.
One wonders if an increase of a few pence on the price of alcohol would have stopped this man’s activities in their tracks…
Lol, yes obviously a unit price of 45p would have prevented this whole sad episode.
Irony didn’t die, it just ended up in a strait jacket.
“The government has backed moves to end a ban on people who have had serious mental health issues being MPs, company directors or serving on juries…..Nick Clegg said…’It’s ludicrous in this day and age that a person can’t contribute to public life if they’ve had issues with their mental health.'”
“MPs are to be awarded a special £25,000 fund to provide mental-health services in the House of Commons……a self-confessed Labour bruiser has talked about his battles with severe depression….”
250,000 extra school places required by 2014.£5 billion of taxpayers money spent on school places between 2010 and 2012. The reason is massive immigration into the U.K. especially London and the South East although the MSM is delibrately failing to
mention the reason.
School places under real strain, spending watchdog warns
BBC typically in denial that immigration is ENTIRELY to blame.
The rise in the birth rate is certainly not caused by ethnic British people, but totally by foreigners including ethnic foreigners born here!
Better build some more prisons too.
Last week, one of the ”vibrants” stabbed a 16 year old school girl on a bus. That bus must have been rocking with vibrancy.
A bit of vibrancy going on in Spain:
There was a report on 5 live this evening with an analysis and an attempt to say that we only know about this from the 2011 census (which the coalition were allegedly trying to cancel). Immigration was only mentioned en passant stating that there were probably more young women in the cuntry.
Must admit with all the box ticking in the NHS someone would have realised the increase in children being born.
They did:
Funny Peterborough is a ‘hotspot’, hardly a magnet City for young ethnic Brits , is it?
“More than 100 mothers have died in childbirth in London in the last five years, twice the rate in the rest of the country, exposing a crisis in maternity care in the capital.
The maternal death rate in the capital has doubled since 2005 and demands “urgent attention”, specialists say.”
No question that the Ruling Elite knew about this.
“Iain Duncan Smith attacks BBC over its coverage of welfare reforms.
“Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary, has launched an astonishing attack on the BBC for repeatedly referring to one of his welfare reforms as a ‘bedroom tax’.”
BBC licence TAX.
Will Beeboids now adopt the more accurate phrase ‘BBC Licence Tax’ instead of the euphemistic ‘licence fee’?
Nothing will happen and nothing will change but good on IDS
Three ‘men’ have pleaded guilty to acts preparatory to terrorism after attending training camps in Pakistan. No mention at all that they are & were motivated by their Moslem faith.
Yet more inexcusable bias
I am puzzled. If ,as the BBC likes to say, they are British then they would appear to be guilty of treason. If they are not British then the crime is as stated. Which is it or is that too much for a liberal to get his or her’s head round.
How some Beeboids spend the licence tax:
“Social Media at the BBC: Bridging the gap between audience and production”
By Rowan Kerek Robertson,
‘editorial lead for Social Media in BBC Vision’.
-” Bridging the gap between audience and production”
as in Beeboids’ politically leftist ‘Question Time’?
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED! i tell you this morning
that the Fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood, don t like
women to have any status (shakes head) .. and are following islamic doctrine … where have they been eh!
They of course are dead set against the UN charter on womens rights, (and UN decl on Human Rights? 😀 )
So to speak loud n proud about it, trawl up, muslim women
network spokeswomen, who is just a plant, and starts off with ambiguous excuses and gets worse,
oh! and who wants to go to Egypt, and force the MB to follow … Sharia? :-D, (for fairness, obviously :-D),
yep! you couldn t make it up.
hilariously she is helped out , by the al beeb chimp, who
on reading the appalling Islamic dictates about women, chips in with, ah! … but its all about context, all about interpretation though isn t, its not that islam, its this islam
hmmm … i m going to Cairo, to get them to follow islamic principles … ;-D good luck with that
oh and don t go via Tahir Square luv
so bloody glad its only in Egypt aren t you
with burkhas, and sharia, repression, and all that.
Would that be the moderate and mostly secular Muslim Brotherhood?
is there any other in broadcasting house?
Priceless ! If you multiply this attitude by several millions, it shows you just why this country is going down the sink!
I’m a courier???
I think we can take that as a dealer in illicit pharmaceuticals!
I can think of other things that get trafficked!
The bBC, Horrible histories and why can’t they employ somebody who speaks ‘English’
Will Nato leave tank graveyards in Afghanistan?
When the Soviet Union withdrew its forces from Afghanistan in 1989, it left “graveyards” of military hardware scattered across the country. As Nato plans the drawdown of its forces, many wonder whether there will be similar dumping grounds of Western military hardware in Afghanistan. Abdujalil Abdurasulov visited a graveyard of Soviet tanks in the outskirts of Kabul to see if it may be replaced by new remnants of the US-led war in Afghanistan.
The bBC’s Islamic reporter waxes lyrical about how NATO will leave a tank graveyard behind just like the soviets did when they left Afghanistan during the 1990s. Listen to him at 45 seconds at how NATO which supported the Taliban during its fight against the USSR are now like the Soviets on the losing end.
Err bBC, the Taliban didn’t fight the USSR, or even Russia. The Taliban was born after the Soviet Pullout. But to anybody who doesn’t know better the seed has been planted that we supported the Taliban.
We didn’t.
Did we or the Americans lose any tanks during the war? Seriously, how many M1 or Challengers were lost? AFAIAA the US didn’t deploy more than 20 M1 tanks and we didn’t deploy any Challenger 2 tanks. It’s not really tank country.
Leopards? Nope. Perhaps the Danes or the Mongolians have lost a tank or two?
Warriors could be called light tanks, at a pinch, but we have only lost a couple of those – hardly a grave yard.
So how exactly many tanks form a ‘tank graveyard’?
Or do they mean AFVs or Land Rovers?
Or are they confusing ex-Soviet tanks with Western ones like they do when saying the West armed Iraq?
More likely they are just treacherous tools.
Restrictions on Press freedom: –
BBC-NUJ should openly state that it has a political (anti-Murdoch) hat in the ring.
While Nick Robinson speculates on PM Cameron’s political motives, Robinson does not make clear BBC-NUJ’s own political interest in increasing the media power of BBC-NUJ, and reducing that of e.g News International.
“Press law – So why did he do it?”
What Beeboids relegate:-
“Labour ‘the political wing of Hacked Off’:
Hugh Grant ‘contacted senior party figures to urge them not to accept Cameron’s Press regulation compromise.’
Campaign group involved in amendments tabled to Bills in House of Lords.
Actor Hugh Grant says ‘no one will give up on this.’
Sources claim group warned Labour it would attack them if they backed PM.”