Woah ! 12:00 O’Clock news and they do now mention that they were Muslims!
Perhaps all the complaining I’ve been doing has had an effect? Nah that’s just being silly!
Doesn’t the cultural enrichment just jump out at you ? How could this country possibly move forward without this barbaric 7th century ideology improving our wellbeing?
The next time someone tells you that diversity on the lines of ethnicity is a positive thing, ask them in what way, and then ask for proof from studies, not their own prejudices. The studies undertaken in the US show that multiculturalism is in fact a negative thing, reducing social cohesion, making people less trusting and more fearful even of their own ethnic group.
And then ask them if they’re so convinced diversity is a good thing why they’re so opposed to political diversity as most of them believe the only views allowed should be theirs.
I particularly noted the way that BBC Radio 5 Live news reports informed us that the ‘men’ pleaded guilty and go on to say that the charges ‘accused them of travelling to Pakistan for terrorist training’. Is that fact actually in doubt? Quick BBC lawyers, someone, haven’t they just admitted that they are guilty as charged? So how is this still an accusation?
How the bBC uses emotive language in which to promote the Islamic terrorist cause. Palestinians born ‘from prisoners’ smuggled sperm’ Just a few seconds old, but already strong of voice, Muhannad Ziben did not sound best pleased as a midwife, gripping him by the ankle, hoisted him above his mother and snipped the umbilical chord.He was born in Nablus’s al-Arabia hospital in August last year. Within a few hours he looked more comfortable, snoozing in the arms of his mother Dallal. The father though was absent.
Ammar Ziben is serving 32 life sentences in an Israeli prison for his involvement in bomb attacks in Jerusalem in 1997.Dallal says she was able to get pregnant using her husband’s sperm, which was smuggled out from inside the jail. “Muhannad is a gift from God,” Dallal told the BBC at the time. “But my happiness is not complete without my husband here beside me.”
What a complete crock of shite from the bBC. For a start a so called impartial news orq which goes well out of its way not to calla spade a spade (Militant for terrorist) has no problem saying Only Palestinians can be born from smuggled Sperm. No bBC, babys are born not Pals. As for not knowing how these women get their hands on sperm, I can offer a much simpler explanation. They have been playing the field and instead of getting stoned to death for opening their legs, they say they got hold of some of their banged up husbands man fat . I have to admit I do love the bit about how Life is good for the Mother but it can only be better if her terrorist husband (found guilty of being behind 16 deaths and 178 injured) was beside her in the exclusive bbC interview.Really At home she would have no freedom, he would have no work Inside Prison she receives over £1500 a month from the Palestinian While her Husband is locked up, she is a very rich woman. No Muslim going to give that sort of money up for love.
If I’d been forced to marry someone who was a close relative, forced to stay indoors most of the time, and when outdoors forced to wear something resembling a large black sack with a slit to look out of I don’t think I’d feel very loving towards a husband who had got himself locked away for years.
Returning to action in November 1942 with improved firepower, radar equipment and armour, Belfast was the largest and arguably most powerful cruiser in the Royal Navy at the time.
Thoughtful wrote: HMS Belfast actually was the most powerful cruiser in the navy …Returning to action in November 1942 with improved firepower, radar equipment and armour, Belfast was the largest and arguably most powerful cruiser in the Royal Navy at the time.
HMS Belfast was a town class Light Cruiser At the time ‘1943’ The RN had three classes of Heavy cruisers:
County class Heavy cruisers
Hawkins class Heavy cruisers
York class Heavy cruisers
Belfast had 6″ main guns, the Heavies had 8″ ones
Lastly there was also the class of Battle Cruisers of which the RN had Two HMS Hood and HMS Renown. They had 15″ guns.
I think it takes more than the calibre of the gun to decide the quality of the ship.
Belfast rate of fire an astonishing 96 rounds per minute and the radar system meant greater accuracy. The ship was virtually rebuilt in 1942 with even thicker armour – much more substantial than the ‘heavy cruisers’ mentioned .
All the one mentioned were designed and built to the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty and so limited in their capabilities as well as two decades older than Belfast.
A battlecruiser is a different class of ship to a cruiser so not comparable.
The text you quoted is lifted directly from Wikipedia – not my opinion. It says that it is arguable that Belfast was the most powerful at the time, I don’t think it’s a simplistic as you’re trying to paint it.
“Belfast rate of fire an astonishing 96 rounds per minute and the radar system meant greater accuracy. The ship was virtually rebuilt in 1942 with even thicker armour – much more substantial than the ‘heavy cruisers’ mentioned .”
Belfast fired a shell weighting 51Kgs a distance of around 14 miles. The heavy cruisers could lob a 116kg shell 16 miles . The Battle cruisers fired a shell weighting 870Kgs 18 miles.
In a fight a 15″ gun is far better than a 6″ one. You only have to look at the Battle of River plate to see How the 11″ guns of the Admiral Graf Spee completely outranged the 8″ and 6″ guns of the cruisers she faced. Yes the Graf Spee lost, but she was scuttled by her own captain and not battered into submission by the 3 RN cruisers.
As for this comment: A battlecruiser is a different class of ship to a cruiser so not comparable
1) Still a cruiser
2) HMS Reknown a Battle cruiser during WW2 was more powerful than HMS Belfast.
It depends how you interpret the sentence. The use of the word ‘once’ indicates that there was a period in time when HMS Belfast was the largest and most powerful cruiser in the RN.
That was in 1963 just before she was decommissioned! Every cruiser larger or more powerful that was afloat whilst she was afloat having been sunk or scrapped by then.
HMS Belfast was never the largest ship in the RN (originally they were saying ‘boat’) as there were larger air craft carriers afloat in 1963. She was the ship with the heaviest punch in 1963 so that could be taken as the most powerful.
So in a sense the corrected sentence is correct. But that’s a bit like saying I’m the sexiest man in this room – when I’m sat here on my lonesome ;).
Apologies if anyone else has already raised this, but funny how the BBC can avoid mentioning the word ‘Democrat’ in this whole piece on the decline of Detroit and its ‘corrupt’, ‘mismanaged’ governance in its ’50 years of decline-, which coincide exactly with 50 years of Democrat governance.
There’s no link or association the BBC considers it worth informing its readers of.
There are many liberal / Democrat / socialist places around the world, San Fransisco, Seattle, Sweden, Denmark , they’re are nice places to live in and they don’t look like Detroit ( which use to be known as the Paris of the East.) So that doesn’t explain it.
Detroit used to be a majority white city, after race riots and white flight in the 1960s, it’s now 90% black, it’s quite literally an African city. The city shows the same patterns of failure and dysfunction as Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, etc etc.
Then we would have to talk about biology and genetics and we’re not allowed to talk about that in these times.
Detroit was known as the Paris of the East ? I think that epiphet was given to Bucharest in Romania before Ceausescu turned much of it into his personal theme park.
And when States fix their fiscal problems under the direction of a different political party, the BBC pretends it didn’t happen. See also Wisconsin and Canada.
Heard a bit of TWATO earlier.
Some mum who hated how her daughters death had been handled by the Glasgow Herald and Marie Clair in 1991 was given all the room that she needed to do the BBCs emoting about Cameron not forcing Leveson on the nation.
So unlike nice Mr Ed and wee Cleggy!
I really resent the BBC using rightly angry and raw plebs to mouth Hugh Grants words for him…he may well have his mouth full, but that does not prevent him from having to act out his outrages if he wants the “Independent”(or is it Guardian?) “Hacked Off ” campaign of theirs to be believed.
As things stand, they only want to nobble Murdoch so the BBC can continue to trot out their Marxist slurry with no alternatives allowed.
This lady “a victim” was asked…just by way of interest…what she thought of some Tory saying that “victims should not be making laws”, as Leveson seems to imply.
Cue a load of bile aimed at Cameron, as Shaun Lie phoned it in from the lilo…bloody psh boys not getting it and all that…crossparty agreement , Giscard thinks he`s crap….yada yada.
Yet the Tories don`t take the BBC to the cleaners with their smug, lying bias 24/7…craven f***ers aren`t they?
The Dimblebore who hosts Question Time Even Lighter on Radio 4worththelicencefeealone waxed lyrical about how here we are on the Firth of Forth…
I don’t suppose that many people know or care where Ayr is, but dimblebore might at least have asked the lackey who brought his room service what that big lump of water outside his bedroom window was.
A new page for the site is being prepared as a permanent home for all those Beeboid quotes admitting bias that used to live on the sidebar. I’d like to ask everyone for suggestions for the title before publishing. At the moment it’s “Quotes of Shame”, but someone must have a better idea or two. Any suggestions?
how about wall of shame with a nice bbc pic beside the quotee
example could be afternoon chimp r. bacon gurning in his ridiculous “skool” blazer and his penchant for obscene palin quotes
It’s intended for quotes where they say the BBC really is biased. Like Andrew Marr and Mark Thompson’s admissions that the BBC staff have a liberal bias, and the From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel admission that there’s a tendency for groupthink. Plus Jeff Randall and Peter Sissons and Antony Jay complaining about the bias.
proclamations of proclivity
disclosures of disposition
professions of propensity
intimations of inclinations
(damn – the thesaurus has run out of alliterating synonyms)
we’re bent and we know it and we don’t care
The BBC house magazine, Aerial, has a section titled ‘Overheard at the BBC’ I doubt they have a copyright on that. While on this theme, how about a section encouraging BBC whistleblowers?
Seeing as this is a page for the times that brave individuals have spoken out against the possibility of horrendous left wing bullying it carries no shame. How about the ‘The Truth’ or ‘The Honest Speak Up’? ‘The Admissions Board’?
The White British convert to Islam jailed for terrorism was the subject of a bBC documentary which was filmed by his brother!
It’s hardly likely this would have been impartial in any way. It included footage of ‘Muslims against Crusades’ which he had joined and who were responsible for the disgraceful poppy burning, the group were later banned by the government. Under the UKs laws which are more lenient to Muslims they were fined just £50.
It’s astonishing that the bBC would accept and broadcast such a piece which could never be dispassionate, but then again perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.
When reading this article that shows just what our society has come to, further accentuated by the fact that it is a former Obama advisor who sees just how bad it is, speaks volumes.
Now just what force or power within our society do you think it is that has moulded our society to be this way, as opposed to Australia?
Didn’t Hannan also support The Obamessiah initially? And I know he tried to start a British version of the Tea Party, which means he doesn’t grasp the concept of “grass roots”. Is he just a chancer or what?
An excellent article by Daniel Pipes sheds light on this phenomena. Since we are too victims of it, we might as well understand the mentality at its root.
Unfortunately he hasn’t yet realised the awful truth about this country. He thinks “People are not only afraid to offend, but afraid to offend a vocal and aggressive group of people.” and that this is caused by “There is a segment of the Islamic community that is very vocal about this.”
He is very nuch mistaken. People are scared to death of the bullying left wing who have introduced draconion laws to subjugate and oppress the population. In many workplaces now the merest suggestion of ‘racism’ is enough to lose people their jobs, or at the least prevent career progression.
Most of the indigenous population are longing for the day these laws are overthrown, and it’s not uncommon to hear open talk of insurrection & rebellion. I wonder how far these idiots can push the populace before they actually do rise up.
Alas probably when the car on the drive has gone and the telly, it’s all they seem to want, like Soma in Brave New World.
Local news about a baby found dead abandoned near a road with a note asking for an islamic burial.
BBC interviewer with Police – so should we assume at least one of the parents is a Moslem?
Police woman as thick as the stereotypes – “well I don’t think we can come to any conclusion !”
He told BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme: “Well, this is sad news and this is sad for Eric Joyce, but it is even sadder for the people of Falkirk who for over a year now have no effective representation in Parliament and they definitely don’t deserve this.
“It is time to go for the sake of his constituents and for his own sake, he obviously has a problem and he needs help for that problem.”
Meanwhile, in an adjacent constituency, Gordon Brown continues to pretend to be an MP, drawing a large salary and free travel, whilst not bothering to represent his constituents in Parliament. It is time to go for the sake of his constituents and for his own sake, he obviously has a problem and he needs help for that problem.
I hate Red Nose Day – all the hype, false ‘giving’ and hypocrites. I never watch it, but my wife does. She said last night was extremely unfunny, but also very rude – apparently Lenny Henry said ‘fuck’ and Rowan Atkinson said ‘shag’ – at 7:30 on a Friday during a ‘children’s show’. Thought we’d see lots of complaints this morning, am I just too early or are we wrong?
LMAO at some stupid bBC interviewer talking to some black guys about gangs. She says can’t imagine what it’s like not to be able to go into certain parts of town.
Well that just shows she’s not got the first clue about live in multicultural Britain where you take your life in your hands being in certain areas, especially the Muslim ones in Northern towns.
The BBC has scant sympathy for DEPOSITORS in Cypriot Banks who are going to have their cash seized by the Eurozone authorities next week. They are referred to as “investors” and are all wealthy Russians!!
The deal involves a levy on bank deposits intended to ensure those investors contribute to the bailout. But it will apply to all deposits – at a higher rate on amounts above 100,000 euros.
However I must agree with the BBC analyst’s final comment
The Eurozone financial authorities have been keen until now to preserve bank deposits. The big question is whether this new precedent might unnerve bank customers in other countries in difficulty.
The danger if that were to happen is that some might want to pull their money out which could undermine the banks further.
Dear BBC,
Prompted by my discovery of your Radio 4 show “Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed” that critically aclaimed series described as ‘delightfully bonkers’ by the Guardian, I have been busy working up some ideas for a proper Islamic Sleuth to rival the greats such as Morse, Taggart and Prime Supect.
(Sorry BBC, those were all ITV series – no offence intended).
It is very early days as yet but I have already got a couple of catchphrases that will kick off and will conclude each episode.
The Police will be called to the scene of some bloody outrage and seem to be mystified. They are milling about scratching their heads, putting out crime scene tape and measuring their own skidmarks.
My detective interupts the Police spokeswoman who is telling the Press that as yet they have ‘nothing to go’.
My detective takes one look at the carnage and says : ‘There’s been a Mo-Murder!’
I think, BBC, that may catch on.
Then at the dramatic denouement, as the guilty party is about to be revealed, my detective meets all the likely suspects of the horrible crime at a Mosque. (You’ll like this BBC)
He then says : ‘I suppose you are wondering why I gathered you all here?’
Do get in touch with me BBC so that we can explore the possibilities of my ideas making it to air.
Oh well done BBC!
Yet another record-breaking response to your “Comic Relief” then…ever onwards and upwards eh?
Things do only get better then?
Now then…any chance of us actually seeing the PROOF that you actually have got all those pledges as redeemables?
Or are we talking Ukrainian beet production figures under yet another Uncle Lennys Five year Plan?
Any chance of getting an accountant who you DON“T select for yourselves to confirm that you`re as loved, as trusted and as failsafe a resting account for our money as you purport to be P.S (Post-Savile!)
Forgive the scepticism, but your accounts are as likely to be fiddled and massaged as the EUs…so no Kinnochio fudges and fiddles if you don`t mind!
“I don`t bee-leavve it”, you see…and I`m showing the same degree of cynical nastiness as you do whenever the Church or the Coalition say anything….I trust either of them more that you, BBC…no serial abusers knowingly allowed a dressing room or trailer bunk up with either of those…unlike you, you creepy grooming bunch of fakes!
The now show is just about a far left leaning as ever with songs like ‘these are the things David Cameron could organise in a brewery’.
I had to laugh at the headline on BBC news “Cameron speech: We are here to fight”
This is regarding the party conference and it left me with the distinct impression that they were there to fight – amongst themselves!
Cameron describes himself as a ‘progressive Conservative’ which is about as logical as a giant dwarf !
Philip_2Mar 3, 20:26 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 A torrid week for the BBC ‘There’s something going seriously wrong at the BBC. Our national broadcaster seems to be…
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St David’s…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
Fedup2Mar 3, 19:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Northern – true enough -but to put them all in one place could have … advantages …
Northern VoterMar 3, 19:38 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Fed the down side to your thinking is that TTK can just fill up those empty RAF bases with brown…
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
I’m completely puzzled why the country needs 250,000 more school places.
Hmm, I’m utterly baffled !
Woah ! 12:00 O’Clock news and they do now mention that they were Muslims!
Perhaps all the complaining I’ve been doing has had an effect? Nah that’s just being silly!
The BBC sure knows how to pick em.
After Don’t Panic I’m Islamic fiasco now this.
Dart, Alom and Mahmood plead guilty to terror charges
Dart, also known as Salahuddin al-Britani, appeared in a BBC documentary after Dart converted to Islam.
After moving to London he briefly worked as a security guard for the BBC.
The beard without the mustache , I don’t think that’s a good look.
yep! the upside down head, would see him
go down as all the rage, on 70s soul train
A sort of paramilitary Amish look.
Doesn’t the cultural enrichment just jump out at you ? How could this country possibly move forward without this barbaric 7th century ideology improving our wellbeing?
The next time someone tells you that diversity on the lines of ethnicity is a positive thing, ask them in what way, and then ask for proof from studies, not their own prejudices. The studies undertaken in the US show that multiculturalism is in fact a negative thing, reducing social cohesion, making people less trusting and more fearful even of their own ethnic group.
And then ask them if they’re so convinced diversity is a good thing why they’re so opposed to political diversity as most of them believe the only views allowed should be theirs.
“The studies undertaken in the US show that multiculturalism is in fact a negative thing, reducing social cohesion,”
I always thought that was the point of Multiculturalism.
I particularly noted the way that BBC Radio 5 Live news reports informed us that the ‘men’ pleaded guilty and go on to say that the charges ‘accused them of travelling to Pakistan for terrorist training’. Is that fact actually in doubt? Quick BBC lawyers, someone, haven’t they just admitted that they are guilty as charged? So how is this still an accusation?
Gosh, I wonder which religion? Damned Amish and their squiggly quill pen graffiti – get into the 21st Century and use a spray can!
Sorry – just seen this. You beat me to it with the Amish thing.
Go ahead, as far as I’m concerned all religions are fair game – that’s where I part company with the BBC.
But some are more harmless than others …..
so thats why those footbaths are in?,
is that his prison suit behind? … the arrows are all over the shop :-D, where they buy those from … pakistan
How the bBC uses emotive language in which to promote the Islamic terrorist cause.
Palestinians born ‘from prisoners’ smuggled sperm’
Just a few seconds old, but already strong of voice, Muhannad Ziben did not sound best pleased as a midwife, gripping him by the ankle, hoisted him above his mother and snipped the umbilical chord.He was born in Nablus’s al-Arabia hospital in August last year. Within a few hours he looked more comfortable, snoozing in the arms of his mother Dallal. The father though was absent.
Ammar Ziben is serving 32 life sentences in an Israeli prison for his involvement in bomb attacks in Jerusalem in 1997.Dallal says she was able to get pregnant using her husband’s sperm, which was smuggled out from inside the jail. “Muhannad is a gift from God,” Dallal told the BBC at the time. “But my happiness is not complete without my husband here beside me.”
What a complete crock of shite from the bBC. For a start a so called impartial news orq which goes well out of its way not to calla spade a spade (Militant for terrorist) has no problem saying Only Palestinians can be born from smuggled Sperm. No bBC, babys are born not Pals. As for not knowing how these women get their hands on sperm, I can offer a much simpler explanation. They have been playing the field and instead of getting stoned to death for opening their legs, they say they got hold of some of their banged up husbands man fat . I have to admit I do love the bit about how Life is good for the Mother but it can only be better if her terrorist husband (found guilty of being behind 16 deaths and 178 injured) was beside her in the exclusive bbC interview.Really At home she would have no freedom, he would have no work Inside Prison she receives over £1500 a month from the Palestinian While her Husband is locked up, she is a very rich woman. No Muslim going to give that sort of money up for love.
If I’d been forced to marry someone who was a close relative, forced to stay indoors most of the time, and when outdoors forced to wear something resembling a large black sack with a slit to look out of I don’t think I’d feel very loving towards a husband who had got himself locked away for years.
BBc news at 13:00 Belfast once the largest most powerful cruiser in the navy?????!!!! WTF
Kate silverfish is still calling it that!
Ah they got it right at last then!
HMS Belfast actually was the most powerful cruiser in the navy .
Returning to action in November 1942 with improved firepower, radar equipment and armour, Belfast was the largest and arguably most powerful cruiser in the Royal Navy at the time.
Thoughtful wrote:
HMS Belfast actually was the most powerful cruiser in the navy …Returning to action in November 1942 with improved firepower, radar equipment and armour, Belfast was the largest and arguably most powerful cruiser in the Royal Navy at the time.
HMS Belfast was a town class Light Cruiser At the time ‘1943’ The RN had three classes of Heavy cruisers:
County class Heavy cruisers
Hawkins class Heavy cruisers
York class Heavy cruisers
Belfast had 6″ main guns, the Heavies had 8″ ones
Lastly there was also the class of Battle Cruisers of which the RN had Two HMS Hood and HMS Renown. They had 15″ guns.
So actually the BBC is wrong on every account.
I think it takes more than the calibre of the gun to decide the quality of the ship.
Belfast rate of fire an astonishing 96 rounds per minute and the radar system meant greater accuracy. The ship was virtually rebuilt in 1942 with even thicker armour – much more substantial than the ‘heavy cruisers’ mentioned .
All the one mentioned were designed and built to the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty and so limited in their capabilities as well as two decades older than Belfast.
A battlecruiser is a different class of ship to a cruiser so not comparable.
The text you quoted is lifted directly from Wikipedia – not my opinion. It says that it is arguable that Belfast was the most powerful at the time, I don’t think it’s a simplistic as you’re trying to paint it.
“Belfast rate of fire an astonishing 96 rounds per minute and the radar system meant greater accuracy. The ship was virtually rebuilt in 1942 with even thicker armour – much more substantial than the ‘heavy cruisers’ mentioned .”
Belfast fired a shell weighting 51Kgs a distance of around 14 miles. The heavy cruisers could lob a 116kg shell 16 miles . The Battle cruisers fired a shell weighting 870Kgs 18 miles.
In a fight a 15″ gun is far better than a 6″ one. You only have to look at the Battle of River plate to see How the 11″ guns of the Admiral Graf Spee completely outranged the 8″ and 6″ guns of the cruisers she faced. Yes the Graf Spee lost, but she was scuttled by her own captain and not battered into submission by the 3 RN cruisers.
As for this comment:
A battlecruiser is a different class of ship to a cruiser so not comparable
1) Still a cruiser
2) HMS Reknown a Battle cruiser during WW2 was more powerful than HMS Belfast.
This was discussed in the last open thread.
It depends how you interpret the sentence. The use of the word ‘once’ indicates that there was a period in time when HMS Belfast was the largest and most powerful cruiser in the RN.
That was in 1963 just before she was decommissioned! Every cruiser larger or more powerful that was afloat whilst she was afloat having been sunk or scrapped by then.
HMS Belfast was never the largest ship in the RN (originally they were saying ‘boat’) as there were larger air craft carriers afloat in 1963. She was the ship with the heaviest punch in 1963 so that could be taken as the most powerful.
So in a sense the corrected sentence is correct. But that’s a bit like saying I’m the sexiest man in this room – when I’m sat here on my lonesome ;).
That’s a big improvement on BBC breakfast time when it was just a “boat”.
Perhaps we can expect those mega brained journalistic bloodhounds at BBC Newsnight to undercover the cause of the London and SE population explosion?
There are varoius theories in the running:
I hear BBC employees favourite tune is ‘It’s Raining Men’.
Quick someone ask that Labour Peer Prof/Doc bloke with the big black moustache – he must know something?
Or phone the BBC’s answer to Mums Net : ‘Bump Club’!
Oh my, all those little gifts from Allah…. must be an act of God that we suddenly have so many.
Apologies if anyone else has already raised this, but funny how the BBC can avoid mentioning the word ‘Democrat’ in this whole piece on the decline of Detroit and its ‘corrupt’, ‘mismanaged’ governance in its ’50 years of decline-, which coincide exactly with 50 years of Democrat governance.
There’s no link or association the BBC considers it worth informing its readers of.
Good spot. What shock that the BBC did the exact same thing when they stirred up some racial strife in St. Louis.
Agenda? What agenda?
There are many liberal / Democrat / socialist places around the world, San Fransisco, Seattle, Sweden, Denmark , they’re are nice places to live in and they don’t look like Detroit ( which use to be known as the Paris of the East.) So that doesn’t explain it.
Detroit used to be a majority white city, after race riots and white flight in the 1960s, it’s now 90% black, it’s quite literally an African city. The city shows the same patterns of failure and dysfunction as Zimbabwe, South Africa, Haiti, etc etc.
Then we would have to talk about biology and genetics and we’re not allowed to talk about that in these times.
Detroit was known as the Paris of the East ? I think that epiphet was given to Bucharest in Romania before Ceausescu turned much of it into his personal theme park.
My mistake, you’re quite correct, I should have said Paris of the West.
A picture paints a thousand words.
It’s a Third World city.
And when States fix their fiscal problems under the direction of a different political party, the BBC pretends it didn’t happen. See also Wisconsin and Canada.
I forgot to mention that the BBC has form on biased reporting about Detroit.
It’s Red nose day. Lucky I’m going out. But then the main output of the BBc is so crap I hardly watch it anyway.
Tell it like it is, Mavis. Got to agree though, even though the old adage ‘C***s are useful’ would seem to apply.
Heard a bit of TWATO earlier.
Some mum who hated how her daughters death had been handled by the Glasgow Herald and Marie Clair in 1991 was given all the room that she needed to do the BBCs emoting about Cameron not forcing Leveson on the nation.
So unlike nice Mr Ed and wee Cleggy!
I really resent the BBC using rightly angry and raw plebs to mouth Hugh Grants words for him…he may well have his mouth full, but that does not prevent him from having to act out his outrages if he wants the “Independent”(or is it Guardian?) “Hacked Off ” campaign of theirs to be believed.
As things stand, they only want to nobble Murdoch so the BBC can continue to trot out their Marxist slurry with no alternatives allowed.
This lady “a victim” was asked…just by way of interest…what she thought of some Tory saying that “victims should not be making laws”, as Leveson seems to imply.
Cue a load of bile aimed at Cameron, as Shaun Lie phoned it in from the lilo…bloody psh boys not getting it and all that…crossparty agreement , Giscard thinks he`s crap….yada yada.
Yet the Tories don`t take the BBC to the cleaners with their smug, lying bias 24/7…craven f***ers aren`t they?
The Dimblebore who hosts Question Time Even Lighter on Radio 4worththelicencefeealone waxed lyrical about how here we are on the Firth of Forth…
I don’t suppose that many people know or care where Ayr is, but dimblebore might at least have asked the lackey who brought his room service what that big lump of water outside his bedroom window was.
A snip at £4 billion pa.
A new page for the site is being prepared as a permanent home for all those Beeboid quotes admitting bias that used to live on the sidebar. I’d like to ask everyone for suggestions for the title before publishing. At the moment it’s “Quotes of Shame”, but someone must have a better idea or two. Any suggestions?
how about wall of shame with a nice bbc pic beside the quotee
example could be afternoon chimp r. bacon gurning in his ridiculous “skool” blazer and his penchant for obscene palin quotes
It’s intended for quotes where they say the BBC really is biased. Like Andrew Marr and Mark Thompson’s admissions that the BBC staff have a liberal bias, and the From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel admission that there’s a tendency for groupthink. Plus Jeff Randall and Peter Sissons and Antony Jay complaining about the bias.
I like the idea of pictures, though.
proclamations of proclivity
disclosures of disposition
professions of propensity
intimations of inclinations
(damn – the thesaurus has run out of alliterating synonyms)
we’re bent and we know it and we don’t care
I like that last one, but perhaps something a bit more prosaic would be better. “From the Mouths of Beeboids”?
Make that “Out of….”
The BBC house magazine, Aerial, has a section titled ‘Overheard at the BBC’ I doubt they have a copyright on that. While on this theme, how about a section encouraging BBC whistleblowers?
I’d just entitle it ‘In Their Own Words …’
Seeing as this is a page for the times that brave individuals have spoken out against the possibility of horrendous left wing bullying it carries no shame. How about the ‘The Truth’ or ‘The Honest Speak Up’? ‘The Admissions Board’?
It’s both that and the “we’re bent and don’t care” kind.
“Horrible Histories”.
Might even get some search engine hits.
Frank the Plank on a skidoo – whatever next?
The White British convert to Islam jailed for terrorism was the subject of a bBC documentary which was filmed by his brother!
It’s hardly likely this would have been impartial in any way. It included footage of ‘Muslims against Crusades’ which he had joined and who were responsible for the disgraceful poppy burning, the group were later banned by the government. Under the UKs laws which are more lenient to Muslims they were fined just £50.
It’s astonishing that the bBC would accept and broadcast such a piece which could never be dispassionate, but then again perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.
Britons afraid to challenge radical Islam, says former Obama adviser
When reading this article that shows just what our society has come to, further accentuated by the fact that it is a former Obama advisor who sees just how bad it is, speaks volumes.
Now just what force or power within our society do you think it is that has moulded our society to be this way, as opposed to Australia?
No prizes for guessing the right answer 🙄
The American government wants Turkey in the EUSSR. That means 80 million muslims will be allowed to come to Britain. How nice.
Far left David Cameron wants Turkey in the EU, but then again that might be part of his plan to destroy the Tory party
Right wing conservative Daniel Hannan also wants Turkey in the EUSSR.
Daniel Hannan, like Paddington Bear comes from Peru.
I wonder if Hannan likes marmalade sandwiches.
Didn’t Hannan also support The Obamessiah initially? And I know he tried to start a British version of the Tea Party, which means he doesn’t grasp the concept of “grass roots”. Is he just a chancer or what?
An excellent article by Daniel Pipes sheds light on this phenomena. Since we are too victims of it, we might as well understand the mentality at its root.
Explaining the Denial
Denying Islam’s Role in Terror
Unfortunately he hasn’t yet realised the awful truth about this country. He thinks “People are not only afraid to offend, but afraid to offend a vocal and aggressive group of people.” and that this is caused by “There is a segment of the Islamic community that is very vocal about this.”
He is very nuch mistaken. People are scared to death of the bullying left wing who have introduced draconion laws to subjugate and oppress the population. In many workplaces now the merest suggestion of ‘racism’ is enough to lose people their jobs, or at the least prevent career progression.
Most of the indigenous population are longing for the day these laws are overthrown, and it’s not uncommon to hear open talk of insurrection & rebellion. I wonder how far these idiots can push the populace before they actually do rise up.
Alas probably when the car on the drive has gone and the telly, it’s all they seem to want, like Soma in Brave New World.
Local news about a baby found dead abandoned near a road with a note asking for an islamic burial.
BBC interviewer with Police – so should we assume at least one of the parents is a Moslem?
Police woman as thick as the stereotypes – “well I don’t think we can come to any conclusion !”
Dennis Canavan, who was an MP and MSP for Falkirk, said that it was time for Mr Joyce to stand down.
He told BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme: “Well, this is sad news and this is sad for Eric Joyce, but it is even sadder for the people of Falkirk who for over a year now have no effective representation in Parliament and they definitely don’t deserve this.
“It is time to go for the sake of his constituents and for his own sake, he obviously has a problem and he needs help for that problem.”
Meanwhile, in an adjacent constituency, Gordon Brown continues to pretend to be an MP, drawing a large salary and free travel, whilst not bothering to represent his constituents in Parliament. It is time to go for the sake of his constituents and for his own sake, he obviously has a problem and he needs help for that problem.
I hate Red Nose Day – all the hype, false ‘giving’ and hypocrites. I never watch it, but my wife does. She said last night was extremely unfunny, but also very rude – apparently Lenny Henry said ‘fuck’ and Rowan Atkinson said ‘shag’ – at 7:30 on a Friday during a ‘children’s show’. Thought we’d see lots of complaints this morning, am I just too early or are we wrong?
LMAO at some stupid bBC interviewer talking to some black guys about gangs. She says can’t imagine what it’s like not to be able to go into certain parts of town.
Well that just shows she’s not got the first clue about live in multicultural Britain where you take your life in your hands being in certain areas, especially the Muslim ones in Northern towns.
Saturday Live 09:30
The BBC has scant sympathy for DEPOSITORS in Cypriot Banks who are going to have their cash seized by the Eurozone authorities next week. They are referred to as “investors” and are all wealthy Russians!!
The deal involves a levy on bank deposits intended to ensure those investors contribute to the bailout. But it will apply to all deposits – at a higher rate on amounts above 100,000 euros.
However I must agree with the BBC analyst’s final comment
The Eurozone financial authorities have been keen until now to preserve bank deposits. The big question is whether this new precedent might unnerve bank customers in other countries in difficulty.
The danger if that were to happen is that some might want to pull their money out which could undermine the banks further.
Ain’t that the truth
Dear BBC,
Prompted by my discovery of your Radio 4 show “Detective Sergeant Nick Mohammed” that critically aclaimed series described as ‘delightfully bonkers’ by the Guardian, I have been busy working up some ideas for a proper Islamic Sleuth to rival the greats such as Morse, Taggart and Prime Supect.
(Sorry BBC, those were all ITV series – no offence intended).
It is very early days as yet but I have already got a couple of catchphrases that will kick off and will conclude each episode.
The Police will be called to the scene of some bloody outrage and seem to be mystified. They are milling about scratching their heads, putting out crime scene tape and measuring their own skidmarks.
My detective interupts the Police spokeswoman who is telling the Press that as yet they have ‘nothing to go’.
My detective takes one look at the carnage and says : ‘There’s been a Mo-Murder!’
I think, BBC, that may catch on.
Then at the dramatic denouement, as the guilty party is about to be revealed, my detective meets all the likely suspects of the horrible crime at a Mosque. (You’ll like this BBC)
He then says : ‘I suppose you are wondering why I gathered you all here?’
Do get in touch with me BBC so that we can explore the possibilities of my ideas making it to air.
Oh well done BBC!
Yet another record-breaking response to your “Comic Relief” then…ever onwards and upwards eh?
Things do only get better then?
Now then…any chance of us actually seeing the PROOF that you actually have got all those pledges as redeemables?
Or are we talking Ukrainian beet production figures under yet another Uncle Lennys Five year Plan?
Any chance of getting an accountant who you DON“T select for yourselves to confirm that you`re as loved, as trusted and as failsafe a resting account for our money as you purport to be P.S (Post-Savile!)
Forgive the scepticism, but your accounts are as likely to be fiddled and massaged as the EUs…so no Kinnochio fudges and fiddles if you don`t mind!
“I don`t bee-leavve it”, you see…and I`m showing the same degree of cynical nastiness as you do whenever the Church or the Coalition say anything….I trust either of them more that you, BBC…no serial abusers knowingly allowed a dressing room or trailer bunk up with either of those…unlike you, you creepy grooming bunch of fakes!
The now show is just about a far left leaning as ever with songs like ‘these are the things David Cameron could organise in a brewery’.
I had to laugh at the headline on BBC news “Cameron speech: We are here to fight”
This is regarding the party conference and it left me with the distinct impression that they were there to fight – amongst themselves!
Cameron describes himself as a ‘progressive Conservative’ which is about as logical as a giant dwarf !