The Egyptians started flooding Palestinian border tunnels with sewage last month.
Here’s the link on the BBC:
Ahhh…it’s not there is it?
Why might that be?:
On twitter, BBC correspondent Jon Donnison is downplaying the importance of the Egyptian actions:
Jon Donnison @JonDonnison
Having further checked out #Gaza #Egypt tunnel flooding story, still think its being overplayed. Tunnels operating pretty much as normal.…41827425435649
Never mind the Palestinians should be pleased then….or maybe not:
One tunnel owner who identified himself as Abu Suliman said only 50 tunnels are functioning, as opposed to about 550 working at full capacity following Israel’s last military operation on Gaza in November 2012.
Some 2,000 men and boys work in the tunnel trade in the Gaza Strip. But over the past three months, more than 80 percent have lost the only work and benefits available in besieged Gaza, which remains stuck in an Israeli blockade.
That occurred after the government of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi ordered the destruction of the underground transportation network. As part of that effort, the military began dumping raw sewage into the passageways.
During Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s time, Amer recalls, soldiers fired tear-gas into the tunnels. Although some friends were killed by the gas, Amer says he fears the sewage water more.
Funny how Donnison is quite unconcerned about the working conditions and treatment of the tunnellers by their Palestinian bosses:
‘Worker abuse is also rampant, with tunnel owners underpaying and overworking the vulnerable labour force. The average excavator works 12 hours a day.
Advocate Hazem Hanyia, of the Independent Commission for Human Rights, conducted a study on the tunnels and found that working conditions do not meet minimum safety standards and violate Palestinian labour laws.
Amer says some tunnel owners create imaginary problems three or four hours into a shift in order to kick workers out and not pay them for a full day’s work.
“We never knew there is something called labour rights in this work,” says Amer. “It feels like an animal farm, and the tunnel owner comes and collects how much he needs, and he would not mind if we die.” ‘
Shame the Israelis didn’t think of the sewage ploy….they could have had a lovely little write up by Donnison…I’m sure he would have obliged.