Quality Journalism



No clearer example than this to illustrate why the Today programme, and the BBC as a whole, fail so often to bring us the truth:

I’m a ducker and a diver: Truth about BBC ‘welfare victim’ who dared Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 a week

 ‘I put a comment on saying David Cameron can stick his Big Society where the sun doesn’t shine, or words to that effect,’ he said. ‘As a result I was invited to go to Newcastle and be interviewed by John Humphrys.’


I wonder what exactly it was about his ‘evidence’ that attracted the eye of the BBC.

Perhaps there is an earnest economist somewhere left wondering why he was invited to audition for the part of Delboy in a remake of ‘Only Fools And Horses’ at the BBC.

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30 Responses to Quality Journalism

  1. Mark says:

    He was being on-message in the eyes and ears of the BBC, nothing more, nothing less.


  2. Guest Who says:

    Look out Jonnie Marbles, a new Newsnight ‘special correspondent’ hoves into view.


  3. thoughtful says:

    The whole ethos behind the current government cuts, and the propaganda spun by IDS is that work has to pay, and that no one on benefits should be better off staying in bed than someone who gets up and gets out to work.

    So to counter this it was of no use for the bBC to go & find the usual mindless zombie scraping their knuckles on the street of a council estate, the needed someone working – in receipt of benefits, worse off as a result, and prepared to stick their head over the parapet.

    Who here reckons that the benefits agency hasn’t been over his claim with a fine tooth comb as a result? We know that the Mail have been digging around, so it’s unsurprising that there aren’t going to be many candidates who meet the bBC criteria.

    I suppose it’s like a drowning man and a straw, faced with a deadline and a point to make they found someone and didn’t care too much about the quality, after all, the only thing they were interested in was the point, now David Bennet has been thrown to the wolves I doubt very much that the bBC have been doing anything to assist him, and unless it starts to affect them they won’t either.


  4. thoughtful says:


    Now this goes much further than a simple link to a petition, and further than any other media outlet has gone to date, unless of course you know different?


  5. thoughtful says:

    funny thing but by delivering a whole heap of policy changes / cuts etc etc on the same day the government must have expected to have buried quite a bit of it, and it seems they have.

    I would have thought that the bBC the home of casualty NHS loving Danny Boyle hugging etc etc etc. would really have gone to town on the changes to the NHS, but this was a big mistake. Tonights news carried a story about Virgin health care which has apparantly been running private health care for the NHS for years and doing it very nicely.

    So is Richard Branson some kind of bBC canonised luvvie approved of to run the NHS or has the move to Salford and its regional hospitals opened the eyes of bBC hacks to the fact that its not the socialist workers paradise they thought it was when down in London.

    The bBC missing out on a Tory led NHS reorganisation? Now that’s something I thought I’d never see.


  6. Doublethinker says:

    Caring Tories

    In a remarkable move the Tories announced that everyone who receives any form of tax payer handout , sorry benefit, will now be exempt from paying the License Fee. The scheme is also to be extended to include immigrants who have been in the country for less than 10 years or whose first language is not English.
    However, those on incomes above £100K pa, or who live in a house worth more than £2m, will pay the new super License Fee of £1000 pa.
    A BBC spokesman said that the BBC welcomed any move to alleviate the hardship imposed on the poor by the government cuts . But the spokesman added that the corporation was evaluating the proposal closely and that there were concerns that this form of progressive tax may be unfair on the better off in society particularly those living in London.


    • Beness says:

      i wish.


    • chrisH says:

      I think you`re onto something big here!
      1. Free TV Licences for the Poor..why should the rich pensioners get it?…arf!
      2. Free TV Licences for Immigrant families…they don`t speak “Gardian”, so why should they be “invited to contribute”?
      3. Free TV Licences for those who can show active faith in favour of a God…who is NOT a suppoerter of global warming as well(a leter or a blog post constitutes grounds that will entitle)…why should THEY be expected to pay any “solidarity levy” as devised for Saviles pension pot or Mausoleum?
      Yes folks…online petition now…flood Independent radio and someone tell Sir Rupert that the Feenix is rising.
      I see a rolling campaign here…well done doublethinker!


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        Hey, did they include paying the license fee in the list of expenses for that market trader guy whom the BBC held up as a tragic victim of benefits cuts?


  7. thoughtful says:

    OOops IDS caught lying – now I wonder if the media will make as much of it as they did over David Bennetts dodgy claims.

    I’ve been on the breadline I know what it’s like to struggle says IDS “lost his job at a property company when interest rates soared after Black Wednesday in 1992.”
    ‘The company literally stopped working and like a number of people I was made redundant. I was shocked, but I had to go home and tell my wife that the wheels had come off the bus,’

    So that would be the multi millionaire wife that you married in 1982 then? I bet the hardship you encountered was terrible! I don’t know how you managed!


    • Mat says:

      thoughtful can you stop the personal stuff about IDS what he does or does not is raked over constantly by the BBC and it’s left wing pets so why not take the war on Tory’s over there !
      This is about the >BBC <fronting a liar to attack government policy therefore being biased not whether a Tory has a rich wife!
      Oh and I have to get by on £71 quid a week since I was unionised out of my last job so I know what a breadline look like !


    • thoughtful says:

      Politicians lying is always an issue Mat, and the bBC stooge Bennett has been demonised by the press.
      This is not about the fact IDS’s wife is rich it is the evidence that he did not struggle in the way he has claimed.
      Now seeing as the bBC did not output any article about Bennett we wait to see whether they (and others) will report this.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘…and the bBC stooge Bennett has been demonised by the press’.

        Not sure where you stand on that one.


  8. George R says:

    “Tory MP complains to the BBC about market trader who challenged IDS on benefits”

    By Peter Dominiczak.



    • thoughtful says:

      How many of us have complained to the bBC only to get the standard fob off about them being allowed to be biased in one area of output, and that bias can only be judged across the entire output. They fail to ever explain how the entire output is monitored – I have a feeling that it isn’t, but if it is they never mention how it is measured.

      I really feel though that the Tories with leftie Dave at the head have utterly failed to being the BBC to heel, this has been going on for years and now it’s so entrenched following the BLiar years that a root & branch change is not possible, only a break up will solve its problems.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        I believe the standard line is “We get complaints from both sides.” Of course, unless we know the quality of the complaints, as well as the quantity, it’s impossible to judge and we have to trust them.


        • Guest Who says:

          ‘…unless we know the quality of the complaints, as well as the quantity, it’s impossible to judge and we have to trust them.’
          Which ‘we’ do. Apparently.
          Making it odd that even the entire market rate front row are saying their core mission is to rebuild that which they are also saying has not collapsed.
          I certainly trust the BBC, and the Trust especially, on next to nothing.
          And by sticking near any access to holding them to account behind secret internal investigations of their own, redactions and FoI exclusions they’d slaughter as private company under the spotlight for trying on, I don’t think I’ll be changing my view of the hypocritical nest of vipers any time soon.


  9. George R says:

    “Iain Duncan Smith on £53-a-week challenge: I’ve lived on the breadline twice… I won’t take lessons from the Left.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2302745/Iain-Duncan-Smith-53-week-challenge-I-wont-lessons-Left.html#ixzz2POk7HbuI


    • thoughtful says:

      Only he hasn’t and it’s likely that tomorrows news is going to be full of it.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘tomorrow’s news is going to be full of it.’
        First thing you’ve come out with I can agree with.
        This line started barking and now has descended into Bedlam.
        You and any wallowing in this daft campaign will be in clover.


  10. johnnythefish says:

    What has become clear over the past few days is that Bennett, the bloke who raised the petition against IDS and the dysfunctional Philpott ensemble of God-knows how many kids, are all doing OK if not very nicely out of the benefits system.

    Will this be the perception you get from the BBC? Nah, don’t think so.


  11. chrisH says:

    Only a lefty brought up and steeped in Gardyspeek could possibly deny that there is a link between Philpotts action and the welfare state that allowed him to spore like the saprophyte that he is.
    If this bloke had actually BEEN forced to do a shift at Poundland, he would not have murdered/manslaughtered his six kids in the hope of a bigger house and another womb to seed.
    Oh God here comes Owen. Polly and the Night rally..with Leveson waving his musings. Dis ist verboten apparently.


  12. revelife.com says:

    It’s hard to come by knowledgeable people in this particular subject, but you seem like you know what you’re talking
    about! Thanks