Andrew Mitchell must be scratching his head in wonder.
Allegations that he called a police office a ‘pleb’ were headline news on the BBC…indeed the story is still on their frontpage today.
There was absolutely no proof he said anything of the kind.
Today we learn that Labour’s ‘Obama’ in waiting, the black MP Chuka Umunna, called Londoners enjoying a night out in the West End ‘Trash’…..
‘The former DJ, now Labour’s shadow business secretary, belongs to an exclusive online club for so-called ‘jetrosexuals’, where he asked for tips on the best nightspots to avoid the ‘trash and C-list wannabes’ of London’s West End.
Not a peep out of the BBC.
Is it coz he’s Black…or Labour …or both?
Why haven’t you reported this story BBC? If Mitchell was news then so is this.
Alan, you seem surprised by hypocritical omission when we know it is par for the course.
Wait…what? A Labour politician was the member of an exclusive club? And there’s me thinking that Labour is the party of the downtrodden, excluded and oppressed.
The saddest thing is that this won’t make any difference to the tribal Labour voters who will carry on clinging to the belief that this party still represents them.
“Allegations that he called a police office a ‘pleb’ were headline news on the BBC………….”
I guess that is why he is suing the Sun then!
And the Sun has reported Umunna’s ‘Trash Talk’
perhaps he also can sue them…but not the BBC which hasn’t bothered to report it.
Suing might be difficult as this time it’s true…and not made up by bent coppers and gleefully reported by the BBC.
Funny old world.
Albaman. That’s the calibre of counter? And you still got two other likes for that logic-bereft non-sequitur?
Unique indeed.
Loved that BBC line, so beloved of Hisplop…that the police “allegedly” leaked the transcript as they imagined it to have been.
If the BBC say it was only allegedly done by the police-maybe then, they could tell us who else might have done this.
Typical BBC bias..yet again…for how much longer are we going to let them get away with this raindancing crap of theirs?
A clear case for censorship, as Leveson’s report is critical of media coverage of the minorities. This includes rich snobs like Oompah who are Labour MPs and, ah, black.
I wonder if Hugh Grant could qualify as black too?
Or a goth?
The allegations about Mitchell weren’t simply headline news. Newsnight kept the story going night after night. I remember a number of commentators expressing their surprise that the story was kept alive for so long. This was almost single-handily the work of the BBC.
The question has to be; for what purpose and by who…and who were Newsnight getting their information from?
I think that when it is shown that Mitchell was ‘set up’ very serious questions need to be asked of Newsnight. And if the new DG doesn’t respond in the right way, choosing the BBC’s usual approach of diversion and cover-up, perhaps he will need to reach for the stock resignation letter that now sits in on the DGs PC. This story has a long way to run.
Meanwhile, Umana? Will the BBC set foot there? Don’t be silly.
I think you’re being over suspicious here. I mean, when they broadcast allegations that a ex-senior Thatcher aide was a child abuser, they did take all reasonable steps to avoid accusing an innocent man, such as the most basic step of all of showing the accuser of the guy he was naming his photo to confirm the identity. Oh, hang on, did I get that wrong??? I’m sure that had nothing to do with the BBC falling over itself to stitch up a Tory. ..
Wait for Eddie Mair to get him¬ `You’re a nasty piece of work, aren’t you Mr?`
Ah but Chuck-up’s comments were seven years ago so there’s no need to hold them against him now.
It’s not like he’s a football manager making a non-PC comment seven years ago, is it?
The BBC appears to be quite fond of selectivity in ‘it was a different tim’ matters, too.
Well David Lammy certainly wont be the new Obamesiah.
Talk about knee jerk accusations of racism it’s as if the word racist is held on a hair trigger…
Let’s face it, politicians hardly fall into the category of genius but how do you get to Lammy’s age without a little general knowledge?
A mediocre politician who has achieved little if anything, has a dubious set of past affiliations, is very self important, and whose mistakes are being ignored by the BBC, Umunna is very similar to Obama.
Oh dear-when Lammy and Chuckup are being mentioned, you just KNOW that the Labour Party is in truly dire straits.
Paul Boateng next?…and why not Robeson or Belafonte as next Labour leader?…truly desperate!
Maybe they`ll be out matching skins to JayZ or Beyonce before too long…with the purring likes of Polly in full attendance.
And to think if you wore Sahara Tan over your face once, you`d be Bruce Reynolds…these days, you`re the next dream candidate for a Labour Party leader! Eek!
Didn’t one of his aides take a second job at the BBC?
Umana’s father had just as exotic a background as Obama’s, having been a Nigerian tribal chief, politician and businessman who died in mysterious circumstances.
Chuka’s own past is hardly more respectable, having worked as a lawyer on private equity buy-outs and hostile takeovers.
And like other wealthy socialists he has an aversion to paying tax, preferring to offshore his wealth instead.
Did he kill Stephen Lawrence as well?
How’s your theories on that going after one of those convicted has dropped his appeal? Doesn’t seem to have your ‘faith’ in his own innocence, does he?
Perhaps he was told if continued with the appeal he could kiss good-bye to any chance of parole.
possible do you think?
Having leave to appeal denied didn’t help either, after a joke retrial that would have provoked riots if the colours had been reversed –
PS, you might like these blogs by a self-hating white on 101 uses for a dead cat. Made oi larf –
What in that first article shows anything about Umana’s father that is less than respectable?
“Mr Umunna had withdrawn a large sum of money from his bank account shortly before his death. Although Chuka Umunna, 33, has spoken of his father’s death in the past, he has remained vague about the details.”
Up to his ears in it, in other words.
Only someone who puts out that the vicious racists who murdered Stephen Lawrence are innocent and the real murderer was his friend Duane Brooks would be so keen to draw such a conclusion against a man who refused to pay bribes.
‘Is it cos I’s black? In this case, it certainly appears to be so.
It cos you white that you hate yourself.
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