I was amused by the declaration from the new BBC DG Tony Hall that trust is rising in the BBC. I wonder what makes him think this? Was it the Savile revelations perhaps, Jimmy the long time BBC star and serial paedo?  Perhaps it was how the thorough and entirely professional way that Newsnight tackled the allegations against Lord McAlpine? I wonder HOW Hall comes to this conclusion. I also note that he was COY on the issue of the license fee, as reported here.

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26 Responses to TRUST IS RISING???

  1. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Poll-driven, data-gathering, all achieving the desired result. And all proceeding as predicted.


    • noggin says:

      i thought trust was supposed to be earned?
      by your actions

      just ask “honest” george osborne.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        The thing is, the BBC doesn’t really have to do anything to regain trust. The “trust” (really more of an emotional, cultural connection) was established generations ago, and gets tainted when scandals come out. As long as the BBC can keep the scandals to a minimum, or under the public radar, for a couple months, it all goes away and normal national treasure status resumes. The top Beeboids scurry around during these troubled times as much because of concern for their own asses as for any dedication to restoring trust in the BBC. Plus they listen to the bubble chatter, which is more important to them than what the public really thinks. When their friends in media and politics say it’s a concern, they react. For a while.

        It’s the same story as when the BBC took a public beating for all those fake competitions, and then Brand/Ross/Sachs several months later (if I remember the timing correctly). New training courses established, lessons learned, no major scandals in the news for a couple months, and back to business as usual. Two Beeboids lost their jobs, I think, not counting Ross and Brand. Did anything really change?

        Scandal after scandal, and public trust snaps back into place every time. They don’t really have to do anything more than keep their heads down for a couple months, and make all the right noises for the papers.


        • Span Ows says:

          yes David, very good comment. This is what e are up against. All those thinking the BBC can be just ‘disappeared’ fail to see this: if you did a door-to-door and asked “Despite all the scandals should there be NO BBC or carry on as normal?” the result would be 99% carry on: this is because the BBC is so much more than a blatantly bias and increasingly sinister news propaganda machine; it is a plethora of local radio, hospital radio, local TV, documentaries blah blah blah. This is the battle.


  2. Rtd Colonel says:

    Dead cat bounce? Sadly probably not


  3. Olly boy says:

    I listened to Hall on 5 Live the other day and quickly came to the conclusion that he’s utterly deluded so this sort of ludicrous comment doesn’t surprise me.


    • Teddy Bear says:

      More like ‘utterly deluding’ – that’s what the BBC do.
      They tell you the things that they want to be true in such a way that it convinces people it must be true if the BBC says it.
      Thinking – ‘if it wasn’t true the government would do something about it’.

      And so the vicious circle continues.


      • Adi says:

        Rule no 1 of Goebbels propaganda: It is true because we said it so.

        Rule no 2: If we didn’t report it, then it didn’t happen.

        There is no Rule 3.


      • Ralph says:

        I think you are underestimating the place, pre the multi channel word, that the BBC had in people’s lives. At present they are living off decades of good will and their oft repeated claims of being impartial.


  4. Ian Hills says:

    BBC’s new trust culture –

    “BBC bosses have investigated crimes ranging from sexual assault and drug use to theft and fraud on their premises, it has emerged. Suspected incidents of fraud and theft alone have run at more than 500 a year, a Freedom of Information request has revealed. Many cases were not passed to police and were closed with the remark ‘no further action’.”

    Helping the paedo squad to frame elderly white celebs distracts our attention from the bentBC (and our pals the “Asian” groomers, too).


  5. The Highland Rebel says:

    Bestiality Buggery Corruption.


  6. Leo says:

    “Some people” said so!


  7. Alex says:

    When the populace are coerced into funding a corrupt, politically biased organization against their free-will, the organization can spout whatever nonsense it likes… It basically has free reign to do what it likes with the a significant measure of impunity.

    By Jove, the BBC and the left really do disgust me. It makes me so angry!


    • Doublethinker says:

      I agree. They are a danger to anyone with blood pressure problems. Do you think I could sue them for having an adverse effect on my health.


      • Alex says:

        Give it a try… I’m currently in the process of suing them for causing my toothache. It’s a long-shot, but they really are getting on my ‘nerves’!


  8. Andrew says:

    A period of silence on the issue of trust would be most welcome, after Entwhistle, Savile, McAlpine, “Tory Cuts”, fixed phone-in competitions, etc, etc, etc.


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    A Rising is an insurrection, rebellion or a revolt.

    Or in other words, he means that there is a rebellion within the BBC Trust.

    Maybe it means that members of the Trust want to raze the BBC to the ground.


  10. alan says:

    Yes, good of him to spare us 15 minutes on Nicky Campbell.

    What did he say?

    ‘We must be open when we make mistakes…and it is our role to encourage the debate about things that are important to the Public.’

    Not so ‘open’ that they won’t spend £300,000 hiding the results of the Balen Report.

    Debate? Really? Not on climate change where the sceptics have been shut out….though there may be a ‘thaw’ in that policy as the weather stubbornly remains cold and unco-operative with the scientific consensus.


  11. David Brims says:

    Bill Oddie said that everyone knew at the BBC about Savile, it was an open secret.


  12. phil says:

    The BBC does not trust people to buy its products on a voluntary basis.

    That’s why we get all those sinister BBC warnings about its database and fines and criminal records.

    For many people, especially the poor who live in districts where huge posters warning of the consequences of failing to pay the TV tax are most likely to appear, their relationship with the BBC is one of fear and suspicion, not trust.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I am sure that you are right but how can this fear of the BBC taxes be turned into a mass refusal to pay the License Fee which is the only way to actual do real damage to the BBC and to give confidence to the Tories to take the corporation on.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Well, celebrate, because it has just been announced that the number of licence fee evaders has now exceeded a million households.


        • chrisH says:

          Any chance of a stiff`kit and presentation to the millionth license evader?
          As long as its nor Philpott or one of his cohort.


  13. paul says:

    trust is rising like a fart in a wet suit


  14. terminal says:

    Does anyone here have any information as to whether Lord Hall received a “golden handshake” to leave the Royal Opera House and rejoin the BBC?
    If not I would be happy to instigate an FOI request.