Sounds grotesque. From Finchley..
#bbcqt‘s back on Thursday with Ken Clarke, David Blunkett, @MingCampbellMP, @pollytoynbee and Margaret Thatcher’s biographer Charles Moore.
Sounds grotesque. From Finchley..
#bbcqt‘s back on Thursday with Ken Clarke, David Blunkett, @MingCampbellMP, @pollytoynbee and Margaret Thatcher’s biographer Charles Moore.
Oh God!!!!!
> I wish i could claim expenses for booze for Question Time (and live chat) .
I would swear on here about the guests but i am far to polite 🙂
Polly Toynbee – BBC Thatcher-bashing by proxy.
She was on R5 the other day demanding appology from someone who asserted she had place in Tuscany – does she or doesn’t she?
She sold it a couple of months back.
Hope she declares the profit on the sale for CGT purposes – would never do for her to be seen to be ‘avoiding taxes’.
If she has sold her house in Tuscany it will be in an effort to avoid a repeat of the wonderful moment on a previous QT when Richard Littlejohn embarrassed her mightily. That is still one of my all time favourite TV moments. There is nothing like seeing a champagne socialist pulled up short when lecturing the rest of us about how we should live our lives.
‘If she has sold her house in Tuscany it will be in an effort to avoid..’
Whilst the symbolism of a Chianterrati bolthole may have been lost, the capital assets resulting from its sale still exist surely?
A stack of villa-sale cash in the local bank in downtown Umbria still hardly puts her on par with most ‘hard-working families’ scraping by here.
Be funny if Italy pulls a Cyprus and she suddenly discovers the wrong kind of ‘haircut’ on the line.
“Be funny if Italy pulls a Cyprus”
Oh please, let that happen – if only to snag her stash.
(sorry if that sounds rude 😯 )
Think I’d rather listen to Blunkett than Toynbee (or Ken Clark now I think about it). Menzies Campbell is already embalmed, I’m sure of it.
Not only will the BBC get to claim balance on this one, but those who think the BBC is in thrall to the Government will hold this up as evidence of it, simply because Campbell is a member of one of the Coalition parties. From this point of view, it’s 3 against 2, unfairly balanced against Labour. Probably the only time the BBC gets any joy out of the fact that you have this Coalition Government.
The BBC are running in blood lust their skewed vile attack on Maggie is beyond all reason. They would do well to remember that those the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.
I hope and pray for an end to the TV Tax and the BBC
Can someone remember to let me know when Potty Polly Toynbee dies so that I can celebrate, although with a touch of regret, as she is one of the few really funny lefty comedians on the BBC.
I don’t think there is a “” website – but nothing is stopping you creating one. You might have to wait, so “” should see a quicker return.
I hope I have time to catch this on iplayer. Sounds a really balanced and fitting line-up. David Blunkett is a very decent Labour politician, and while I would not ascribe the word ‘decency’ to Polly Toynbee, what I’ve seen of what she’s written about the passing of Maggie does seem quite good as far as it goes.
And David Dimbleby, I will always state, is as impeccable a compere as one could hope to have.
David Dimbleby ‘is as impeccable a compere as one could hope to have’ – really?
Take a look at this.
Dimbleby is past his sell-by date on this one. He lost control ages ago, and his choice of audience questions no longer serves the viewing public.
I like the way he balances middle aged Labour Party supporters with smirking sixth formers who speak in cliches, though.
The Dimblebys are pair of blood-sucking parasites who have no right to be at the BBC but for the fact their fucking father Richard managed to get them jobs in perpetuity. There is also the small mater of a portion of the licence fee that goes untaxed into their bank accounts. And don’t forget the pension & expenses.
I wonder if I should setup a website. I would definitely celebrate when these 2 parasites die & I hope it’s a slow painful death.
The hereditary principle has its attractions: just look at Oliver Cromwell, who wanted his son – surprise! – to take over as Lord Protector after him. But we are told it’s wrong in the House of Lords and maybe even with monarchy. The Dimbleby boys have done very well out of the BBC.
Blunkett was complicit with letting every Tom,Dick and Ali into this country, then is credited with saying; ‘ i cannot see [sic] any upper limit to immigration into this country’, of course he couldn’t, being blind, god, thousands of chancers must have thought, ‘hey, the guy in charge is blind, lets go, easy’. Plastic bobbies, bloody useless, a complete waste of money. Trousers round his ankles, shagging an employee, what was she thinking? Insider info used to sell shares. Allegedly screaming; ‘machine-gun the bastards’ at prison chiefs during a prisoner revolt, it goes on. Decent? Think again.
I wish to apologise for an error in my post, Blunkett did not shag an employee, my mistake, and would like to say that posters should be able to remove a post after posting, if an error is realised, please note editor, thanks.
No, not an employee but she was something big at the Spectator wasn`t she?
And he did fast track some visa thing for one of her nannies didn`t he?
And he did make a fool of himself about his little lad when he was not the father…Andrew Marr syndrome maybe?
And he did leave his Socialist bastion of Sheffield with debts for the Student Games that they STILL haven`t paid off didn`t he?
And he did benefit from some DNA/Biotech company soon after his ID cards were suggested, and before he took up yet another post in Blairs Boomerang Co-operative didn`t he?
No need to apologise at all Robert as far as I can see…she was champagne socialist fantasy totty, with an American accent too. was Prescott who shagged one of our civil servants whilst the Queen Mother lay in state nearby…true class, and so Nu Labor.
One represents Sheffield, one is up the road in Hull…both loved by the BBC for being vulnerable…if being a lardarse can now be said to be so.
That said, I do respect Blunkett slightly more that Prescott, much as I prefer the word shit to shite…but what would I know?
The QT theory of political discourse =
Man 1 = I don’t like your politics!
Man 2 = I don’t like your politics!
Man 1 = but respect your right to hold a different view and will fight to defend your right to disagree!
Man 2 = I likewise!
Man 1 = so we can work together on areas we agree on and debate and hope to change minds on the areas where we disagree?
Man 2 =sounds great I!
Man 1 = thanks for your time good bye !
man 2 = good bye !
Now the reality =
Man 1 = I don’t like your politics!
Man 2= I don’t like your politics!
Man 1 = you smell of wee!
Man 2 = I think you walk like a billy goat and and have funny ears !
Audience member wearing a fetching Milli band scarf =
Thatcher killed my puppy !
Round of applause chairmen checks the brown envelope has full payment !
End credits !
If you think this program is likely to be biased, just wait until Friday evening when “The News Quiz” goes on air!
I am sure the audience will be up to the usual QT standard. Carefully selected to exhibit maximum venom .The BBC just cannot help itself any longer. Time to send it on it’s way.
I suspect much of the comment on Baroness Thatcher constitutes a hate crime, perhaps plod should get on to ot
Packed with Eurofanatics, I see.