I am currently reading the bBC article about how US officals are travelling to Dagistan in which to interview the parents of the Boston Islamic terrorists. When I came across this: Tamerlan died in the police operation to capture the brothers. Dzhokhar, the younger of the two, was injured.
While factually true, wouldn’t it be more tureful to say he died in a shoot out with the law. The bBC version paints the picture that hundreds of policemen converged on this poor fucking Muslim and murdered him in cold blood, in reality . This arsehole of a arse lifting bastard murdered a policeman after murdering 3 innocent people.
That people is how the bottom dwelling bBC defend Islamic terrorists by making them out to be be anything but.
The anti-Islamophobia lobby poses as the implacable opponent of bigotry, yet it spreads a bigoted view of ordinary white folk as so volatile, so brimming with fury, that they are one terrorist bombing away from transforming into an anti-Muslim pogrom.
Yet that last word was used here, and similar sentiments have been expressed many times, long before this bombing.
no, credit must go to Migration Watch where no doubt Guido got the idea, he isn’t one for naming sources although he’s much better now than he used to be.
Not bothered if Guido don’t name check, as long as the message gets to as many people as possible….hell, he could say he researched it all himself as far as I’m concerned, provided a few more people see the deceit at the heart of the BBC.
UKIP are a bunch of hypocrites, this party all voted to keep the EU budget + the requested increase.
I don’t understand why so many supposedly balanced people would vote for a party which has as many credible polices as the discredited Greens , and of course is taking votes away from the Conservatives which will result in gifting the next election to Labour.
The BBC will quote the NIESR. This of course is headed up by Jonathan Portes who was responsible for the report that only 15,000 Poles would come to the UK!
What does Jonathan and his mates say about Romanian’s ah yes “few will come”
Yet in spite of such risible incompetence Jonathan Portes will be all over the BBC’s airwaves with no mention of his past incompetence.
The BBC are clearly not happy about Mays determination to deport Qatada. They just gave an unopposed platform to a ‘Ding Dong’ Human Rights lawyer to not only rant against
her entire handling of the case, but also to make the libelous suggestion that she was only refusing to back down because she is ambitious to be Prime Minister.
This was on druggie Richard Bacons Five Live show.
Time was when the stoners from Kingston Poly pissed off on a a gap year after “uni”, and were then mugged by reality in places like Katmandu orTimbuktoo.
They came back, normally able to do a decent job in the arts or suchlike.
These days, however, they go straight from the shooting galleries of Brighton and straight into the public sector as chugger monkeys, insulation survey questionnaire compilers or-if they`re REALLY thick and not cut out for number work or people skills…to the BBC or stay in in…er “research”.
Why else would a “Institute of Piss and Steffanomics” get the headline news at 7am and 8am(Today) telling us that crime is down, and we`re all Madchester smiley faces in the face of stabbings, Philpotts and Duggan-inspired riots?
Yet the BBC pass the joints around and peer down at us through Lennons blood-spattered specs, and tell us that the Peace Train/Love Train passed through the UK and discovered that there`s no crime at all worthy of mention.
No sir-well, maybe a bit of apple scrumping and shoplifting in Lewisham…but apart from that?…don`t harsh my vibe maan!
Well-let`s take them at their word then-stuff Crimewatch, You and Yours, Money Box, In Touch up your Salford Sphinter then Beeboids…boot off the Happy Hours that are Newsnight , Today etc…clearly no crime apart from loving too much…caring until it hurts?…guilty of both bruv!
And-for the worrywarts asking the RCN how bad it gets, there in NHS land?…send in the Peace Train box tickers, and we`ll soon find that mid-Staffs was just a bad joint and a bringdown maaan.
Stop moaning Beeboids…unplug yourselves, go and do nice jobs and stop moaning-no crime, nothing wrong.
The Bankers are groovin` and the NHS is a buzz…f***in breadheads wanting more moolah maan.
Stop moaning you BBC tosspots…Happy Talk from now on eh?
As with most things, the BBC have their own agenda.
Alarm bells rang when Mark Easton informed us this transformation has happened over the last 10 years. And that coincides with……? Well, cuddly ickle Evan then asks him what HE thinks has brought this about. That’s right, let’s have Easton’s OPINION regardless of how unqualified he might be, in the absence of any other erm, expert, and in total breach of the BBC’s impartiality rules.
So Easton’s theory is it’s due to the global access the British people have and how they are now more tolerant of ‘difference’ and less tolerant of violence. Backed up later in the programme with stats which show fewer murders in London than New York and even other European cities such as Prague and Amsterdam. So it’s the multi-culti effect, see, just like the Olympics. How blessed we are to have so many peace-loving role models from all corners of the globe moving amongst us.
What is the BBC going to do when Peter Hain’s promised “savage [Tory] cuts” start to bite? Surely that will make crime go up and provide a stick to beat the government? I don’t quite understand all this: what about the 2011 riots?! Is it that there is more crime v property and less murder?
I see that the BBC are paying for Hain to go back to South Africa to see if the Mandela legacy is still intact after those poor miners had been shot by McGregor over there last summer. At that time, it looked like it was black mine owners at fault-but it`ll be blaming Thatcher 28 minutes into the “documentary”.
Need we bother with the outcome?…and isn`t it a joy to see ex Labour jobbies earning a crust in confirming what it is that the BBC want confirmed to us.
More BBC…more please…think the Beeb have overlooked Gavin Strang. Apart from him, all of Blairs bilks will get a programme to front up. The BBC will ensure that they get one.
I had the impression that this “dramatic drop in crime” was due to New Labour, the smoking ban or the lack of lead in petrol…any or all of these, plus whatever tinkles Evans bells as he muses with Ian Blair…or any other trustie.
Maybe it`s due to coppers not being able to write big words like manslaughter these days.
Any chance of the Love Academy who tell us there`s no crime any more giving us a clue about how many cuddly bouncy castles full of sweeties will be coming over from Romania or Bulgaria next year.
No people of course, theyr`re all in Wterstones or something…ah, who`s counting, checking anyway.
Howard Marks….a funkier Karl…and makes as much sense as the BBC.
Someone open those windows in Salford-or send for the drugs squad at least!
Too true. I happened to work with health targets. One lot tell you targets are all bad, the other lot love targets because they are so easy to work around. Truth is, both parties are scheming lying bastards.
Example – target maximum wait in a&E 3 hours? No problem. Open room next to A&E, at three hours move patient from one room to the next, no longer in A&E, target met. That is what you saps pay for in taxes and worship the NHS free from evil profit making.
“The emergency services have also played a role in reducing the number of victims, he said, with paramedics now able to operate in the street on serious knife or bullet wounds.”
So people who would , in the past, have died, and joined the homicide victims are not just GBH!
Leicestershire Police say that people only think there is a lot of crime, and they’re hanging woolly pom-poms on the trees to try and reassure them that there isn’t.
Prelude to mass immigration into UK from Romania in 2014?:-
“Old bedding, rubbish and human waste: bin bag Romanians turn exclusive garden square into a stinking squalid mess.
– Outrage of residents in multi-million-pound houses around Bryanston Square.
– Romanians jumped over railings into locked gardens.”
“Romania and Bulgaria admit 35,000 nationals a year could come to the UK once border controls are abandoned.
“Government has refused to put a figure on the likely influx from January 1.
“Ministers fear a repeat of the 2004 debacle which saw an influx of immigrants.
“The number of arrivals from Eastern Europe was grossly underestimated.”
remember back in 2004 they said 13,000 from the new EU member States. That was the low estimate and depending if Germany and other refused some immigrants it could be as high as 46,000…look how that turned out…
It was definitely a lie.Every minister was careful to slightly distance himself from the 13K estimates they gave for A8s. Of course they knew it was a lie. It’s been well known that since the second world war, eastern Europeans have been desperate to go ‘West’, and the end of communism did little to change that.
The BBC would suddenly become very dismissive of the validity of street protest as a means for groups to voice their concerns.
Right-wing populism, whipped up by Murdoch’s tabloids blah blah moral superiority blah blah look down our noses at those ghastly reactionaries blah…
Of course, par for the course for the BBC, not one mention of muslim or islam. No these guys just thought it would be a jolly wheeze to blow up mourners waiting to pay their respects at Wooton Bassett. No one planted it in their minds, they came up with it all by themselves.
But it’s not that that the BBC are being coy about.
So the BBC is now involved in terrorist acts.
I say that because how many times have the BBC resorted to preposterous storys like “Police Officer’s half brother’s second cousin’s wife caught shoplifting” (I exaggerate slightly for dramatic effect just like the BBC ) And then you find out that the person wasn’t a police officer at all but had applied to be a pcso and turned down
The BBC has been directly involved in the past in promoting those that support terrrism http://www.netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/ and see blogs
1 BBC sponsors a terrorist supporter
2 Challenging BBC promotion of an extremist
The BBC needs to provide much, much more oxygen of publicity for voices like this:
In Russia, the brothers’ aunt said that a Boston-area mosque has refused to hold a funeral for Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
American authorities have told the family that they can have Tsarnaev’s body, and an uncle approached the mosque to request a burial and funeral but was declined, said the aunt, Patimat Suleimanova.
She said that she did not know the name of the mosque but that it was one the family attended. A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., has said that Tsarnaev attended and occasionally caused disruptions and that mosque leaders threatened to kick him out.
A spokesman for the mosque, run by the Islamic Society of Boston, has said that congregants have been questioned by the FBI. The mosque did not immediately return a request for comment Wednesday from NBC News.
Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.”
In fact, I’d like to see them host a discussion between this guy and certain UK imams.
Thanks for telling us this.
One little note like this does fart more good for “community cohesion” that any amount of shite from the BBC or Obama.
Which is why we`ll not be knowing of this unless you`d told us!
If it really is the Tiny Minority™ as the BBC insists, then encouraging the vast, apparently silent majority should be a priority for a group of people who consider themselves to be the arbiters of social cohesion.
The mosque attended by the two brothers accused in the Boston Marathon double bombing has been associated with other terrorism suspects, has invited radical speakers to a sister mosque in Boston and is affiliated with a Muslim group that critics say nurses grievances that can lead to extremism.
Several people who attended the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, Mass., have been investigated for Islamic terrorism, including a conviction of the mosque’s first president, Abdulrahman Alamoudi, in connection with an assassination plot against a Saudi prince.
Oh, wait, never mind. Mark Mardell said we should ask Russia how and why the bombers got radicalized instead.
It is, or at least it’s the same parent organization. The guy I was referring to was from the Islamic Institute of Boston, which as far as I can tell is not related.
As I head to prepare the family dinner, this chap is as ever good value: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/now-then.html? ‘This seems odd, as there are PDFs of documents as venerable as the Magna Carta. And odder, because the inquirer asked for a total, not a set of documents. Nonetheless, the BBC is ready to post physical copies’
It’s like they have their own special sets of rules, eh? And when backed into a corner, rely on publicly-funded attrition techniques to make public-generated accountability go away in a storm of guff. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/complete.html? ‘As with the Director of News, this was an advertised role’
Ah, the fact that it was just a shoo-in from around the champagne-strewn corridors of market rate astounding uncuriosity was just a coincidence then?
But if it’s the DG of the BBC saying it, it must be doubly true… right?
Just watched the BBC news for the Oxford area. It had a nice little articlette about a dog track that was being closed to provide more housing. Now you’d expect the BBC to be in support of this bearing in mind its loathing of ‘NIMBYs’ and its support for Labours calls for more house building.
But no. Surprisingly they want to keep the dog track open so that people can go go-kart racing or attend a dance school – its owned by dog racers who have decided enough losses are enough and don’t want to continue.
This is the third time in a week this article or one like it has been run. I was wondering why when the obvious popped up on screen. The local Labour MP is against the development. QED.
With my bedtime cocoa I normally catch Sky’s Press Preview. The Monday edition with Andrew Pierce and Kevin McGuire is the week’s best comedy.
Last night, however, there was some wimp journalist from the Times and a ghastly American woman Labour mouthpiece (Bonnie something). Kept saying “we” as if borne and bred.
Don’t say the bias is moving to Sky. I think we should be told.
Yes – Andrew Pierce and Kevin McGuire are a good double act.
You refer to Bonnie Greer – professionally righteous cultural commentator. She, like the other Ms. Greer, often plays that duplicitous game of ‘us’ and ‘you’, depending upon whether or not she approves of the topic at hand.
The difference is that with Sky, when they have got two (pretrendy) lefties on the presenter will always give the ‘right win’ viewpoint as a counterweight. So I am relaxed when they have an abundance of drippies on.
On the BBC of course, the droid just weighs in on the same side.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘Christa is still working for the BBC but is off air at the moment. Freelancers and staff employed through service companies are responsible for making the appropriate payments to HMRC.’
They forgot to add the bit where the BBC often requests that these people set up those service companies.
Overpaid, undertaxed…and they very publicly hold others to account for the same.
Isn’t this what they said about Carol Thatcher? And we all know how that turned out for her BBC career. One assumes Ackroyd didn’t learn about her hiatus out about this the same way Ed “Other Projects” Stourton found out about his reassignment.
I hope nobody in BBC PR intends to drip poison about her or anything.
The last Labour creeps left us with the notion of a “Childrens Commissioner”.
The last sack of do-gooding Hampstead humbug came c/o Al Green( sadly, not the great singer….some bleeding stump of a nomark).
Our new one is a jackbooted social worker from up Blairs passage( Durham was it?)…doesn`t like men anyway. Loves the law and letting kids rip over the Man.
Maggie Atkinson wants schools that informally expel/exclude her little angels with dirty faces to be prosecuted and fined-unless they`ve jumped all her hoops, walked her trapeze wire and walked 500 miles. For starters.
Who`ll tell Maggie that schools do this ruse, so her little chums don`t have it on record that they trashed a school, sold drugs, raped or ran gangland operations etc etc…for that`s about the only way they even get to the gate these days.
Now -if that`s on record-guess who`ll be stamping her little Doc Martens that the kids “carry a stigma, a criminal record” and are therefore discriminated against and being prejudged for their scamp like indiscretions when young?
That`s right.
Look teachers…let them do what they like, don`t tell Maggie what they`re doing, and Phillip Lawrence was asking for a slap…both the BBC and the Childrens Commissioner no longer need to take any more evidence.
Their kids go private-up yours!
Too late: Sky News has more or less joined up with the ‘left’-Islamic alliance, it seems. From folding on Leveson, to setting up Sky Arabic, Murdoch’s priorities seem apparent.
As for Bonnie Greer: she gets a free political pass in the British media, from ‘QT’, to ‘The Guardian, to Sky, as she seems to be beyond criticism as she spouts here pro-mass immigration, pro-Labour Party, pro-Obama soundbites.
This is mostly about how the current calm method of interrogating the surviving Boston bomber is best, with some rehashing over earlier “harsh” interrogations being fruitless. It’s not terribly biased, it’s just written with an agenda in mind. Whether or not one agrees with the premise that one kind of interrogation technique is better than another, or how one feels about waterboarding or psychological coercion, there’s a clear perspective behind it. But that’s not what I’m complaining about. This is:
Some of the questioners are part of a top US investigative team known as the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, created in 2009 by presidential order.
You mean the questioners who have been questioning the young man without granting him his Miranda Rights, BBC? Over which you’ve been dishonestly wringing your hands? Which President signed the order?
What’s funny is that it’s not like the Syrian minister is entirely wrong about who the insurgents are and whether or not the international support going them is kosher according to international law. But never mind, Assad has run afoul of the Human Rights industrial complex, so his number is up no matter how much of a staunch opponent of the racist Zionist State he may be.
Where’s the anti-war crowd now, BBC? Where are all the human shields? What happened to scowling at regime change? Mugabe got more support on that score. His situation was an African problem requiring an African solution. Why is Assad different? I’m starting to think it’d take an algorithms PhD to work out the emotional hierarchy involved here.
It is easy. Anti-War = Pro-Enemy. So work out who the biggest or most dangerous enemy is and you will find out who the Left supports. It is the usual moral inversion.
The answer was no as Peston would have found out by simply asking them. But as this update shows he tried to cover it up.
To be clear, the Co-op isn’t going to withdraw from banking tomorrow, so there is no reason for Co-op depositors to feel they are going to be left high and dry.”
I guess as his father Lord Peston is currently out of government circles his son is counting the days until Labour get back in power…..
With the BBC working overtime recently protecting the image of the religion of peace is probably why you won’t have heard much from them about the following incidents, detailed by Raymond Ibrahim in his monthly account of Muslim persecution against Christians.
Last night whilst trawling through You Tube, I came across an edition of Star Trek and settled down to watch. It was the one which Captain Luke Picard faced *The Borg*. As the programme moved along I suddenly became aware what it was I was seeing. Very clever, when you consider when the programme was made. At the end of it, I went to Wikipedia to see what the thoughts of the populace were concerning the Borg. It came up with this:
The Borg manifest as cybernetically-enhanced humanoid drones of multiple species, organized as an interconnected collective, the decisions of which are made by a hive mind, linked by subspace radio. The Borg inhabit a vast region of space in the Delta Quadrant of the galaxy, possessing thousands of vessels. They operate toward the fulfilment of one purpose: to “add the biological and technological distinctiveness of other species to [their] own… [in pursuit of] perfection”. The concept of perfection is the unifying idea at the core of the Borg. The pursuit of an unemotional, mechanical perfection is the Borg’s only motivation. This is achieved through forced assimilation, a process which takes individuals and technology, enhancing and controlling them. Originally presented as an autonomous collective, the ideas of a Borg Queen and central control were introduced in First Contact.
Now, I don’t know if the Borg has been discussed on these pages before as I’m a relative new comer, but, does any one else think the BBC is/has become *The Borg*?
Even the BBC could mean the Borg Broadcasting Corporation.
The Borg (note the lack of plural) is the perfect society where individuality has been abolished and all ‘entities’ are equal and identical.
It is the hi-tech socialist wet-dream of egalitarian Fascists where no individual/individuality exists, in fact, being an individual Borg outside The Collective in a heretic anomaly (7 of 9).
Reminds me of another novel I read (and hated) as a teenager, Solaris. There was an intelligent ocean-planet who liked to absorb individuals, but as soon as you opposed this absorption, the ‘ocean’ will direct psychotic nightmares to you pushing it to murder or suicide.
The BBC does resemble the Borg in their relentless desire to expand across the globe and establish their supremacy over all media, as well as the Collective’s complete lack of mercy or compassion for any who fail them, present an obstacle to the continued existence of the bureaucracy status quo, get in the way of their progress, or oppose their agenda. Individuals are expendable, the continued existence of the Corporation is primary. Like the Borg, when individuals are assimilated (hired and go through orientation and training), they become BBC and are no longer the people they once were.
Across its output this morning, the BBC worked itself up into a orgy of frenzied onanism, fantasising over the possibility of a triple dip recession. Now, whilst the consensus view of economists (consensus being important enough to obliterate dissenting voices when it comes to climate change; less so, it seems in relation to economics) was that there WOULDN@T be a triple dip recession, this didn’t prevent the BBC from teeing up the story ad nauseum before anything was announced.
By 9 o’ clock I felt like I’d heard the words “triple dip recession” repeated about a thousand times.
30 minutes later, we learn that there was no triple dip recession. So, no story.
Doesn’t matter, though. The BBC has successfully drilled “triple dip recession” into people’s heads so effectively that I’d be willing to bet that a significant number of people come away believing that there actually has been a triple dip recession (Did I say “triple dip recession”?). Job done.
Completely agree. It’s shocking actually how many people thought we were already in a triple dip because the BBC have been talking it up so much for months
I have noticed that if the BBC bigs up the chance of a ‘double’ ‘triple’ or even ‘quadruple’ recession under this government (or a Conservative only one) in advance of the figures then it probably isn’t going to happen. If it happened under the last Labour government it was just ignored altogether, dismissed as an irrelevance.
‘A Muslim convert was part of a terror cell that secretly discussed targeting British soldiers and families mourning war dead, the Old Bailey heard.’
‘Former BBC security guard Richard Dart talked about a plot to hit the town of Royal Wootton Bassett – where the bodies of many soldiers killed in Afghanistan have been repatriated.’
God the BBC were hoping for a triple dip recession, how disappointed the broadcasting arm of the Labour party must be this morning….
It would have allowed them to trot out their ‘austerity isn’t working, let’s go for growth’ line which I love so much. Someone needs to point out that we’re not actually trying austerity and that there is no magic button called ‘growth’. Cutting taxes/red tape would help, but that’s where it gets tricky for the Beeb, for those suggestions they like not.
Heresy. According to all BBC economics experts, only State borrowing and spending even more investment can produce growth. Bonus: if Osbourne does more of that they can still bust him for borrowing more than he originally promised.
bBC: Panic the public, by not stating that it is a technical recession. i.e. if growth is near flat the smallest change can make it go either way. 2008 the economy dipped 10%, that is a RECESSION. This is a bBC exercise in anti coalition propaganda that is economical with the truth.
You don’t need to be an economist to see that there really is little difference between -0.1% and +0.1%. “Flat-lining” would be a reasonable description but -0.1 is hardly a dip any more than +0.1 is cause for dancing in the street.
Oddly, considering their usual keeness to persue feminist issues – indeed all the latest ‘rights’ related legal developments, the BBC appear slow off the mark in covering this story
‘A man could be convicted of rape even if the woman agreed to have sex, judges ruled yesterday.’
‘Granting a judicial review of the decision not to prosecute, the Lord Judge said that the woman’s consent was ‘negated’ by the man’s failure to withdraw.’
Come on BBC feminists – why so slow to the party?
‘He (the Judge) said that the woman’s essential evidence was that after her Islamic marriage to the man in November 2009 their relationship was marred by his abusive dominance.’
Ooops! I guess this one will have to be very carefully edited before it sees the light of day on the BBC.
‘Chuckling Nikki’ Campbell this a.m. defending BBC doling out massive ‘vanity’ salaries to non-advertised non-jobs which it gifts to its chums. When an academic suggested these salaries were more than the Prime Minister earned, in the chuckler howled with…
‘Znot more than the Prime Minister earns. Will Hutton sez the Prime Minister earns a million pounds a year if ye take into account his massive (sic) flat and his other big hoose (sic).’
‘His other big hoose’ – that would be Chequers, Nikki. And on and on and on he went banging the same drum. ‘Hutton’… ‘million pounds’… ‘Prime Minister’.
So the BBC salaries are Ok because they are ‘less than the Prime Minister’s.’ Great argument, son. How’s about ‘ye’ compare them then with the highest ranked Cabinet Minister *without* a grace and favour house. How do the droidal salaries stack up then?
The halfwit clinging to Hutton’s pointless analysis like a drowning man clinging to a straw.
Look up ‘dead air’ in the OED and it says ‘5 Live Breakfast’.
They had the awful Will Hutton on as guest on The Daily Politics, obviously in expectation of a triple-dipper. A whole hour of that odious man spouting his left-wing drivel including a ten-minute love in with Ed Balls.
Too much, BBC.
Yes, I was also amazed how brazenly the Daily Politics today went for a left wing indoctrination session: I blasted off the following email to the programme to vent some steam. “How can a simple ex-soldier like me who has no economics experience, (other than successfully managing my own family budget), glean any knowledge to enable me to make an informed political judgement on the economy, when for the first third of today’s programme all I get are people, like Messrs Balls and Hutton who were proved so disastriously and totally wrong in all their previous economics policies? “
Watched a bit of the Parliamentary Select Committee interviewing the Lords Patten and Hall of the BBC.
Patten is so smug, so self satisfied, so self important it beggars belief. He treats the members with disdain.
He was asked about the ‘gagging’ clause in the BBC contract. He said it is of no importance, just routine you know, not to be taken seriously. Why have it in? Avoided a direct answer. What would happen if anyone included Hall did say something in breach? “He’d get 100 lines”. Some sort of joke.
So let us see. Will Hall say anything critical? Don’t be silly. He’s just another one of the Oilies. Another of the Elites. Appointed by Patten and the Trust without competition, because he is one their own.
This organisation must be brought down, it distorts, it is partial, it is political, it covers up facts it does not like. It funds individuals who laud terrorists.
Labour MP Ben Bradshaw says the Panorama programme added nothing to public knowledge of life in North Korea.
Patten says he has been to the secretive country and found the film a “pretty faithful illustration of a state which has been in freefall for decades and where the people have been ground into stone by the awful Stalinist system”.
Patten’s defense of the report contains nothing which disproves Bradshaw’s assertion. The only unique contribution was that it gave Sweeney an opportunity to bluster and scold on camera. And I guess the mere fact that it was a BBC production elevates it above all the other documentaries made about North Korea.
It was also amusing to see an MP ask about how they put together the Question Time audience. He didn’t ask the right question, though.
‘Patten’s defense of the report contains nothing which disproves Bradshaw’s assertion.
Which makes the fact that it was made, much less nodded past, rather intriguing.
I have popped though a few of the world’s hellholes in my time on business (even the odd holiday – it was a different time), and if I chipped in to defend a colleague being held to account for dragging a bunch of folk into ill-prepared or assessed danger on the basis of what the room service was like back then… I would be laughed out the room.
He was, for some reason, not. And the circus moved on. ‘…amusing to see an MP ask about how they put together the Question Time audience. He didn’t ask the right question, though.’
Quite a lot of not right questions were asked.
On this one, best I see the ‘answer’ was a ‘BBC can do no wrong because the BBC says it can do no wrong’. ‘Hall, slightly bemused by the question, says the audience would reflect the local area.
Davies brandishes a list of all Question Time locations over the past two years. He requests the BBC to tell him what the political make up of those locations are.
Hall says he is “more than happy” to do that. “Question Time matters, and it’s an important for us,” he adds, diplomatically.
Now, BBC directorial happiness is a wonderful thing, and forms the basis for most CECUTT thoughts and beliefs, but what I don’t yet see is… the answer to the question.
I doubt anyone ever will even, as you say, this was a distracting creek to paddle up anyway.
No wonder Chris Patten can tell Ministers only the BBC can hold others to account and back off or else.
Just another ringside seat to free speech and democracy being flushed away by a very rich, old boys’ club.
What’s the methodology used to decide on the political demographic of the host area each week?
Your website says that in cases where you believe the members of the public who have applied to be in the audience don’t add up to what you’ve decided is the political demographic area, that you reach out to various groups in an attempt to balance it out. What efforts do you make, and do those other groups come exclusively from the host area or are they occasionally brought in from other regions?
News moves in cycles, and is not always predictable. How do you justify rejecting a question from an audience member by telling them that question will be a topic for a future installment?
Just had a gander again, and it’s over. Quite why they’d break for lunch when they did and then come back to stop seems daft.
The Graun seems to feel the Lords dun good.
Can’t say I disagree, depending on what the purpose of this committee was.
Most questions were daft, and of the few going somewhere (by the Graun’s reporting transcript at least) all it appears to have required to close down a line was a BBC Lord to say ‘I don’t think so’. They really have the elected representatives of the country in their pockets… or under their thumbs.
There were a few questions that provoked a ‘we’ll need to get back on that’.
It will be interesting if they ever do, or get chased on it.
I doubt that very much.
Interesting the mix of commenters, including the ‘Patten is a Tory’ or ‘they drooled our money away on Maggie’s funeral’… for balance.
One wonders which aspects of the Graun’s coverage the BBC will highlight?
Economy avoids triple-dip recession is their headline, probably disappointed to have had to insert the word ‘avoids’, but let’s see how many times today the bBBC copies Ed Balls’ ‘lacklustre’ comment.
“‘Only Allah can judge me’: Muslim convert Richard Dart refuses to stand in dock as he is sentenced to six years in prison for terrorism offences.
“Dart and two other British Islamic extremists jailed at the Old Bailey.
“Ex PCSO Jahangir Alom and Imran Mahmood given four and nine years.
“They all admitted engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorism.
“Conversations reveal targets were Wootton Bassett and secret services.”
“Dart has made several appearances on YouTube and on BBC TV discussing his faith and his views, as well as attending several anti-British protests in London.”
Yet another case of UK jihadists. Pathetic sentences – as usual.
How many cases have been brought to court – it would be a long list? Does the BBC ever tell us – to give “context” – surely as the biggest news operation in Britain and publicly funded they have a duty to keep us informed on how well the Muslims are assimilating ?
And how many cases NOT brought to court but still with significant evidence of jihadism – hundreds ?
This is a long war. But the BBC wants us to ignore its root cause – Islam itself.
…here is a summary list of the jihadist cases in the US. Again – when incidents like the Boston bombings occur, the BBC fails to provide proper US context, and goes direct into obfuscation mode.
“This is a long war. But the BBC wants us to ignore”
No the BBC, and the rest of the liberal left establishment (including the judiciary), want us to lose
Putting News and Current Affairs aside for a moment. Can anyone explain why a State Corporation has any business in broadcasting entertainment and sports coverage. We must question the fundamentals of this activity. We know it is a hangover from decades ago. Is it not time this aspect of the State’s involvement in our private entertainment were ended? Should we not be pressing for this?
Agreed .I’m not for abolishing BBC outright, but cutting it back to an appropriate size for a public service broadcaster. i.e. 1 TV and 3 radio (light, home and ,cultural) channels operating on greatly reduced budget from general taxation (they would then have to fight it out with education,health and welfare for their ‘share’)
And the first thing that has to go is ‘News 24’.
If, as they say,they are a world leader and make money for the rest of the BBC, then they would have no problem dropping BBC from the title and going it alone (Including providing their own broadcasting infrastructure) as ‘News 24’ .
I’m sure their would be plenty of arab oil money available to underwrite it
The broadcasting of sporting events is something that the BBC should cover. To suggest that this is none of their business is absurd.
In my opinion the BBC does not cover itself in glory with much of its output, however its sports coverage can be excellent and this part of the organisation should not be treated with the same contempt as its entertainment section.
Maybe, test match’s, football finals, national events of that nature fall in within the remit of a public broadcaster and the broadcaster I described did broadcast them.
However the behemoth that is the current BBC distorts the market so much,that without it bidding against it rivals(?) how many sporting events that have become subscription only,to regain the cost, would be free to air?
For INBBC : if it needs update on the QARADAWI-Muslim Brotherhood political line on e.g. SYRIA, which ‘left’-Islamic alliance is to follow, here it is, in all its Islamic jihad clarity:-
“Qaradawi: ‘The Jihad in Syria is now a personal duty incumbent upon all Muslims’.”
>When the right says the media “hasn’t covered a story,” the media’s defenders will sometimes point to a brief stub of an article listing the very basic facts announced by officials on the matter and claim victory. “See, they ‘covered’ it,” they claim.
But an organization doesn’t devote virtually any journalist resources to a story accidentally. They make a choice. They choose which stories to suffocate for want of media oxygen.
If you’re reading the New York Times, you’re not reading the news. You haven’t been reading the news there for quite some time.
I don’t think Thompson’s job gets him involved in editorial policy at all. He’s CEO of the corporation, not editor-in-chief. He was brought in to guide the NY Times on finding new sources of revenue and appeal to the lower middle brow eyeballs online in this new digital age.
The NY Times has it’s own agenda already, which won’t exactly clash with Thompson’s anyway.
BBC TV reported the ANZAC Day commemorations today, quite rightly drawing attention to the Australian and New Zealand casualties. OK so far.
They then went on to remind us that Turkish casualties were the highest (can’t recall the exact phrasing used) and, lastly, mentioned British casualties under “other”.
Opinions vary on the numbers of casualties but British casualties were by far the highest in numerical terms. French casualties were also high.
Presumably the French stormed the Normandy beaches on D-Day too, taking massive casualties.
It must be a UKIP rumour that over half the contingent was British and Commonwealth, with nearly all the rest Yanks – and that only 200-odd Free French bothered to turn up.
Maybe they brought their accordions along, hoping to scare Jerry away as if they were going deer-stalking.
I posted last week that I was surprised that the BBC main News at Ten, failed to cover the launch of the Tory’s local election campaign, having already covered the Lib Dem and Labour launches. I was even more surprised that they chose the same bulletin to cover the Green’s launch.
Last night the Green’s got even more coverage on the evening news…and again this morning…and this afternoon on radio 5 live, they were there again, invited this time to discuss the GDP figures.
Is someone in the BBC giving the Greens a leg up in the local election campaign?
My local Sunday Politics (eastern region) had a long focus piece and interview with the Green leader (some Aussie communist). She was allowed to make all sorts of stupid assertions, and was barely challenged at all. Compare that to the grilling they give to the UKIP people they have on…
I have to admit I thought the News at Ten last night gave UKIP, and Farage in particular, a very positive spin, stating that he can fill a hall like few other politicians. To the extent that I wondered what the BBC was up to.
I’ll tell you what they are up to, they believe that UKIP will take votes from the Conservatives. That’s their motivation in promoting UKIP. When they realise it can hit labour just as badly, things will change.
The Defamation Bill has now been agreed by Parliament and is just awaiting Royal Assent, the biggest advance in freedom of speech for many years. The bBBC ‘news’ website doesn’t think this is news, however: I wonder why not?
I have just been watching the north west arm of the Labour publicity machine, they are actively promoting the Knowseley collective fight against the nasty Tory cuts by promoting a ‘Can’t pay, won’t pay’ policy for the rents in local authority property.
I wonder if the Unions will be stepping in to help non-payers when the bailiffs come knocking on their door. Still link it to the poll tax never mind the situation with that was completely different.
AP have an article since the 23rd April about an Iranian in France who escaped from a psychiatric institution and attacked a Rabbi and his son. No sign of the article on the BBC website. When I ran a search there for ‘France Rabbi’, as the name of the Rabbi has not been made public yet, the most recent article they have, dated 11th April, is France’s top rabbi Gilles Bernheim quits in plagiarism row France’s top rabbi, Gilles Bernheim, has resigned amid a scandal over plagiarism.
Clearly if the news shows Jews in a bad light, something like plagiarism is worthy of reporting, but if they are the victim, especially by a Muslim, the news just gets buried.
Anybody believe that if a deranged Jew would have attacked an Imam and his child (‘think about the children’) in Timbuktu the BBC wouldn’t have been right on it?
Mark Mardell – the disgusting lies and bias is what you and your mates do day in and day out – don’t for a moment think we don’t know it.
Greg Palast, hard-left freelance hack for Newsnight (still calls himself a “BBC reporter” on his Twitter account) wrote a poem to commemorate Margaret Thatcher’s death:
Naggie Hatchet dead and gone
Ruled her Empire State like Queen Kong
Stomping on us little peeps
Just to sell our Jewels to creeps.
And lost the war that Winston won
By turning back the clocks to
England’s meanest hour.
Yet worse to come: as trapped below her terror tower,
And forced to look up that Iron Skirt
At the beastly anus as it squirt
From the crack in the grizzly monkey hair:
Tony Blair.
Newsnight really is a cosy left-wing clique. Impartial journalists my arse.
If he is not currently/any more, then it is surely not a matter of complaint to the BBC? But they should be acting on the claim if made aware.
Given recent exchanges here, ‘the BBC’ would have trouble claiming they are not as they clearly have a monitoring squad stationed here.
No, it is worth making a complaint because there’s precedent for the BBC to crack down on people who make these claims. If they grant him the badge, then they own him, and will have to take heat for presenting a known activist as an objective reporter. If not, he loses one sliver of credibility.
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
pugnaziousFeb 23, 00:36 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Despite it being confirmed as an Islamist terror attack the BBC’s headline is this…. ‘One dead in stabbing in French…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:29 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Zephir Do not have any contact with Crapita or Al Beeb whatsoever. Just tell your bank to stop paying out,…
atlas_shruggedFeb 22, 22:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Years ago, in Brighton, a chap had just parked his white Rolls Royce under some large trees. Right on que…
JohnCFeb 22, 22:40 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It’s a common trick at the BBC and they usually get away with it. The outrageous editting of the clip…
Wonder if this will be on the 6 O Clock News this evening. The Boston Bombers mum……
Be careful what you wish for. This can be used in a couple of different ways.
I am currently reading the bBC article about how US officals are travelling to Dagistan in which to interview the parents of the Boston Islamic terrorists. When I came across this:
Tamerlan died in the police operation to capture the brothers. Dzhokhar, the younger of the two, was injured.
While factually true, wouldn’t it be more tureful to say he died in a shoot out with the law. The bBC version paints the picture that hundreds of policemen converged on this poor fucking Muslim and murdered him in cold blood, in reality . This arsehole of a arse lifting bastard murdered a policeman after murdering 3 innocent people.
That people is how the bottom dwelling bBC defend Islamic terrorists by making them out to be be anything but.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Do the BBC mention that the surviving one ran over his brother, then tried to shoot himself?
Or is it the cops fault again as ever?
Personally I think it’s funny as f*ck that after all that, he was ‘martyred’ beneath the wheels of his brother’s hooptie!
“Where is the mob of Muslim-hating Americans going crazy after Boston?
It’s a figment of liberals’ imaginations.”
Reinforced by the DT
The anti-Islamophobia lobby poses as the implacable opponent of bigotry, yet it spreads a bigoted view of ordinary white folk as so volatile, so brimming with fury, that they are one terrorist bombing away from transforming into an anti-Muslim pogrom.
Yet that last word was used here, and similar sentiments have been expressed many times, long before this bombing.
Yes, strange when the people of Boston ( or London) are blown up there’s no violent backlash.
But if you choose to set fire to the Koran, or publish a cartoon or two of Mohammed……
Because cultures and religions are not equal, frankly.
Surely theBBC wouldn’t mislead about immigration. Would they?
Buried BBC Poll Results: 350,000 On Way to UK
Good spot.
And those are only the Romagarians with definite,/i> plans!
Presumably many of those ‘just thinking about it’ will follow too.
Credit must go to Guido.
no, credit must go to Migration Watch where no doubt Guido got the idea, he isn’t one for naming sources although he’s much better now than he used to be.
I gleaned from guido but you comment accepted, he must get it from somewhere.
Not bothered if Guido don’t name check, as long as the message gets to as many people as possible….hell, he could say he researched it all himself as far as I’m concerned, provided a few more people see the deceit at the heart of the BBC.
UKIP’s take on this…
BBC not popular in the comments!
UKIP are a bunch of hypocrites, this party all voted to keep the EU budget + the requested increase.
I don’t understand why so many supposedly balanced people would vote for a party which has as many credible polices as the discredited Greens , and of course is taking votes away from the Conservatives which will result in gifting the next election to Labour.
The BBC will quote the NIESR. This of course is headed up by Jonathan Portes who was responsible for the report that only 15,000 Poles would come to the UK!
What does Jonathan and his mates say about Romanian’s ah yes “few will come”
Yet in spite of such risible incompetence Jonathan Portes will be all over the BBC’s airwaves with no mention of his past incompetence.
The BBC are clearly not happy about Mays determination to deport Qatada. They just gave an unopposed platform to a ‘Ding Dong’ Human Rights lawyer to not only rant against
her entire handling of the case, but also to make the libelous suggestion that she was only refusing to back down because she is ambitious to be Prime Minister.
This was on druggie Richard Bacons Five Live show.
They also seem surprisingly upset that Suarez has been given such a long ban for biting a player.
Why? I suspect its because this ban is even longer than his previous ban for ‘racism’ against Patrice Everett.
Even violence mustn’t trump ‘racism’ in the BBCs rule book.
‘They also seem surprisingly upset that Suarez has been given such a long ban’
The BBC takes the views of Liverpudlians very very seriously. The BBC takes inordinate notice of every ludicrous outburst from that city.
See a brilliant expose of Liverpool attitudes here.
Liverpool = “The city of self pity”
(I’m allowed to say that coz I’m a Manc (In exile))
Time was when the stoners from Kingston Poly pissed off on a a gap year after “uni”, and were then mugged by reality in places like Katmandu orTimbuktoo.
They came back, normally able to do a decent job in the arts or suchlike.
These days, however, they go straight from the shooting galleries of Brighton and straight into the public sector as chugger monkeys, insulation survey questionnaire compilers or-if they`re REALLY thick and not cut out for number work or people skills…to the BBC or stay in in…er “research”.
Why else would a “Institute of Piss and Steffanomics” get the headline news at 7am and 8am(Today) telling us that crime is down, and we`re all Madchester smiley faces in the face of stabbings, Philpotts and Duggan-inspired riots?
Yet the BBC pass the joints around and peer down at us through Lennons blood-spattered specs, and tell us that the Peace Train/Love Train passed through the UK and discovered that there`s no crime at all worthy of mention.
No sir-well, maybe a bit of apple scrumping and shoplifting in Lewisham…but apart from that?…don`t harsh my vibe maan!
Well-let`s take them at their word then-stuff Crimewatch, You and Yours, Money Box, In Touch up your Salford Sphinter then Beeboids…boot off the Happy Hours that are Newsnight , Today etc…clearly no crime apart from loving too much…caring until it hurts?…guilty of both bruv!
And-for the worrywarts asking the RCN how bad it gets, there in NHS land?…send in the Peace Train box tickers, and we`ll soon find that mid-Staffs was just a bad joint and a bringdown maaan.
Stop moaning Beeboids…unplug yourselves, go and do nice jobs and stop moaning-no crime, nothing wrong.
The Bankers are groovin` and the NHS is a buzz…f***in breadheads wanting more moolah maan.
Stop moaning you BBC tosspots…Happy Talk from now on eh?
As with most things, the BBC have their own agenda.
Alarm bells rang when Mark Easton informed us this transformation has happened over the last 10 years. And that coincides with……? Well, cuddly ickle Evan then asks him what HE thinks has brought this about. That’s right, let’s have Easton’s OPINION regardless of how unqualified he might be, in the absence of any other erm, expert, and in total breach of the BBC’s impartiality rules.
So Easton’s theory is it’s due to the global access the British people have and how they are now more tolerant of ‘difference’ and less tolerant of violence. Backed up later in the programme with stats which show fewer murders in London than New York and even other European cities such as Prague and Amsterdam. So it’s the multi-culti effect, see, just like the Olympics. How blessed we are to have so many peace-loving role models from all corners of the globe moving amongst us.
Things can only get better, eh?
I think it is due to white flight, inner-city segregation and the Balkanisation of London.
The efnics are feeling safer and more secure from other efnic groups, in their own segregated part of London.
And there are less and less whites in London to mug, rape and murder.
What is the BBC going to do when Peter Hain’s promised “savage [Tory] cuts” start to bite? Surely that will make crime go up and provide a stick to beat the government? I don’t quite understand all this: what about the 2011 riots?! Is it that there is more crime v property and less murder?
I see that the BBC are paying for Hain to go back to South Africa to see if the Mandela legacy is still intact after those poor miners had been shot by McGregor over there last summer. At that time, it looked like it was black mine owners at fault-but it`ll be blaming Thatcher 28 minutes into the “documentary”.
Need we bother with the outcome?…and isn`t it a joy to see ex Labour jobbies earning a crust in confirming what it is that the BBC want confirmed to us.
More BBC…more please…think the Beeb have overlooked Gavin Strang. Apart from him, all of Blairs bilks will get a programme to front up. The BBC will ensure that they get one.
Mensa has now been linked to the ricin attack on the President. Mensa can’t help themselves. I don’t understand why this board tolerates well known Mensa members. They should be sent back where they came from.
” there are less and less whites in London”
Wouldn’t a smart person know it should be “fewer and fewer” ?
Ah, you must be a teacher.
Second thoughts…..
‘I don’t understand why this board tolerates well known Mensa members. They should be sent back where they came from.’
What, like Rickmansworth or somewhere. Get a brain.
Maybe it’s also due to the vast number of CCTV camera’s – they do have some beneficial effects.
Or perhaps its due to the fact that people feel so unsafe they are more likely to take taxis home!
I had the impression that this “dramatic drop in crime” was due to New Labour, the smoking ban or the lack of lead in petrol…any or all of these, plus whatever tinkles Evans bells as he muses with Ian Blair…or any other trustie.
Maybe it`s due to coppers not being able to write big words like manslaughter these days.
Any chance of the Love Academy who tell us there`s no crime any more giving us a clue about how many cuddly bouncy castles full of sweeties will be coming over from Romania or Bulgaria next year.
No people of course, theyr`re all in Wterstones or something…ah, who`s counting, checking anyway.
Howard Marks….a funkier Karl…and makes as much sense as the BBC.
Someone open those windows in Salford-or send for the drugs squad at least!
It’s probably a simple case of targets fiddling, like all police forces and governments do.
Too true. I happened to work with health targets. One lot tell you targets are all bad, the other lot love targets because they are so easy to work around. Truth is, both parties are scheming lying bastards.
Example – target maximum wait in a&E 3 hours? No problem. Open room next to A&E, at three hours move patient from one room to the next, no longer in A&E, target met. That is what you saps pay for in taxes and worship the NHS free from evil profit making.
Sometimes, they don’t even know the effects of their target culture. Remember this?…
This is a very interesting point:
“The emergency services have also played a role in reducing the number of victims, he said, with paramedics now able to operate in the street on serious knife or bullet wounds.”
So people who would , in the past, have died, and joined the homicide victims are not just GBH!
It is probably laying the ground work for some other Labour inspired mischief – prison reforms or something.
It’s all lies anyway – you only have to watch the news to see that.
I sense a rise in the ‘victory’ tobacco ration is due.
I’d happily give a big ‘V’ to the BBC!!!
Leicestershire Police say that people only think there is a lot of crime, and they’re hanging woolly pom-poms on the trees to try and reassure them that there isn’t.
Prelude to mass immigration into UK from Romania in 2014?:-
“Old bedding, rubbish and human waste: bin bag Romanians turn exclusive garden square into a stinking squalid mess.
– Outrage of residents in multi-million-pound houses around Bryanston Square.
– Romanians jumped over railings into locked gardens.”
Will BBC-NUJ journalists leave nearby Broadcasting House to investigate, if only to do a ‘vox pop’ of some Romanians?
“Romania and Bulgaria admit 35,000 nationals a year could come to the UK once border controls are abandoned.
“Government has refused to put a figure on the likely influx from January 1.
“Ministers fear a repeat of the 2004 debacle which saw an influx of immigrants.
“The number of arrivals from Eastern Europe was grossly underestimated.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313820/Romania-Bulgaria-admit-35-000-nationals-year-come-UK-border-controls-abandoned.html#ixzz2ROgYoHEx
remember back in 2004 they said 13,000 from the new EU member States. That was the low estimate and depending if Germany and other refused some immigrants it could be as high as 46,000…look how that turned out…
Feb 2004:
PDF: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~uctpb21/reports/HomeOffice25_03.pdf
Mistake?…or deliberate lie.
I think we know which.
It was definitely a lie.Every minister was careful to slightly distance himself from the 13K estimates they gave for A8s. Of course they knew it was a lie. It’s been well known that since the second world war, eastern Europeans have been desperate to go ‘West’, and the end of communism did little to change that.
Comment on the Standard article…
Please move to
Where the Bair’s live as they destroyed the UK and should see what they did
Can’t argue.
I just wish someone with the know how would organise a march against mass immigration, similar to the countryside march.
The BBC would suddenly become very dismissive of the validity of street protest as a means for groups to voice their concerns.
Right-wing populism, whipped up by Murdoch’s tabloids blah blah moral superiority blah blah look down our noses at those ghastly reactionaries blah…
I nearly choked on my cornflakes! What’s this from the BBC
“Terror trio ‘discussed homemade bombs and UK targets'”
Of course, par for the course for the BBC, not one mention of muslim or islam. No these guys just thought it would be a jolly wheeze to blow up mourners waiting to pay their respects at Wooton Bassett. No one planted it in their minds, they came up with it all by themselves.
But it’s not that that the BBC are being coy about.
Here’s the story from another source;
“At one stage Dart, 30, a former BBC security guard from Ealing, and Mahmood discussed attacking mourners at Wootton Bassett,”
So the BBC is now involved in terrorist acts.
I say that because how many times have the BBC resorted to preposterous storys like “Police Officer’s half brother’s second cousin’s wife caught shoplifting” (I exaggerate slightly for dramatic effect just like the BBC ) And then you find out that the person wasn’t a police officer at all but had applied to be a pcso and turned down
Did someone say the BBC is involved in terrorist acts?
Here’s someone who seems to agree.
The BBC has been directly involved in the past in promoting those that support terrrism
http://www.netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/ and see blogs
1 BBC sponsors a terrorist supporter
2 Challenging BBC promotion of an extremist
The BBC needs to provide much, much more oxygen of publicity for voices like this:
In Russia, the brothers’ aunt said that a Boston-area mosque has refused to hold a funeral for Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
American authorities have told the family that they can have Tsarnaev’s body, and an uncle approached the mosque to request a burial and funeral but was declined, said the aunt, Patimat Suleimanova.
She said that she did not know the name of the mosque but that it was one the family attended. A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., has said that Tsarnaev attended and occasionally caused disruptions and that mosque leaders threatened to kick him out.
A spokesman for the mosque, run by the Islamic Society of Boston, has said that congregants have been questioned by the FBI. The mosque did not immediately return a request for comment Wednesday from NBC News.
Earlier this week, Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston told The Huffington Post: “I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.”
In fact, I’d like to see them host a discussion between this guy and certain UK imams.
Thanks for telling us this.
One little note like this does fart more good for “community cohesion” that any amount of shite from the BBC or Obama.
Which is why we`ll not be knowing of this unless you`d told us!
If it really is the Tiny Minority™ as the BBC insists, then encouraging the vast, apparently silent majority should be a priority for a group of people who consider themselves to be the arbiters of social cohesion.
Any bets on the BBC reporting this within the next couple days?
Mosque that Boston suspects attended has radical ties
The mosque attended by the two brothers accused in the Boston Marathon double bombing has been associated with other terrorism suspects, has invited radical speakers to a sister mosque in Boston and is affiliated with a Muslim group that critics say nurses grievances that can lead to extremism.
Several people who attended the Islamic Society of Boston mosque in Cambridge, Mass., have been investigated for Islamic terrorism, including a conviction of the mosque’s first president, Abdulrahman Alamoudi, in connection with an assassination plot against a Saudi prince.
Oh, wait, never mind. Mark Mardell said we should ask Russia how and why the bombers got radicalized instead.
Not sure if this is the same Mosque, but USA Today is running this article
Mosque that Boston suspects attended has radical ties
It is, or at least it’s the same parent organization. The guy I was referring to was from the Islamic Institute of Boston, which as far as I can tell is not related.
Listen to the last hour of “The Kuhner report” posted on youtube for even more juicy details.
No, this story is NOT on the BBC news website (Unless it’s hidden)….the link I shared was posted 22 HOURS ago.
It should be THE headline.
As I head to prepare the family dinner, this chap is as ever good value:
‘This seems odd, as there are PDFs of documents as venerable as the Magna Carta. And odder, because the inquirer asked for a total, not a set of documents. Nonetheless, the BBC is ready to post physical copies’
It’s like they have their own special sets of rules, eh? And when backed into a corner, rely on publicly-funded attrition techniques to make public-generated accountability go away in a storm of guff.
‘As with the Director of News, this was an advertised role’
Ah, the fact that it was just a shoo-in from around the champagne-strewn corridors of market rate astounding uncuriosity was just a coincidence then?
But if it’s the DG of the BBC saying it, it must be doubly true… right?
Just watched the BBC news for the Oxford area. It had a nice little articlette about a dog track that was being closed to provide more housing. Now you’d expect the BBC to be in support of this bearing in mind its loathing of ‘NIMBYs’ and its support for Labours calls for more house building.
But no. Surprisingly they want to keep the dog track open so that people can go go-kart racing or attend a dance school – its owned by dog racers who have decided enough losses are enough and don’t want to continue.
This is the third time in a week this article or one like it has been run. I was wondering why when the obvious popped up on screen. The local Labour MP is against the development. QED.
With my bedtime cocoa I normally catch Sky’s Press Preview. The Monday edition with Andrew Pierce and Kevin McGuire is the week’s best comedy.
Last night, however, there was some wimp journalist from the Times and a ghastly American woman Labour mouthpiece (Bonnie something). Kept saying “we” as if borne and bred.
Don’t say the bias is moving to Sky. I think we should be told.
Yes – Andrew Pierce and Kevin McGuire are a good double act.
You refer to Bonnie Greer – professionally righteous cultural commentator. She, like the other Ms. Greer, often plays that duplicitous game of ‘us’ and ‘you’, depending upon whether or not she approves of the topic at hand.
The difference is that with Sky, when they have got two (pretrendy) lefties on the presenter will always give the ‘right win’ viewpoint as a counterweight. So I am relaxed when they have an abundance of drippies on.
On the BBC of course, the droid just weighs in on the same side.
Corrupt is what it is.
Sky is frequently little better than BBC with its own left wing bias – but at least you have option as to whether to pay for Sky.
A BBC spokesman said: ‘Christa is still working for the BBC but is off air at the moment. Freelancers and staff employed through service companies are responsible for making the appropriate payments to HMRC.’
They forgot to add the bit where the BBC often requests that these people set up those service companies.
Overpaid, undertaxed…and they very publicly hold others to account for the same.
Isn’t this what they said about Carol Thatcher? And we all know how that turned out for her BBC career. One assumes Ackroyd didn’t learn about her hiatus out about this the same way Ed “Other Projects” Stourton found out about his reassignment.
I hope nobody in BBC PR intends to drip poison about her or anything.
The last Labour creeps left us with the notion of a “Childrens Commissioner”.
The last sack of do-gooding Hampstead humbug came c/o Al Green( sadly, not the great singer….some bleeding stump of a nomark).
Our new one is a jackbooted social worker from up Blairs passage( Durham was it?)…doesn`t like men anyway. Loves the law and letting kids rip over the Man.
Maggie Atkinson wants schools that informally expel/exclude her little angels with dirty faces to be prosecuted and fined-unless they`ve jumped all her hoops, walked her trapeze wire and walked 500 miles. For starters.
Who`ll tell Maggie that schools do this ruse, so her little chums don`t have it on record that they trashed a school, sold drugs, raped or ran gangland operations etc etc…for that`s about the only way they even get to the gate these days.
Now -if that`s on record-guess who`ll be stamping her little Doc Martens that the kids “carry a stigma, a criminal record” and are therefore discriminated against and being prejudged for their scamp like indiscretions when young?
That`s right.
Look teachers…let them do what they like, don`t tell Maggie what they`re doing, and Phillip Lawrence was asking for a slap…both the BBC and the Childrens Commissioner no longer need to take any more evidence.
Their kids go private-up yours!
Too late: Sky News has more or less joined up with the ‘left’-Islamic alliance, it seems. From folding on Leveson, to setting up Sky Arabic, Murdoch’s priorities seem apparent.
As for Bonnie Greer: she gets a free political pass in the British media, from ‘QT’, to ‘The Guardian, to Sky, as she seems to be beyond criticism as she spouts here pro-mass immigration, pro-Labour Party, pro-Obama soundbites.
Spot the missing President:
Boston bombings: How to interrogate a suspected terrorist
This is mostly about how the current calm method of interrogating the surviving Boston bomber is best, with some rehashing over earlier “harsh” interrogations being fruitless. It’s not terribly biased, it’s just written with an agenda in mind. Whether or not one agrees with the premise that one kind of interrogation technique is better than another, or how one feels about waterboarding or psychological coercion, there’s a clear perspective behind it. But that’s not what I’m complaining about. This is:
Some of the questioners are part of a top US investigative team known as the High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, created in 2009 by presidential order.
You mean the questioners who have been questioning the young man without granting him his Miranda Rights, BBC? Over which you’ve been dishonestly wringing your hands? Which President signed the order?
Not the coolest President ever, surely. Oops.
If the point of the piece is to show how this team does it properly, why not invoke His name? They do for so many other things.
Talking about LEVESON,
-BBC-NUJ relegates this:-
“Twelve key questions Leveson lawyer lovers must answer as judge snubs calls for probe into their affair.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313601/12-key-questions-Leveson-lawyer-lovers-answer-judge-snubs-calls-probe-affair.html#ixzz2RPoasqWj
“Who are the barristers at the centre of ‘Loverson’ affair?”
1.) INBBC’s Duncan Crawford does soft, sympathetic chat with mother of apparent Islamic jihadist from Brussels:
(2 min video clip)
2.) INBBC’s Jeremy Bowen confronts Syrian minister about Islamic jihadists from West in Syria:
(2 min video clip)
What’s funny is that it’s not like the Syrian minister is entirely wrong about who the insurgents are and whether or not the international support going them is kosher according to international law. But never mind, Assad has run afoul of the Human Rights industrial complex, so his number is up no matter how much of a staunch opponent of the racist Zionist State he may be.
Where’s the anti-war crowd now, BBC? Where are all the human shields? What happened to scowling at regime change? Mugabe got more support on that score. His situation was an African problem requiring an African solution. Why is Assad different? I’m starting to think it’d take an algorithms PhD to work out the emotional hierarchy involved here.
It is easy. Anti-War = Pro-Enemy. So work out who the biggest or most dangerous enemy is and you will find out who the Left supports. It is the usual moral inversion.
Somebody should start keeping count of BBC reports which include a variation on the phrase, “terrorist attack(s) on US soil on His watch”.
My count so far is zero.
Well if it’s a numbers game you want, I think Bush is still way out in front.
Wrong criterion. Nice try, though.
A bad day for Robert Peston and his scaremongering.
“Will Co-Op pull out of banking?”
The answer was no as Peston would have found out by simply asking them. But as this update shows he tried to cover it up.
To be clear, the Co-op isn’t going to withdraw from banking tomorrow, so there is no reason for Co-op depositors to feel they are going to be left high and dry.”
I guess as his father Lord Peston is currently out of government circles his son is counting the days until Labour get back in power…..
Looks like somebody’s lawyer just had a Northern Rock flashback.
With the BBC working overtime recently protecting the image of the religion of peace is probably why you won’t have heard much from them about the following incidents, detailed by Raymond Ibrahim in his monthly account of Muslim persecution against Christians.
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2013
Half of the Victims Were under the Age of Six
And the BBC usually love to highlight incidents where children are hurt or killed, at least if they’re Muslims.
Funny how Al-beeb managed to report the anti-Muslim riots in Burma and yet most of that slipped under their radar.
Last night whilst trawling through You Tube, I came across an edition of Star Trek and settled down to watch. It was the one which Captain Luke Picard faced *The Borg*. As the programme moved along I suddenly became aware what it was I was seeing. Very clever, when you consider when the programme was made. At the end of it, I went to Wikipedia to see what the thoughts of the populace were concerning the Borg. It came up with this:
The Borg manifest as cybernetically-enhanced humanoid drones of multiple species, organized as an interconnected collective, the decisions of which are made by a hive mind, linked by subspace radio. The Borg inhabit a vast region of space in the Delta Quadrant of the galaxy, possessing thousands of vessels. They operate toward the fulfilment of one purpose: to “add the biological and technological distinctiveness of other species to [their] own… [in pursuit of] perfection”. The concept of perfection is the unifying idea at the core of the Borg. The pursuit of an unemotional, mechanical perfection is the Borg’s only motivation. This is achieved through forced assimilation, a process which takes individuals and technology, enhancing and controlling them. Originally presented as an autonomous collective, the ideas of a Borg Queen and central control were introduced in First Contact.
Now, I don’t know if the Borg has been discussed on these pages before as I’m a relative new comer, but, does any one else think the BBC is/has become *The Borg*?
Even the BBC could mean the Borg Broadcasting Corporation.
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated
The bBC Cultural Death Star on sub-space frequency 009.
geosynchronous orbit
broadcasting worldwide
there is no escape.
Well, it took you a while.
The Borg (note the lack of plural) is the perfect society where individuality has been abolished and all ‘entities’ are equal and identical.
It is the hi-tech socialist wet-dream of egalitarian Fascists where no individual/individuality exists, in fact, being an individual Borg outside The Collective in a heretic anomaly (7 of 9).
Reminds me of another novel I read (and hated) as a teenager, Solaris. There was an intelligent ocean-planet who liked to absorb individuals, but as soon as you opposed this absorption, the ‘ocean’ will direct psychotic nightmares to you pushing it to murder or suicide.
This is how Collectivism is.
Exactly…and why it tends to end in deaths, lots of them.
The BBC does resemble the Borg in their relentless desire to expand across the globe and establish their supremacy over all media, as well as the Collective’s complete lack of mercy or compassion for any who fail them, present an obstacle to the continued existence of the bureaucracy status quo, get in the way of their progress, or oppose their agenda. Individuals are expendable, the continued existence of the Corporation is primary. Like the Borg, when individuals are assimilated (hired and go through orientation and training), they become BBC and are no longer the people they once were.
Here’s an article for the ‘feminists’ at the BBC, particularly the selectively vociferous, Niqui Qampbell:
Equality for Women will be the Death Knell of Islam
Go on, ‘Gameshow’, discuss!
Across its output this morning, the BBC worked itself up into a orgy of frenzied onanism, fantasising over the possibility of a triple dip recession. Now, whilst the consensus view of economists (consensus being important enough to obliterate dissenting voices when it comes to climate change; less so, it seems in relation to economics) was that there WOULDN@T be a triple dip recession, this didn’t prevent the BBC from teeing up the story ad nauseum before anything was announced.
By 9 o’ clock I felt like I’d heard the words “triple dip recession” repeated about a thousand times.
30 minutes later, we learn that there was no triple dip recession. So, no story.
Doesn’t matter, though. The BBC has successfully drilled “triple dip recession” into people’s heads so effectively that I’d be willing to bet that a significant number of people come away believing that there actually has been a triple dip recession (Did I say “triple dip recession”?). Job done.
Completely agree. It’s shocking actually how many people thought we were already in a triple dip because the BBC have been talking it up so much for months
TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession TripleDipRecession
What is this? A sample of wallpaper from a building in Salford?
Dear Sir, your hired.
Head of BBC recruitment (news and current affairs)
I have noticed that if the BBC bigs up the chance of a ‘double’ ‘triple’ or even ‘quadruple’ recession under this government (or a Conservative only one) in advance of the figures then it probably isn’t going to happen. If it happened under the last Labour government it was just ignored altogether, dismissed as an irrelevance.
Fantasy of the liberal. The usual drivel. Do the liberal commentators even believe it themselves?
Probably. They are that stupid.
The BBC were anxious to have a tripple dip today but let’s watch how they cover this story.
‘A Muslim convert was part of a terror cell that secretly discussed targeting British soldiers and families mourning war dead, the Old Bailey heard.’
‘Former BBC security guard Richard Dart talked about a plot to hit the town of Royal Wootton Bassett – where the bodies of many soldiers killed in Afghanistan have been repatriated.’
Sentencing due today.
God the BBC were hoping for a triple dip recession, how disappointed the broadcasting arm of the Labour party must be this morning….
It would have allowed them to trot out their ‘austerity isn’t working, let’s go for growth’ line which I love so much. Someone needs to point out that we’re not actually trying austerity and that there is no magic button called ‘growth’. Cutting taxes/red tape would help, but that’s where it gets tricky for the Beeb, for those suggestions they like not.
Heresy. According to all BBC economics experts, only State
borrowing and spending even moreinvestment can produce growth. Bonus: if Osbourne does more of that they can still bust him for borrowing more than he originally promised.bBC: Panic the public, by not stating that it is a technical recession. i.e. if growth is near flat the smallest change can make it go either way. 2008 the economy dipped 10%, that is a RECESSION. This is a bBC exercise in anti coalition propaganda that is economical with the truth.
You don’t need to be an economist to see that there really is little difference between -0.1% and +0.1%. “Flat-lining” would be a reasonable description but -0.1 is hardly a dip any more than +0.1 is cause for dancing in the street.
Two double-dip recessions, one triple dip and one scattered with hundreds and thousands, please.
…ie these expressions are rather woolly.
I notice that some more of those BBC ‘men’ have been misbehaving.
‘Three more men have been arrested in Leicester in connection with the alleged sexual exploitation of a 16-year-old girl.’
“BBC bosses face MPs – live coverage”
“BBC criticised over Christa Ackroyd’s absence”
Oddly, considering their usual keeness to persue feminist issues – indeed all the latest ‘rights’ related legal developments, the BBC appear slow off the mark in covering this story
‘A man could be convicted of rape even if the woman agreed to have sex, judges ruled yesterday.’
‘Granting a judicial review of the decision not to prosecute, the Lord Judge said that the woman’s consent was ‘negated’ by the man’s failure to withdraw.’
Come on BBC feminists – why so slow to the party?
‘He (the Judge) said that the woman’s essential evidence was that after her Islamic marriage to the man in November 2009 their relationship was marred by his abusive dominance.’
Ooops! I guess this one will have to be very carefully edited before it sees the light of day on the BBC.
‘Chuckling Nikki’ Campbell this a.m. defending BBC doling out massive ‘vanity’ salaries to non-advertised non-jobs which it gifts to its chums. When an academic suggested these salaries were more than the Prime Minister earned, in the chuckler howled with…
‘Znot more than the Prime Minister earns. Will Hutton sez the Prime Minister earns a million pounds a year if ye take into account his massive (sic) flat and his other big hoose (sic).’
‘His other big hoose’ – that would be Chequers, Nikki. And on and on and on he went banging the same drum. ‘Hutton’… ‘million pounds’… ‘Prime Minister’.
So the BBC salaries are Ok because they are ‘less than the Prime Minister’s.’ Great argument, son. How’s about ‘ye’ compare them then with the highest ranked Cabinet Minister *without* a grace and favour house. How do the droidal salaries stack up then?
The halfwit clinging to Hutton’s pointless analysis like a drowning man clinging to a straw.
Look up ‘dead air’ in the OED and it says ‘5 Live Breakfast’.
They had the awful Will Hutton on as guest on The Daily Politics, obviously in expectation of a triple-dipper. A whole hour of that odious man spouting his left-wing drivel including a ten-minute love in with Ed Balls.
Too much, BBC.
Yes, I was also amazed how brazenly the Daily Politics today went for a left wing indoctrination session: I blasted off the following email to the programme to vent some steam. “How can a simple ex-soldier like me who has no economics experience, (other than successfully managing my own family budget), glean any knowledge to enable me to make an informed political judgement on the economy, when for the first third of today’s programme all I get are people, like Messrs Balls and Hutton who were proved so disastriously and totally wrong in all their previous economics policies? “
Is that the same Will Hutton who has been wrong about everything for the past 30 years?
They should have put him on with some Cypriots so he could tell them how the Euro would save them! Oh wait a minute….
Oh dear! First item on Jeremy Whine: we’ve avoided a triple dip, but ‘what shape is the economy for you’?
Say, anyone remember how when we were in recession, they were running items about how some folks were still doing OK?
Watched a bit of the Parliamentary Select Committee interviewing the Lords Patten and Hall of the BBC.
Patten is so smug, so self satisfied, so self important it beggars belief. He treats the members with disdain.
He was asked about the ‘gagging’ clause in the BBC contract. He said it is of no importance, just routine you know, not to be taken seriously. Why have it in? Avoided a direct answer. What would happen if anyone included Hall did say something in breach? “He’d get 100 lines”. Some sort of joke.
So let us see. Will Hall say anything critical? Don’t be silly. He’s just another one of the Oilies. Another of the Elites. Appointed by Patten and the Trust without competition, because he is one their own.
This organisation must be brought down, it distorts, it is partial, it is political, it covers up facts it does not like. It funds individuals who laud terrorists.
And why are they not publishing the Balen Report?
George R has posted the Graun’s take on it:
“BBC bosses face MPs – live coverage”
Can’t say the MPs or the Graun’s finest are being that forensic so far… though the Graun has noted a few replies that it feels may err on the ‘vague’.
Most so far seems to fall under ‘The BBC has checked under the BBC’s hood and the BBC thinks the BBC is simply awesome’.
This moment was interesting:
Labour MP Ben Bradshaw says the Panorama programme added nothing to public knowledge of life in North Korea.
Patten says he has been to the secretive country and found the film a “pretty faithful illustration of a state which has been in freefall for decades and where the people have been ground into stone by the awful Stalinist system”.
Patten’s defense of the report contains nothing which disproves Bradshaw’s assertion. The only unique contribution was that it gave Sweeney an opportunity to bluster and scold on camera. And I guess the mere fact that it was a BBC production elevates it above all the other documentaries made about North Korea.
It was also amusing to see an MP ask about how they put together the Question Time audience. He didn’t ask the right question, though.
‘Patten’s defense of the report contains nothing which disproves Bradshaw’s assertion.
Which makes the fact that it was made, much less nodded past, rather intriguing.
I have popped though a few of the world’s hellholes in my time on business (even the odd holiday – it was a different time), and if I chipped in to defend a colleague being held to account for dragging a bunch of folk into ill-prepared or assessed danger on the basis of what the room service was like back then… I would be laughed out the room.
He was, for some reason, not. And the circus moved on.
‘…amusing to see an MP ask about how they put together the Question Time audience. He didn’t ask the right question, though.’
Quite a lot of not right questions were asked.
On this one, best I see the ‘answer’ was a ‘BBC can do no wrong because the BBC says it can do no wrong’.
‘Hall, slightly bemused by the question, says the audience would reflect the local area.
Davies brandishes a list of all Question Time locations over the past two years. He requests the BBC to tell him what the political make up of those locations are.
Hall says he is “more than happy” to do that. “Question Time matters, and it’s an important for us,” he adds, diplomatically.
Now, BBC directorial happiness is a wonderful thing, and forms the basis for most CECUTT thoughts and beliefs, but what I don’t yet see is… the answer to the question.
I doubt anyone ever will even, as you say, this was a distracting creek to paddle up anyway.
No wonder Chris Patten can tell Ministers only the BBC can hold others to account and back off or else.
Just another ringside seat to free speech and democracy being flushed away by a very rich, old boys’ club.
The questions on QT should have been:
What’s the methodology used to decide on the political demographic of the host area each week?
Your website says that in cases where you believe the members of the public who have applied to be in the audience don’t add up to what you’ve decided is the political demographic area, that you reach out to various groups in an attempt to balance it out. What efforts do you make, and do those other groups come exclusively from the host area or are they occasionally brought in from other regions?
News moves in cycles, and is not always predictable. How do you justify rejecting a question from an audience member by telling them that question will be a topic for a future installment?
The researchers probably hang around the town centre looking for Socialist Worker vendors, and then invite them to the studio.
Just had a gander again, and it’s over. Quite why they’d break for lunch when they did and then come back to stop seems daft.
The Graun seems to feel the Lords dun good.
Can’t say I disagree, depending on what the purpose of this committee was.
Most questions were daft, and of the few going somewhere (by the Graun’s reporting transcript at least) all it appears to have required to close down a line was a BBC Lord to say ‘I don’t think so’. They really have the elected representatives of the country in their pockets… or under their thumbs.
There were a few questions that provoked a ‘we’ll need to get back on that’.
It will be interesting if they ever do, or get chased on it.
I doubt that very much.
Interesting the mix of commenters, including the ‘Patten is a Tory’ or ‘they drooled our money away on Maggie’s funeral’… for balance.
One wonders which aspects of the Graun’s coverage the BBC will highlight?
Economy avoids triple-dip recession is their headline, probably disappointed to have had to insert the word ‘avoids’, but let’s see how many times today the bBBC copies Ed Balls’ ‘lacklustre’ comment.
Islamic jihadists and Islam in Britain today:
“‘Only Allah can judge me’: Muslim convert Richard Dart refuses to stand in dock as he is sentenced to six years in prison for terrorism offences.
“Dart and two other British Islamic extremists jailed at the Old Bailey.
“Ex PCSO Jahangir Alom and Imran Mahmood given four and nine years.
“They all admitted engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorism.
“Conversations reveal targets were Wootton Bassett and secret services.”
“Dart has made several appearances on YouTube and on BBC TV discussing his faith and his views, as well as attending several anti-British protests in London.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2314594/Muslim-convert-Richard-Dart-refuses-stand-dock-sentenced-years-prison-terrorism-offences.html#ixzz2RTKnXG9r
Well, through gritted teeth, the BBC have managed to put a link to the story on the front page of its website.
But they consider it less newsworthy than “Imaginary Portraitist up for Turner”:
“A portrait painter, whose subjects are all imaginary, is one of four artists in contention for the 2013 Turner Prize, held in Derry-Londonderry.”
..which story is considered to be the third most important story at this time.
Muslim terrorists convicted and sentenced ranks about 7th in importance looking at the way the place the link.
Yet another case of UK jihadists. Pathetic sentences – as usual.
How many cases have been brought to court – it would be a long list? Does the BBC ever tell us – to give “context” – surely as the biggest news operation in Britain and publicly funded they have a duty to keep us informed on how well the Muslims are assimilating ?
And how many cases NOT brought to court but still with significant evidence of jihadism – hundreds ?
This is a long war. But the BBC wants us to ignore its root cause – Islam itself.
…here is a summary list of the jihadist cases in the US. Again – when incidents like the Boston bombings occur, the BBC fails to provide proper US context, and goes direct into obfuscation mode.
“This is a long war. But the BBC wants us to ignore”
No the BBC, and the rest of the liberal left establishment (including the judiciary), want us to lose
Putting News and Current Affairs aside for a moment. Can anyone explain why a State Corporation has any business in broadcasting entertainment and sports coverage. We must question the fundamentals of this activity. We know it is a hangover from decades ago. Is it not time this aspect of the State’s involvement in our private entertainment were ended? Should we not be pressing for this?
Agreed .I’m not for abolishing BBC outright, but cutting it back to an appropriate size for a public service broadcaster. i.e. 1 TV and 3 radio (light, home and ,cultural) channels operating on greatly reduced budget from general taxation (they would then have to fight it out with education,health and welfare for their ‘share’)
And the first thing that has to go is ‘News 24’.
If, as they say,they are a world leader and make money for the rest of the BBC, then they would have no problem dropping BBC from the title and going it alone (Including providing their own broadcasting infrastructure) as ‘News 24’ .
I’m sure their would be plenty of arab oil money available to underwrite it
The broadcasting of sporting events is something that the BBC should cover. To suggest that this is none of their business is absurd.
In my opinion the BBC does not cover itself in glory with much of its output, however its sports coverage can be excellent and this part of the organisation should not be treated with the same contempt as its entertainment section.
Maybe, test match’s, football finals, national events of that nature fall in within the remit of a public broadcaster and the broadcaster I described did broadcast them.
However the behemoth that is the current BBC distorts the market so much,that without it bidding against it rivals(?) how many sporting events that have become subscription only,to regain the cost, would be free to air?
‘this part of the organisation should not be treated with the same contempt as its entertainment section’
Oh I dunno, I can be a bit contemptuous of two million pound Mogadon Man, Gary Lineker.
Ratings = public service value. Simple.
For INBBC : if it needs update on the QARADAWI-Muslim Brotherhood political line on e.g. SYRIA, which ‘left’-Islamic alliance is to follow, here it is, in all its Islamic jihad clarity:-
“Qaradawi: ‘The Jihad in Syria is now a personal duty incumbent upon all Muslims’.”
(-inc video clip.)
This sounds strangely familiar:
>When the right says the media “hasn’t covered a story,” the media’s defenders will sometimes point to a brief stub of an article listing the very basic facts announced by officials on the matter and claim victory. “See, they ‘covered’ it,” they claim.
But an organization doesn’t devote virtually any journalist resources to a story accidentally. They make a choice. They choose which stories to suffocate for want of media oxygen.
If you’re reading the New York Times, you’re not reading the news. You haven’t been reading the news there for quite some time.
Remember, if the NY Times doesn’t report something or make it front page news, it’s okay if the BBC doesn’t either.
The special political consideration which ex-BBC D.G, Mark Thompson gave to Islam, he continues to apply, no doubt as CEO of ‘NYT’.
I don’t think Thompson’s job gets him involved in editorial policy at all. He’s CEO of the corporation, not editor-in-chief. He was brought in to guide the NY Times on finding new sources of revenue and appeal to the lower middle brow eyeballs online in this new digital age.
The NY Times has it’s own agenda already, which won’t exactly clash with Thompson’s anyway.
Ha, ha, best headline from the Sun….
Ex-BBC Muslim convert jailed for 6 years for Wootton Bassett terror plot
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4902479/ex-bbc-muslim-convert-jailed-for-11-years-for-terror-plot.html#ixzz2RTcG10vG
Now I know why New Broadcasting House has a bomb-proof news studio – that’s where they do their training after closedown.
Islamic Jihad and CHINA.
INBBC decides to filter news on China via U.S Democrats so as to avoid condemnation of Islamic jihad Uighurs.
1.)”China chides US as unsympathetic over clash.”
2.) INBBC line:-
“US calls for transparent probe over Xinjiang clashes”
3.) More broadly, on Islamic jihad activity in the area:
“Turkistan Islamic Party releases video of children in training”
BBC TV reported the ANZAC Day commemorations today, quite rightly drawing attention to the Australian and New Zealand casualties. OK so far.
They then went on to remind us that Turkish casualties were the highest (can’t recall the exact phrasing used) and, lastly, mentioned British casualties under “other”.
Opinions vary on the numbers of casualties but British casualties were by far the highest in numerical terms. French casualties were also high.
Presumably the French stormed the Normandy beaches on D-Day too, taking massive casualties.
It must be a UKIP rumour that over half the contingent was British and Commonwealth, with nearly all the rest Yanks – and that only 200-odd Free French bothered to turn up.
Maybe they brought their accordions along, hoping to scare Jerry away as if they were going deer-stalking.
… they might mention Britain … they hate to mention England .
I posted last week that I was surprised that the BBC main News at Ten, failed to cover the launch of the Tory’s local election campaign, having already covered the Lib Dem and Labour launches. I was even more surprised that they chose the same bulletin to cover the Green’s launch.
Last night the Green’s got even more coverage on the evening news…and again this morning…and this afternoon on radio 5 live, they were there again, invited this time to discuss the GDP figures.
Is someone in the BBC giving the Greens a leg up in the local election campaign?
My local Sunday Politics (eastern region) had a long focus piece and interview with the Green leader (some Aussie communist). She was allowed to make all sorts of stupid assertions, and was barely challenged at all. Compare that to the grilling they give to the UKIP people they have on…
I have to admit I thought the News at Ten last night gave UKIP, and Farage in particular, a very positive spin, stating that he can fill a hall like few other politicians. To the extent that I wondered what the BBC was up to.
I wondered that too!
I’ll tell you what they are up to, they believe that UKIP will take votes from the Conservatives. That’s their motivation in promoting UKIP. When they realise it can hit labour just as badly, things will change.
The Defamation Bill has now been agreed by Parliament and is just awaiting Royal Assent, the biggest advance in freedom of speech for many years. The bBBC ‘news’ website doesn’t think this is news, however: I wonder why not?
I have just been watching the north west arm of the Labour publicity machine, they are actively promoting the Knowseley collective fight against the nasty Tory cuts by promoting a ‘Can’t pay, won’t pay’ policy for the rents in local authority property.
I wonder if the Unions will be stepping in to help non-payers when the bailiffs come knocking on their door. Still link it to the poll tax never mind the situation with that was completely different.
“If we don’t report it, it didn’t happen’.
AP have an article since the 23rd April about an Iranian in France who escaped from a psychiatric institution and attacked a Rabbi and his son. No sign of the article on the BBC website. When I ran a search there for ‘France Rabbi’, as the name of the Rabbi has not been made public yet, the most recent article they have, dated 11th April, is
France’s top rabbi Gilles Bernheim quits in plagiarism row
France’s top rabbi, Gilles Bernheim, has resigned amid a scandal over plagiarism.
Clearly if the news shows Jews in a bad light, something like plagiarism is worthy of reporting, but if they are the victim, especially by a Muslim, the news just gets buried.
Escapee from psychiatric hospital slashes rabbi, son with box-cutter outside Paris synagogue By Associated Press, Published: April 23
Anybody believe that if a deranged Jew would have attacked an Imam and his child (‘think about the children’) in Timbuktu the BBC wouldn’t have been right on it?
Mark Mardell – the disgusting lies and bias is what you and your mates do day in and day out – don’t for a moment think we don’t know it.
Danny Cohen and wife … and most especially wife …
Greg Palast, hard-left freelance hack for Newsnight (still calls himself a “BBC reporter” on his Twitter account) wrote a poem to commemorate Margaret Thatcher’s death:
Naggie Hatchet dead and gone
Ruled her Empire State like Queen Kong
Stomping on us little peeps
Just to sell our Jewels to creeps.
And lost the war that Winston won
By turning back the clocks to
England’s meanest hour.
Yet worse to come: as trapped below her terror tower,
And forced to look up that Iron Skirt
At the beastly anus as it squirt
From the crack in the grizzly monkey hair:
Tony Blair.
Newsnight really is a cosy left-wing clique. Impartial journalists my arse.
And shit at poetry too.
For an anti-capatalist he dont mind pluging his books on twitter,do he?
Makes Vogonian poetry proud.
That “poem” qualifies for the 2013 Maya Angelou Award.
By the way, the poem is ordinary shit, but the last four lines are truly horrid.
…mental age…15 at most.
It would be worth filing a complaint just to see if we can get the BBC to make him remove the “BBC reporter” claim.
If he is not currently/any more, then it is surely not a matter of complaint to the BBC? But they should be acting on the claim if made aware.
Given recent exchanges here, ‘the BBC’ would have trouble claiming they are not as they clearly have a monitoring squad stationed here.
No, it is worth making a complaint because there’s precedent for the BBC to crack down on people who make these claims. If they grant him the badge, then they own him, and will have to take heat for presenting a known activist as an objective reporter. If not, he loses one sliver of credibility.
Muslim INCEST : soon on the BBC ? … and the cost to the NHS ….